fVOJU 4VI printed :p published BY JStatM. We have i not been indinVentj SAlS(onrttr?.L 4 spectators ofvthis course oWasures. -1 i THREE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, r AI A I incf inhabitant nf th. ArlanMr ftnatt W f,FnLi yearly in advancb v. 1 regard' Commerce, (as a great and easem- 4DveRTISJ!MENTS WILL BE INS31TED; TIAL. INTEREST. itt 13. DOt Onlv. in itself AT .VENTY-tiVE cents square, the I a leadingpursuit, but it is most intimately eek, and ' tjiiry-five CFiVl hlended.with all our'interests and occupaV tions. '- Habits, arising naturally frm our local situation and &e nature of our . soil and products, .and now! confirmed b the usage of two centuries. are not to be'chah gcd We hold the right of i judging:for ourselves, and havenever vet delegated to any (government the power ot deciding .Nations', nor willlotir voice ever be heard tcr.varnish . wronci inflicted either t on "the ioiercst or honor of oi Native ,Land But Te deem itnccessary, 4 to every -jtifible War, npt only Sait justicc,be as; plam inA viihle the linhtiof; Heaven; but hat'hi.obiects be dettnetiand tclearj in F-VCII CCLNTIHUATIOH. rv MEETING1 . OF THE TPTR VDS OF PE ACE IS NRVV-H MPSHlrtE. A-TTrcnlv to previous notice, a VerV ..VrVhrm. vaf held at Brentwcioiron ation. Wnen we assented .to -AeNattqhV VridjN List. It was trulv a' great antljal Constitutipn, itWa amorigyithefi (but theyv.bc great, mt order that -every man mav perceivatheir Jmportancel; tnt the tr prooaDivflrrainowfivivMpjc4.ixa. v-f Citizen ,mav exncWragejdMcoUcnd for t feem. We, af wholly .ma if; the causes assigned. ior tncf piccuvx gainst England Will bear the tcat of these hTheimnressfnent of our Seamen, frhich. (brma the mnlt nlauTible: and nonular '6f 7 "T . J t M. WW vj plde the" seameryqf New-England dp nv Si . tnat service i 1 uo w proicssto oe at war. t for th4.support of bur : seamcn7s A rights .?f ' when weeontend (or a point? if gained, will X; 3 shut therput from;the most lucrative part' b their, cmplovmcht, .and5 J sacrifice Weir interest; that British and other foreign sea-, A t men 3 - selves mav have cdual privileges Withheni- . raiai, inuceu, wouu i oe iomporcani: . interests "of the navigating sttcsV? if, the ' T cpnsquence of this warlshould that the r r v., i American fl.tg shall - Efive the American? character to:all,whb sairtutder it, and thus invite thousands of foreign scanen" to en . a if ter inta 6urlserriceV"and thrustside, our VVv own native citizens. , i'" ril.i.t u lertors '' It was discovered at ; to regard our right of traversiStlWSeaSf n'.-rl"' hoar, that there was no prospect i as sacred, (and it is to us &irafi9tqnt)n J ( in p.Tmiod itmc the. assembly mtfte mee- our ngnt or lining tne grouna, we.navei v: o' jcts and purposes of the meeting -i-J i vri ,fullv and perspicuouflv stated, -r ' r.n, v.;vtr. Sullivan, member of con-jr-'K, K'l.lfjL'ssed the assembly. .It is not j. ;., f r us, withiivthe compass of this rr ) H do justice to -JVIr. SjtiUivan's i fi'oit. Never Wits a speaker more at-. tr.Kk'l t', -or an audience; more gratified. :. S iliv:m traced our present calamities t 'i-i :-'r true cause. JVlr.1 Sullivan "has no-j h! -:.d usffulh discharged his duty to his c -u ,;.!Uieits. Chosen, by