I ' - i-..r ,, 4: . " Vi, , ; C'. .1 : -. -." ; - - . . " . ' - , ' x ft . ' i 1 V r 'I', 1 1 i. - I- 1 " I ii -I i ' i '. ', .- t if i . i - ii i i t ill . ir I,,. i ' "t i I I i m gal II 'ft,':-, Jt-v , r- HEJVBERNj SATURDAY , ; .. --.v Jjn---, Vi a- PRINTED VBLISKED BJ., AT TUREE DOLLARS t PER ANNUM, PAY A r tLEHlLr YEALY ADVANCE. i ADVERTISEMENTS l?ItL BE INSEBTEf .TSSVENTY-riVE CENTS A. fqjTARETBE i .-U TF,EK AND TltlRTT-FlVE CENTS jOR EACH COSTIH.UyiUUK. ; Mr. R mdotptfs Spe'cbK.-lrk the speech- lrrnn in ConoTPSR rlnea "the u;mQplf .-so 'distinctly atjnear as; m !Cp of Mr Randolph'. We he,ar aDd; c vvhilc we reau. imp u w peculiar intere5cana an irre- MR. RANDOIvPH'S S.PEECH. f . sadrcsses a $isable chirm,. On the A'crv Army BilU ' uK. KVNDOLPHvsaidjithadbeeDt h's 'intention if his health -would have;perw tA him. to have sub mixted; his opin-: icjTjs upon the bill at some length, but ba Wcr verv weak and rather indisposed ,he, shuuld ' cor.nye his observations pretty flch to the change .-which had taken placfi since the declaration of war, in our rela tions vith the 'powers .of Europe nor .riih EngUnd only, but with t.rahfte. i he nwnoer of conducting thi debate, he said', ;.;scd it upon hihi as u Huty,in . giviji? "hwrpniions to recur to what Hz would' tluliv overlook; Every One hoVeyer felt th?t s-ii dtfeace was. the first law. of na taW tlu- worm would; writhe - when trod upon nor was the force' .of the' blow 'Essened, but Tnore heavily Iclt vfhen given ui'r the guise ot frkndship. '..It was his i .iriuue, he snid, to have taken a share j-n.wu ol the transactions .which brought filuHK thy civil revolution which took place ia ..this t country Htf'callcd it a ntisfbrtune iie thought it,SO. --Why he did v would he o-i.vti v wUuiderstootl by all wise ip). wS men cf the country ofy-whose r jo. oxiuon rtlontj iie felt the least .ambi toi, -i indeed,, irittioh ar.y longer E-'.Mn hia bredct , " lit c.l.,d u)on thVhpuse.t'o recollect the 'rttttip;.rrit' abqut that period, wben he lid the unh:ippv.ot to enter into apolitical 'er wid thaf sentence,-- the justice of which :v;js u IcncIcdgedi by which one kcl- w.-stranon was rejected trom power and was the-ted curious ever iillen from power actually maintained the' same . character which had tumble ;theni fronvit thefl.warld say with a'stopis)iniQnt,: a minority forcing Qn - the - administration on a ystemrof patronage , and pciWer. $& completely were ' tHe" federalistsr imbued with those. pHnci pies, tliat they rejected. and did from time to time oppose yery ef- tort to cumin isn tne patronage ,01 tne exe-cutiVe-and the disbandihgof any?part bi the . amv wh jch were brouglvft fbrMrard ,bi government. " ; . v, v '. . In a little time the sweets of power had not less effect upon one ofthe parties thari the frowns of adversity had on; the other they changed principles-and with their? i principles ineyxnangeauieirjLone lean- tim? peace.iwas negociated in " France& the treaty of Amiens' gave a short respite to Europe, and placed this counttyvin the happiest of all positions, v One moiety of the proceeds o the airect tax scame into trpnQiirv.."; Al! tunc t-vrer.vi1-tr ' fplirittT the treasurvfi All was prosperity felicity and opulence, j uninterrupted by a