y j' e- - V. , . sr.. ,. -i . . .... - i 1 , ti'J7 . 'i 1 - V ' J V A A- 1 -, - - - ' .-f , --t .. ; : ; 1..' . 1- ... ... t ...... j j (Vol. ty. ' BY T TfjRER DOLLKS PER AUM, PlTV '"ErtfiaKEMTS tnr-iLL BE. INSERTED -r csTl V-V I TK' G EVTS SOU.RK THE if ' ' " V AVfiXVCr W A'JTHE.VTIC rwAfct f jii place at T&ilthiMrc i the 17 th and 28t'i of fdiflast ; cart- ilkctf'drfri-n of the sujfcrers rn cue I'SitQehrs - ' Reliacnce upoa thecml atithoritythey, eatly percei v -4, tnlefruitTesSiV fproh application othe 'mayor bt irie, o.neroftheJi6use, ; bf peretriptorilv decipied U ..iterfpenc?- and left town,a it vrii tirtdfstood,,- reVeht his repose from bein? disturbed. The cW-: -ithlsityrefWnvf td'' interfere 'wrln applietf to itv-J ir. w miw, uic kuu ir. iennis ( :xowiana. n son in-law, of i ower'of the hotie, there wis V thing-left bit to resist the? mob An thi hoUsevi-'knl hilediis resistAnce rajmade rith acraifdaess and forbearance scarcely ever equalled, and vrhifejti 'ex ted the wonder of tKe spVctators, several messasres were sent to brigadier enerul? Strieker, to 'diapers the mob and prevent t!e flftision of blood, which' would otherwise be unavoidable ' r v v S.- , " ? ' If it be objected, .hat " the scheme Was rash or irn- pnv!"nt, all must admit it todn itrictltf and cleurtyi IfcvfhL Mr. Hanson h.td nn undoubted nht to dis tribute tlit paper in Ruitimore, from this or any oth er house in his occupation, nd to defend hispenpn and nropertv by force, in ca? thev were Jissailed bvi and to brined unlawful violence, and deft unprotected by the civil j T?Jc'en pjacer vrvr re expected, .and that htcomwii-, auhoritv. r , j r Jed this oart of "hi a orders tofthe knob? 'fa'iw i vi'OTiaay, me ui or jiuy,,tne Qwrnouucn or . posuron lstavourea v wnat ne was ueara iosaywa4 cribe to that officer decree of feUii3,fofliacyJ gaol .-. General Leef probably aw -that"' lh" 'defence ' tlcbjoiKrbt not to be iratfuted to Mm orAnyiotherlrW:'fwhollY' ' -'M rtuji -without, the ;cleareit proof Tim subioinedr ex otTJrom the Wuig explains ( Major Barney's dik "T r ' '-iY Y We reretlhiatour.vcommittce'hatenot aftec much pains and pronte stated sorter paVticjilafi U;mitelyV particulars necessary -fto be known va-kn-the circuirtstunceof the 7tej?9liatim&at:wer) btweii major Barney,, and the ppulace. TheV ' ed to - rest satisfu d . ifUie murderers should be, .treFully kept from escaping, ' .and be t surrendered ito .he hands of the civil authority; 'mother words f& committed to jail ' jar triaV.-tfta THE' 1viJt rli.-. Ms v t or ritis,v xn&'.-Mi Aiost BAaJiBy'PLEboai? - 3 .ill instruction wercneyertheklss fbrhtTsafe ty tu honour of typ. gentlemen .in th'ejjousej - There Ncan be no'qiieuoii.had orders VJile he protected the house ( fronv f (trther attack'tb secure the party mil- so as; tov prevent! tq,enktr)m escapm". Slbem-to trial for the deatlia whtcJiiiad provisions indwUeVwas vsmU, and sitppU v imposssblV:T.o m military man ofjudginnu vnd.ex.iV ' , Y-. penencel-.Ke. general ut& these; circumstances s v would naCurallv anoear in all tlitir fore Hk v..wt?. i xne defctrce ttsecessrilv andiapidK becomK wcdLcr, . :' :. force wduld greatly and rapidly am.iTt, i HeihV U s'oidijtoQ; himself, ht couldWloubt hOitiUr'si';, 4V t) t-4uiui vi ui wora. fienerai ie,;'tneretoi'e"rgve( ilia- iK. yyimvn auKi irong-iy in iavour m a surrcna' ." . 