. - . I - t , i . , ..--- . . - . f- - . .... . - . ' " " " ' ' ' 1 ' . ' " " ' " tmm , I V1 . . TtD.D:paBLXEDBr; V - jpolousa rubiic the mted States y.jTI . rw.rrAfts PEd .Xftwvac 'fatjl , tUnts--Itn4 .who .oald do honor tp the thatit- li, unnecessary tor vxur raemoriaU iitfddatei theif.debta bvf'dc!-rV. 'Lvl t :. JLE H LF:TE,Vlt.Tr IN ADVANCE. ' advrtisv1ents' will be inserted at seventy-five, cents a sqjjare, the first week, and tiiirty-five cents jfOR EACU CONTINUATION. "NEWBEBN PUICES CURRENT. , 1 1 , i. Saconj BeetV Batter, . y - c Bies-Wax,". - -Brandy, iFrenclr do. Apple da.,'- Peach Cornt c Meal,. - ' - L Cotton j Coffjpe, .y . - Corfjltge,; V:-' ?'!-:1!V0 - . d Country ' -fine S.b.aaUinigt. y - liarrci lb. -1.. gallon bushel .lb. barrel bash el Il. : :.M' best aa v s of Gcl:ctVaad J Koaie iii fhe, ca binet, t6e k fiiid ' or ; (oruo 'But r, alas' for and "repubiiAnism :,!r A p4rtvr tyranny I stY tosdctail - them.' , The r exhtirience'-; of i n W yearsand of dilFereVcou ntriea,haH , imiiuajiiiv esxaottsneu tneir utility - iney increase thf- active' capital of ! the country, iura iunc pasc, persecutcu ana j.K'urci anti tnerenv extend manutacmrfts. fninrcre sed thqe talents and virtues, whiVh'-'ia thtf Oracle and adVabce the landed intereit, . In (teipfreal vvibIom 'and a-iunlpatrjouH.iH Kyidual$ of eyefv description .feel the in'i made .m pre-eminentlvl halted, pnWd, til'fence of, their accommodations 4vThe Pr?pcroas.; ; Instijiidjof 'tftevv, jgraac mn 6t limited income is prqyided with vice direct the hum 'ur, cksUuiicure and . easyjneans of; enjoingit. A;l.Amidst 'storms andlnprHts they tnuiHtfe who has monev-tc snare, is furnished4 8. -8 50 r'r ;v":11,;' J,I,- ,K'r up'' PO't, wnre.terest in tneir stocks, being oi easv aequi j ' t . 25 Inevitable des ruct.on t mtiitaisue.1ftwe of indus- , 20 . took 'to the great o i;v. iU ,oP thua uui jrV m loe conveniently acc'umulatedJno 3 , , : ".reoGk inert ii VHU-Th4niontoViS5rcvision foj' fiitfira- life. Theuperflu ;6i . i Psides there, an.i is rthe, carton h;?t,lou rrxone.v of one manyiis converted into 1 , 1 25) tof very goo-i und iv.iss thin. b-iWfari$ to. another, ith 'sAfjrtv and profit 40 45 .4i-tarorial influence in ; cnief.inJgisruS tci'thc tender, arid wuh' ease arid conven- 60J:wctt Prw t a.ior.c- ign power,1 com i.ience.to .ttie ..borrower. Thev .yield essen- 12 -'llIC" ui ai arum, Jmp syiri3tccr4cr , tui assistance to ludicious enterprise, antl ! 18 ,,uJect troas-maole foreign attachmf i-M . thsame.tim? 'operate as checks -toVasfi r. 50 . L Ignorant aHd iuhuuated pv pfiyKth a contrarv tendency fThe condnc- . go 'v-k-m pi uuiuc.s : touein-ever af ito;iot moniett itistttutions navethe.Oeston-1 -A ' . . . . . M ...... 10 10 i 20 80 1 x - 6 Sq i f ' re Ti mber, J . . . , i r ;S: 5, ,W. . hhd. . Iw O. do. f? ...-i W. O, bM. V t iinyY. hhd. T ' " " K its, A.- factory T r, . - J -: . f'rrh, . 11"' l - ;- Turpentine, ; do. . Spirits, Port, 4 - - ' Ktj n, J ujipTeay do. W. I.: ( m). Vmerican, Silt , Allai per J 00 'da.Fe;-V dcT S "cr-r, ; " - - . . 21 17 10 8 20, -16V gallon yib. barrel gallon barrel 12 btlsHer crallon- 8 12 24- I 1 45 18 12 1 10 r 22;. ' : io i ri3 - - 6o 12 15 . , . 15) 2 1 85 2 1 40 wlwt Dttie uuderstbidisig exists in the hre vi.iiiiu; parti ; p i$y , the energies of the men. In' trade, and tir ijJeesWbfiifg;va:J sajncient gurantee- :agam3t , the void ntarv vi'-tiums minority; fHf-a!;?ei U noble. A-'J0pardy6f their Aiv:icarcly)dbe::tre 13 2 40 1 80 1 bushels cvt.r 12 Ill . .k y s- " ' i : "t.rom The fvf.nning post.' -fr It is rernnrkaWe in the history of m?n k: 'I that in a 'population "of an hunJred, or twa hundred millions qf peopU, 'm'mv; c.