OK (, X 1 v 1 r. -x,x j '- i' , i f -' i If : Li , , . , , , A ft- '-4. 1 7 (CONDITIONS V; ; : ! )QrVr:'Betfer$ Mahy.v ;E.ICAN i5M6tArJ- tfVri bat-Coughs,, Colds, Consumption; Ahttima, "WiiriosuiveU' commence drat7r UrdaViW S. HALL, or three - Whlezing, difficulty of breathing - .tight l:1!???. uraay . y . j . . ness in tht chestpaia - in the ipiung m tbe City Iqf Baltimore' .on ,ioii p er annum, . Jff Uk.soT bibodehness and shivering - Monday' 2Sth next Moritti; (July), eory advance. r, ; V; theforunners; of feverC , Sec, pmmo. b'e Completed in thirty ; r, ADVERTISEMENTS inserted con s colds are removed, m a lew hours., The. . " rt-iV. , ; vt. : r , : 3vfWit 50 cents 6er sauarc experience Velief 'ukllv agrW five daya Drawing... ; fpicuoutta atSO cents P'???' WsUanedus,' -even wSen the',' C k The Scheme cniains; Vi or fie rf tnsemonana tojor ;tfcA insertion after t v; , . mt A j. lm '..' 7 U rt. tlnuecfi yittlotherzOnre ipirA continuance char y .-iiir io irapers.w.ii Vmued until all , arrearages arc jyVni Prices Current CORRECTED WEEKLY." - i v - ' Krum To ' I d; c. J b.'c. , Bacon " - . t t.K 17 '50 75 , Butter. .:" n 1 lb Bets-WaX, , . brandy, French 4 ' do. Apple, . do v Peach, gal. i 1 . Corn, -Meal, bush.! Cotton,' - .;. Coffee, .'' ' cordage, . ' -JElour, 1 . ' Flax-Seed, Oin,-H6lland do. Country ,Ton, 1 ; fine Scantling j 1 lb: 26 H2 12 10 14 ; bbi. bush. 80 gi- if 'D- 1' 5 8" 15 20 t 18 10 10 20 17 1 cwt . , ' Square Timber, Shingles 2a.ncn..V; Staves, W.b.?hhd. I It.iO. -do-v 'do. hrV.k0.bbOx ti.,j;nff.'.W. O.hhd l.ard. ib 60 t-' " ( " bbl 2C Pitch, Kosin, 1 2 2 r.x do. Snitits, gal iWic J bbl, 20 Bum. Jamaica g 1 1 15 do- .V. I. : - tin . American. 80 -SflU- Alliim .bush '50 50 do t'iixQ Trthkrrn ' lCWt 7 12 Gugur Ji3 THOMAS WATSON, - f- HI SO teemed an i-BICIMES. Frpfv'i. Lv W. . r. Conwav.' No. .1 - -! tLusailton Place,? Commonrtreet, 1 u Boston fgj :r. i?f? Botanical Drops , Tee ' dropa :mt acad-cal . qui f r-' ficuryey, Scrofula, St. Anthony's J l Fire Leprosy, Pimpled Faces, j -Sre Legs, Ulcers, Venereal 1 aims when ;f Mercury 1 has failedi are the best' Spring . and 5 Au - tumnal physic, and m ay ; b ; given to ?cji dien ! with perfect safety.', . Frlce g 1--IOl j'Ask, lor " Dr.'. Here's s Botanical " props" Observe that k none are genu- ine unless' sighed " W, TCohway . ! SBTH BRADFO&l) J f y . ; xShipright, of Medford, was: 12 . years " af. dieted with a severely painfuL ulcerated'' leg, had ' tried eveVy litedicine in vayi, was resigned as paslifeuef, when" to the ' surprise of .every one, waa cured by tak ing there Drops . - ; - f 7 , ; , CjT'-TAff a6tro ,ma'fet ic fli'lAe t request vf Mr, Bradford, truitin' it may ' $e of pubhe utility r . -X 1 rr WILLIAM PAY SON 1 tv Of Gooch Lane, Boston,:-.was' 4 years r aulicted J5iith-5 holes i ' through", his foot, (fevtr sores) had his . footj .'opened "twice and the bone scraped hy an K einTaeht siir peon : at length resigne'd as. past 'relief, (liU leg condemned fa amputation J h death daily expected, when to the -as itoiiishment -xof every one, on' taking, these " drops; in 10 days his. health wju restored 