p ' -iv ; 7--. 7 4 ' ' ' '7 , S'l" ' "--'77, 7:-,,, - V- . ' , 7 -- . 77 - iOTE- BEES) BE ffivlIJBlieM:?-; ; ; ' - ."v- vr'-v---f. 'V ,: v;----;J. . - r. f-' - 'fc.'.L "' i i -V ; - VOL. IXQ-'.:.'"--':-.":- :..;;r' :-..::.,KEVBEBir,SATmDAY; JULY-i?5.i8ir;.t;..:'.'-; '''I-: TNiniBER 445. .; ;rv;.-,- - T " , - ' - - ' ' ' ' J ' 1 v ' 'j.,, -' 1 : - 1 ' . .iv. i i i 1 ..1,1 ,t Jj,--.: Av, :: 1 . . V. '" :-' : CONDITIONS f (jBr;;tfe$'s;'.2s -. !? tt. V- ' - - S...;.pM'tt t ' ryf COUNTIES OE.C AltTBR EX j I?tendant, noV. acceding ;tbirt- day ,. itwilUowaiu dig- complete ' j ' ' TA- FEDERAL REPUtt- 2;: "?,V v ' CRAVEN,.JONfeS RENOIR, 'ne lasbe .vAnKelaveoo; licea- tiit-ol ibe dr.iog -of the-JJlVoki L . f'ffA NT I. S; n '2 e-n5 j .!?.. -I vKEKNE; JOHNSTOW AXSU'Ced," who shall, deceptively use the and-JPrizcaTr itrthe- tfathinirian -:". , 4 'if Dollar, per annum, pay ati$ naif fs '. yearly in advance. ? r v . iv At l A d v e rfTi s'em hints inserted con ; ' AU Advertisements will bepon . tCinu.cds until otherwise ordered &f t. . v Vas continuance ' charged , , j, "j ' ' 5lf No Paper ,ViU be discon tiautid ' until ; alL arrcaragesf arc paid. ' ; 1 'Jfetobetni.'PricesCurrehth CORRECTED WeBKLY.' TJH aM i toublished evertt Sat t Urday. by ID. tl dLL, . af ;tlrf,wnpezio OinipiJii' ot4 Dreathmg. . tight 1 the forunnets : iof fever 71 &d, ' "common colds are removed. In hours: ; The spicuouilu at 50 cfnW-rr.ffttar.!- eipcnente wiwt equally agfte . , y7 i . in.'A' H1 and-instanlaneous. even wben the for tneprst minion, ono filungiw'ii&cied:' Aifcir' Ir, talinugi 12 Ui$,,'fi equitly elfects a cure. CaUonihe outside panted,' wrappers" signed ? VVVT. Conway' none other iu srenuine ! -J , 'V; t-.: ju -n . Jia;STTSOjYJh 'uU'.w : Of Hanover was years afflicted , witti iolent pains in his right . breast; attend ed at times with great difficulty ofbreathl ing, and wholly incapable of business, af- w .fMg. wicu aii ouicrmeQiciue, in vaiu was cured and Iiis liealtlrperfeclyjrest6- red bv2-boxp& of Vh.ol nni."' .' c" - r From To CHJUfDlZtZ - t). c. I d. c , ( f gal. Ii" -Y bush. lb. bbl. bush gal. cwt. M. ii- Macon . - I Lb. Ueet. , ' - - ' Inone Butter. . ' - I lb. Bees-War, Brandy Pfencb do. " Apple, " do- ieacbt . . i Corn, ; , Me,al, ... . Coiton, - - Coffee, ' ' - ' Cordage,'- i - Flour,,; , ' 1 XPlax-Seed, , ... A Gin, .Holland " Du. " Country ; Ton," 1 jne Scantling; Plank.' . Square Timber ' 6htngles22inciii' : Staves, W. 0. hhd, do.:K. 0.,do." . A ' VT. O. bbl. , ' Keading.W.O.hhd - Molasses, , t, V Tar, - twitch, . Icosm, , Turpentine, ' " w do. Spirits, .JPork, . j ,-. Itice. none ; - - Rum, Jamaica do W. l. - do. i American , Sv Alluia . , do Fine ' Tol'acco, ib: gal. bbl. gftl bbl, ' gal ibush , w 14 "-30 2l 50 1 X- 1; 40 : 20 12, 13 80 2 1 St 8 I. 20 ' 3 18: 10 10 20 17 p 1 20 l fin i2 : 2 ; 20 v-VlvWAyNE.;' another, skve Monument LotieAJ:ird i t Fellow Citizens. : p.