.... , .... .,r-! '"f J X ' - ' i" - i ! " .- ' ; - ' ff.-,. .,''. iv,t.Vj '4 t V.'r. j t ' , - d1' 1 A' NEWBERN, SATURDAY;lGLT6T 15f 1812; 1. UMBEniOo. i m . vi--vv A;;--v-;-l w. ,.. ..... ii i ....... . .... - -r- - , r r -...-... , v., n ',," 1 - , -arc - - - ' - -- i' PRINTED AND PUnBLISHEmT-.v, ; . AT THREE DOLLARS PER ANNi?Mf PAYA- A Ur ray wr; N ;advkce::.. ; v r ' A D V E RT I S CLIENTS WILL BE jlNSERTED Af SGVENTVFIyE CtNTS A SUAttJS, latu jlRST WEEII : ANp THIRY-IIVE ' CEKTS CONTENTION OF NEW jEfSEr proceedings of Cbnvejitiproipelegates ot the People of New-JrSey, chosen in the- several, Counties of said State", and held bv public appoihtmentrat the City I 0f Prentouj x)n thV:4thday of July !! ,... .-"-" . . .:,(?. V,ir. '' - ". im. - .1,.'. del!)hiav and New-York, and that threl thousand copies .thereof be printed? ict a pamphlet' formv and distributed amQng the several cbuntiesvs of jthis State,. in such manner as -may be deemed expedient by essrs Charles IJveing, Garritt D Wall, and Willam Potts, who are appointed , a Cbt'nmittee Tb C&nvientionj after lull considerai tion, .did come to the "following air'her Resbhes-y ' '. :" -V " JjJFjrsf;Aa the attainmit to PedCdf bj a change of Men now in the administra tion, or some of them, is of such vastfrio ment to the People, of New-Jersey,-Iiis Convention, bq that accountTotli jfccorA- mend to the Friends of Peace ih each coun- The2 Delegates, being assembled at 10ftv, to convened. finmP s,,ifohl t5mn4 ctcioM Fded to the c rimination and pla and applo Delegates to meet ltn, i,-wuu, uu noonat lrento, lor the purpose of 2l- Ou i water, (ergen, ; ; - greeingoti fit persons tp bendmiriated as On motion lOrdereda hat the names Rledfbrs oT: President iA Vir.Prrnt. of the Delegates present be inserted on the and as' members of Congress for this State, jnibutes as .foijows . ' ( to be chosen at the ensuing fail flection ; Bergen County John .qutwater: n4 il ls further recommended to the se C0i, i acun.- t, y .x. vera! counties, as well in the appointmeni tsac- Aaron Ugden, jeremiali mi- of the aboveiDelegates, as in the riomina Jard, Wh)s B. irjayton. ;) - Vion of. thembers of Couticii, arid Xssem M-aillesex-james Schureman, Erau- blv for the state JLetrklature. thut thoxn. x.cutiobV;biKefag9ncyt of popular .pas sitfnshovf eveir vsUch 'laws may during their continuance ds'tress the people' of counteract their abest ancl most important interests. But while - ,we feel the : obligor tion fof our dut?es;undera law wHich is deemed most impolitic and oppressive, we also know the extent xjf our right and those of the people, enabling usandlthem tqubringf about its RfiPEAtj, bjrour E- ljections. ( - - -: -,'-: 'pVe address; you then fellow citizens, at;this awful crisis, produced by thetWr aai, in the language of freeinen and free a. gents -in the Consciousness of pure rO; tives and penetrated by the prbfpundestee lings of patnotib regard for our dear;coun trv. Our hearts and minds are filled with ihfacne subject? and the prospect it opens (:f the voice "of the peopledoes . not save tiis) ofJengthene4 publick miseries.' Wc wui not mmgie: in , itsconsiaeration oiner ieyancW or aiiymatter calculated to em bitter or revive party differences, on other Questions silf are' lost, consummated, u- aited in the last great grievance of War. r Lkdeiid wef individually, or those vincrthe rjeerole from ahv direr.t htM hav nble-to" the .United .States. In these ,fa , i! : voured circumstances" of acriculturci for : Clliil ' eign navigation,'coBsting'tTaderand reve-. -' nue. was war declared and it liecessarily: - r jk ties Jk)o!e. 2tau)) 'x ,lu,uas -YA AJoweii, lonn deavour to select neisons who wilKnse all constitutional means to owain neneal 01 w. . j yu rne vvarDiu, passed in UOngress on the W" b2kp Stootoff; Gilbert eighteenth of June, and-ho will prombte 3. Tadorf John WyckoE the settlement of any diflerences with G. ;aorns John blimey, John G. Coo- Britainon honorable terms, by Negoci- Per v 1:,.. ' ation and oppose all alliance with France. .1 jnmoulh-f Elias . Conover, Thomas oppose SecondhjAnd it is" further agreed up- Henderson, James W Iirdav, David Craig-I on anj resolved, by this Convention, that jonn ""wei'vj vviiiiami-ioya, wmiam a CommjUee of Correspondence be appoin- lvne,,. jameLioyu. t' ; ted to communicate with like Committees lIunterdonAaron , DS, Woodruff; who mav be annointed 'in other" Statelor Winum Potts, jCharles Ewing, John Scud- the purpose ofagreeing on Candidates for jder, J hn CotyeU, Ailliam S. Moore, t)ic offices of President and Vice-President, Joseph i Phillip, Jobn Sevens, ; James all other matters whichflhav be of im- jicvcuu, uuaiu mwcu, jonu portance to the jPeace, UriiOri and Liber Fornan, John Carpenter, Ira TewelL 1 Hes nf the TTnltlA&tit - mKifK mmlf. iaies vvnite. i yvv- tee was Accordingly appointed Uurlington.-f.jolm lilack, William The Address of this Gr :ifii'cj : VViUitfm Ccxev, George . Ander- JboVe agreed to, is directedito be inserted . win i .1 rr ' i ftnir i niri tc rt 111c i-c - f- i . i - . , . . 1 i- 11 .- , . . un inc minutes, ana is as imiows r ., 'T 7 7 , " i a w tj x r. ij VViilum Pearson, Joseph Bolton;-' V FxtiowXftiZENsi ! r iceMT jo- I - A Crisis has. at length arrived inihe shai L. aowel .Charles French, Samu- Adlmistratinn rff tV n'lihiir. airrra rtf.;hic el W. Hafron, Samuel X;fHo.ellt Sav COuntrv. in which evftk a c1'' -Jep CaP John deep and solemn concern It ii not our Fsant, JamerBKttten Daniel Carrell. purpose to review the various aets and who have4 confided this hicrh trust to us in , this-wide ocean no longer a barrierubetweed Jur charactervoif delegates of the people i- ! America attd the ambition, and ruthless ' J J magine that a majority, however small - vengeance, which are scourging Europe - -Tll'V' 01 the persons m omce shouiuoe Drought aesiroymg repusncs uoexty ,ana numaa U;n to plunge this country into a WAR, and happiness. We are brought byittatoucK ' Jm to unite, aspropaoiy it must, our aesiiiucs tuc tyunucs ui a ituu aiccjcjn, wiui uiyuu9 and certainlv bur,, efforts, in a"comSon oppression and crimes. .. Iiit word .'it cause, with the tjyrant of France. , J brings to the people . of these tatesj witfr JJtsy some lataiity, lpcomprehensiDie to ' an me rest 01 us actual ana t prospective e us, on iny principles of prudence, and vils, k co-operatiort in the war; if nota je much less of necessity, has this happened, neral alii a ncewitli France, against Eng A law, debated and passed in secret has : land. With what anxious foreboding in ust placed this extensive country ana all its : every neatl De torn, tnat tninKS upon a great interests4 Union and future pros- j var Which not only cuts usrom so matryr perity, on the f ate ot oyii'ra;- inoinus oinmcJcson. Kobert proceedings of those to whom the People V!PC i! t v for twelve vear$ past have entrusted Ithe CiubrlandJonathan ElmerJames maMgemetitot theseflfairs ! Unhappily GilcsJerenahBuck, Joel FithHn,Sam trleyeem to lia've left us -little , to reflect M. Sliute, Williani vBi E'wincr, Jonathan nmtt hnt onr HivUmnQ ,nA -mtUZ: Doll as- upon Most unequivocally, howeverJTdb we de- I Qil nlion !f was ' Rsoed, That this dare our confidence i a the great bod of Convention will proceed to consider the a- citizens whatever mav hw. Kefir 'ft't ni state or public attairs and prti- trust or dissatisfaction in regard tb many iV on the means to bemused for r.onsti- I ;- r-.ITT.-X. oa U a.,n Kn4iya siee.diiy relieving, the cbimf-nlrsuec' " ' ' r I & x . -it-Ar ... ..... .. tut tr- from the grievance of War. saaxes mem to ine iounaation . "Xn reo-ard tri our nnittical. mnrAl . civil and religious blessings & advantages, theyr were surely great and many Peaceitself v lif. anqj neutrality, at linewnen au tne cit- i x ropeaii world ' is "cortyulsed and tndjng b?f : wars and famine, lib dissolution and.nhe tyranny or oncman were to us,; who alT niost solely . enjoyed the ni, ' inestimable blessings. How innumerable and vastthey weref your own feelings, " enjoyments, "an4 reflections, fellow -ci tizens, can better.xle- termine tlia'n we cjescribe, I n great meri cy also, we vvere removed 3000 miles from-those scenes of violence and devasta- ' tion we had taken rip part in the m. , Our pure, and free and , progressing country-" had keptjitselt from the dangerous and deadly grasp of French connection. This was our fear and danger. . . r ,, This wari