' . .a SJLJTOJrMtpt? & c.a$e we Jiavc no participated Ji'.the f"K; tLt;tlioicc bf a ;,pmoD.tQ .;irhom 5cr4'mpoV toJtKat Spractieeurider' l.whtch 'c1 Veti - ATTnREDOLtAiisPER ankumAYA- nation of the . electoril ticket w,hKh'yn- tant, 4 wa3 tb?W cOnfide ; n f rtALr yearly advance ' . ;v 'urns; hii!nam fj'nd triayt :be-lteil, to-istfacvoTthe.lT S;' eodilt th'tesr we arc, willing tosuhmkiHr pla - ,vnicn we jue recommence UUc your1 a- -rr 'doption; asrtheecSs4r'.; rejrtedyrof :ome ' 1 ( nfiheeyils of a bad lawl'Vra 2t-. itself ttM,V thrct of the clegi fta- Who madeat;vTo defiat tiome of if till -j.,v't,''Y '.,, , , v , t abuses is etvyhninottr: pow.ervpuf . ..ff OH that purpose wc.have aln'ap earned , c intcfiect, Electing , two, deputies' to J ' $ meet; six wtfeisforclthe Snlichoicei of electors; sucHfotneydepiidesisis.you jnav i T rcperjtiarctcter to compose eurr electoral ADVERTISEMENT, WIU' BE INSERTED ATSSV-ENTY-riVE CENTS, A BQJJARE, THE U,R5T WEEK, .AND THIRTY-fiyjE CENTS KJOR EACH CONTINUATION Lil'iljiJlJVnvl u.un.tuv t i ... v' At a mbdtin of th' Freeholders of 1 n,.(lon County on Saturday the 22d inst. i thr Court-Hoiise convened in, pursuance 0f public notice, tor tne, purpose oi, ap pointing deputies to meet deputies from Jthrf counties, in this. stateVat Stauntopu in Augusta county on Monday thetf pf Srt)L mber neptt, to form aticket of Elec tors for" President and V; rresiden; t Maj. j5rr Powcll being called to the chain and V. Bradley Tyler K appointed Secretary hot only withovit. " but?irj?direct obaositioin bel 4as wered bV rommittinir::the ruHit "ot td;tho.Votei,'o,ralL tne frleeholdersiof- his ktn jtnarto any preestablisiiedbodyi atstricr v caucus prtne. memoers oixiui sxqaiea pnoen'-ov uie pcopie ior ine oarticula'r oartv in the"? Gnealssemblw Uertake tbAde.termipe for wdQri vfe HaU J yotevana ne wao.cepara irpm its noice throws .'aWay his yotf altogeth? ri;? Instep) of Electing the twenty, $ ve, wj elect . onei A bare majority iOfthe' legisUture, which mav represent, a ffwiai Jwiortfyjionlv off ine irecnoiuers oi v irginiai-naweyen less tjian thatr i majbr&yLof m party, it9efflihc minority of that UpslatUre: mviyt .designate who siiall bt: President ari yice'iFrtrsident of the phited State-s ipH their) cdnflucl we, have but! ope,, effectual cfeclc foj- it we oee leave cojnvue vour solemn attention, Mh following resolutions'were unanimous- fn4 us , appUcatiotti to solit jt youruiea., ..i, a opted and ordered to be published in 1 Ious.co.pperatioij4 r The,.chec which, we for 'VASHIVOTONIAN. . ' , ! ProP w SnJ?P f .DpUtks,f) ' ?'W, That Charles F. MerceV.and ' bt ftct from alt he Countiet of he, Wm. NolancU Esqi: be appointed toner Commonwealtji ito ,tmeet; no the 2lst.ot t,nn the duties of deputies from thii coun Septcmberat p wuhjon m. th County, of v Augusta, JTor thff ole purpose, otj electing 'itesohet That the foljowmg peiions W! 5n conjformity: to la, and reepjum-ndint resilient, to aid in the preparation of tick-, d Vice Predpt of the United gutes. and invite the attendance of the Free- The present season of the vear;.ejng that i .. 