1 ' 1 It'- , 1 : : -' --- v.- f"": i - " ' ' ii r i i iii l i ii n i n i i i , i , ! i ' " ' ' ' ' . . ,'T " ' . 1 ; '' ' """" 1 1 ."' 1 ' i VOL: 1X1" .;'; : : r NEAVBERN, SATURDAY JUNE 3iiVi8l7. vv,t;; ; V : -j NUMBER 443: v v -.i.. . i r t r i.wy.fyn. 1.1111,1.11 "Mwwwut. wfimm-nm't 'yT"."1' '.'ji ' - - - - - -- ; " 1 " 1 i . n ii i i mmmr . V v. 4 -ft i?1 - A ft fell ft 9i I'M T rSZZf - rTiS i . W W VT nl9;Sve ?M ,r GKKENE, JOHNSTON AND ;ri;S;'m r v-'niustaMogizaforhW LIC AN ta published i tWy oat- Coughs Colds, i Consumption,. Asthma , -.'rnVvvi? ? , &mfr oj.jur. w imams 0JVN. -Li t -tS: l?.u - . 1 brdav S. H ALL, at f A wV Wheezing, difficulty or bthinff. .tight.; - r.-; WAYNE, ; Carolina, in support of,Vf m cupicdthc attcntpa f the gen Voln per annum, pay j Ung f Wood chlilness and. shiTerv Some- mocths ; have ' fchpsed v r ' . , t , cegsan-that a tatcmek df the ' XSM-VWfy triMhanct. ; r'r fifnee it hasten knod that .Mn Li r" kind should ; show 'th diffcrcbt v iix ii.; ea ni her lauafe ge viii experience relief equally agree i'iwywr fl53; We and insunlaneous, even oen the ncctcd tcprcsentative jn Coogtess 4;f UKA !bL: " declined to serve U5 dgain'iu a sir- V -' initrtion after - iteitea Asthmatic' Pills." One box con- ... . ' . ; . a $mfi3it'2$Ze& qU,dy,C8eet.a cure; oq in vrh.ch he has obwfted WfCfri Parr will be ditscon 4 (Ijl STETSOJirJb ..v - t . . ' - (Gr. :VF?f areM;OfHanovW.wab years afflicted with .proper ' to propose; - .to -your f meu until j all arrearages arci Violent pains in'hi, right breast; attendcongideratiorri as . his .successor; paid, : - 3 v:; V : beinWindiflfefent to this 4 CORRECTED WEtKLY. f From To IP Cl x; c. 1 t5 none.i Butter, , Bees-Wax, ii.. Brandy i French do. 'Apple.: do Teach, 7";i;V.' porrt;?-.;.v;!'. ."t- lb. 30 25 50 ,3T5 gal. bush. t l 50 Cotton, Colfee; v Cordage, Flotir, . Flax-Seed. lb- 26 '20 12 13 14 bbl, bush 80 'Gin. f Holland gal 2 Do. Country ' Iron, ' r Pine Scantling cwt- i 20 " Square Timber, Shingles 22 inch. -' Staves tVv - hd. do. U. O. do. do. .W. O.bbl. Heading, W.O.hhd. Lard, .; "i- ' ; "Molasses, Tar, . v'J-X' 2;- 18:' 10 ? io 20 17; lb. gal bbl Pitch, Hosin,- , Turpentine do." Spirits, Bice,: ;none jSum, Jamaica, do. ' W. I. V':--' do. A mefic&S air Allum , 4 .Tobacco1t i: . , 40 bbl, ,:.v. 20 gal. 1 1 80 60 bush col CVft, 7 12 50.15 i list received a Urge as Vortment of ihozc justly , cs teemed aha h? approved -, : Prepared, by W. T;. Conway, 4 No,1, 1. Hamilton Place, Common-Street, r- ., Boston , ' -Vhe following respectable testimonials may serve to prove the surprising and - singular efficacy of -f r ; ' ' " r v i i " gf )r.; Pelfjs Botanical Drops These d rops s dre . a ; rachcal; cure for tcurvey; 3croi ulfi; St, ;(. Anthony's Fire fiejsrosyiv nmplert races, r&ore . Les, Llcers, Venereal tTaints when ; Mercury lias fiii ed. are tne Dest tsnnnfr ana Au umnal ;dr Bpons,,-ObserVe ? tnat V none -are ?renu ihe'unless sijned ; VV T.. Conway" . . I SETfl BRADFORD f ! . ... . Bhipnght, of UfcUford, was 12 years a(. fJctedVith a! severely Sinful; ulcerated t.. f v xrrW in rTn was resigned