-o',v.d he:ids,, aiost of nobiiitv, sttesrnfen a-id gen-eijt, thcf.e are pencdsv.nvien in t c course -of a whole century, there shall iut be found one, or not more . thaji.one g-catlv superemiu-ut character; and when s 'ch a phenomenon has appeared, it is e q . illv remarkable, that he Pas been distin c r.nhed. . not as the. ..benefactor, hut tht- s ourjreind deflator of the human rate, a d alt the monuments- :'imi institutions of t 't arts and sciences. Phillip, Alexander t e Caesars, Nero, ' Bionisiuy, Zngis k:iwn, Tamerlane, Alaric Attila, and o fiers were of the above description. It is therefore, with the greater pleasure, re c liect among the 1'ancients, a,,solitarv x Cf p iqn.n thecharatter of Gyrus the Great, AVcd of Ehgland y and among' the moV lernsr Feter Cz r of Muscovy, also called lit Cr?jrit: .And all thinp; combinetL (iroRGE Washington; the most-august' man that, ever presidea overtne aestinies nation, 't , A- - , . At thls moment, we" orte,mplateEu meriyan r!frts, all digniJi-fiid indepen dent measures ; throw u .'ntOtVe-tmhr.ce of a -foreign usurper ; aud arkf ,our own co-;'itrv npthirrg ,bu? 1n'1Irv-d dis--grace .J J--Iii short the ;rulp:iftv of our national' representritio. are a n'prpMch to trie nation irtn'-y hid the honor and ho nestyf they hCvfno. t he; abi I rtiWMfoev are tpt..-v iiu-mnpe;t.ent-fo the m inatrttment of luiciKii ('(UUUU':'51K; ri;i!0n5, IP tpeir prMifm? i tide-and' c.ithplfs.vitv. 4 You v. Ji yier-jnd leariesi'patriots ; voir t-niiglm n d st-desmcn-.; you war-wor s sol diers,-who from '76 to' 84,.'uprifr.- ef erv pqssiblediffifu-tv and dischragem-. as, sorted iftui rff-crcdhe' ti'ieraii'on of your eountrv, f-om Tiriush ,.gfesiOn ivnd jn-justicr- 'iid , our wis ami virtucasipatri- j ' j- 15 'i4 '.viio.tljice unier se'emingiv insurmohn- y cJ fs tilb5e vtnnar.rassm'c-'nts; forced the ailmira ishels W bf hr of Amc-riranfupionnd lights, ivti must t- irir rTtio'P? when you Sx-hold tke rapid decline Ind debislljl odtbe country, for whfcli you iiately toug .t and bled and died, 4m! Wfp clothri ifh v Ik nor and , glory and , prosperity t V'v lCn: hat ama2eihent and contenint mi. vou view the miseraple in-Vqa:Ue :crea-( uics, wuo now control its most miportant concerns.' -' Vr ' 1 '. :k ' '." o ..."When falsehood and dpceity; wherT iri brl mate pursuit and scramble for offiaeand gain prevai s ; whep Tor years together aw? founded in depravity and necessarily depraviqg theTcomhiunity ? when a Ijare"' faced ijppressmn annprbscription of lont half ot its citizens pVe;ails, i sav,,when some or all ohtaese things characteTizethe ruitss ot'a country, 'aud even a majority of the nation-d delegate,, wh ,t cap beVhe result, but a general bankruptcy of niorfls' and such a total aliehijtion of one half of me u uon as tojeop lrdie its peace and e ven its Integrity iyy:. ; 1 ' ; - r y Wll VILLCOCKS. C? Mr trustees: of the late j Bank aftht U i". rjuf'iniHiiKTusiv Ri err. - x ma iiiuucm l' to, widi a i rapidity :iike magicf has over r '' a:?d, 'destroyed? on ' thai .coptinrntl ,ati i v st evy-v vlifee ot; Jrcedom ; the rem- 1 "jnt tri rfmaina owes. its existence entire- iheVpow.eriutalA-oftne British 'empir? - I pnration or, hqatihty-of European statt a, i , 1 mighty vxeftiopsofiNaoIeop, sup- ' J ??rt nvVll 4 the craft, Vea and .ieansof American paftyr tacobinsyapd tractors; VI iro6d:;hTghowerfui e S i ltlesfiiresou talfr?j to.tl- Vreseiit' eventful thOrh' i 'r: 4 tnitcd States" To 'the Vfipn;.:,tKe, Sehateland 'House if . j Kepreseptatives of the Common . , . . Wealth ol Pennsvlvanin'-vS ' - t ft,1 t'ne mt)st populous continent on thel 'r " . - ; 'i" ,t Jfy x '. ie, ettuir muia asiac ana tateiw- tne i i : v r -w w- n oC Viioh, commerce,, literature Uled aspect! u Uy represent.