. ' - . . . , . . . . . i , ,. . w . . , . . ..... f- tr ' " . . x-mL ..'.UEWBEttN, SATUKUA.r-iir:.a,3V48t. ;v u . V' -" K, tNUMBERye,. v 0 I'm l. iv. y .muTFDO PUB LIS" " V nVERTI SSMEKt 8 ,WlLt BE IK8ERTED ,VEVVV-flVE CENTRA SqUARE, THt AT 5tt iwn Tnim-TIVE CENTS ...tttf ' Mrti1T ATI EACH "Tf JO - 1 S BE FRKR!lOLOBRS OF, VIRGINIA, t (Concluded from our last. J ; v fn this early instance of submission, and . tr Franr- iifor there vrere. felloe citizens; no mur Pyrenees," !hn thrrc aire, nowwill beound, we be r.r thr prolifin source ot all our subae- cession troul have clecidedas regarded j herself, a question , of power "and notf'i $ riglitwt"rie huxniliation of a ptopltv wh'1 surrender their rigHts under the pressure of famine, is ' as cbrnplete, as 'if , that sur render as made under the pressure ox arv -provided the, power : wjb receives the surrehder,Vmavi at :.anv" time, irnew'the pressvire, " .Had ;the. embarco,';'thrt-efore,j occasioned all the suftenng in ;Great Bri tain, yiich it was' designedXto producr; she must have resisted the demands of A merica however Must'nd;;HasotaablC'Mn themselVesV orthave" acknowledge! the ex istence of a power' in consistenV with ? teir own independence, J'Hadthis, measure tof sen aeniai uecn succcsstuuyf executea in America, it-jbught nbti.therefojrir;o Have ucei cxpcctxi au nuvc uic ucsircu oprr- -nh irrnssmen disgraces and cala , Aw v then, with the unfounded rtion th it Great' Britain was our first L lessor of the Belli gerents engaged in ..Mt war. There can be no ques t lint I'lili Wiva v . iii.uvfiutivu iu umc Hnghnd ; indwe'tfie aUminisratipn waits I wth::mingled carcasVsvaQcl deluged tKrir T- " I nevrtrrivai' lif; the Wasptb letermirie on cities' and V belcis with blood they hp s: ar : with France v'A ;tbrtni Jaxk p mav S9iight,; as many others nations have blife v f-iwaji d1it;4VPdff' before them; a"sadefdge froaVthousand . i 4 finable t w:ir; BefoYeVthefarriyil t)f the tyrant in the arms bf fbne; I -A J'rench ! r tp;;x'h&w5V(CO'NGRESS .AP- meri; we.ncither hate;, nor env,V tbeiii their ) lOURjjS'Wm&et $everlmiihth$henc' -leUisivcglryI As " men; itheVoueht ever 1 " f' I he AVasp Yeturns. But the VVasp, .like I to be ohtects of our benevolence; Jahd4a me rt irnet; pangs -mnreatv ;. anaoujisuc At present they till; us eflullv uwith -CI j ' 1 peace wnhr7r4nce neverthejess conunues; -pity;and with vhorrdf. Thpir JaurelsVot ; 'fo thi- sickening reyiewwhatlse have conquest are stained witli thS fcfoo4f, of? jn- I we tO'aiU I' There?rrivs,eshrrbm die. noccnt mxf itheirsonfr of triumnri i&fi iS oinetDt iHapoieunt througn tne nanas ot tn'Uie Cries ancl jgroans jof hrnnanmiserv ; y ; MrL Bariow; anirnperial; edict, purport their pathSbrpad is moistened "with tearsi to have beeof dated more than. a twelve; and saddened, with1 dolati3niIlieem f' iftpnth before ;ite publication, - telling us belHshmettrof their: prouoV c?pibil-'H)rW tKe . I that the Berlin andt Milan decrees were spoils of xjthet, nations, and the Surviving f then rescinded. Whrn ? On the flfth of I monuments "othat liberty which theV navb when she saw us wbol I'M' iri!our neutrality, Jv unprepared, for? its defence, endeayour in? t'1 pttrchasc justice, where we should ve hurled defi-iiic'e "Xtfft'-er in all this .period nor in that tfii;,h followed, did the administration C;rnrstlv recommended an addition to our ,v . or ny adequate preparation for the vi spt ea(l commercial war which threat enrl our country. The keels of six seven tr r-urs w-hich had been purchased, in bet & ins, remained. s-d rotted on the grru KlJ or, were cut up for7 other purposes. Our countrymen of the tforth, who owe jh. ir oDulence to their fisheries, navigation I and commerce which employs sixty thou i;.nf! seariien, and fifty, millions of their ca piol, vrhich are to us, .as well as to them mine of wealth," and to the nation. if nghtly used, a lormidable safeguard of md. pendence1' complain of infractions ol t cir rights by all the belligerents, and a i hat protection to which they are just l r tided. : infeacl pf augmenting our ii:v , tiie ' natural shield Of our foreign c inerce, th'e'laisratibh resorts t6 attt inpts to punish the plunderer of three, er twentymilfiorisj of our prapertv by-an iuji.'j .1 1 s acrifice pf sixtv. Our ships,' it ptnticts by consiimg them to destruction ; our svastten, by condemning them to inac ti-o and our trade, by a suspension of .a,ugus(i jiu,ai,ine uc oi xnc mciuora-1 ciesiroyeci.r , r ranee annuauy otters up the if ; tion oir G:fr Britain, and anust Consequent- ble5, letter ofJthe kduke Cadore. : . 611 hveV4f:hei cHHdren- a& a-nrdntii r I ly be regarded as theoffsprihgof aninex- j On the lst off November iMo, ns; fice on thltaf pf theiloody MpjochX whe f cusable ignWance, in ttie adjiitnistration, iVtadispnV procj tmitioi had assured uyl sfacldidiir firc.,;witrjlttes" garland J ' 1 1 of the character and?circ4mstance9bf tnei No&-tellow cltizensUbut on the8thubf ndratfit talhekns'not nea ,'W people on both side.qf vthej- Atlantic." In .VAp'n 14 BrUy after :we had purchased anl ithe tusticef! Heaven mav strike off khn I ; however, as iri'dU baier casesf, where ! tulli ,fpr; their repeal by suspendincr, at tti its measurcsr tailed bf their mtended;eitec lotii&V20- per- lenUi vof he Vuue:Qfc?ilL;our I andtheswb rc! orven$reance nterce that ho. thev administration laboured to :-saftthMa'nur whblei mport&icms. frbm iEJig-, sorh!now swelling vith triumph, y . . rj': disgrace and the blame - on its opponents; laid,and taken the first -sfcp ; towards the ii; AsdittJ Jlovr citisensy are Wfed and an opposition- Consisting of one fcyurtn present war. '..VThere shalL-be v,n6 rieu tobc theap6locits of irear Britain or of jjitt i. ui uic wuuic tuiigicss, waa icutu uuuS4V , S4iu ciupcFUf ui . xrauucrM ir i ne'jmnistry. : : vv e,aye not saiQ, "tn tt 1V0. Ml 4 ! as an excuse foj the failure (pjTd; metisureiiismimstr . told owf'JW exivAooc no rtuse jrmeainst 1 ! which considerihgSihapcr was more j istjthen ; in fgc4 between gUrXand VcmuH chi&e fae notf to ? peninacipust Valdhered : toJ4y ; ; its fnens.- thl Uite4Stas4and c- his- majesty eopsi ;ceinn :thatucfiiee wHich!mr. adminis. andmore xealouilvi -faith were Hhrough Honjhas made'ftir us. ? ;We are no tr$pg, f executed, than any Bimlar, lawVerwas, tiie? jlam theiucstior ellTfprcebetwenA micancl. r ' 1 orJperhaps ever will be againV; we sogard itv we ere a people without Britain VVHeneycrdiat;is reruired of us , I; But, if the wisdom ofjthis-'measure be cy?and twitjiorui e'tiergy- Whomight t we shall be Jound on the sidVofpur OcVun- , 1 ' questionable in thisiviwliatslfiill we - Itift'lie induced to fi ght for interest, after trv, aiding ierwii ouiopes, ourpfyewU. k J ' say of tt, when considered as trie alrna- taj?ng;ref used tolfight for honour..;OieTe and our strength. Thtadministration noi V " 1 ! tiye preferred by our adminisfetmhv to are, now, iejl-JW :itacnsyno onger any satisfie'dwUh riralfing y .