4 t-S x- V - - , VOL. IV. 3i - ' ' J "L ,is t ' 1 . v..!- 1- o , ...A ' - 1 '5.'',.--- ' ,.rK 4r .j PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BTL . i sjfjKOJY hall . 4h rlEE DqLLARS PER ANNUM PATA- HVLF YEARLY IN ADVANCE. , AnVERTISEMENTS WILL BE INSERTED .rwrWTY-FIVE CENTS A SQUARE, THE AT . AND THIRY-FIVE CENTS F.AGH CONTINU ATlONi 't ' I ADDRESS r r HOUSE dF REPRESENTATIVES PEOPLE OF A!lASSACHUSSTTS fellow Citizens S-SThe ; House of Rcpre nr itivcsbi" Massachusetts, having nearly -A-,n!f.tpcI the ordinary duties of the ses-. .m unon the eve of an adjournment, are induced to:delay their departure for f heir liMtii'S, by tne intUligoncejusiTCceivea 01 V ;r declared by the United States, against (. Britain. Though the recent course of pviMic affnrs has led some of us to antici P tr this event, as the natural and inevita tlr consequence of the infatuation which j,.c presidtd in the national councils, and the fatal desertion of your interests by flotne of vour own Representatives in Con cr ss ;'vi t we are sensible that this cala jnMv will fU upon most of you, asjasud den and unexpected visitation ilmjabe: re cucu bv you as an instance of inconcei-T.:-lr follv andi desperation. We also .It? w that it will be natural for you to look' towards, your State Legislature, for the suggestion of some means of relief fn,m a condition so repugriaut to your wish es3'nd interests. Most gladly would we ore our time and exertions to any tnrans of repairing the mischief already Jxri'un, or of averting the ruinous consul qu?nces which awnit our country. But our dispositions, unless seconded by the active energies of the people, can be of no ivail. . The system deliberately adopted at a former St-ssion for securing permanent power to a majority of.the Senate iu defi nce of the voice of the people, impedes and 'U feHts the expression of the public uill. Thr-approbation of , War raeures h miniritv iii this branch, and by cer- t;.in members of Congress from this state, juries hare been sustained, that were enti redressf . But though the sasure, lnjcannot:..affixt ,the right otTjpre ration oSghtoot. tabe disgnjied by a Mfise nation in its attempt to procureone " ixient, baTresort to the last extremttyi)'1 Without stopping upon this most solemn occasion, tp 'notice the insi nuations and as sertions so lavishly inadeof a plot to dis member, the Union, by the employment of secret emissaries, and hr attempts tp ex cite Indian hostilities, .insinuation anTlas sertions; wholly unsupported by .proof, and which, furnish conclusive evidence of a want of more important reasons ; we may consider the causes assigned by govern ment for this appeal to arms, to be, in substance, First-The impressment of American seamen. td'ypui:bikye;iten wiU 'fall a prey to their, rieets. which epiver the ocean. I ; ;7Thcuory-vicw.i of hostility, comparedikh etion 'of ; th1 re course servation, aijcl recoUecti yt events, wi)e youojudgejaoron ly of the siiceritof tHdministtation, but of the lolidity" ot . theh- motives. .' W? beg' vou also to recollett that the French Decrees while they were much more out-J rgeous in prmcipje (Were long awcnofiu time, and theWjorV first demanded resis tanceJVom our government, and that it ap pears by public documents, that : the Or ders in Council vwould !havi been revoked, had not our administration thought pro per to connect the revocation with a Jaim for the relinquishment of principles of blockade, . which?' are nowrecognid as conformable to the. Law of Nitions From cess, and perpetuating ip our, Country, the iinv infiuencncipbwer of its advopats " :vi j"; oy aaopiing ano; pertinaciously aanenugto r r fhisisem party iti povrer advanced ":).