In -iVv ; ; NEVBEIOJ, SATURDAY,-812. - rw-- 'V-'f NUMBER 169 J -v c . ii r i i mi i l: 111 5 V yfr. rt DOLLA(8 PER ANNU,MvA,TA 14 "r EARLY"- N ADVANCE; ADVERTISEMENTS WILL; BE. -HfSRTED .r jEVRNTT-FIVE CElfTS A SCjiURK, THE ! ; 'Is J? . -a v . -nST WtffcKv AND : THlRTT-tlVE CENTR j0r EACH CONTINUATION ,; , . . tes have beep rchdered with the - expec ta tion if hot the promise of remuneration v ; I nt ceWin someof 'he secret service jnbney goes to 7 I the .purchase of certain federalists.' JTlxey "NEVBERN PRICED CURRENT, .'A C? Butter, r k , - Brindy, French do. Aprvle . J do. Pachr - Meal, - ' Cotton, , r s ... : CoTee, . " Cordtge, - -. Flour, j " ( Fl ixseed; ; ( - ' . Gin, folland -do. Country!' - Icn, - L - .' Pine, Plauk, -Square Timber, Shindes. 22 inch, 5t.ives, VW O. hhd, do. R. do. vv.o; bbi. Ilea ling, W O. hhd L-ir'iv i- . - "" . Nails, at the factory T.r, -! -Pilch, - -Rosin, "V Turpentine, -do. . Spirits. Porkv Rirc, -. Rum, Jamaica. - , - do. w.;;i;r; do. American, Salt Uurn, per 1001 do. Fine, , iQ Tobacco, - JLbi Barrel lb. gallon bushel lb. barrel bushel gallon lb. , ivi t lb. gallon lb. barrel gallon barrel 12 bushel 2 gallon; bushels r CWt. 12; 4 FIiO.MiOUH CORRESPONDENT. Washington Feb. '2Q I hein to entertain, more and more, frars thatltbnugh.we may not rhaye the form, we shall, as Mr. Jefferson - said - to, JW sztti have the substance of the British government imposed on us b y democrats,? at least so far re Jates to every species of corruption. J , i Woulii you believe it impossible, tlsat; men. w ho j years ajjo, inveied , wUri sof i much zeal agttinst having secretin govern .cu-nts, would n?vn-eadijv vote to ptut- in-s 'to the hands of the Executive 0NE- fiVjSA DR E D THOUSAND DOI- A RS, orj 'SECRET SERVICE moftey, io boused, for purpose? -fif corruption,; ?of ,how'd.eeP .die they prQbably will never 1c now, l: r; Uhisj dav by ayes antn 3csn is to 1, this great? cum has,ben voted; t!?: b put underthe control of the PcuyeVraqd th:-.hotse1 T- neysto, know o wljaC ij is be? Mr. Bacon .GvbPSSuPtfllVe,! blares bim a denaocratg3jn,R,tt!hijudgeT: dent, I m , Somewhat ofea;avutj(t? -Jou know) refenredJib.e ' housK. tQ.vthVpresent" critical state of the k nation,, which", would; pmce: , vwuness , ;rano;7--r, an jxv indeedithatsl trit almost ill .iroguen arid sln'ishowiout. of !the, bodvof ; federal iisnii- dux, mere ae some to .wnom n pould be miproper : to give aA office or whoeed it mot, wW may ret .be. bought tp do. much for the party by their activity of scnbbling at least -I ;v6ufd not have yoij suppose T. have any ide of s'uch a charac ter as "the sage of Quincy., , fYet '. the nvu) AvhorcouldtretlirPtckeri)ag as;, he was treated or who could Ttrample , with re vengeful ferociousness, on the asJit-s of a Hamilton must want but a price for av myjtljing Adams triumphing, over HamiU tOn f r :-r - : h : ... 