,l -...-.;;,:."": . - . -v VJ -',v- . ' ;'--v.- ,o .-..frv? v.y?f:J - . r 1 i M i i i i i , ni i ii i i i i m i ii ; '2 ; : u Ul! : ZlL-l LL-Li.rr-i ' - 1 . i i l ' PR1NTEDAND PUBLISHED BT "AT THREE DOLLARS PER ANNUI jPAYA- 1E HALF iBAWiX - ADVERTISEMENTS-WILL BE -INSERTER flisT WEEK, ' AKD TRTMlVE' CFNTS J0JL each continuation. : ' . r'. . , fromlheFederal Republican i- .i, . ' ; ' CPNGRESS, ffnr.sk OF liEPAESEjYTJTIVES " MONDAY December 14 - ; Ikt Report tyf the Committee relative, to. Re the! secretary of the treasury, be vested ni mm oy iaw. Air. aiavtnar ne-conies- sea, mat on tne vtirsj raaingioi tne, star-, ute being uDdehtherinfluence'oF the opin ion thus uncd uiyocally!expreased): by; the secretary, and riot ; at on ce ;.. perceiving hov: the terms'of l;iwha3 bee'rf wrested to the purposes of official construction ' he yielded a momentaryand'Hiuctarit sent tothV claim of the secretary. v Hecoileetingv however, . whatsa fascinating thing absolute power is, and hew little implicit faith any manv has a right to claim, in a case where the degree of his partv is dependent upon his own construction ; recollecting also;1 tne cnaracter oirtne jnen. wno '-in.tne.yejtr ' la fromtjie Penalties ucurrtd tiit'Sun- seventeen hundred and ninety seven, when '"'dr-$lerciiahtii in, the Jafe Importation (thp law:iljquestio-:wa --- passed hati U British Marttjacturisn $ing. , uqder j t reins of PpweVi he bdran: to doubt of ' ftiipritrim ' r -M me conscrucuon, ,ancr set nitiise! careiuiir MR. QUINCY (of Massachusetts) iatti . that in lis te n m g . to the debate what . , i . xu :ui.. impresseo...uu, uiemo-.u.wu., j foundetL He 4aid, whit Ytien. whoat the rs. tfte ..mpucuy tne- question.,;-ae wh thb u w Pissed to investigate onvw hat grounds this 'arbitral rv -dlscretidn thus obtrusively asserted by the-; secretary asf existing1 in i himselff was v .8 It ss surprised at the arguments which Vere urged, than thaahy: argument Yas necessary. A mere statement t)f the case, he jhoul l have thoughtvould 'have settled the qaeAtion. Twenty millions ot dollars were ta.d to bo forfeited, to the United States, feu amount qual to one third b'fthe - whole ; jiatvonal debt; KThia sum wSa all edged to be din?,'- fromf comparatively" ,a small class( "cl Inea, in particular sections ' of the coun ,trv in the citie arid onl' the sea-board. h It vjus distributed amoflg the individuals of that classy, m; various proportions. To very;bne of themV the amount cXmanded i js material. The greateV part of the for itunes ol some, is at sjtake other it is simple quvstior o.'iosiserityvorttuu fnc priucipiesVrisinf! Qtitof thei case and connected with the; decisicnV are, in - their iiature so complicated, and delicate', that $Cxtrielv two Inen pah? be found on the floor 1 congress, who can agree, by :. what scale j rerois'.ion ab?.ll be?' graduated : ifemirted, -tali. A rase.otoi tms magnitad,iso .Ttvort ant to ihepu6liG;'JKocrttcalUo'';tHt-' I tl vidtiah, sildtibious in pint of-jpriaci-p r. ann j( conq rntiafi in sectional a -1; v m nd interest it is seriouslyontendejdi e!t-iili )e relerrtd tof the decision of a Vin -iduulrthatioTie, man shoufd be i -vcstefH witn" the fawer"to deefde thV-fatesr ft nudutuc3 pihtk tellowciti8iis-and t-Vee richrsor poyertv, not by any t known- r i or Knua.r out, accoroing to nis ao t Kite will-arid discretion'! Such istHe f&iv.tr seriously contended for; int a un ti'j falling itself free by inen who pretend 'to' linderstand-.the.