A -i . P Vinr, ticen ftfTordrd for,: the4 admission c says, ct According to all tus-cdviccs whicii ; nagement, looucnpritj.T-uicn jusi.ius'Tonn tne vrjvac to comprttte ; : I i ' '-'linSWii.mfrvliWdiEeinto'Hhosc.r rts. ?'. hkve been given, me, it appears that thp 'amounts to the samti thing.) -.r::r, trigucs nt hni: -on ;to our icrdga rtW .V ' N.t:- ..c21..". -enemy.is. preparing to canyon a tormal r--'poiaa may argue,, inpiue secri-wy. o. iobs, .uc.c,,, etc. f ;:v:- -1 ' , -! 'V:-SS?PSSW. insVfbrMarshaiiley has been' tefore the - cipksof. aaty; 'as. having ich infla- - Wheri!thelmesiaSe.pf theJ2Bth;No ' -tnT ' WmmiS':A28& all the troops 'from Sdamancar would whjttever.he; would rign, KWe.rpainedbylhetorrbpbndence.TcAV (, :; Se Lord Chaicelteri.the .Ekof -Live ii ' . ' T- riool-and Lory AVaUinghimThe il .t M ' 2o7Vbithhbtttooi:iritntr- .irpm,ie'8tde- -the' 'rivirOO-lffi? other. Iougroup. -: X.:'H: -J :i - - r J wg obyersanofu ion thesMspKiousharap-; ; 1 ' ' . '-.li.i .u- i... J. '.Tft--irf ..m- -wi,i,vim-,. Un' ftT? more ii 1ive1.i.ous still ! : terof these unocioicoversatiocs. i -a - .rii3.riaiesiv siatcs wiai, .mc uuwu-. - ..mhj w. . . - .. . t .. h . , . i - - r . . . , ,jw , . f . - - , . . - . ( - : AXia-Ajov i . ' 'i . '. .niiiwtrlprs ar;. mfnrmpH that fh. nrc. . .It !S trt p TpflTPrtrnf ttlaf pvprv mpmhpf ',t . . of . the -Session beins concluUed, he- has. us s oyer uic unuge-oi ine neias oi -nr- t; ' T r " . - : " ?" ' J i S J" Z Z J l"" ' j :' l"vJ:j .?SotStPP b&gitltb ailok-.-.-HUgaiikafaad JRpbledo.:' .t Kkve rmade'the cedmg-remarks, ere We,. cursorUy, o Si '. '-.;.:-- MaitvPthen Watulates DOth;Hbnse?.necessary; ,f , -.. upon the capture' of.Gaudaloupe," anevent .place lor.a-siege, ana treeing it oi all Use- -"""s-"-, ..rv.Ty, w.w.v-.T r-rv;r-r," .' -i -' Xch for the first time in' th history: of ,tes moiTths and cowards, who might be " Pape" ,bemg part of the. correspondence scope. of eg.slauve t unction ; but dwaec. V '4 -rcSBriiaH Wdrivea France the detrimental. 1 " trust-everyVthing-,wiIlJg6 tod,. njtUri, house. ol lords , by : TO oi the ty?was so .anxious , tof . pi , vV of her possessions inl Uie W-Indies; weli'5 and that;we shall defend', odrsel es,. xMr.RSKIN.E-detan.ng . f efl".- ;i r 'J 1 !t X'-ffilio "unon the subsequent capture :bf th thewigor becoming so just- a cause,. JlfM1' dwereet-enott to eenw acferenw 1.1, ? t , ,T"'t ' i- : U.. . nrtH'tU nn onrl rvntrirtT cm tirh r-h ' lLra. tf.UaiKlim UUU ISneS long , uuuu uiruucj IU1U UIUISUUIV. auu CU- ' f f Cm ,V T ' - "fi U nirU TjirnuUitions vvKkh must irie- we are animated . ' r r . f' . '' v1 v. vj - .-- j, . . . ' -,T ,. J. ' - y i '- ! . 'I Ul Uc nutvur rA fl lftllf-r . " , 1.-.-, , , ., 1 ' rt v.1 , mehns of'annovance to our daily extend-'- 'l ? altimore WhiM r . vtn, '.. . j. . j...- . - tions .were iound ! -t . Z -. ' -1 m . 4 ' IVI n l It li I . I I 1 1 I . ! Nil Nil 1 Kt A U Ifl. I T r Tip i . - r . . IDg tUUHUtltC. . - " . -7 7'- v.x.ww. - In the . Speech to the House of. Com- How canit be accounted for,1 that two cteicnceTi the same, paper,' dated the ! 21st 'croadnng-both upon the presidentVarld sj April last and now wrunifrom him, by cret;ry of state's functions; in conyefsa- v, j a discoverv that- his treacherous conversa, tions y i th a fore i cjn minister, bv no means V-;- : idr put.