- !-; Uhe Jfide'arts ; o fa nde pendent Jmpire; "-yhat tnestoclshbldets bT the institution! 'vmuonxi . oiaics ; vaqu; uenoiu ;jp . ipis s unlrss-we except Bonaparte,1 and lyehiepces" fa which bdth v'tne public! and .oviiiscAcs uuiu uc suoiecicu.uv. iue xer adventurous speculator commence,, his Career, before they ' detect him, and not only wit ldraw from him their own supporc but give-warning to others. Business " ot j ewry kind is fostered by -their protection. .im cxp mueu oy . inejr aid. l nev give life to industry, ahd energK to enterprize. jBut why enumerate benefits nov univer s'aUy acknowledged antl sanctioned by ge iv raLcxjierience ? , In everv. enlightened1 country in the world these insututions ex istsIu every country, in which business to any extent is .transacted, thev 'must of ne cessity exist; and if not sanctiqneti'alnti directed by legislative provision ih; the forin of corporations they will rise, up ina leSife, an(l kss)4nefici??l shape in the hands of individuals, or of pwvate associ iition. ) in yocpig and enterprizing coun tries, their advantages are moresensil-rh1 e,X Drjeiicy'd. .. In -such countries, in which mcctivity add energy bufiess itidiyidu-5 1 wealth and Vsmailer proportion of"the precious nietals; are ; found, th in m: other cstablishmc'nts, 'an increase of productive J ramira oy means joi na-nKing iustitutions,T5 .ire'eessary to givc"ff;et to the former, ihdto obviate; the 'disadvantages sof the latter. v'To .thfa United ; States therrfbre banks have' beerv particularly benvfifial' arjdevery state lthe union has ,lifK;ralljf countenanced thcfr'erectionand borne tel trmonv to their utility. ' Pennsylvania in particular prompt tbi'vad hefseJf of .prof- fered benefits, was,the first- to est th'ijli such institutions. St ha hithertcr m iiptalnl ed in proportion to her foreign commerce agreater amount jbf .-..banking.:capital,than any, other s,VAt : in the Hation. Tl?e "effect has been visited on: her landed and me chanical, interests. Ror though the -ror-eiign trade, of -P ennsv.lv a niii be less th n that of liome ..of the othr states, her agri cplture',and maniiractures are unequalled. ' nTo contipbe these advantages to the commonwealth will: be '.the interest and the pride of , its . agriculture .jTo allow them to be withdrawn or diminished' would be inconsistent with ,'ihut wisdom dnd. that policv Which haadVAhced her. toiler pre jHtntsiaie oi prosperiiy---um:.in penccrun ion with, them" bdtfvjl the Sprayer "of our mmatioq of theircqrpot-at powers:. ;:With this, view thev transferred . to.vour memr;- riajtsts,, pndr'to the expiratibn" of -their Alii' .'j., I?" f' V,'" rr'--V 'M Chirte,nhe entiri; jorpOratt; estate, mor cler to acontinuance by fthem, of sucnpiirts of the; iinfinisheU tusinesj? !pi tbe;bapk as. Itlcpt wuHceaimauthbrifies and dlrectiops 'of which i t;was one tosuppl v to he ' le cds- tiireof anv oftltestti, for "an act of: in- corporation to include vthe capital' of ; the uaim, ,anu.viouncorporate tne1 stoct not tiers