foh and Fuller of the 4thrcgimrm : capt9;- ; ? Sauiden aripT Brown '-of the:Onlo 'vii&fcM teersiaridxapt. belantfre'bf the MichU ' ' T SALMON Hhtf:4- TflRtE DOtf-ARS PER ANNUM,' PAYA- Vlf yearly; in advxnoe. t v , " HTISEMENT8 WlLL pE IN3KRTEI ' SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS A S QUARK, THE T WEEK, , AND TfltRTY.FlyE.CENTS J0 EACH cumiv'";; FHO VI THE P ALL A DIUM tfour ills were of a nature that war rould rrme f war ould compensate any of our losse, pr -T.Ve any of mn complaints there might b? some jfrtion of the suffering- in the charm of the proa t But how wilt War upon theUnd protect corn ice "Pon tht oceaT Vhat Palin haa : Canada for W unded honour? Ho ware our mariners benefited by ! , trWich exposes those who, e free, without Lmishff release to those who are impressed.'' X aareit tj me rxwi t j w-r5 c ihabitnnts of Canada -wbtiM'tfldrV " to thetr taid5rd, the moment. At its'unrurlecf rl their ' sk vthat thcK wiil?-rejoice ..t Ifirow, off their allegi:inre to rthe British Ioriarcb to join the: Republic ' 4 C' ' Whv the ridicul6uiviubD6sititn should P ver have beeneritrrt titited, il t;b nien 6i common :irfderst iiding inexplicable Yfbut Why ; the United States ' f ho'ulc ; wihK t make war upon'; is infinitely more-urprisi! ' : ' Whv should a Canadian" wish t to cpme under tjie Government of the tH- States, when he would enjoy no more: liberty, fee no m -re secure, in the .posjse48ibn),of his rights, 4 and pay. double, and probahh more than double, the amount of taxes he now pavs T ';''' Are'Cariadians ?o anxious to pay taxes asto be willing to rcvoit from their sove reign, and join their .enemies, for the pri vilege ? y r Vhy shouldthe. United States be anx ious to possess a 'Cbijntry 'which costs Great- Britain annually more than two hun- tTEKE any; evidence yet wanting to W satisfy all I rational .-.and honest men cf the impolicy of thwar in which we are eT1Mged- or of the c.ilamitouB consequen ts which may be expected to result irom (lrt-d th tisund podnds Stirling? Have thr Jr. if Dersisted in that evidence mie;ht be, TJrAtrd States such a dundnrv of funds found in the recent most disastrous result hn the Nation d Tre isurv, vai tHai the cannot find objects of expenditure within" their own territories, that thev are seeking pbjt-cts of expcnditiire abroad? Whu advantages wotild re.sult to th'(( citizens of the United States from , this Iconquest I Would they have less tiixvs to pa after wards than before? No Canada, like some of the Western Stite; woiild p.iv scarkely enough into the N itional1 rreasu-4 rv tON detrav the expences or thftr ovvn Represent ition md of their tioverninent.v Will it benefit our c6mnferce to annex Canadi tu-pur union? !No It would br, adding to" otir territory a country pro lu cmg little t6'&cport, but possessing i coo siderable tonnage of shipping; which would come immediately In compet tion with the shipping of the Northern States -"Will the interests of ournsh,eries be promoted by it ? No Their fiiT vvlll also come intv the same m trkt ts with Tours, and produce the sCame effect as their shippincr. will Von our navigation interest to lessen tne vv lue of buth Will the acquisition benvfit the aorricultural interest ? No The Ca nadiins export both grainy aid flour Who