48 pieces r of bone came away; his y foot x healed, and after ging 4 years oa crutch , , is new running about free from lanie- f;. -..ra AFFIDAVIT x?H.X ' ;Vx rj Solomon 'Butterield, of Chesterfield; .je'toaketU oath and saith, that his son Ol- :$ iver1 3 years aiHicted r with eriiptionr in . his legs and different parts of - his body, v when after trying all r other medicines in vainwas cured by 3 pottles" of Drv Relfe'xi 'uuuuivai Jii-ups juone, -wituout tae. assis. tance of any other medicine 1 yv Signed SOUdBUTTERFffiLD -yMo'set Warner, Witness.-Oct."12, ' - ; ! ceutificAte . i JU"T.L1T";.: . : x ri ' 4rt wUL be- 2 L&ak lift. m- & w m w v rw &m .. i ' . . s. . c iiiiiihim , v r- i -w . . m . l ' t . . xxj . - V x I Sirt Ho'irl Hch ' Millimto A ixt-.x : ! f, , . - . w - . . , L'. -U,,' v . I hour's application, , may bfe usedxby;the The following .jspectable. testimonials mdelicate pregnant female, or on chiU mav serve to prove the surprising and! dz ' at th hrtLri TVnHonh. v.rt . TPlythora. JBUs of Lebanon, Countw lVindham, Con. ;do hereby certify, that h6 1 ' w " 'n-5KlcraDie , nme most norri- j roo$t of . the ;Druggists Booksellers and J - , . by afflicted vith an - extreme 7 tcrfifylou post Masters .throughout the. J. - Cutes; 1 j wuim, when aflehaving tried almost J pamphlets 61V many .extraordinary ures sVl .. every medicine jn vain, and the advice of bay be had at the arent's gratis ir t . ' tne most' awer physicians, had recourse. to 2lr. JJelfe's Botanical Drops when ta utter , astonishment; I was almost instan taneous i,y relieved lwf;s areft'tfCtcd. '(C? Ast tor, M,Bri;.,Three PrireVof 20.000 Dollars each1 fteltes tAsthmatiV;. PiUs.'? One box con-J tainin'cr 12 Pills'. - frennerittv effects a cure . Violent ed mg was cured and his health perfecUy -resto red by2 boxes of these pills ,1 , , : oraerea sib-ned VV.-T,f!onwftvhone otherare .?.h- illl'. 1 ; " Pennine t 7 7 " ' S : ; nc wrge t proportion . OI . 5lIO'a Lbe discon- Kj- MR. STETtiOJY: ;;i'.;-2q0 a.&ct &c; add less than1 two Of Hanover was 9 vears afflicted " with ' blanks to a DrizeV : V : . , pains idr his rieht breast. x attenp-.: i t -T " . i''-- . ; r. at times, with great difficully of breathJ . Prsz UrccwnJNumb&r- , - , ana wholly Incapable ot business, aj-j . , - rt.i.vr: V-: t -V ;afflicted.witheonsumption,had tried apprize ot Twelve JJjUars ' thus the f uiobt ccry . raeaicine-ana. raeaicai assts-, tpthe surprise of eycry,one,,she was re-i tot-Ax-xy4 k nolfVxt- IxAnt'V. tr 1 A f".x JJ 1 " " . I 1 ijfintleman of tnartestown9' ., Was eTeretv i afflicted'' with an? Asthma 'A aeawi waj uiyexpeci.wuen to, me . surprise of every one; on. taking onlv .2 w.x f.ixV- u: ix,'.. u . ectly restored. ; 1 - ' J cure frequently .in21 hours, - though of ,1 years standing and thought incurable V, ; Mr. Jacob Hildreth ot Aniberst, N. 'H was manv'r years , J afflicted '"with 'violent rheumatism, and as he. advanced in vears . i .