1 V I see dwarf who tlarea his foot to rest , , ,On a recumbent Gktsii.mple chest, -j Aii4 iiftmg bi irt forw tot public sigbt, U - BoasU" like a child. H owri superior height-" - if there be,, (and perhaps there yet are) ,any :MqrfZrigue& ampn - the federalists mark nnv prediction the appropriation of SlOQ,000 vill not all be expended before some o the"k; ipeniing purt will goover to the side; of l the goats. rSbme of these will beunder; conviction , visi ted by the grace of Gpd -in dollp. , A :prcttv?littibUl:?V ordered to. a third reading to day. lXfca4ithorises the.borrow ing of a triflingiietb Commenceth be ginmrlg of hostilities. 1 1 is.epecteil that Billyv Gray, oi iplem, will devote the pro fits of a voyage of . one-of his East ludia i traders to' the services, of government, .and that he will exemplify his patnptism by ta-i king; 'asm all portion of hi S s toe ki h (; trade j by to cash? and loaning it: to atA' 1 in country. The lill only mentions" Eleven 4 5 f MUlhns. I hope JVI u (Gray' will do it.; it wilt oe setting a noDie:exampie to otnyi fich patriots . v As, we shall probably want tour? of 'five hundred millions befbrfe the war isoverV others, seeing his -good works may cmerforwnrd. aiidloan, soiue thirty sbiftvini'Hion'S'.f tall ;w hicfcc4nc?4eja: silv be repaid a dosson , ye irsr hen ce from tne Bale or tne lana, we snau strai in cana da Ort if we , should not; even nar, the. losers wil I h ardj y miss it : V ct rta i nl y th ey wiU not sensibly feeJi theiloss. Yes, . I heard a man say to day, that pro bably Billy Gray and his rriend? could raise the mone v Why last full, the whole, tate of Massachusetts qpuld'hardlvv raise gQOOOO, the, first instal ment ' for their bank. Wr ' The bill provides that the money : ihaH not be reimburseable' under twelve r yearsi; Perhaps when'; the war is tover, govern men r will sell the Canada-lands-4indVspeq ulStie with the money i shave at per. cent' a monttikf -, 4 v v -1 ' v' ' ?, v;: The; Contjtutiori,hras ttoght. dis'paicn-; es irom iariqw y out eunier iwor insiprnm cant or inauspiciouauorv the publicveii Ttl .is lmppssible however that, the president mag ('fxjmopicajt.sonthii to thehpu tbi.morvr.; some tnoreC- Bonaparte Ioye,ofheAmencans.lfc. , , ; Te'pet'ill4 Jc;-aIoigiom?rmtS in JIay, and .W snaltadiourti about the 4thf ;Ur- Ah jausmcirius da f thf Wold be; for an adjournmentf- - . v,- i ; VlV f . rt Philadelphia. Gazette! I j I NTE R EJSjTIN.GlKE VIA t i w 20, 25 13v , 40 t 80 80 65 re 55 13 prohably call Tor apart ;a tlasl, of "this mo Dev. Bat ho"w'?:MlJi2rwell for one j tem (if I uncbrstand, hiai . rfghtlJ'V)"' hiritedj Ibat some part ofitHrould wbeiveroployed in tling difficulties1 wnH respect to- Flprida;1 ButhpwrVl vanf Spanish com mahders I? JLs amof i tito go toj Canada? Let usiconsidefv lPerhapsV;S5QX adians, who1 might hold the fate ( of' their wuntrv in their hands i-:WSat a" nobl&ex-s 1upie.: uet no more ot outt democrats com-, lab of BritisV mvksi4iBVAiviitA I HlB6?