J- iVidttc:iticu. .3 la iVcfiectscL o:rt StOur imrthmiuoos have carricdtis over ktftM Ions and -.'4esoUtms'tr& V'defcolaU 'end Jong,Aeyeti beyond- imagination7 will, viore "13 J' lrner ticsa shatifee complete if they em cr: 1 2 1 English. . A Hettx t: .yed tncrs cirf- rip j.thts nigwsft Qa&eSfc&l J3 zn'' . , what are we9; gHioby;Vfat.ia -anf degree ric:day 1.: : L qui My iaouthbpund o the the authorities o&e?city uV$ed ouVfrirH adequate to the evi!i it brinuponbur- U. States with despatches, (ot the British tqcdnsuU the public; tranqulliynd s'elvcs? WhleVd ehalie. cfrikQ;er4tKe -Mmister,butlearoiC IrbmyesseUhe the furth-r; :uuogf of , bloody U eiiSa redress we seek on account ; th'e;bniers spoke that Mr. Foster, it as,in Halifa, put ting the house, uadtv pledges equally T t in council Tahd imnressmerit f s TheBrii inrthere fonady ice Vahd it seem! herdes- lemuHvith the xcaslok that itWu ' ? vrind.remedv or controul ?f It 1s hi itabe- fnnnines wei must mafce ouilawft&and ; before it spread and strikes deep; m its -that war becomes the predominant-passion; ana Civituoeny uiicu yic uj its 1Mb tUh navy is obt of our reach; indupcrii 6r to our ofrn.' ; ilcr armies da not invade bafciy be obtained. T Her possessions in thej north might probably be bver-rua jaran im- mense sacrifice ot piooa ana measure s am do we want extension of temtorVk; Are they worth the costifVftdCWiJl.'We con sent to garnson;anam?iinia,u,iargt; armies f nstration, biv?itbuhutterable mischie Js,-- TP PRlifTSTED in: when Will it end.? I- i Inatis it to aini for Us? rev At'-.,, 7vtt i;r?a shadow of probability p - J -peljiagrljyice oarms? to yield what liMi'i, te&UJtfAtan to;'be.ber' riflfKt: and refuses . i J absolutely to relinqWin any other way tm v, than hvaerreement and mutual concessions II '-M Tr .waris resorted to, and while" the war iawi continues, no further room is left: for treatff we ttiust force our demands -and suceetT in them by the sword by bringing v bur;-enemy to submission , And shall we, fellow citizens, at this timev and in our Tcircunistances, on ac count of tlese disputable p mu ts of trade with France; and abuse of impressment, incur so mapy immediate losses and subject in triose regions oixoiaana parrenocss, . secure them ddririgVthe;'warindcan wje hope at the end of it thatthiby, Vill be relin quisled to uVby End ;; yUl priva- teeringjnd our ' atrictic tolunteers - and courage avaiif us; wnen iere even our lib p$it 3o wliich we can efictuitedurecj our attack r is it no; evident, leuow-ciu- zens, that after all these immense prepara tions "and expenditures - and which year after year must be repeated, .that we . shall re put on pur defence, and instead o ( at tackand injurfeto pur "enemy, and sqtit- faction obtained for wrongs, our armies. and all: our ettorts be exhaustea in oareiy protetttng pur territory from : sudden :-ir-4 ruptions, vanasecunngpur ciues ana ivnvus from destruction ? AVJU this be satisfac tiori for. wrongs, or obtain, our rights f On the other-hand, will ourenemy be idle, or is she incapable of doing us .harm f and es- aeterminea s to scna ner irametuaiety . i curjiy.uuuiu cxtcncjsa 10 taetrpers Ncw'JTorki and-ihe bailed in company In van. evilihbufthis;iaVidiuu3 an fJ wrtn , jne .irei 'CiY lawwwusiuwu a i uuiuruuuisc unequivocal rigotVica vinK'impoTtaiice to itbenivWas doubtjess I had been maintained fnxv i liours; an-l patcHes f ere of such a tuture , that it yfas 1 be" yioiated,;and that .the ost perfect understood! this vessel i orouKht London neral olCMilftfa were parties' and the In V dates to the 21st. :fhe publication of the rantees for fulfillSlg the riigement.. Tit piper u7as. delayed Mr G. came ; away place of security assignea for the nioirient and he . was not able to obtain One. JVIuchiwa thef prispnV whither tfos; Brave oanJ good as to -reconciliation, seemed ito be werefmarched, unarnied fund6rnrtn expectedlfrbm this act ol concession in the, cori of the militia , v - - T ' ; Sptish government. t-Thc-KetcH is iroba-: lt was, nSlong before the slight degree biy at Ybrfeby this time. - of securii faith w. could attend L The Maidstone frigate, which left Ply- the promts fen troighwhosc xo mouth die 17th June,' had arrived at Hal- nivunce and tinwday Baltimore had (tf ifaxatid; sailed immediately on a cruize." weejpeen;i to tUe jjriost Mr Foster had sailed for England in unhearo of 3otis 'ipriy the Atalantk. . ded'. ' The edg?giyenthat" the hijusc ;x; The Indian sloop of war arrived the day should reiiaainMYiollteever 'attrciti1 tne cartel sauea wmcn witn tne unog xvmg- in. cnougniromrwiose wno,.naa nuae thsm l:-u:i i.'-JLi ' r uu - :-! :.-'.iillr'- : ourselves to so manv certain future evils pecially if our troops are marched to Can-r Mi' ii I ir 1 lute-. II; iK '"1-Kasth1s war must produce,- You have seen what tnescimmeaiate ana ccitaiu waato willbeiin oxr agricnlturet foreign andco inrtmie reverme, an'd internal blessings peace and neutrality ; losses, any one Siury thnvalf that has accrue or can accrue ' froni tfie'dceaspnal injuries we complain of at sea. If wego to war for commerce ;.-and seamen, ?is it nobeyident that we .sac-" Tifice them Jtoth xCkd euffrely P Butrwhat - T7e 'raust-iOse and suffer in theutset, great s fois,; sinks-into nothing comparoVjrith whatiU follow. Surehes dreadul consequence have escaped' the notice of - tlwjUvqcates of warifr their full extent, or they have preferred to encounter them mhtr v than forega' their resentmenand Tejrejilirom uipruacutrc5.uiutiuii. o4nfbrtonate when men prefer the kon6rbipreserving in error to the honor oi. retract lug it J , ana wnicu iucir tuumry ' t.iiic war yill 'Nvitiatekhe morals of our, people," particuV jariytne rising generauon. .iiuuuuu ctme ot'.yirtue, or ders and regaf or life; propertyand, pri vate riffhfgir Will jiou waTsiiecessafily : hrnd nee this. j With a declitte also-bIindus- . :;Xry;.ana ixceviit;, ui a.viuuf spicuuaigw solvency ? I Perhaps even all these -migh -hat will thepeopte'-say toy or How endure - for a great lehgdi of time, other necessary -coinmitanta of a sute of war ? In a con- testfsiich as we must go through, with ; 'uSUch power, to force it into submission - standing armiefi the bane and destroyers v.of liberty x every country., must be intro- duced, continued,; and -swelled to a dan geroOsmaghitude. - No matter what we can'tkeWv::vtluntreis, select corps, &c. if v tb e v re n ot rh ili tia, qn le r o ur own-' state 'officers anCgovernment, they, are standing ..troops ;in the pay and; under the direction -of military. chiefs, who maw'-become am- rrf -hi tiouSr insolent; and .over whom we can -'have ihtle control. In the train of war al- ! so fpllowa wastefulness and insatiable de- ' mands ipon; the people's labor ahd snb ; inme'e, "to support its never." ceasing and c growing expenses. ireat armies must oe i: rpisedj 'eloathed, equipped and paid -and r VtbA? year after y ear in addition .to the or .din'ary spenses ofgbvernmentandthesirp pfbr of tjie'militia establishment it is com- f pated ihe additional anhual war expense I Till not be short, of 20 millions X howma-r i; earst)f war uncertain. The burthens I in every;ma : in the country wilK increase i .four ford, under war taxes; levied on his i 'Jahd and occupation whilst his capacity to f jaVs dimihi'sheTI ki the'saine proportion v ,f Jbythe privations-of jyar. I