- X. el v. ft i " : " 1 ' i ' " ' ' - - ' r : .'OL.r":lk'- ,tfl3WBBRk SATUIli)AY' 8EPTEBIBER so; ! -181. NUMBER 1 l' v'm- v.-". - ... ":.. .. . -urn - . j . V1 If 11: 1 ' . is. x if A Jt r IV Si it.' i. XV C9NB1TI0TS Ait." R.' HA I' T.'flf Minrtfi r -,y7A hatfK attach tbniinuanci ch'aftred GjF Np Piper Will be;discoa Vidued until ' alt arrearages ; are J) aid mXewbern Prices CiirrenL CO RECTED WEEKLY. Z From To Bacon Butter, .Lb. 17 r " none rr ; lb. gati 341 2 -50 ' 60 i Brandy, French do. Apple, do PeACh,' Oorn,- ,Meal, Cotton, . Coliee, Cordage; Flour. bush. 80 4, 1 .1 tb. k 12? 14; bbi; 12 : Flax.Seedi bush f 80 do. Counu-y cwt V ne ScantUnfc v i. Plank. M. 8 Square Timber - "V Shingles men. y fitavcuVW. O. liUd. . & n o. do. 50 8 10 J 60 10 so. V lteading, jW.O. hUd Card, Jtlasses, Taf, . Pitch, Rosin. lb. gal. 1 ,1 2 'it 20 6(. J Tdriicntin 10 do. Spirits, gal. bbl. rork,, n.cft. . none 20 ltum, Jamaica' 15 ?;o 70 ,50 . do. W. I- . do. American, 75 bUah. do Fine Tobacco vrt 6 '10 12 MP IP T. FRLIilBpSE &Co X T AE iust received fat 'their Jl"1 Store 5n PollocV Stre e t,Y ar. additional supply of fancy GpbpsyK - 6mong which are, r ' . -J;. SuperBrie Blue, Black and Olive. ;y clotW; . . . :; Fine. lithe and mixed ditto Superjicie Blue, and mixed!carj si m e res vlens apd Wpmefis tqw pnctV SliK tVirm'J rlittol Worsted ditto;j auu vuuvii ivyv , ; - TV &! 6-i clegapt white , and " toil t. -tit : "'KSh 7, 6 4d 4 4 'white and ' Black , -yeiis;;- , . - v SatinsL Lavebtipe, rhite, bl,acki gfeeb 5t changeable Lustrings; 7 V "White1 and black silk gauze, ; v --JFaficMuilins'-mulli.maU Ta cone t and book muslin t - -' ; -Figured apd 'Ptaid LenbcdT 7 " Skersuckers.4-4 chintz." , calico, ; tambricks and cottbhl shirtings; i-H- lavnV Linen Cambficks ; ; ,v " tincn1 and -cotton :bedtick's ; Fancy IcolcnrecLcrapesi' PiirasolsJ - ,biik and cotton, um ore has k Liicnvandyojtton3heetioVlV India and domestic .cottons .fr v Bombazetu. acsorted:f colours; ttomoazeeo. uiacK sine - tuu ' tabby" Velvets" ';7 T- A -19. 1 11 and IO 4 eountemanes j , ; : 7 fine cotton iha wis, .Flag ? Jor'onthe Friday foiibwjngThe Baudana: silk and coltop hdkaCrr day raping to be;twomile , -i VU331rt, W.wpm JVWHUU jVflWtV . :'chjthing4x?Merseils Resting " "Superfine Jeansj Dimity.;;.' ' 4 , Furniture pi tto. White &Red " ' Flapnels ; Buckskin,Jbeaver 4 1 7 ao4 .cl ovc? SUkditto. ' Vjyienaf j superfine and "common . hats' ; Leather, dittos r ; J Gun Powder VTen . in small . ,'can;sten; v V v V - " j - - Tuckibg imd.Ringiat- shell . - , .combs ; .Horn ditto." , With a ivarietv of other Fanev 7 Gopdsywhicrl they1 offerTiywhole? : . Bale or retaiu lotv. for cash. -r . i'y .JtfcwhcznAuzo7fhl!y'''r: . .. ...j ... . . . 7. , . t, f -. VP Tl y v. I'-:' W - 1 . - . I j -' - .A ' - - - - - just :RECEiyED-;.. " . O'.