-fet. the treaty concluded with4j.B by fr.Vhciitrals. :,fj$e ar? at W iand with' Eng- to usurp the pl ace of our copntrV in.upder JVlonroe and -1 r., PinckneHad thar' lattd.' .Butit rem dns to ,bU proved that standings and our hearts & to finBr in our presentiwar, wmcp w. manitesuv.a conse-rnorf'. pe; ponpr ojir itaqiAonr,anati indiscretion and tolly. 'Ave .will not allow qucnce bf-irei'cttonvany 4 !pdig- wthihk; jthe ponmtercourse iaw,i under hings; so; distinct iiq themselves; !to be nities, fellowk:iepjhbi ipanV insults whlthrhfelj' Jcfcact onCexibrbade conlounde4 oar shame; mortification fe and; outrages from f ior.?r .ttatibns how hm, toV j disgraced irVfaat-isatf all times, an undoubu, inuca uissent selves, w- nrivate wealth have been retained,, preservednd augy tfeied iund.erRat4:PRamboiulet. l0r 1 dock of the setvanta;of the nation.1 and'tb ff nxcxsica ;;j flc-auiumisiraiwu vuiiiip:r- . prtjar. . inis, ci4Uwr--iuzco5T tuusuit uie aiscaranem, it unwortny -or trust. x . ' e3,to purchase a .trefttv wf SpaiiiJ ; thuugh lettefptten atjthis iastancc,rjyj(tlie; Se-; ,s ,VVe do not advocate a rlisgracefui peaco $ the agency of France, heF mteff wld evefi tHough U would ter- not deigm to accept oneJrdm Engto trwprthtj sammeri and ai- minvjte an impoliticf .and unnecessary war V. I gociated and apprbverl byf sucH mipHte tmnof this Butjtye earnestly cb'rfiend, Oiat hewticha , "ft as we.' have named. OI aio, arid France ! clttnd, honor, ie intolved,us in tfte war i not litely totiririg who dared not, at that-tipie,put to : aejaf filiAi prociman-;clo wSat it to a speedy or an honofableJjssue ; rand ' & ill ftr ign civmrncrce. , It tells the hsher: Mn we do most solemnly bclieVeV that the best : E m n i if the East, tbil His harpoon shall rust pjiant :paviesk literU tcrees, "Frafle ,tclla,us, expedient for the. aeqomplishtrieni of both, , ' 4 b in his cabin, and his line ?noniore plunge pal yrho nyrv cultivate is the removal of JVXr Madison from the in Mr deep. The merchant .ordered to rein c . 4 i( Wr the fttrknrL - and theJmariner. ' his- lousv of her rival destroyed )&rsEn&nd restttutidnl In the yerif teeth df his own A We are t6ldtKat niiiirtrrArlnt m 12 ' f, :th on thoean The crowded mart is nv;dr desolate and the hoDc of the bus- M.d man perish in the spring-'tlme of his labour."'-!v! ; ,.v..' ' . ..v- : ilV there wa: wisdom; fellow citizens'; in resisting the- Unjust preteris'wjns of the Katibnirif Eiiroo inhere 'was, surely, none" li hr- GfialitV ol) that species, of resistance f- ikh tfee ;ulmiHistration lelsjcted. Ori-. t i x and irhairommbdaungi- it cjlbuhd eel the reasoniagsaiaulted the prejudice's,, and boldly attempted to change ifl the ha- bt tf imtre savesf Spufnifng all pfece- "t'e nt or esaaijsle ftbin Either tints', it e rh larked 4 in a phiiosdphical experiment for the benefit of taHeV which comnfnced vuh its desftiictidn. Its uritriedmedV; ;rs pushedj indeed; to the , full extent of me rt wnicn Kius tne patient, w vurc uis Embargoes, as preparator)fi fgr imme cijie war, are pot withoutxample in.the torv of . other 'nations as; xvell as our ovn ; but the sole "m-rit ofaheir invention, as sutjstitute for open hostilities, ispra perly divisible - betweenr the ' late .andt pre 6cnt'vadmioistrati' ns.