'r-'i' . tn our Biinnort. twntv fivi Buir-jrilf rhii u r; nnHo rf tK innmarhinW P.lr': racters to serve as Electors, for Vifffinw; ti n of Electors for. President and Vice in the approaching flection pfr President ft 4 . tiun 1 h licev, Bur. Powel, Joseph Carr,! Sydoor , S; Piacef tf ' mting, Bnlv, Taos. Grt-gg Wm- Bron:iugh, ' wuicn wmc iouuui cuxuuiaicu to a.r Tho. H. Hereford, Israel Jahney, Ste-' accommodation ,W the .assembly, of phen C. H:-25el, Ab.j ih Janhev. JalmesdePutle nd sufiiently central to ensure, i Klome, ftubf. Braden.Vlsacc.HufF, Benu, to thm conveoiepce. and dispatch inor 'B'Mdkld, Shover, , Edmdr Jen warding ,the . general ticket,..-which thev Ws, Jai!bb Wjlematf Siml. Clapham, may form, to e remp.test counties of the; D.ml. Eaches, Kbn.. Urubb, Ahner iiib- i ; w ,u';'Fcu8t acrs of ,tms county; at ine ensuingeiec- -' r rv , r v rrrv" v- , viz- Arris uucKner. naries AtewiSv..,Ti;.":rf ..7 --.rrf. v' "7 ,,r ricvancL I:idwll Lee. Israel ior raun. we nave qertaten to. point ion, Noble Beveride, C. Selden, Chas F." M erceir,- Wm. J Nolabd, W. Br.idley Tvler, Sanil. 'Murrev, . ' EliaS Thfrihcr, JameR'usAellr Benj, Grayson, D ct. Uradv, P. M'Intvre, Mahloh Txy election. With a vie w, to the latter obiect we : have deemed it imprudent to defer the meeting of the ; convention,.: to a latcrday, than the 21st of September. V . 4: v No commonr maiiniin politics, felfovt Jw, G. W.Bair, Wm. ChUton,Jas. citizens, more .frequently verified, by ex mu WrnTHolmes, Isaiah Whith,, Mah-'! Per,en.cc' than that one innovauon is sure Jen Roach, James CopelandV Jonathan 1 to pwrise to another, --Th , chanter, of AiCari'. Levcn Lucket. Jno. Cunndrd. ,ur modc of election, v V by districts1 to . Resohed, ; That Charles F. Mercer,'"1 . c"c us given nse Wm. Moland, -and VV. Bradlev Tyler, be !to x Previous nomination of ,the elec-- and to correspond with such other commit tiesfas may be formed by the other coun ties of this commonwealth. BURH POWELL, Chairman, a committee "toiprepare and publigh an d ' lof , bJ' our state lewluc- The cHeck dress to the FreehnWer of this Stute ex. ! which we propose to this abuscof the.Con- flanator- of the views of this meeting, ! ftitutjon. U ajso-an, innovation and; ha its origin in uie, same source, yv auevcacn electoral district of limited extent, chose one elector, axoncert in theisupport; of a Mnglexandidate,iwasinot necessarily ex W Rll A D T FY FY i F R VprVu ' tended beyond the limits idf his particular . , , v 'JJm-' ' - ;dbtrictivAt:But.. since revciyfrcehojdet'-.pf rn&riijut.ur,ua ur; luuijj, i tit 1 v lrjnnia is required. to yoie -ior every-in dividual of twenty nve candidates selected from as many , districts; ,wi tho utj a"Y concferi of views embracing maoyr iqttbrial, disi trictstne. election br. general ticket,', which ms. in.principleperversioniof.the . spirit, wouka oe n practice nut a,mockery ot the end of rfeprcsentaUyeNgoverncn opinipri no 'method v seems (to us, so well FRRF.HOLDRRS OF VIRGINIA. Fellow Citizens , ON thtt first. JVlonday; in November, tie soUm dcitV' Will devolve on you in com tnrn with ourselves, ;of choosinsft Efectors cf President -'and .''