. ' ' - .. , . ..',.. . .. .... . ' ' . . r-, .- .' . . ' ,. - . . s. 9: v P' -TfjTKD AND PUBLISHER BY 4 SALMOJV HALL t:; aT three dollars per annum, paya- . VLF YEARLY IN ADVANCE OLE H " . a ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE INSERTED - ci'VEJfTY-FI VE CENTS A SQJJARE, THE WEEK, AND TH I RTY-FIVE CENTS JO EACH continuation,, 1 U 'sLJTUJiE OF JQKiyf-C.MpLLYA DEBATE On tie Motion of Mr Wilson to proceed by ' iytnt ballot ofllzoihfiotises, tv choose ficTtsn of president and vice president. D.jUSB OF COMMONSTHtfRSDAYr-Novlfcr ELECTORAL LJ1W J ; wnen tn? consideration ot a. .resoiatjQnv substituting Another mpde choice for the one proposed Jn the resolution lof,thegeb tleman ,frd(n Stores;- (Mr. Wilson ras tailed for, thfcboase -refused .to.fieaif it. (Now was a member o be pricluded'from expressing his sentiments upon arfvfpropo- sition he might bfinforward 2 Certainly not.: Addyet, if it was not in-order to go mt 3 the merits of the question upon the mo- ibn'fbr postponement, suchwolildbe tte. fFect of the ypte the house had given; ;ilr. Camerqn Mr. D. Cameron call ed)up ' the . resolu- lion SJftniraeu uy4 nun n i ucbtiav, xo wu ?. fnf-ntiL That it is eXDedient to-'retJcal the -x- r la a' prcscribiaqf thrt inod of chpqin electors M r. Steele Coi S fora prrtinvaiid vice-president bf thUni- when such bate u S'.rte3--"ana u jiuti'.ic uv law iui cjkiusiii, sucu , er on a sinipl qlestion?of postponement it' werelin order to ko into the general merits' of a proposition I If scu debate miffht-occ rendered innnite. , - , , vtM , Mr Speaker gave it : the opinion of i f the chair, that debate on tMe meritswouId not be,, in bgden the? United - States 'is tho only authority' vhich is, conclusively binding tn thesub At all times.has bren considered essen 1 1 4I toth c prelser.v a ti cm o f th ose i n h titu tio rwhich were designed to secure the welf ire jnd. -'.happiness-,, of society, thafa constant eve.be had to the views vvith which the were established; Sq-iu the bill of rights, t is declarect V that a frequent recurrence 1m'? -r a t : if luuuamerJiar principles is: necessary , ju j 1 order tosecure the blessings of iibertv"v wVs procedinrg whenK: EveVv one. ivill admit thar-ihe se ction oi MrsStone enquired of the chairs iivheth-rthe Bill of Rights, which conniris thjsdv cUration, directive referred to cases ..ir whicn the legislature mignt transcend the limits Vifj triose powers with, vvhich? -they; were vested. The other - departments' t government are so restricted in their; ppt! rations, and so dependant upow the iegtsr I bv laying out tne state into siirh mimber of a member could not, at some period,' cx themselves formidable W pahJicrnpem . ijiereiorei wim recrara 10 a-4ic- ""iast census arid apportionment ofcTepresefuatives forward, the ruiesof the ioiise werexry AV"n'L.JCi i ' defective.. If the' sacred jiitht of freedom " --7"'i I 1 .1 f t, .IM.tL.. l-i-Iil- TL .1.' - - biu.ion for tl.e purpose of taking up Me '. ' 8U i..c4.cK,,.,Vu,c. ; .u; "on th, 3' me sxfbieCtofFcred bf himself the preservat.onpf hbertr, epold bejf. denufy AemVe. thpl2to K proce.ing to morrow- morning to ded or trampled under foot-H they cbuhl .upp9?e lhat ..W.gltt:tt AJ L'c electors by-joinlfianoT. . ' "ot be e.xtrcisel1 "f.