1 ; I A'JLi----JjiK;lU MIL (tJ A-11 Y NEAVBERN,' SATURDAY AUGUST 16, 1817- VOL. IX TNUMBER 43 L Mr PTrQirTTTTTi ' Vr A 7TTYf?Tr '77 "T -'A""! TO) . ni ..-7 M.iravi lull -ivj jrA.:ii, U2a m m 11& A 1 1 : 'i i -, . I-. j r f 4' i I l i CONDITIONS TA FEDERAL KlifUU- T.ICAN 13 toubllthtd CVtrU Ot- ' . Pollars pcr annum, payable, naij yearly in advance ' , ADVERTiscMENTS JriierffaconcoiaiamremoTOi -ith'Ioitttutioii;dttnog the current .2 en jfJriTrge4 expedience relief equally agTCi , . "n. jj:; ..f ..i. .i. i l C Hutu, a z a a m mm wi w m m r w rw mm m i www mr mw w i t m m w r m . each continuance charged - T hT Mn Piini-r wilt he diflCOU-' tioued until all, arrearages are paid, 'eiobern Prices (Current. CORRECTED WEEKLY. From To -4- MERCHANDIZE tf. c. x. c. Bacon . . , Beef, ; Butter, Y ; tBee.WaT, 'Brandy, fVench do. Apple, do t Peach, Meal, Cotton, n Cofiee, ' ordage, fclour, Flax-Seed, Cin, Holland do. Country Ton, fine ScantU'g Plank, ;""' ; Square Timeer, Shingles 22 inch. ' Staves, W. O. hhd do. R . O. do. ; do.; W. O. bbl. Heading, AV.O.hhd. lard, I tftolases, ; , Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Turpentine, do. Spirits Pork, .1,, Rice, none ; ; Bum, Jamaica ' '-; do. w: i. , do. American, . Bait Alium ' ' do fine . Tobacco ' : CiiLr; THOMAS WATSON, H AS just received a Urge as sortment of those justly es teemed and highly approved. lrepare'd by, V. T, Conway, No. 1. Hamilton Place, Common-tree t, -'';.. 1 Boston -.v - , The following respectable testimonials may serve to'prove the surprising f and 'singular efficacy of , . . Dr. Keif s potamcajvrops Tese drops , are aradical cure 1 for 1 ? ffcurvey, Scrofula, , St Anthetiy's Fire Lenrosy, Pimpled Faces, Sore Legs, , Ulcers, Venereal Taints when Mercury has failed, are the best Spring and, Au. . tUmnat physic, and may be given to chll. dren with rperfect safety. Price, g'U (C5 Ask, ' for " Dr. Relfe's Botanical Drops'Cjibserve that! none are genu ine iinles signed "W. T. Conway' ( SETil BRADFORD ! ! f Shipriht, of . Medford, was 12 years'' af flicttdwith a severely painftil ulcerated leg, had tried every Medicine in vain, was resigned as past relief, when tp the surprise f every one, was- cured by tak- ing these Drops 1 . 'T ... The above is . made public at the , ' iequest of Jilts Bradford, trusting it may ke of public utility ?: . . '- : r'- WILLIAM PAYSOJf ! ! Gf Gooch Lane, Boston, was 4 years 1 ..' afflicted with 5 holes through his loot. , Ifever sores) had ; his foot- opened twice , andthe bone scraped by an J era inenVsur- geon ? at length resigned as past relief, . , f tus leg, condemned ? t amputation his deatli daily expected, when to. Uie as ton'tshment of every one on taking- these drops; in 10 days his health was "restored. 48 pieces v of bone ; came away, his foot healed 'and after going 4 years on crutch es is now running about free irorolame- . . - . AFFIDAVIT - Sohmon Butterfield; of Chesterfield, ' thaketh oath and saiththat his son 01 tver 3 years afflicted , with eruptions" in his legs and different parts of his body, ", . when after trying all other, medicines m . r tarn, was cured by 3 bottles of Dr. Relfe'a ; Botanical Drops alone, without the assis i UrtW of any other medicihe''?:l.W-:'X t- ' , Signed SOL. BUTTERFIELD , i t MosegJTarner, Witness. Oct. 2, v : , ; CERTIFICATE X Plylhora Bliss of Lebariori. County. '-'. Vf indhanu Con. do hereby certdy. that Was for a considerable time f most horn . ; by afflicted vntk-tin extreme scroju 1L.D. 1 , none. " ;lb. f 35 mt t 4 mw i 1 I J i . V I H2 5 S ' buthJ 1' I ' ' i .