(; so far to retreatjwithout discredit; fThey ' ,; have calcuiatetCtSat a change of their me?s,-. , i V ures would be a confession offjcrror, and ; 4w I uwi MU3 musi ucr wuowcu uv. me i one v jt.v 7 ture or their;' claim to public confi lence -'&f out;.invwarf jneworsttnat can oeiau tnenci is me losa 01 omce ana 01 power, ana jnejr are nbt, without hope ot finding a "refdge from lensure sand'Contemoi., in the'tnorfc violent passions w men are inseparable troiti oft 1V V ,; Itis by these -means, fellow-citizens,' wi " v apprehension; that vOyt are now invol- f in WAR. The event Torm3a new e- W' t- exhihs vouas a divided people to those Ivho triumph in ypur divisions, as a source J of their own power; atid.the .National GT em-.tient has been induced tQ blievr that ypuriri;tuiiissenrionsrf. combined with; y0uf sober hajaits,; and natural aver'siort from the appearance of opposition to the laws, are sufficient pledges for your tame; acquiescence in the abandonment of your? -local interests, jand for your supporting,! at ibe expense of your blood and treasure, jawnr, unnecessary unjustifiable and im ' politic ; whichj underthe pretejpjce of vin dicating the independence r of. oun country against a nation which does not threaten tt must too ,probablvponsigh your liberties to the care of a tvrant who has blotted ev-; trv vestige of independence from the con tinent of Europe, ".' , v. . ... . s , ; Havinpfeiented a temperate and res-', fsectful meniorial ,to Congress, pray ing tHt:ra to avert tjie evils of war, vvithout. et fert ; it no longer becomes us tQ conceal our sentiments; upon the causes and tenaepY cv of the present war.. The time perhaps approaches, when, like other minions . of French pOwer ancl icfluence, we shall be txpected to 'observe a timid and. profound 111 truce upon the measures of admin istra- A war begun upon principles so Secohdv---Thev principles of , blockade, imputeoStQ the.jBrJish gtivernmentj, by which ports' not flciinvestel ''"may, be considered as subject to blockade. , Thirdly, and prinjCipally The Orders ;n Council. s ' it ,'v-r'X In regard to the impressment of our seamen,- the pri tlsbf governmenthaye at nd period pretepdeor to the right of taking them, knowing them to be such. They ; Cjaim'the right ot visiting neutral ships in search pftheit own subjects ; and in the exercise of it, abuses, though to a. much less extent tljan the people have ben feu to believe, have been practised. Biifvthe, conclusive remark upon this subject js th t Mr. Monroe, nowSecretary of State, ar d Mr. Pinkney, the present Attorney 'Ge neral had made an arrangeineht withuthe British governpit-nff for teroct5onpf our seamen, Which in ; theirudgineivt Would have been perfectly, competent to that object,. But this arrangement,; Presi dent Jefferson, .evldepyndfataf ter mined to, preserve -eyersojuof rru. tation, Refused to CQhnrmt Since thpe.', nou jnc uriiisn govern.menc nas always; professed a wjjJhjgriresi teftt(lpb, arrangementst&eirLministerh plicitly offered to ipaihithejtpmioaf: every American seaman, .up-bemjB(sb nished wi th a list; of theml' t ,We Gannot biit uidd, that the, Senate pf this Cdmmonwealth 1 the means ,of prof urip (reVerfowP a list of theif impressed . citizn s; theum hereof which we lave reason:ito lieye would appear quite inconsiderable in com parison with, the exaggerated allegations, of our admuijstraion,a well a with those who by, this act of their own government, are noiv exposed to capture and to confine nent in prison ships. , , Upon the question of constructive 6hc& ddrs, separate , from the.jiorders in council, which rest, on special cirjeumstances, there can he. no pretence, fora controversv inV volving the necessity of wr. v The British government has; declared, in 'official cont municatins' that to constitute a blocifade particular pbrtsTmust b$ actiiallyinyes ted 'and previous warning given, to ves sets boupd to, them" not to enter ",. VTo4his definition it, is understool that the, Ahleri can. go venment assents. f3ut it. Is ; allege ed .that G.1 BritainCyiolte; her professed liniitation of this right of bloctfadeby her orders in. counciL which are m effect our ved .. r-1 i ra m our national nistory. it is anev wful, unexpected, hostile- tq ypur inter- "1 t . r these, considerations we arc constrained by ests, Menacing to oiir liberties; ndrei. ; -a sense, of v duty to express our fears and t yoltmg to your .feelings. It destroys your persuasion thatth&ckfplorable event which I confidence in-tHe protection which the conr nas;"h6ie-,to..