- nature bf " civiL liberty, f i ml to venerate 'ita principles I k;- l I v4r..sQ sid,vtHat the, nature of "the .sttionvanot-Tnore.astomshlflgthan' t-main reason" urged in its support And ' UMs WaVrtHaltheecTetarv xf the., treasury piS5t s&e(l thTs' power alreadv thUt the law 'e w placed Kh in uts1' hands. 1 As if the gre a tn tss -s o f a po we r ami its exc e e d i n g '.'the trusty which ?everyx one man ought i to; f tOiess'ann jts irreconcueaojeness wun'tne clause relates to the penalty incurred. second to the prosecution commenced . ..As, to the first clause, relative tothe pe naity , 'fine torforfeiture incurred; -.'far from vesting, an ; unlimited discretionary power, it vests,trictly; speaking, no dis cretion whateyer'i'Ittis;int& poyeir tct alitigate,-remit, ; or removeaccording to' i Stated and .specified: statute standard. This authoritysto exercise his judgement jipon the circumstances of the case, touch ing the; existence or'non existence of either two particulars stated in the statute, 1 wilful negligencef or fraud. If neither ex' ist, he has he-, power to remit. IteitheV, exist, but in ii partial de'e, he' ias the power ta;graduate the penalty; ;fi e or for ieiture to the degrev:of gUih. Andb)S is nr wnoie powerresuiting trom this Th head arthe treiisury js a mere nal to decide, whether thV statutei has been incurred pr any part of it according ;that- judgment to gradual ;Thc ;When:the statuti i 'considcVedf it wfrl!j. I easily be seen whaare the means byi vrfiicb a -:; ; n!inl rbiydiscretion; WivWild he asserts m his, letter tothe cdmmiJtVeirf I It is by confouritjing wfcat is istiiict; a3 tJy arsVrtf,-4ji-! otjtreasury margm, he consolidates both ?Hi clauses; of the statute into pneV nd "attacn'lV, es tbc power of annexing terms aiirJ conV t V47i ditionrwhich he shajrdeemreaso.bkndi S&F just, to the -clause whict has reiatUm i$J$xV 5 PalL5ns5 restricting -it ttnd I clause'xhJch. has relation to the proved- s&w TO-, fbis may be -tyerb'ppv consttuc7vV? tion fdrthtreasqrvbutitis a.vervilflim.' & tii,' ousone;46r the citizen. At least so "if!' Hie1i;wproye-iufiging by thco'roposiiiptt':- 1 1 clause jinow under consia ration. v v - . tribu- ! V, If anVoneasks why tKeae'DOwera are r . Iv i; guilt i he Ctinstrued Ma though d .ktinct and suhsWpi I Jand.tive,; instead of amalgam 'ted and cons e the i dated, I answers on - four blab and iiiitrl ' ?AU presided tyejr the construction of 9'ur laws', were not only learned and'able menahd true lovers of ; their -coun try; : but they w ere men i also decpiv, versed in the principles oi civil liberty ; - they were natives of the a il,; and had not oeen educated-in' the 'ar'hitrav: doctrines of the civil law, butliatl draok-iiii tKe. essential principles' of -tlie iocienr'SaXv on common, law, m it were with their mb therms milk. Such rhin were not likely to grant so enormous a power, by anvgeheral FoihaS reason failed them; invaase, of this nature, insjtic ct vould havecome; to their a-d