then 'will be benefited byvthe con q rest "of C a n ad a ? ' Nobody except those bou. Re- publicans who woill;receive app )intments to office, in the Produce. But jireSrou, fellow-citizens, willing to prosectite the war for-the berir fitof these gentry jk -Will you kicrjSce t wenty thousand nortrbops; which probably; does not exceed the num bers re'puisite to subjugate tht country ? Will voii ybur national debt thirty millions of dollars, for theTenviable privi j lege1 of incurring an .annual nd permanent expenditure or one million f ; '"u If vou are wdlinc: to do this. 'vote for Mr. ScAyjER, you who' are his constitu ents ; approve all the measures 1f admi nistration, whether right or wrong ; pro claim that it is. tre ison to douoc their per JectapilU and extol the wisdom'' 1 of, the matlVar'wef are jjurstiing jDo allthis and; more ; prove to' the world that you are r our first campaign to Canada he surrender, by Gen. Mull, of his wholearmv without anv formidable, re ghtjnfe.vis an event calculated to1 inspire fn lings of regret, surjjrise and alarm' in jverv American bosom. ft is to be regretted, because it inflicts a wound qjv our national honour, impairs our WttioSal strength? and; exposed us to the scornand. deriston pf the world.'? r It ii a matter of surprise, because,' afr tcr'invading Canada, pompously proclaim jptr that the country was 'occupied by our tnopsi fthat no quarter would be given to the enemy, in certain cases ; our army, we next le:tnv without any general battle, and withqurany apparent cause, is jctreating h ve recrossed "the lines-ar: prisoners of war! . , : , A' It is an event calculated to excite oqr ilarm ; becattse-it authorizes, nay compete the conclusion,: that the loss of this army wholly Jb be aUtlbuUd to . the m provi dnt, v imbecile or? traitorous tTonduct.or those chargrd with the. management and conduct of the ' operations oi w ir. i What cbnfidence can we aii ad ministration Uiat can thus wickedlvsacri fice such'a number bf our fellow-citi zensr-i-who thus rashly, and in contt mpt : of ad monition, afe bringing ruin on their coun try? 9 t, I-ong since was this improvidence foreseen. It w is foretold by the atye md vituous minoritv in congress, bt this war would be attended with disas ter in its progress that; it would result in thel humiU,ntionv and disgrace of our belovedcountrv. 1 :It " .would be v sdnie telier''sav-.. thev, i in their address to their k constituents,' u to our anxiety, if amends were likely 'to. be ' ttiade for the weakness und wildness of the: prijectvbv the prudence of the preparation- But in no aspect of this anomalous affair canHve trace the creai and distinctiveVprope'rties. of visdoraV There is seek a headlong ..rushing into dijfi cutties with' little i calculation about the without ucress;' By' .. theireturn of killed iarid Vpinided,vit pcrceivediHat ilje, loss of officers vwai uncommopl vl greati nrir.tionstto. raiiy tneir .comp inica wis mo occasion-pr itv . ' y 4 v - J -am, zry VespVctf ullv: ' i s vr ; Your most obedient servant, , :.. 'Tori; "I ,rj. Eu4tU: -J5ci CsV s?r; ' &6 mPOnfr&fttyVll$toini Mijat Vs Horn's defeat. Captntn Gilchrist ; C ntain'UUerv CaptV !yiC-iilough of the Spies : v Capt. Hcpstler severely , wounded,' J and not- expected to . recover . (since'flead) ' , lent. P,ertZ Ensigns Roby and Allison . la Privatca x - j 1 i 1 . 