I- if ' , , . F ' - 'r 1 F . :L. IV. i U1 j.. V t. N ; ' JNEWliERN, SArUiib:YJUNt20; 1812., . -r: ' 7' , , NUMBER 182 ' t - -ji - ZjmlBgBBi60BmmmmaBmmainmmi t - I - :. v ... - , , , .. - -i ; -r-,- , , fe.i.: - - I ' , . a' - .-a , ' , ' , ' 1"", J!' ' &' m www tmjm BY r': PRINTT.D AND PUBLISHED it THREE UOUARS PEfi; ANIUM, PAY A! ULF YEARLY INADVANCE, 4 I) vT !. RTI.SE M ENTS ILL BE INSERTED at S '.V F-NTY-FIVE C ENTS A SU A R E, THE fjRST WEE Kv'S AND T HXK Y-FIVE CENTS j0R EACH CONTlNUATION-v AFFAIRS WlTfl FR VNCE; Aaoinpantiin the LCONl.UDED. io. 6 Jlr Barlow to ttK Secretary of Stite, ' Paris. Januai v 4J, 1812. Sir Thoagh Mr. loris has-ic n g'vie K ,rs, I sndthis bv the mj il to take message. loaded tvith 'tobacco, and bound frdm Nof folk to tonningen, was boardi d by -an Eng iish Frigate, afterwards tiken by, .French pi 1 yateef r and brought into Fc c i rrip, , lor' i he fact of having been thus, boarded. A soon as' the Emperor was informed ol this by my better of the 2d I December" to thcr Duke of Bass Imo; he ordered the shrp ana c rgo to be restored to Her dvvnen all vvnich I hive hai the honor .to stats to vdu, and I now state it to Mr. KtiselLV " ! . -jm. hVr:': f Extract of a letter frrtm Mr Bartow to the Secretary i of Seated (dated :; v Bans. Ffbniary 1812. j , , Having an opportunity to send to Eon don, vhirh cannot b- entireh relic d upon for satetv, I shall do little5 nore t.tan send you a 90pv of mv, last dispatch. v "Since its.. date I h ive had several con j i ; nj'ice of reaching Cherbourg o tre ti i ing nf the fr:g,itc, just s . th .t R-Liti'tns relative to the "progress of the Mr,' IJicUUc- the mrss, ngi r by the 11 r iet, j treatv. Heis' at work upon it, and prof , his - reached the.- 1 h Wt- sdrr el had ; bablv in good earnest-; but the discussions time to open th packets, but sji.ul ii?t no: witn Russia, land the.other-.uTairb of this continent, give him and' the Emperor, so mucn occupation, that I cannot cdaii up on their getting on' very st with purs kfc But he endeavors to assure rhe that it sh, 11 not ufFer much delay anc( that most of the essenttal points that I insist upon will be agreed to. Tht-se dldarations however, are not sufficiently precise to bt relied on. i - ''vThe. Hornet sailed from Cherbourg the" first ot February, and ma) be expec ted back in a verv tew days." V fN . 8-;" - Extract of a letter from Mr. BaHow to the Secreta 7 vy of .Silte, datecjL M.uxh;3d, 1812 u The rioniet r-. turned t Ouerbourg, the second time, about, the 15th ol Febru arv, where she yet n mains, nnd where I im under the paintlil iecessiU ol detaining her still longer, or of sending her home without the treat v. The alternative is disagree-aoie, but I do not hesitate, under ail circumstances, to detain her. It is in the hope that we stt.li bring the aff;ur to a coiiciubion iu time for her to arrive with the treat- belOrc Congress will adjourn. u iic assured ih:t 1 spae no p uns and o urn no argument in urging lor ward this business. 5 . .: . 1 i c .... t in ooe nig yurfin-ii rucuous s as I hi -ible, 3S sbon' as ' I find v hat they are ; jinlil nype not! to detain the Hbrnct alter turn-from EncjlatKi. W ith grr -at'Tt-spect ami attachment, , Your j obedient servant, J BARLOW. &l V?t No btMlr. Brhw. : FRA XSL i Fl N. C.'nj oj a ietier fro n the D'ike of Bassano j to Mr. Brloiu Pans, 8th January, 1812. Sir You d i jme the honor to. apprise . ! . i .l I . i ... . no on tin l ain iecemotT, mat a ceruin tiumWer of Americans; m.