vtherein-r'and snch oersnns ns shnnld in- nara,yng;omv attention. from the up Khe mean time became, the representatives tunne.EuVopeahs '..let us taVe apVen bTtheKstockKdJders.,V' Your memorialists PlOobr own situation., Andhere,! although JnaVihg accepted the trust; conferred upon iaP4ratiytf 1 v. wi rb ."i h mZ'Xv. hjit7-fTT i them; ifhrj hrnfnV thitr" A S tr , t Ui qssoa, Jq rejoice; and be grateful, there . their application' to thelepslatufe'bf Penn' ;!;mucfi''cau,sV,"fdr censureVihumiliatio ' svlv .a,' and to r-' it f;cn our horci - V:tp!dischWcthenvvvith thj least t. - 1 vwauwvuvwjucis.Yiniy s)Ait tlnrt ;qre;bf the Joan;; tnadebVthe -late b'M.k t"f :T ' tfie.yaited;States, PJas;as,yet beenViIiea-1'U' in :f and it Is that part tvhicn couhj Lvd Iwjthithep.ekstnyenicnce tQUioiicbu.r'V ? rtror to a cert;dp':teptiand;?ta ;fufti.e:r .could thj other banks yield bim-Assist-mce'v .ana tnat, would ot course s he nn in the hrst lusupce. v .1 he grcvit'iweiror : -'"A- bank proceeds in wi thd raw acrlirie 1 b ihme C ' . f ofitsloaik--yut already hWmiscWf hf no inconsiderable inunif.udeh'ee'Vriroihrrri; 1 ;An almost totafStagnauvVof iii,nAs h: -.1 r V caKen pie ; oanKruptctis numerous, i.d, , v. toiaige-amountn hayeoc -ciirj-etf ' prv pert v, ' r, has suffered 'an iKivibus-dCprecrafibr. "ynd" i i.jcuu m.is receive! .a severe and ior seme,. 4 t tune irreparable .shock.. It is, not to.-tne" ' Mtu-uibn'f thebank' lr'is;htn the stiia-' v-,jf tidnof the. baik:th-t the 'wnnU. VitpAWf these; eyi 1$ : i attrlbutri bl th tit to r a 1 Vbpside- ;:y f I rahr; ertainlv-so. ' . Al& yMM hyd:it bSeki in abnda;bn WsreD''ffbrw'a'rTl with theaidsyvhich in rmUr times qi gC- y, nerTdU'tfcss rfhas so ine times Jori'-fh of ;: therhrentijt I v obviatef;gljav pre vept-an ' " txtensjoiujof theSeynWenje; anilW". as . posriUed'. remedy them is Inidbiitrcllvfe v J".vce5 oi wisdom and ot 1 ; poivcv. - y - ' y ' i , ;-y; t mlthT cbf,siti!oii which your 'me-Xji molrislisUjwil! butKUggest.-to your hoh-ra-: ':Mi bit bikly, Ik cause upon' tue ,Mre! s,uct es- 1 3lS tion the 5ehse ofjusitice aiid the bettt.rt;e- ' ungs oi eyery maa wm direct to" whitt Ts M right, is this-That a large, portion 'of yi&si fA stock of tijis institbtion is held byiindiyia- kS i, uais dv citizens ox rennsyivanta, by wid- tm. w(w tiuu yijwiaub oy trustees ana fne ten resenrauves or deceased mens estates, by charitable :ad benevolent socitties-." The Jm -V Js interests of siach a class ,0f citizens have been and your memorial irs' f:ve no doubt wi 11 ronnhti' tr hr- ---f--;?i k--I ture withyflvraHh 'eve, and that a'pr.rtf-' v . dpatibn bToreigns 'in. the samefinM ; (wiii oh ho W ever "t ot j ute virv cqnsid era- L bVv d im miihud ) wru not' 1 rho't to weak enthevclaiiin t 1 gislati ve Hvor, jfitbe re c :ileccrl that th.-.l: ie charter of the Hank . id ihi Ui sited States, with a salutary ieal-; o isyy? .ioreien ifiterierence' urcclu.dd;-iil"' .-s:?if a 4 loreii-ersj reign interference urc cluled 1" , :'. Jrom yotiiig by proxy upon nyy v?SSi' Which couS.k Icome hefrre Uh- Jfit i'a'njd- t.baiN t)e. cbre f . v' wli i ci '4 question stock holder? your memori ':isrs now solicit, nvaV-tW uti'd chev respecjtfufly suggest, fehoukl begsr- ' f-:M ded by -a. simian provision.