- ;. the rS of thing the people,can:do. Uoder,the..nflu . The latter motion rcas decided to be out . ..uu.a uyr u ..cu iu.W9v,-. quent iecfrrence to fundamental pnyajifes is not absolutely necessary Not'so;wuh jo: motion was tlien decided bv yeas and ' -HV.Sr a ul lost.-. Yeaf 64, nvs 65. . VT The housthen to3fef'up Mr. WilsoVs TK- nmtinn nn' tla tin Mr. fame uC w u,c nuui uS vcr uuiucyun granieuu iiicm, , wmiwi and ,-'' r- i ., vt-- 1 w, i-r w - , ' 1 meritsror the-, question could not be peba- the people aiid,whjch"peuht?r tneyr;nort the ted now hb would be thankful to be" infor- nrtSnle would ,in!erat in 4nv' other -flrnart p iVir. Wilson's ., t H , . , . 1 4 r , T.. - , Z' , r vk'rre mfl by tnc chair when they could be gone ment.,? It; was ;doubues.?wuh a view-taenr w Kthn,tPSni,u,nfmne'nf in9 ' . , 1 croachmenfs nftthiR; nature, tmt the 7 caii- Xnui 'Jiioi iiia." that tUey vproced on tomorrow ::i he. Speaker . dlpeved,' that 'ehit&. t tori .m -thcJiiUof yRight. VVhcn the le aun iur, at ti meeting othe . two;' houses, to ap- would be in order on the question of.adbpM gislatiire encroaches upon the privileges to,N,v jo,nt mu-cn elector to rote lorr.- $ the resolution - ''-"-'TwhkhV id -n 'id vice-president of the Umte.l States, aree- tr c 1 -r 1 1 V . - . : u.1'u".u ... Ax -i. iivm'im ofith'e-'act of assembly 'passed r said tl the general bursts on Jo the people thev ay'e.an undoubted right riiir .. 1 -j - t ' . cwuii vucu nc uihcussseurne wassai(sn ; to recur totne iunaamentai principles upon r ' Cameron theh.taoved to amend t Mr. iYie yaudJ?eJ sorry, lie observed which the : government' is founded.1, This th; i lu ion bv striking out the whol th:it anv que$tioh of order ' s1iould'pT0 idea is supported bV Mr. in ffirM in, m tne louowmz, worcs : , . ( tin theVpover orappointing tjclpctbr i sed bv MK of president and vice, presideht 'ofe, the XX -w., " hv,i ii'ta m "luci w vJiic-i i4 4ijcu vjtaica .in mo preseiH icgisiaiure U,n icsoution, thtjsame-, in substanctv as he constitutional, -'"and aif infringemferit "tipOn tante.vled, with otW which the house had -the elective franchise o!f .tne free people of fat fused ,to take up ? I r' . J "the state of jCaVoliiit C "V Messrs. Steele, W. IK Jone arid Cam Mr.wrrcalfii " cHucM.i uiiuue. j3rqposea.amena ' question on ctriKing out andinserting ; inen.-v.s strictlvin order. ThVobjectdf Iwhich was agreed to.' : jvf ;s to have, a fair expression .. of the1 Some Jconvefsation'thenltook ; place, a to ense ofthe House upon the merits of the the nroprietv of debating thVpeheral otie's. the nroprietv ottdebatinfi- the ireheral'n ties I topon ,anv; nronosition. he-irtitmalfft. thev l?terMak:ftiMAwirV tU Il., itcndtjci, was a rjghtvhich every mem-" tion Was open' for debate. con?uentK ; all powers .not' grAn.rrfta" i j, plainrand express terms, mst be rrtTiiVlrl ' V 'y ine people, 11 tfiis ptunt: sir, I xrvt(i -rj mstand. r If he, power, of ;diposmgli-cV,7 f.irsjbe not grunted t the lisl uurt-in elTjf ' iirees terra's it 'niustbe retai icd by tKeVc Jr f pie. -a,, A., 4r,y . ' f y . ? ' 1 1 ywvimiso beconcede V; 'anoUirr of K .' : the 'Msg nnncipls ,of a r-epuMiCaiK g -vem-; k J. f r Wrtciwj toVitercisV ' direct ilji -iel e,ls tr : s'Jv tlierf public fdrictmn-uV n -f: 5 1 1' fe : J J'ii' - ... -y-Piv t it is orctical)le -fOrhe jk.o f peaatiarge. to. choose electors, has brert .; v;,-v eltayhedjhy'a' practice f "tweinW ve-irs -tinder; the federal constitution .' 