as past . relief, when to the surprise of every one, was cured by tak intf these Drops 1 ; -.rcT3-.:7 tfwe i mads pubtie at the tequett 1Jr. Jracfirdt trusting it ' nun 4 be of public utility . , r T . e-V-v WILLIAM PAY SO Jf IS Of Gooch Lane, Boston,:" was' 4 " years , aflicted with 5 holes . through his fwt, TTAS nhvsic. and may be, given to chiu r en 'iUi ' perfect -safety. Price , 1-1 Ask forv Dr. Relle's . BoUnical l . I fever. lrcf j na w luukiuutinu inivc - ..-',. i - ut - rr ; . -r- wdbone scraped by :sa&inenCsur. f e lf "V"? , 77, -t- geonV at lengthresignedf as past relief, : Jr.' Jluiltet rdlSj JjV: -toni;hment of every one, on taking these ,: &.J) HtlTiteV'S CeVate.i) drops; in 10 days his health was restored, 1'-'-ir :.v , 'k::.us'vlv fioiTii ii iv - pxurcLCLi , m urn uir k ' r .-4 . n V: vk!; v 'i.. w rMmr. il ir..i hn -v.i, uicis. vv.. win. ' v.iiit. anaj. ma es' is now running about free from lame 1 . -Vflfrt'mon Rv.tterfi.eltl. nf ChMtrfield. m&keth. oath ;.ai:d saith, that his son Ol iver 3 vears amicted., with eruptions t his legs and difierent parti, of his bo'dyf when after trying all other'- medicine in fain, was' cured bvS bottlei at Dp: lielfe'a f Utanical Drops SloneV,''wiuw''urssis - tfihee of any other medicine 4- vrifldContihi WbVcrt!firtlrt 1 V rost, Master,, lluuson and I wasbc0nslderable timeiiost ' ' -JJH' .MiLif. -.-?: & - . - j .? (Signed? PLYTHOUA CUS3, inff, auu who ' ter having tried uy incapaoie oi usinc n - fcS" tj' r qlfUffiMn.. in vain0 nciiuK uuiitc, aiRUUWKUgC r as cured and hishbakh perfectly ' rested ; v myself sensibly gratified and high red by2 boxes orthese pills; ."ly, honored bv it. Hut the con-' 5 v 1 r' W;M,n sciouiness.'ofmy humble pretea. Near Green-Street, tlloslon, was 3 yexrs: -; rl: - .7 , : afflicted Witu' Consumption, -had tried aU 8lons. to a -$ltU3tiOD SO imppr- ' jnost every v medic ine and medical assif tant and responsible ; the hope tance, viUiout relief when iesigned, as Iatedby want of sleep, perpetual' palpita. tions aottpam inthe side, she had recourse to Br- ltelfe's 'Asthmatic pil!s,w,, when to the surprise of everyone, she yss re; stored, to;perea in 14 days y , y w.,-.., , was severely azaicieu wivu an iismam vears. and for the last six months' his death ; was; laily l expected; when to V the aui-pnse ot.everrone, on taking omy ,2 boxes of tbesepjlis his health was her cctiy restored. Dr- Jelb's IAniment ! For Rheumatism,; bruises,' Sprains, Chilblains, jsumoness, 'wmesi m ice .M - ft' - -i - rr z t . joints, &c.V The relief is immediateV.nd "J-.tr fVonWrniv in oa Jinnraj nithotKrh of years standing- aiul! ih6ught incurable 1 was mkny years afflicted , witli Violent rheumatism; imd!as Iie;radvincc !n yetM at tiui2S waswhollyuncapacitatedibr bu - sincss, wlirthrouh recominerliitipqVai; qUrst.' fe tTJ;yi- Br.Hclfs For ' Female obstruction, . Stc. and are equaUy .conducive VtoW health ttfmar: ricd ladies unlesi when pregnantai which time they. Br, Be For Ind Listlessuess, Head , Ache, Costivfness, s : ,o'J tcrirying au our roeuicine.n vam war . cf i ODoion; which ervad the 1; 5 curea iy using pniyvone Dottiest tuis; . . ; , , . , r. " 1 60 M;K Linimnr, arfd his ft bad- no rclspseVit lit non j 1 1 wouldi be improper to 2 - y4 -?2V iow threes-ears :sineerbeas considered' Isay; one WOrd'tculateil''' io reEiii; 2 y ; --US it .S mcurrublc !'