&-'C. TUhaironfconiffctioa befcrcheln' J ahdof fiuchihcVtliictfriei Lt,f d siaceMt has been kedwri i HhatAIr4 thirty-Dbc Iakhca;r? rJ the rbtcf exchunefc. aivtbe R; i ; ' I stba, our late Worthy and: rc?f -s l ntv- Commissioners . ofthe Noteaiof the.diffbrexit,Sttfi th ' . dechnecl to serve us.sgam in s;ty douce. that after, the firsticUy tof Ihland BilU"; together! with such z: uation in vhicfi'hts ha'jobtainea JVy pcsrcyHl prpsfic artldof Foreign atiiljDbineatic ibr liimself'andr'usthV'biek-pOD Intelligence, ag stayi be" deerncd- honor: r k Ttipcciabl&uumbcr 'ti usefiiil M.R , ; J s." i- proper -tot propose mez to .vour K . consideration as his succor. xyar. irgin ueiog inamerenc io -xiys flatterialbdticreVr'I? acknowied ce myself seobb!y "gratified and high is! 1 50 .' - 14 60 40 r" 15 -1 J 8Q 0 GO ' 3 60 cwt. 17 12 ' 5015 TIIQMAS WATSON,. AS just received a Urge as- ' sorttrt -dt'of thbif - es teemed ana niniy apprzvca ; , Pj'epared by W. . T Conway,: Tfo .i.; Hamilton Place, Commoi-Streef, l -4 ; ' , ' 4.. - Boston - Tlie following respectable testimonials J r-: ma v" serve- to prove, the surprising, and Rinmuar emcaev or . -j . n .,- i ' . . i - H - i .,; singular curacy u , , , .gj?.Dr. PetPs Botanical Drops. Tliese drops are a - radical cure, for ' A'cdrvey, vScrofulv St.'' Anthenyfsr-' ire - t-prnrrsv, H-Pimnlerl n.' Fact Sdre Lefrs! TJlceVii' Veneiiiai vTa'mts. ,when Mercury - -For . Rheumatism. Bruises, vSnrain: Chilblains"7; Numbness,- stiffness ut f the ;!nt-' if .lJc" ; ; : j years standing ajid thought incurable 1 '. 3ir. jacoo riiiaretn ot .-Amherst N. H was iD'Any .years' affiict'ed "with violent rheumatism, and as he " advanced In years at times was wholly tncapacitatediorbu, siness; when through Recommendation, af ter trying all other, medicines in vain, was curtd by using NonlyV cne-bottle juf this LininYeiit, and has ihadi rso relapse V it is uow three 3 ears s(nce-4he was considered iricurrable I Tins is pabUshed'W his rei quest-i . y. : . ' ' r i 1 ' ' Dr. Relfs'Jlrjmatic; Pilti; iFor Female "obsWctiohs, &c. r-nd are -equally conducive. :to thje.v health' of mar-i 1 1 d ladies aulc&s when pregnant, at which time thfv TTiii-st nrh Ka tt-An s 1 ? Dr. mirsj&twuoua puis: Forv Inttistkt; loss oft 'Appetite, Listiessneys, v Jiead , Ache Cdstiventss, Flatulence! ,Ciioiicj -vBillious AfTectUms. ; BiK Bi If l Vegetable :pe. A cevtaip Jind. expeditJOUSj cure for ic: -, eaaAchef UiiiiouS Atiections, 'Btimfries' Ointment' ' A certain, tsafe and eSeciitiouscu?e for the Itch; ho'vef: Invetei ate, ' t.an flj r's annUcalion.rmaVw, be. ' lined ' hr . t hr. most delicate, fcresrnant female; or on chil- uiv-uauH; ui i yl , . If Ua'ller ID III Ulting'oldv' (0Akr;:for M bumH-ies v;iuiuciu, uuucr uic xjiniuine unless sign ea ',w. i7i;o nvav as vnti vd.it i.niri oDserve tne sigimture. , . v: , , bas 'Jailed. arAtns . oest spring ana . au, j a cure tor the Ucu witftout smdh' " - dren with perfect safety; Price J$ . . i " ; , 1 t ; 1 5 " ' ; D Aik--Tor Dr. Relfe's Botanical 'f sfriCcC . t tv"" JJrops v uoserve , that none arev prenut ' - .ine unless sismed" W. T. Tonway'V v hvrrr u Ti n n m n n f ; ,h faf. f' I n ictea wun a : severely . pamiui ; .tuceraiea r lo Karl f ri1 ' pvprv . ISfHirTn irt nvii1. N. v - .1 - &urprise of every 'one; .was cured by.tak- 'w - v, i request t1r. Bradford, trusting -it, tnuif - - 1 . . WILLIAM PAY SOT ! f ; , v 0ft Gooch Lane, .Boston,,' t.wa? .4 years . r ! , 77 afflicted .wi.th' $ hole' through his ' foot, ( fever 8orei had- his foot ' opened twice snu me pone sergpeu y rmimni ur 't geon ? at length .Testgned)as past relief, c (This . fesr rtwcfymTieil? to amputation J: his r death daily expected, when ' to"- the as- ( 7 r dronsi Ln 10 davs his health" was restored, 48 pieces iof bone camel away, his Toot trv heale"t,Xand after going 4 years on crutch- Uj ..""HO" ruumijg auuut, iree . irum ianie " rV. $o1omonjjDutterfieldtot, Chesterfield, X :-:tt.i'y make th oath; and saith; that;his son 0 '.( ;;7... iver3.ryears; afflicted; with eruptions" in . V-7-v his legs and diflrent parts xfi. bis wbody sciousness ot tny humble prete.fi j craven j sipns;to nil a situatioax so impor-,f the lists tartt -anci respdnsibleV the hopei Town red by2 boxes of these pills 7' honored by; it.' 13ut'HHe-:con. Year GfSi.Ht.i? it.. Tr; iswousnws oi my numoie 'prerenal - - T, .rfT"' amictea With,. Consumption, had tried al most every medicine and medical assis tance, without" relief,1 'when' resigned sis uv aDieco sit. up, id ucu ueDiu tated btf Want of sleen.-TjerriPtiial nildka- tions and pain in the, side, she had recourse fo.'Dr;ltclfeV Asthmatic Villi 'vhen to .he surprise of eviiry "one she wasfe iwrea to penect lieaitb in days ; : : A; Gentleman of Charlestown 7 Was severely ; afflicted 'ith art Asthma A . . t : 4. - vears. ' and fib? the last mt' mnnthi oeaiiir ,wa aany' cxpectea wnen to the ,t 1 HK Subicriber riaving been -it. appointed at the last term of Craven fC6untvCourti to Tecei v the lists ' of taxable property in the t XMe-wbem hereby vuuti "The Tooth; Ache is hot fnlv i)r?ventpd by-thp Wanjifrice tbut 'Itndefs discoloured ttctlf 7blui:ittf ullvj: white. ' rembvt-fir th caiia oV ijsrVer. arising from 'decayetl teetli uij;'.i.i.u uic uiiis : ic; fiinorecence oi healtIi4nil,to theJreath the' Jmdst delec table, sweetness 7 t X -1 t&:Mbion.yo'vhtPlai& r " , , JJI CJUUIUCS) SUM car couj te'r ' the sneers of " those iho: "'ft-'' '"""itkiiiiwouuiuHuu -tut a mercarmisrto' aspire ;tto a postjof distinction, ' have 4 caused rnc?to hesitate.in my'decisidn yield ho wte veK rtb thgt wishes of ;my friends, and am a7,Caadidate,vto represent vod a the; ne Con-grersdfjhelUuUefStstesr . fr. , l!lMC ,wnen ine poiutcai dif pbtes, vhich J have!', heretofore di vjded usy kcfai to have: ceasedk to exist, add - when "in the; labcuare t)f the ;presedt;Prtsi(3en',bf;thc V UII.CU oiaics. it is grautyiog to i "Witness, the" increased harmonv of ; opinion I Vbicfrf pervades the" union," it "would ibe; improper to say; ope word calcufated .;to re k in? die party ;antmost:! ;saU'tljere fore, bbl add '.ai'.lhV outlines Tot my political principles": "!''" "'' -;i 1 tvlsh to sce tne Con&tf uwvu , auuimisicreu in, me- pure SPint Ot its f rimers tvithni K;r,- .warped ;into; subservience to the views of anv faction t 7 7 . VlTl fef Heyef ic the duty if Go veVument. to protecirhbnest Itn djjstfy.in alFJta. branches and to secure to . our agriculture, Corn. merceand TlVlioufactories an en I cqbrsgemetit arid support propYri ticned totheir, relative 7 ihipor-. tance : C " " ' ,-. : 1 ,lThat Economy, in' the expegdi , tureTof the peoples 7monCyand a atHct a'ccduntabilitv 3 in 'th'e whn have- been entrusted , with'that ci- p "j: "V17! a c ves i" , . sec unnq agfq 8't ,7 .Copppsii v e ; taxation arid that ' to hold to vvbs foreign Nations. ahuitudeat7 once hopi est w4and "drm rHpectingfrtheir riel)Cs,while?vve asVe'rr nUt !tvn Ihe Jcourse' most likely to preserve, their friendship and to enable' lis v w " peace ana reap m plenty- rkTbj& Providence' may gran.tu these7; abd Vv cry." other blessinc -w ?5P a virtuous . people may hope for; iiFnceriely desired by f n . ,! Your obedient servant. , ? : All persons are - refiuifed to state' in their Usts the number of ?Acrei ofeach seperte" tracts its local 'situation'and 'its. ;TPsnnaM valuefinclu d ing the improve rrientS therebnThe number:- 5f vthe several :lots of fparts of Mrifi in NeWbern with the improvements: ' r.;jiV..V 7.rr- june latn ni7 : j o jLease. -v r .... . '.I'-.. -. . y jgc . r P OR . ONE onTMORE T Alts.' -tx ten miles above NeWbern, ob Neuse, River.;, being the;head of Ship .Navigation. 7, This stand is thought by good ' iudres to be .e. quaVif pot. auperfor to any stand in tne county lot ousioessi . v v :t. rj tx Samuel Street be two dolfara a yearfpayablia r ad vanceCompanieti and Indi V u: j viduals who purchase ien y-tickts.'. . : ; wiU hare it . forwarded .gmis, 7 J It.iI! lnVccsaartBat'aU; whd.f.' ingshpuldforward n their. ad' 7 ! dress by the dayahe foiKiry-cbm. ' - mences (2Sth besttmbnth.)-iOr3: - !; derfor ttekets'from any parC of the- Uniori:Post paid) , addressed . ' ; 1 9-,&PfW5tet Baltimore, will 7 ! be ptomptlyUttendedW ndthe ' earliest jnformatidafrwarded of 7 : the success of. the tfciets whea ,r drawn'; .vr ' , ' '-Fort sa'ltb'; PROTESTANT J E PliCOPAL CHTJItcil 7 " . -xs the i r .;- . ? - v. '4 . 7 ,j cacacHcAtEomsxi : Recomrnp'ndetlbythe Bisliup'and- Clertrv 1 ' rftrfta9tjepiiidghureh"Ui y, " Thi PJaisWinoro Instant relief, at rthe Alme t i mf. ir'd i A finl rp s nrl r-a Jho .nr'n out by-the root, without the least pain. '-''.v uamDviunj. oouujime nusi 'tr-Theie- Pilfs afford imme'd iate reliei" with fut the least injury, to the Teeth. 