- - - ' r 4 t II li H II J i -XVi U 1 I J'H I Xi 'i 'XL V'M - H J i V A WW U J.' fl ' V .1'. I r m I '!f! fl If u ", ;.rvoL. in.- ' , , . Wrr-.-vnewbern, saiidayv -ffANUARr htfu'ty-:. m-. ii-yf.EUMBERkfe3:vv--l ' -- iM-MMMaMMJiMwwMMMMMMMit'M'nr-nrTTT-y- 1 1 1 in 1 h n 1 nr'Tr"' 1 1 ; 1 r n-iTnrTmriiirwriiiiwiTii infpi wibhii mm i tiTil ."'T" j ' " ! ' " " printed and published bt ! 1 : rWAsiiiNGTON.Cif DeceaiberKM - I tackuig them liul 1 dikoy . i imVIiritryV V ' f ffrr. j.v) miYAfrs v . . . 4 vo'uld'not'p6ft ply vyilhihr; demands iichJoWe'red- "Cooke V'MiJ;ahV v nud iitts' 1 1 v be brought" up rrrojb.t;t u ; ! imp, where .hgroiiiHi vvas mura- nft ''-4j defensible &TOTiod -irrns V-.c Ak -ih vx 'ij support, of Ujrtov.'s n jCivijjcs.;' ty 'T atreiition was thin ut..ef lv v fir- .".' fc 3LE HlLrU'ZARLT ADVANCE. . - 1 , ; ADVER.TISEMENTS'-WILL BE -INSERTED . ! ' '- -.t . , ' AT SEVENTY-FIVE'CENTS A SQUARE, THE yiRST WEEK, AND TniRTY-nyJE CENTS jOR EACH CONTINUATION. - NEWBERN PRICES CURRENT; . mf - -- - - - Bacon, - - - Li). 10 Beef, - - - Barrel 8 8.50 Butter, - . - .lb; '25 Bees-Wax, - - 20 1 Briiiidy, French gallon' 3 . ' do. Apple 62 ; ' do. Peach , 1 1 25 Corn, bushel 40 45 JSlcal, . - 60 Cotton, - lb. ; U) 12 CblTee, - - 16 IS Cordige, - I' 20 25 Flour, - - barrel J7 7 50 Flaxseed, - - bushel 80 90 Ciin, Holland - gallon .1 75 2 do. . Country - . l Iron, - - lb. 6 7 Pine Scantling, - M 8 Plank, - - 10 12 Square.Timber, 21 24 Shingles, 22 inch, 1 45 St ves, W. O. hhd. I 17 i 18 do. R. O. do. lO , 12 do. w.o. bbi: s io Heading, "W. O. hhd. 20 22 Lard, - - lb. 10 12 I?o!i5ses, - - gallon 60 Nails, a Ac factory 5;. ib,;, 12 AS Tr, - - barrel 1 50 PltCh", - - ... 2 " ' Rosin, - , - 'i 1 85 2 Turpentine, ! - ( ,40 .. .;. do. Spirits, gillonl V -25 r Pork, - - barrel VI 13 Rice. - - bushel! 2 2 40 Rum, Jamaica, - gallon 1 80 do. W. I. - 1 15 , do, American, -. t5 8t Salt Allum, per 1001 bushels5 70 Sagnr, - - cwt. J12 li Tobacco, - - nor Haryison's tvo letters to the .Secre tary at yar, on the. subject of tbe hlte ,;en gagement with trie Indians on fthe Via bash waSrlaid before Congress on Thurs- day. : - i . To the Senate and Ho we of Representa tives of the United States 1 j ' . Llay before Congress two letters recei ved from Governor Harrison of the In diana Territory, reporting the particuiars and the issue of the expedition under his command, of which notice was taken an my communication of November 5i l' ; VViiile jtfisIeeply lamented diat so ma nv. vuiuabjej lives hive been lostitnheiac tioh which too'i place oil the ftHilftrm, Congress will i see. witn; satisfaction the (liiundess spirit and fortitude victoriously displayed by every descriptiort of thje troops engaged, as well as the collected firmness whfch distinguished their -enm- mauder on an occasion requiring- the;litpj most exertions ot valor and discipline. , It n;ay reasonahlj- be'expected that the good effects of this"' critical defeat and dis pt rsion of a combination of savages which appears to have bceti spreading to a great er extent, will be experienced not only in had in&deMttiafc I Outf io ori;and en mp at tHejbasljJ and. ihihe morn i rig 5uld,haye7hinttT Uvfat4'cble1; and' explaitf to. dieiil 'the h c?ards and interpreters bein still with -.'neVatlvranced'jmard; and taktner the iHrecilbn of the" to wh .the armv followed acd ;bad advanced wit liri ahoiit 150 vards whef50 