Hetdelermiiied, therefore, to investigate xthbV-ues'tiQn,' aloqf frpnr the prejudices which the assertion of the sec vetanT off the treasuryvand the; corrobora tive opinion of the committee 6f ways and aniifie, whdt-werethqse ' essentia) prioci pies of civil liberty' which -Tay, as it werev at the base of ail st tiues of this kind, aild wuicn were inttnir jnaxufe 'Acrpreoomiant Vnd inherent; thatf rip trieTud -oFireedoAi eouljd possibly forget themwhentffkming such.a statute. J -A $ . i. ' - . yXftlr. Q.Vaid that ; on 'turning tHis sub ject in hliitnim(j,; he had formed two prin- cipies or tne nature wtiictilie-ouiit. 1 he rst:was,-Ti ht THii fWiocf xt should: NEVER BE CONroUhrJEO .WlJ aVGDTL - TT-" 'Of coh.-tque4ice,' that "the law:: must have beeb intended;1 to htjtq ioiistrutted" ashatasfar as possible, the former should always. escape, nd the latter shciuld al wavs be 7punihe;d- TlffeV second wjisi Fa at THE OlIlF.tlT-OF TltlS PENALTY. WAS 'ONLY fine penattv or forfeiture;4 If there he no , grounds Theierms ofjthe iaw-itJie : 1 guilt, his power of mitigation, that is ovp?licy of thet lawthe nature of tlje thilifj , i .a , . u vuu t 4 iDUUl titac ' tfc : wv tv vvqwui9USUi PriUClOICS ' )l -CiVll IUtfc,s V cannot be exercisetf,-ThVsingle autho C; ; t : t 1 he has, is cremigaltogetHefr He has is o Fhe terms of the law are-select' and ap more.rightvto talk of ufirqfif? or ; frb propnate rhqse iopnected,wh . the'f , rf . pr&Gu" or " 'eauivdtentjff'or to intimate mission or mitigationr nP whole orin par 1 '5f boqor'f loatisV' as the grputidsof remis- pstf : only give hq power but limit thex,-' -ifev . sion than he has to decree rhe whole pena- - ercispf Jt;jby lanexpressatatme standard. i i ty. in hWown pocket for his' private' use. He is. to do the' one qr the otfo, cora-. 15 4 Thekplain purpose of the law is? that guilt ing totbc ri"ohexrstence;QV q V'iJi! should suffer, . and that innocence should '..existence" df ioilfiki heglig&ci Tor intern H U; escapeV. And by guilt, and (innocence,, is tion of fraud? ThbconnectcwitH tho 0 h only meant statute guilt, 'or Vptutec iniio ''cansinthe: prosecutidn?tqceaaerare equall cence, Whatever is eithe Wilful negU- .pre . 'vffi gence or fraud is statnte guiltt' . Whatever . ana codditiopssucn as'jhe,n4y vdeem reaf ; 1 1 1 ' isneither.one norrthe either is innqcenc. sbableandj.ustelates tpthat bbjectthc ;i It is easy to see how perfectly reconciled , causing .of thelproaecution to cease) anj ' ble khia is to .: the .established pnqciplea ofnothine: ZW &" ; . 'I1 civil , liberty Instead 'of a sharp sented . 'The policy otlie laVis not less corroi statesman ihyestd witfaVther powers to borative off;thiscpnstru9Uont It is re- ' ift: hunt among finespenalties andForfeitures medial statue as such itmiist be chstruy !-i for the ways anci "means of the treasuryi . c liberally ; Its pplicv isv to suffer all'the " we find onlva benignant and wisely con-'- inaojceut,)and-none of '."the ' c-iiilt w tVel t '0! :nV tifuted tribunal, ;virith pbwer-to judge ,u- cape , For this i purjwse it'.hassci- Up V"f,'lH on tne circumsunces lne case,now tar statute sunaarq; ov wmcn the; secretary. r rtri any statute guilt , has C been incurred,' and to decide, who js innocent, knd the ileVrco c r i1"t cettled principles on uwhich'pU blic safety 'J in free csur.tfy depends, wVreinbt'cgnoiuf civc, - tuner uiai no urirpiwcr everj.