1 'f 4 -l l' , ll lmpklt will also be admitted, that tile . C YY ca$8tituton, beiag a granrof tp6ver td Ptdmoting the general 7 l&re-and pWr4 t: r);; yiiig th-hiessingsofJibcrt as is exprei '?' sed umongwotheT things in the preaiWe 4 U u ine insiruuicn?, .js co oe construed -itt' ,!-;'; sin .manner, s'.-haUe consistent, witti . m'd most promotivti of the deaicrn and ob V ll' jeejof the peopie'ia1 mifeitiff the ''fivihU' Jfiverv article musrbe ronsidere'dM'n smH M'1 5 au. tiiay'ijc-sL ira .in.vyiaiiestcnisr- ' l ; fa;nedvb thecomhiumty .at the1 ti'moof itd ;M, ; adoptiprt.r J-meanVsir, that, in ev;er in-,x Sj'' stance in. which doubts &h jU ante;: they are;: V : ? t tobe JiberalJ vconstru-d in luvor of . thb V i riWpfc tfc pebpe,id ' meet; iiictlVV l?-.f;i! ! gainst thetrustees or dejpikitories)f their 'a-Jr ' ' ii authritWr The legislature mu't construe ; -i ViFl every provision jn the mst adv in tagua light: for theirconstHuefttgi heariija: in ,ijiiid ! J ji that pi wh.ut is ot plainly deifcgads ? - : questionably ret?rined they ' artl fcliii; in ' Yt V I scancts connnea to- ne et crant. V.sK! V ; I i: i tfitar ot except the wori tk resolved, tor maturely tiecided, beigre it actua:Iy;octrtir i fconibatinc:. . in 1788 obiections ,. which tJieDurj 'sejof insrtiJftri;vvtrd3, " f b t red. ihet psentws oiijv d simple qus ver raised to the Adoption of the fedea), it b ndLnt to rep al vy existing law. tion-of postponement, and ' not ar gene: cohtitutipnl v-u'he legislative ,depart fbr el t:inr eJectHr3, by joint balidt bf question on therpiution bdyoKheb0p4r jnajentliay kt iv3 of the, General Asstfiub)yto ;Thek question on potpotvem.eiit yfi? now" tVirtr th?e snherVof itsactiv;u; and drawing p and toprdvide,bv;lW oV;;Jlr. I in r ,iUt th.- st;itx;,intf distrirts to choose 'r tteycaaanrj Ji.Ufebp theWibiLtiio-V-j-.sing ambttoadtbieparmejitV tlrit'the in- .i electors ; uch' electors for the eu rrrjS thVrbi pfedpleAightAo elation to ejected' by; the .me,n-fsMutr6npby;V h is of th s gtfheral assemblyrpresentirigVetthe.Avor fc resolveHy "nclihsertingi was-the, iahgiiageoith present chief jhia tieou.itir8 compwppg-sttclr districts; arid That epreshtge gistrate itfthViFealsiidir. itOwas Ifcrraktrbv the treenien ql this statejin theact ofiher lf Ken6nKsnblv: ves correct and nroDcrm him and Justified b Weir re spective districts. ' 4 question was hereupon ra Hone, net letter p u Il,jvingpr?nise3 rhse few prin i,j!(f.- which, I-consider of importance," J Vo.ilih ask of the house to-inve them a cani)Und "a vS fair constderatJOn.' ' It thev be admitt-.rL i'J as they, assuredly must;, and if thfrgaV mept founds Tori them oe heard witrf tint ii'' uispusmon wnicn; ieaos me min t to. See ffit51 ; V ? '"9 W1 ouv-o ugut i niaY ic Jt " v('r tai r--.. . . au . vu mc icjgui tjuc iur. o x u jujz. .: vki tne presentuiQ Kit could rot otherwise be obtained; tion, Mr. Speakerictsbould consi4cnmy fa bv somethinjt ' similar to the motion self as Derfectlv