Those so eager ada. We, having declared and commen ced war! upon her, is it not to be presumed that all her powers of injuring lis, will be exerted I Do we not expect it, and can we justly complain if war with, all its hor rors is retaliated upon us- seeing we o- penly wage it by a public law ? We should betray our duty and be unworthy of confi dence; were we to suffer am? -feelings and ouf resentments td blind us to these coa siderations -a prudent nation not waste ful of its own blood and heedless of conse quences, will weigh their means and their dangers. They who decide on war and rashly plunge into the gulph it opens upon their country, without counting its cost jlr lengtn its uncertainty anu incvitauic series, we may respect their motives and their spirit? but it is bur bounded duty "to warn our countrymenoainai uuu ,vyu; cillors-i-if warning in so plain a case is re-requisite.- Itjs JYTohg to inflame our minds tb vengeance & rush ino greater evijs, even in a just quarreparticuiarJy,o where our country is the stake, .and .there iJxn- emoarga was laiaarrxuiiiax mr ou lis size anu srrenin yere not.nrooi agqjinst days, in order to collect the coasting I and the patient and vigorous lahor of the tab merchant vessels for protection by convoy, .fete. :;I1i0tlie ' :mpreprec,ipui .'.pledge at The Americans were treated with create tfacted more attention, butiiitiraatelv sK. kindness by Admiral Sawvier and by the I red the'same fate.Througftthe dav, dp. ' nhinitinto ' onrl tnm frunro vtr&f eiiTTTl T tnnefr!itin xtr - rrtirirn oi nncilKVi ,T I to go at largetill they learnt thereda ermTnado? in the mpb to brtakftthe "pri tiPnaVof but, privateersi when they -were sbn,,, and inassacre the gentlemen, wha ennnnea in prison, out weu ireaiecu - were piacea mere ipr . saiety. inis occa K . . sipneda militia forceS) be xalled put fat Since preparing the abpve, theketch dea, protefrion; which in the efeninkTvHea is,ianger, nay almost a ceryainxy, inai our loss will belnnnitelf gteaterihan our gain! We are instigated .nQWeyervtogntoq near,ot io guns, arrivea witnin away- most neeessary, was iwithdrawn and dis. Hppk, and has anchored in the oay. f jsse(j the briffadier ce She is 35 days from England; 9 from Halifax, and has On 'board Ir. .George 'Barclay, ;son to the- latefConsiil, with' dispatches for the American government and the British charge dels affairs. Mr B. sat off immediately for Washington , , .. ... . - JROMTIIE FEDERAL REPUBLICAN. (AS GeorP'ttQxvn Au&wst 3. THE MASSACRE ATBALTl MdRE" The history of ; barbarians scarcely afr fords a parallel lb perfidy and cruelty to the late transactions at Baltimore Ad 1 tnonished by the manner in which pur of nee was nrjft vjuestroyed, tnat no,-support vuour risiius iwas.to oe expectea rrom me p SMf- hi ft' I" kii V T1 E "' t m I h Wf Butellow-cimens, who dqjjf,,.,- tvilL witness for thenithatit is notir but4 j-L - -Zi- ftrvderirexTA a love ,of. country that .re-1, . x-!- r , , r - "i- " : - . .inouse ortme oi tne proprietors, witnyac? strams them from -m the pursuit, d1f - w menditikt were honbfed i:- s . . I ' A Tv -T- r"--- ' vhi5n so many,nauoDS; nuvc .o ' withthe.voluntirv'aid of a band ofhSroei berues,.after glorious struggles in their mp nf , A - - rt-i uust estaonsnmcuu ttnguished .statinns in the army of bur re us oe nurriea into iu ior wnai nwniauu v0iution. It wbuld 1 be -no jsy taslc to lunar et us lamer tnioc .oi uic iiu..ur in anq'ual hct eDgaged in a simi- or securing react auu uuiou i v uS P'Mrarnindertakinirr so much nublic and nri- fill I' o " 1 I Stt. -' v ' fewest bf dangers prburtKens thVy will j !lj -fall on theeastenr states; ontheif capital, 1 i I'll- , " Ifs industry, , and-citizens Is it possible for 4hereffecuriffciti2en to look;even on this ! coiisequence alone, and its magnitude we ; ' )--business, and not shtiddey fth ippreben . 