.Vice' President of thel United States. Ther4 ws " a',time, Twhen it exercised this branch of our , elective franchise with. an alacrity qui clcedt by an 5' timate knowledge of the onlv person for hom it r rquirerj .us fco vote r He wW.nl V vs an inhabitant of our pectoral district, iten our acquaintance, sometimes v'Qdr t"ij5hbour4ri& not unlrequendvour friend. In private; Ijle, we had found him prudent, decreet,' 'w ise, jttst and; honorable V; and political principles, ? wc , -both :knew add JPproved Hencejarose ourvCvictiorrof iiii Ability to serve' us, ranrf our willintjuess to, coriftde in ;hiM'Widmntavfr tried bv: mferior triists thhisapacity and his' fidelity, . 'aicF ourc)ulfidence had jwn wnn our experience. ;jLof;tne eiep touAlcollesre1,' ftbV which Ve depbte&Hipu s" our represetitati v'eothe ctnstitiitionc:ave the powcxoThoviiide m:''. the whole' po JuIatiirforerUnitedjata; tirttiaus :nd cabablfe citiiea'tri filVthJ&bich- est station in "Arnerica fieve; jn'the wpfidi ihcefiMadfsfraSif free peopled - ffa T t hose times, fellow citi2erlVj are oast, The legislature tn bur 'state X&s? sdfater ur former I aw'ano usage aswith th?' k'6 pearance -qf (incieasmgjpur , influence, flyer' the I?Tesid"t iflf irj facr ( all contro'uilover the ; ' choice tl that high'joficeT.f -Each of us hasnoySj J right tnyoie (or :twntv; BVe;Electqrs, ur and twenty of' wb m resicfc oufof our ws'ncCand'arC vbdnsequt ntlv bnlcpowit ckltblated v6r, so. cop genial t the spirit of our Federal Constitution, as .an-assemblv, oi aeputies eiececl and convened, for thtt sole object, , as speedily ; as ; .possible after tberVrcction (ixtic people; and asshort a time as Dossftlebefore .tne. choice of a Presidents r "Ai k , -' . : v A nomination of candidates for, our sui- ,frages; b v such .a:-f cpnventioiai J wiUlndeeil e au innyyiuiui ;.upon our5 ancient usage, anda far reseinihle trj at nomination which has been made ?by a caucus of the Mem-r bers46f the ."General. AssemblyJbut rested 7vneonstuqpn oi yie unitea states, thMr tfimt itnn will rwiep - : . v ..' . . ? -'Th'e , great object pr the founders tf our cpn'stltUtipiiV in cohstructint: that part 6f u wnicn, relates ?io ine cnoiceypiii niet. Mastrate,Vs toVccurp ,at ?thVheai of ' the, executive department of the; govern- .menu ta -ciuzen oxnej u., Dtaies,vpre Wint'Ybf c . v J r? J ,Hpw; they, endeavoured ;: to1' accontnlish this"6f)ie $vork cotemporancous ;with i the. adoption v vuc vwusiuuwu'j, auu wnuca in coniunc, iti2en of the United States two of trhom assisted formings hcbnstitution and one oi wnom is now rresiaent, oi tne u States; we .have theV following exposition pecial purport-? imd t.the particular con- J tawj miicture.; a nvV v. -Uc ".svjiwlture. f ; It .'yas equally desirable;' that'the eiateelecUdoshVu be,-mad0;bip : men rmrstjC4pable.of analysing theuatipasa niopted .'toftKc station,' acting tiridericiraim-; sjUQavQuible)' to:4Hibtradoan(dt6 a judidPus combination of 11 ihe. Vcasons in'd inducements that ferq proper to vrn, their cho!ceV,c A);small numbr;df pt persons! ;seucted: bvtheir fellow -cuizeds irom ine; -genen topossessiie in rett tisite to .so complicated an investigai ' hivepowerto deliberate and iwliciouslit tQ gifttrate,. who was to have so imoortant' an agency m the ap mibistratiGti of the govera rmtiat. . But , Ihr prt cautions which , have lbecn so .happilv