iri'or.ler in xoreaamVlVnv' wjfB HTere-1. - It could , 'riot be obtained bv opinions upon" the: whole question bef ore Jj'teoa the jresoldti offered by . Mr. the house. ;So mtichhawerVhasn i!,on n-icher, tn; the c6nsi deration, pt said,an" tlie various forms ? hv wbich tne at resolutionwauld it be in order to take electoral; layvTaf lasiessron fTas beedis toview t:le whol&subect connected with ' cussedrtelative .tdLth'5'impropn pectoral law of(la'st session. - ; expediency of thep measufeV- ttiiiW. shall .lhe Speaker decidelMiv .Cameron's cqnnneTmVem fion to be-' out of order f rFrom whiciimpoftan aspect in which' kfisu to b'e view gon an appeal was made: to the house!cdUunttnsfitViocaHtV I trust N U was confirmetl, yeas 7Sy9 54.1 &halS:bebie to illristratCbhe, rnbsUr Hlr. Cameron' motioti -.was therefore resi .received, s The!ffendem&ri then rnWrf ) mnnv. ' IlininiiWaCW tZXJZU:! par xnai wie-jaci.passea.oy. ineiast :lsse,m bly,f riot; only violVted: tne cbrisut'qubn.'.but 'stpone,th'exorisideratiOn ofMril resolution until Mohdayext. uv tjt lnis tion he idlarddidnorprri was.bbstile; to 'tKeerypiHt.afidgeniy ofN in somq sadr;oth;buf :frninfc V t !LUh afford timefor evervmeriiber ofvIn forming Un opipfen on all" ''cohsutur r? house to fl'.rKVk:. ' :u' " iSitl J 2---Zl -1.' - uuuai uutauu,j;, is : iicccssary xuai a rei-- 1 2 wamly of great niaRnitudeSPerhap cUrrence.'. b"e had to first ririnciDles-V One !&i 'v present ieit -aeiermineaioOt'inese linoia to pe.tnatvtne treemenot ' 1 u ouuiCiinauucr, to tnccnoiceoi g7ted bu for the purpbsp.of allow Ce to,aD to riVaketupa klmWe Ik PJnioi Heished the motion for qpestbn. ;so; far: as. to Ihew tfrL adoptiilK onie'othe mode the.'cqur cf r xneunnea.ptates nave.a ngnt to.enioy all the bnyiliges they.can convniffiitlyeser- circumstaricesrat. tnat; timeVI trus vshaH nqi giyCvOHciiciti uis irienusvin inrsoousc by making useof it Sr theCVesent ocaa sion and -recommending; to ,their sen bus consideration. ! :4y ' Aud , ,.navewe nofsirt .Had ui5ciept 'propfsot,opU in neigh boring states ( that .eases reTnot $ 'wanting wherein Jegisltative bodies haVe traxiscen de the'powersvith which;! they wrc fde signed to be frivested, : t need riot take up the ti mei 'of , tthe 5 ,house5n -statirig thcsV cases. ) They, will unrfues'tionbJ y bel recote lectefl bt;the members pi the, housWV That laws not warrented by theCoristituridri,haVe Ifequfcntly J)een "passed,, does' noadmtbf fererit icgislatures hairebeen' pronounced by- theprb)er trfbuValstheju a,i4Ur4 y hla.' f . i vihii)C vaoifa nave ,'gA9iEU wlierem rpfesritatiypt-bodies T havebeen -f aundL 4 capable of J so t - forgetting: or mistxing tne'auinontyunaerwhicxi they acted, as to;esceea their JtmitswilL-it be presumptudus jnjus or in the present ; as sembly 1 W:;W;;j that rih last lleffislature no be. denied, that all political s power is iy V;nd ' that ; sucli; portiorisof ; 1 f jVnaj; be ddega&dfcrthVpprppses of govm- I meritilcan, pnlybe edrciseliirithe pfoffnr lii.i- 'l'Jj'-l rw-' :- " ,ir urescnucu py,a,wrieu cq,nsutution.t?4 nat the cnsUtutioiir-p tte U njted ltates is a gTantbXpQwer9de:DV'tii.BepU in their sovereign anu .unlimited capaditVvlitUio tespect dependent vpntkr requmng; the clear pand