rVOlL'ilVh . : J. '. "" 'ctNE.WPERN.iAftJRUAIf, 'FEBSUAHTi9C t8lfcV 'V; . ..V ; 'F- ' '-'4i- i NUMBER'. 166. . - - ' - - --71 , i"i 11" 111 1 ' p- - - -- n 1 it niiiw wiTTw Mini 1 r 1 iM-wwaSMiywIiiiiir Mii'nTi sSw""-" TiTTmrT . 4, '--, -1 . 4 1,: -I viv - -v - - 1 1 ' - x 1 ( f f . 1 , .,. . . 1 ... - . 1 . . . ! . , v -.4. " v. . ' - 1 v. - y;. i. v - , - , s" v . . Me v ti -; 1 v i .,1 ; , o, m " ; PRINTED AND PUBLISHED T ' ; ' ii,.kjLMO& WILL $' " AT TiTlix DOaS PER AHtrPAYA UH3lLFTEARLY-IN ApVANCE. ;Jw ADVERTISEMENTS WIIBE : INS ERTEp r sVEirTY-flVE.CENT A.'sWrkJ THE TlRSt WEEKAND THIRTY-TIVE CENTS .nR X AClf CONTINUATION, i . 4.. fA . VBERN PRICES CURRENT- quan rated: Butter, jBr indf , French do. Apple do. 1 PJach Cotton, Cord ige, j. Flour, Fl.ixseed, ! Gin, Holland d-u Uountry Iron, t Pine Scantlm Plank, Square (Jimfeer, Shingles, 22 mcti -Si ives,W. 0. . hhd. -do. R. 0.4b. da. V,0. fxbl. ; Heading, W jOi hhd, Lird, ; - . Mhsses, 1 - - NIs, at thefactoty Tt, ' - ir Prh, Roin, . - - r r, Turpentine, do. Spirits, PH-, - . i gic - II.S Rum, Jamaica, ' r, -:dcHirtv 1 vdo. Anaericari,,f. SPHt nunvpt ibo do. Fine. do ... ' S'iir, Tobacco, -1 V buehtl bdrrcl bushel gallon lb. lYt ' 10 80 arejiri acouiredf author izy tl(n;alqlj j-froin the!-general trust ZtvithwJjfcJi; thev Idws' to viz: v : , t : p :i ; ;v 1 we'reciotbed, as aTso in jdefefene to lhat Ordnance an? onnaricestoreijfeaiofi qutj5 . - ag4 and othelf qiief?inTj5' - -v T V, Six toropunies of;mbuntVNd "3 Adahional militan'.fore 'y;l.?6b-26 lb. gallon lb. barrel gallon barrel JbUAhei gallon busnela 8 16 18 8 40 8 50 6l ? 10 I ' 'a. " : 20 , t 4a 50 18 10 1 22 ' , 15 8 8 20 10 12 ,12 60 'military o Repairing ycss'els out off i ' -f , cohimis&ionand.purrhnse t ' : - . of UmbVrifor nyat'pjjE-' ; . v poses t ":'fU -t- 680JOOO, Erection of -.additional foj- - ' , ii ; l, tificatiorts j : " 1;000,QOO palling out certaioaorfts of v r t l vblurteers : OOO.Oroi Callincrout militia - . -0lJXX:o?)t- Total extraordinairieexpeu portion of the messacejof the president of vrip w ujlcu ouiics wnicn nau. nesn . special lferrd-tdKneirnsideratibn;f to entt-V usyariy as possible upon system of Ways a4d yi earis calculated to provide a t reve tnX. " suffiieitit uV least to'defrav the, or dmary experces of gOvernmenr, i'arid to pUp the interests! the public debti inclu ding that on neiCloahs which may oeau thoried.,! v' , ny provision falling short of this re qnisitjon; wouldi in!; the opinion !of the committee, betray an . improvidence? in the .VyetnnienU'4 tending to impair it general cractrr, to sap the foundations fof its credit; and to &n feeble-' its energies iijTthe Hr" 'TJPE08011"1""1 of the conteiit into which it lt ;A Tm;Vsoon be driven in defence of it urt- i reft ftt: 1 S iJYY) 'JOO? ...-.tvr ir AfiL ....i. r" 45 Vrl.he. whole of tyhrch sum n is wv.c-wrysJ,,f,1ng continued &.inf)st aggravated ag 70 and J"? cnrdingljv proncri: tl xtji ov J rrois. i Should the ndTious vstem of ' id lojnfconformabte to ihe biif b revvith. rc, . r altogether upon the saidof loans, "18" PdbvtHecommittee?'-; , . ' to): fraving not only 'the extraqrdinarv f 22 l r -. -V'1 , " , r irx:- nurtures or tne.presrn; ana succeeu , PJF aDt- wWfViv,;5r,,fr?JU-y-iri:rtutalao lare portion both of th nngqe same v.e .r, cc;;;f)g or sx prd:?w eKpences oi the governments p is v J6;2,13J,0J And jn l'e evnt of stcVs fall- ; ; Ing below, par tAsfebv im- poking upnn the ; Com mis- siohers of the Sinicniff Ji1undt . ah obligation to purchase m ; reorder to" satisfy the 'animiil - j ; appropriation )l 8 illionsof 1 . doll.frs for thf reductionist- . the public debtJin-'-v amount ' ., to the further sutri oi 3o40.0CO 15 11 50 2 7. 