.;Tlws: is published at m r&l die rjart aoirri f' f Vfiall tKWi.. must not bet&fcen., spirit of j is framed;, without being Wsmtibiltous SiU warpedi intd slireience thr iKestfon; loss! cf Appetite, views or any taction r ' l -sr tulence, Cholic, Billiou. , Actions,. lGove-nmc to protectjionestjo- Dr. Rtiri Vegetable-p' nM bc?r d l? tit Tit I 1 . ,f A cevtafn v and . expeditious cure for , Sick lJe.d Ache. Uillious: Aifeciions, . 1 Birnvft'ieiti? -Omt rhentA A certain, sate C and expeditious - cure for tbeItch, )Vowcvcr inveterate,- m ( an hour's ippliCatioi, mky be used by fthe most jticucate pre gnaiu lemaie, or on cn dreu at the breasLwjTn No dan arer ; from taking cold. -:H itj'k dor:' 'i Dumfries Uintmeni," none; are genuine uniess sign ed W, tA Con wat as ;; you value health, observe the signature, r 7. a. , - ' , Bntiyttes Lotion; ; , A cure for the1 Itch without smelf. 1 v- BritisK Antheptit Beftii-, ' - frice. 'r The Toctn Ache it not only nrclrentetl by the Dentifrice! but : fenders discoloured teeth - beauutuuyv -wmte, removes the caiseouaKer PaIUtoSe health,' and to cause of faer arising from decayed teetr gums the emorescence ot the breath the v most delec table sweetness ' ' ' s ' ' V ' '. ' Qj Mbion Cdrn tlais- This Plais'ter afford instant relief, at the same time jt dissolves' anq arawa uie corn outby the Vobt," Without the least pain. : CambrianTooih-&cheriU8. i jrorjiue-jrreveniK juuvi , . .... ...,.J 'rn ii XUl AliC i crciiuim iuiu vuic vi iuc ' i cue , 1 reft i uisease, uuwevcr tnrcicraie, ui n i nas iaiteuiuii.'UU'ecuons ana uescnp- twn'of s-mptotns,-".sQ tliat anyone may cure themselves with; seprecyybr h fen dollars accompany each PacketTT-Q for Dr. Ilunter'a Pills. Z4 None, are genuine but tliose signed W. T- Conway.' As n you value health' observe the signature. ;' The whole of the above - Medicines are prepared and sold , wholesale,, by the, sole i Conway, No, 1.-ixamu almost, of ;tlie Drnista. Booksellers and C3None of the above, are genuine' ua- less signed ' T' Conway ; as you val ue health obseie' this. ; j , r r A. large 'discount to Country Traders those , who bur, to sell rajn i r v .4 I t iicsc i ilia Atxuiu MMircvitaic: i ciki nuu that some one of our -fellow-Citi 2.eCS Satdr abl U .and xpe i5tu, vumu uia.c u; icuucr jji his services and an unvDliogaess Q shQk the . prejudices, and ei C(JUntcr ;thc who mignt aeem it presumption m a ' ' ' J ?.cr5 fa.rtner t0 asPire t0 Post distinction-A have ' caused 4 me to hesitate 'in my "decision yield however, to the "wishes of mv friends, and am ' Candidate to represent voii; in the' next Con f e-rtSS of the Uiiiled St4e. " u - a , r:l--.- l i j .""