pr 60 Indians sahit d out and with l6uJecram4tiplis(aUed to tJse cavalrj & tl die mil itianrjiry, which' were1 on our ri$'t flank, tov4iIt. imfiiediatey. advan ce! if to the frpnt, causeCrthe arrivy to halt, alri directed an hiterpreter to reqbest syne of the chiefs 40 come to me. In a lew trioments the man, wha'had been whth m before made his appearance. J informed himthat my object forthe' present was, to 3 ' procure a eood piece of trround to encanio i cessation of the murders and-dt predatir n where) we could cet wood and water tioiis committed On our frontiers but in thr ; hi informed me that there was a crefck to piVveution of any hostile incursions other- the north west which he thought would wise to have been apprehended, i . . sait our purpose. l imme'diatelv disoach nil j" ' r m i t '--.I.I. lne tamiiies ot. those brave and patna4 etwo officers to examine it, and thev re tic citizens who have lailen in this sevfiai ported that the situation'' was' excellent I ?ould and htchia; and1 exDlai rcterlnatiii3of tbe JreidOnthat in the mean-ti? 1 hostilititahoiilde'cdm- m:tted. lfft ce,medArtucli pissed with lhg on the Lit ot the rht nir.g, vlu-re. ibis, and jyomisrd that-it' should be obs'er-j nrr stationed the hinrdl uTonra'.'ir, oi" the Ved ort tHrpjrt. ' - j U.' S. riftSrr.en (hrn hrwevr r drinett With lthtli7sUmedmy: march ; we struck muskets) ndhe coUipanies M Bac:, Sne?. " -Trr-tv'-. - I 'itVi.Jl. rards btfifcw town but as theie extendc-dii maiorav if-s4"f:irihnii .fh- It' ArWtv.W to tiie Wthss oT tne .vy aousn tliere was noi rear ot those companies : ar.d ntidt iCa'?d- i l- ! a a Id' . . . ...... - - 1 . . . . - possibuiot geitmgun ericampaient .wh'icni mg that the h ,:ivic:it p.rt of the enemas was pre viaea . yitn ootn wooa ana watei-vi tireprtcteded irom !'Mmf tr es abotCt XS ' k ft - - - ... - ... x i - .... i ; ,x or 20 pices in.yi?a oi thonr compares ;X directed the maj, to - disifJi.!e thein with FRANCIS V. CONWAY." TpAKES the libertv of informing .hia i JL friends and the publir in geueral, that Whas- 1st; ly been-appolctrd. . 4r lwiil: be th inVful to all ihose who mv th'vk -proper to .entrust hiiii with tho sales t of tbeir 'property. . Besides a fdthful discharge of his dutv truvjrda'the interests Of his ernplovers, all Oods, Sec. sent to his Auction Store for ? rn-y remain frce'of Storage for twentv, ci ;n5, and ii not sold within that time, the o-rntr must expect to pay the customary prices of Storage. ' , , He occupies the store latelv;bccuDied by Mv. Adam 3anU as an Auction Store. Dec. 7y 1811. 1 ' : conflict, will doubtless engage the favora ble attention of Congress. Washington, December IS. Here follows the first letter, dated'.Vin- cennes, November 19, which, Bw Its great length we are -obiie-ed to abridge,; retaining, however, all ihti' mdstftmpbr-f win ucuuis. vjoYcrnur utrnsf ;i com-! mences with dttHilmjfr the Wabash, and the fmaiiini'cb his ; jforces' were fcrmed,blisMerest-' " ing' topmost .readrsi -ItBptmkh During the whole othSlast M fi march partit s of Indians wercohSaboat us teas to speak -to thctm, butvsnain new attempts, of the kindviw,; jiowmade, ' -btu proHng equally inenctufti, iois oi the spies and guVdevffering to 9 with a fl'ig to thc tovwn, "l yspatched him wii i an uurr nrf tcr to requijz a ccnierence wun tne i-ropnet- in a . ij. then took leave ot the, ciiiel arid a mutual promise was agahi