them,j to pcr f i an i important trust,, he has told them c . lily find plainly, why all attempts to av- th :ir ..interests; have' been vain. He In tohi them that nothingsican savt them fiv.in wr.:t inrdneat" and ruin but a change Df-mcii.5iires and a change of men. Qilr rV;v jiit iiiv f?Iu'S done his duty. Let tiu p: -ople'dotheirsV , . s;. ' irtr Mr Sullivan concluded his speechv a i v.iiittee .was appointed to prepare a n .: , ) ri l to the President of the. United S ;cs. d . precating-the pi'C3cnt wai. ano t r in prepare resolutions, property bca- C ;tcvi 1- tlui convention' i and aotheYtp t - ntu consideration vthe subject' of the r .pruuciung elections. . , '. .. . i nr covntioni then udjoiirned' to give f. for -the several, committees to' attend t their res active duties In the after i u the nif-morial and resoluticns.were i . i oiiuceii ; and alther behig very ably a'vfYlnqntmly discussed, were unanimous . i.dopied. '. . N , "MEMORIAL . . ' TO JAMi:S MADISON, ESQUIRE,' v ; . President of jhe U. States.. Mpilh. -.than JbigTEEN Hundred of twj ItvfeabitantSi-aucI : Free Electors of the t Ccuutv of HocKiNGrj am rin the tate; 5i i' v- H,MP3iiiREt being assembled, , ih scnloily and. peaceable manner, accor to cury fanjioubted Constitutional at Urentvood, in said County; v tlis fihh aay c?f August 1812, toxcenr t-.;- o?if the common Good and Public Wcl f do now address youv with th res- chic to the Chief Magistrate of ithe r we believe -tott''VW "c :a!i uui grcaicr nowy -:,. shbiect of CTcat.msrepre, w J itJAn ..W.l,i. , mnrh Kvmnathv.l ul 8?' niaa aia uot, nowever,-occX" ibVorioyer. nVi fcaow theiM11 lt occur rfpret4t mor evea , yu; ses-oPfihlS abGce.; ; VVe.ki.ovr, iiit N.Lto, president' Jeffersofi, thatWdibe, , ' -k -,:h V:,-!,.. . h, hLn.i !n WI?S .tPhtjc fothe purpose of attA:npt-. - i i inir ta mfn a vprv. small nnrtihrc rtf ntfm ' . sornecasesi in too, many'cases, impressea r - rry V- . .vvrr v r . . .ol: ' i ! seamen virom"-cantivitv. ro commence al fc: " .Till I IT II II I: 1 ' T ' "T- T . J'-." LJ f t:, house. Arrangements' wercaccordv supposea. inai wesnouiov uc;-ipr ill, made for holdiricr the meeting under ? ved of the former butfbr reasonso cr V:UL-L TENNEY was chon Prrsi- Justify the prohibition theater. . We felled toserve.on -board British &ips cf ;w?.':' "chrmust inevitably,, .as.tjus 'wafo ottrrConventionndtheKon. Wm. ! originally'saw nbthing; and can now see ,War.,;. But the number of thcsecaWs.has; v1 ten times as; inanyto ,a cap., Uf, a JCrNT. SecreWv. The Rev. Mr. noting, ekher'in the letter, o 4 ? T r : ;' : r ri, 1 ,T nt'thr Vfttinnal fumnipf. whirh rnkr- it i,; .u-a.. mn': : -&nglamii has always, protessed a willing . j : ,rf ,-iate and imprest, praver. Af- cur duty to acguure ... a system,' tending to' Viaion; that the routed number bears lit- ne" to.adjshs;. subject W.wmcabfc ;.r . u-;;.. Us relation.to the number.- .We ri " T 1" "-"-f ..