V L. IV. J V'i ' TNUMBEH soi.Vv 4 - I JBV k ' i A 1 PRINTED AMD PUBLISHED BY V HALL AX THREE D6ti-ARSPEk ANNUM, PATA- HLF YEARLY IN ADVANCE ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE IJISEllTlEp, AT gGVENTY-riVE CENTS K SQJJ A RE, -THE JIR,T WEEK, AND THIRTY-FTVE CENTS nR EACil CONTINUATION,, y Jrom the TinpntajPitrioU Halifax Court' tyOct. 15th, 1812 Mr Monroe many vears sinc made an advantageous treaty With the ministry of j;ngl ,nd, Mr. Jefferson rejected it witji c0t even submitting it to the senate ; lest it should be adopted; and democracy, ha ving no cause to rail against'Britain, should 6t irve from the want of its usual food. In the springof 1810 Congress passed a Jaw declaring that the non-interCourselaw that helliirerent JlOUlu iwnv o ; expenditure of hundreds of millions ofdol nirs. The union and the Constitution' must, if possible, be preserved t.fof which purpose a period must be put as. soon as may. be to this mad warfate, J5 thejmme diate election to office of efriendof peace,, and not less the! frjendstof peace thand the foes of a French alliance r X France has long paid suit toColumbiaT She like the Fair of this Assembly, young lovely innocent and;encbantihg,VbuV un like them I trust toocredulous, has impru dently listened to thye threap and theflatf teries of the Trans-Atlantic seducer dfite publican chastity. ' ? c " The woman that deliberates is lost.? Columbia has deliberated, long deiibe- rated She has been overpowered, by solici- jauuns. , ,ner unnatural guardians at, me rouhtryV defence ; change in the Cabi net system isloulFandluiversally called for. .and nothing tltV.wHl satisfy the com munity 'v'-: '"'- - ', . Cleveland, $0iaJ $efit 16, 181 The surrender r of Detroit ts an--event which hasr spread confusion and destj uc- tionoyer the Whole extent phthis- stat6 There have been, but few beoplr murdered buthousands have been robbed of all their propettyv fvhc;'ioHiansw. V Pevf men irr our coubtryyefowl so fair an opportuni ty of renderinp: m-eat service to it as Gene ralHull anclinbtHFman in it ha it in his power; ;t$ do somucli mischief as Ke has city of Washincton, have consented ltd her dishonor But! between consent ! same - Atu armv is , hbw f ormlnc?, irhich snould retuse to repeal its uraers or; and consummation there''- is yet time! wn'cn wui consist of 10,000 menirom the tv frees, provided the other should so re-1 fbr nrevention , Galfant Patriots States of Ohio, Pennat Ivania and en rush to her rescue! Save her honor ucxy. ney are expected to meet the. make not her future lite infamy, distress apids'bf -Miamfy-abput 18 miles frotfthe and slavery. Save, oh save her; tor bv comer 01 jaKne: irom whence . . r . 1 - ; in August 01 tne same year, uic french minister informs our minister at P riV- thut the Decrees of France should qc is,jy.v -- ; o t ouni, utsu ui UUW.UUJ tuivAuj diuuc 4-iu - --i '-".r -vv., uu (uuvu. r ijpqucniiy ne nas oeen represented as a ve- crnin conditions : the one was such as it Voii save yourselves from being hewers of GeD' Harrison is said to be at Fort- Wayne fv ood deniocract, with but dne hnlu wswdl known would fail; the other was, WOod.and drawers of J water to the Gallic or neart it, with $ or 6000 meft. General iyhict is that his appetite has come Defore V4 tiut we should -cause our rights t be res- Tyrant 7 v . s f Winchester is at Urbanna, with 3 pr.4000 'dinner rim He pccicd r by which was meant, and nqth- The chains are already in the forge at mcD . General Wadsworth is a( this places apted, they sayi to succeed M?f TWhclUbn lelse memt, that we should go to par-ls. Mr Barlow ma v shortly send them( with 300 men ; and the remainder of hi, after1 whose second term, they Would unlten 4 ;,r vith Encland On the 2d of Novem- rnvreH with rh nar.