FEjDI A 4rVVr, ..iW crct agent or. the Brttub-:goxernmmt ; al- nd encerprisinirt no miu couUJ better .lopeit will have, a crcneral circulation and v. . I .'t r- - - -. 1 r ir- -- V K HS W F W".. V W W llllfllllll.il B I U j' fl V f 1 1 I I I a . W M t 1 .11111 Jl': 111. . I 11 I - Mil III! Mill llllll I'JII ' IJ1 i 1 lM , .k' .ii ' f AOVERTISEMENTa WILL BE JNSEKTt f SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS A SQJJARE; TUE jlRST WEEK, AjkD, THilRY-TIVE: CENTS f0R EACH CONTINUATION. , , , y-.-; ;" r From theBoston Repertory, v ) ' , JL'ETTF.R- 111. - TO THK CITIZENS OF THE , mqMMQ Xtr&iLriT 0 M SS AC HIT SETTS. h .nbjrgo :irijl W ir with G. Britain. Fellow Citizens, . in my last tetter. I gave the historv of Pr sitlent Jeftcrson's embargo in 1 807. jjv aMlertaking to state his reasons for r coininding the destructive measure, he ,5 e xposd hi msel f to de tec tion ; and I prtis.ime thit every fair-minded reader will be: convinced-: from his owit documents which I recite I, of his hypocrisy' dupljci tv, lalsehood and treacheryV President ilutYison has beenk more cautions in his emh rn;o, assigning no specifick reasons fir rccommendmg & But we h:ive Mr. Ij -lTersivn's Assurance (in his answer to the of ofneeythut Mti -Madison, when secre- ttrv (if st te, had cordially co-operated With him in his neasures ; whi :h hecon 6:lrT(rd as a pledge, that, now become Pre sijdnt, he wouhl pursue the same svstem. jlnt this, testimony of his ptron was not m'eci-ssary to induce a full expectation and belief in those who were acquainted 'With jVlr. Madison's political character, tnat br would go on in the same course. That jit-should therefore recommvnded an em tV at th juncture $ perfectly nconsist ent. Ilavine iomed with the French era- fe-ror " in twisting a knot about our neccs" ins further CQ-operat?on was naturauv to be c peaedf' ;, And nothing could so. effec tual I v , prvmote, the' emperor's viewsi at this time ns fan embargo to be followed bfn War with GretBrita;n., Such a war, h'weer, I jthink vir. Madison must be a ltthtrr1fH,:,'iv', would -not, b; sufli",ient- Iv pOfilarof Him to;-; venture, iipon unless urcHJ vriiHjn can, uv some cunuui'iuiiu acratent, being Jpuced to commence ; & in some way that mav enable him to per (tiU'df ihepecple that he had taken even' tt'vtsibte ''nrecaution to aoid a war. -The pr ceddin in East Florida mav lead themselves, that Henrv was emnloved fiv Craig with' the kno wledge of his government, ?;Withthe like .baseness and wi th the, absolute wabtl of .trut hy -M r. 1 a dison saysi1. t?at Henry was fci 'employed in fomenting disaffection to'the constituted authoVities of the nation, and in intrigues ;with the disaffected,;, for the purpose of bnngingabout'rrsistfihce-to the laws, imd eventually, in concert with a Britishrforce of rfeVtrbvinff the Union." But, there is nothing in. Hehrr's papers toj warrant tn is accusation. , Fjenry sai he did not open his lips to a single pejon on thOubject of his mission. , Of course he did not "fo ment disaffection to the constituted author ities of. the nation,' nor from any intrigues with the disaff-cted " ; It is a vile sUndcr onithe respctaj!e,tf,f5 inhabit nr. of Bos ton,' whom .tr. M-niisori meant to desig natehy theierm disaffected.'?; And why should Mr. M t4.ison in a formid commu nication to Congress utter this base' shin1 der ? The important elections-in Massa chusetts were approaching. His .message was short andwduld be read hy jtiofaantis while Henry's, documents were ' and would beAread by jew2 t And'still fewer likelv to readthem'wjth the attention re q.iisite to detect Mr. rMadi son's misrep resentations ' ' - ! ' But to return to East I Iflorida. The British minister at Washington, Mr. IoV, ter, on the Jth of September last, stated to lr. M onroe. Secretary of State, his in formation received from the Spanish mh isterin Philadelphia, that Governor Mat