-13 - thatno secret I .Mmonev Xntlnm'fom jniefA rvice tourset jund i I believe i t isnrcknatned tvaa aPprqpriateddast year,;on iccount of anp (wghf or carelessness--ahd services macl VD performed which the government are. ?;:.t r n 1 1 -1 iJMshofbugh i asltebV him if aW ! fei?tW(l-WeikSadev iKn y ;t otolutelv conftacti; theCRanceli bl99ney bad f been -naldibr;1 last Vear'a ' f?0 fev thrvementVspfes aqd-a- f fits athome anoabrpad) biit Uh eeryi. reubjecti as tley sat 'dispasstonate i con-i oiu.ciui.iuu, t is mpmpreMensiqiy . singular iuai iney couioi not ,nna y expressions tooi somewhat mote dispassionate than , the Tol lQWgi and cyothex If vrevc not rtished t6'(the t6eld "ojf battle liEel the nations who'afe lei ty the ''idimliiibii t Asingle.cVieR .or by, the avicelof a cor rufcted cdurt ithasnot Droceeded from a leaf of war," but fro)n 6ur; love" of justice aadumanity.'Iow, in the firstlnstance to say, in less turgid language ;that they havenanlljeen prevented ; fron ping to Vfar L-by ' Aeirloye of ; Justice i pt in , other words that tey have only not gon to war because they had no j ust cause to go o. war about, n,ot sayinpr much in favor of their humanity ; ; arid. x; iw tb& nxt, . ourjcourt ui.y uc pi. euuugn ; , out tpat corrup-, tibn i3..afUaku4 if nothing else isv therre iult of municipal regulation among oUr sel ves .; and Aerefore,! forms no part ofa d ispassionate enquiry .upon ForeignafFair by, a committee f the A me'rk an congress, j Uponjhe aleuotL;that'e; French f e diets are a justification of Our retaliatory orders, . the committee thus reasons ifc Asif Shelaw of jnatipn fbundeo! on ther eternal rules of justice could sanction a principle, hichf , Jf engrafted ;. ititp, tur ; municSpai 'fodc,;;.would excusfc 4 the crime of rebper iipon the sole plea, that the 'unfortunate object of his. rapacity was also a vjctin to the injustice.of. anoth er" We will hereTa?lc of ariyf weilljnqt say impartial person, but eyen pf any well informed one, though of princmles hostile uxour interests, whether this ilW simP ihuuc, a jusc eppusue Qescriptpn ot, our plea,? ... Whether it is npt, in tnith, t wholly the reversei?; atidiwhetherith which i t is con veed is not Wgfdv irntable gnd inflamatory,j rather; than 4 calm and dispassionate ?7f Do welaira the right tt rob America, because France has robbed jierf- is it not; nf. the, ; contrary ; the sole no!ationpf aHur retaliatory orders that Franc e.should riot able to injure us through America ? Wijthtbe rpbbery or plunder to wtech the Dmted:S been sub jected by Bonaparte we haieho concern i if is oniy 10 .prevent jni warring: upon (Sreat-Bj itain in 4,w hitherto prohibited by the.Iaw Of nations that We haVe issued arjd enforced.our obnoxious edicts A raerica is as it were,. V neutral "hoiise be tween twa hostile neighbors. Jf any anX tagonist enters and, pillages I'thefpeacefui mansion', and tKeH retires, we lament the ft 'ohg' infli 'rtedad sustained r . but hot being the direct surers, fw do; no' more it is only when'hejseeks tirpugh thejmt mediate premisesijjtoj reach imdi ruin our domain, that we.sfep foth; I tjs we 'have a VighV andneaypr td'yfivejiinil from the contiguous iliiigith ottV injry certainlv to neutral .oerst utfrom which we are,; cearly? tfy gaertj. , ;; r (We,come , npwtpVthe1 milt 'jmportattj pVjint of this document, 'as .itWraes to. fii ture, discussions,; ana tie upn vhich we from th London TiMiEsx)r jfAKpARV 4. .v.Quv papetot contains adocument trom America, , ov jar. te mast, important jn.isigeneral contents; andVthe-most wci; like inits, depunciations.agamstthis: cpunj try, of any that haveJbeettmthertoxeceiyeds It should. seem, tt truth, so warmiis its temy neramenu : to be immediately introductory! tpacMrao pprt;,of tne'comcaittee to wnos,conidera- tion,that part or , the , president's .message fetor l- lv I A .aJ. a iHMAiMML r.