1 t I ;"-JSK -Jlunters Fills, JDr.l u The; : wdsWiitoii r Modu' WU positively commence draw Itngin the .City6f Baltimore ?bt MondaySSthinextMobthQuly) 'andwilK be Acompleted-vin thirty five' d ay s k D raw i og; tJ 3 ' I ; , yThe Scheme contain ;- , Three Prizes of 20,000 Dollars each: ' J , vm,-.lijUi iu,uvu fuuars eacn r .Ifive : jTmes OK-; 5000; Dollars pr.h - ; 1 wenty Prize of, 1000 Dollars each ino aaarge proportion pr. 5fX) s 200's &c.,&; ;rid less haa 'two bfanks ,to a prize,. - ;a ,7 The first Drawn 'umber ' ? ' - i; win be entitled to a prize of; -jV " Jfiveji nousand Hollars, ; 7The first" drawn ' five . thousand Blanksv will each beentitledtto-a "Wayne County, May S3, 1817; -t 5 It. ihinter$ InjectionPoixxdeva For the' PYefentibn and Cure cif die ,Vene real'Diifcale, howeverlnveterate.f In all its T3! us vStages, jand eyen.when -ilefcury f J" ' A ir J i " '. ,' 1 - , . JfllltU lUil MICVUUUSy. iUU; UC9Vlip iiort of Symptoms, s& that'5 any -one may cure, themselves, with secrecy ffof Jc dallatfj accompany each Facket-MJAsk forDr. JUunterVPiUs lone arp genuine hi 1 t h ft&k fci P-ned W'vT!, f!rn tc A e iy our vklue bealtK observe theVighature. ,7 prepared and sold wholesale by the 4ole propr 1etor,r V".: T. Conway, 70-? 1 ; Himil ton Place, 1 Common streets Boston and v Mitet Wqrner, Witness Oct: 12, ton Place, f Common; street, Boston; "and . ; . CERTIFICATE V t-'v,vl f retailed by AV-Feck, Raleigh, :Uill, TVaf ,7 ' 1 t:i't'S?rp'Blit of 'Ubanon,ICouxUy,1ren, VBaltimore, Jordan, ',PhUkdelphi a 7 :,' ' ; : " ' AVindhani, Condo herby certify, thate;,J'?tin1Tiebout?;No; 238, TiTaterrstreet, JX; - V - ; 7 ' v7 was for a'considetable v time , most horri- T0' Coffin; i 'Post' Master; ' Hudson atld, ' 7 V Vbly 'afflicted -with an txtrtrae tcrofuVaut ,niost:6f heDruggists booksellers and . - ,7 ; ' - complaint, wheh; after having tried' -almost PttMastere ithroughqut the.U., States. J . ' " ' every medicine' in vain, and ths 'advice of Pph,leta of "many, extraordinary cures j ' V' , . 'l "tns m-istiiblc phyiiclans. hadJ recourse, tp jraay hehad at the agent's gratis." v ' W I A- ; ' ' ' Dr.'Jislfe's botanical. Drops, when " to my !' tXj006 of the above are genuine, uni " A.-' ; 'v - utter astonishment, I was, almost instan- es-isueu . . A)uway as ou V 7 ; ' .taneouslv relieved "-; 7. juc health obsen-ethis; . .1 ' . f 'f "w " ; f'?;rT.l; Pt.v-rTTftT? lti tcq j 1.7 A Urrre discount: to Country Traders: T-N:pursuanceVbf 'the7 authpnty 1 of .tne Atf the General As- frmblv passed 1 807 "It is ordain ed that onehundredv slaVei eacK uwucu ur uircupy some person res Ident orthisowoV may be; licen- ecu iwiuB viicir own time, ana to be employed a ordinary . labour- ci auu uauy worifimeo in tois to wn for the term, of nn if i'ivVnn. " 1? a'i W slaveshall; be J furnished; by rthe tainlo'g its bumper,- and with v a JLtcence also numbered, the nu'ih ber' of the badge sad ;r licence jto the5:; 'badpreV 1 shall - be pubf!clv worn by the slave io licensed! 7 Each cersonon obtalnino-' '.iVrl Hcdbceand ba'dge, shall pay to the i ressurer ior tne use 01 the town. t6b shilliogrs. 7 If any slave soIk. cenced shall be convictedf of frer quenting tiplin shops on Sundays or "of d ishones 1 vi "or bf nVrm Vrtl nn 1. & w 1 . w .'1.' . 1 any. otner siavc 10 ur.isr badre 250 I -v5;' '.f.r 'J :77: V'- - ? 