' i I " . , - - ; .... - ji . . 3, t . -7 ? f t . - . . , ' - y . i . , ' - - ' . . . w..-. - - . r-.- t i - - ? . - - . - . . - ---. r C ;. . l 1 .... - .... . . : , . . j - . - , r , , , ,, -X,., . f ----- 7 . -v , -- . - - . r , - ,J 1 .k - . -..- - . ..... fc --vv e " ' VcsclV- ttyaonuecrnJiwtlifrncnKiiiibfr 5fui, ioFWUviitiicscf no 'ccUi'ledveUhis pon without V'' h- loreca-de.df t: )'iUw3di., icvvhed Ui nmcnta c. , ...disun with those of ttop h ivin- a 7':itish. license. At th ;iusl '-rculv ut.theVixLa,and wa- rot President," All this 'Mr. G. f.tmabsf of several merchants; a1- - consul. .wrote the :-thHh "three-feet from "the place .ici.th. .VcKotatrui.kthe boom.' " ri he inculence oi ' "Jthi'si transaction ji nit iijo-ejcinarl. ile thaii the meanness uisplayed by the British - commander, ."in "iorging. excuses ibr, his 4 - I. V ; -. V f fhe Aurora has s a copy of the. - above i v ; letter,, aaieu jnLuvcumus, j vucuu, nr,biita ' V ' ' 1 . v ' addit :i-4u 1'he tFtver ; prevails in this S i f- " -place 'among foreigners and there isybut i ' ! little xlemand -for - Flour;, or-otherafticles ' r ' 1 : imported irony the 'United States.-? J v5 'k . ; : V. 1 It js laughable enough 4 to: find ur -f a. 1 - - - ,f;4nocrats mourning at.the iate'ottncemDar- V - A rgo.-;Finding th'at;:their CorsicWmaster ; i v r ' 1; disapproves thelnon-intercourse, they 'are r : full ot wrath at the lOthand lith Congress, f:; .' ' - ' W 1 for vcriturinir to Give tip,-, the embargo which he liked,':and to substitute the! non - intercourse without his. consent. This is v. r , ' tne secret oaii'ine cajuainiebucupcu -u. 4 ; V , 5 V on" Congress.,, JDuane i and Irvine r dofnot 1 1'. ; !'' v ':Wsiike'the lpfh aria ilthXdngress, mere-Tr-vZ-ii' v'VJ lv because the, majority were, acccordihg 1 V r t'tJ their own ct-Uingu;rge, blockheads, . 7 ' " f-V 'r have had the courage; to take, a step: which - K "his imperial and'Koyal;Majesty7groTU j f i.et the Aiajontypniy teer.;xnetr c cours ; .".licqdi ding to his sQvereiyill iind JpleasV ?- the sinof ignbra ; Xxr and they wiU' never be charged:; with anct or stumditvr.- f In'that tT p V . v .rase tnemorer iouy. ana Knavety inc-ueuer. i ; ;v r V;, The, documents -firsts published m the - r -i V JNiitipnsu Intelligencer j and copied into the ' v'r; .-t: it'Amcricannappear.to be klihkJnitKe'chrtin ately denicJ. 51 -It appears evident Xhd admiral to know if the itrktion er-ended sYlr Efskihe asccrtsthat tHe.tenor of M to all yesseB, and if -Americans , c.trry!ng Gallatin's remarks went'.to-show that:Mr- their pwh; produce, either direct h om Ai ladison's sentiments towards Great BH. meric-,7oir. hence,V likewise, required such tainwefe Wore favourable !and more just licenses. To whichthedmiral .replied; than JeiOtersoa'sV arid that consequently bn lhhve to.informyou that i;cpnsHer; the hiV coming to "the presidency, thei o would regulations .as meant: to include allf vessels Be a greater chance J of "att fadjutment bf indiscrimfnately, :i dnd i;that V.