1 85! 2 1 40 1 50 W ' 25 12 9 .75, TO , 65 4 O 13 1 80 1 15 - 80 13 C D f G R S Si Or.SH OF REPndSE YT.lTlVES. MondAY, fe. ir,1812." j Mr. R a conJ front the Committee of .Wap artel Means, made the following f Report t , ; The committee of Ways and Means fov'rjr taken -into consideration the &JJfct the revenue aufKexpenflitnre' of the ;U. S-?u5 ror -the present and two ? succeeding vers, in oarticul ir reference tola state of crtf .mpl nfd war during a greater. portion cft'ut period, aslc leave to .report-- I -' That the ordinary expences during the pfsent vear, grounded on the estimates alr-nclv hd btrlore Congress are estima te! as Follows, vi , ! -'r ! " ' A-' xPnces of a civil nature both ... , - ..ignand domestic. -: ;..S2600OO. riy--excusive of the addi-, r tina militan forpe authori-:; , ssion & including S32.800L U t ., ? ' ' .for the service of the militia vr ln the years 1809,' 18 lO . ii ' 4 v , vsfti ono M l w"ai department,, including. ?. ; . .Vf i . the Marine Corps . f: SQOxib Y f ArsenaUVarmsordnance, re-r i I t P3trs of fortifications f&C. s 'r 5 ' eluding gOOOperra'aV;;,,. ,V;y (v gent appropriations farcthe? , - j1 .purchase and.nlanafact tKtian H -re 6t4,00Q interest ..u:. i.LT tal ordjnfiry expences ;8t400,6o6 etreasun-dunngthe sarne. V r f ?ar afe estimate at vT riS9;200,6o6 CeintSf r - -Uvlh t Which defiat'SnT.i.i; it ?"mM wmaiplng in'th'e; Treasurer close of the t ast Un w Total amount of the principal or the public debt which mar , become reimbursable during f the present year $5,775000 Which sum it is also prrjpb- . sed to authorise the Commis- sjoners of the sinking fund io Jbrrovr, conformable to such biU 'as1 may hereafter be repor- ted:-- i :-r ' That the brdtharv espehces'of government for the year ; ' for.tlipresenHat To which must be added the8 ' inte'rest,' thW accruing ' ' oft .' -j -the Idani proposed to be au- "A thorised or tie service of. ' ., ; the present ear, estimating . theame.at 6 per cnt, and i " t amounting to ? 660,000 'Making the revenue, necessary r to be ' provided, for? paying the ordinary expences and interest onN loans- (for 'that x v year & leaving the extraorv' .x y dibary expences of 'the year ' a also to be provided for by . ".f .loans' " SjeGOOOO jT-riattbe'-; receipts into the . '( Treasury from the present , A , . " " so'urces of revenue dunrti? ' . " " '. v . , .i . T V inat yearcaicuiaiing on a ; state of war d uring p grea I ter Dorti6n of. the reent ' turaliiO at.,.'. v, '3,1(30.000 ITeayidg a deficiency to be pf- r.i ; ' mg e and puolic debt. mcIuOing tni' .new loans, be suffered to prevail, i'o iuJdition d revenues be 'seasonably. piv.HAed, it will result, that th lows u-fi.. n it maybe necessary to adthorise dunta t.heyear 1313, must anlout to at least 1 7,55Q,000 doilrs, and for 1814 to J-H 2'2t .XX)0 doUa'rs'; an operation iwruch, by tnrowmg into the market so large an amount of stock,', accompanied with no a dequue. provisim for aying"even?the in terest vet ruing on such as inav be created, but reh iog- altogether upon the decreas ing ability to borrow for the purpose 'flavi inguc!i interest, must Have a most! unfa ytiraolerffect upon the general price 6f pbb itc stocks, andthex cdnsequenrtei'ms of the loans themselves'. It mav be idded, that a system of that'sprt'wouldiuis Je lievcd, be foui.d to be aitoirether unprece- Virntt d in the iriancial history, of artf wi tion of efllcient measures, which will Iwith. f -I tj i J'-'"- J. .-A -f.,'.. fi : V.