cdncertpd iu" the -svstr m .curitv ipinst thinnischief-fTbei cbpice ooay : con anv extraorm ntry or violent movements, f thai the choice of xone whoywasliiimself to be the filial bbjeft of thapabliq wishesf And as thcielectors chosen in eachstate,v are toW'- sf.mble and vote in jtheustate in wftith they at chosen this, detachedanciijdivide si tuation! will - .ezpoaei tHem much less ; to .hcats and ferments,1 that inight be commuj nicated .frPm thera to ;the i people than if ithev were all to -be convened at one time in oneplace..? .1-. xw, Y Nothing was more to be deired that every practicable obsta del should be : oppo fjed tOL cabal,, intrigue; , 'and corruption tnc3c uioai u-iKikv auversanesui-rcDOOit-' can goYcrnmentmhttnaturally Vave been expected.tov mate pieir . approached frbm more than o'eaair,v)iux:cbiflfroni: thedesire in -foreign powers to gain an im proper ascendant ;n:Ourlcouncils,u. How could they better gratify tiiis, thn; "oy. ran aing acreature ol -tb: own to thfe chief magistracy of the vUnion But theonHn jtion'haye guarded. against kll .danger of this sort,' 4with the mbsf provident ; and judici -ouiitu'ntion. ;;TheK have not. made the I appointment of the, pre$ident.to:jdepnd Op pre existing uouie ot ,mep, iW;no ni'.gnto tampered withii beforehand to?; prostitute theit votes; but theyv haye - referred, .it in the first instance4o; an immediate act!of the people or Amenca,rto oc exerted jtn the choice oi persons fdrthe itemporirvand sole purpose, ojmviupg the .appointment And .they,1iave; exclude frprn cligibiljiy, fto this trust; i all thosewhdi from situatipu might be .suspected pjttoo; great devotibn; to tuc. president in omceiN o senator, re presentative Jpr other person hoMfrig 4 place vof trust ort profit under jHe- United tate,svan be.of tie-num kcors. Thus,V' 'itnoutcprruptidgV tbe, , body of jne people; the immedatd gentaj inj. theeleptipnt will at leasUentt upn the, taskf jfeerrom, spV sintste bia'r xirHeif transient existence anldlheijt detaenrd rsit Ration,; already; jttCKic?d tory prQspect'of 4her cbntiniiinj "sp tohe conclusion ot iti-Th: business of rbrrup f5 v. i: : . ,'!. ( the members Who tomp$sir we hve that exclusively in viseV t cannot be 'preten, LVjl dedthai,; thet'jast general4assemblv, waa -choien.Yotthat purpcrsc.;r:Tjimembera ' wrKSt concurred ia lit forminTailelectorUl ' ticket, confessed, by dbin ' itib: Caucus i -that tjiev did.nbjracijtfeir :v cv u 7i?uicynaoour oviXffz ;.fw;..wastiie pperauomoj- tmtgniin "ira - XPing la ws;, . they assemble . jai , tfo represen- . fatives of tfie whole ! oydiiargoHni cf by a majority of tbe whole ssembly.-i, n the nomination oectora7tK?3cooVnrr -as a partui -xad their accisldu ii'bv a ma . y '- jonty;ottnatpartyt..t. . v - ,yur oeputtes wm bctcnossn only & fex weeks or) days before they;t are conventtd- , their session Will occupy JessManJat ivet&i and i the. ticket w.iph they forta will- be published v arnMitforVpu final choice ofv electoral The characters, whom'theyjiecommend as the afc denos I itorie$of pur, confidencev wrill: ubltcl cnown uutr: snoriimDeioiieLjtmsirteiec ton t ? and as their choice a" Pr et ident will ipeedily 1 folloVjU theemptatiop jabuse ;ttr gether: expire, ooVafter iWhayearisenJ t; On the other- hand, -themembers of thi state, legislature are' elected ,bearligKt. months before r;tneir .annual session com mncesthe duration. pf; which raj ways ,t-xrf ceeds-two, :wjiiic any nomination of elector r within that ; period, will 'be foundap pre cede their linal election. bVtlie.' people and . ! be universally knowtrat least nine montha:w W, .