-hmnt nf a trpatv division, which is' 'to he cnmmpH n'f 1 irm in'fii;nrr jtl.. j j; j --- ... , w v w m w i - r "- f w w w-r 1 s'K1ftvMK & buvu . uiiuiv iLiCTLL linn rnrn ui 1 btr, right or wrong, so or not ,30 M idisvon declared by, a solemn procktma lion th.U they vvere Teealed. They m;y h've leen partially relaxed, but have been Generally executed ever since. Bonaparte m Tst .roundly declares that they are qot re- jx; ikd that itfiev shall not be repealed ; but conanae thefundametital law oft the v Em pire In the face of such undisputed as s rtionsi :ncf still constant exeedtion of them, slid there" are some who are convin crd tun miist ,b repealed, because Mr. Bonaparte is such art honest good 'man tvho nver told a lie in his lifei . Ctoriis of Virginfa near y thirty years hare been elapsed since this happy coun trv, with fpyial exception, has enjoyed the jnukblied blessingofpeace, i During which time our population has more than doubled ; the'beat Constitution the world ever witnessed has betfn established, and for tn.:nr vears wisely and prosperously ad minhttred ; our shipping has been increa led frorn 250,000 Tons to 1 ,500,000 ; Our aeair:n fi om 18 to nearly 100,000 j our exports' and imports have been rnqreasecf t-i ! ! ; and the whole valuation-of the United States from 850 to 3,(X)pv iTillions; v Ti e produce oi the fanner has. been wafted to-every sea bv our own canvas, bringing liom tae comfort, and luxuries of life, The . lhas levtleld the wild wood of the ur. rness ; and the streets of cities are . fiuw paved, where a short time since v7an tonrj the deer or roamed the growling bear rul spires of temples : dedicated to god pierced the clouds that formerly sailed o- p r s rne beasts and men not less savage, diversities; Academies and other iinsti Iutii3n3 of literature ihave carried science toevtrv man's door. Religion daily ap pro v K'ng to purity by disrobing herself of u ..Wtstii'iGus garments has eve.y where 8pred U-2sr soltclng influepLce,- Industry z nots ) vn vithdut a certainty of reaping n hitf, the whole body politic has been in I pTkn heth' in ere asingin power, m ?!ih, in honorin virtue and in happi- As if anry thatheayen had so blest us k!c'v vears smce ourjawagovernmentbe tIQ tohv:it heavy hand upon ourf prospe- -v rrance wished, f J enerspn listened, tod Congrss consfented to btig the the axe V destruction tn 'lthffv mot nf. rn'mmwrp. THe design was too horrible not to be at disguised. Non-mportation, emhar P ; and non-intercourse were first 'used ffificient these: to satisfy the Emperor of ranr nM -l vu i ' : 1 J b5 nd with'whom shortly1 we prbbaojy . fl be in cordial iiticcflfcrrtheiur f 8e of destroying the jbnht pdwet -that j. r uu4parte irpm5tne. mastery o jne ,0I'd, our ovvn tMvVrampnrj'hjM. irt old commerce and alliance. , 4 V) men, Will 10m him in a few davs. We The authors of similar . predictions irx hear thatthere is a large .body of Indians rtolland, in Switarland, in Austria, in opposite to vfcner?rHarisoni Nlarge Italy in Prussia and elsewhere. Were nro- P arty of Indians hasBeeri idiscoVererJ near noiincejd Dreamers. Cit jaens of Virginia pce. ' Smalf parties hate appeared a- u you aream mat sucn predictions are out. . jvMy ,-vc uiuiucreu xwo mei, 4 me upon it that-placewiU vfalUnto the . hands ; if die BiisirdingsSl instance of?a-T price and 'incapacity in our councils, equhU A ly disgraceful and much ;inore distrejssiiig' ( tha jgenHullV;cainure.iOlla oa ' .this; itati'qn are'gostectai the tardy o.t- ratiobsif rernmehtfc and anxious o corn' i mence their campain in thelenemvs terri-" tory. iThey say :lattshurgishuuld fo J evacuated, the4argeSep6sitpf provisional in that place will be a sufficient inductmet of itself to prompt theMndians to tinv4dxv; i if f wnicniiney7 with a tew regular trciops, J5! I t -srthe provisons laid up forthe spring cam done. - Whether his conduct is to be attri- H3am-takt.n ofdestfovtrdVandUthp nAa.1 buted to treacherv or cowartfice if ttWl . '.Kin'tukf t-K 1 , Prom the Baltimore Federate Republic The supporters of Mr., Madisons re election arin a deplorable quandary ' hoW to ictlfie; Witt j:iinton in that light; which wui most iminisn nisprospect of success t reams, .too sobii will you awake to there.j and burnt alilthe hodsesvThree families has to convince" th 