breath," except the Yaoo breeze. A surplussdge lingered in the treasury, a system of econv om v pre vailed throughout all classes of the government the wholeexense of the ar-, mv did not amount to one million-, The navy was scarcely t more -tne expenses' ot the wiolc institution rwere not more-than three millions. ThisV was - the first four years of Jefferson's administration. v,- .rhe last four years of that administra tion' it rose to sixteen naillions rivalling the whole expenses of Adam's administra tion amounting xo ?as much ;as the: sum expended by the man justly called the fa- ther ot his country; AVashmgtonv in lght years-, during which he maintained the cha racter of his country in dignity abroad-- her privileges inviolate heri rights hdn- 4 arpenuencK enure,t ana ' trcr .uuiKjr, pure, spotless Wd.satrejTgv besides carrying Oh an expensive, inuianr war wic suirjtr excueujy uiera, iuit uuer i irom inQScouncus, wnicn;inuccu iiic uev; i;uor vV wuerg ,ine rest racn.oMtic . country 1 i revolution of 180 1 ; asnectaclepresen-! pie to give thar partVt the power. rqm ( wish to moorthe ship ,Y thm Qwx1 otA J itself1' to the eyes of the.iworld- more that time government hds continually sub I eyedi,had beert called popular. wr--4.:- A tnan nan ever.,oeiore witnessea, or i versea -i.say $rsu&vcrsea tas tar ras it i war or tne people ; - a war. ot .the- neon' e '3" A will again;.- The partv wjiich ha,d f couIcfTVthe purpdsabf "France ; cuofF 1 choice. ; hut could hit he deemed warof J;- from bur citizens theif accustomedsources J, ther people which., enabled, a man 0fucFk-.V- to,Bostbnt4we vlrtuatlyhcld the samJauv cruake wlch Bbhaparte holds to 5 Qstend, shins drophinjr into pieces andtottincf. I vere innhewar; orf to ;succ-l ,iti accbm1 V ' seWour houses tumbUnff bout your ars j plishs ostensible objects. Jfin thicfffa !,rJ T--mit wnatis . that to my ;ontmenxai sys-5 ten T v j . I" see ; vourl people ragged, ) poor, 4 oi 4ur.-fA.aams: ts.entucicy jina:rv irimn. wem.abieio Force . him, tq-a peace, uycru- . ;. the ieastefn states' andKew VYor'kl u Ours ' 1 V vrej;"ched VyithoutTmcansVi wfthout help or norae dui wnat is tnat. my conwnentai, system T" . Ana wnat, saia xvir. Kis.xnai to our continental system lri effect:but ,a j public opinion must, have us wa v itluilL' -1 subservient 'counterpart to the tyrant sa i be heard it.cannot be resistedf-iUs U,he league' with Bbnapariel? .Thisr he'.said wasas pemonstranieas any moral, vaimost aliiy mathematical proposition- whatyen J r When the, message came ; on "which the embargo was enacted, for the'purposej: of i xt'in the next congress lostenag as was said, tne essential re . ( o:oe tonunvea j - ' iniirrn nf , thr rnnntrw; ' tlin tli nriirlrtt I ! Lv : - ; I'Anrty-' -i- "'- V HOUSE OE REPUESKNTAllVE oias or . tnei macmne-Tras , gravitation gives. ; i: law to the policlcaV 'with-us. Rem'emrr-rfl; jV Sir; I tell ybu, vou yill feel the, effect of L J V - in this1 houses 1 . ,i MS was not, one document not one scrap Oil tu 'riii ' t'i j iS ! ? ' " -u:LA.:J ' The foUowmg. Message and Documents ' a bit of a newspapers or about the square j .1; X.' ui:,iu' ? 