7,-pv. f'Beveia! others no doubt from, simiker motivtsand - i'-. p oidlv p-ared-m tYivl3Ji day of Aaust, m lestation or tumult, till cveninjr. But, soon after sjioti . and secure the party in the hou And anie course, B'it Mr Hanson, morearkent beX i, tYv Joiv FLSIia. J i(sijce of the peace twliht, a mob collected before the hyuse and soon whea the, gentlemen distrusting his views in conse- cabse younger, smartsn'g' under wrongs uriredieiseU ' V-V ' J , - r ti-x w e f ilw "v persons . beapan to act in very threatening and rjt6tous manner. 'Jretjc'e pf whathey had observed, 'drmandetl an ex- aivl filushexi bj-,ibe hope of gaining- in tbe eid aglo l l'f 7rP;e WviftEri.D Richa.'.o f. Grabs The gentlemen in the house with great ntddness, p najidn; he asstired tliem that of norbrdenfo,; rtbus victoi7, and less confiding becnse Setter ac- V nK'-ii 1 'viia jj-HEtnyMcuioT Rphaii patience, and forbearance, reneatetUydvised and isatfMetlonS ianmch muter ambient--atth their. tnJQ qtiaintcd.:witJi the'Wtajtness, 'Utoiditj aaddisjVb'ti'6ii' ' ;":W, r 4--. TloBEitx Kjusour., JoiiH. Pav.e, requested them to disperse- a?S'irin tiiVm that -the $&4d.hortur1Jai.. was. obliged tcj tjdk otherwise of the pei-s'ohs on whom the'- were InVlted to- iIv- A ' - r .-i r tv ' T: ui Ai.fitADSR C HiN'sosf. house was armed, andiwould be defended.- and that to the mob to deceive and keep them quiet he HWv Rvar?Usts of Aimih- tlte consequences of attacking would be dangerous. Tieniobmadetb briber attempt on .the house, I the. i, an v.ii'n oh thi ItI-jw vsrul iletmsft in the manner and. i ms, .ftoxrever, naci no other ertrcLmantomcrease . la-irant ot which- maior amsv-: and ms cavairv re -.!o wit- rne Doianessyaivi violence ot the raw, --as.- w$u -.aaut'-in&yneti . constantly '-wrangringi ana -itaiKing-witn-tne- Vivoiumils are some of the surviving" numbers. A i igorons attack' on Uie oUgo-Vas,Donnrob, -.who soon t?Tared,-br.'jl taore efleetuat-.attack- j ., w-M-f-fjevoted, or meant' to be devoted, cm:iencea. aonts.wee tniow,n in wiowers.. at tne? orming upaneia oiece; vui uus uiey atieuiyi r i i and miirderous furv of the mob. in Itie front windows, all of whteh.wore soon "broken-, 'asufetl' to fire (in the house," bute're ahvvs prevented o ,:ri' in thetcraol aVthe citv ot Baltimore no w- :'.no!irni intvinr seen the follnwi i state- - demo!. - r T --r r--,- - ---- c - - h iv-.iret'-.uii.rscormectod with it, do swear, that ?.s i oniy tne glass, but tne sashes and-snutterB'Were-k. oxiaior . -tf arnev who more tHan-once moimtca on ished, and tan attentat was made toy,1 .break. tvtfce- cannon deciannsr tiiatiifthcv fired thev should down the street door which was at length actually fireoivhim, that the would kd their wb friends broken and burst encm. All these acts of violence ail hich trouble he murht have isaved himsetf, if he ... .f r- .... -.. n i- . .j . nuUvtdual su'tennga or particular -oppor. were-accoaipaiuea uy jouci ami reiterated injpiara pieaea, oy remounang n;s norsr, anajperu;giuie t-r of obseiwat-ion may enable th-m to testifv; ! tious by the mob of 4 determination to force the ;m0jt. whjQh,fledat.his.ari'.ippr6ath- - Jt f --i.. .: tilt.v ' .v. the fact and circumsimces detailed in hou-c, and expel, or kill, all thoseJtwho' were enja- f riwatatt of Un ipotmattedtjK abuts'iriock , r v -!g stttement.to be trulv and acc irateiy d ia its defence, ,' 4 itwaen Mr. JohnsotheniWo'Yrivt-d from t i'riV sc dep-nents not intending h- rebvto These scenes continuedfor;. more than two hours, v ibe country whither mr5engers hud - been despatch p'. c l- h 'nseivrs. frbm a furUvr narra'Uve or.'dis- without the least interfereneeof tlw mavor, or any ap-j id: for him by those but of the house," and brigadier Ci . ol'snch othe. circumstanoes and special in- p a ranee pfan intention' ta interpose At Unglh', the j- general Strieker, who commands (the militia of.the thin tne p ii'licui ii lAersniJs liims iureaMieni anq assaaieti, Tinisiug uiai ! tippcareu uenu uie tivur uuii i:.iuiuwivcui4if peciivelv, or which "Ule hope remained of protection from the local!au4 l.eAvith the party Wit Inn, f$ ihg adm'itttd. ihto, the onrl -.nd ondiiv thonties and tliat forbearancse- rsrxvtntatinn and elrt-houscC thev . reoresented -.to- th mrtVuetendine.tae ireaiv. on meir nrt servea roniv to increase xne. au irciauon wnicn nrevauea m tiieaowuuinc v 5 rt.na su'TvM'mrs as a'e wi V .r of'earh of them rrs tin ifiiV h:iv: indivMit'dly expefi Sji'urn to before rue ' JOHN; FLEMING. ; dacity of the Mob resolved? to" try ths effect of ui-! tio;i pf the public. mnd,vaitd ,ihe 'lmpMssil 1 ' ' j timidation Orders iver6vtfierfcfore given o' fire from mauntaiamg .the defence against, the tpce :.xaspera ibdAy'of winch htnminished froO about 'thirty to twenty, by s ttd- , ' f inqu'rdetachmenttbr various. 'purpose s wljo reotild S rH ' -not retufn; and ffomjOtr pauses tiot now sal bfacto- , 1 1 1 my lUMiwijj,- ui rriaatnmg namaer was barely sit- v ficient" to" man . the essential stations. Tieit- vfc'j-s 'M; none to; relieve -'them! The eftect of i4itipie. ia ' Jirantjf sleep begin td be. felt ,' 'Tlise.Qfiuiigvri and. thirstmat i soo'n be addecf ' far tlteir ' stock of ?. " 8lEWW)',ana pertmacumsiy ojpoiea thissentunetit? , t K; to tne last, .contending that jt thdetence wai really- ' ifc"' impracticable, Vhicb.e by- no -means belieVed, it ' f.5; vruss' better to dithere withx amis in their hahdafc.'-" ,Sf than to suiTender for the purpose-vTbeinc ld throu-rh' -V Actors, f and in the end mdssa-r 'fir'.' tliev st re et s like ' malel cred by ths-moh, against wiiich Ite insisted that ho vaecLuai protections, would De attordtd or. ought to be dxpecteiii The opmioh of general JLeeJ howtleri fiilaFly prevailed, and the whoh partvto'jLhthumbeii- Lof between tw. ntyand thirty surrendered themsetvea?: ii.vi me: jiajmn h me civif , auruoi ity v n efccot pt hrse. and foot Was provided by tferai Strickei and f H"-2. vw-Teted i ro Tw.iiie nouse to me j'tii una ;tkt placet htet,wten 8 and 9 oclockin themorrimif.' pikv of paving stones, which had ben provided foiA paving the streets, While thtx negotiations ?f0r4thS. - -rl'.' . - tn vVftoMEriv f:oo rv. w 'the Mob, so as to frifrfnenYxthout' . hurtin? the"tai4?SKed forantl .addressed 'Mr. Hlhsou, with warmth ' T'i-V cnifv. tliat Joti v Flemivc, trent. be- Th'is wadona. The fob Was at first ifitt'midAted by j Jd ?ivat gha ion.. 4pok- a civil wa$ we f . vv:w ithe aforegcing atSd tvi appears- - to have "s niaafctiw, nut sKn tincimg tiiat no naru wasiur ijpesza tn:ioeuej tnav. ..fxviiiparisinevttai.