-tkin; part of the tre.Vs of clifF. rent vessels captured andcar r,r I into our potts, found themselves de . t i e-d in ' Frarifcle ;'as prisoners ol ;w r, E VilVnce taken on their persons,-' and on hi trd the vessels in which they served, de- tiut eicrht imoiie them ;have been j- .... . - r.''t-.s .ii j . ' ..in . . ,i s z a unaevr a neutr " n isj. euoe nameu J 'I VVickt r, J.U)lah Si'VitvHerinjn Di-k- in, served cjiv.bo trd tne American. snip 1 -'ndslnp : Littleton Adoisyn Wiiiiam Ji k, .Jartin Ktilv, and Richard vhl.- hel-ng -d. to th . -.nericaa' ship bp - r sS Lad ; und Johh 1 eaulev , to me DjDenhurh vessel the Catha nie. Hi ..Majejst 'the Emperor, upon the re- p' t t which I have presented to him, has 'u-je-red - that these eight seaimn . wh ite V may have been; the causes tn toe can-- t .. oi their vessels, be placed at the dis .y -ion ot ttreir government. i he ancient fhecnioiis a;niiciible to all 6. men m kmgj part ot the trrw oi an ene iii s vessel, whatever nu be th lr citizeji 6 ;). imthnalJtt2 o not pe- nut to Oc ex t vnita to Ann riean seamen, found uncier inn circumstahc( s, tie fnendlv. me.isuve tt which I have the honor to. inform o. etcept. Sir; the assurances ot my high Lco:isderatipn, &c.&c (Signed ), ; THE DUKF. OF B ASSANO. ' V :7a. 6 ) I ' Extract of & letter from VIil Ji..rhw to the Secrets rv ('if State, cUieci Paris, January 28,1812. u li cofsst qtirnct ot tire hole of tne , i- ru r 6f Foreign- rel;:tmnsWol wiii- I bd 5th. Stip Puce id, from IJostonto CifU ta yecthiavVcolonial produce, boarttetl a?. bpyJfiirrived; iehterjed sold, and;i!smow 6th."ShipRecover:y, of Boston; witl. nepper, boarded,- aiVived, entered, ; aiii Med;;dr aboveat the same pUcd : now selling her cargo.' theni'of -3 parti of their.canroes, 'destroytrl4 "r't. he, reniuinder ' by. burning the ships;, W,5 v It js a'painfiil task to theiunidersined to U. .. ; obliged so frequently tb cull the atteptioa v, f'' 1 this excellency to such uvless depr;-! -: 'i ' actions, appears to uiu , tnatau inewnv)ie i . p. ; t eataiogue' of -dutraV on tht 'parMif ':1;U M, cruisers of ttHe belligerents of wnich :tffe nh. Briir Star, bound to Naples, with colonial produce,, taken and ' carried into T ulon, for having t mched at Gibraltar, under pretence of a "yiDlation of thej decrees and restored by the e nperor, on the eit press ground that the decrees no longer ex istedi as applicable to fche United Stated ; It would be wrong to alledge thainy tf chtse vessels were prtitected by special li cences. In the firt cjiace, only three of the -seven had ilittlcs those were) the Flv the Pffib&t'hnrl itht- Recovervi i Se condly, itjs w4li?&Wri that licenced are when theiotendc to go nor til, : Thsy UClCtlta VJ4 ,W (IIU.U , v :" ! S. have such great anU just reason o ' ';.f'V; cdmplatnthere are none more' vexatious., fv 4nd reprehensible than th. ; ' ; jl; Upon-yhat ground can such spolitiondr. 'f be justifted. ? . ;. WiiWte-allededf at the destruction . of these vessels was HecesArv fe 7 iii order to preveiiuheir carrying iniforrha- tion to the enemy, andtherelTjy ;e?t(l anger the safety of these frigates upoA a ttackiesJa ocean ? - This would be a poor defence. After bo irdingthestvpeaceful traders, t iev might easily have laid their course, souths r not and never vvefe gifeh as protections a-; could even have; rhaintained io Laid tuir Mr. Russell has written me again for additional pamis oi( the rempv ai uf ehe de cree 1 h.iVc the hvifior to inclose to ou a : opy oi in ansvvjr to hihi f )csterd ty, wii.eiiI shwll send by tiie saute shipihii takes This' dispatch, Ctht Neptune ior ev York.) - i ;;e t:aptain, liopkins, has p: (miiicd' u put tbe messenger, Alr. Frear ol South Carolina, on snore jin Euglaucr without expense- to. the govern1Tient.', ( inclosed ij . A' . 