-was Invented, brthat the Jpossesor bought to be deprived df it- 1 . . cafery branch of the'kw, and never ie peri a,, discretion -invested m tnv.heaU ot the mitiganngana remitting. ;io the d.crcd .r ; i treasury. '1 Uut.it is a discretion extremely f statute guilt whicr) a man has incurs d, 4 v limitedin.i:a nature urisinir out of tltfe nei 'ihe sec'reuryis hiorailv: ound to" pmu'shi ' - vl i ' cessity ofhc case; extendinsronlv suoordinate considerations and in t f " ; "v 'pui puses oi ine, ways 'ana j means- of the'treas'nrv-' WHpn-hrm1 of the statute,-uhder consideration f trere considered, tn xefetence to thesepHneiplfes; :fl as;to its tju ccSslctioVvanisrii ed.The character o father framefr.bf fern law wajr indicated. No ucrTl power ; as M r Q. then proceeded to v iBVeStiifate til- Eftnraf powers veted - m the secretary " o the treasury for the mitigation 'or re- : hat denirrtmenti ftftRsecretsirKfiail ait'edWn his letter LtcY I rw commute ot wavis-and me.us. Iri tms ' r, tHeecfetarvacshsthaV-r iji'ftaxtzi andohfstwAteU and daidi k- Mwsav-pujif be deemrd;reas8'natle;qna Vt 'treaSmdt i&t this Aiteiscetidn inejation tfesub Ject matter" A3iscreiioV witHotit !limtti' : t? princTple, qimeasure;;ot c..trpiil,;ch 1$$. o'f decision.Sexceptil ihexsoverein ,JwilL' 1 easurepf zis individualpbssessing . f or: ne wno an. no in reianon to any Itorhjrj P?tt,7and lix.such'termif and conditicsris. as ptfem respontsibleTand:iut has us nb - 3EC eartcanldesire; An if bvlinV.tTene- power oe invested in anyvpcr- "iV uever,-wcj uavcnoiraucuiu ooasi Whir pte an authnntvv in: that matt2t"0r thins: wiidombr 'Hine (reectom c our land. , 4-:C s f "e question tnen is, 'vhtnerthisr-Ti" xnat asserteaw tne secretai:vjsi the treasu ry m'refatidn: to the subject'the' penaU Ueilwasrvesfcd iofhimf On thexontrary the real grant of power was pre cise hmi ted, and . perfectly consistent ;rwitb ithe prirfbipres of 'civil Jibrivis;-hji fcfr The law contained two clauses Vwhicri 'm,pVeKended; all thefpoVersVifrtie ' 'to tnissuqiect,- vested in tne -secretary oi tne treaaurvi A The"v Words ''are 7 theses - ;AtteK tcr verv 1 out wnen pr mis aerreetnere i nofii ' . m l mcex ,cu muiauv ouuuu w acquit;, vi; vtwnntt .tv.I. erciseof which $here isitder or no temp- and conditions') there-'isao- a&ev frV1 tatipn to i abuse.- z It .relates only i5 the rwf For guilt mun be,, punished according toA. A'. and condition oA'whkh' hehay direct';thelt3 degree; and -innonce mist csc&peiv' r prosecution to ceasWl These he is permit . Now the law-permtsii or coii, j jutr ViaX such a puwefis 'necessary ; is! eqWya cohfounciiag ; 4! ri?ausel though theVinnoceht themwithnhe.gui policvit . f j , jiasa right to? befree frrm'ifie, imputation "l9Jtheel? 