-Aniencans cstirittdi'iewcesV should bej provided yithiicenses.;r ? ciarations We uivbcaj; he could' npt f(Signed)f S ATJM AREZ; have b'eerrm afmistake : 'heildid not so up- 5 Yesterday several "Amencanmasters Lrstand rf,'GalIatm savMf.'iErskiue went on board .the d mirairs ship; : to know iMW3him:Wjfcionotbeireva V they Ccould, leave! here, for.. the Baltic word t)f it.' There fare! 'ibrecL ways' bv with;, the cargoes;; they :had brought nto whibh toVccbUnt 'fofthescs contradiction port. Ahswer .was sehtthemrirom the "lEither;Mr.raauatiri;expre3sed himsilf admiral by his captain, ?If you go.out of in an' amplgimflmzhner, ; with an ititthin this, port to-any6rt ; Jvhere his majesty s that;iur; lrskme; snouiaUTiaerstana nn Ui,s.a v; FV4"tVrVu in the 'mariner he did j withvan' expect- 7ouJ!'"a1fec.VTaPtdD? tioh that the canveTsation ncver'woold bi majestyV-ship rofne riublicl b'r.if ever mad&b'ubliekl ;that I ae restricted.?;, -a r he;:c6uldliustify vwhat he skid or deny lit .4 ;The admira has .jsaid that the moment onithe pleab misunderstanding ; diript J?ars ; that our;non-iritercourse haised affirmation Having perhapbeen used 'j f with. the . ILnglishvf .these T-Or;iMA Gallatin uUex:such;enti- be reinoved-snd;cr vels mayjprpeeed vev "siichietWentsf.'andnb WHkt .fThSwlpdes:are 'nbVall6wedjtosail nesaid J- k -wj j astvvise thourai Botish license. :H'ere jV HtJ T7w:n'Ji;i''M:i'tk.jft' are several Americansfnr the1 Balt'lcic:, it?iS.;iT uri, r I f . LWharthe result' of this- business' "will ibe. it 4 tcr ' of r.stoniiL bhbuldrc . uf L.hion ? Centincb V -I II V?-v Highly Important Mews ! r.. . . - ; ; ; ; : . l0Nij ok Junk 6 r : ." . ' 1 " Yesterdn , .1 wrote a few iinesM i Liv; i T erppol explaining; the ;misco;. hLiiiion; 1 M"; ' of Orders' on the - part of Admiral Sauma- ?' ; ' rez.lt seems' he w';.j directed to enforces ' the "Order in Council c f January,;; ICOr,' '; and was' guided' bythe letter of it !Xord : . ' Bathurst, .Frtsident of the' Boaf d of Traded ; ; , V ' . yesterday inWmed;awgentIemanfwho;"told mev-hel d)"seen'himthat: instructions . . would-be gtveb"Sauinare,nbt-to molest C i Americans xund' ;up . tHe Baltic ilircct . " ! A from the.Uwteditates or having touched V -, ' " tr elsewhere. With their original cargoes oa " "'v v board.?; '-'c '0?V; Xi " ,x ucvucn9 ui ui. uya autuu vi 4.11c - uu , . . .. ' v vi i ; intercourse rreacnea L.nffianujztiivi I tm e and excited great jbv. ; - . ,; v-V"V ; """; '. : CMore of Jhf Margaret $ people, saved.- On-Surfdav-'last'this vtbwn was-animated wnh'.aWport,J that a nuihber bf the : pea- pie irom the wreck of ;the-'snip: Marcare-- (whose unhappy fateis stronglyimpressed.V . ""n upon thepublic .minfy) had eeti " taken up . w; CV : and brought Home. Lit proved tp be iruey ticipate'd. - vr Captain .''Henry: Larconi of r- VJ ... 