-ijx I , aJ whose n;:rre is th-'-eto subseribed, done by it, they ieturned, :vnd recommenced th'e alt" cetuuLr .tdsi pur:y ,'titing, and the com- j M.. it t :? r iim.-.i re of t he JPrbce in and tbr the Jtack with increased violence. The windows having .aekoement of it. lie -coiplained'atsoof Uie govern- -Uarti do dr.ve oft or knock dowdtlie'e&cort!witry 8Uu.- ...J .I Lli. . . -.1'-. ......n- . Vi.--. W 'i " uiiu. uicii ux;aLL T.i!ti iji-isiit;rs t 'iieai-n.vJiitt . .ii.- v jxcviv ottonea was passed a few minutes hfbi-e Ibe paty , frorn tile Point airivcd. and thus-' the ichmt- i-ifr VT 'r- frustrated- nbt- w tlut two of the gentlemen zdAv" severe, blows with stones, t said to beanuda6 - 'v Haiion. Tliis important -fact w.as related st hs v '' -t it' eid duly commissioned and sworn. :-' ben all before' broken, and the front room on-the prtknt's being. jnipiiated , in 'the iif pute Jbetwcen-part h tt s'imony whereof, I have hereto sub lower jioor abandoned, , ui 1od prepared io enter Dy j, te a.ia tac puper ind acidpo. men oppamion iiuxm ov g'rrrhed" mv name and aflied the pub- thr- door -and take possession f the house'. .:Thgeaihh,pouce4, - To a wiuch Mr jHanapnv vpied, liok'l fjr M-Wgwm'-ry conv, .his j-lemCin fVom Within, thyrefbrc, prepaid themseivtfs 'tft he Would not truer intu . poUt.cal dispute with rwVf?hdv of ugusx V.:no rmuai for diewors, and resolved' -ihacHw? UiujrV!iJxi yav;j H-d yttLi d' f-d HVhMie' eighteen hundred and twe' ve v -ibe pnhed to extremities they would niak 'a ;;which was liis daitieaiid';ht pw,sJn, ' aud-xliw.lie I j, WY(TX WRWlj. .-.oiis fire .on. theassailants'' " SotaeLntl. men WrY nd -aSr.iVleiJs-wei,e,Kfepk&iJ io'tue. protection-; .of Clerk ii'f Montgomery Court. ' stationed on the stairs'in the enty opposite the front 'i .., . ,J aoor, una tfieentrv itseiT was oarrfcaao;, as weiias ''j'jiit.ort.' 52d Jane, the o(H and enire cohid be done wuh chairs, tables and -tyher tiirnure. r v'vutfis of i!k r dnra! Republican ' was O.Uf rprson,Wfre poatedat die windows in such a 4 Cf. l' ft '. ! t', ' ir: i b r. mS in B ilt i.a're, in the presence- manner" as best to command tJie iippmacir td- the I. the J.i.li--e of tlie, CriminsV.Court and doors They renewed tneit; warnings and entreats . " M ismuesa'd l'.Lc O.ers, wbre to die mrtb. but with no other effect Uvm before,'- and if ,? vh'-i it jr exi-rted -to save ir,. and preserver- in this sauaton they renHuued u.ril effectud rresiSf S rltv. ne ofthev editors "narrnwlv tance sKould become absolutely necessary. Sull tht- , !i s I'fe after br-T4igxirstte;l by mfiians', cit authority did notlurjg, save the 'trustless e.tfofi (he'r feil otirciwe f assassination. . - of Juda'. Scott, who was ultimately oolige.d to leave Jl.'ison, th other proprietor of the -p;iper, tJie street. The -AXaiUrv vai equally lupine or iu- . : ;u; di pt-cd d?oas co'mntitted by the mob the different. It w.-.s., now, about' 11 ociack.