'fe'derallstr the- 'woufd 4 ' diless reality. : avc cen muruerea aoout sixty miles trora T Eain.notnmff oy nref errincr him: fv;. -.n- f b the remedy is Vet with yourselves.. lvrI,cre ano it was yesterday said that ten. addressed to them But 'th.s policy hay- may depend on he ensuing election in this : eraIpiycr of this state, and two men; ont ing been ursued:a little ? tod farvhas en H state. Not contentedswith a simple vote, their ayvfroin Canton to Urbanna, were dangertd their fcwb candidate byV thde Vtou ouo-ht to snare neither time, toil nor killed by a party of Indians. Tnis hews lectable ComnlimentA expenee to keep the G ill i fc frost from the kWas brought to General Wadsworth bv an blosiora of . otir Indenendence. Elsei be-Vcxpress -from an officer belonfeinff to . his fore the sun shall have rolled away another dmsibn - The public mind is in a state of year distress arAaypnie fromerfyoU.pla5r ? fermentation.. . ThdnWrs; of, Hlra tation -and your fi'fesid'ElBetinieUav1- toy have gone home disgusted , with the 1 proveirue tnoaeciaracion or tne eloquent mcujc3 ui tuC aummisiranpn and patriotic John1: Randolph; that this :adi.qn,s .friends 'btgfttd abandon Him. v VVar with England ii an idolatrous sacri . Clinton will have considerable sup fice of ho nofirtrid-interest of America on port here for the presidency- t have seen the altar of French Rapacity, , Perfidy and and conversed1 tvith severalt .gentlemen of AmbitionSl The pretended causes which Some influence,, wo say1 the v are determi the war Was declared do not now exist; cd to exert themselves in his; favour; Jtt iMake the ears of every friend of the war!.4 now :.a moit?fayorab!e time to make an ribcr with the questions ; For what are we impresslonl Qpvertior, Meiers is very now fighting r Is there a-prospect of sue- popular id this itate, and if he should es-4 tess? If successful, what possible benefit Pousc w vimton Ts elecuon, it is said to can arise to recompense the loss of blood , De problt that the stat Would giye al and treasure ? j most in unanimous vote for hipii , Surely no man in his senses can believe: The people -of this state, .rc, very vtena it possible that this war may be advantan' C10ui of a; republican administration. If geous to the country If we get Canadai rv Madison should succed in the election, what isrt worth ! And if we get Cana-i publican majorities would dwindle into da shall we have the command 6f the i-1 ni fiorTtttrsV sn d f:J c rails ml nse cm tjxe , ar-ii j cean ?r No. . 1 ' 1 ins of the Wrty V This is what thev begin If Mr. Clinton should Hot he th rirt f to fear. , . . -A , - ' President, what are the people of this state 4 have lately arrived at this place, where to expect rjor iour ye; market for com wheat vy taxes immense debt-s-fathers, sons and brothers slain tin Aiii nnnrMaA' war.- and . vritnwfi anrl or nlinH; hailinfT thpirlriQ-inrhah'a a . ' , i ' BUrlingtb)L Fti Qctt parationbf the unionperhaps the .floss df; ' tliaVe just at ri veil 1ierev att the constitution,, and nbt improbably. intJv" wn,cnPncea.cQnqe.- annrehension. real if nat AtUiMH L rable mortificatjon rat seeing thejgrsu jry . rr ' rr s j k 'r.,:J.iu toi our enemicsr; I , vma saVr with . comfc dehce- weCmet uot lesi than -"4 brlboo bushels wheat poari Jthe HucUonfod )t; is much.ia TQ THEEDrTalt. r!l0u.r win')r6senty fMe'd Tour ,W "re wher'e defeat ti pQnitfca&dwhert me midst of nfeiweWindekth.a hiii- .ulcvl on a .war unnecessary cc h-Li ' 'TU preparation anq witnout H?'fe tJvClthinbut, the fir lourl ?ar r;aeep? our o " crisis, Citiiens 6f ihUC-vtas been so important as the present since the establishment bfJour Independence. 