-. I l I - I 1 IK I Otl ' 1 12 - 1 : bbl. Il3 biish. , .80 Y v gal- 2 i;. - 1 ! : cwt. s ' M. 8 , , b ' ' - is - : I I 1 I i i r i ' ' 18. ;.; ior , lb. 17 : I KUl I e-J ' l - 1 1 gal. 40 bbl, 20 gal 1 13 ; ? bush. 50 v '50 cvrt.J 7 11 i 19 y complaint, whea atter having tried almost; fampnietsot- many extraordinary cures every medicine' in vain, and the ; advice of jay be had at the" agent's gratis; r -f r . i : the must able physicians, had recourse - JJr Melje sotaitical, Drops, when to rrty 1 ' utier astonishment I was almost - instaa- taneouely relieved. CiCTed PLYTHORA BLISS. Widest Difsr & L'ove ' xv NVindhaci con, ; , ' V f QTDr. Belfe'a. Jlsmatid rru " tiV: 't Pills ease " in A f 4 a Couffhs. - Gold. Consumption, Asthma, Ung of bWod chiJincis ana ihcring. tlieforimners lof leref, &cfc common Cautioi siB - nprl f W. T flonwuv " none m . - - enulne! "i ' -i : ' ' - ' CCT MR. STETSON J rP rT A ..J CC'.laA With vJnW nain in hi. ri6-ht hrrast. iattenp-? ed at times with exeat difficulty of breath ing, and wholly 'incapable of business, af. ter bavin? tried all other medicine, in vam was cufedTd his health perfectly teste reA bv2 of h(.imii9 ' 1 - k w Y . Cm lctllCo h lt . tance iV .without felief.l wheiL resiimed as - andSea Or. KenVs Asthmauc Fills , when the surprise of every One, she was re tored'to perfect health in 14 days I j , f U Gentleman of Cdrlesto Was severely afflicted.with an Asthma 4 ; vears. ana ior tne. last six moauis ms i and for the. last sir months his i 2 SpSX I of vrv one. on takin? onlv , 2 1 death W was surprise boxes of these pills his health these pills his health was per ectly restored ; i Dr. Jebb'8 Liniment ! , .--7-- -4 j s"" . ;.'t 4 i For Rheumatism; Bruises, Sprains, Chilblains, j Numbness j stiffness , in the i Quits,' &c. The relief is immediate and t cure freaucntlv in 24 hours, althouerh Of v f vears statidin? and thbUffht incurable ! I -. J-rf- . ! ' r --' . O. :.MVjJacob Hildrjetn of i Amherst, N.;H was many years afflicted With violent rheumatism, and as Ire advanced, in years at tinies was wholly, incapacitated for bu siness when through recommendation, af- 1 ter trying all Other .medicines in vain;' was cure a oyj using, oniy s one pome - 01 tms Liniment, and has had no relapse j it is now three years since -be was considered incurrable ! This lis published at his re quest. . A Br.Belfs Aromatic Fills. For. Female .obstructions, &c, and are equally conducive to the health of mar ried ladies' unless when pregnant, at .which time they must not be taken. J)r.MelfsJlhtibilious Pills. ror Indigestion, Listlessness, Head Flatulence Cholic, loss of Appetite Ache, Costiveness, Billious Affections, Dr.Iltlf'8 Vegetable pe- I A , certain and -expeditions cure foP Sick x Head Ache: Billious Attections Bumf vies Ointment A certaih,! safe and expeditious cure for the Itch, however .inveterate, inu an hour's application, may be used by the most delicate pregnant temale, or On chiit dren at the breast, OC No danger from taking cold. QAsk for, " Dumfries Ointment," none are genuine unless sign ed W. T Conwav,'-as you value healh observethe signature. c ; . J?' Dumfries potion. ; A cure for the itch without smell. L British Anlweptic Denti- :V'v frice. The Tooth Ache is not onlyj prevented by the Dentifrice but! renlers discoloured teetlv beautifully white, i removes the cause of fscter arising frOm decayed, teeth imparts to the gums i the elnorescence oi health, and to the breath tu& most aelec table sweetness jW ' -rW 4 I- (Cy? yUbwn Corrii