-i t it - -i x. . at; times waswuoiiy ; incapacitatea toribu siriess wheh through recommendation, af- $er trying H other medicines in vain; was cured byusingonty xne. bottle1 of this Lunmenf, and has- had no relapse j it is now three vears sincp 'np ws r.Anoir1rr) incurrable J This is published at his re quest' rrrv ' ""f'j i 1 47 j ? " ! . Br. ReWs Aromatic Fills. ;' For Female obstructions' &c. and are lehuaily conducive .' to th health of mar- nt d ladies unless when pif gnant, at which time they must not be taken.1 v . . - ; 11 BKMdf'sJIntibUious Pillsl For; Indigestion, - loss -of .Appetite; i , Listlessness,1 C Head Ache,- , Costiveness, Flatulence, Cholic, . Biilious Affections: ; Dumfries1 Ointment A certain, safe and expeditious s cure for the Itch, however -inveterate, in an taking; ,coidJ r OCT Ask for," Dumfries Ointment, none are genuine unless sign A WT.xConway,' as you value, healh observe the signature," ' ,' ' Burnt vies Lotion. v . i ; A.qiire For the Itch ; witnoat smell; ' T. British '!lintisebiic; Benti- ...The Tooth Ache is not. only; 'prevented by the Dentifrice hut' tenders discoloured tx.-e.th , lbeautfullyi- white,1, removes ;the cause of fster arisihgfromjdecayed teeth imparti to tfie gums, the morescence hf health, and to, the breath the mc$t"delec tablejsveetncss;,yl 'v - ; ; gj "Mbiohl.CohiiPldis; .x ' ' . x, .r: This PUisteV afford mstanfrelief, at'the same, time it dissolves and drivs the coni out by the root," "without th'ejeat "pain: Y, ; Civnibrihn Tooth-Ache Pills These Pills iflbtd tmmediateVelief with fut the least injury tb the. Teeth'; r "ij IV 1; :S? JDr.; Hunterls Cerate, X Jror tnerrevennonana uureoi tno 'Vene real Disease; however inveterate,, in ail its various stages, and even when1 ,Mercury lias tkucuiuu uucbuuua, niiu ucsprip- tioa of-symptoms; .sq that any one may cure, themselves with: secrecy ffov'i :few dollars J accompany,each PacketrTOhAsk for Drniinter's-Pills.None are? genuine buVthosc? sighed V. T. Conway.' As you value health observe the signature; .The whole of the above Medicinea are prepared and sold; wholesale,' by .die sole proprietor.' W T. Conway, Jfo, It Hamil ton Place,.; Common .street, Boston; and retailed by.W. Peck,. Raleighf lill, War ren, .DalUmore,;,, Jordan,' .. Phdadelphi jonn iieDout- wo; iao, water-street, it. Tork, Coffin,' Post Master, Hudson and - XpNone of the-above are genuine,' my ;. tsnce without-relief.-when resigned, aft. chance ori dMwffn'ff aijv ; nf ;the Ufi,2 .L: P?f ' -, past reuei, not aoieto sittip, mucD deoui- - r " i T . ! T.t I N;"uuu' 11 tated by want of sleep, peiietuarpalpita 8rcat floating, capital prizes 'With the Heirs of Moses Grif- t s r tions and pain in the side, she had recourse OUt any risk for tBat time. 4 - ,F hn . ; '-.JV- : to ''DivHelfe'a .Asthmatic Pills " when i'uA.V: - . " TxT Mll T7 D - 1. j ,-i . tuKiCUf I ai uic Gnirinai, dticbi iu i i wuii ui,usc uiHuein inf' t'i i V f lr w pll'i lil'J'ni'P'Mr ; 1 v. win,vv .MalUlUUlij:rlMru,:HMwu'vt.'4llulV;ilp7 ?