made for a suspensiop oihoilities urftil We could have an inter view on the" foirowing day. , 1 found the ground destined for the encampment hot altogether such as I could wish it- it was indeed admirably calculated for the en campment of regular troops, that were opposed to regulars, but it afforded great fiitility. to the approach 9 savages. It was a piece of dry oak" land, rising about 'tcn teet above the level of a marshy prairie irjt-front (towards the Indian town) and nearly twice that height above a similar prairie lp the rear, through which and near vith willows an ij. other brush wood. To irafds the left flank this bench of hi civ land widened considerably, but became gradu ally narrower in the opposite direction,' arl at the distance of one hundred and fif- j line Snelling's, Posey's ;(iinder'Ueu. Ai tv yard irorh the rijrht. flank, terminated i brio-ht) and Scott V. and frnnv fbWir 1ti- ; , 0 ' . 7 -- ---- -- - ...y a part of the '-'dragoons..' Unfortunately the major's gailrMry dctLr :?intd him to execute the carder with a smaller qrce lhh. was sufiicient which: enabled the !ertemv.. t6 avoid him in iiont, and attack hifijksv The major was mortally wotinded, avid hrs party ckivenbak. The Indians wtve however mmtdtately. aud gallantij'tlilQ. -ged from tlieir. advaiujgeius. position by capt. Snelling at the head cfhisj company. In the course' oi" a few minutes? i.fter the commencement of the vat tact,, the fire ex tended along the It ft 'fiark, the v hole of the front, the. right flank- and part oi the rear line; Upon Spencer's niouiued rifle men, and th;- right of Warw ick's ccaipa ny, which was posted on Uie right the te-ar lineitWas exceasiv'dv ' severe : Capr. Spencer aiidbi first anu 2d lieuts. Aycre killfd. am cypt. Warwick wrs nmHv' woUmled thtse c'omrianies . -howevVr- still bravely chferidiU -and' jnaintainvd .theirr -posts, 'bui-pe nct r. hk 'feufferd, so siverelv;. and having crJgjnMI)tbqs much groundto, occupy, I tpKrceci them ;withRobb's company of rrfiemen$ winch had beiV dri ven; pr by mistake ordered lroii their' po sitionr on the left fank toward' the Icentre of the canvp, and filled th vicaiicy that had been occupied by Itobb jvith Prescott's company of the 4th' U? S.regt. iMy great object vvas to keep the lites entire, to. pre vent, the enjerhy -from breaking! into the camp until day licrhW'Hhich would enable me to make a general and effectual, ch:mre -With this view I fed rcinloitjcd-eviy prt of the line that had suffered much : fsc as soon as the approach of rnornihg disco vered itself, I withdrew from the Uorit i v ; BANK OF NEWBERN A Divi lend of five per cen on the Stock of this Bank? has been declared for the half year ending on the 31st bfthis inst ri lie same will be paid to the Stockholders, or their -'If gal 'representatives anyHirhe af Wr the 3rd of January, 1812. 0; 1 ' M. CSTEPHENS Cishler. Dec. 21, 1511 .'I : r 1 .-. "i f ' . , ; 7 Ja'N'M VlilN-k I..ST'S"t7U ANGE' COMPAN ' A Dividend of five per cent, on .each " " - nas neiTi aeciarea for tne hau vear ;,;ng 'the 30th. Inst, f he 'same, fTll be, P itoShe Stockholders' hnjtplijiojl: o Bink Of ' Newbern, on," or :" after ilief 3d of j2niwrv. T8t2 '' - , r;;; ' SAMUEL GER0CK; SecIrV. XrivSeri &ec. 28, ISit1" ' . i1 l-r-v, i ' '.