- V' 'V ' ' ,': ' i '"' ' jt i f . v r r" "V '-4''-' electoral itcket,. have teell actuated by fac tiouS rA iews;orrjcprrupted. bvherts of, . " l l. . ' V h - 4 mi 4 V 4. f VI. either hvebeenr are; - now, swayed bjg -r f thVinflufcrtcfebf cieeutivc favour, or inspii, J -It red bynne hope or the, assurance of, execu A' tive .re,war;yrpight aa;weire4nsinua; -iedit thichVcJts.and balances f our adv ':') fl' mirahle constitution; ar a libel oft tneicV,rK J,t'S ncter.oi, the .AmeacaU.pe.ople. are: v -;. f not relating a;histpfy of.ci,but guardrnrtVs fc, as bur, fdffcfkthersi saughti;ga.irist;. future s 1 hi- corruption, bv the same- means too, wHidla? ' inev, libn- thaV employed :t;by ieaviiiEr oiit of tezhptim. ' ? . tion tllos,c whom hecpnstithUO ' I-'. ting, when it is to cmbracef.doccfnsid-rra' pie vaT ' number . ; or 4 men,reqtiirs - ti m e, . as Vetasmeans;: Norwould it be fodnd e'a as ' the v 1 would' be;: over" thirteen sbteWin any combination ffqundepi jupon ; mouyes; whichV thy ugh they could;pot properly' be denomuiaiedcoipti nugnyet be of a ni ture to niyeaclHhemm tw V Another -?md f no less r i mportanae Siderafumwas that tpe executive, should l fje. mi&ht 1 otKerwisV be;.' tempted' iosacri- L j&ce:hiadutyt6'D4aIomplaisanceJfQrtHos' wnose iavour was necessary, to me a uration ot hisomcaal . (Jonsfepxience This ndvan tag will'alsb .be secured,' by , makincf JHis re-election, to, depend on a special body of the smgle purpose, pi making tto jmipomht cfipice;' V';-V5Si':y 1)2-. SucHfello'w-Jcitizeps, (jrenbr'thevisi tendrd to? bring Within its seductive inflik; Yt ence.v - -yrf" "; t-rvrV P', i oere is. ienov? citizens, anainer comt' -r '1 matinrt. tA ihirh wprrantinf tnmMr r htm- . t inff your "most Xsolejgn temipnyoni' J n tye seen mat ,a. perioa oi ejgnteen monthch 4 ; J, iiiv. ZMWJt wt inn pii -1 iiiiiKi riiiLVf f iprnrprt r nt vv fc . election 'of ihe members oi 'tHat assemikir ' which, wsumes - the power of forminK an C ;4 r cr cei au uic 4;uoice oi a convenf - v 7 Mod of deputies fot Uat?! special purpose. 7, K : r, of r.tne v iSpropcr -xoni uncture. , . jWouH i VV you.bf disposed jn eye' Jhstancei tp de ;H pu'te to j siicn a cOpventionV ths!sam4 i per-v f v ' sonS'Whoinrvou jelected, to ;thcle0;3laturc;r6Jt-U f eighteerimothsi may ieebb pne branch .V 'f l 4f tfet; leislatarr,: tworrlllifee years be-n -i fore f:Wpuld: die maegisla'tureivhd '?t sat: last Winter, "jaow cpnyened in-order-a 0 !if t'pTorm a general "electorjal ticker place od2 '5 ,r f it. the samevnamer whjcb e,' tq.be found t , (thatioir. extant rAiWhere such a 1 ticket ; is unebni tuttonallv made. wiflha Viev iiotf ; t toi the iritegrity and'abiht oi the, electbn al college, but to secure' the choice of d par ticuiarcandidatefpr tHe presi ? i

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