't )l ndpenaitrtf of :u!tj Vet the cpsisiW ;ex- gofreeanunspoti according to nfie7:4;?'': pences.whicK iiave isa loss pinnate purity:; r ( ; - - rV " p"-Jfj!:1 vhicS must fall somewHt-re; --Trie' nature. The nature of the tKing shows also; tiWvl of things has thrown it upon himandtno the 'power, of -annexing, such if terms acj-' ; prmcip.ofjastice.icm transfer'titta ano-; : conditions aahe. may - deem reasona6icK i liu therifc'theTVdiscreVionaiV pbVeriere0'" andjusti" exclusively belon WW me orl 1 qrt Ven ist iia tW nature of thingsextrem er of xeaUsitfg the ; proseeutibn tot ce N , 1 f lvJinitedi andxteikl$ onfv to those parti- FdnTtTomih thi j QUlars whiohiare incident thepro$ect - question 'Concerning:, causing the proeai i i 1 ftoti to costtrj expeicest and .sometimes tidn tq;cfcase,' la subordinate, in po toF,-: cpnlpeuaation to custm'toase olficers o. importance; aitdiecpniJary. ln-rpbAtir y - Y, hi services rendered; Either in the?r seizure i-lJme, to the question concerning Aitiga oc in.tbr carelqf the property; --It isphv; ingory,reniutmg, the penalty.' FoTWheAnr Is (, rour, atotharmefxaimg.suc therihe dwision'ofthef secretary, tipn the danger, oahuse is limited, i ot on-.oCXparfonot - !h rovm,,theccircumscTibed .naiure of ?the rvVpower ja m the same state. yV" sphereVCbut tfronihe; eiriuhlstance?' in thus far done itsfr wpxk;The vdmeot "ZAtZi win vt K(uu.' xxe Jiaa na omciai rcaiiL or innocence ls-acertainea. r s ? penalty js .remitted, ror-graduated, i hd- ri onlyrentainmgpreTogatr j ryUrefateaMo -r the prosecution; iere he . i w 1 ; possesses -cthev dlcfetton;, befpw aoticefif i V i uuc.it is a, pqwej'wniciu ; irDmnenamrcyv -,:, I of,ther)thihg,f.cannutTethi-aH again ion pcumcceir. Eollt Info iewJ .ThatC 2 Juf there -.lira. JtrcWe.'argufiaentHh-ij J these. ; . resulting frc: tne esublisliec33 Qectionkwrthguil; ortinnocencei-?:It is 'ture Oftnatj-proudonsciousnessvi WhicUvf;v rnerelj: tssccrtaimng4he inevitables lossV freemeri feeFaipd iignt'to acknowledge 5 vit whieh;hem tiJt bear;, bji'whb'ia the bolt of and ot.what dffisiiCcorop6st;tlWha -Heaveixrxds':fallen.: -HompenViUo whicfieacli ifcVi'. decfecd,Kit ifdrtheJcustbm;'fabde-ojfii tvidualljQipiredA 1U7'' ' and not theJtreusury Jjlt.is-delcreed not a berty naroperty:subject only;rto, kcowo a a part.of:, the: penalty for, that ir incurred laws,', and aloof trom the vilb)f r.ny indii . xi' onlvMtf cOrisequsnce of 'gottv whicHfisid Vidiiat; 3o longshe7is'innocenthe '$zz tnx- c-2e,ou,i pi tne question. ;oui isaecreea no', compromise, itFir.ace, no-tquiyri'4nt to . only cjaf part cf that inevitableVlbss : whic' j olfefnotfuckH i.:f; He,' c " c ' souiH-ohe :vict tjjrr 'd cr ".ouri Sl hVsrv!." - 'psrlty,: or forfeitr: ... - . v-,.. .uli .-m I 1... 'V z orjy.cnaityiiorrjovesw .11 rche;samemiml,have heen'jncufred ivtth V'Jraud liiJtie Jters9rfr.perons incurring :. bnF sHalljCaie betnjfnhifutedfor hteqqz ' vtthereofto cekf?add ' oeidiicatftnued lupQn-fuckttrms cfconditionh a he may tFr6m;the; claaien-toe statutelf frotn" . nyv the secretary -oj thV trdSuryfdertves that unlimited 'discretion, which he assert mnis .tstter io.ui3,coramntcc ot ways and means, to be.'-, vected ir; his: department, N'oVjth'ese -clauses arerjdistintf rthd sub- stdntivehavin"; relation to'twcribGiects, Inducement to abuse; his; p6 wei-vi: Therjar- are distinct notorious, Jand easily 'to -' be aafcertamed and as . to .compensation', due I H"'niit rifrtrarrl tr'Vn irirlHrnifiVirtftri nf i mhVt'KiKfoW-. i,,J, vrtWtri T rf I - ierence :Witb theestabushed rprinciples- of tX lciyilliberty;The:auesUcmrelat caili fall