1 10 gan yolanteersr whowere. attached to hitf com ,n md and distin cuished bv: their4 va I . f lor. It is impossible 1 for me, m this? com v munication to dcr jusUcetatl romcersandi, soldiers, who. gained the: v?c7orV whichlT f.) havt descri(bedv Tlcy3jave acquired tigh ?b honor to thernsclveVand arc utlcntii cd tp tbegratitifude'of their 'cnuntfvr . - A x Maior MurrAf.vthef: 41st reciment com-" , inarided .ihcntisbin .ctionSTKe,: regulars and volunteers consisted of ahYnitv dians.t xMajorMuir, and twov subalte.rnV - fe were wounded, . pne( of them since llead, I iAbo'nt forty Indutis were found deadX( the 'field; and Tecunlseh their lcadfjrv aa slightly wounded, TJhenumbeV of .wounV. (V ded Jndians wHo escaped lhas not becn:a&f ) certajfd ijFourof MajdhMuirdebch r ment have beenmade prisoners. Snd-fif- ' - 1 Told .lost' IT?, , - Number of wounded, 1 as vet unknown. , c tl - u u ' v v teen ot the 41st regiment killed and wown 2 , blR The monbodv oi the army hav- i - i ' i' - . 4. v- -.- , .-.' v - . r u ded. The militia and volunteers attached H mg-recrossed the uver at, Detroit, ort.theK vjJ-L i - " n :u r.i' 4.l. s.' l to hia comm3rd were in the. severest vpart r: )JLa m Pf the action, and v their loss must haVo ;drR:the commanl of lieutvcbl.MiUerr to open the communication to' the river Rai,-4 5lu, and .protect tbe prbvisions, which were mder thevscortCof Capt. BiUsh " Fhis detaph m c n t co nSi h ted o f the 4th XJ - States regt.vand two spiall detachmentsindcr the command ofvliieut. Stansbury and .Ensign :MLabe of the 1st n giment ; detachments ram th Ohio ;iod Michigan Volunteers, a corps ofv artillerists, with one six pounder been great it has Vot vet heeb ascertained! .5 ' i nw me nonor to dc, ' ..: ' Your rntist obediHnt'f?vflnrl: w.i; HULL.tto Gen: ''rN . Commanding tf. H'. 2rmKA,:V t : f Secretary f War. ' , Return of killed nndttfourMed in the action - fought near JWjguagii August 9th S vz n 4th U S- reeiment 10. noncommis- 1 t- r ind an howitzer under the command 6f rY-. i: i 1 .- - 1 w-nye wounaea ; capt oaieer or tne 1st lieutenant Ksttnan. anrl a .i:rt nf rdntains ' . . rrf. r ;.f 'r ,r Smith and Sloan's cavalry commanded bv W . W: "?! 01 tne wmo .volunteers. in , -r - , 1 - ' ' ' v v uisucr or iues itn, aoingf auty n. tne and an ensicrn; whose" r 1 :!: r. ft p. ctpturi Slbati Lieutenant 'Colondj Vldlcr. marched from a..' o-n ' -u ru- "" tn ; heat, only: a Uetroit on the attemoon of the 8tu instant, " J vl u - ,i n,u'n.. iJui! - ' i name has nor bee&t mtuuu nit ytu rtirvjui t u tiUtK, r. M - UIC van-guarci, commana.ea.ovr captain 'aaeiung T- u j l- " .-'. i a w a. 1 it a c' i b v In the Ohio and ' Michicran volunteers h Oi the 4th United States7 reel ment, was ' 1 n j ?Z ? , ; w bv, c 1 ' uv r d ' u 8 were killed and 12 wounded. i I1 troops and Indi uis at. the, lower part of iVl iguago about fourteen, miles from ue- Wm HULL. FORE TO V ' JElVS. - 5 t F V ro.r. .tnii .fine ;we,cwro ,ooa? w -W Lwft. nigbV ' : , ft,in- two' columns, -and 9aptain rived in' ihi, port the'ship 5terlWgrB5terV K' Selling .mainwinrd h.s posit.dn in a . most a- 40 davs rom' LiVerpooi. v this'WsI. & g.ill9nt-manner, under a very , heavy.. fi.e; ,iw V,. rt.rt.iA I nnAni 'ti :d nd advanced to u .u ,;r a n,M :; ' jlx Jj, occupied,when -the vvhble, Jnclusiveextracts willoe found hdn'tf: . .