- IT?9?9 -11 " m m fA 1-alia;., Kookh, f an jJnental NewelL--Th6msbos Seasons-- .Watts Psalm & HymnsBbokof Com m on Prave r,' ot ; al mos t Tev e-f r'jf size and anetv;of ; Biadiog h arGetieral asocrfmeht of ScHobl and Classical 3 Book:&c;&cv' AT t : M JUTICE. J H E Copartnerships formerly JLezistini?'betweeh''hcrfiuhteri HvrW'V IJradleV wasdissolvedon the20thii. July 18n,by limttation.Alt persons wfio remain- indebted; to the firm, vilt make immediate pay ment to lncrease-ijradley, or their notes ad accotin ts ...will! be put in suxt t without d iscrimination : and those who haye ' claims against them, vl ca k -nim ior ?; pay ment, he js.dulv authorized-to settle the1!,)iusoe'is.v;df Cthe i con Thomas Ringgold. 7 Increased BradleV.1 y Neiy))t rr, Set. 13 1 8.1 7 3 ,M"7 -JKOTJCBJ:'; TfS herebv mven 4 . to . all JLper8onswhb Mwe Indebfc crd;u the Subscribers by account which may have . been standing six m-vntbs'; ar.e requested toCome foryvjird .within sixtv days and set -tie the same by payment" oV nofe s and those indebteoLbyJ note arc requested tocall and" 'settle rth same by the first 'of December next, aiid all those who fail to a vail themselves of this notice, will t the expiratin of the time 'giV? en, find; their notes and accounts in the hand of an officer for cdl- Icctioo. - - v- r v- v A "Increased Bradler. JNewbr bept. 12. 3w. 3SI OX1CE. fBH iE Cobartnershin eitmrr between the Subscribers, un derthe firm of Hi C. Willis & CcC is this day dissolved i bv mutual consent; all persons indebted to the. late -firm, are irequested 'z to maJte payment to-Ji ,C;v Willis ; ! them; will call on him for m en asj h e is id ul; auth prized to! settle thebusiness of the eoocern : 7 Hdcr Aviiiig; ;; . rww jnaepi. 5,.iai7 4K ,The business wiUiniitiire be carried on by the. Subscriber nt H. C. Willis. 777Notie to Sportsmen; v A PURSE, will he ' run ; fnr 7nt le ; jjeat i Jleactow in Onslow County on the last1 nujsdayin Q tobe t next, worth bet : WeeoT bne and two hundred Dollari fr fnr janv HorseOlareorvGeldink a. TH irkf-or,- nr heats-second dav tone mile heats -: 7 Published by orderof the xnanasrers. va . - . . v. i SeptemberJ: 1 2th, 1 81 7. 7 4 - . - . r - v About, or; in. the-- month of aCJJUStomed to -fanuly USC. Auguav 1814a cHimney swcep Apply at this Oflice.v. ; oVt. ;cr, pf rwrlingtoa, or; Bridling ' nt; - - 5 ton ' in Vnrl'criif hnnitrit i Iittt ; ,CKvnl Clt 11113 UhlcCm , :i ' ' accordingly. ' . " l".;;V---?;-,- i ';ri; X-v-'v' .:;, r-tr ' ; ;,i! vNOTIGE;- T the UtcjTcrnr ;of Craven Court the subscriber obtain' edleuen'dfa'dmm8tradoDibh';.l)e Estate of 'Tame 7 Oliver V deceased (late q( th is ,Coun ty,) All pers bn$ Mary Oliven : Adiii 'rx ILL be sold? bV "the Sub I scribed on .Wednesda v vihe f 1 5th of October, nefctVat thcrlate residence of Ja mes Oliver deceas : edvall the nenshablef property of jsaid deceased, Consisungf Hor' Ctft; Hogs & Shelkou i wij v?. z:-r T hould and' Kitcheh"furn iturc. li ke wia larmmg utensus ine- terms of sale will be itrnbnths Credit on all sums above fo'rtv shillinps. below that amount. N ; ,V 5 Mary, Oliver. Admfrxl Craven Cobnty.Sept 13 18ir N;B. There will bralso hired out until the firsT'of Tab uarv next a number of Negroes likewise the i ( t ' ... :n i. . l uidiuduuu uu jjciiscy win uc rcuteu uniri uie n3t oi januarv , u NOTICE. fc p . i - O -j-" : X; lied at the presenjt term of the Court of Pleas andv Quarter Ses sibhs