-nx.,v miivi iiuiuau Ul', rkl ... j ; Where: was sold, m tions the fatal, consequences of , I i ' Frti Rheumatism. llrmc Snrmnc 1. - . . . - . - . t O - I . , . - , . .7 ,v . ichiiblains, f Kumb-ess, frtiffhiis jn the la!5teT he tpllowing ' Sfilen- die .street one hondrcd ahd seven W etnv a: disregard , of -. I inints ' &c." The relief is imiW-ate anii cjtf Capital Prizes viz, o ;4. f feet three inches and ott-''Pnllrt I these primary obiects.' ihe ner.. - x--w , " a., x- ' - i ri 1 CSC ? '' ' -i, ' ' w ' f 11 I . - " vyuiaiu lue luui ess signed. ,T-Yf 1 uonway j as you ?rai ne health observe this. t ' V - " ; . t .? A large discount to Country Trtibri rrbdrlPrizes of ,'10,000. Dollar each .r ; Fire' -: f. Je; X iOUSaiia XiOllaTS . The firt 'rlnwn tdn.u.n'rl cariv- purcnasers Wlll nave ttiei , eriirmal. nrica ff 10 Halves Quarters " " 4 o j i -70. 1 crm .UI-; sold .at iz; o'clock V r or .Sale at i ,fon Saturday. tKe 23r'd dav of "Att n .&l.J.12iO, . uid tsfaDiistied and truly?, tortu- r Jj t?r 'u . 1 1 ". V"v vuiv i . corner of 5t. Pauis Lane, and I , Ill x;l A. " ; (. x. No. 38,706 Drawn 35,000 Dollars la 1 1 halt quarter and twoeiehts ; - I 20,655 Drawn 10,000 Dollars in a Dollars in t a )ollarVmfour vrnoie ticKet;. , . ' 57 Drawn 5,000 Dollars in four quarters 1,128 : Drawn ; 2,000 Dollars in a whole ticket ' . , 12,513 Drawii 1,000 Dollars in a half - 'i. -. ' .i: : k And in former Lotteries, Csf It. Waite 3 do. . Of 30.000 Dnllar. tr " v 10 do. of 20.000 Dollars ' 2 'do;, oM5,00d Dollars ; 5 .2, do. of 12,000 Dollars ; 12 do. of lo.nno TViiiai.c . and- a very,large proportion, of Pjizes'of . ; B 8000 S7000 gCOOO g5000 Vc. U. . and pub satur olcte list cf thedrawing of. the ' Blanks and;, Prizes -in the 4 Washington Monument. Lottery 3rd iass ; and of such p other Lotteries, of Note, that may hereafter -draw 5 the rates pf exchange; on the B4nk Notes of the 'different States ; the rates; of egcfiang? on , Foreign and tnjand Bills together 1 with "such articles of 'Foreign and Domestic Intelligence aa'rmay;. be deemed useful, v : v ; ; 1 ; iifhe price ; tot Subscriber i witf he two dollaH a year, payable in advance, Companies and' lDdi vlduals whb purchase ten' tickets. wu uvc it lurwaruca gratlS.-r iLwill be ricessarv that alL: who wish ja complete list of the 'draw' ibki should .forward 00 their ad dfessby ihe .day.the' JoWry-.com; mences'(28.th hextmonth;)pr derifbr tickets from anv: nart-of the Union (Post paid): addressed vf 1 -V i f"ef oaitimore, wid be promptly attended to and the! earliest mformatibkfprward he success pf.-th tickets v when drawn. - SO dpxmesbtfMb, ;;-r.y ftoa-'the .-Subscri " ri r:V ) C ' ber on Sunday the y ir 1 3th inst 'a . light f- ? . iullatto man,Na y.;7r-A A t aned JOHN- and sometimes calls t- ; V''.x himself JOHN .MARSHALL, a carpenter bylrade he! former- 1 v oeiongea. to j onn ii x eign ana a vras sold to tne bf TKomas Guioa -c t-. i t - f frS" - A 'k ''?;h . . , , A.wm give ine aDOTerewsrafto any person tvha ; will secure the said fellow in Jail t eothat 5ll -get unl again j ana 1 7lll "ei20:pay tne . .. . , , -1 . x. . m, t i " cuovc sua . 7iuiiccnv rcssonsuis chfirres for hia delivery to oc, tt Aave.,sold the following, vix. , , 1 trite of 60,000 Dollara 1 do! .of. 40,000 DollariV : 7A LL pewons v having: I an v clai'ma'aiiaibstthe Hottalk of in Tewbern, are. desired to brine I others lb the lacier; "weib'd ra v' - &aU;:th05:ifl Walk,are dtsir JpniP Harvey & Sbni: aa the businessV.in future Will becar ricd . v on V them;V:' -.I - " , ; , w 5 JnV Harvey.)