thews of Georgia; was on the frontiers W East Florida, " for the purpose tf treating wiui i iic iiuuiiJiLHius oi mat orovince, ior its t)t ing delivered up to the United States' go vernment ; that he was with ttyis view u sig evory methbd;6C seduction to effect his purpose ; offering to , each white inhab itant who wookfrside with i Him 50 acres of igns on'East Fioridi. fmVno bpe. wl fouht-wheuy( .additnit Governor -M t thews'wati the governor of GeorffiaiVwhen to w .sthe act of Congress secfetiv -passed during the lastjsession of Congress, aii th )rlsin thePresidt'nt tp take bosstsshn if "that Spanish provided, Zn ca.ie an ar hi igemtnt had been or should be madxvnth, the local dnthoritimthereof for Jdelhrinsr possession b1 tt jor of nny.part of the United St tes ; or in the event of dn attempt to oc cuoif that province or any part of it byanu foreign government And. one hundred thousand .dollar's were appropriated and pi tcedfat the. President's" disposal, u to de fray sucli expenses as the-President might d'-em necessary , for obtaining as aforesaid and securitv of that territory . t -The provisions of this act, and subse cjuent events, derser ve consideration. . And first, Hdw was the President to "obtain possession, of East Florida ? u By ; an. ar Jane'ment with the local .authority there of." And! what constituted that u local authority ?'? ( And why attempt , an .ar rangnent" with those Spanish officers? The President and 'Congress " knew - that tlv Sover etgd power of Spain alone ould. lai'-tiuiy m ike art k arrangement,; ror trans ferring the; possession .ot the province of the; United States ' Wiat sort, of an ar rnment,",then could' be made vith the gfvernbur and other -offiers of East FlorU d. 'There could be but one- and thait one could be acibriplished onlv.bv thVvo- wnvirY'ireason m cnose omcers oi iwnicn the Prekidpnt ws to' fake advanttcrpl or I by hi$ employ ing our agents to seduce thej.n ' knees (or injuries . """A" l"ft u v , ut uji ium isn- government in tr. tein pt ' them, to become; traitors ' to their ! fifteen years- V ail ?cf uHintryv; Ana trpm ,tne,"statement i m hadreason; tbibdieve. no tv making, 'such Will appear to have been tnerdeliberate plan .ot the;virtuou and in hjs iatemessatitf'to jCongressojiifnunt; eatin'ffthV papers. delivered Him bv Tohri XienrvC' afTer.tP!f!'frthf rlf-pnUV woiiwrlrl .''li an actpT Gen'erat Cfaijr theBfitish gover nor of Canada," in sending flenrv'tbv BoiC rtoo t fltearn;-ifrtherete; aaV!irjith: irf. his . -vV vYnav wasneiiuauonoi punuc att airs,and : theTstretfgtK of plans of parties,, at a. time?when,tne :cGruntry ' was.'frroaninff Und iind the guarahtee ;oChs religion od property ; stipbliting also that the Ame rican governmentwould pay the debes .f her Spanish government whether, due in pensions t)r otherwise ; and thdt he would cause officers and soldiers of the garrison to be conveyed to . such1 places as should be I indicated- this remit. The basisof thesQ proceeding choose t? enfcr intQ the servke of .the Spates." These terms-held out to the Spa nish subjects of Florida, have on the. f .ce pf them the stamps of pubiick authority. A private individual, for his own pnvate purposes he would never have dreamed of making such overtures.; Mr, Foster dds 44 after the sokm'n asseverations : which you gave me in the month of JuK , that no intentions hostile 'to the Spanish interests in FloTi la existed on the part of your go vefnment. Al am wholl mable to sup pose that. General Matthews can have had Lbrders from the President for the conduct he is stated to be pursuing'; but themeas ures he .is said to be taking in correspond ing with; traitors'and endeavoring by bri bery nd eveVy art of seduction to; infuse a spirit fbettion igto the'snbjects of the king of Spain in those quarters, are rsuch as .tocree the - liveliest inquietude, nd to call for the most early.intejrfertnqe on