if it is so to be continued, de prives us of neutrality and peace, JU m.kes "t -.1 We believef the People, to whatever Defence, within our "owncborders, and even arming ourOWn vessels lot: defence tn the seas, against both French and Ehglish; aggression, was a practicable and not a hazardous expedient. - But without jre- paration, and without trial, ot the, means pi defence,, dissention i pur country! and general" opposition to war, to become the attacking bower, arid to declare Open, ge- tneraiad.joffensive warTagainst one of the -great contenamg state oi Europe we re peat it fellow-citizensr is an event in the history, even ox these times, ; which nils us, . and We believe the? great body of the people witKriefnd amazement. .... ,'. . We were not ihyaded---ri0 power e"veh threatened it, we .still enjoyed a. tentoid greater portion of iti ternal and eyet exter naf happiness add prosperity than any na tion in the worljd. Our 'agriculture, com merce arid manufactures, ihe great pro ducts of bur fields," forests and fisheries rq wing out pfvthe industry arid euterpn ze of seven lnillioiis of free and virtiicius citi zens, -were yet but little impaired, f except byour own! internal restrictions, which could at anyme be suspended or remo- In -regard e ven to trade and navigation 11 ft 0 AJ 3 1 ViiereUpOn, alter tUlJU debate Ori the set of llleri or nieasures thVv hauf vtixrhrA lrin ixnXnn immenP anrl Riitfirient r-. t r. : r-!r"T w "v - wen vuiiuucucc auu suuport, couia oniy i scope remamea ior ail our snips, seamen v ' s. w .uv6uw6 ui-.- ineau, anu u;u mean, tne,gooa,- the peace, land capital, tree trora oeuigerent ana tern Ordered i anu prospcruv oi a country renoerea aear oorarv restraints, l ne Dritisn oraers in I hat' a committee be appoin- j to them hv so" manv nrivileo-p iA ted of cvi-n . meifibeis, (each county de- sings. It is tb this People,- so enlighten'- only put France and Holland and" part ot legation naming one; to draft an Address ed,rdVmdependent and patriotic, (and we Italy in a sfatb of blockade prevent our w umptropie pi mew- lersev, in Contor- f maV trust: so "candidr in nnfif in nnr rnVohanV . - -1 ' V 1 . i" . -.j . ' i j "y t inductions oi mis convention smcentv) that We now" address ourselves. 5 world nu mar tney.report thereonat live o'clock - On the-1 ia the aitcmoon VV tsrcie ships going ?orld beside, was, inrtJKard toanv con- 8th of 1 Jurie,v a s mall majority I diict of the liritish, as free to us as before i , r 7 r . . r," "a . uuvwic r' uuucu oiates,. against j America, oreat-oriiain anu neruepeucics .uiwciwui samwBinmmee:- the United Kine-dom of C5. Kr tain and n - ' t i -x v i ... f, 1 xiergep ?jonn cutwater. f. " KKsrstjx- Aaron Qpklen.1'" and all the statesand kingdoms' in Europe, Ireland and; its dependepcies." y f ,f none of all this; vast, jsortion of the-world i This.ic.' SO unexriected. . m nnnnserr.'tW was .MfFierf-.terl nr!shnf aaaint iifiv 'the'TTriy H? viameVc1Premt I the petitions and remonstrances rot everyiltisb orders in council ; niri6 tenths, at least P0mer3et ItlCharcl-btOCkton. class and nart-Ol the commiinitv-o teaHi f nfl alf nnr trad' vva frfe. Franre hnlv &A MiinriouthThbmas Henderson. fastlv and honorably resisted by a ereat her tle'pendericies of Holland and part of I- 1 . e " f, .1 'I ''"' " . .unterdonAarOn U- Woodruff. - Imaionty bfthe delegates intontrress from talvs were" blockaded, . with whom,45 if no ,Jdrrl3"rJ"n w-Cooper. . . : - this. State, and bv. thbse of many other 1 blockade of their portsexisted: ciir tirade ; wuiuxigKinvviiuam brawn. States, coulcf notMe prevented. It was, coujd be WDrth very little, it wa sub ' 5? loucestrrrsamael AV; Harrison after-many days struggle, in secret sittihg ject to every speciesof vexation, loss, plun-voaIem---Thoma;Sinnir.tinn: r-rlA imhnrl hao-,,'fl .u':ut.rM..: - "A X ' ; CumMandWiUiam;B.:EvvM.; 4 - This COiVENTION isTcombosed of Our own. c6astimr trade of-1500 miles . ' 'y;v. - jft. " pucu wiju wuuiu iu ueserve inc rconnaence in extent,, serving to employ ana to support gam at five o clock Jn tbe; afternoon ; and J of theirVfeliow citizen arid dishonor their jsomaf of oiir ftiiowcitizehs; , and to trans- ujagassemoiea at saia hour, present as own principles whereUhcy to 7attemprto port with I case, and, economy the surplus 6efore,ithefCommittee,vby Tbomas'Hen- obstruct or defeat this law py anydrreku- production's biE labor. from one 5 state' to the irson, their Xhairman, madereport to larbppositiSlaf.by;viblence,; by neriace; other by liea, affordi a7cai profit to the w:v,uuv(cuuuo oi tne araii ot an,2iaaress l illegal eomoinatton; It positive pie&sings, out launches: tnis sme and happy people i$to the vortex of Euro pean broils into wjtrs, which tentjyear of blood and devastation have, but served to infuriate,- extend arid. perpetuate. 