-V? ir Rnrrmv wire inrmiri nfmnrt - . . - fir to "be slaves; that youa'rea v race re fwm, .fatlerfotecrii flto MfMjii Bsixc for chalns.M But quevces ( O , , , ' rremember the. direct taxt's are' susnended only Until the Presidential Election is' past V that; there must bes new. requisitions of men' for, the army t hen ou shall be rtqVired tocontntiute your wealth, Vnd to sacrifice your sons, for the support dfthis crctMm ":;nn Vint- r i m nlin 9 tie tn' QtfctMm you imve cnuseu. . jv , How do the' events of the present day justifv tht-e? observations ! How Forcibly flo thev.vurge us 'townnaraw pur conn dence f rom' r t h e ; m admen w bo- ha ve" i n vol-: Ved;iisinthis War,, and to enirust tfienra Dament4.bfyobr'ffira-"''tp;pi"en-of sense J ind sound discretion." i f;; v ' j V? Already there arev probably, more thah fourthousdnd oftOurfellowcttizensin oonaage py means ot,tnis most, impolitic nioit :foolisfiwai; ' And "tjiisis but thebe-. ginning, - the first fruils; hi the" ; mad .me a? lu-i .-i ,4 ..t. ' ;-- V' ' "w-s I And twhat "good efietts have jrcfsjilted to lis from jtiiAre, eany nearer. tbVthe ar tainment of its. obiectsthaq we were before the' war was commenced.r r t; ' -v ! Inteadfof having' conquered CsfnadaJ ountroops1 are, driven backwithdisgrace v M w). wKMl. y t ivpm VBUr'V'IV ' VI' ill ' itrong holds n our borders are urrende idqythryenemilVA oreli 4 v- TfJESDftT S ptember:3. Qopies of a Letfers JromjBrigadier-gcnerql limLta the. UiepqrtpicnVoj War iccami m ' partying the dispatchpubhsKpa1 in our lasts "f? ;f'$andwtctil7thyAu 1 On' the 4thinsti Majbr Vltn :Hbrn2 of CcSi; FindUe ReginienCof:pbioy9lu the command. of 200:meo,princinaUv rir until the line was foroit the, ground he "excepting the determined , to, grant no more ifterthev received trie 'official n.atniCWOOU OO tnir Mnrlarariniiof rfrm tKiW ' mi, left, -v Lieutenant -olonel iYlilb r ordered Uu 11 u:i?u..4 l:--j.isiI A h.s whole line to advincei and.whel with, Were'to'clear butprevUas tovtKe lith! of lira sm ill distance of theeneinv rrndfrni ' " 1 f ' ' "V I . 1, I j u- " 1 . - . i august, pursuant 10 tne ounaiv'ons or sucni - eucru Mwc wnjc, ,iu prxiceeea wicn licences. ; n application a extend the t mV A , chaiv6netef when the whole BnUsh ving been Rejected; ; A,plication vk.d' -', bWe andxlndjans ntmended retreat. 'BftlimWc for licences for. vessels sup 1 t They wer. pursued m a most vigorous posed tb haW sailed from New Orleans1 for 4; nanner ; about two . mjlesj ; and.the.urst England aftethe, expiration of the emar. ' I discominuedjonly on account ofi the tat??ue d before-advicVof thV war iched' . h ol tmops, the approach vof evening,;, and tHafi place, & heen refqfld. T Licence: f'f the, necessity of turning to .take xre ,of had been 5gfand toV American vess ja the.wouncled. rheadicious arrange- the Baltiq tb proceed to England with 'Afcih menta made v LieU CoL, Miller, and rA Russ;arj caroei i but had bVn&fusVd' It the gaUant manner, m which they weref Xr. foVthoSe atArchangel Except Vuctti as f ccutednydy Wghet wcpt therC 'from7 Englmd.r ,Thc l(PfLsi-r; T i,.' honor. From .moment " the ne : com-t xlerts proclimition declaridPVaK rear fed M menced the fire, itrcontinually nioved onV England via Halifax! on the 2d Wf August, l-U :and; the,enem mairitatned their position nd y-la fcbtfenbuVgh on ;the 4thf Ithc until forced ; ar .the-rpointof the baonet. samc moniH 'The Americatfships :Wthe J The ndians on the deft, under, ; the om- Northpf Europe received; Advice of lthcrw-jf "I'.