!c. ..,!ct;PJ disputes which have ' heretofore ' diviucd us, seera to have ceasedc to irulrir3r T It IS ? gratify tdg j to witness the increased harmony re nlv add as the . outlines of :, .rriL, - ItA, C-tfi:l-.tt E- V-. .X"" tlon administered tnr the pure I That I believe i - the dtitv of - . rtcurc icrt our agriculture uom f mercennrl m iVTaniifarfnri nn sm cpOragment nd support prbpor tioned to " their-:rciative ; import tance: '-:;;;;: ' ;;f -?-k "... fTtat conomyjn he; cpendit tiire of the;pebples mbftey alnd "a strict accounta m those who have been entrusted With that ex penditurcj are the best securities aeainst -! opprsssive " taxation - and that to hold towards foreign ixanons an Biiicuoe ai oneenon est andf firm, respecting their rights while we , assert ouro wn, is the course; most .likely io preserve their friendship. and- to enabie Tus to sow in peace ana reap in plenty 1 hat rrovidencemav grant us these" add every 'other, bjeising which a virtodus people, may hope tor is sincerely.desifed byi v .Scibr dbediehtservan :, J JESSE SLOCUMB. - AVa)Tie CoUntyMay "23, 1817. Five Dollars Reward. Onf this" flight of the 6th in st. the Sfub scribers Blacksmith shop was broke open i and a jRifie Barret Gan, taken" oilt, 'of the following ,description.-Brass knd ;silvei mounted, round the heau of,the lock scru pins and on the breach, were small pieces of ; silver, neatly; ; carted at the Dreich, Has a brass box, stock. has been split at the muzzle and mended "with- - a t piece of thin brass, is calculated for a double mger, oui nas omy .one, i rtvug anu vci jr $m all in ; the. bore,'does not f admi ta ball larger than a buck shot, louver end of her gard does not quite fill up the puce -thai is :' cut ; examine, the ; lock and you wil find a small fit in the7 tumbler: that ; pre vents her catching at' half bent, thej two draw loops was left in the sbop, on-the opposite side where they go through is a long oval piece of brass, one !6f her, loci screwpins has beeflrfled to let fuse ram tne 4,. I will give tee above reward,to any ' rrsan that urill detect thftrthif nr frlnr er the ltine to.ir. , uicnard II itch on Trent, or to the iSubscriber in Kewbem. -v. ? - J. II fitivernmerit hriuld continued I 8tdiDarmy,the alarming teaden . - cies, the frightful consequences of sucn , an restaousnment, win ct an establishment. f will : at . .71 L 7 Tu T- " l0 US.' ana we shall be lulled .into econty a-; I miost even - the most threatening dangercTo ayoidhena liabit of: fondness for a standing arniy,' we should .always ib tHe time of peace; bring it down td the miniam bf what may, be needful. - In war we; must ; necessarily have ; men y to combat the enemy ; but, as soon, as war-is overi.we should recollect the maxim transmitted to us- bv oOr 'forefathers ;. we should con-. feider that in peace an army is dan- gecousf and imraediately reduce i. as low.ias the situation and cir- cumstancef . of the: ' country will permit -M would not be under; stood to intimate, in the most dis"' tant manner, that anys ofour offi xera and soldiers at present would; enaanger tne iiuerues ox, their country. No,-sir, euch is not 'm meaning, and I beg' the lipuse hot to. jSeleive- rne; as ' couveyiiig the most distant idea ot the kind; Tlie present army