pfvCraVfn County ; oq the Estate of William Brvati 'v Dec'd request all persons indebted to saiu xsiate io , mate lmmeuiaie payment, and. ' ,all these. -: havihg claims to: brm i themr lorwanl a i grceable to Law bthefwise nhev will be barred to iecove rv- - : John Vobb. Jldm'r. Sept. 131817. f NOTICE, odVVedDesday. SSJtfof October next and coritinu. frcb" : dar ti day. until all J.i$-o'ld at that nlW. theo to commenceSthisrfahiation oa xeose, ana on Monday ther third of November at his late dwelling house in Nwhrk' Which plate will afso be sbld ten .N3.- Also on the days rbfJSale t'A'rnTmSfZ7r: 1' rentea tor. a term ot one, vear the Li; . r - Jbhr,B;Cob.; " f ; -' - ; r f . vuuui vruaruian ? i: , "VFcd JV climbing boys, for that purpose 5 itthe mmu of the evidence .takenbefore the committe. from tvhirh th fnllnrrJ T7CT VV snares or lianktorir- rr,r.r,tVo . M v. , vv w, ltv Credit wiUbe giverpdrcS TO f1? giving Notes; with . twb' iufficiebt by? he?J' d"c9vf cdf5a9 securities, Wtf,which must be llWly a residenrof Craven CoUn y. fS'"" deactibed, M havmg f: ; t l i-r V ,v n A' - beautiful black eyes and eyelash John"Cpbb..8dm!r esa high dose, and a delicate soft 'kewbem: Senti 13 1817. V ki?' -: 'V' . ; , I .rnnrn TnTir . PHTff Nirv Qwwwowoc- ortnrce,ror iour, counties tney J WEEPERS. V; citendAjto -all parts ofthree king The report of the committee of TJ, f; - the house:pf Commons on thape; dually, favourable,- andVr plenty mion against the employments of ; xralkioff hand in hand with Peace, boya id awcepingv:chixine:8,.has i& Hkely to Vislt and bless? every been printed. It recommends the part 0 the globe 7 , o . prevention of the farther, use" of - i - s - . ' v beyf?f.?h?8W of f:c5ht feuineaa ctrcet3. . s v r !'- nf n nrr-ir wAwnn vtVi, rnilrl. I t vvrt LlL'..'. t--i Sween-a chimb ev, in that town : hb 7a taken up by uclde? boy who lefihim there,' whenV; as ;migh?l rea5thablyif be ' etpected. he 1 fell . clown 'ti by : whichnccideb hi' bruised his legsr terribly v against I the" grate; hiSvair land banner apr appcareu so aincrcni irom inose of the chUdrt;n'whQV-'are'V:8'iially employ ed for ;that ' purpose ' "that the ;M isses Stflctlanci.i of, IBovn - ton,-hearing of the1 child, went to sec iuuj iucy were so roucn in terested -with -Thim; and Vjo per suaded that shel had beib stofen that they" took ' him hdrriV ' with them(ihe "chimney, sweeperj beingx gladtbipaftVith him,)' Soon af ter hegotto Boyntbn; Jthe seatT Mir -ucurec oiriciianq. a Plate witVsomething: to eat was brouehr him ; on seeing a silver-fork her was , quite :: delighted, and said, ppa had such forks as those.' HeCalso'saidi the v carpet d rin the drawing ibm was likepapa's- xne nouscKccpcr snowen nim a silyeV;watchi he asked cirhat sort it was I papa's was aVgold: watch; he then jressed,c the; handle; and said, papaV watch rincs. 'whv does ,nbt "yourV ?'vSir. George -t.. tii-Ka i-J r.t.