- I Bv ' thtin-rro- ''"TMi dttctionbfsuch'ares r "n.t onrme nori ' s.t woujd bo'p "tnar Ail oh ' : o co izr ' , vquld Oe removed.' Doubts of Vonstdu- tion.4lpowcr'ni4v hiv'tyopcraied an it ; ' less, did operate with.fsdyicral V.m''ers of y:.! tPe general degis. jiure, n dvchprng to re-";; ""," nev thechaj-ter originalb giveh ;b.ut none'. '.'v-, Vj su :h "exist, ;or can exist, as it respects t " V vour honorable body. Arid perhaps -the aVVi most. certain m:de of preventinc: a repeti-1 'tr -w-"" A p m:ne o preventing a repeti- U of the as-' sumption of a dotfuf right W the erecjf t tiqn ov tne general government oi the as-' - r7 . ( . 4. u i i ' i.. r . Witfra eive'nuaptum oactive "capital for, bank at 'the eVperfte ,of the former one ; mat;y;years,inUse nns the comtnrtwealth qifestion yaiicfiyOur memorialists wi!l not y . , made rapidadvanCesr in her cbmnicfceW- acritate.'1 such a measure ' would' :bv V iiv - I riculturifc' & mahufactures. To 'withdraw from circulatlopo i reatjaniarnountbf that capital as ihqstbe eventually 1 done, py call ing if:the etiredoah,4 male , byls bank' ancl -to lerivjeixbe, b'apkingjdapitalote staie. at its precept ambuiit far less tha$. that qf anY$olMhe'''-grc.at;&mm but be autenaea'wtfyem be suppdsbd hatliisthe, cbarter of theL-in. stitution has alradv,expired',' these evil's if they aije to exi stat aU,";musr hay been m aU ready, jjroduceA SucK would hay been thefcase. if the bankupon the expirktion of its cbartjer. hdd;rehuirtd tnV pavrdent'bf itsl(ian"as tbeTdl smon must pave oeea maoe n ine- greatest iiucramy anu tapuuut;, uau uui auuueiiceu the stoekholdersi Under a risk of rcspon- iiiwbosa? prosperity thev are "tpteVested. si D 1 1 1 ty,w nicnioxniug out an ign s ensew o i I. '.! ; --j..r' -n 'if -jf il- ol' ..-: tion of a new institution is tprthe, mdivld-x y ; , u d states to n rider J3 unnece'ssarDv' ex-V ercising the right5 to a . sufficient 1 '"extent yt'' t v .Ifthc 'Batik of thV Uniteti Statesie ehl'S tirelv diominuedj its" plce'JWill in falf y -f prohabihtv berraiph&bt supplied by"so'nie,: 'T- y-' u 1 1 ic i c,& mi 4i esia i .uijicti tr-1 ut xnaepen-' 4 means Prevent the evils to arise fir6m the " - &Yt 1 diminution "f;calculatiri capital, Jt wouldT for a time;, certafnlv hVSreftse rthem. f'fop :y 'Vc such new institutions could not be furnish ' V ? o1 fount! its" operations withouteitnVr, with. drawing it trom tne rpresent - channels - ot;. 4 circulatiohyand of course still'furtber; exy 4, i , hausting them pr-ithcij -,.yV tHepresentapital nfthe B ftk imTtbe AUii 'itf r.f v -MStaVfi- fButuriHr "thetrpst cVritxddd ; - to.your.'memoriairsis ims jcterraitcriiative, , v cannbttake placeKand U1, irit4sifc?whi'yrvL'f " ,wou!T 'require (it VbVpVotaSfr be ibe means of flivertirtcr it forever to different -' channel.: '.J7or,HiOwever. fromv attachment ofthe state of which' thdart-citiiciaV and V y?y x vovfr (tnemonalists.tnav.wish, to bbtalniiii. r' act of incorporation' irbm -rour. hoc oraMe ' 2 thou-ti thev immediately stoned all bank- fbdvalone---flawever-it'mirut their' in operations yet they.copti . cd; theiri ea;- pnie; to receive their privileges of a char- : ; ertonfof.the'preserva.tioh bf creiitvhicfr (fer frJfn the cbnimomviaitb' of Tcnnry va ' V" ' they, had .been" so lonrr accustomed to pro- niav .d theii pij-sure to cend baok u.ja 1 tectThey suthnrhed their, trustueo iut!:. ' citizens 'the benefits -yhicb quld re collecting of . their debts', toJ'requi re'' pay- u!t "ro:.. ;et the" trust they h..ve rls-ti- ::t rf but t ::;!! portiuni 'ct 'a time, to mf ' it :I: -:r duty ia; ca; j thr lo: ;vi regret.-.' 'Uhquesti-?nkbl"'i;i i:re: Ll ji- I z . J. It ft .

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