has ne'uherihe Dura bes nOr the disposition to en gage in ,80 , Unallowed M; AM I tontehd ferii thisthat ihV govcriuent ana people oi ine unt ted States should rsjoty 5 n opposi tion to the advice of our forefa theirs,, acquire A habit of fondness for, and dependance upon a stand ing army ; : that to avoid this babf it, jtshoulid be a Settled tef Iti time of peace, to; reduce the arrnv as jow as ;the sitbation of the cbuntry,;l f will : Dcrthit t that the question should not? 5 be I bow jmany;mien;;xartf we retain n ,the .service,1 bdthOw fcmany J can we aispense.witn ; mat we should not keep in set vice as' ma ny a possible but ss iew ja'Spps: staier-w, sir, i ask whether tilis necessary to. continue; in service .an 1 srmv v-otr10,000 men ? In my judgment it is not; wc want just so many men as wilt arrison our posts : and fociiica; tons f I hold in fnv.fisnd a state ment, frm 7hich it wiU appear, that a little upwards cf 6000 men wilt be amly sufficient Jor thii ipuir posef any greater nuper; involving a risk 'of contracting i hat- danger ous habit of fondness for-S stand- in e army, to which I have allu ded.- The indulgence of the Hwuse will ; I trust,; be textencied to: me wnue i reaa u. me statement- it was furbished by one in whose military. knowledge I have the ut most confidence. If gentlemen are nipt equally' disposed to con fi d& in ,it they have only t to pro diicV other ; statements, ;and: the candor and intelligence ' of the nousc wiu q etc r mine oetween , ,Mr;c.Wiliiams then read to he House the number v situation, acd names of bnf foftr and other public y. work ; and the number and description of fq?f ce uecessarv to be placed, in each, as , follows : r.ori nawKins mis lorionc company oi mianiry is necessary to prevenrtne wnitepeopie , irom intruding bo the Indians, ta ' to preserve .the 'factbry established l or the purposes of trade.. : Town ,0f Savannah 0ne c6m. pan v. of artillery ;to 'keep the fort in f repair thef'xanndn ;- and small i arm; iu urucr, auu ,i3u torfiid the 'rt venue ollicersrf . if occasion should require. v 1 Charleston- At Chailectca there are Fort Moultrie Fort -Johnson and ' ' Castle Finkncy-WIt th:l? places two cospsniss oz cruuery will be neceissry, lor the came purpotea c.3 ct SavcsaahJ Vr, : I Fort Johnson below.A7iIming ton, .'in !,XTorth Ccrcli'A The, w oris ar this pb : z , crc ' very t: af important, crdr.-rc:!y ncrit the attention of a, c-rriroa ; but, to oW11 0i 'tVa'.t.r!11 "imwv . . i. '.. briiobW. AlfVthJi 'irkre'efode. - var ouR lRps rn-wnirn nn L -; . ! """i - f f .'--(-" " .. : thrifts nnr trItfSrl trv ! &vJtf'irirt -.: Yt ,u- L , ' :tj 1- l . -i.. P6int fcitihe errors ;ctaumed itr ' ' ; - ..i;ia, - - .i .Zu .'