-of ecuimfouht ith .gtfeat waV, long before th'e, English shipss bf war - T obstinacy-irr.cpotiw got orders to! capture; Exchange atlSfc' - fj compelled toretreatf ;;The; yictory; ,was Petershurgh onXorJdoh the Wofrju! complete ih every pafrtofthe line, and the Vas at Q l-2.Xblonial produce dull sale" '- 1A success iyould hay ebeen more brilUaptd Herao dnd 'Talldwl verv highndrbf bfolt the cavalry charged ;the. ehemron .tre. S Theshtv cJiodrn capt.: C&rV; 1 jij pfresented. r Although :oderawere giyer dWthe Baltic bnthetb b.f JulVubde ! tfa for the purpose,5 unfortunately', thev-were irv C'! 'TUA rkrv;it r, emen, to proceed to the river Kaisin, and 1 urthemf aecessarv. to meet and reinlorce CapVruh; "df the staV-of , OhioVcoV' manqinga company pi, voiunteers,-ana es braveia s W Wy .ascrihed bravevo-AteiicMmtnx ,nretat the mritehrs of Ohx AlaT foronr rmintrvii2 hi:V,uJ.i Tcr.i 'C.;.-,i- ul :.v,:;' vdrgradedd etrydxpuntry ; The VhoIeetcHmeht retreated mJvdisor fe?6 becomprthe; drensJ.deV.Alajor V inhbrn'made,everrexertion ot onr :ihtuated-tleruded. administration ,rtdforWl :r. A nrWr-nt ' theCreirat;, that Via not executed, CAf niqrVatf JHorn Varid Morrison of the Ohibv Volunteers, Mrere associated with )ieut. iol,CMtUerVla4 field vedatJlOotteflburghfrom Ybrkwithi'-, b the news of the, war on the2id of Idly.; a i , 'i irof.' The '. lastridvtcei' t ::t$ theJieV and -me!.fiimCandjutrepid -oian fnVituation'quit frpm; what ri ' hefHhey. led .their respective commands i tb hasLbeen 'for, many X vVars;6efbreyhd "vv-,J a'ctiohv-;-: rV--vwt F,renebAare:deVeed'i allCt'K aptain.B ?rer U the V 1st 'UkStates. re- pr6babtlitvthe,VrWiU.tsoonbe underl the 'f giment,captam , Brevort of the- second, ti necessity of evacuating .the Penihsula 1 al- f cartaiikHull of the lth 'rmvaidde-camn together. In the" North ' Hnnsnartirt-', V.Hi , ind LieunvWhistlerof the list requested peari thavBusinessenbdghbn bis handi ''r" uciuusaiuu lutjum iiicj cuui;ncQii3 vu-' tne xiassiananu aweaes are opemy against - unteers: ieutenanrcoU v Miller iikssTgn-; him V-DoKmarJf Seems" to be willjng ,to jofaV t ed cxjrjtfmands'Vtotrcapt ihe! cOalitio.n; arid thebthcir Northern pow- V;' Vh irer;Tahd cants; BfeVQrt;and Hall, ersilpfobblvonly - rwaitrjf brVfavorablcV-.-Vfi arhi reauestattended his person andai opportunity to throw; their weicrhtintq ths. . - J iv tf$ coding provisibnVr Yortthis army,; U&t yvrei tnese r tne; hptiours W th, whichlourl RrrJwnstOwA: a lartre hodv of Iiidians had rmy;Avas,tq be crowned ih this var ? forfied; an tambuscatlei Vi" the J MajorVj ded hipa in- the ; 'generaL rranementsi ; scale "Vrrainst the niightv tyrant.: "thib ? . Lieutenant-colonel jNiiller ha$ ; me :tioned be. so and -the Uussians pursue the.retreat v i ' the conduct Of these; officer m:, terms of in g policy Bonaparte will never -be' tho'v-' high approbation. In. addition -to the cap-1 Erapeiorof theworldrit will TequiTe, all.