-4-The praver of a ' calculated in fcw'r or form to his .credit : or ; late paper, :uGiveus but lightVhas been ' the ..'public advantage 'in - like , manner ,f "J ' u:. iCT;eMf tVionVc thrm fnr tlir i r y j iT ' V r - Bpceaiiy answerea. . ue me treacnery oi - wuuvui rcieirmg 10 wie-scanaaious n on nionsn s jviaiestv tnanss tnem ior tne nlam farmers or mnf4isinTc will imrWerivM . . t I. - J t - . . . I ...... . , -g . .1 w . - m' M- ll'Jl H' Tirill t - : 1 M A ftlllallL CA illl.lIL.li I lt 1 I I II' ' llllil 1 I 1 M. i - hers speech er,vvritingr--but our amnle official' evidence If : Mr! Milis report, to the : tiil of it is tacked via same r V 1 supplies which they have so liberally gran- CaCh ot -r :-.'!: ncu jui liic ovj " " j wr -' - Krcat ueai oi time, woras, mK ana Daner. - irt. , jiKcarrying on a corresponaence; to ascer- wby, it wi mill lu.vviiat sense uiey unuerstopa one a- , TUeanwhil nouierma previous conversation or cor- rier thti evtrnit fPm. Kmti'upVHiC. man conduainth rMicuWassumntW - respondence? Mr.Pinkney and Mr. Catf. n.:trK flatefl Wa.hinrrtrin:; December 4,. vhich he maieFaboUtPWt; beirnr ------ ;- o--- , - , . 4 1 he regrets the continuance of , the -ardent :, . . 1 - . . i y,. i straggle in wnicn we re engageu, ue congratulates the.countrv on the daily W Urease :of tur resources, and revenues, from the unprecedented extension of our r -) 1 . r t 4 1 1 r 'I : i J nincr have leit a loner model t)fcourtesv' and i s- v- ..- V , I commerce 10 ui ai va - suavity aoout tne apprehension and misap ' circumstance - which happily renders the prehension of their respective j - epistles. 'u ' .imposition ol new burdens or fresh taxa- When I read the isuper-eleirarii stufL I J an wholly unnecessary, j . fell deeply in love with plain! dealing.' i His Majesty next alludes to the modifi- there is ceftainly something mysterious ,? -cations; and, regulations which have been m wo-rdg for, as every philologist -adopted d revenues that coun burdens, without losing signt or a aue re- Surely, thdn it is not wonderful gard to the necessary receipts iroma- found men should in 'a fit or His Majesty thanks the House, ofiCpnr- might, indeed, be something Tike philologist mr t; urmginescsbiuu, 'Fc.yviubMc-.knowsthere is no fr0oa reason I why the ot Ireland, as having relieved word black might not have been used to try Jrom : the pressure ot many exnress an idea -white ..., i -- ,-- .'-.: i - j J - 1803. mis man nas. meretore. it would ausiuc ui r me ncra; erament. is, i aprifear,' been near two years in office, car- "longer "entitled to; forbearance : we "know: , ' 1 rymg on his intrigues, and estopping : the no persons m tnis commpnweaitu ;.-nos- -wheels of government ; j . Hostile , i6 . the'- general- government i-biit 'k secrets worth knowing. Snyder and hisr Wivv Counsellors, -who are . r Are now developed.