'jfcioni Public crcdit,tQf a iiapicuyto.bor i ib.y williii all likelihbc; jsuffer particu i ! . larly if the; .Wahiia - unsuccessful y "and na . i. er monev. follow r'Webelive this:miist be ' -V-"'' ' -.. . . . - . ..-1 i iu -r ... : resorteq. to---x ne,o;a,tieoi tui remain; un jpT -Aidt fliid,i new ne of, vast, extent be ia til;. r. tti'-mftaf'stwfnl nfallrv thartftrreftts of hlooH bxhust flow and private, distresses of all kinds ir , -i oe.muuipiiea in tnia unnatural anuuisas-; j! p;v; '. " trous -content; j Where too are. our expe ' Il J ? : j-Tiencxd .capttinvand'what ;Tshingtoa.is J fe - ta.inspTreand conduct us;? - v.- r;;T. j 1; the hdhor which discretion and. humanity dictate -that of saving and preserving the blood and treasure, and ? virtue, and reli- gion, and happiness of oufcdear country. Let it fce cur honors tb prevent thj. intro duction of standing armies-r-the increase of taxes and public debt the distresses of private fathers, sons, fand brethen-rour friends fahd fellow-citizeas our patriots! torn irom tneir nomes- oieeaing, year af-; ter year,in this perhaps hopeless contest about orders in council and inrpressment And what, must ,embitter all,,dying-on the side of the tyrant of France and' Des. troy er of republics. Anil who , shallj say that ours will - not fall by the sami : hand which has laid every oihert low, . when byi our am ne nas accompusnea nu oesigns on t Enand - Has he not thus weakened anj ruinea every, reppie wnn navejpxneu injiis wars or trusted to-his promises f ?&Cji$-,1 fTo be concluded in.our 'nexuj, ' MW-YOKK, August $ - - r. :V LATEST JPROM ENGLAND.,, ; 3 .f Saletfiifu2y lVLast eveningarTivedl iiere a cartel, x uay urura xiautax, wun 14or 15 Anencahr (prisbners; among yhpm were Mr.'; John Gafrfnferi Jate cupdrcargo, and Captain Thomas :Mof iarty,- late? Mas ter of the -ship t; Marquis VSom 'irueloskof cms port ; oapt c.on? jate oi tne snip Maria, xf New-York and CaptainVoung; of bring enterprise fof Newbuiyport; The Marquis was from Civittf Vecchiar f27th May) with a. most Valuable - cariro. wcrth wuc.uKucraticssrs .;ionn wenaru Uardner) at least S5p,000.?Buto9the 10 of JulyVriaUti 33f30,'lch 65, -in a thick fog, fell axrvrtfli he BrnisHsioopbf.jwar AtaTantahisH eaptured l : sijjnta Halifax 'V.Mr pardner, inforrns iisjihat'they-Had vate worth- so many virtues which adorn the patriot of maturer. years, and which, affdrd'td the younger the best pledges bfl rivalling. mm v .r y - ; - --. As was not unexpected, in the7 night o the day; when the first number cfahe pa perppeared,, after five weeks suspension, occasioned by the former destruction, the moo made its appearance and soon assault edc the house with the most forihidablei missiles. - In an ; instant, the windows. and front door, were demolished,-'and therinolj attempfed torrush ix Under these cir jefumstances whena mbment's'Helay would lhaye been destruction to those "who were uu iuc ucicnsiye, anu , ancf a caui.iuu4r' notice lac been afforded 'to the assailantsi ry'apppinted to' protee .we lower ystpfyi which was done tothe number fqf VV ori8 irjuskets. Here ensued a partial suspen sion of hostilities y the rtiob. , Had ,thi $&rty inTthej. -JiOuse continued to fire; jiU they retreated, and piiiaed them till they dispersed, as might lawfully have1 been donef and which as most men think,;bught to bave been; done, tHe.personsand lives pfour frien!s would have! remained safe, Uie prepei.unmpjested,1' aid a lesson giv en rto v the 'disorderly wbicpuldnpt