-ju,,,. ; .., 3WEthose.toWhominatances6finiPresS-..do ! war'. efft,nff JV r,!ent, if thev did actually exist to anrcoV dJ.WW She ' h?s ? ? !nde .u.s t th,? ' . . ?.R .. . i compel us to abandon our natural and ac customed pursuits i We regard the Con stitution as " ah Instrument of Prescrva tion, not of Change " , We' take its inten tion to have been, tc protect, -by the strong arm of the whole nation' h,einterests of each particulars Section, i It ; could not therefore be without alarm an- apprehen sion, .that we perceived in the .General Go vernment adispdrition k to embarrass and enthral Continence by repeated Restrictions and to rrake War, bjvshutting tup; our1 own ports. Still greater was our concern, when we heard ourselves .admonished, -finally t& retire from the Seas, and 'Mto provide far ourselves hthose comforts and' convenience oflife for xvhjchjt wauld bettHwiseMKR MORE to repu'Ja, .distant - Cowiirie&$M Wc do uo't lieaUaTt to pjvtlwt wjedeeni thia; language' ttutiywncensitutiohal. and qrrogantr'. and it woulc be with .infiuite regret, mingled with . other, strong emo tions, that we shoulderceivera hxed ana settled resolution in the General -Govern-. ment to enlorce this exhortation by the authority pi Law, andlto accumulate1 ;up un -us, in the.intervals of War,; a ponde- rousV and. crushing system of Restriction, Non-Importiition, Non-Intercourse, and Embargo. . . "; .-:. .The alarm . excited in riurminds, by the fuvqritc and long conBnuedf Rf stnetive, Systemy" is praised still h?ghcr, by life late declaration ol War aWinst Great-Britain, an event which we bclieve,m the present J defenceless circumstances '-pi the,. Country, will be . prpductjve ofpcVis pf incalculable magnitude.-, t Vv: : ' 4'r" , We, arejaot Sir, among i those, -who fee an unmanly reluctance to -,thje jiriva-; tions, -6r,a tiervous sensibility to the dan gers of War. , ,Man.y of . us, had; the Honor of aiding, by pur humble fforts in xhe es tablishment ,of our Judependenc' and of espbsingWr lives., ih moj-charj.'.ope field of danger and bioodj vq bar cbuntry'3sser vice.We areready to mejet rthose.f6c'ccs .M;m.' .i, mkaUnm.VHt lauiiv-vemaysay uicwiim wun wmcn caanot fipd.themouu .'Sorte of the mVmP meeprotfctK.;re obuincd S of th hers of .this Meeting have been-constantlyi ..Unce., in hieh -..fore.gners, ' l i ci ;:; .i r..' .u; L'arcfriounaiwitn American' protections in Viae 'J vnivaeeltr -.'rl.. nave iiau . onj?)SAun tnc ucanviruui uiCf lf ...; , T.m. - ,'pmho . ,i officially. i offered -to prohibit, by severe jjjauiyj tig 1 807, " and vet ver suffered th duririg'olltWtime haVee- bM xamtaw from-Amen,aa ,e loitefwS&rtiie Akefu yV?? e ' Amecan;,..goernmcne . ,i. m - vv wollld enact laws nrohibitmff . Arnfri-ir ikrnSeameii by.rf impresstnent .Other r i a 1- t;- ru "V'' - u J, i officers" i rom CTantmg protections, or :er Members of this Mcctmc iiave,a3-las- .-- s v l- . i i- : . r t . 'o v . ? . , ; t tincates ol citizonshiD. to British snmects. t'.rs fir v pfisr sA irintr intxuMteci. as it urerrV. . . ' i . . . . o - - -- -.i -.i- , .. . . . ,T bhe has also.