-piss.,is;. attributable to stitutiob, intendel to, affvfd, againsValTwar otherttauses. . Thmpst. prominent pugnanbtheinterestv and viil of ;tie these is thk embarrassment arising from people ; ahdproves that your.ConJrress is of the United Stateftnit the, French de- encattoepassiqns of the few, thiin fights, ;were repealed, t.4 Thj assujranQe , cils. K But your ; 'duties are grea-t in prdpf r - -1 has been.cpntradicted by a series ofpyents. -tion r to the mnitudp of the exigenpv4,ancl . and .circumstances, .which leave no room tlie triaUmposed upon your fortitude, and roraouot. oy tne smxing ana ourmng 01 pniunsm (?ur vessels on xne nmn-seas ; ov tneiior- : -. i-our mai declatat!Th4,of th- French government and enforciriff- ahdjamDlifvinfir those decrees; until anahoaliy, by tne language ot. the last rre- can.ettect tne repeal ot such as are opnox ideiitial 'mesge't6Congre ,ioos.? You must. -also defend vpur 'coun- while it tilisieriijlie repeal xf tfose dei ; try:-against invasion by any. foreign eneniy crees, explicitly, at t3,, h at since the j?e without weighihg he justice or necessity xidd of Suci pretetic)ed repeal, her gpv- of he wiuy We Jray voai ta . discourage erllmen t has authorised Illegal capture's by all .attempta, Jto obtain redress" of grie ijriv'aieersJagd' pufiUcships.' and that o- vances by zn acta -of yiolence orvccmt tHer puirages nave gen practised on our bi nations to oppose thelaWs.: Ypur habit vessels, ana QUr citizens ; ana that , no in- o? ODeQiencto tne-aictates oiaauty, your aemnity French arc me -ciuzen 01 one: -coumrv. Ti.t- bound to support all constitutional laws " :bv a peaceable xhanite of oien.nvou KM'i CI ens. tion. Outratreous tn Public oninions. to the tee- ngs and interests of this people, can be ttPPprted onhyrthe violence which des troys the freedom: of - speech, and endan gers the liberty of the citizens, v. But while cur chamber. Is notijyet encompassed by .a tancling!army and the writ pf; habeas ror ptis is not suspended, we will lift up a war- tung a voice to our constituents, andap rize them of their danger. " - J. . y uvu mniast tne peaceiui scenes,, in Which fpr. thirty' years, you have been ac- Customed tOTenose. von are madp'tn rea- 1 Eze .Aaiir lapi. ;when;you. findT,that W supply the exhausted . treasury paper ""feciuissuea ;- ana tnat airect urdensamS taxes must beTmposed Upon VOur lands, and ;voiirl hrriinations- hile theians of providing for.their Dav . r . viuuuaiicu we.aeev vun virnac ; a ' -5.' juu - win iook,- arouna you fqriiottr tribulatiOnV;No 1 !s;Pdi purcountry has been threaten- ?fWieaK Nb enteVririie :? litreasonVinr Pteheridedi ybiir cbmmer ftJ4 have ,bcen .xpnieft ib great the 'J'ftK pr;revVcat?on rbjT those, decjreiesisn i a g Bult to coii5mon siase.f Yeto disiselt people findt,vthem'selve8 oppressed by tneimposition, praqtisea upon our execu- .measures 01 tneirgavernmenr, wnentneir tH-;to Ratify its; wounded pridey and e ; jijst rights are Neglected,. ,theirvjnteretsi vade the retraction .of error, we are called overlcoke6V their opitiionsjdisregarded, 8j upon to hazardUcthat. is dear :.tcj,a natibni itheir respectfuV petitions received, with sui v. i Anpthe.&for : remote -causlj; jbjtthis perqiliouS ?. contem' it? is impossible fop ; war, we arecorabelledto r refer to a dispo- ;them to submit in silence. In.otHer coun- sition in , many , vi)fluence predomirifif uch occurrences produce ..tumults, 'J' 4-' naes iq our .national ounciis, to aggran- rebellion anciyil war. t ; fiutin bur coun$ dize the Southern and Western i Spates! at try, a pqa.ceablei remedy may be.lpund to ,-,vl; : trie expence of the , Fl as tern section of the these evils in the Constitution. Situated ,71 ' Unipn.r . ,It is : unLquestionably truel that ' however, , as you now are, evexhian mus& the partial local interests fJ thepople of ybe quick to uiscern, r,and actjve tnf apply. jtfxe different states miffht,, by a, spirit of this remedy; It niustbe evident to you;; commpaaiion,, pg so Diena did and.re,con- i that aPresiijent:who.ivas;iriad6'.this.:war c ilea as i to proquce a great ana nrmpn is-,not . quaimear to mace, peace j.ana tnan, ous wholc, capable ofsecuriiig the highest the men, jyho have concurr eel .ih thjs act of v degree ,bf ntiphai, felicity ,and strength, ipcTisppdged tb persevere,. Atx... -But e,annbld)sgbise oul cbnvietibbthatxthis t itrse, ; '.regardless of all cbnsequehces a system coeval ith tiie tonnationof biir Displajrthea the Majestyof .the people inv & C j A. X-.fr.