1 v V ' ! xr., i. w:Vu i-v4i; proceedings published mourst: i -- of a column, stuck W with ; a wafer message, t A pleasant species, of evidence no doubt Nor-3id there exist at tie time the slightest, shadow , of knowledge of ine unuii oraers m council. ji uus, ne - . T r ; u,. y- 1 . r ,r i - i, " -, (norot the ASiana.ot Bermuda, whichvhas ' . 4 said, the fact itself .bore internal evidence 'l vi i-znJ ' s M ' i ;l it -t i j appeared under circumMances leavintrnax -JL -tor if there had been any-knowledge of "Uu Lr . ' rl - .f?,. Vfi To the eripte and House, Qf "Rtpre$entativek '.A. t .lay before Congress-copies of J.a3?ror kx" ' :i clamatibn of the British Lieuteiiaht Gover 'Vij ttot m. it was hardly, necessary J : r . v f . . .. r t iv to male's! .declaration ofr'true . j i; 13111 ailU 'lb: V wUVJ. IUi&!lJ ... .. ;. . i f ' ". ' ' . i ' .1 - ' ' . ' u; ae was exduded . from that church. T-he -principles, however,? -ere on record, and wouid be while printing existed. It vras in vain for any man to hope to change t!vm to suit his change, of "practice, of he vh- once professed thin; to conceal his i.3fcucy uiey.were recorded to perpetui mry irerc .tnere in tne pooizs- never ta erased. , He ' then.- recapitulated "the Bt leadipg principles to which he,A allu-d-d fee 0f , tiezze-Gbhijr rente of -war mhusy of the potder oj the general go rnizcn; a dread utmost supernatural o f A ' V l . !, . - ' a:ng armv dreadpfK an overgrown Kf'pUiV'--and,a jealtiu&U o f the batronasre ... o Kin? ...e:,, . ; ihe last Question, that of vesterdav eve oe c;r -t. mtnuoipu pronouncea to . . tiju woucnsione pr true? repuo i, nv ad of the u can 5,8 Which VeXf At il,in K fi t h r'ii ie if A ri rl I - . -wi. .i.vi. riuJv 4. a. ui chhost who vcted.foiit. there :tras-nbt ho would, nor would- tH? present IFvisuieRt himsejf, haditbeeo bfouchtfor- ; a during tbeadrmnistratibnof Mr. A-0-3, have voted ior.inWn6ritr'i--f the orders in council, would he have had rj;- u i ?r i.cl' . ' v'f V j. Ar Writisp Urder m Uouocu oi the 26th or- ! recourse to the, pmful.expedrcnt of pastmg f0ctobIaSt, friWdiog.for th6 MttVpiyitiA m t -r r8 'bH ??CT m -:Pssesons, fcy.S Side. under specif li- ' ; Would -he nothave insertedit in the Nav- i- ,i s. i... i .1 ..J" : 5 ' Intelligencer ; the court paper as,-it - L.i- ri ' ' il- l i Letthe Natibnallntelliffehcer's' r. . ! i; r n - tti 1 nil ir j n r nxri iiiinnri mi irina Trnm nnrrrr . ' i tional is called. Ic l'cu of the ;ijmted Staestb'.tKe .ports: bfhe not Aword of ;&gland on,: the. occasion E sfas exclusively; U will be founds He would even allow the 'Lli. Lr '1 i;. Ui 3 1 authority of x a ;newspaper, it 4t could be i :Lj2j r'J , w j ' i j ' 1 i. irfclii:v u already introduced into her commerce du- V 4 Mr. Randolph sard it was a curious,xbut nevertheless a notorions fact, that ipthe years 1808 and ! 8Q9, the public expend- tures vwere such as to stagger ail' belief, when compared with their objects. fWhat had beomevof those enormous expendi tures; he knew not- Nor knew he 'any-nth er person hat ditf knoW.ln fact he belivtd no one knevy,'and he called God to witness that he firmly helieved no one would ever. know. -i. i, . j Here Mr. Randolph said, that! just as he', had andcipatted.he found" fiis bodvV:& indeed his' mihdi-also, so enfeebled J'-t that he feared he should nd iftdifficalt. ta bring the hause'alongN with