-. The , viv- :r afyr, and -Went to &dt.lmoR- the tiext May, ience of the. kttack increased, Jandhi a shcrt time :a lnietl hv hi9 rt'tenl captain, H?;hard rCrtbb, pirt of the-mob -with a LSiv ale, their apparent lea- irrjtne ivr-i tor re-estHbiinmg the' papers aer-ana instigator wno ikm,i ' uaruniieur uieur' ut-t d, m-td-J an atvciiipt to enter tae wrds the stairs'. . -j given to fire ; from the windows first Walked the streets as usuall ami '-made' and staircase. Bv this fire Dr. Gaie wasyfeiUecL.alul !.e .arrng-m-.';Ua ithat could be made, ui . coa- carried off by' hWcompapions arn t'ollowerso Several .!. w'.th hs friends andagents, for reviving- the' were bounded in th. Street ..'The mob ded in every p-r with all -possible despatch. :4 direction, carrying withthem tlie worundodand uie I ,m retMjn home- to BwkTiiieV- Montgomerv. -..opdy-oPDr., Gcde i but before they. fle(,theyfired fre-j v. vir. ..i-i-anson comnxaniGaieu xo samsoi ujsf -uut-ntiy .-inca-xue nouse"-wiiere'uiei, ruarKs -oj xneir :--i xl mv.Mtssib c to .ivnde;r anv service, the lfiW.4 street lt their new ... - i .-. - . .. ' . . - - - - 1 . - y -, . f ti-v; efTt'CtuallvSUenced, and his friends unanimous bassage and advance to 1 . r'fiir "ais dcoarrure.'he left town in a few-hours.. Orders Were now iriimmte, ti'iencis ms fiexermi'inxwn to rcom- :iioc are to De seen, ana a pistol auneu avtue oreast the pup-- r in Baltimore, and declared he. ne s of general Lee fi.islied, vvfidc, hf was evpuatul'ating .".dt assert his. rights, and resist, oppression. .(EphraimGaither) -was wounded at tlie-time .,of the c:- minj . tiled with much difficsihv "and. daager.'i. been ascertained. He bled profusely,, andhad a cou- in lu V p li I D rVjin:1 ) 1 mi wil 4 lift frnni', i veil it tht mnvf nr . Vtrtsinn Jnrlif momma while. .tnri'n,itrr.at hi.tumrwf Trt. ..crnuirt, and volunteered t accompany hfm to on duty.,. a . -. ' .i . , $ '- ;v;i v J i;v, to participate his dan crs or succcjsss, ?T1ms was the tint for the gentlemrtO m thel house ; to make.their.escaper , Coyld they liave seea that their cnterprize bad hecom .uanVacticabieV thev miffht ' have male good their retreat hdt'tiiev' judged oth s etwise: x'They thoughi ratli'er of their rigfits than- of . and!' hop 1 ni"! tea ai- the c1' -i.ii:t!iiiixgthe nghts ot person ancl pperty and -ii-i.mr tlie. liberty-of tHe.nrwss.-i'Tuev i-were - .niaep T.bfr :(-:eneiat Janfes t: Jliggan. murdered) bptnt&:t7iVw'as Jie mayor's duvy 10 dUper&e- -tlie nrob.p, 1 ne niayo, and ge.'ierat 5t.vC!cei Uien decla 4.iin: own inabiUty 10 -protect the party in, the house" Wikux; tlierei and proposed." to at tbey sholild surrciKlci Uiemsetves mtrf th.. hancUi oithe Civil au Uipiuy, aad- bu taken to the publiclc jau 'as. a plp.ee of iiftty promising 'ufi eikemai escort on the Wli.y,vto bt- cdhipcii'd .oi-Alr.1 : llansou'ii oW5 n leads, in towotf he pleased, 'undaisi an cfiectuai k:-urd t die jail tul .ie ovuld beiVeteased on bkil ' '. - ? , .' to, this many of the pa-rtv? paHicularly Mr,1 llaa I , 'Twm 7 k wv ' mm T IV v UMy-.t,llir lit Yll 1 I - . - it, i nrob, who very coolly added-' It s on'lv a short de1- ' - 'lay tor we shall take thi fn out of the jail to nighti and put thi-in to death'- , ' ,' v , f ' , ; ij -This intention was pnblickl and frequently fivtwUi , 'JT ed in he coueTWjay