f r 1 .YV.;.;: "vv..:v v ? H'5wi. saKp ic-JSl'::i.; -t v's- 1 T ; i ' 1 1 " 1 " -- J ' " - - 111 - - - - PUBLISHED. BY ! PRINl'tD AND AT THREE DOLLARS PER; AttNUM, .flLE H VLP YEARLY IN AOyffeE "0 PATA- AERTISEENTS WILL INSERTED rMVENTf-l IVE CEMTS A! iARETHE flRST WEEK, AND THIRTY-FIVE yoR EACH CONTINUATION,? J' J... CENTh v AV ENGLISH VTF. W OP THE W Alt ' i ' ' ' i ii. ' i V '2 'r fhf foUotvihgt article from the I'ierppol Coiinetx of ;Augvst $th eannbtfiiil td be read with' viierkst --V-.V') VtJNITED STATES Wf hay at lertgth the A mericin official president whichf gav rise to it Fhe' re vte of thel-ittel" document will ;4da iktle, t th - previoas jtck of fnf rnttimJ ; hilt it mut prove toi fcvcrv impartial person, iiF Bn : bing were wntin to prove it, thit thf drternination to declare war afitalt O it Britain Vsakej up by the ATfi;rir cm Executive on grounds Very .."different from those ukii ally assigned, in England .; and that the message itself Being filled with e rv ! complaint real or imaginarv, which li;s for years been groaned forth in the Amrr can efriocriitit papers, is only de 8in 'd to give a xolor a semblance of rt-al cause to the measure which has been jd' pteu VV retched, indeed, must; that ct'S' be, when it equires to be supported bv the! allegation ;oi grievances which have f, nn difi:4vmvfrl J. nyt tnr wKirT irT-otlrtrk hs been offered, or for. which reparation lia been oered, or which admit pf no t characters may be separately appliecji aic found 'in this disgraceful manifestio, which cq j tH' sets at de&rxe th common Ifeel Ipgvof justice, and the dignity of supreme j-DVirnment. We have. Tor instance, the aff-ir of thev Chesapeake, without the inen tioniofjthe disavowal and the ample repa ration offered j Henry 's mission too is dwelt upon, though no one we believe .on ejither sidt- the yater can attach 'the slightest im-p-ytan'ce to i"r except ! as that aifair exhi bits the ease with which th American ex ecutiv.rnay be duped through tbe influ er.ee ofits hatredito England and its cor r"p? attachment to France upon its judg mmt or principles. : The very worst part ox tne imessagenoweyer, is tne cnarge tihichit revives against Great Britain for tx iting the: Itidiahs on the frontier to hos tilities.- To thjist known falsehood pr.r: i .vinuu.u.ia itui mis suliiuu lur uiepur fou- of rousing the feelings ptfhe AiAeri Cn pfople. Yt t ; he even , Halts in doing it ; je performs the disgraceful task with a gait shuflling '55 leaves ho doubt oY his being conscious at the moment that he vioiatintruth, or atleast assuming that as a fatt of which hehad n6 evidence tef)fe-iim but thftt whii-Ii tended to is Jirnve it. The hostile Imlian tribes are iti conclusion; "fioweVerl WieVannrind ii oneAyiU attempt to dispute,' thatf orders mTounvilare riat the sale enme ofXth& hosl weaiiuuaeassumea ot Anmccu - x lf o gr a-. "rKVn is irtffact givu to biem WsV ' rwi - a, -vt vii .: ; I ; mi. . -. . t i VM cc ' "wu w n 4u v oiner orcne ts and usages of the British gOyernnieSt faiid tn argument, therefo-e, "i ofthfe Vho have impugned theorders incouncU,abe. ing in thernselves .the chief cause vof,tV hostile f spirit of the Americans, and . i terms e,iJ!lystrong have .comLndJ their. repeal as a sovefeijn paiiacea for.he'al ing eyerv difference befcweeri ihe tVroLCoun -tries, falls to the rouriil ; in fact we have i ring .us:of;thepbWfer) otiritaliatoii afd de (ebce and for. this!vmerica ciici to warr- , A'consehsotbhyiods a'ljiao.fairlv; csti- Wished . leavbV:1t beond a dWbt'that in4 .acceptea ana this measure rn-rica hasVacci ictt'dSuponthe, ultihut lm'.of 'Bmapirte.; honor qf an aljv$ and:thedtfficaltT fl?tn ' the" vav of fr. '. arbVsnaiitiatioq'vriU be, ,;It is a verv niturl kjaiestion, fhVfa will thereo?al of theord-rs in xou'nciK iThea it becQ U; kown ioaA ti iric i,' tcr tfie newly a Jopted bcHicv of the A;n t rican goyernmrtnt r vy e are( ayare; tnat nam,e.f MrvreasoiiTor;askina if .then SV "5 n"cy oacKis ,tnat .1 sec,o ih a Erskines speech .fCuthlelUa detaurVl in the ?