-- J raurstcYve. tnmn lt.our myto.raa&e atew? observations upon. this productions m thatS tnpse vyno.axtenu to us mrougnouti.iu CQ3 committee, bemn, by statrngthat incyiiavc givcw 'iiuc; uujTOjracrrrpyia latter Vord wai'sUiy lntrodticed . by somel wicked ,dissen:ient ofth jartv .with; a; viwimifohize arid bq'ax one of the Tmbst heatea effusions 6f the 'hfirhanMnind' that ever yet, appeared jntthestiape-of-a'Politi' CcHaogument ;jw wncuttss svctr.5 prohibit rthe admissibtt .of sugarsi-beinir" v.l disposed to encourage the extra'cHoaotVr j, Uirm frohi beet-riot 5 Neither half, anfo r; cedure:bf this natueve'r ;hithcrfe beeb ?j1 considered, as aact : of hostility rbecadsfe 1 it is notorious, ! jthat when nations - hbf ' i have' dong been at; war havf concluded j theit dinerence by a Jtreaty.of peace,Wct I commercial relationa between them are not 1 Formerly resumed :til a second treaty O 4 ti tnat enecta commercial' treat-wias 4s ken;placer And whj I BccaiisKeach j tioa still retains in! its hands Wen; afterSt ; . Kit, has laid down the i mtisket; the powefv of excludibgthc combdities of its' late d v vemry i and of bargaining bt refusing to, bargain, .for-their admisnion by a. counter- I va'dtng emission pits oiyri. V ff he jFcf usal ; thereforef fojrign qommddoties may be, . vj unfriendly J but it; nevertheless; Mesial 4 ' from a natural ppwief vestedihvery T1 a ji vereigptribr; thb' jihteiiial-veiiimeui-A vJt its bVn "affairs; :It- mav be Tiunished bv' t! other kingdoms with reciprocal and simV lar restriction k 1 hht' an nM? iri the firt instance be made the! just grounds df ;war.- ; A ? t- ; ' ..v-i" ; ' p But, ay, t'lose whpvmain&n the1 doc- r f trine which we are refutinir, u the sugar ? 1 lur wuicu you wouia procure aamssion ou the Continent, arereally and bonafide merican sugars. they niav. haVp been sold. (. throui an Jhundredf hands.' :B? ft J ' Our armenreacthis Vaie;ilndif v they atic American sugars; what iave we to do With menj America to open channels for the expbrt of her own property What rit-have"wetv t ranee; or we will punish you V TT-J naa ppnaparte pronmited Amencatrom our: sugafwtiet rovinceaffl ahtJ sHe Acquiesced then, iiedi 'we:micht riave .1 .--1' 'it f A . 1. , tain . inaycarry her pretensibmi tfo far it wefhaye insisted through," ur'aired.ite3 Minfsterlt Foster, that Jthe fcpeal of sthefdrders in pouncil must be preceded, ihot pnlyvbthe' practical abandonment of r;-ane uecreeoi oeruu anaJinanjVSo lar as, they infringe5; jtiei neutral Rights' of the, United States but by; i 5renuncia L tion on ihepirtv of Erance of the whole chasti sed tier acquies measure as' that which has been recommen d We might havsaid Mfat his bid- , ditig j ou f efuie otir colonial expbrts,voii at Our bidding shall: decline accepting h! wines." But the case ndw under consider ftttbUi;vrKb'liv4 v w S nieasuresl thatmay be "i pursu ; bur we have citainlh Wie,canhbtKelpntei4 We. jd