ticpltWjftatioh'io-, that effectts Yeh;iatheiprH)c deiaOctaticfc ' v;( Ki papotof tlje city. and peparati6is foi carrying - Vt into effect were opehly made,. . A particular incjdt'nV wnUttow'JioW well H-Was known, or how cohfrdentwr'' 'Yi lytxp0cted. v. . - - rJ A-youth by the nanse of M'CubMtftTsVlert" inhe ' ' W ... - y. x...., Mf.u k 1 UWli llilLl UIA Cli.' ' SOU.' Stl Jthe counung housefin the morning' as usuahN'sind af- 1 ' vb 5Jr tef Attending to'!iis orthnarybusinejssJwas' fcd hv ci;3 Y.J riosity oacidentintothe neighbourfiood'of thejaj v ' VtS at tne' moment vvhenttJie party from tho hoiief.ter,, 4 n . atteithe mjor and general, weninntu lie iront room in irerstvyittiti general JLee, eiiiorted hi friend be placed on thesurances oCksuch meii whawcre' ms hitter . enemies, uand Who- nowever wduug tJiey; augnt- be,, were unable to.d?brd eileccuatpratecUbu As., was pioved byihcir mabiLityto disperse -the a&ob' then d,Jse'aibied before . thi hotusv-Wc repeated oer and over , that if they:surrenderethey 'wpuicl aU l oe sacrificed, and from' ins fciiowledgd 01 tne men they- load; to deal, wiia, ; toamcuijtfTy 'John M .mtgomery. wiio-naa just peTore;pas&eatiritoiLe roomce expect ed they.' would alt bvt;jgivwi up . to be ma-isaxired, ein ther.du Uie'ayU) jiilor. m tiie. jkil.Mr.. Kaiisoii teen stated Jhi 6jecuons tii the jnaycr,andsgem.ral Quicker, Iwhu m riujswjsr, gave the? hiost solemn, assu raiicea on uieir I'aithxs ;ofhctrs,iandTiheic' honom attempt. . Geierai Sitnlsr 3 assured theia on his hd-' p.a ty. Alchsr.- FfoHihs and M-B(air finding his 'siuw ' K atioil 'and knowing whir -would probablyJhappen at - K.. riightAeicrted .themselves to the Utmost, With sotne. ! a;.' tiongty, objecietL Uwas ndinaiit .tcfiie proposal - to gosto jail l Jl ovjait," -saidA nfc . wr wnat ?. for protecting iy person and proper ty:agai?ist a mob who asf'sandXboth for iba-ee hours,, waiiouu bemg. tired upon,rWiieii we could have Rilied nu-ni-btrti of therfi; . it.iyoui"duty c6 disperse ;he moo, and it ;ou cartHOUiiapurs Ulera, ou ivnnot protect of succebs-jnade no dffort'.as Yar 'aVis known".' opresi us ojau or alter prt arem jaii."r Mi: HLm-,uu stiieu, vent the ctasti-ophe. -Nome oftheitfnendshowen ot Uieir friends; to. ehectlus .release, .wlfrch tlk v ef. tected a little hefore night with very;great difficulty ' Those gentlemen despring, it must , be'prestoinicd ver, andharticulariy cfilonel JTames A. "Buchanan, ea - ; erted themselves tftrthejiKmost. as it is said and be lievedt'butto nft purpose : - . ' . ; -G, nerai -Striker artdiM,'. Johnson'beinffv informtia ofthe intended fmassce, and- order Was obtain, liixii legal form to call out the rnSlitaryfor the. pro ' tectitm of thelaii i This order was givea togenwral.' " . . uuijli n tne ceruncate: and rej . ''ill Harry Ie,-cfiptain ; RfCnard f.Crabb, lJiH " u-ii. Id. Chirhs, ST4 Rilgou'r, "OoiftSprig, 'E-'the'prudice'Ofi furth6r. ,ef!Trt td assert them i' in G'4thi r, And Jyhn H.)wa.rd .Paynev Several resolved stall to 'defend .jhe? house, jridulgihg the ti i - were: to have sotthT -but VerewreVented i and . too.Vthat nb further yiQlenCo wuild,te. 