'Ne ver wasuit more theuty of eVefy v patriot to exert Shimself; for the welfare of his f6.8 . will be produced tip thisj l cult to supply ,our army, in- this station du septfcca-ionl belieVe the,assertibnof &t: - ayai m voroj anQtnerpynicn.teneraii.i 8Hcakinr-Us the best testimonialkiUjh rt ; ? haye,; they mnt of course award the cal in nngttie,5appro?chinKLQWv tmocrats he must bb in a fair' tvav & --UCountv, : ATa. ptv: mterlereijcc 7y.f r V, ' ' I ierpo in tne Aiianuc jqwns win oe the lean minora icaeraiist. out as vre ejinhA lievethe Q)urt.GaetteJmeanttoUake so uctiaivc iJdiHf wc aisupposettnacitflw3 suffered ;the: mortificaQbnV of a qurfc, or- uicaus iiti mc can 01 inc, oat in the ta . auiutionand our union and, mamngdjrs out oft hi own purse .to "pfeve fright prospects, ; embarked us tn 4 trpopsifrom stopping - arid staging on the ru4u i ney jeei uie weign piv a war car- i ;ut uu'uy; stales ui ; c w,. ur,-, vuiy - - ' JttKU.Vi utliy.,. :, .Kineo; rnaraonfprMucing in tnis country - ; - .' i tv-an. Egyptian deahVq v?.ronp,wiagjlfctter interektingV;;?t thbtafe J'convereedwithseyerat gentfe is;frpra;aritleman,of ;the" first respitctk-menoQA-theysubVect of the":nres;dential supriort. They publish his speeches re flecting upon the; Federalists, and're. echV' whatever he has Utteredin unhonwith the Hi mbstiatiftctivenenets they nrofess.-J.A If this is not So-much intended to strengt hea A 'A hisnatience and hrmmi ittZ.lX'-J--. i t t - wigb ll9JIUUCIHW(ia s i t' his antagonist. jManv simple democrat ;hve. been led. ' bv such means; to reflect1 inac as lsaorattted by Mh Madis6V mend; canton is as nrthodoxas him self in point of faith, it might ndt be an?isa ,to try -whether" he would not menefstute aujtiroa iuwe, oy restoring commercb, dis ' solvinor the'French-a1liii rt.viv, ' ' 1 oivconducting the war in rather a more cie. ditable and efficient manner th an it hati been, oir likely to be. "fencte it has be-, come absolutely necessary;fof the Madt sbnUtfnavitprs, who, Ty wishing to;a-. vuiu oLyiw, uayc neany iauen upon Uha ryhdis, to take.another tack . Acdording- f ly, the Cpurt Gaiette, which can assert a- t 'f ' ny thing thatcan be.comfiosed with types, , I declared a few daysago; that MrrCliqujQ, , 41 1 had solemnly abjured his faith andVerioun- , ced the deniocrats,ln the .presence Mse- ri verai federalists ; and that this wasso cep f ! tain andvnotonqus,.thatit ,,: in any court of laweahmg, we supolie ? provided no objection'should be made.to believing the oath of the person wiliihi? to X ' ,swearit.A There might, it is true, be some . diffidulty qn this point as, there was with. J-v the testimony of fMrl.Speaker Sheidoo in' ? ',r SJmthwicFs , case and ,Mf. Attorney Ge nerar ntgomeiyr; inVlr thaseim- - 'rJ peachment;: put supposing alltheseehi' .? barrassmenis' ' to'. ;he got over, .and thriv nuncrationfvMr;lCUntdn 'should'be be J ' Jteff&iUfutri,- hotr many .federaU voteo; ' V1 nuuiuu cwamc ium,f which lie COUfQ nOO' .bilityaudotuhimp election, and L wasf1nuchati5ed.;ta find uiwih,uwuwiw viM6cuau vuiusskcW' iwr'viuNroji caininir in . Lneestima jeraU' VThe. exertions of the pebpte-toxarry tipn; of? the; Vermontcers. Committees pnthe.warhave been spontattepur voluntas are'formed; arid men of influence aro vtak- veraof Meig has paid ninethousandrdol- citizens thimiwrtance1 of selecting a 'man Kentuckvjand-finla Uttle"measure . Pehii ayivi;aia almost unoui inc aia oruircc pi nrmnessno capacity-jo remeay the evils of ayeafc and-tiriid ministry; - v A " : TI7ier?arre hefweeniand 4000 tro'opst PlattsbuTKhthe editor vyihter on . this; sfde theJ lake There -qarc a reaav nearly 150CI; militia -m-Tcamn J viuij, u-uq eucxai cihiucmi;i.hhcvwb mi ih piate. j,s joarracKS rouudingnere, other states are out et and undrst6rbrd spec-; ncipabtedf containing about ; thar number & t tofs of the; hV; ' .is aKd' nrvrtti(mS e- no' more ' Wenerat v' Bloomed : should 1 i . ' ' -V ' ' - .'., ' i. . .i -...,.-. J J .- ... v - 1 . ' ' 1 t - put oivi njsEjirasaiio webcasts, orindeecl : . .v l: ..A morer Precious historical cTiipiiminf ' than thejetterrof .Gen; Hamilton; which we cdpYvjFrdnl the Kiehmontf Patriot; - sek; " domappearVW: hayink nersohally mdfr a conWfrom t&t Ef nersonally mdfr a conWfrani thft, original in the hand . writing, of that great ' uian, wuii viutu .warc,;weuiicquintea v amass of papers, by-the JSaltimprffnoW' - cl speak of itsrlrespondencb: VHh.that. noTA Jf