-:." ' ' -- IVi cena mty ; provme- means coin men urate y itii uc cxpericci ana Dy preserving, urw . s jmpMretl , insad ;uf abusing thaWpiii : mihent!'depe1ui;iliren I i until an r . persevere in the contest, ; Deace shall haVe bet n obtained. J ' r. . It is then proposed ' by the committee, f k Kof v i,V 7 se - aiui regular f government and must j if itjlded to, produce, at-lid distant peri'Jv tn 5 tr-neral state of public discredit whih that the additional revenue which , will be riecessaryi" 4 to defray the' ordinary expen , ces of government, an d to nav the interest on the public debt; incl udi ugthat on new ' loans which may be anthorised-' should : be immediately provided for in the follow- . 1 AMttdn&i 'Duties on Import and a 1st. An increase, of-the duties . i now pavablejly law on im- f " . ported merchandize calcula- ' ted to yield a net revenue 02,500000 2ds AfurthejS- retention on thefl 4 amount jof all drawbacks al- ' ; lowed by jAwh the cxportaf , , tiojrof goares and mer-i ? 1 Chandize, calculated to yield , a net revenue of . 3d. An additional .tonnage du ty on American and ioreign1 r vessels, calculated' to yiclua net reveijue of 4th. A duty on all salt impor ted, calcjilated to yield a net -revenue of ; . 400,000 160,000 2CK,8do (: I ''1' t3elthe national naaces urftHfe Ivrar o f the revolution, and which nothing but thei peculiar circumstances of thefcoun tryy and the want of, a' well organ ised and efficiient government during the peripd ol that revolution, could at ait justify. J j " To have withheld from the publicvlew fair exposition of the probable !i5tatei of 1 t , videdfor bv additional re- U r f ' . .' .. . .... . . - . .' r rr? ,."ring:tiat year of' -;'' ??p.O0O Estimating theOrjJiriary exen ' ; J ce of 18 14'as for tfieTpmerit. V s ear at about. : rj '.: V v S9.000.000 And adding tKf inUifestac-:f v ' r crujng on , the loan proposed thevfiscal concerns pf the government, iuh o!t r the very first "pressure of active war,; or to have' deferred sulimitting toT the House siich a system as in the opinion of the co:mmitte&'aL'indispensable'tb plae the revenues of ( the tountry Upon a basis jcommensurate yrithr thev public exigenciei iwoilfd, in their judgment, " at once have e vincfed. in the ees of foreign nations' an imbecility jf action and of design, the ef fects of which must be too obvious, to be Inrstak'en. ' And s it regards our own country would have 7 indicated a policy as feeble and short sighted as jt must Have been .considered l,eceptiye and disingenu pusas unworthy tjthe-rulers olf a free and enlightened nation asin itsresult it Would have. been. found fatal to its. interests, and p -raiysing to all its efforts It' is obvious. .mat ine wnoie amount wnicn it is necessa cv'to raise iu ordertb meet "the -anticipated (ieficit of Teyentie - for lthe ensuing) years; T3 indeed, moderate wlfen 'ccfmparedei tjitri with the pculationand wealthrvthe v I a,, 1 nan rr ina aiso tne interest inen ac- - : : crumg on the; wan4 wnich-m . : ' .all taobnuihtyniaY'be neces : satv to cOver. the extrannii , K nary exb'ences of. 1 81 3, land ' ' r awhic)i it wou!o;not be pf;u- 1 ? Making ihe "revenue necessalYX.T" V . ' intprpftt'-nn " lnarmr.fnr that v i year 8t leaving the txtrabr- v-- Estimating ;the receipts' mto. , ,rj ' K the: treasury from the prev-- sent sources orreyenue duj Jj . , rinc: tbatea(r at - -r S3, 100,000 vjded foVby:;alditional ref & V ' 4 venues J o ; bej received du- ..V , : m liSoo,ooo V.. ST 2- u "' th.n1, pn )in4,:.whKh4J in S1 ilt bPM rin that"vr;Pf." Vg7,2ao;bo0 itaucial .situation ol the government 1 tbe-bame-iiv the, judgment of the committee' tVieir imnerius dutvi astvell.iaf referenre rjty"iif;thei people, olthe' United Statute? r suchbar