? . . 3 - y 26," isir. at ?. 48.; ' State xxortQ-iJarolina ' s'. , 1 CRAVEN COUNTY In Equity. 7 T - - "7f . J.at , , Mo; I r vl r.v-"- " 7 - - ! J , W atiVC CaUSC at tile ltp Anri! lgust,next at thex Court: House-,in iewoerni a piece of L.and orpart o T rt : .u r t. i".ii",t 'tftij owa,pt Newbern,i at the Southi .XX- VII - VIA Siifeet atfet seventy seven feet; ; being part or the lot known in the t)lan part Ol the lot known in the tjlan of the To wn of Newbepn by -Np; 77f. - ' pilu-'B'L i,'., ut -i. '-r purchase money; payable, in three equal installmebts, at 6V 12 and 18 with at least two sureties!. ' . sureties. EDWD GRAMAt -C, E. C. C - vyi W lOl 4 " 4 .'', 1 rNFORMS his friends and, the X Public, that he has commenced the : S A IL M AKIN, & : business, u Hint vt cu auuwa urics: rjuiiaine Ion Messrs. Devereux St- Cheaters yv nan, ana is prepared to execute all kinds of work in the line ofl his' profession. He hopes by!stnct attention to business, to J merit .a stijsWvof his friends: and the piib HckV support.-'t' .' j- , All orders wiii ?r be thankfully received and "punctually attended to; 1 1 i ' ; NevjbernJuly 1817 i - 4-t The following piece; is publish ed at the request of some rot our' friends in) this ' State.; It k is cx- tracted Jrom ithe Christian Vloni or, printed in Richmond. Va. W e are pleased to see the spirit of inquiry into this important subject extending itself in a the 'southern section of t the ' ; Unions a subject which, however ddicafc ;thel in-, vestigation, - involves -questions of so. much importance,1 and so hich ty iiuccuug mc vital - interests ' ot the;' whitebopulalion; 'MhiV, we deern a public investigation highly necesiary. . We- see ncf cause -why the mquiryr should be; 'delayed- the; 'subject V nust,ere : JonffV be more m fc Oirelv considered and tin derstdod by the great1 body of the cuic mAii u now,.cna, tne present calin afibrda a fair opporn uniiy wuicn,- u suuerca to pass may not return ibr yearsand in the mean time the increasing: num. ucr ui jsiavcs 13 aauy Decoding ciore alarming, . f - Vr' ; If we consider nan inVttate of naturei or ca a solitary! being c jiuu uiid ia me. ; possession oi absolute liberty ,the world is his pippertyf add his xvill tew. liut tve may safely conclude that this Condition could not have last ed ioDgx pbriribd for society; his iptcresta nis . inclination . must very soca haveiuggjsted the for, mdtion of cOraa'uaiucs. "v w After the iastitution of civil ao- caetyi we: cicst consider thcT 'con- 5wv i .. ' . broteCtiOQ oir' sikianAe. 'irlim lessen the miseries; wnicE aifc 11- cident tothcir; nature, Jod. -lor ' 1 these purposes, dividiug she cum- v : mon burdens, and Jormig thenar selves rntograds ; their " respective capacities; :jihd . ? ' . spheres :'ofi usefuins: irTh'csc seem to have beeathe.pruiiaryQb-- . vcrnments:vtO' fonsiuiiuons & ' . - l - . ' l . -x x , T , , .5 l"w?T.I.9,? 1994 bewgS on entenngxirito jLhe. sqciIjI. corii- pac t, m Us t -pu tlhis ji appipess x and ' intertMrinto'acommorr f(stbck.