the part of tie. government pf tne. JLTnited Stateis.' ftnd thcnMf.;jPoste asks" , Mr. Monroe an. explanation of those alarming steps bf governor Matthews for suoverting tne Spanish autHonty in Flori . Nearly two months are suffered tbVe lapse before Mr. 1 Monroe gives an answer to Mr. Foster. ' At length' on the th 'of November 1811, he sends hint bne, drawn uptwhh all the art with which Mr.' t Mad ison is capaSle ' Instead bf the Requested ,y e a 1 loug laie, oi gnev received from tne Span ie course; of th6 jjast which 'MrVrMadisoti and' whichV when tihie permits I !wdl show to have, brigina , tedywith 4 the French Government, while S;Vainwas' absolutely, under her ; control! AndMr.Fosters equesit to be informed "l uon what authority Governor MatthevvW was actings and what measures had been taken to pur a , stop t6 ::his ptoceedings,1? N wA?altogeth cr 'evaded. v: Those' weri the i ooiv important points jn -urrr osterfs let ter ; and to theni'hebbtaihV'noansWer. cheLegislatufe.df this sute":made grants, to some companies ; of speculat')rsbrir millions Qfcac'reiqfhiiav claimed b0undurie3l o( that State: j and the giiver nbr's i agency iy,is necessary to the co'mple ti on of those grants.' f B ut the ' succeeding legislature "declared they had been obtain ed by gross-bribery and corruption scf- a trocious that thy laws" bvvirtue of which 1 thQse grants had been made, were expun ged! fro.h theii recbrds and stanipedwith all th many tto; whooi it is"ftiQr6lpariculirlyr acl--; 4 d reseditwiii not 6i ibst upon the r : jeba s ti x . ! ; taentstW-wh6Aejadraeti&;'und PiramVut 't T authority direct appeal error and abu?e;bf power.- i - V- :,: " r . OF TH ii lltfl Th ri n c'-"- ' ;'y ' Feeoie and transuorjr: as 'arVihe1!m-- v- V pressions prodiiQeby 'jchexp6suS"br: jpotf K : ;: ltical errors iimiH4f.fh:itrtMA.i ,r ,f. chancevoe of.some use'callybuVieri attention to ' sbme rbf the thAracte'rir nJ' V " omaliect of the times e'ljrnomv which a Publick burainsr be-' Qi vour honnrbl taXZx- s '. - tore. the assembled pebple could inflict. :: (have been indubedfto' thlnh;Siiw'-.l f -, VVchaye "ust now received advices, bV of an existing combafct -with -r'arice ?itieyrar the newsp Vers, , bf the effects of Gover- are under an indispenkble 'bij aibur vrattneVagency.. A party of Spa-j V(,te for a VlecKiration ' of f yar affaibts G3". r f rush sanjecia; excitefl to an . insurrection, Britan ; others, although 'they 'feel not the 4" ; ; have 'aeuedupon the Spanish io m A: jorce of dnyjsuch.compactarkvet'of thb meha Island ; the commander of theJm- opinionthat cosistehtly wUh thi 6omevhF btiites gun boats there giving countenance, ourrpublic proceedings; 'thevWnbrwth ' and support to the insurgents and, the co hold tndir votes -for such- a declamon -rT - ""rltrU ' :r -.V: - 1 r. . UiIC arc$-u: is sau:, otners who would nrei - y neighboring shore 6f .Georgia, ; detaching fet ;a; declaration of. -war l ajramst Gre Ki a company of riflemen, who accompanied Britain tbabv meatYir ia u , ; t' anv mftaqurf f ha . i . i W Gen. iMatthevysrreceived the surrep. )vs dbv the wisdom bf.man.s to the I.st' ' der ot the place tp the American arms:!-- , class, should, there unhanbl! Now let Mr. Marjison again petuletitly ' jHfeVare really too :faf,belbVbnsiS clamor and villily. General Craig and the tion to merit anv kinrl ni A y y British jjovernmtjntfor employing John But wabreVct tovtStheVtWUW ' X t mm and nis in o fir a.thir -L: r" . -. ': .. T wviu w. vuiisiuer tne pra- i 'nosed war as anatmiiil iL:i... i ' i : Henrv ; and henqefoward let t-i.iB..uiu me u4uu3WM..;1nS, tneretpre,tothem'Iamaboutsubmit ' mduble and implicate enemy; the.ernpe-.tmg, with a bbconimfdecoruni feV ror of France, As to Mr. Monroe' de- aervatioria.fialAidafpH .w..,. . , sentations as greatly to mislead tne public 2. Tnar tlik ' nm,:. .