..... . threatenin&4ait,I;rj ' and ne would; justifyhim :for hlWihg;cott:; sumed so much time'flv minute ,-. details of this part of tb$ subiec'u. It is cbyiousfirom thisstateraentiv that an army cbntaining'bout " si$: thouVafnd two huriared l!men t will v uirrciy aucquaie ip every pun? , "pose, He must then; ?h the seri ousness and soberness;f the. most heartfelt conviction, sayi that the ; aVmy shpiitiJ be reduced? j that : ht wouldi adopt . "tlie - 1 mlximJ that standing armies in timefof vpeice, ' were dangerous toj libffty, atd . that no act of his should ever m Cbntinuinrth Aeviee a - cri pUmber:thau is absbldtelv tvar-tedA Thiijhexiiidiithe; . , which we'should al wa vji go I and ' bejrond Which we oughtinever to pass': because the:7 leastf eitrnva Kaui.c tu (.uia mailer loyjuivcs iii& most dangerous conse qcences - Norfbl kon Nelio jfand -Fort Z Norfolk, are" "thelpnl v f Works. x There maV be a waters Battery btt Vaney isiana, erecteq punng tno warv but it is - nor, necessary j to garrison it in time1 bf 4 ileace AJ6 thescoffc$ twocdm tiileiy ttiabnec them ibrerjsir.'i -::tb: preserve ;thtf"'? cannons smai i arm s; . ano: muniti v ons-of war, atid - occasibnaliv 7 to; aid the r revenue; 'ofieerijfjatf-siS vannah. BaltinidfeFort Mcf ttebry i brie:compiny - of artillc for the same, purposes 44- Philaaelphia UMtld offSullivan ' Fort ; I one company off artillery; for, the same Jmrposts. y'y ' , NelTor kiH ere : there V is 3 . fort tailed Xastl-WillislRiswith two or three of Her forts; he names of which are notrecoilltted Jand which ; are nbt material; clAi these- places three5 cbmpabU -' would do tbrdinarygarrU ties,-biit j We w ill say foiirwt '"M Newport RhodeiIslaid---Fprt TrumbulU ; It is1 beiievcJi is :.;? the name of the Works--At?, this place one company of artillery ia'ay be " necessary w ; . ' - . ;0 - i ' ' -. j- B6stonTh'e name bf the works unknown ;tut; front thel extent of r menu as - geucrauy - unucraioou,' two; companies of artiltery will bel XMewttondonvr Connecticut- one, company bf. artillery. , V , Flattsburg-K0u8e s pomt,near PlattsUurghf is in thev ntighbbr- , hood of Islfe de, Noi x 'j Lotve'r ducelthe ; government tp term a habirdiflTerent 'from.'-' thar inaxirn ; bv cbntimiinr x'n serlee k Vre'ater'.. Canada Y and; -lest at, . clxrie " ua' ' gbarclcd i Jmoinept; ; the : -enemy might possibly make a tlash upog ; h; weiwill assign to thistplace twtf -cbmpanres of artifteiy and two of mlantry v;' y)': . Sacketts HarbofQiecompa ny pt artiiiery 1 A '"E : , Niagara UnC compapyoi -ar-; tilleryi;,;: 'v . fV v;1 -;1 Detroit and : ttal ' aepjndehcies; Mackinaw, Grccnoay, and Chic- V: ago, Fort Detroit, thrpe compa nies of Infantry and one epeipany " of artillery Fort 'Mackinaw three 'hi companies of infantry a ubaltern'c -- command -. :T ok; artillery , For Greenbay, twd companies .; of infantry, and a ; subaltern's conip." mand'of artiUery-Fbr:; Chicago: ; two companies of infacjry, It" t jv -necessary there should 6e, a larger ; force 'atDetroit than tf: oiher pla cesV-for thepurpose of j escorting v supplies' of provisions ajod " yiunU tions of1 war to 4!l-Hnawi" ! sncfGreCnbay Clues Ho,j - ' -V. -? St-MLptirs and its (icpndsncicsv: - i : f art Edward s , fort; Arm t tron fort Cwyford-Tort':"Cjlirkelort;-'. Osage,1 and a fort to kestdblish , edon the' VrIfaftSi5s.' ?mo ; X AVitncss.yyer. tsnt?f jao.il, nur ivst. vera . .v. i ;ltoih: fort czz ccr-ip-r.v c:i:i - sf,yindbamCcn, - ' . 1 i r t 4 ...jtmpjtjm -i;