-The conversations well Vrorihy of r Ccf respond with Madison and Gallatin published by the presidential -canvas's." ' ''L""" Erskine, display the respective motives x nese ooseryations we were induced tO' and behaviour. df "thie'se men i Mr. Madi- .make fronfa consideration of Mr. Galla Vice Versa. cAr c?irl fr ct-nnrl in To Aurrmral-ilo ' tin S conduct on nthfr orfhinn rliirinry MV-- A. Mel , .that pro-, ii-hr. niillatin in a ve rv jinfavcuir hle "nne- TefFerson's: adniin istratidn ..,bccSions:riii','.'i abstraction -(Um fnnc nnhlirnfinn?J - Rnti . if , -nnlla.r theoTeatestinterlest-rAnd : tlife weWst"confii:i:4M; -t .iv.aw tin be m lault, r(as is i unaeniadiei it is "cute wiuciuicrirayeaio jonn xianaoipn, - i m remnvp nim rrnm uu 'm wmui -uc cuucavoureu lu. wiui-- ' rnSnSPl W 8 ;but office-because he i5 the President, clothed. ".W himself a letter Which lite the lew - r conp rms th s jucU 1 - r ! VlU IVTitstv next' contrratulate 46th with eater care and h feher responsibili- r just published onl3 i TTr.tc, nf VlimphtWhat PrT M has bc ,"i"1l,.i .tv.Gallatin too has placed t Mr. Mad - i c Houses ot Parliament that al has matlc toctlcSi they sail on a thousand tacks,. son in an aukward nrediiament bv renr ' ' K ! lipf-n rfsriif.d from the crastt d. inerov w-i.i "i' : .u.. . . son m an auKwara preaicament dj repre- .. ' 7 . 'fL. . ::. ' puww uiuiwuvw, pu mc spccwioraano sentino- h im as entertainiher different oni- those who have DV the strenuous enons onus iuajcvv ai- e their reckoning I ;av it iq nnt r . p V . U . :. I t- 1 - r'y r;u-"j;U ua - j u., i,- tfiik- pArtii- I TccKoning. t say, it as not so nidns and determined to pursue a difTerent re iria)n, can be InArrS nd ihar Spain notwl h- nSe.tnentnatu7.enq policy from Mr. Jeffenop, How far the mercial restrictions, - V nRtantltr 5nictfd thafrw' l 1 VJW W eo-erced bv bur coni v "Llf c guese nation fina mm upu . standino: the manv reverses has experienced, still tnnce to the invader w ' rit of zeal and perseverance His Maiestv then assures both tiouses Parliament, that he deems the honor of his Crown and constant to-erced by bur com ' may gam some inior mi, .uy.nK.nu battle is over, what latitude ind lontntnde 1. iu :z- nrw- marinn fmm tli 1o4Jik;l,w;i.A!n mintMM hfrre?i- , 1 ' , V ,f . aison became president, give sanction to uays, paper, ic was our iatai em- maintains ner.resis mpmbr-rprL that- Tht fiantv nf m r.niofw -V Lr .,.,. u.,' ri u, nrjinatHrl ;ni- . 7" ' . . Z " , Mii'r'"'",k jaiiaun s- insinuations, tine puDiic can h6v' i.auiiv;:VTcrtt-ii.aiivw-4ccji--....:r.-uii an uiautficu am writings consists in circuit. Ion w word :,.4 tm... ' j-.::: J-r ' 1.1 lirclf mnt-A ;n;rriV..mf v.;. r i vv . ; ; . , - - O ,-( IUULTC. X11C3C UW9UilJim.ua U tliU f;UIlVCr- tubjiv.Vuvuv. uo, uiau 01 iV. ; . v. - Ipw iHpn tnrniYinfphvncirilrir)Pc f ' - . . , '. - .! ' i . . w k1L.,J Uii.tf Ij: k: . 'ri.i-!i.:L ' 1 ""wr"-"-"""vr"vu7 . sations are imporcani onm s tnev snow se ccvcu nci&ci iu jc. . ; x uc imptirv - - . HaVmg! thUS made a new SOrt; Of pave- frit .nrlnfro. nf nrtinn in nnr fiyprnf,, It equally ior with rferitv tn rrUlrm th -roorW 4 ? . ' ' 1 . . . tw';w.rc : 7" V '"-"v vv T - ncers, ano explain pernaps tne suomi i.vA woco ran tl-nre as taras the rni rrrif without-o 1 n o . n v 1 ;1 ; nfV,a TTmo-rlnm ' tn rontinue his firm and 7' J'rT L . .r to ' Dili, c. oj lasi session, i V. hal support of both these loyal Na- JK r"! ff . When the writer 6 thiwas at Washing- scnption i ' ,u, ji. ouuii mgton in April, last, he was informed by a . , tions. v),. concermng some unofficial conversations r,nntllP mr-mU hf CnnUcc tW Po. . - Hi Maiestv concludes bv recommeMf ,t:ih t Jtjj j rr oi:!.i . 