hni and asxecT their indulgence. . Having rested for a moment ortjro he. thus1 proceed td.y jVIeantime the warip Europe AyaVrenewecf, and" brbugnt upon us a whble'crpp of evils aDourneu trali ty and the neutral - fh'g, aided' and 'ur ged on by, trVe merchants, whbsaw the golden harvestand r Were jealous -ofany" othe? putting their' sickles into ItThen it was that he. and others piMickly-.forei' told all that which is no w inliisWy--thaV ih while rnqrethari any other pepple wp ere tavored by Gold, we Were about to be : tettin not exist m "af nai change,, and accepted war ! - And, what now ?anythipgwrehange. . VAt thaffime certain '.circumstances occurred. saidJMr: i Aud;itlRandolph,W ?B yr?' tib- fri.it,vVo tedjaway ffoim it; ia'y . atcupidity which would lead the cbuptry into Wr under the guiseof peace, jrad, sp it hadVV' have been disturhed' by;'; "restrictions, :cbadenl vexed, harrassed, fretted, iu,T' as : a !mair who Had longbeenwithheld from nis'fa- mtly ould jbegladdlahy thin; rather than exile--we were glad of any thine? ?rl c vw w y c y uu respect xot rejgp powers,- witn most of.whom he saw theylwe re endcWour- adl.bit? piritnd a;dsirb;fOr rS;h annies " and patronage; wtttalike inff td entangle Sia. for he considered heace it ip-rT k-?Bt uc crusneav wp ein- wi n r ranee as paa aa. war, with t England. ! kd' , PP0&iliSthosef with .whom r:0n?ly - acted, .and whb .d , iincV posite wlJ i u ,l"ose oi ineop- img ouremtor y wun torcc ana arms.-ahd eyen, carrying away o up citizens in tapti yity,;cbuid raise the executive o'r.tuis hh; h. rable hbil s e tb a s f.fi Vp" itY i x ii TV mar. i . j- ' t j I r r . - -rv , " . if i mj ui nsofm. S ?ut amng 'all thetrabsaVj to honorr; to;;assert .'our riglits -over opr rrl 1 Awn sni . n i.ln.gtPitri-j'nr-th'if'V'.'mwQ'wwW voted to Tpprtiate" tz parisi- -But whom produced. to show. that the, embargo was , -.lv s X7m wu n n I 1 i -"J1 1 j 1 -1 j ' - "j tj i-r u - u1 , nnS w3,.21 system, tyhjch, at oncetyiola-;?. i j Pccasioned oy, or intended to obviate nei u-Jf' u Z r u.U'i:- - j r V , vT , i - ting the rights. oi other nations,, and rest- j ' orders m council, which were not known ; u' JJi-- i .? L . tI i ; vu : ving-on a mass ot'lorgeTv and perjury,' un- - but gentlemep-were so much invthe habit uJiwt Ai- i:;-. C: i " -l ; - r . . , , vr ', . known to ctherv times, was .making an un -i. or transposinsi cause and effect for their r --v ,? l. 1 -s' , ' , ri.,-; fortunateptogress m underrprmng thoso -l own purposes; ,taMt costs them little trDu- i f j i fr V t -' ; ;H . ge 1 1 ;rl, f principle of morality and ehgionwbich 1 ir n.' "jj I'O' ' ' ' i 'j' are thebe,st fouhdtfion qf; national .tiappUV Mr, R-;Said, that e evts suhseguem n oT . j i6 h to the period to;wHichie had brought the -'rid intUkces "into nembdeawar' busmes had been laid so cleariy, m )ucid fcplours, ahd with such fojcAlc. tea- d fonf if3S featares ajM he depvi- c 1 sonmg, bythehon.ndeman frtm New-. of Us f hDfo jts 0hject 'to ' ( -'I W IV tiesbf :aileianfe : aid thl !r .would never be f senViments if loyalty 1niihe-advers'arya- -ff ' be condemned , tioand ta seduce and sePamtejits;com- i , nothing which jie could say coulci add to 'wJ,nUti tr- nS: -M . 