thensas1 af ej inliWpensible ko this, end, would be 'tb- doubt their dispVsi tjns,to meet seHduslv ; the contest whichls presentee to them, "apd would go"far to proye that it ,had bettef nq$ haye,breeis at tempted'-; ;-V. ;VA'0:.''' o JVdoubHhe readiness bf Uhe govern .menttobrihgy prbraiptry and efficiently' have so' recently and distinctly given tolthe' world in - that ft sheet, and" -would imply a ter of the; Secretary the VTrastinS iri Uoswer to jth'e i$everalrenuiricfmadef n i m oy in eir oru gjc,i an a -w n i c n u as u c j ry -ore been laid' before the t Hduse-concur-. opinion expresseuiuy x u.wiwi pears t6be of yitalimportahce s, that the crish should at otice be met by-' the r.ddp- &66$od t4 iarOjOOfi; Total net ntnbunt bf rejrenue es- v Umatifd from -'additional du- ! tiei, of i mport and tonnage '. 533,200000 1 2tf. Internal Jlutie. 1st A duty! dn licences to dis til: spirits; from foreign1 and dom sticriaterials, calculated $ to yield a gross rc Venue of 7SpOO- 2d. A duty oh licences to retai- - , lers of'wihe spirits, and fo reign rhercShandize, including , , . 7 tavern-keepers, calculated to r yifeltl a grdss rteVenue of id; AidutV on Wes at auction y' oj ioreign imercnanaize ana ; of vessels, calculated to yield across revenue of 5N : : v. ' th. duty f)n all siigars refi- - rieajp tne united autes, cal .culated to yitld a jgross 2 tve - --' nue of ; , .j ". .t".. : ' ; sod,CX5a 5th.iluty on carrjag'es used fot the conveyance of pei-sonsi t calculated to yield a gross- revenue: of I": ' .' 150100- 6th. A duty on various instru- ' ' ;mehts of writmg, to be col- - " lected by means of stamps ' calculated to yieiH a grpstf re- V Vehueif ( ' ; '450,000 Tdtal gross amdUnt of reVenue ' estimated rom internal ddr, . ties r J, f 551,725,000 . 3. -Direct Taxr. - A direct tax tov be laid' and- ' apportioned iimongthe seve- y : ral ' states - according to the r r 1 :1 ''i i 't VuIe.priescribedby;the'Coiisti- ' J t-. V- tution gmss amount : 3,000,000 T6talrosi dniQUfit Estimated ' ': to be teceiveai from internal r, 1 duties' and direct- tax, when. , ' Vs they? shall be effectually or-t f' ? gaiiizedbr id' 1814) - S4,;25,0vX DedufcJ expence,of issessmen - : J. -collection: ana UsatsT at a- - ' ' vWwut 1$ per cent: . . !- . J $700,000 J5et ambunt estimated fronjn-. ,; T 1 1 4 i ternai duties and direct taxfor.V ' ; ,v V1814.; r-: . ,1-v 24,025,000 v. I! ;."f t - 'J 'J Netramduht estimated from ad- " , V r tonnage, t internal . .duties and o' 1 ' ' J V, direct ?ax; for 18U . y 7,225,000 ; , "But .which on account 6f tne J " ' . ; J -lneectualorgahzition,6fthe?, 4 z&m&M$& i C,:-: i sir- smmihT n" n enm ht , i j.- v , cirt f f , - i if -r . - v" j ? .y jt Leaymg th tlVinated fcr8'!4t : K: - ' 75,000 : ---M jAna ior tmsr purpose; the, Committee Te - x;ommtrtdstp:the House the adoption of theC'i-' suspicion oi weir nrinucj;uM 7" CfP- ! V. f . V " - - f fof moment to be eriterta:nd 'lPfTtan addition Sbfejokt & ior a "morefuii, tc distinct -elucidation ier centvbiade to 7tW everalrates6f-; V. r.v; of the gefnehd subject whicjiit';has5 become permanent duties rioHy;impdsev:Uif-oa:x". the dut)f thef commUiee foresntlto the all goods wres mVrchahdiser ixri-?f :: House, .thev beleae to iefer to the let-Tparteov into the United bttcs.r T : !. . . - taJned'onUthe whScks iUlowe'bj Jar; ' '?f' I on:- theVxportationlof-vcrobds, . wares and : rC-fJ ' r i: . - , merchandise,, esported'fr im the U. States: ?i ;3 esclvedj That. xifMitiohalvtomirga . , duties-be fa id nt the fe'lowing ratevviz ;,VJ . ' ' "" lst. On -all vesiehMicensedfor-tbe ccVt-C r ' in fr: 'j or fisheries, SC'.enlsptr ti r.-ye--. N