1 rr.-.i" . : . P.I impo: of. tance qt her North' Amencancbloniesi SSlon '" VI IWVC.UCCW KUUWU UUIt llUUl UUl) embargo, and other measures oMhat de '.I -.;h-'frt -tk- 'ATprnKprQ of iVoth Hnnw nf -r it 7 " "r ""T4" Kine nau uisciuseu certain conversations, -ingto the .Members ot.botn Wous.s ol Mn Madison and Mr. Gallatin. Can- which reflected deep blacklness on Galhtin I Parliament to exert themselvs,. during the ninff ?nstahtlv instructs him to nWiate 1! ui, u,c sciius 111m u at the same tions are ; ensuing rcc?;i iuch iKctvc UUti 0n certain conditions ; b f jn propagating a spirit 01 unanimity anq few braces of instructions n-irl ttntk rtkp-! i3-nrf tf nrripri otifl tk - m. i . t i i rteQUSf OF COMMONS... r FOREIGN TIMBER. v , On the motion of3Ir. Rose the'house'v sentiments : and it was exnected the- vvhiVlp -aKnmnwi;.' AC lxki. " aa : is ui 1 ; . . time, tirnnlrl Km riikliclnprl in h trtt Wsitto nntK k,. ' r : i' ." , -. ' . n--. vfi 'Ji .! , otner intelligence reccivra oy , tne snip .Britain, Mr. L-qshington m the chair. . v C .inrmnnh. f .rtnirlinwhtrri hart nrrrtrirl v - w . v.w vx t uaiwun suus attention 01 tne copamittee to vthe j doubtless received these papers by that con tion he meant to submit His obieeti mo- was veyance, ana wxoie nis aejencei under the to impose double the present dutieson for- : ' " impression that other copijeTdfithe corres ,eigii timber imported into Great; Britain. J' pondence had been received!, here. Find- Letters had beenlwritten on the'subiect tci' - .Y ing this was not the case jwe are not i hrised that he withheld rhem from tkp nnh'- rnklickl Ir. ..li r.,:: ailV' OI niS ' SUU- I? ' i t stt r ZJ- ' 1" u u Vu u ,un imv. uv r o ui uci 9 iu vv u auu i - l s best su ted to sc " " i T . . "uul naturaiiy country, so that, mo inconvenience could ' 1, ia uv-oi ouiuu titipatP. that hiQ rnnrnnhnn nr nrnnncitirn J 1 . . s i . .; ' . - " T' n enemy with TV Z - V r ,r r rw"w- urcaucu mc exposure or nis treacnery, and, be leit Irom, want. . - The price ot timber f jf ww was "direct:" and so all was. smonthpd .-.,uiQ,i .,uir- t' i- . r. t - . - ' . - ' i- . -- i-. - - 7-: " - r- . licuiuiwu iu xiuuii ttri uuuiil Lni. ; imnnrrpn irnm tun wrth nt mnna . i kh j.' i i , over fw a while.- But, people will be tur- cent occasional hmtsV startled the secreta- of late- risen considerably, and rapidryVnd : , A tier. i. ViU -aumcxi vyueu lucy avV ty, and compelled him. to march out ot his hadbeen imported intothis countrv orinci- - V V 1 .ji laws; as the only means of enabhng his edj . and h WQuld S m Mr Camim Majesty to give effect to his exertions m eithe mJsunderstood Erskine. or ; the continuance o the arduous struggle m. rskme had mi? understood Mr. Gallatin , whkh we are engaged ; and while his Mr Gallatin had (in his simple Jn ; Majesty thus exhorts both Houses of Par- noce' brdiidering w !) confounded in llament, he assures them that his conduct directAVith direct trade, or there was ;!; will ever be regulated by these dictates a something cbnioundedlybblique in the talk i4 Vn.t ot condTct wmcn, ajesty s long -br the repetition. ' ' i Teign, and tne general Moy u iects has convinced him, ' 1 enable him to meet the foreig " j effect. , Boston Lt,st from PortutraL-hr. Cor,. JZZ? toncealment to meet theeriemywhichwas. Pally in foreign ships; The Xonnageot vessels 1-Tr: rt. Ivp!1. rrivpdwP C-l: mng to mee t: imHe jmar nave employed last year inthis trade amounted to ; MC, U11U lucir cuiivcrsauous.tney ne- x fteard ota certain letter trom the - famous. 