heglad to vfind ilnf ounde4 that their intendonsare to pursue, that 'course r of which we are impuiirig the ' legalitv-: or We should otherwise.not have bestowed so many words dpoh the siibjett. Thrdugh jEngland has hitherto idojited council at' once Suggested by xpediencv, arid conso-v pant with justice. IWe shall be'sprrV to see her now deviate front the direct line That' there is great difficulty attending the management of these concerns Js fobvibus : for Bonaparte himself after ; the exoeri- ;erice of sbmariy years, , has nowatlast pre amucua regulation wnoiiy;;aitterent 'tront all proceeding - There call be no qdestioiii bur that, if heha fceen; able Ho' discern thel effect and quality of Jisbo acts; hevbulci haveprocedeJ by "the ? way J 6fmunicigaitarrageme iriore;thjirifotir yearVago, : whenhe promulgated tnV'Ber fin : decree j A We endeavoured to''abate thethjdrioUs efficacy of tffcT&d'tus 'other; : : H tO S'uch onlv Would we rtiavif rrpr?nV in i therpsenVristarice forVthgfeatest ;:fottjicr syieuiioiruneriai . wariare a- xiaji 6ye JBtaiV of; whfch hose 4? decrees originally formed a-part-" "We yem,addumnjto;t ed elsewhere,j and moreWriecialhr frorii i letter Avith some,,appearahcerof .1 fcthohfy; nrimnallv. inserted in thift nanerr Jthat- mtif afeo:wf?Americ InaaeVrece tercomtherqperty; penalty; ?pf erica e obtam .cracea:ipm Erance. will j?ets at leas, t,; the; cttnuanc ofoun pjders. in wwalt-:wea.hpuld'ihe i3erlin and Milan decrees be actualfy witht 4n? tPPH ?pme measure, of a more severe nature v we suspect we ?Ahall npt oeiustinea either in excungsucn con- a. qiion, or. in lnmciinj euco a punisnmcn on the refusal of itr' It appear to ush that any independent nation has either in peace pr .war," a full right, t in the way, of munici pat regulatiori tocldse its ports in part; ofwhollv. i kgainstt thenroduceVdfuy; quarter of-the globe. Eoaaparte- has thb which are only imported intr the XT nited Statesf He may idecline Accepting her jcbttons, -for.jthe sake- of. encouraging I the rfowtbof that! article the South' of Franc y and c- the came T 2a v(cr, in-1 lcan r I 1 -3i vl inurapa.uiai ne can ootam pver us, would - - . be to proye Ustn any degree likehimself; 1 : It appears; tKejre has becfnASdaabldtid a, fight betwjceirthe, American .seamenvav . i-Vj SannahndtherewifsomeF i i prtyatee lying there J but as thislVno na- i tibnal occurrence;we 1 do no esteem4t i WOrthy'dfmoreJtioticej ' K-K- y ' ' CThe'rsloqpbfwafv 'Kl beared of despatctiedju ,; raerfcaVls amved -! at"C6w:S Wifh Mrtl--K i- Tayt6rtind; Lieut; ;Bddl9 who ;re , bearers f; despatches-td '&e'4&&tenc&&' hfthM' itrttM nlM MfiAlno J ,U. LJ.J ' fv (- . froru,Mr.Foster. ' " " ! ;tp::f w ,-1 -r-. . .1 . , r ''V , . r-t -I 1 - jf ta;; Captain Ceoter-. arrived atthis'port y es- I : terdaymorriinV. in 44 daya from Pfyraouth : i ;nr j c d bnngs;Lpn6n paperi. to the evenjn yj ' of the 14th JanuiryXthrec days thellates): 1 1 j i: dsLJ bfthe same date-.fife vhicl i r. jred -t the pmce of thejAfer- 1 -crnT Ar ?rtr Tteintellicey;;:; ccIh.. ' : c;l':. -"crtancefo the Arris-- :r' onhr ts!:en ulao 4 r v -r-vv

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