'attempt' Ort jH, night of the 'attack, ;lhe ' partyy6-'-1, tms expertence.of its .consequences, or that ' ' olMer vth;nteersfrojn,the-country. ?c who were tcivu .iuthonty would ehoctuaily. interpose, . . v 1,4 iiviip3nse by ilr. rfarison of his dctermina. . The, mob ca"ncfe) very cautiously and ainiostf by 1 1 1 fiat . recc-i ved thefr).infbrm'a.t?on.-vm confiflehce- stealth iri, -front bf thei house' after ttio-cfTectuaV fire, ' n-fituera vi..iotcf.,lTrisfTOve. hlenrv IL faither. I heatiiL-'.hfiwver."rin.'i.!t)iPrt ?vthe sippnta tuf heat KUitru to xieicntt worfr joi;ied ,by abbot twenty gnUemenv3iy1ng' and bck ofthe h;ouSe jBetweea two .and three, o"J suchas aiardimg pu witliarfiisn tUeir; hands' to aS-1' ttl 'iTl'ii . . f.if' 1 xj, v mi tr i7lrt rn wrarraniffrl ' flnlr' tK tnTlitomx' ivjvlrt( Kaon , 'rltrl ruif nrt!iri 1 stlSu"? in . !v- house hv fKa'ason,1' -V ; Barney appeared in the street at the heacjof a Small T?tKti(uie omre- was tfst;deiaoiis nect, sxrJ v ;tg-, party ot cavan , rv- ,- 'i ,x r . ,ic iit-ivyria gcuerai" wentout to -sqe ti tBeaoo ya&tpfxxst ,ed ih rhoise in 'V The npb again fled athVs appoach cryirigouta would consent to1 anjr? oiherteJT Wli goiw v -les street. 0.i, that. event, hferemoved hiilfi-l thev, heard the trkmhlmV''ofi horses.- "the'troooMs M Hrisoii made two propoSittods to :duTeTent gea- .ruaiiouse, put did- not 'reliatimsh it;- or f Cofliirtirth2.trooD;ii cojnia?.ft-.-Near .the Mont ok4ucmi.noi.uu paitycthe one to hdidthe:mior and is furniture; lfA' - t;'J ; f-"; j l1' .Vlt tli' house laajor Barnev; hatted andaddled them.d hgadiW1 igeneraij-as homages oi- their. UX&yf .and situauon it remained untiithe 2oth" pt July, Unthistyiey;aglim, returned. yj lie trtld them he Was .otner fiffwng ia gwf hxra to: aoo;, vtio paper having bien eUblrs!ied in Gcorgei. j tleif iriend,Aer Vpetnal. and 'political friend; that iddhen'be appeueevKtm tZ& bpiief tbW-eyery trom ' i tnts ntlis .l - ant i Aonr came and oqtidptedthiiJmus (hanjr'' firs t And, thatlthdse in tli -treWmustperseV IfThey P; aJea)!9tcdfwtaVhchnhe'dl8lr th4n.1sked 'hW bywhat atlorty .hm'e. .j He v, paper; pV.gUt Wtn&de . ,vllv wIsUttefideH "by nswered byordsr of' the- hnga"dier'rgeiie)'al8trike JOnds oefoiy mvoOonMwlio?were; tefnain asThey deminded-a1 sight ofthe ordervhich' he o'h V estfw.nlij thir oasiVieis called them toTjia Rented to show "lhem,.nd?forUiaV purpose vwent .! iVtiiJdglint pi-obahhtVan f.ttempb would roifnd .theWr)ier) into' ah'-aJlV; where, they as sibled - "Mueto pt;eFen me aistnotjiuonpi tnejyaper, and -rounaThim to seet. lie said oatetlnng 7 v PbVf.O.be. attjicXfcct nT the Jiusot ;thaty voiccvon:hearmg:which the aioh" gave ihret I ,)se. Bdt they hop -dhvheppeaince ofde-t -,Y-ut did he'thea say f to them Thta 1 - . . . . . w - . j. . . . .- 1 .1 -1 .-. i . i-.-.- -v .. - - - . - t 'i4 ivatsjance, uexerfine .asauants from ac-;; Bwrrea- oniy;iijpm' conjectu remand jromwnaiinappeo- piec -: nrlei7ihi- .'.tiV."?! bp-Kf;i'it I nmhuwrtxf -Rlvntd :-h.Vi v iH nftlfi tv hAiici.! fri Jf intevpo-u " ,-ind' prevent. atischief:-houid , judgirigfrota subslqunt even' s, believe that he com. I thef proposition of. tlie- awppn.