-; .Hemiust give ur the 'liberty of n ; jurio his Iel(owa, VHeJmust not . seekao .interest altbgethpr sepajv' ate frorn'that, of the, rstfyf mn C kindv .And hiJr 8ervjcct the. . community roust be in ptcportjoQ -h. to ; his .means jd(- being .useful.' And the community ,ia bbund t5 'rega i ret an pfpmot his interest & v , hannlnnt in 'trf.n Ilt'It ...... and.ambiuon, very soon extend- X1 V A . M . ; : . I '. ' yersioa of talents and ttiabuse;of puwcr,r-wnue tne weaitn; and.ag- t grandizement of a feivVavc beea : sufficient inducements ti;sacnace the lives and liberties of commii nities rft large. - -Thtisi bainera" ; ol constitutional restraint,1 though self imposed, Thave been thro wq do wo ; aod custo m has sanction ed y theidreadfiil. JniiovatioKi Nos v iucm:;cTu ueea connneu to cne age or.natbij; Iual(couuaiea ' omeindiyiduIs : havejjobuined an excess ot emolutneutfttid pow er ; wmic other portions;, of , the ' communities, ha 1 ve bceodepress ed by!. unnatural 'and unreasohiibl piiyatbns. ' In these asere. , dress has generally been;ild w and often rUnattainable.y Men; "acting as judges in their oyn c$ijse, havev not ;alwayst possessed so - large'a , portion of intrinsic virfcue, a to. . examine with candor; and decide with impartiality. These ' gederW al .observations seeni naturally; to . bring into vie w the condition of a certail portion of tbe population of . . our country. Renowned "faa" th people of. the United States arey ' for liberty andequal law!; living under governments which recog nise, as a firWt principle this aa cred precept of nature, hat "all ; men- are horrrfree,' it must still ,; be admitted thai thes' blessings are partially erijbyedl ft, is "our V duty to examine ' this subject, "and prepare "to rectify thi abuses5 which.? such V a ; 'state of "thinga must ' prpo!uce;The single; con. ' ' sideration; tbatl thousands bf our,! specie,ai e drinking 'the! dregs' oi the cup of - suffering at oar hands; ! is sufacient f to strike ; alarm ' into , every mind,' that ishdtv wholly4 destitute i of Virtuous sensibiiitV v W e cannot be-prepared; at pres -. , cnt,;to point-out51 the-! ultimate 1 mode of rel let ;- so nccesfs ary to bo afforded to this 'degraded part of the human family. .Iti'mayVbe reserved for; the' ucited wisdora ; of the' friends of humaitv. But r it would be laudable : tii ; awaken' t me-- aenuon.: ana.:? to - call into action the nneriellingsrof 1' v the mind;;.;; V-Vl : . The first view '-of ihe; 'aubject r ' presents us whh the loconsistedcy?- V f our'condOct, 'and thfejidisgraco : crhich attaches to the national char . ? acter from this caused : V ; ' W represent tyrants?.- as proper 4 ; objects for the hatred of mankind, ; -and declare that all meii are en? J dowed with certain; uhalienablo j . v rights; acioag which are iibertv ; i A ndf; finally;; we . endeavor '"to ; make the rest of tlie drld ; be ; lee; that iiiVrand causitul'tari: the characteilsttcS of our.roontryv t v Let us compare these professions - l , I V f , -

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