-, throucrh her minister ntfe'r. cn tne oeasvna have uecn vmtca nunareas sftttmes byJiritisb- bhips.:'ot i,WaCwand,ne;-. -. . J . itsK:H - k . i a o 1 iJ " rv 1 our government could name- as beine un-f, Xlth 47 r ao, Am "ricau ii earned. Vtaken. from K - v , ra - ' ' i- f 'eM? iheni br, Impressment. y " j' . . , . jV v t . a j ru'uul vt. 1 i.'b. -iV. ..u the declaration ,of war,;our KoVernhiene ; -u assembling to 'express our opinions c 'i,e present Stateof oar National. ,Af i l wc are influenced, not only yja -bh tq contribute as far as iq us lies; to-: v rd removing-th'e "evils which we feel 11 a r. verting the; greater Evils' which ve , but also . by ,a sense 'of 'rtheV dutys we C've to the; Supreme Ekecutive of the .Na ten. . . ; . , p J...r ; t ,:. t FheCbief Magistrate, of a Government nhiqh reas on public .pinionarid which cm only look for the support "!of ib Vear, -y.o m tiu ...ppiUMaiioucji vnq jreopief s a right, to be; informedr disunctlyand : xiaiiUyi o( the sentiments i enfe'rtajnk e ; DVthe'Coln'mnnitvJ rnnppriun'mpV. 5: 1 n : 4 u erHa natmna rmporfance., yfis cne portion ofthe communitivdceDlvXm rested i the :prescht!stateVof thmgsvand licitiodsly. concerned aboiitv their fuVure ogress, w6 bel leave jo prescnVtb you l whview.of ousciitiracnts, andppmions.; we have witnessed1 withy sincere an& Gtep fcgret a' sbtem,of policy -pursued by- B-rgobf Igortd the;presentiihic, n.4 cing rpst, crjVi0USly indur vjeiv,' jto.'the- ;trucaoa-v:tlie -CoiiCfi f of "these5 ii Avucucvciui. caa twr .sncwn inatthe vindication .of our Nationrfd'tionpr iOr tl)e preservation ; of , our , esaentiii rierhts, , de mands LUj We shall, not bp moreWbw; th&n.othera, toaspire- atter:0lsTiNOTicm; in anv, cause in which distinction would be honorable: .Z k Jf twte could peVcei vie, that the -present War was jusf rvir we. could' perpeivtnat our Rights and, lib exjes required it ; if we couid perceive, that no Admimstration, however :wjsc honesty or impartial, could have; carried us clear 1 of it ; if we could perceive userzanda, reasonable hope of oi'ni;itspfoiessed objects ft if We could; perceive these things,' thei War vould, in-some measure, cease, to be hor fifctey It would grow f tolerable in, adea inexpediency hould'b made ntanifesw lb iron nd jt4o6dy features, wqiild soften; asfits.'jijsTicik grer.apparent.-Giv'eNUs ,butt3:see that. this War haih ct.arWVtV TiCENJECESsit-rvnd.EfclDitrNiafiirt ' y . '.! r i Li-.' j litis uccij. iii a iuauuci aucii uu uns 1 1 1 ceo of impressaientv in any decree equal tos iziuuwcaiin-as wcunaersiana, vave. neen v TT . , . j . i 'u1, ii . i' . J lect. Under -an exneetation ,f which hfl unaoie as oura.eiyes, to aiscovr msian r - v . , r - r N v . , v i . . v; . . never Dcen Drotetr oit toi an amirah .tr j if i the allrded -numbers At It-is impossible, 1 v & . . r r under . these circumstances tor us. to.be- licve.,; that the evilxf impressm'entvaQp ex- isti m. the degree of - cnormityi;tpreten4edi; t f so manttf our seafaring. feUowrcitii?:n wexe aciuauv in oonaage,;;iney (muRi: rnave bee taken from amopjjHnihhabitaotsrof the. Atlantic coast. .They-j would, be? from among Our bretHrcai sonsj f elations and friends. n: Wc should be acquainfed 'Jwiifc them, v and theii misfortunes; Wc sliould hear the criesof their wives land children their parttits and relatives, qulte as: soon as our.ieliow citizens of the South and the It is well worth v of notice, that the great- tst Apparent feeling on : this uBiectof lmpresstnen and: the greatettlisposi ttrvtt tfl tisnr 1,1 li a . 