- .,. Constitution . was digested k and has . been unceasiuglv pursudd to create and secure a Drebonderabce of weight and nower -over tjecommercial , SfateSf Whatever' tettcs constructive blockaded of Ffaricei and her aenenqencies., : ;;? if MJs I tS; far from; tile disposition of , ypur, -.te-i presentatives to investigate thelireasons ad vanced by Great Britain ux defence ot this measure,"5 which herpresetit administration consider essential to ..the. maintenance' . of her independence But wei may confident ly a p Deal toTOur gpocl sense," for a ccmr matipn of tHe.t solemn 'truth, that "war a-4 gainsiSureai:.pritain money & ne,- raoracni he' declareshet Orders in .Gqtfnc jl repeal 53ir5heneverfevOc decrees" shal Have : eectV i a measure stamped ithpattial f h ' riTiraHnn nf ' theai orders oir Vnrn tuietcoiS ekcluded frbmf&epqrts of France and her1iepende,nciesV BUtlVerliey fe Lpealed,tilemunicipatlatibns;?hea,vyM ports, wo did be obstacles to tnt A flv r tn iil' th ah" th eBri ti aht "ed i htjii lhus ,to;rSbkmhe .tijglif ;XbtrinTc wjthU r ranee, wnicn wouiu uoi uc. vi.urm uuxaju '4nvwe .tenopnee;' partictfatton, in a; lu cratiye comerce1thf therest. pf I the , "iyprld.H Tb indelsimfy.the, merchant a for ills partial losses his whole if ropertf iex poed tocapturet To-securervretnbution fb accr-ionaldepredaUons,4 and mdiyidu 1 oatraee upon Aolltiry -vessels' bvBnttsh the efrtMs?,nf vmiirirrhtR . and ftii r.r ifi'rirf" all party'feelihgs at the Mtr of yourjeoun-n ,'-Vi t try s gooq rcsoive to aispiaee, tnose wno ; haf e abused their pojjrer, aiid betryd thei; to.check the. crowth of the ihaviiatineriii- i trust;, Orgmize a pedce.panfyihrxuiho)it lerest,7 andV prevent the -'accumulation of Lyour;c6untryAl,ahd:let all ptraecpartVdis-. : wealth in those states ; whatever discourr ! tmctions vanish. f -eep a steadfast eva up . 'Vltf ages enc; increase 01 tneir popuiat: onpAiitorvAa omtryrTiAn twim.tnam 1 buvyuioKva vuiikimviuu iiulu viibu a tever will contribute -to the extension 3 -,': 1 territory in the So uh el q atict Western fe j gain raised to the, chair ;.and ifHe abet ma- jrion by conquest or otherwise, fcwill terially cbntributeto the attainment of that bbiectTncwarbwxoxhmencedls adap ted to proquce thse effects., .4 1 , ?: ThefirstJresult will be a wide nd tfaste ful sweeps of burvesselsbyjture Thef. shipping pf M assachusetts is her i main si new. The, lossof tt is irretrievable' as it constitutes C capital" But v to, a "southern planter, .this is at most ate mr jrary'eyil, as foreign bottbms wiilcairy Ins trpps tp; matr keti r v By the? embarrassments: and-losses thus attend ant. upon : commerce, itts the, expectatio.n'Ojpe:pqU he "clenied' umvBrthvrrrirotertirinldnA ccase to be represented, and Uiat tne at tention 01 men ma v oeaivertea irom com mercial pursuits and thir emigration pro "thV JJpitediStatesnd ereot,iacuded .inur, national jA be5 referred 4tq, a spiruof ealomsy,:, 'andi ppmpetitiort witpvGreaPntaio;vtcf acjms- ta"k e ff ietief thatsh eavould vield'ta tbT ti& pre . sure, pt thevct ntine ntal system estab-, tors of war are - to , ic entrusted -withconU ducting it j you will have Idothing'tp .-ex th pecHor years to:come, butif the sound of . t ; the warrior, and garments rolled in bjood , .-1 andthatffrybu should by. your aid accelle ri raic iiic luiit ui uicai pjiwui. ua, vvuuiu tvraht whose iant of ot Strains him mm the exercise of unlimited M V aespotisnon.xne.qccananaNine same vy,"y ? v rannyf1q the niw world .which He", Has, ini ) r A pbsedufop'the oid. 'lW: ' - . ' -l '1. i -ao.secure a lull ettectitq your ,object? it vyU v will benecessary .that youTshoufd ine,tt:& i consult together . for .the common good in . your, towns and counties It 4S m'darkr ,&t i , f : trying timesVthatthts cqttitutionapnvir: i ; lege becomes n-aiuabl&lixpreispuv ;i 5 sentiments : without fear,and Jetthe.'sound of 4bur:dfsapproWtibnol thisWar Jbe lbvid and deefiVLet it be;distmctly undersfood t K I., .!.. ' k., nia. tnm tn.' K . VntiCMnitnftA, i.