1' lu Vu J c ii ' ; T X j potent parts, the one irotp thejotaer, wThe? r; r the conviction that-must. lollowf u? And ;r r. ' vi - t ' - ; r u-j- o t 1 iM ceneral .tendency -or these demprahzinc: ',; on the sublet of the Berlin and Milan de- : " i - . - a t , ,i , . . ..r . v. - . . uisorcamziuK contrivances win ne renrOba-u'- , ana tne arss py ,wnicn the tyrants & jl- v 'n:--i j -; ... - r , , 4 .; ivef.-; Nanbiebn had' inveirfed bur ru.l iyerv wapoieqn. pao lnyeigiea our d tht; insuitinc: attempt on the -virtuel thk . Mi tryr annonoraoie menu,, ot ,his, irpm -u-vi ;;;e uLa 'i:.a ' - fMr. Bleecker) had heen plea-l wJLrilikt tiuL c;Ji i k a wishtthat:some one mbre f fJlv. YHrthll tW.iiVi;r :L ' -1 himself would;arette itra thmcr' -j5 ' ' ,;LvJ 5- r' "ir" cress dece --.-ji' coun Kew-York ,sed to expres able than s6;unneces3aryxafter thai gentleman V lit mus was pe had strafe'-, that t the ,though:-vouch tr atef and believe d to be beleved hp "evidehce . more alt tlie states' to that nanYiv'TTmrin an" $ ? I pu,expo5itiou Constitutibn,:agaistVAVhich capable of attemptincs it,vhe wastmcr Li L'JZ-L ' Zt - r " a? 7 -xJ r . ' 'T 1 i-' M V ' vu ttuumaiiKUrtui, jiiutcJkyjre'OirecteafvSt'i--at rfuihesv. Last . session, . he - (Mf. R.) ' " Tu; hV? m n- ivlf-l'. attempted ,to: do sp, -and,tp fdentpn-' ZtfJ. tute'; inAv-Mr ttJiAill'KW .repeal of thpsexdecreesf ;;?reherv. :.'antl to fum thca,n) ed, '!or bv our,chef4 masris- j n '-2m n -L;r t v ? ? jfi;4L by .some and'pretetuledJrv7-VW;,n? V by morem that house -hldl U1;-W --S "Vi "JLt:i V . to. suoDort it bnt themresi.1 .Si a' .'t ' - sr?irr -, . . . : 1 ' .- ,j i .. .... if..-1 A vV1. ..! .' i m .... . .1 . . . praersm council. presented Pa senous,. ob t ' "it-" .itu lui..: .:;t -!:' - . Ur ; stacle to negotiati bn but such arguben vas not te be. attended 'to. ;'Jfet it was rei pbxiable enough!, to fiupppsthaf ttEmpcU ,uc ;Ta.?rJ?t?iSr tuallyemployedwpst'multiplyin counW t vcacusi v- lucui Aidgp jaiiu uaucra arccpverr- W- V says' A'erey that )us edicts Jyere;hbt rcpea led tHl burl govcrnnient ,hid obeyed" hi3 brk era,- causedpur fiag 46, bei respected,? ,ana proceeded., t64 hostile ; measures, vniu orttef giri"cbunciiwere!i Itandojpliput it" to' every honest man to say 'wheth'er,ff,it;)vj; 'mprttot time t1 nt nghmd had repealed her orders ih coun- cil: and ;,Bonaparte 'still refused td repeal, ahyt or. 2 yduld' have 'dr.fe,d-v to' propose , a war; y ith Engiand ? or hethcr if the pro,.' po:t::On;y;hich V43ni-xde at, the time-tb postrohe the declcxatiJa of xyartill niean 7H,:-V?v-- 7AMESXADISO-v:"' ',Wc are hannv tP state thatConrrre.tq, hav. v 0.1 . p?(ssed a, lav, granting tojthe officers; and ; v ,1 Srewottfe ;i ' Dollars.; "iaeahkei; ;. J hetterf bestowed; rhevrcsfdentfiver much to hiscf edi;. idbk occasion, In cOni- V: municat: - - "captain ;;Bairibridge,9;illian V ; victory, - to N. recommend to ; Cghgress' t. ' ingthe cantors the- same amour'; fsfder-V-4. irr "nKVaa'cneciv's.vesiiU'a-i if : vsi '''?.'' Aj.orjtnat.aay t.;soiacK xiou.ihat h.ng ot.; p"atioa;i7W adopt-dhad fc: b.QuvT: hr.irt: ' ov r us, :evrry day thirst 1 dbec:, r:,:d to,'. ,rc chculd hot.bb, V: - 1 The 'ti:- ' fbliritftlf into ( '' . , - r ...... .. T' 7 ...... . u . . - ' , . - ' ' -

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