--If; attributable rtd ny part"ular member of either it be iah gsL pjculja;ly to Mr, . IVtadisqn, : himself, who nrst suggesiea iwappij.catioiiixo1a sir tailar Vurpose in , theyear;I794. . ItJ?wa3 singular enough,", on a iatevoccasion,';to hear ita ffiepdscomplain that thoserfor . wnose. oenem, it was oesignea rvvereliunr;ea a iMhtvtoud ip their clamour against lU As if an exnressidn of pain, leaved tb the 8utferef nochoicef hiV:mode of relief; vi hose a rts and manufacturesi every waV; injunction Jon (lerji .r'stptiij, he not on liance with! France, m-aid ' of this, war, (j suited to bur wants,, had grown, and multi- ly iisued an dlegai proclamation; butaf- vain and unbounded;" " He who makes pited. with bur ploug ter waiting in vain &fitfitrtfte 6n?orJhe thbassiirance Oply proves!, that' He j& lesyour fields, otirsi' diureopl.7Wr,shehai : VeCQmineudedj'' "war,aat0sV . nofa'urveyed the whole of the path befqr Alas! fellow citizens, that ariy mferican' Great Britain alone. T t'i V;'.t , ;r him "Suppose this war. should be Valamx our bveriowing cup of plenty, to grairy in j We jmplqy'pitr itentipn tojaur anxMus f pre vent it i that the xliscrimiriatiori wKicrf lellowship, the blood stained hand: of a ; enquirtsf tmsa ;'lra? for hdhour? D es Jour admlnistrationPh't&lsounwistflv radeaw r Ifut ifsuch yas the policy of the m rabje embargo where shall langulependence, arid 3fjna .of all man- calculated to do, all herpepplc Ther;:a Ibuprdjto depici that which wejiaveenl wni&eSpisb Isles of our will indure manv veariV at least : arid irs Iv'Hvithesaed ? Spain, I of whdseiini lines w'f Afchipeiairai' whMitthe rest of Anaeri f unavofdabie cocseaiieneea -mast he alaitii first compiainvi,s 4b- longer tW'?:oftect. ofl cawwhattWitt' thevp6ScXthe We w World tous to usV as wSl as to, them When tr. oft his arm OiStop theacheim bihifitigcr. : A vowed h to be a . measure of precaution against bbthvbclligcrent$i H t was in fact and Huention. a miasure. of "hostility asrainst' wie oi tnerp.ana nra.a an tne enectf ot war. j It aroused her pride and herjeseptment ft; if. our resentment; ing.nnaiirysx.tij9r'prareatnunaer bolts might; cool; theif:are discharged at England alonc.i Still it is s...cl; andrepea- delusive assttrancM. ; wrifti t m whienfthey JFipldbs cbhtending9J at the I those numerous tales "whichthe admiais-.- iide lot jthe tnemvf Qi the human race, a- Itration has Ifecommehded, which CbiRn's gdiusi. uiciutuj; irauuii-wiw power w nas resoivea upon,, ana wnicn are merely .