$tn vol of tfe Edi nhurjrh Kcyr?wt that :che; said ClerkVougf to haVbiti' hanged WitthaCIoieph Nourse "ugh t t; have repaid thmofiey. f -I dp nb(.knWth't) he, dd notnvbereii. a fund yoh knw, ; but of -which , monie rati h V.nfl vtri4-tirtii VmJ difficulty; W loss :to inrbodvhen ry l(,tto dolors was; paid out ,'of fui! r i wha;came;2QO miles : throIlh nis -enemii i country; , and into ,th"e .old General's &np i gunjnuchhy His journeyThe olcl Gene-, au tne ;;propr tqat any subject 14 cHpablepf, j v";': vv-. ia,c iyumu ujduv pcsfjat am vexireraeiy sangums as a:vs uuc Aarmi,siicei:wnicii was.-crAiitea repeat 01 jner orders m council, th in to to the effect f A this, measurev;in pacifying : was more necessary Tor usr.thah fdr. tlxhl force a sacrifice, of our essential gni iritime J-Ameriea: .and none are so much so as and I b.eJieyeio too... Let as yankeVs'aioao riK and consequently, ti):t fiad th- o tho& w)ioi aye. clamoreduiiost aoJdl f fr formating tfcuuts in... . ."v'T diirs in council been repealed previously to i it. Wens, th is the eff :cf, it wold remain , ? q N k Y E R E' ' ' the American declaration, war would a- to be seenihow far in a commfcid viewS i. A ' ! .'-V:rl vertheless have becfi advbeed .Vtlje A-! Great f linainVwould benefit Jb it; It is . - , another." " ' '4 V) merican executive and its supporters the our opmioVnot at for the revival, pf the 1 . V ',j ; , , - V ; A', democrat This is vVhat wehavo-iil trade. tq the Ooited Statcswould becodn-lu 'lv ' u 't f3 hr,'h? am ! long asserted and supported bV reasoh ai-; teftalanced b tne depression ofouncom. ' V11? ,tnJit I jtmlvr, a government; : duced from the whnlr tpnnr tK! ;ftn4.,i.t : mr r .L. i : i WHicH-looics to the interest of thepeoole--;-'; o ine American government ; , and.the hame. ot conreding.ani messacre of Mr. Madison. ha inctirl rh'f : avi? hnnf rnm rnoLmt; T ui um iciu.irK.5 ana strictures rar tne tne messairei nd garrisons tjh therefore it i difficult to account' for their, movements;' .except fr m Bfitifih 'influence,'- Thus-on this litlSV, O'miinff Ot rifinrrketirri ' . n Wt..' lunpiciun of a. partial mind, it is that 'the Vadofan extensive natidrr, in an official IWharges Great Britain tefprethe Jortd with an actthe most atrocious, tvii h rasomni?f aad,sUch,an inference 1 uld haveu d;bsed the mosjtlgnqirit and writable of the'democratitriournals. , at j;r; Madison had even then ,6'efore, tiin a patch' fromhe-government of Canada "Scehe had ever received of the hostile Pt9ations of the Indians."' -This i nfor- tion that goyernmenthad received Trom iP "tradt rs and garrisons' oVthe Indian i frontier Inwrl ' ... J :' :.L- . ' 1 !y, Y"v 1 uma amic y . tircumstaqce ffcPjMr.. ladUon assumes,. pn which ground the possibilitY.of Briiidil infliv V rvcu is exciting tne in-. 0 fef Mr our gdye to ife trde -ferf froni ? we have no reason ta exneC t last twelve months. We should, ho v?e: that the American Poverrtment will retrarr-J v;r, udvc icit great pleasure nd thr mes-.its teps, unless vrc, are aJso.. preparvd to sage -of the Presid nt on this occasion pro ? surrender Other fights besides jhVot reta ved us to have been inaccurate observers ! Hating pn the inemv.,, 'The rescinainr of anrr juuges or tne conduct ot the United the orders in council s but one of tj-.e ob- 3X2 tes But it mav be necessary 4r . t -. 