-.';' ';Wfixt 1 k " ' - . . NDTICr:V pr-VBPro.ifre4utlv received injariei' bysdme of those ihVf followDuiinff Anting, Cutting Wood, and ihotKefW TS'passkntnn rr.v T nntir, f.CL' 111 1 from -Hunting' & tlief; witK ddg or . - r iues5itijc,vs sent ov canttftf jju jm to m form me thatinhiatteipts to advance, the Indians appeared ' oiOth his flanks, and although he -had spken to thetii in the ruo:t lriendly;Jmam they refused to answer but beckoned tonm to go forward and constantly i endeaWed to cut him off from the army. .Upothis information I recalled the Captain, ind determined to encamp for the! night Mid take some other measures for; bperiiur a conference with the Prophet. Vhihf i was engaged, in tracing the lines forV-le encampment. Ma jor Daviess who.conf.atided the. Dragoons, Came to inform , me I hat j;he had penetrated to the Indian pejlf j that 'the gr umd was entirely ojien Mvorabiethat the In dians in frohV'Iind )nanilesed. notW but hostilit' and hid ryertd ever'' attempt to bring tliem'to jl pirleiVwith contempt and insolnce. I was ihVpediately adv ised by all the jfficarounctae to'move for rard. A similar w!i.indeeci pervaded all tne arnvit,yasjrawp up in excellent order and every- maV appeared eager to de eide the c6ntest immediately. , Being'in formed that a good eidampmentmight be Had "upon the Vabash,Ll yielded to what appeared the. general 4 jWish, and directed the troops' to" avangetaking; care hovve ver tbplac 'the interpreters, in front with direction to nVite. a conference withany, Indian, thp, miht rnet with We. had not anyanted above 4 hundrecl yards,' when; thatthree lndlans;"had ap-' prpachedthqadn(;ed;gard ah&W ex pressed , a'- wish to speak tome,v I 'found upbnjhetr,; arrival .that'D'noTihein twas a man in geat estimation .with theiProphet. Hp' informed me that the cHiefs- Were much ijW momerts a jlm an abrupt point. surpfisfedat my: advancing.uponUhemVd rapidlywdiat they were jgiveh to undeSf 'Til' I 4i"" : r 'mmmmm H):5jimc' L J th'eroaQh'thesouth; stand py the- :Delawares f and . Miatnies whomT hadseqt tatHemr&&w days-be-ore,. thatI would; iioj -advance . tatheir town,;until-: bad "recurved ai; answer to my, derpands : tnatlei through ibe'm'That this Jauwer h Putawatamic chief;' W,inemac,iwho had ale compamed'theMiamies; aridTelaware8 on theif returp,; tfiatthey had left the Pro' r"r v;m wu wa ociore;wun aaesign unjorrunateiy taken 6idc of; theC yabash. ;Ui,e Governor lure irjjtde the necessary i dispositions' for tncanlpmtr t, and had I the respective' companies disposed in or !? derof batrJevP case of surprise, and e 1 very precaution taken to prevent such i aiy event. 'f - '' ' st .-. I On the morning of the Ttn, I had risen at a quarter after 4, and tin: signal for cal ling jut the men would have been given in fcwo minutes, wberi'tKb attack commenced, It began on our- left flank--but a . single gun wns fired by 'the centincls Qithe gdard in that direction, vvhich made not the least sjstancv but abandoned their officer and fled into xamp and the -first notice which the troops of that flank had of the danger was from the yells of the savageg within a sihortidistahce of 'the Prie but eyen under diose circumstances the men were not 'wan--tjng to themselves or the occagionV Such dt them as were awake or -w ere easily awa kiened seized their arms and took their sta-tions-others that . were mdre tarjdyV 'had to contend with the i enemy in the door of their; tents. t.fThe; storm first fell oh capti Barton's company of the 4th U. S.