-iita ;jn; uusione, s. ana. n.nd Mrai- j mumcatea to the mo the-piau ot Assassination, which 1 otjt to De accepted, , and k " uiwrbTiiia v-cy01" was "lK- ni ejtecution., ancwmcn rtpeysnpooseaO'l-Hr tamsqn u ins opimpn 2' V sjy ' VVeoif ed,f fUntl y-e' treparl - ; hav't then Urulyr formed ' with 'his kn .tKd&rr t csr co.'ifi Wee" in",r since u uis uii-ave (9 rspeuorc oy aorcc. ana paj-uomauu : i$ut tfii cu:iposiUca iTiipuii aa. i couaoiteac p i wwra , v:ix oaihill auationsJ but directed expressly, that'll ey: v should be furnished vdthSlpnk 'cart tm. rThiA pait of the order miglit very wirdeterj , ahd no thiubtK did determany ofthe v,elldispdsed militkifrom uirrsi hig out .) Tueymighl.. well suppose, hatthe.'oi-deidk , alight W-'same .ineaas- ;becora.i.,lnowa to the'thob I "jv iu .iivtu uiiig; i.iuuiuiiM.cu vy uioiapeurajiCST' j;' i 'T s ,i fiALJ. rr. '' r hour tnathe woyid never qua thiivUi tiivras, consider it as it vat, apltdge fUr their perfect! tru )Q - . - T t - - - yr1 joiUit with c the ta i thesfc assvivuices were repeated frequently; witli 'tUiniosti;soJciaii a9severatio?s 'and i tt-jjcoAs iu uuu. iui . nlliua liaviHg a-Ut SOUieiaingJ to ibslVienilb in regards to the. house. and i'tiilfUturt, f P'cage wasmsiantiv riven bv. urn mavor to leave UO Dotnuen. U.e? 5ajd other gentle- vergailv'iiiisutiderstood. was snhirrh that n..Wv V i' II - ' f - 1 , :. v. -t . T O .- wuw.T .. proH-.ctliYa ., tiv-tnsfivtR.' . Jnrt ' . irtf hrii 'an f , - 0 .- ; .",T 1 : t taeu-orses amvmg.tfiu, civalrj, andn cumige "l fears i 'Yet, notwithstanding rall these hnfavSitraTf cncUiasuniesj . a numbedid appear.iwhK'h; is s , Wbea the. M)"or nd,C general 'f Strieker returned he in ortad- the 4 pahy ia.the honsCthat ao'lhther terms could be obtained ront e mob 'than tltosefirs'- in a lo f negotiate- nlywtUi the; pyd authority .in qrder to, cheers, j prevent the further effusion; of bipod., wfacajie wig can oe an-1- iiousau,u fUfiuivuuc.st jrei ted-by some:t6 hav beeasiityand byothersroti 1 " "r'; hiore thai,thirty.'.Colchttl Srreti:a at.the'headv j ; of thifrvagmeat-bfhis1' ;tLv- fcv, H T1,' , ij yy..i ll- : : Lj. -. J . ' lr ,utn, wfv vMuturAw uuc tiifuicoiuprues.J,wa8lv" aso.;at his poH So'" was;majdf .BicGard K jIL&lfc; fa The'othe.roffictirs who Talppeared arer not' recollvct "d,1 ; ; 1 hiigaoliep ,geiier4" himself, after his'lsolcin9 t 4 rii.-l(rArvr ril ntiwt! V.n sit. 4n . v.4t,nr.i . H. .' .;'! : S v: thej in orta4dUic:vpartya:the honsCthat ao.lhtheC 1 iwia'th.rsehce' prGod did' aotrappVar;- -IlO t" Was; lio.t't se. . - M " the, "troopstr and' if s$en . m Tj hol . , strc 'teat all 'it Jin .his-coibmonl, dres& 'with; a? fat' cqvmari'der 4f tfof&'flinfimadQ ho? calU ia "per sob 6'u . ": fe; t.troAps-t'of nci'U2ens to-rallyrouna" Aunf,' btttr f- -T 1 contented Jumself with;ii4f doing what was requi-1 : f ; red of him, ' ietotnif kto-CiVstrrct' tette'r.' bv bvdeiie l I' ' f ing out a part if the 'mu.'Uav hd ftncle'rcd that -order f , I 1 ..ntVrxw S.-.' I.J J. -. an order income Ayithdut cf.Utiv ar?7 .This part of h'W bMer was hdw evdisobVy4 by - ' many,., if -hot f at all f-tlVe mi!:Ua.v who caiaotitw Vjf tnmtsbdh asj'anypne.s, GenerabLejwhOihad" uhosentdydmaiand. the partyathaiajukht rHayorarid neral Strieker jetideavoui-ect: to fifkin-over ."'I -k-. . -. - . . j . ... ,oy expressing tnevaym. t Resolved nottobe tilposedto mssaert bv tb inc- i tvrAiiVi4lvrjiii'M liu u:l;kV'