xlais- ThisPlaister afTord instant TefiefJ at the same' time it dissolves arid;4raws the corn out bvahe root, Without the lei pain; : , . --'m: ft 'i Til vamonan x ooin-jicne jruis il lTiese Pills afford immediate, relief with fut the least injury to the TeethtV , WrxHuMeifism HufntiliijectidnPp ? JJKMlunters Cerate? Fornie Prevention and Cure of the Vene real Disease, however inveterate in all its various stages, and I even when Mercury has failed foil directions, and descrip- hon ot symptoms so tnat any one may cure themselves,. with secrecy (for a few dollars J accompany each PacketOCjAsk for Dr. Hunter's Pills. None are genuine but those; signed 'VV CpwayAtf ypu value health observe tbe signatur. j ; 'The Whole of the above, I Medicines are prepared and sold wholesale,' by the soli proprietor," W. , T, Conway, No. 1; Hamil ton Pace, Common street,- Boston, -and retaUedby AV. Peck, Raleigh, Hill, War ren, - Baltimore, , Jordan, Philadelphi a he Ycrkj Coffin, Post Master, - Hudson and i w mpmm 0 'W W W mf 1 W. V . W WWW W VIVW ' - ; most of the .Druprgists,' Booksellers and V. States. tq mJHone of the . above are genuine, un signed ,V."T. Conway ias, you val esshealth observe tliis. r . 0.V ' f' A large discount to Country Tradsrsi U thdss who buy, to sell in. ' -1 North-Carolina Bible So- t . L rpwTOTWITHSTAN DING -f- I fu" r-r-nf .nititiit.hn faf ev Soithm . the bounds of tbU( State, the numer bus and Increasing demands upon ands greater than the stock' on Hand v andif the love ja-f ; Divine Tru th continue to increase, the inade- JUnas Will OC IOUUUmUC quatt; to! the want ofthe poor and destitute among US. Impressed . 1 . Z. r ' PB . "Wl f. icct 'and the respoosibUity which Managers of t0 to augment their funds. To this end. they I bouuiv vnc , u I alight it is to proclaim ana to IStribute the glad tldmgS pf peace ana saivaw?--auu iucy, uu ue.. the Minis r py carac tcrs f the Gospel, oL every de: ....! t. 1 M 1 n ,h? Sr oaboath in the month ot AJctooer I next, after such notice and exp!an i ationas they many think properly 8trongest desjrc thcy J to give, to make collections from l wonta fo?m .ttl m,nf nMr their set benefit of this Institution. -V The monies thus collected, may be transmitted to Benj; S. KingH l r-jtiirir nt rhp Knarri. in Kav leicrh. and will be thanktuliv ac koowledged. V3rf. Af'PHEETEBS, V. Pres,t By order of the Board, Jo. Gales, Sec'y. Raleigh, JulvT2th, 18ir. The Editprs of all the pa pers in this State, it is will give this notice two ot ' three insertions without charge. PHAETON; a i;u. uki ngiiv auu lEtuaiauiv easy phaeton, adapted for cither sin- gle 'or double gear, for sale by t Devereux Chester. August 2, 181 r.---tf. 49 I ; JOSEPH OLTVJER, Junr. & Co Tat;? or Consignment for Sale on I ' moderate terms for Cash or ap J y proved JOrediU ft Tnns-Sri.rf Iron; . 16 Boxes, i Dozen each Superior 1 r.lrt W5n,? t on finrV 1 2 Crates Crockenv 4 Tierces Glass and ChtBSy 18 Barrels Vinegar. v 'v Augusts. .r-.-iV-v f'1 FOR SALE. THE Subscriber has for Sale X nt his Store on the old Coun ty Wtfarfc P6rt and ClarVt Wink of an excellent quality I atsa Lime juice by the gallon or bottle. -' ; Newbern August ., SiSf : ; . FOR SALE. A Billiard Yable. in cood fe pair, with'eyery necessary article belonging to it. w Enqutre Nexobem Augusts 3w. k rT HE Subscriber has itist re. X xeived and offers for sale bm accrmbdatinterms good :MusyovaO:SugarM 7t 19, 1817.--6w -i47. -,7 A'i -iiividend'offi'ISf the Capital stock of this 1 Ihstitu tion,to this dachas been declared: the same will lie paid to the Stock holders on application. ( ' ' N : Richard Grist, ,SecVr Washington, July 1 Q17. 