7 A- y , 0 - , r.t Not -a.mere; misunderstanding,, bur d )-: y aetermme. i nis nas.given u,. v t&&e,mustrest6hekhba:- :ttal; stagnation' t6 tair.b'usiiifss her'4.".;-.;; John .Very, Salera.hav- briAcprof;, vi iuafbrMtself-Oneriot.tibe.:miSunaIk . . ' jBoSTJulv-2 deadto- the r rejoicwgclama.eshuo - . . 4 ;-c-- l . ; -"7- 'i ---?-"! imostot- their vsuttennc:. companions nave c;- ol,paptrs relating to . Mr. -ErskineV' ar rangement, iaid before the 'house oljords4;" bi:d YhichrjHayedtU"jhow, never found th.ir wavifito the Enelish or American . " '-h'' lien spapirsVroni the-.'-date :of-:jVlr. i'J'i.' - 'G.iliutin's exculpatory letter,' they, appear xo Odvc oecn nf,ms-pusscsbiuu; binuc inc.. stood' rhbriesttand capable' ;pblitk4ah,li p Pickering; wbuldV be;- bf more . service! jp ths the intng able tHe past yauaH?? says,;v,r. .r-rsKine myt Boston have mistaken my - assent i to the existefe t;rn;p ol surmises of partiality tbjMf."J JesfFeri i Kbhje, , verylate;fhqmispain 7 r. suiicTiiiir . uuipuiiiuujj beeh leftmiserably to perish; Irvihe-and 'I countr.'s honor and prosperity than E-rivVH FhlrSm 1,; .fQ"",'"!. ."t""..--.' unnjrfg, equivpcal;-ihufflingv fibbli Uing.-dark; dishpnestandtlishonbt - of the seiiYirehv.i'iililitarvlnrr ir legislative coadjutors these ten yet &. he trrench iriineriall iravefnment. at jrri?l "rU .XiZ r U ; t i ." , w-f"s wwuuvt ;v i Tiiiiiiisiirf 1 1. miittefi liik uiarraret. wiui i 1 1. i,r ! ,r . iqwarus r ranee lor an acquiescence in fe JWfin &r mit'inta-Makn in -HUrrra V - : " xinaaie ui ,Apnl , last; but to : gjve them J :rifh-nc th,T : v;f r,tr rtTl7 Vft.r 'tjg ; wo?ti gc Pu,Hinto. Jn ires!l stern of the ion 4u-;Aicity was riot his object; .UntiHhe suN ; TcVS frnnT hkvinl i ae rrencn vere in possession ot ma- bygone of the s'ailoi L,cs hi tcb toH afbuSfe ag ; lWuj King JoVthad visited sea,'' swam pit clau tor cuW rSdl n, but had ;; wreck, whereby imposed on him: ;;We,haVe been v;tMk -l?UiV?n J "iortvk.tK. 'mr 1- ' .P . rY?V - s ytn J une parts together . ttf -tbiclthat.the pHmoiUetvcbnuirnhK these L: "Z' uu ie. n,, 5090 ppanisn troops,- under I could, The pebpl nLUtr; in;i'.l tW tViV .rnre. . . -h- u.., jaci arxived therein nRlish" trans HeH m v.tehlisih ,,Vvl4. . . T 1 nt ir 1 q ivir: gboat j but ,as ' recovered ; sailors,, .who cast himself - in v V , , T- 1 ito it, and brought xb i . the. v vr4 ; Y j J i hey fastened. her. shattered fWylZ- -they e on board thenbrbcee snme -tyrder. tn -frivft 'Ahft.' - s'" n irpu, whom ,hc could, not bejrecored understand ..Mf.ffif, lOr" iLTKK more effic,e- v? -.?eff c :aued tor, the usual apology dif, the of j,. ,niPmnfl.' , "JI. j: . ?5 pmemnom-ivnaeyne atrecaon 01 euyj- was said to oe, " inai uie secretary uaunji tU'nf.r,;0 'fR ' c.l V Ki . lUUie lcuuiiiv iiiciii 1 ,uv una CAV-Miuaiu; :i fy letter, the'Secretarj' places his vord in. Lur opposip 3vurd," Iro ers," h the iormer.. Thus the affair must - w K v - 1 i now was it:. - jr 1 iina, American 1 v mvaucisui uiz. j yvu privateers .were Larcpm, vhomthey appointed ;tav act tas4 .v ;;y a v -v. i ; - on to tnat 01 iyir. iraKin; ; wnose M Gallatm exnrVss himself m snchtfWi - nnn! ' . ,l 1 - 1 , . "Tr '.':r'.7X 7":"0 V!' T"7",",v,'M,7rf. I viiw, ixwi 1UUV i UV HIV .v w .