428.000tons "bf -hirh nrVi Wr rfnr- : but. .that' .U-rrtn U m,'., in dLijLu:-. ' lIuiil -. " ' i - cost mis countrv between two lions ' sterling for ? freisrht n- rrould lie ohviously the 'interest V A itry to procure" this4' supply Tof ' WaSStarr ronrP art mirrkt krnntin.d tn - i.::. ..L -4 -. . . ' .T-- - t " "V" ." r inn-; and no naners have been received in '"7 uT " " T r" j -""""- 'T.V-W v ouwi is pur opinion ox tnis; business ships, which would employ lrom 12 to 1S-J v SSlSi&gS; a cSSS "f- f7U haYe fc0T- 060 nlea woadencburV - - orViinv'ititioni exrdin? from the Douro P??I.T-? .a; cona'on. fS1" , to our knowledge. .-But,- the,- correspond- age-the Col6nieS, 'and by enriching themy : . ; . Ta-oeted '"""J .itow.must do-thew; thmgs ; ; jpee .'.look at !the .force - ottruth,: .virtdeV enable them to take a'greater proportion of ... ; 'te rXhVtlrfSlrf 5- 9-i TOT Wf w I ,?ir?d-: Sat theVimmortal bertheyould spply-TheVesselswhich . V centre, m wni,n. tne main uouy .oi tne-. mslature should be moved;bv themi ,Er- - Tffprn ; wo 'k. vi .1..' : . 'it ..jr,- - - . , : Enl shUroops are.posted. The riKht is rVltlP i-VU i;?in 4;i A tk : i F.'r"" .Vcl"mu .nkpnnmngJumDer,irpia commanded extends to the l ocates witH the Marquis" Romaha t li -. ..w ...... . . ... .... muu. ..... w ...linn in . n 1 . nm i anirn - .na am. a. . .. .... .... . .. i, -oy. oen. ;fiiii, wnose, nans . was no misunderstanding hrtwppn him nnrl-. 1.:. r- wt .J- . tn . i - - . TairiK .and vhrnmm ini.. 'it , ,.. . .-? , -"-w . luiugmui. r- f c wic uow a iriw in uauasi, -wnereas tnev .wouia.takeout ' -J Mi )- V ' V.1 .:.K c..-ui. r . .i..i . r. "-i".-' icy m ure wmpic uiai pa urea me - iwn ; careocs to pill offncoiomes.' 'UMntliese . M i i ' . ZiTR6ah-'r .n- -'9P- ' "r,"re,V d. congresses.?.,.-, ,; . .-V- 1 grounds. he-shottld move thdt ir be the-'.t ;V.; I..- ltte DoirV-and eThte--"-8- " --Y' Air. Qallatib'sbes plan to" hbld., ditional dddes be Jmposedbn foreign tim-,; ' -J- , 'l V , i fhe wainSci of our;frr .. fast the evidence, bfHthis. iritrigue.whiWberimponedibtoreaiBritain, eSceptby;i' . , ,:-; MtziiPSA-n,edd.wlIth.the d.PlomaucduueSrvh,ch v aa -f(?re;n federal leisures ; pn thb . the East India: Company, or from thereof ;. ; I-'evtakeTGdrSBaS-.' " to 9-7 copMhavXlo To Kive-4adiU:vliie.-of Great BrltL. - 'L "ijl 'r, Vllwn7ner mighthaye-.given;hikworshipPe,,-:Alr.:Homefb4ged -ri 'riv-iSotdes V ! H ''li .JhtmtU- to-:?.:'m-l gripb-erb unconstitutional her of forePgn ship's employed in the trade' 1 ' : 5oSside?sSwi?ch -fy- ' ?J ?- ' Ye e1"?.t0.: baak-laws could be-aiopted ; of other an- o theTcoUntVThf 'right-honorable gen- ! i . ! f "'vv1 vto? - . 'JOvh4ct Have nauwform. system, no plan, no ma-, .republicans schemes could! bb matured.; tleman had admitted, that in this 'obs iimch- " , I ' i f - i - a '. . - . - - . t . , rfi " ' . . . ,-, ' , t- - - - i --.' a - ! 4 ' - . - ,- ' - 7 , - 1 -' .; f -(. y . ' - ; - . - -7 '1