it M"ill; riot be cont-ndedthatl the. choide of t cfors, i mmedi "?ly by. the pjcpleV;;rs a? privile ivhic :eyVcould not, conveniently ersreiss. " r " , I-may .;ave occasion, til: Speaker, in to :refer -.to: the r Validity But' on the contrary bv the' a- aopi' -in in ,ty copsntution, tne.; state: ie gisJ;;turesHv;re:placed byUhV people Jtf re rn lation-tothe aliairs pfc the general'goVe nient . u a secor: 1 iry, If ribt in ti, subordi nate capacity; with duties, to peffprm', Ith' powers limited and ccn trolled ,insorrie caT sea expressly vproninitea'.ana in an others to a pfoper4udgment, and-not;4ri the un- ter myself- with the hopeof beinfiraDle tc wfl maihtairr, ;o thesatisfcaon f thei lopse;; . V X rj t the, posftion : t h We: assumed, on thisA ones- :V - f ion. .Ihis-if that the act-.o last- sesiou . vi -u. inyadedi'tbc rights 6f thts peopi tbar it VnUV'i was notx'Only unconstitutional, but that it V ykwV cucruacneu, upop.tnc nrst principles, or ireet j-1 ,j representative cf(iVernriicrit i''VV' - . 'tSetorft 1 Ysroreefi. to a ritir.:il pY'imtna.bvW!,i !i t- i ' -i v' . t, jr viviu ui iuq 34iisviwui.miiii jjryuuu, ll Will U0 ;J r it: t house whil brief ria w,-f msk uie inaujsgenccr oi-inej".'i(j4 hile engaged' in it, -to fener;irito -. fl; 1 ialsis of the the ledllattve n ower as oennea mtne consutution:ot tne, united.; rv fp, States. When these ai e carefully ex :ii. 'ffL ned, I think.-it will clearly be mani felted, .-iftrJ rio'tf-Vi ir-l nPr' rwitJ Ur tr: i . Llisj rAv.jf'Mii I 1' f to- tranftfpi?Kf ti f-ht bf rhriosintr ' lrtorA ' i .-' ucuptc cinaf wc; iv.'uv iutiici uauv -, ., .,tf ", pfrmen; WiteverA ' ;V . " ";;; . By tne- federal censtitdtion ihe legislaw 'if' I tive'power;! confidetTida president enf, Jl ateani houise- of ' representatives 'l;f'h?fv" $:-r " president,' pTarticiptesHin he exercrse of . v. legislative. the constitatl functios irrnree wav;S-Bt " -;, "J tatioo it i Jnade his dutxto rei ? K4ir power oi jpitiating prbxeedings It ia - I i cti 1 1 1 1 v itt.ii t lu ,li ic. iiitviictit. ui a .iiir.ui jci . - - t i v ot makingX m9t0nf on the Udr of -ongres - y He"4lsoNhas the poWerCbf Mnfeking treaties f without vthc intervention- of the - hope vAf -. .reptentatiyes., ,vhen tatified bythe sen- ; jv ajte-treaties. made bv-he pre'sip'cht' arlTtjirivW A dmsfoand bythe termiofsthe constttutioa txm become the supreme laws of the land, t Thia t . , t; ! prerogative? then,- qv thdmregident y. l.b. -f... admittetttpeayery.'g er ;,;arid tKs isone : the; reasons V whjch; (jC fnducesineionV'orinio that the!rriCiVi 4 ; ple ought to- have ,a .dirextrngency the ' ' choice of soimroftantatoffic?V xeinV . likewise. -another tlcislativepoweVvVliiff assent is required to'-aU acu;pd6sedby.th'!jl houses ot Cvj ;res before ;thev become fC; laws jThisiL -'hat-has beetTeilled qat&'r"? lined nec:"';ve y but ip all cases inlwhich it' 4oan sne sppojTLtment Qt-a pn has yet n : exercised irhaaimqunteQ ; C k a'; 36luta.vpte- 1 hese, zi j - stimcient. 0"Tf to shV whatgreatlpte Hae? ' v ' ' xrthe6WolLtr-entoi-iresiien' if :r ,fgard werelori? had torthe Hst It islati vo : P4QwersY$tH'w ,e-, cloth '"'lj '-The mefc. bersof theenate''bih' tcnVi ri the r!5litntiant$jre'tp. bf-ehcted v.. ; ,