50 BLANKS For Solo. at tliis OmW. Interesting Views of Our ; yountrtj4i y s ; v ivV ashingtoni julv 21. ' J 4 Translated Copy of a letter from a distinguithed ' atid enlightened French Emigrant to hii friend here ' " Vi: ' " 'V'. T , Dated frota the Arkansas' Post; the 25 March, 1817.1 : AtV nn'' Trnin,ni:fir n the tirivation; I hav endarednr ' tj'-.u- i '.' ' u-.r : I ;irr wwkoir 1. rr, , 1 the most sensiblv affects me. It would be too formidable a task to lh V,cir?.w lre?v .thc-8m attempt to give yoii extracts lrbm ich;yields4a rosiu J,ighly-aru-.;Lin;'AinK;n4K''M; matic, the lemon tree wiich pro sissippirthe river Vol thb St. ' w. t:i. I which afford no WiUon suitable foralargeettlement, but from what I Lve ..rnVself seen .her. ;nfi "m infnrmatinn'whirh r rcccive, I feel assured that i aIl that we can desire. hicrher vmt aUrnd lnn9 river Arkansas, the more picturesqu aoc! 1:1.:-iiu- ,rv-nrt;n alarly that nart h lvin n the riihtfeanhich belong tothe i. - ; -j o . -w-uju e2. t,jf vwlL?u i ?h nfi I VfttWSr ri.Vu: Jprostratejree; which serves as a theVcmarlr that thv o-nnH aft Indian. Tr U rnni.nflu ed that government is at this mo- ment negociating tne purchase ot a considerable portion of this im . : ... i i two of thrS boiidredr-f.miHe for mense territory, , wnicn nas only tnfi rh.. MirJ uLv . r,.,nnf tt,w rk kk 1 I .1,4 uk-- ?.i t i nuuiu uc vciy , auvauiaKCOUS.--! have been obliged to remain at the post of the Arkansas, on account of the rising of the rifcf, andthe difficulty ot procuring alight boat to ascend'it ;but this week's xle lay haa not been : losuS T u have visited a . great proportion of o the lands situated between White Riv I er the St. Francis, and' the Ar- Ikansas, and have Been immense P?8, largest -s nearly. hundred miles in circumfer- ence, its soil of middling qua jityv The smaller, which is a Spanish cession not yet confirmed Awould be extremely adesirabl fbr any 6ne who could stock it with"rtwo thousand head of cattle; but would no be suitabjc: for a colony. Nearly all th inh6itatnts !Arkahsas pbst, anditst environs; are French f many .ot them very amiable'and sociable. - All unite in wish ing for us as neighbors, un less it be a tew who hve.by - huut? ing and trading. ; but the greater part have given MP this mode of lite tor the cultivation ot the land. More than one hundred families have within very few: years, es- taoiisnea, . tnemselves here,- - as squatters at one hundred & fifty to two hundred, and even three hun t dred miles from this post,- on the beautiful bahkof the Arkansas There the , lands are of an admir able fertility for teproducupnpf cotton, r 5; tobacco, - indigo, rice, raaite, vines, i fruits and veieetai. bles This is, "without doubt: the most beautiful and agreeable part of the United States, both in point o f temperature of climate and fer tility of soil. Nothing is wanting in thii delightful portionvbf " your happy country, but useful and in dusrrious (hands and intelligent heads to render it the m ost fl u W isnjng oi your i immense i posses sions. All the riches of nature abound, ia profusion. The pbunf tama contain nitre, allum, salt, vi trcl, leadt cdppeW irony silver, limsstonej 4 taill-stone qqarries fullers earth chrystal good clay for delft ware, and ssnd for gksa uare.