-riji- nlentv . and capu Qeiger's - company df mounted rmemenv-wnicn iormed tne lett aigle of the rear lirie. The z fire- updri tHese-was excessively severer and tliey.suf fefed considerably .before1"' relief cb'uld be crqugbt to thttixr. SomVfer' Indians pas-! sdnto, thencampmenl nr the;anglj, and one or twq peetrted to sime distance before thexTnreltilIed.;I'43eIit've all the other com pani esi Werelinder arm s ! an d to - leraoiy iorme.a uetore fthey were;hred on T"U.. JLJJ .rlT i-fd ' fiies .afforded fa rrtl ; light, - whlqlfif Wilson's companies ancTdrew tuemunnn the left flank, and at thr same time fod dered Cooke's and Baen's companies, tle v former from the rear arid the lattfcr '.jVorti. ' the front-line, to reinforce the right flard; ; foreseing that att nese; 'points th'etreitiy j would moke their lasteflorts. Maj, Wells r j who commanded on the left hVnk, notv knowing rny intentions Dreciselv) had" taken; i the command of thes :omprn:cs aiid char-, ' V't 'ged the enemy bci')re - I h.id formed Abe -.''fK' bo d v of d r agoon s" . wi th ' vv 1 nth " T meant to - r 1 : support tpe intahtrv ; a small; detaoiment of these were however redely, ' ana proved1 V - amply sufiicieut for the purpose. jThp In- " dians were driven bx the infantry at the , point oi ine cayenetand tne, firgoos i pursued and, drbve t therh into a Jniawh" where they could not be'foTlo wed. Capt.. ' v Co ')ke and lieut. .jLarabeehad, agreeably . , v to my order, marched their fpompniest6''- tne ngnt nanK, had tormed' them under tpe fire of the' enemy, and being tlien join edby the nflerhen of that flank had charged the Indians,' killed a number,and iput the rest tt a, precipitate flight f. A .favorabje opportunity was here offered to pursue the 1 1 gavem5-spme .opportunity of Hakingour uuai.iuu a-vota auii'iuurc-. auvaniaGreousttQ' theenemy"affprding;: thein'" ther means vcff wMu.a.auj ci iiu i ixicy.,,were uiereiore ettn'gmshed as-sboii as' possible; Under all these discouraging Ycircdmstaricesi it&'e iiwii .uicrcu ivveucuis;oi trwxipnr,naa rfeVer,been inaCti a;nanner that can 'e verb6 tda mucK a'p; pfauded.' , Theyltdok-thcirpIacesVitHout noTise and yvith less confusion (thari.couItP hayjft been expected Trqm Veterans placed intention of atr pap y had "suffered -severely) and the"' left "6 t -c I. . enemy witn aragoons, out oemg engagea , at that time .bn the other flank, X"4id 'riot : obslerve.it Until U'was too late. " ' . JJ: f s culars of'an action jtyhich was certaiiiHsup- f. vt . h ported.with the 'greatest pbstmacv per- -,:-svv " severance; bv tboth parties The IncUans,- -s? ih -j mamJested a ferocity uncemmoneven with ; them to theirsavage fury bur troopsf pp . . posed that cop , deliberate valor ; wpich ;is ; t y7 !: characteristic of the chrisiian soldienx "Tv ! I. 11 he; governor then enters into su minute . : u ; 'Tecitaf oLthe merits and services of eve; t t - -. J; - rv olnccr and: tomnanv. -shf aka in.the - t - - - fr 1 highest v terras jpf , th'e? yalo'r ; Vnd;:good 'I'll a, - ' a ti:: ' 4 those who fell "in . t a . action. rnariv of ,whoin are3n.Hina. :. 'cfrebnstancer.. ij ; All the officers ; whb - fel),ecept. c ; liaen, have families some of them . . With' respect to the number, of -that were enlaced ' against -"us, J sessedotsno data by -which I c correct statement . -,It ro r " have' be,en copsideibie,-an f .... much inferior, to 6ur oHm : . . : ' v