4 That our country had received wrongs both in its honor and frights, from i En g.: land, during her long Contest withFrance? , need not be. disputed. What peaceable 2c neujtt poorer hasiiotj and which,-f 'thoss ' injud powers, embarking in a;war; or'al liance withrFrjicev or aloriei to vindicate those rights, that has not suffered injuries tenfold greater ? t Most of thm indet: losing their very liberties and independence inr attempting to estapiisn minor. pr tn sioris' and iridicate what was called their honor. --That Great-Britain is wrdtif in preventing puf trade with France, because v ranee interdicted our traae with rngianu, or that her cruize rs on the ocean "frequent ly have impressed American seamen, pre tenaingtnev were pntisu suoiects, or un aer real mistaKe:oi tne iact, are tinaoum ed wrongs ; that of impressment,- a most injurious practice,, and justljPcalculated to Kinqie our resenimjents, ana, to ciaiiri ;irom,k our ; government pfudeht a'ndreverjHg means--ra prevncor mitigate its severity, either by arming merchant shipsfor de fence, or agreeing with England onj some plat)'.pXavoiding thV mistakes or, violence) of ber sealL officers ' Such a plan was ir fa"ct agreed to byi EhancLand approved of hv ouramlmsaflnrs Pinlcnev arYct i.iVlfnroe- but rejected bv the American cabinet. J ' , will ever be vindicated by us-and - evea these so much insisted u'por,' canno'tbe re- viewed bVrr us with . feelings Jess . acute,'-to) - Washington Jefferson and -Adams,' during'- I twenty years of administration never con siaerea tne pretensiontr practice pi im- x ) "pgji pressmerit, though moVefjgdrously enfo'rv ; !; sjfe Tied then, as s'ufiicieatly justifying them . feo to war. . V&idjnQW tnatdur administra! ; r J Vji tion in the present "state of the ' world C 4ii cl'' ? l,pi circumstanced - as lit. is, unprepared,1: and V tifil with divided councils,' should . by - a ..bare 'l,h vr ihajbriW declare generajand bffeWrve ;war - by land f and Sjeapn .'such points not vitally; ,it'4$ affecting us in our national, prosperity, in - , iTl.V stead of waitin g tor s time- mutual interests j. ? t , and : negociation o settle . them (many of, r , J y ,ipH xyhichi 'must end :bf themselves with the . V4vjy war m Europe) is an event thifchseemai. . i -v o ilmbstdelybelief. the people-refJecV 'r' ''DM mnst oe tor those l4iommunitv'eaiial to the whole ot our tor- ,:: y."i'V"VP.-A-jv4V7ta9'tiau--.u,u. wuu vwum a guoucausc ana uistrust ine eign traae, au mis too - remainea to . us q derec Which, being read, Hebated-arid Jorc of ro' to;isupporV4t,: t jneaaedatheaestbn'' wfTethethis, means sounworthy pf rireeben snd gooU ;:JOur revenue from our commerce, also tonvention dothagree to thesame, it was citizens; Someof ,ui have "contributed tra-Very greatequal'; annuallyfto tle toanifcusly determined affirmative I aflyand ard ;.Uyi in contending for and paymentbl everyexpense of the navy' aW MMV aamc iaymg me tuunuations or civu iioeny, ana my civil ust, anu otner aemanas ot govern silbythe,Cirmai and Secretary, alfbf us are ?too deeply impressed witritte men 'if? "beside ''discharging each?yearfv;a lihed in ;the papers of- this Statend (while they are inforcey to" be Capab!2rof The-average of this'revenr not less than it oaeof thc-papeiai'of th cities, of, Phila- conduct or advi- tending to prtsveht th.xr breiv X2il&v&Qt ?x and ' disprtrbbationfiobki ngS; rdun.d ? loi j r j means orvrciie ironv xnq tuceateneu cvns j -r midst of neffociatioiii, rasa 7h1lsthcr min; istrV and rJarUament were-actually delibe-'Ji; , ng on tne very pom? 01 repealing ncr,w- v , : . j f