1 rmT , - i RA N-a iv. a v ' rfrom(;the Sbbscri 'v . i JO r.herp the 1st insr ' " 4 w a net?ro - man hw r h 7 ( V-f N ) nam of SIM, , he , v - apuur .za years ; ivf arfcabout ff J : :c . . j-f . . ,-"'--. 10 inches nieh. roupd shouldered ' fully ed,' slow spolcen, . when spo i Ven tp, a .ver4tem'Ukable;sinkto- , 7 vehhift leFtleve. ' von rrm '. . : . a when bis hat .is raitfed pp, it : is jnj 4 1 i 'fhe''!rl1lij.llltAvdffffn..fhf7'lfnll.' J T great floating capital brizes with Out any risk for that timevi --, - "7.v" v - v . V ' ! - Tickets fat the orierinal or ce 1 felO , naives , r-- ' " -Quarters -. ; nate .Lbttery arid' E xch an ge Office: corner r 01 4 ar. rau s r.ani-and MirketStreetifia late LDjteryVthc followingtfeiV did Capital Prizes viz, ' ; 1 n.ry-ii v, wuuius Ml W .-- lit.. '.Lj; ' i ." .' . ... ;. . Was .raised in? the .fietdement . nf 7 1 I Trenton 11 and Newbcro, 'tie wasi ' 1 owned by MwRasco Lepsey and ' others, was sold iq t. me by John, 5 1 )bieeoefof;Jone8Lountyt (N. C.) v r V -The abore itewWi will be giv: ; en tbany persoq; that wittV Iodcre him in any Jail apl give the' sub , ; scriber information thereof livinc ' inAMalrlborough district (S. C.) ; near the Court-House. VV . ' TJ d:6riatkdnBraW i 7-(f vT 7 .,-:: - -Ur-' " ; - v;1; -'-v - 7 1 -7,7 vv'il& -.77-;--'.; JUST nECIVED & 7 '; -.1 1 - s . iiaii quarter ana two eignts s ' Ai '20,655 Drawn 10,000 hoUars iW a t.'tvM whole tickut;4 'V.t' ' 7 : i i ii P'S57 aJ 000 DolU i four quarters.-" .'Jl. . -.W-- l "7 .iilSS 'DrWnr'Ts.OOO -Dollar ib a '.-wnoie nccet t.fj-i v 1 712,513 Drawn 1,000 Dollars ja.i half , and two quarters . - : 2 . ' i J .V . V31."58 aWa.OOODonars'-ina r Avholc number ; , K: t V f I . ... - . tittheNeiobertiBo .THE duty and OfHce'of Justice,1 brPeace:&:of-5hVriffsf' Gorbnertl ! j Gbnsables, Sec. Recording Jo the v Lawsof the Stateloif'N.; Carolinaw Third' Edition 'ir John Hay- And informer,iotterWs;,G; JL- Vaile f i x.t:nare sold the following vit. ' 7 7 . h':;Krb pf .60,000 Dollar. ' f, 7 ,-7,,jl lo.-of 0,600 Dollars. ' 1 ' J 7 . t "3 -rdo.; tsf 30,000 Dollar-; ' 'V .ClO'do; Of 20.000 Dollars ,7' " m. X,-aq., 01 i5,uuu dollars1 ; if "Witness Zvr .V. 1 w . those who buy, to sell a-ftia,--i-. 1 t ' t ' . . 6 Jy ' ' -'.! .uim.1. I i i t. i ... 1r .f. j, ... '.jtg-lt , ' " "" ''''"'' i f 3'- ' I"" "j ' ' ' ' :. ! r.cSsa nroco Ksooo rtraa i-V.vTAEJB.-NOTlOB-.' . . .. wood psov late one oi the Jawges, ( ? of? th e S upenorTCourt of .Lavf an4 J Equity' Revised by a Gentferaad; . ui uic Ajai "The same Wort bV ; Henrv.Po& v I ter Esq. Ju5- of the U Sutc's : District Courts ,o:f N; Carolina.: , ; Nwbsrn April 12,10177 - : , . . ... . t- . , - I . j : . , . f, . . .. , ..... ... ?' , . '.' !;-. . : FOR SALE -AT , O ' .'": t ...... . , i, a . - ti i , . ."'.. ...... ; 1 ".;".. .; .. .. '.. s ". . t l .-.. -v. ... .. ..,..' j ,. ... . v - "- 1 4 r ;--- . a , ' MM. .i-Wili. 3 4 "A

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