--. - - tnr rn no turn, it . is sn-f" i ir vim nnt. HatanriH nrn-K Cadiz down to continued vJe:qur.aiid skill ,or i snot oi tne r rencn were re turn e a witn spi- covering? was-, .v-yv. dealt out. i iAe 4. '. r I I . i C C Vir v.- in 73 l-i tj i rlrrtAisi t. ,,--U .4i t-A. 'v . "i. hU ! f I -?ha nof anf made 5000?, which ve themjai aod. Z53f wann-dinner-but tte last they ever,dok-W A.'. :6n .Sunday' i 'trie.-!,;'. v,0 : t - -r .- ' rem. lirma. rater. ;.-- ' i I ' J'Yfr'". The correspondence between Mr. ErsT . rr -V- ""tTTy,- f V" uv HJf.v. ;'. r-.i.: ' M;r'L,'B; '.UK, vis, ot the. schooner General JohnsonJ&. bed off., jo t fears bf the subluxation ol xui' I W :. I'.:: . --leave. u.'all inthe UrkV "Why was not Boston Ust Sunday iram Lisbon, the ctty. tor many. mbnAs were.entertam- rf d UJ ibS(MtkJt(-'u 'V ;.- V tins corrcspondefifepablished before?. Or Capt.; Dav.s ieiVLubou thfe 11th of toe, ed; .1 he old Marsha Duke of; Dantzic -bfog&V:W thd' oWiu.iv:.,?: C .7,' , ;j:.;Svhyiti3publi,hednowf The .Intelligen- and . '?forms .that Awe-Jad -beeneTl Lzna mMet .tnS,m . .wafcr 8Wepiyr-Wtltb L:Ti-' '3 . -, ., ceiays. it wasT-ni.but not published fn sk.rm.she Weri, theou posts. of; Ac, mandeU ,n tront oi;Ud2 ,.: o. iohlirtotlfwl, V t i.fnv oith? London'pipers. . What policy combwrf, Wh ..and. Portuguese ad -QjXiV !-: XV as.sh'e Was; teepifea'paikerfasttothr.-'fft ' . r Vouldrequre secrecy! Printed secrets too French-armies, -tlw or2-wJforard.tilth8:V: 'i -.11 . yher communication ol Mr. GaitatW is Plac?'. though it.:was ourly-exc- . dur-.GWuceter tojrespondenv yester- Esprit, with Uq-gaUonsof -Wine aod.i. -r Jit ::- t dated three month, ago, -a communication 3f??.8 daurmshedUis. w, L'lsbo Gazette to fmle 'sait' beef dndanothertage' W H' " 1 -' "fforthe Intelligencer. Government thereiore thauhe French wpul.mKmessjOf of -,2th JiipeJ.; .evdRiiot state dung TaUed u'intbe Ws to Kve upom : T."-. 1 V ' P' must have 5n in possession of these doc- Lisbon.for the present, iettert recced ot;po.siuon.m .the hokearm,es.-.No bat: j: iAtug pper deckanS-'the-' -ttemi? i -f '""'T ! '-i Vf . iments at tit time, atleast M Gallatin by the above arnval state, tThat,caJ)es tic en;foufeht anf At H.mt eU .ee iVesiel' rose cbnsidefabrj ? V .I..,', 'Vmust have had then.:. Was it thoughtim- J Amcncan prodac. -c-.ettt Uere' tldrfrae at:Ae,4t.on appeared, s0 thtt .the.iwkeri W onlyN. about Inee-V.v" )-xfk'-Z . pcuentv:i;t11e administration ' to publish V3 a. Sd m"ket rSW,' oreasmgr .Cmad-.Rodnga--wwmyetfed, deep-on "tJoVler.cyfcV1 . -V! V -f ,4,mher, while. cOngres's Win, session'? -least to . the ei,d of present. Ae lst.ttji?.