8) Mr. Bark.v to M . Kusse-1,' : ; ' 'Ui -Muryhy 1812. It seems from a varlcu oi documents ti.it I nave Seea, una - imong othe s the decision ol Si? Willi in Sc i tt in the case oi the ship tiiat the British, govern mem requires more proof . of tile- effectual' TetOcatKiii, by tne i'rerich government, of the Berlin and Milan decrees. - Though it is not. east to perceive whtLt purpose such additional pro t is to answer, either ior obtaining justice or tor shewing why It gainst -the ettccts ot tnose decrees 1 he vyuic wuw, wucu. vucj nitcuueei iu oivject ot ihe.iirencesi given to the Vessel orth. 'I'hey could eyen naee maintained cjf the United States is distinctly di'fined ';thr. aSsunled character;, of British ship, t$be m'eiely to guard I f. vise papers,: anttto under wh ice it seems thev beg vn the com- prove thd regularity of' the voyage. i;hev - mission of these flagagrant acts, and thus are used ohlv for' cblohiaKproduce, ;anF have -prevented all mtormatiou of their riot at all lor'the producthe. 'United'" cruissng in those latitudes. , - !, , States, and we see m bveri' instihatAy tiut lt aPPears that plunder and not safety ii vessel lolled wholly Iwith the produce bt was He object for which thc have thus d isi the U. States, dr ins ballast, is respected graced the impeHl flag. For his .-fty.cl-oy ttfi government here; At leastj1 I lency will probable have learnt from Bp st,! know it has been so.: in tfW inst mce. where the frigates entered, that the twentv ince my arrival in September last ; ;and S? f- P,tmtlthtr;J,lrtlcles t-:ifc?n. ,rol there have been, I doubt not, 30 or 40' Teiagraph. were smbggled on IhorV such vessels in France within that period, anditaiid, were sold lor.tne benefit of But vessel loaded vviih colonial pnduce oi the Medusr.Ul, , , and soling without a1 licence, would be Fiius is the property ot siti2nsf the 'certainly -confiscated, whether she hadvio- United States seized, conde nnetj and soiot. lated' the supposed decrees or not. In- b officers in the imperial navy,'- whoOc cfted, the regulation about licences is not I'cairie at once captors judges jmd venders' a mtritime .-regulation j and it has " nothing? of tne ProPerl ot unoffeudifig-neUtr ali. r to da with neu'ral jhts. It is stri tlv Such disgraceful violations ot even prici sp aking, a relaxatiom of the Frfrich iiavi- Plc on which nations consent tp.li v.- iu Ration act. in favor of kuch parti :ular p.r- peace, ouRht never to go unpunished, an4 1 sons as obtain them, to enablesuch persons surel m this c :Se they wnUot. . to bring goods of an origin foreign to -the The undersigned, theretore, niost ear-; United States into France. , neStlv tails, on his excellency the VliaisteT; it is the same if a vessel ,ofthe United 01 orel tutions, as tne omciai gu ,r- - states the m 'I'-M' t4& 1 -.4; ti --.should, by a SDecial relaxation of maam puuuL.uuu r 4 suuemem or t i't EnKlisbnaviatlbhlact. Obtain 'alicem e hi outr;igcbctorc nis mijestv in su.th a ' H bnrar Br .zii sitmrs :or Fr-nrh urin'i- in. Pmt ot view as shall produce arspeedv vi-?i; to to England; Such a licence would sure compensation to the captains Holden and . Iv not be considered Us a breach, on the B n ard, artd the owners of, the, ships md cargoss, for tne losses tney have sustained ; fr ite, and now send a another copy) an - Vi ... i i U.' . ...1 -i s . ' ""liuyiug mai iiCfWas uumorisec to nego xiaie and siffn ia? treaty" 'of-ccm me rcc1. on liiVcipies ul , perfect n ciprt)citv; I .