1 ' ' ui'ciciiicti -wcf nave nrawnf trom thmf. t tnat .tnan to the nuentiftns j important', right ;W thc 0n js Jxiift; i..i?wiAu-r . nomv.! ir answered his friend,, vou'.., th ihk God for nothing. V You arelabusrdj ;most ,scandaiously:vabt;ised ? P.a, ei Hthastring of waggonsfeacb:! "uulv ui unitt-a ic urucrs in:cpun(.it s out- one 01 tre 00- . : . , . jects for .wKichrvJt-: hasv cnterc'danto..war, issaryo support theiinds no greater importance is attached to Irawnf from the5 mes- f that , than to the Questions of Vercli and sage bv referring to the prominent subjects j blockade. Sl Hbw therefore the satisfving of its complaints? and to prove, thwtthere P onedeniand out of manvc adjust the is an exact correspondence of design and , qurrel doesjt not' very rlearlv . wpper. purpose between the American and trench governments ip the principles of the war in which they are both engaged. , - The first point presented is the right of search, and if the message means any thing, it asserts that it is necessary to go to war to compel Great Britain to renounce it. It is not necessary to pur argument to justify that right, or to shew that Great Britain has a much stronger ground ofconv plaint agamst the1 United States for the seduction of her seamen, and the issuing of false certificates of citizenship, than America has against, this ronutry for the detention of, her real citizens. This, is sufficiently obvious, though Mr Madi son is, careful to abstain from, even a ' dis tant allusion to jt. The principle, and not the:. practice, is the point more immediate ly, at, issue : and this brincinle would wring irom us, that -ihe.bracticai ' ehefits to 11 fn jf ar 'A; V i . . -, greed, v France, demands!of neutrals that thev resist by force of arras ie search of . ..w ..v-v ui uurs attacKeq is that of blockade.; Now;., as it has been ex- v.rvvi; ,! iviunroe ano Mr. rvsiervinat yreat Untain assumes ho right . . . . u;iu4UC .yporv put wnathas a. forte before it capable of enforcing that fifrVrt,. We can entity cohcjeive that ihe-Araerican executive may . o Mr. , poster, 4 we OVe ypir nothing for rescinding the pfders in, coun-cil: you have, doueit not from a sense.pf justice,! but for your own ponye-1 nience and weVmut now; have a guarafi Jee. that you will not .again -resumed them Jo therexpressrenunciatipn of other pi4n crples whicbhave rendered yourl naval power injuripus4to us.' I This thev' may sav,,and jrpbblv will say to lr. IiosterT and among thmmves thjey , . mav whisper; and often have, thev been furtherrom the truth, ' that th ;JBrit5shv minfttrv haying yielded;: the orders in codncil to clamDri and p rty. violence' thev. may be induced to yield the rightst of search and blockade also. We are at least encouraged to make the experiment The yen' men who cried out for the rescinding of the orders in jeoun-i cil did so pnly forJthc, lakeiof their Jow,n benefits to us may, cease with it ,lWthis' ipterekts.. VT, country was . out of th'e point, then, America and' France are a- qtion andjwhen the '.maritime'. rights ed fromCarlisle h?Penw ;lvanialo idedvJ with fixed, ammunition and4 areiwuiid tb) ' ! !v:From JPhilalrlpKfato New- 555 niles to carrvxannon bMlsjapeC Si" and cannister. dtby hndl , Ii'ce' '.-n-pmy ?. Th y ; are hoi ' going tp Nigjra. said heV but to! Lake Chabiplum Bc.it so ? be, it abt; ifv AOu pWsebut havevlthev other than land carriage' from thV Bowefy ta tne juase ; is it not a.vile waste ot mdy ney to send these:rape,shoby lahd", when) thevn:ould bp sentTroni'here bv -watr? , " 1 But m -nne,name: of common sense,4 whvA. Wd IronC, "alls from I Carlisle C to 'kft Champlahv by Jand- or 9 water Av.keoMhe ' ' could be ;procuretL on spot Perkins Sc;' Co. have fonderies and forges iivVermon''-! almost ott-THe-Jbordcrs of he Lake, where VV mofe,rpund grape,, double -headed or-chaiof shot cpuld be furnished in alwek thare-i 0 yen , such-fightmg fellows a;Dearbjprpt8e.. Hull would, with' all their troop; capur- edj raise,d.t fire at an enemy ;ri 6 'months J ' , Don't sar a word. ,mv friend! .about, hnl i i omy-J -Those wlo have, undertaken to ',v port the waf and toL forward on .supplVesi ' must oe either jcnavesor tools. iwhvj v , ,f41 mencaouid enforcetheir repeal, not becluse the Freich i , ' 'rL &ruF'vyf uui pre ten - twwateeAoP wir,- the i&cli W Wtk u . ? Ti "ulc concession 01 ner cnnif than exercising, the neutral right'to ;6f Bonaparte. What - he Vahtss, to; pp j P5e!M-ur ; cmmerce by unjust meVsures ty of Brii of England, as vientlv 'sfand in the way of their trade, tthey iyill be equally as wii-' vmvici iucui.r va neyrwiii nna as many reasons, against tHem iVand we arb' W mucnooJigjed to cena in members of the English Qpp'otition,: thjt there isnopreju dice however, gross, no glamor hp ver violentwhich the ,ill not undeke ,to dvocae fn the houses bf parliamept,?prb vided'they bb'tain an adeduate return of ;an ade; the next object 'of iromt? to "war-Rtn-lpiause from the Dobulace.: and er.itifv their V. csui oniy o? to Compel plained ready is reou allow: stated place ade, water. Here' 4 Anerianb? Francealso has agiee to fdrcc f(otn. AVJthe aljowancea ."fW iMome of tH tseapQwit6 TO agreement is1 marked v as: o strong K?rt on , tbe, pr rt bf ;the mercantile -;MAr,i vu"5cw",f government, to; enter . mto an ' omicablef r arran ce meet? ! : Shbutd: ansAv-tM froiri, Phifaditphja,to NgafaTrLns, port wood 5, or 600 miles tbra country full of wood ! where eyerv tree would make:a :V? million of. tent "pins, eyerv 'aapHnva''Bettlo";','',,-., tentpoles l .Thstop bd ! y.U beats," Deirv" WW.. .. i uuva. UJiyv lulSi I3 ) Y , FuyivrTrrvCTat iwoator nw.oarr ntyhvir will tell "-oit-what nf hT rTW. ': i.VrT a old man this 'who.w'asaf rfie, close of 1 theV'f .A; . For the-riht w refect itslell ipft&nta boitv dulcitatea to?od: nS'.;.. .coricetfed; and ai somethinV mft fogi'thWwar a,far ki :resDectS-4ctk-- ff 1 ir (hat . Smethi niust bev ?h riye. ihcepf-therwirici IV b BonaDan AUiWiif.. Sw.T T bebolc.UncI will VVa& .JJWA'Jww.a worst ot -u-.".. inasaaa picture .or tne coat painted ana: 1 f blaced and spiad outfiiVhis: Mytf imrlnV. n! witfv this m8Cnptipniover;.n--:(?eav' i : Dearborn's Caat-tx cost? SOti 'Dollars .5 , Sir iit Jtsiia fedefal lieoiir frieida V terd alUhe truths. trhichiartiwawceablaC- I to?themitXreKnd p?tvHisV 'tir tnie v J this uqceed..thaVUebwtfI; WttJ eer; Tall very ?shprr 6f :V full ind pennV nept adjutmenf of v'difii?niaIT6iat France, anclt their ibnlv tKerA'mericansl t ; Jome time smceAl rememoe to have thinks ;fQ a very'fiireat amount, 'having been fcoFvourbhrtV-i-Tf fl i they.TiO'bettervmca thn. Dearborn Vndi y 4 uiwuuiuu ium nuu to piace at tne jixd of their troops Hitfl the Government willv sacrifice, and i'er.:! wnulrf -arVr Y i- - V oqi iw i,raaet m anv anxcles of British on. VnlH a4i;v,-:,-Ar:j: i: L: 7ulvH regulation ana yet she demand! given the cpmniaad f the' army.to him th nV ; V , t0 Dearborn trith:aU his coatiGld "yc''; to vouy i will;se,you to, morrow; and- tcli'-c Vou.iaorrtartaeineticKWths," -i -v f-""" v - -,r ; v 1-4 . - A. V" 1 ' " - OUe4ted to't nernik -the Nfnllnviio,,rtrjr'' - "'J v v.. k :irlV W tnaa vicrt i trom the National Intelligencer oi-th:- v l: in .nr. bourse's officp had forged his sig morhinV maiU? s y:P , 'r' 9 W fQli c Thev late rumours from tlie renV.- " ) ia,l5V?lfh! 5efun?ed':ad what;;T7a. the of the i vsge barbarities committed tfv . V . lerkVoamt rrli l hf trkJTi f"i 7i ' v . , - i Bid well and ,t4 ther cmie- tsv.np ithv of ,ili .

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