-j . ' f A . ! ," ble'rth a boat hoob toecrfrom-Vbe-. i-:-: ;: - - -Or did they Sitend never to publish them? 1 hetotaccott recyttl.at Igntffom , - ' ,';,i J?.' I"- -Hafihe knowledge of the.r existence-now Cad.z.metmbn that they were und- no, . EX I RAC f Ok .A 1 JTE , .JheWwere-ofvry Btde h&i: '. Vi:;-v,-..f.V compelled pablicttj- of wiat Has hoped aW1!?;,0i5i rom-hA FrT:,S was c'fer W aboVemen'tioned-was 'alt.-the :drink ' I '-,m ,. 1 !,i r;i,hi m-.i, r sold at.24 dollars'. On the 29th of Une4 . . 'tTTwd Spamshmbii of4 war hart arrived .l.S.Suy,"--t Z-,' '; I , ! r r hvould forever he 5once.Uea Irom the .na- - I. n 'if(;, . ff'm '.(.lif 4,ii70f .nassencrers.-'.' they. had for .aeyajthey.rthen. ;wtth, ,, . 0 -.1 1 . i. ' 1 rXl0S.Cf:..,.:il vT- n iith. Ae Vmitt rboat befenWHnicvsS the fm'rh&arrival of A'ese vessels in the W. WeT!SAf v,ctly ihforhtml that he had unifo'rmlr fe. "Tf .Sal I.Captam Fa.r- Undies.-.h-giyen mf Miinmia T-iHi- U" lc wiwww piuvtu uniuc- - ; 'uA:.'::u...j wuu diatelv fatal to anv of ahem :;forUheur - endeavoured to persuade the president ' to ' M ' tft r "v V' - -JT -kA' i xa' ;tWkm sjeat thiVst prompted' them ao drink ?toov 4 ' ,-K;'ti1(, vri:-w. rnt h; " i ust, the. melancholy account oi which was a gentleman wnq sailed in co. with them Y c.-v lv . , ,r-, O v 1 ; " place tne conquctor Ureat isritam and ?nv t i . 1 , ..r,,. ,v r .. -..rj,, . tu v 4 1 . treelvof it;- anall4benshed the succeed- -LrVtmrnrHc tVtP TTfiWi ; " publishedjn.Hthis. paper: some; time since, from Cadiz. The.iBnUsh ship Bulwark, "A-gT11"? ranee towards tne united states in atf?r , - ; i r ei-. ... . - r2 - -lot l- .k ":f r ,.u lnirni&ht; amonir whom were, IVuv Car- w i a " at - f iiiotitn o4to ivr.' t? i- Theboat,had 'three meli in his vi2--Capu of '74 guns, captaiiiF - i . Ji-V f 1 onV - r-T H. :tarcom7Jf-Beverl :MV-; .Irwih-!of them-ouid ;-Crof-aftet.mcmey-: PM$?PW?i:r? and orfjr onntedAat the president tad SafemJMr .lofi .ipiWhatid: rrheyManded' Frenchprisoners at ,Tehir tedVyoung gendjmen of tins towo. : One, v. . tiot placed the conduct ot Great Britain ui . - . J , , . -: vr , . i ;v : n . -r-r hlart manl had tierished two davs be- ,V 4. t4, ' -3 -) i. fair light and he immediately repelled cLUvyu"ra r chartre." : New between . tl,Pm "cr a,JV vc "C""V" P5s ;c nt antVr 'tn & n , ri;,,, jI the boat,:were landed at C ara direct untruth and the publick are .:, , , s " . ; v " T i. - - ir L.;i:.. a- - -. :luatron their miseries were acroravated bv ten-wwvecreacncejowmrtp ices too great to observe tne wrecJf of these ivasTbn the third day 'after s : ; i nadr ieic inem,:anaAV?3l8or;1; ( yawUwas dispatched.to interi :! I '. 