4. tertained by the Hepresentativeli of those ptates own r ceased to make , it 9 topic -of .complaints . j-M When' the - arrangement was: ;mader wurj jft ;'ri i Ir. Er6kine, the present administration -P4 , ,-v . , ii. , ' . -t ' -rtt.3 diflienhies oh the subject of- impres3meiC "as insuperable obstacles to peacft . .-v J . . 'iVVyuUf-eD-that hiitrtisincelgtveii to this .subject a sudden , and :uriusual ira portance ?---What is it. that hatfr so?com pletcly stifled the voice oft the friends the seamien, and. at the Same timeoalU d intor actidnsuch? in ; the bosom of tstraager ? -What 13 .it, that v hVth'raised thekvoicc. be yon d .the. western V mountains so loudanjl clanlerous for their.' protection -by warwriile i he - fathers andf brethren; -I. tnc friends and relatives, the lAViyeiahdfcVil eventhe, teamen cthemielvesi vdeprecatei K 1 1 ! t xmswar. as tneirreatest caiamitv ttiafi . v,t , .which hcv&no seamert atalloi'theirA rn Z7 , -f ' ' ' : , " w-, ; .while those sections of the ...irntrii,aT "'Tru.i.i-'i-.j a .u 1 :V ,. r . j . ;-V"7 ? , i r5uyv,niuc auutuc urusrs in council. , n 0Vin.;pt tWS.ot other cause of war, beno better a- ; the manuersi of. Umted: States . e.fnatioathaii the..uWert of.impre3SIpnu -'.M kheir.hotne,rfarc,;tiy..8reat mOjpnt.i The ibjocgade now so griefaisrto WciiduA. 3J' garnet that war, th7profeS8-6b- red,-we kowWa redded; -ihejWne, . v'. jecw. of which;.. the release. of ,mpreS3fcd it.was Uid? a mea&& favorable tQ ov S Ift seaman forso principal a figure. -. rutetests, iWel?now this," upon the, ei- .fH. ,rltu well:nbw0 at Engand:pretertdi priss-.deaaration'f .Mr., Monroe, thW. S.S?; of:,'PgnoarSeahten;; 1,ur;tniniS, :in,- gnglarid... We have hia" ' M, .f;5J?. M5b aa'vpraWe light,'.'.. at d ,tha.'t it. pronibe' ra0?- bhighly " snisfa'clory ti; ow wmmer. . tke;pha li!oiaer tutaoaV.iTKis cial'if.&SW. . ,s -f Jl; claim, .we supposete .laeither; 4foitah . 'By.what .trainf reasoning this Gvor is " V H ded nor noyeW; tt jirtcogViised Ae W turne'd .Into' (aVinjury aijd anTmuryr . ' .. . rp-l 5 . tMwijF iare utienv ai a loss to niaiuiaw. tnatrthenghtpelongs tofall na-': s .yfc are'equalli l?n85??tlaJ,reaons,;-8ay theyf 2umcnts used to- -r t l?n 4 r"a;Sf l,nc Franc were( repealed 1 .TtAESUfeE, ajad'our Blood in:fo prosecu tion ; ;. wV- --t But we are constrminetosayvithat,we cannqt,un consciencc,ra$Cfibe ,theorcc:o mg characteristics, :to the,, present. ;.WaT 1 Weire. ot,: Sir,' the apot f gists, of -bther . comprehend runsati$fied;vwitlfjthc ax-v ? ; prove thathe decrees Jof- : fel m Nov. 1210.: ant 5 ' o5 ? iiS?" l?-afi W nimscii ana Aattterp fore, : withoutldear tihg from. im ? t jectto hcrdefcncc and(Prdtcction, tm time -kin tq compel En&andbr Var to aban;: . . t?:', ;iv;' 4;; dpn thcQrdUlnfccitnAg $ this: wcr nptso-,; xstouf; nation to supposed repeal ofTthe Freiicb decrcei,we; V vH; plungintp ruinbul war,; in order toietV nWc;thcxprc'decV IHf, 5McattP'PJPf ve rigrfebetween'the, government 'itfelfa lteas: 'MpchX tblJ 4 .? orhmfcn oftt eign. nationtt" the tedgintnit tlose iccVecejik' K$ subjec of that eVnnent; . .ATenvV.tb We haye also had dailyyidcpce of thrif f r Wf vto csppuse their.ase,4' ip' per tjX and some membefsVjT thisme:etuig : :Vt bpositipn.toeaase: ofjouV'bwn; native' h.c' convictions of the engL'randc--kV't;t' -roaripers 't r Shafl we contenJc jof the free ritioutoFtrinacd the'vr iVr f