- had 5; '-vf personal conferences with him on t ie naturi of those nriticinles. r 1 then viup: the; project f a '-treaty, and sent it tKninyon tli&lth iustnt.: I have resmttq prestirrfe that iw a short t':n-, say three'; orMViir Weeks, Rework Le fim&h'ed-talid the treaty ready to be v 'rnittpcl'. tO'ttferpVsiilent. This being 0 matter; ot so i rpVc h importance in iiselt, ? essential, nvhfp hmsheuV to have it drs- chid sooci.as possible,- bv the saffsr a&! swifttst Conveyance " and so innmhu Ule thuf ' at thf' timf ,rtrifimr.1vJl. F U..1T. a;VW ; VU-ll lit (UCkV U . 311(111 honor of sending' oU a corn bv the ; is refuseuv y et T herewith send vou a 1 e c- ses 111 ituuiium tu.wiiat nave aiicauy uceii furnishetU . Amoug ; these,' I believer, you will find stfch as wtd I touch every oiat thatwas ccmtehipiateaf in those decrees, to prove tht m ait to have been removed ii riiot and still iurther proof after ibis should be deemed necesbary I can Idubil'tss' furnish it ;' ior .the suoject is not exhausted, thoughj your' patience ! mavi be. - 1st. 1 he schooner Fly, )Adams, of nU Jrom Ne 7 York, loaded with cotton, 4 su gar and coltte, oouhd to Su Petorsburghj taken bv an EnprlislT cruizer and carried in 4 to iowes, ttience: reieasea came into Havre", .declared the f.;cts as abovt , enter- eu,vsxia ner. cargo, re-ioaaeu, witn r rencn goods, and departed Without;1 molt sxuiojn. t2tl. xFHe orijr" Ann Mariaoiiand from New'YjQir D,H Campbell, master, ,b'pimd to a port in r rancc; loadea with potrash, cot ton V"stav es. x nut i nth Faimbtithi then j-7 - . iV , . ' " ' r;, r " came to Moplaix, 'entered sold 'bought re-Iba'dedV anjd tleparedi as above. , , !3dClnti ship Neptune, Hopkins, liound' from Lbiidbtv'toXharlefcton"; jn "baltastta ken, brought;! into, Dieppe,; restored by, a aecreeoi tne emperor ano aeparteu again ' V'" . '. Dabletondahy.such'i Conveyance Imt public-ship' tha I have concluded to ; "di toe norneK . ' 1 , , ' " ?IvipgvcntuVgd on this,resolatiorf,I r pin, now anxious to impart it. to vou,Jwith j atic rnmiP4' annvp m Hsibleand fMr-;this purjse'Lseod 'the" Hornet itb'tWstfiapatth.to Eng!and,?de to ,rngMr;iUussjrUta forward it vvith'uch iduion and-safet as.m ay bejn his po w r 1 ftr-i none can' rip ViMrl "ur ? hr4mf fi-nTri ' t,.l .,tif i.: till - - -r r X aatcd vviU beat jleast : one mbrVpoofi that bbn6xious decrees: .aretrin gTaJthv I H ' 1 4ft. i. r h ' 5 ft ' v ? nart of Ehfrlahd. cii !nnr nentr-.!' rirhto neither wpuld it be a breach oi such nirhU and 1,ls l4cslx V :4oubtlCss tafe m , to confiscate our vessels carrying such ar sure3 to avenge the digmtv and iga ,.iZ2 tides into England without a licence- The the justice oi nis government by, punishing violation ot the nitvik itioh iawv cither of sucn a ci;iine m u inauucr to prevent its repeV F ranee or Engl md, i$ not a neutral right, tltln ; r , - ; aitd .lieiie th pbnikhnientbf 'such vio Fhe valu ition of the DolK and her cargo Uil.n isuot a breach (if neutral right - Ko the 1 cltSraPh and ner cargo, is here jr I-: " ':. . ji fi! .. , m ,.. with .TnrlnKi-d tlie- deiavin nhtininnr rhcr x. nave taiten tne uoertv to he thus par- " 7" ... ""o.