soon Have lthsforc'rcTamof.iii'' ture and ofsociety, sanctioned the employ- meni unne means wnicnwere in our nana s of prostrating some hunderdst'bf die-niis-1 cTeants;assembied tprthe purpose jot plun der,:mufderl land', thesiibversionrX Kiht tnosti -precious," xonstf tulibhat privileges: but the;suggstion of f humanity prevailed witn the veterans who xommar .commanded, .and they: paid the Jriceof -their cleniepcy .with liie itself. Tne mob ainincr fresh snfrib from'tKecomparative impunity with which they had Hith-rtocted, :iiphel3 by a rein tor.jrscnt ,ot deteradoe'? and a' further missed by the brigadier general. Evert man, we beh eve, will make the same com metittipon this proceeding, of rthe person upon wnom aione, tne oestuiooa oi tne country, laisarmea ana renaerea aetence- ess at his instance' depended for security from the massacre at; the hands' of an ua- bjridled rabble, of whose ragnd ferocity the occurrences 5 of the ;laVt tejitv four hours were sa . continued eidetice. Left tb prosecute their avo wed mTenuons, wih bur restraint, the jissue was'a horrible a$ the anticipation hadlbcen infallioie. Tfcg prison was 'nerea uy .tne muraerers. ana Ji--. , - . - v .s....-- . - - ' all whom addr s$: stratagem "Or fortune did not xavor,1 were assassinatea-ana tnrowa into an he'ap as dead carcases. . But when the help of man failed, land cannibal fury Walked hand b;hand;witb:qeiithe m terpositibti M?mtji0etsz xaoie. in tne neap ot apparenuy aeau uo es,twhkhthe!Jopi tp mangle ana aetorm, irpm tatigue ana tne junesv oeuex, mat ot imgcrmg Bua inaineu in tne mass, uuc- uuitH,a uwu- the amiable; the venerable; the gallant Ge neral Lihgan, of Mehtgomefy, from his youth the defender of-libertv; "thei soldier pf the rcvplutionEthe delight. op.atriot ism, the indispensable fiiumerous airdly,(ancl the idol bfa fhble cojintt. impressed with thefcertainty of death, he calmly shook hands with snme of his trends, wniistxnc assassins were entering uie roum, andrdied under the foul repetition of (cry, morexruel and as unmerited;as the blows, which deprived him xf life ;:e".died- af KeSived 'in defending the lifjety ojf hi$ cbuntryV- - -'"; ' i ' .. : I . t)h sare my country, Heaven! shall be? J'Our la9t. Wehave not the materials at; hand to day i whichxwouloVenablStis to depict the neartiTenaiggxscenes oinmgu.iiivaiigiii erielrai Henry, leiC of VrniailWas left for deaoV but reyiying, hewfarsecoBi timeasassitiated nopptijembra. bed r cleath Ihit -! myokiniijfen pf in arms He has been ractt andk isin ia place of safety at aistancfr from Baltimore languishing - tlnder man severe wounds, - tron wnicn, hp wever, u ; is;beUeyed her will;, reebven Surrounded bv his assassins be; exhibited tirdughout,t CJi unbroken andunyieldmguspirit resist ing'Vand reproaching Tthem Vin ' a manner whjch y prb vedvhis-'soul to -be ixzg whilst they exercised theirxtremesl tortores up- on 'his ipdy. i , . A-r -.tT" - ; Mr. iHansotij br .fellow ::editorthail, whom iHeirliyies. nbta' Jaravr Or niore vir tuous 4 tnan9-dl--,w)iwie ,lpss , wojild have' been a rare calamity ltoh1s;Cpungy ihcr. day of travail haWpilr "surviveVTaiid in na danger 1 is ot necessary r-tojsay tnaj ie .waa die rnost, peculiar object of hatred andTyegeanceiliVithr. uncdmmdn prck ience oi xhiixd whilst the dobfs were brea. mg, yhcradvisedh is companions- 3 pest mooe o? saying tneirjivesy-wmcnw-, ins 'fpllowed proved surprisinHtsuccess fuLV'He thenpirepared hiniself calmly 1 I pled upon, ,Wd thtbTyn.inta .the hc 'of its slam. wHencejUe tyasseasotiably v'extrica ted ,by his own ertiops'anbVijsaving ' Ai irei; JxntT jncreaioie.sucrmgvana

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