4.i." : - - f 'JS'SV Vnft wWwas;3i;indudihgnb;eboati.crewrsupermten4 f ' ,cqUect.from..hIS manner and-some, ;Shght , 0 . Df .wLW,remaineld;-aiiv6 when auHaVanna;,; .C -iV. .;fvr.s , - 1: ; ; insmuauons, mane xnougnt;tne Psi- (h lef .? . .5 - :y 'dent had -acted, with .partialityr towards .' .7 ''v"-J ; . - . it-ifv- :L(A:' 1 - :r- 'lj 1: ;---, ' -i v.-j Inear that the- on as to Wcahable orfftUminfr-1fte ? oecaimed, ana onf as to. be mcapab e. ot sustaining ;lite -- - ..i t. i twrt u:uffir; theW calned sd far .upon her - as to sea thogKt Vo Can .it: be . posr r.:GaUatin thought so Mt is a fLwS boned;krthdsake criticarmomentf hopefear, a breezy aenmentot his understand- ' t : 7'Tu7 'riiZn fore an impartial tribunal'to answer fbr al- sprang up,' which soon carried tier beyond " , nuyu luv.) t-i, ui&t otuu,, oucviwu . utany . . . ' -.i',. , -I iL-tl : Z " ll.. lk., Wu VM;.,1 of the UuitedVStatcs; Being, thus citeid by turn unsuccessful to Aewr.ck, irom which- f X MK:XmngstbbrSndtl.e speaker: of the the'yhau been;sofaras, to lose sight of J . v : British house :or commons byf sir-Francis. er - .!; v- --. ; Burdetta' ijfThcr circumstance is rather ,;:Sevente5n days had now passed .awayy; : 'f.. 4 ''-France.'' - All this Mr; : Gallatin unedui Vocallv denies i 'denies that he ever so in- . siniiated, or; ti'"': Bible that 1 jv - . most severe impe . . t- iQ-one to nieces.-and that unless the crew 1 aresnatrv mr, oal- u r " -; r - "i: ) i i Li ersatibn' .immediately hf? wheyedWAeir. deplorable ,7 latin turned the . ccinve rsatibn I .-I to Mr. 7 Iadisonaud said thatr colild "T? 1 . 1 'S :tC ;:;-otbecctise . koMi SWEDEN ) , ik VVv'r ; warftrance as tlr Jefferson. - 1 his is Extract bf'a lettV from ca'pt. treyitt; . i t , ..?;- fcrecf?2f V-Gn Vfis toVioMessrs JSD, ; : ' V! 8ald -?Sd;5?r: .G?mtln decbreshe never Harrise merchants daCed ; v f- ,: -' V:Sttt?a fuclv.a'sen be- ' . GottekrurgV Mafar. i; j;.:-... ; rf:een;tt the 22d inst. ' the British consul . - - U - "';.Manwon therej,waalc6incideuce of sentii Ih' rorA .n rinl Vn fmm mi. rL-M t- ment respecting Fraiie.;. - - I ; rf. r:Ao'' vv. ..i-..-;- ':ilAhpe ob&ery yad.atthat erxbad I f i - 1 h . , - .... --1 - ' f I - . J 14 - ' ' l - ' i 4 - , n . . . i . .'. . tf- ' , t ; .l. . -w 4.. ' .. y . : ' ., v. ' v - "- . ... ; ',,. v , ' 'V , j " -T"-' -T rtiatf liMflrA i mnw rm 1 1 if - g ' uupi. n i n-irrr tTa mgifyry-tniiiii iiflfi i" T m. i,, HiiiniHiWi in. "f" i w r. ft m t -ffc ni)W.i I'.Tf r. iji,,JfrT-iM .rfrl it -if-- i i , M - .ij iiiuilaiiV'ijiwDtariiiMTnfc rift ifra. odd': butiheie is this 'diffeferice; that the withqut relit , and ntue nope rer-: ned pt. ' 'Monarchist' thei speaker, pays Jall due muctt longer pre serving ineu-exstwre.-:; mareV (who" has arrived' in thelow- with cbntempt, ur.d. c a its ! authority at ere in a situation tpke nny intt:rea itv . 3 3?ith a squadron); inibnnbs th-t diiikuice;; If this bs truecaaHbsa car,:- "ad weseteoihu. - ' . ' .. . . . ... i . . ' t ... ... - , 1 1 ,ris n' 4 -4.- 47 --. 7k ' - - if; ' . 4-V