-.! - ' it i 1 I imciu uicir uiirtuu luwLii. uuu rear uicir ueierreu, snau cau on us lor cqntrioutionB i , strength to i manhood ? Hp must the reV -tO'thel'War' wtilcnUhe- war; will'ilepvtve up k fil maining friepds of liberty on the continent of the facility tfpaying : wfien those Ioa tx's, g j of Europe regard anatiob who labours, to' which-riave' beehVeffectedwith dimVulty t '! -ij ; ally herself to; the deadliest fdeihat treerdom shall attempted .hereafter, withi still ; 1;- 1 cverknew? Fey indeed; they are (in gteaterr difficdlty to Be :tenewed,?:And 4 x- )lL number but the more to be; respected, a' tunda shall be reSuired to rei mbuWe them ft Her mangldb6dv, pier who naturally took upnb us for thet modcfl ladisonV re-election ihall have been e feed-blithe iangsv oi the monster who - d6f tbeirinte institutions think, of a war fciired by. thesi yours her, now Jeedar;.at every i pprey adj luviijcs yur ucepcat ; coniuiisseration. H.nr giand has rescinded her orders of council; attheyery instant ip wpYch we have deGla- iEKi v4v u'iiul iicr.r vv one c uie Olnre-n urancu oi peace was i preparing in lionclon, bur administration was industripuslyforg ingv at VVasfiingtoiS, the --thunderbolts) war. It waited only- the decision tf of Na- fpolepn to ;hurl them at ,h;s )j(be. J Amidst thi's busy note : of preparation what was te language atWashtngttm 44 Wairthe M return ot the Hornet from France. If ' Mr.-3arlowvdoes-h6taendWaaadsfa Vtory'adjdstment "of oufduTcrenccs ; if - uuy ;uucenainiy; ?venf- snau remaiqin bur relation to that country , IfteV, the . arrival bf thef Hprnet? 9uVwar rhalFbe " ajgain&t both; nations;, ' Alike m their wtbngsy they shall alike .feel the; weicht pt, our, resentmenti", . Well ! fellow can- apns. months elanse- i anH :thf-Vj.-Hhrtiftn turns;, not lKwithouta qui any rcasouapie nope oi one. . nut tne i.TT uLf ta uiumuciH. . auu to, .witnout wan tney y stand alone, amidst theK tettipestl when the)0 exchequer bills, jjrhicrt , riow vYuiv-u uas 5wcut a t ay luc nauMus aruuiu i tnixaten xo pour intocircuiauon, at once, appearca in tne snort compass or ;twcuiy years ! rherocisrandSnelv yatlies of HeV 1 I 1 nve mpiioas oi aouars, snau e aouDiea. -. tripled apd tquardf upled" overr and bver :Jj ' V ! hagain, at.tncv must oe; it money to jcarm , ,r-; vetiahave fohg tfeased to resound the cheer-' bothe war cannot" otherwise: be h-d anc ;v Fiif notes 6t libcayl; lc ca; St: .jMarinb,"' J7hereV fredPm tluUgh present mnirurri ot one Tiuhdred dolfars. i v 4 mher dechtfe, - yet: Toved to? lingc y have T?tcf.fve(v and perhiips asnngle: dollar, m or- " M dtsappeared-iblottedvpuVTromy the .mass der to givenhc.mV mbre . difiusive cirqula- , -r ofuropesunk;;. and lost, ljkef sa;paany tippand to displace ;their riyrals,the noteo ; . vv once 'veYdant fslahdsbeheattf diei deail sea of buf tisaAst. whenl withodtx fleets, "or a 5 Fellew citizens;wfc dpjnPt wish ter in'l citiea arc-bombarded and;Vwithbutrx fb ft0-.,Vjf 2.-- ; : ,v. - f a iTit. i -is. i pireybuwith;adeadly, hatfed ol France tenchm6nhav viVf ues aisb.Es-, capedffom'ajh f oVerthrowin air4;and; order,' lighted , the Yorch arid nerved the Vrm,bf uherraid-: and askissin ; which, ;alf bf buf deatrate lonihv'ations to proteevth m ;iu . 'ilir- hrttytWaWlttri . anrt urif hmit kv In f,i 5 . i. i- reign mat ets lor.itfi products bur agncul lure; ,as t ha ; eycrrdohe, ' declines ; with our commerce when for. want bf militaiV talents, or i experience in purto?mmanderr, r k Whowiirbe -ffuthered kiere'Vaod there,aa- '5 a the tttppo'rt ofvthe administration may jreuVU

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