-'v ".',. ' "'-. ' n Yegetatioa wctnantic i the cypress, the ccdzr ths vrliitscak; tne plumb trscttn2 ensny, ihz zzi- f and above all theiNDiGENoU OLIVE flourish here.1 I do not ' - , know if this beautiful jrre, hich , rises to the .height of one htfnc(rcfi r ' feet, and yhose fruit 1 have stetv will4 produce all cquaV to thzV a yj Provccc ; tTut, 1 am; c'bn ifisicnt .it ; ;; will, answer well for the tnanuUc- - turing of , 6oapnth fanning y leatherrfor blirniotr. &ciM' believe V this discovery is my own, apd thaC " xriil be a Valuable acquisni6n to thc Country. 1 think also, that the olive of EuroLc would must ssuredly succeed here. . Madder lnd,S l?ccooo ,fit for dying red "9 """ lemon , flourish here without care or cut- rc. Leannot enumerate all the varieties of the v,ne, among wbch Pene gTP. which , the Indians call Foccb ; the mountain t grape1 ripe'; inA June, ihe red, - the white, the .black, theV vmleV c Vhis. mv dear sir. is the vast 1 natural nursery of Bacchus. I have devised a very simple' and economical mode of sptedi- iy obtaining good grapes frotn the wild vines. It is to cut down an - l.jiilaciiacent tree, on which. 1 incline the vine, taking care not to injure us stem removing all uhnecessary fol,aSe froi arouud it, to . free, it ProP for iU' There are Jaige tree supports twp-or thre enojfw mou s vines. ' Your ndrthe rn, cotin try is the Arabia; Fetrba , of A merica ana your vegetatioa --rW4-3!"rV- something new and useful. My 2cal and ardor do not - abate-: too . happy if mv privations and extr. rv - - . r m u .a Prvc my ;cpra panions in misfortune. ; A manufactorv of shamois leath er and a tannery, established here : would speedilUinsure ai iodepen dencc. 'FidcBuSald skins,Vhoso nair wouia make excellent matras ses, &c. could be purchased at Tf cents each. A cruel war Jsl car nea on against these poor animals, solely for their fatf The ' flesh 13 more delicate than that of our best oxen, r ish are caueht.- rrm killed, nd wiidlhijts j "prtJcured ' without difficulty 2 and Vegetables of every kit. xl succeed, well. - ;i:hay lett the advanced : guard f the Colony on the b;rks of the Ohio. The patriarch ban. aons his retreat, to accompany ds.t The inhabitants of NeV Madrid and those of this' post, wish to sit down beside us : but I do rin think ttbat we ought to make a ve; ry extensive: purchase; unless we . were assured of qbtainioV frora ' goyernmnt protracted term for payment. a Uoodcultivattott will affprd, greater profits than specu . lating on the re sale.of the landed acfeouot,ofvthe-gf country to be sold tn the borders of theArkansisTHvbeu ing oi u snail pe completed. . 1 A mail hai been established this j year between this post and St Loii I from vhenVe to Washita t but it is absolutelynecessary that thcrfc should be a wareh6uss at tha mouth of the river, 6a the banks of the 'Mississippi, for the loading ana unioaamg ot steamboats , and sloops arid the housing o f tn crchan dize tic A Frenchman resided here who is; warmlv attached to vc iukcicst oi uic ircansaa set- 1 tlement, hsafincostemplation i to I undertake this . establishment 03 f v mc inmao icrntory x ou may J go down from this toHew-Orlcans' in ten or . twelve ; days thirtrr five or forty are necessary , for th5 ascent in a ted bbatT have cr seen any river.tyhbscciVigr'.Sca is equal to that, of the Arkr usrc It can be ascendid in a leaded in - ; - , .The writer has enumerated a .r.uxntr? of trees tr.d pkct$r but Laving prcn tl.-s French names instead ofthe ;?u:cr.l cr.;r we have cot teen able to rer2 ertb-- 1 -1 English. T:hich,t;'eh:r,?nt, cri.. b ft c;!;brst: J rtwaj-t, ' ?i. - v .' vy ',. . t , ,t. . , 1-. . . ... . ';i-.,v .1. f v, S- ' : i S J . I. I:! . i' "! i S . '1 tf..