-"-" naibron this head, because in several m Valu tlons has retarded for some week t ances .luring the discussion with the mi the Piesenut.o.i ot tms letter ; and the im ..st.Kwf,l the British Urfcv.V.V T K dersigud c umotbut indulge .the, hope . w . ..V, . .4t.V ... 'IU , ' . : ... r een a disposition In,, them to xonlound tnat U1S ceueiicv wm now give as earjy. with the French thai itime decrees nbt on- ateuuon 10 we wuuic ui uie case, as its IV this .fair of special licenced, bur seve- importance mauuesuy.uem mus. r al Yttnil aions :. merel v! faY .nd m.mirS. undersigned hegs his excellency, &c. rr I T i . ST ' V b v ' fBiiclosed ui K or to the decrees in "question. QEiktosed iri No. 9 of. 36th Mirch.J a will terminate this statement bv rerfea-. D 1 1?..,.. j j , Dzt ting the solemn.decfaration ?hatI mad- to Kth M.tbcti j 1 ' - S ou m my letter to yu ot the 30th j mua: .ve nod the .honor of infor' r. .f.re " ""PT "V" mC o' ' S y'"" that we cise of the ship Helisafas ' f petutpn, sincfe a greater Ifiogth of time has f iT. . 'i..:. . i l ' g.ven a wi,ler scope o the declan-timlf that nisterof Commerce of thi intention. ' rr l ' since ray arriva in ,aemeamer tnere Ma,m .;tv, , - -V Ui, n not een smgie mstance ot he appl... h havi been . ascertained on thfcVfit , . canon of the Berl.n and ; Aj dan; decrees to; ..tio" 0f tni,- afflir, th-it die towrfeiwf-! have not hear. of thc.r having been so ap- theHCargo Was nbt pveh ; and this rreK-' 'Vi'?! i: a .u Lr r ' - jf 't . . i -'.1. picu nceruIC ,,0 oveipoer, iiu, i cll,a the sufficiency 0f tne r.; 3J-: in that period in which they must; have been so applied, had theV been in, vigor. C It is dsflkulf t(f conceive, probably im- possiole to procure, and fcertairily insulting tt require,' a thass of evidence more' posi- ttve.inat tmsor more conclusive to every uupi cj uaiceu miuu ; n v i oignetif i - t ( , ' ' ''t" " ' - T into the. examination ofU the, oa'.f KR, bhlow'to TH duoV BssANoihich you address me frienltiispoWtio paJ letter front JAfr' Bar hit)? to the decision to wmchr.thisr p.9int of the c argo 1;VM ; mignt be liable ilad at firk extended" be "yond 7wJiJchT 1 Encrperbr has ordered; that the .different questions ' I which were'submithTd tnhSmRhonlfMi iL- . . . u .'Cr v - s perated, to the end that, Vk decision; nrav beV ' I .i-nemiemgnea 7 umster riepipora ;:.- 'tnet pljJe on tho Vwhichl 'r - " tmry of hetca$he .honor to Wnt 8 undeVtheiniost, fWabltf-' i -f . trancemiHher, enclosto exeellency: , y ,VfC '-1 -. . UUKe ur nassann, .minister ajr loreigp In-consequence,. sir, :the vessel and the v T- HAiaai.'mMtertfthelAiheriiao bHg Dolly t rnZT Ti,? 1?:'-'? ol N"'Ybrk; nnd'vStepKen Bayrd. nnastr ffi ''' - Ti r i vii u k ,'4 " t ' . ' f -Vi -f cles of theirgb which' aw not- accom- p - ' . .4ttn: Shrp Marquis de Someluelpus, wiUJiYorkfjy which his .excellency, lUUearn . v hi ct. -w ..r - 4tf J -cVi'--' : necessary, uuie unuaciutits :wui oe 'cjiven. luuiiru, iiiir. cuttuu, uwuuu iu viviua "v l uizii iuesc.vessei uuyeuccu lucwuu di ara. t cilia. - -uotiriicu uv a xji iiisui lu-tic.-'iii nv.cu '.nv:niH imnmai aim rovai ai aiesLV a - sinus. 1 "'-,': - iT"r . f " -i4 in V fj'Viu""!'' " - -t l 'tvt L- estaniisii' me lact tneic oeit.. Ameri-t &t jier, porr, dec arcti the tact, teredold , the Medusa, capt. ,Ranoel,-and the mph; -(5-V J-it hnim.u.r X ' , ;r A- j ffr vi ' u t ' ; e - ' "l ' t ' - ii 1 - s-t j - j 1 can .property COnioirciably-to the ancient:'. - und now xe4qadiiigfor the Unirdbtute reaper PksJSuw ' , r''f

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