-4 -V,- 'w nmo. u is or puoiic importance to cor- grown 6 t ofthe act of; conWss bf Mip ;'- e ect them; and when I can spare tne.time; 1810,'did Uevequnoaonst ' present 1, must cblnpact,.;impdseV nt on 4XuS&:J-:A: ' rect Ivwiil correct ahem. v-v. vui.ujv av.ii viuu fiiAn LiAiuK a ixv,ii fT-aiion oi aeciarmp war flo c..v.6u w ,,,uc.u r c , .aa. natsistency, instead ;of reqir. ' chase, of Louisiana, West Honda was not ing, does actually forbid such a eclirSD in contemplation as a part of it. That trie, bf war. V ; , ' :1 ?-. ' '" U, States never . paid fgr it t And that . 14. f he rem xrk "which in the ' ' tnev have no mle to it. , ,; . , ; presents itself, oi this bcasionSVtri rh storv 1 ve, g?v,ofthe East,; compact with a foreign power: iannT a! Monda business, j concurs ; with other acts 'ojeeably to our Constitbtibn"fKrt r. V' to shew the true character of bur goyern- ,the partbf the U Srates bv &mer Te mentrbvvvhic the.le'gislatlare, The powers oi t hS Wn 4 ' honoured and bV whichVe, mdy.be drawn government and of , svraWepafimen& ' c into a war with;Great-Bnuip?vtod bpam. h .ving been preciseh defined & hart Z ' -v fhis, last consideration was - ly . umera?ed, and th! 'Vl; jectbl these details.. 11 we are; plunged power ha viocr been exblicitlR lu i Vi? into a destructive War. it, Behoves J Mr. nrtirlnt anH th c. ..'i .' .u-u.m. wuavcat w orougnn mat compact can consequentU-.be - formeJlth t " ' 5 Great-Britain mav appear to. be thq . ag;, ;a foreigrtvemment, but by4 thc pesihtr S gressor in commencing it. Great, Britain and senate, t The act of Mav ihn 1! ; is the faithful alliiof Spainl :h?M niofe us b.consi deredonly,1 V idle bKdbr ' f than once interposed remonstrance against to the execuUvand to the people- of th 7 V the acts of.our goyernmentconce'rningthe United States. C ldirectedw Di ditioiiofthe Spanishmonarchv, could be declannff-the rfacL. and it AZZwi j v expcctefH to s.cn4 , troops . to retakt; and people the. course of "trade: th-irAn t, defend aSrFlorj'daV. ;Should she .do. it,, tactbing WWi&'.FS: v..w14,its,uuauu umiau duu!jwii tome, vjti cav uritaia. i.lS4fpurpose coiM nor h'- ' toxomsion the-projected war wilr com; -considered. bvus-asn aVproppsitic i -mencei; Vlr. Madispn setting up. a. claim, two5 belligerents; acongress Is Vpt chM to ,a,st-Florida,as the means ofindemni-,; tUtiOnally eompetebVtb the hiakinff'o -' injuries'tlie: U. States have fe-an WrltbrThitfpbweh dy intonated,' may. be shewn to havefon- And the wisdom of this salutafv hm;.rrfr.'!: - he has already: sairj.of West Florida. itrlat miliatih2;embWraismWta 'tliSV A ;?the President cknnot 'admit tfie'richt bf jjtreat.oruam) to lterrere,' ?n 'aqv, questton relating to that" prbyince'' , t And if the United States ' 5hali;besatisft,rd fand from kheir -past' astbnrshing .confidence in Ihim iri; jettersoq ne ,may;rfeei ;authori2e!d ,to except utneYK o;cbnsequence,imay be a popular cine 1 Ori: the- brincmles and .course of cbnductof our rulersV wf1, is , to Wwi ; indispensable lf Uhout:xvar ;theu cho alec -neu, , il wifl explain . this sulted ffom the by the executive, of preparing and V-J tbongress to ;be passed intol 1 v TSTW-'H the.legitimate - -. : ' I ; lects 01 dinlOiOfir H5oli: nt ,v r , r.; J - A -;v: r-" " 1 - ana aajust- . ' i.i;tiui,n xriVKiiKliMG ; i Ann .17. . 1 S CB.imav.te';aedeed;'t6arin br the -F Jfemr".: throdcrh our'ministii-af P: C'ij 1 . conseqUenceHreof ihje, letteir-'of tfcDufi'e "!; of Cadoe of the . Sth - August - lBld;.'hid-' f' I,: MaorlettertofE i July SlStS; '.J-rCfrom tlieBaltimore Federal Uepublican; 'hia iquestdhis abfo lucidly and dispas- answ-5. h5 President has pb i&btfrii : Lity: under ouf constif-iitinw W; u 1 ? K ?! : I '.Uf. States, bUtba ,tawi;tfiaVebn---.-.--.---,'i jThis crude r arrangement ithFrandev " although brought about , in V;-inV' . oiPathuiipn'is itwobid i seem,;to:bevconsidered.a nderthebppressxCnof :yirrJ, TeffersbriV

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