- spring auuwncnu sirucvne jum ped about the room, -saving rba. J when he was coinir to bed. he said he could not go to bed;v until hej had said his prayers j he then re-f plated he Lord's; rayervalbaost pericctly. I he account v he gives of himself is, that helwas cather ing flowers in his mamma's garden auu uiiti auc wuuitto who cuiu xiTin came in acd asked Jf he . liked ri ding ? : Pev saidyes and ;she told him he should ride with her. She put him on a horse after .which theyot into a" vessel j ancltf the, sails were up, and away wwem. He had no" itecollection'of his . ' . .... . ; name, or 'where he lived, St was too young to think his- father had any other name thaothat of papa He :;startedwheneyer r he heard a servant jn thefamily at Bbvnton called George, and looked as if he expected to sec somebody fct knew on induirv, hesaid he had ah uncle 1 ueorge wnom ne jovea deariy.ne "nc, aad. aunti whom he.inyaria; e" werewHed Mt aad-Mra, Probrough. - Fro,m-var,o09 ctr- C."'fSr?ri S-? 'TiT 7. fj V. CT:? "m rw lWOmn .who 8diVbl! a.t inP'lS .YW quit $?e pt. a WWWi h" UTfZm'c papers, MVS the JLondon Uouneriof July I i - -i. 1 1 received this .mornmc nfrom extracted accounts of" the state of jthexrops, mancets, sc. and nev$ erm tne .memory ot man, were are thev: nartiaLor confined to two: r In a trial in the court s of King's Bench on Friday a femalcAvit. pe underwent the :x foUo wing l Indenendei Is he not a bund hddler f No, nd Jndepcn a year." y ear that he cot a .fiddler. and that voa have not led hin chout tha streets ask-j matter for that, he isias indepea dent.as you are, V vS A-"iHe seems to have? two very m'u.' steal instruments-his fiddly and his vife: ?-iSo ; Wach ' "the- betterr then he has 'got two strings to hfs", .men1 have hor-go t. - f " v Benot-a-'-fiddleT-ifHe'vas a mwsicianer. '" J.'"-'- Is he hothlind ?-rSuppose: lis; is clarV, rianyothers"that I fceeare as daf k as vhe t in a dijTerent way . He isan indcperidentmanpfr5d!. ) . 'V.. . - u k . . , w W iA x. a vearland that is more "j than ma nycanjaytr.- 'Mutinous- proceedings at 7r 1 ::; pro and coOTrtA1 : ; . Having received several months, - - $ ao, -sptner communications-' ir' r. raigniiiff the conduct of the late 7 -1 x j superinteridant ? oi t the M ilitarv r tirfe or absurd h course of. ' 1 nstrucl " ? nion pursued thereij wc-beRin -to" repqoi our rejeciioioi inem j as; perhaps, an t fcarlier',;, exposition" might! have Z pferenttd the, " late explosion. We -'thought it the time, ;howeyer, (and - that ' was- onr motived for rfTlinintirtiiiK-'J ' licilionj that if whatV was -repre . the proper remedy bucbtXto have7 Jbeen sought in an application', tel- ine secretary oi - war. We " prp ced to state the subsiance of obr -latest information, with sohie pr& or facts -concerning that alFair.: r -; In the 'earlWpaK of last; Jariua- $ ry,' and again Inthe- brginningol -, AIa7..vthepre8ideRrof the-nitted-States, in consequence of 7 ccrtaia allegations against vcaptaip-AlIea!, Partridge the com m a n d ing o fficer" f at. West Pbinti (and which were i p'artfy substantiated by a prevtouc Coufoof Ii cjuitvyidirected his re. mbval from that cbmmand On thearrival of the President ofthe United States at West PoinVii iar- - ly in Junerand after a personal in- specnon ot tne pt ice, he d ecJarea iriai captain ; r artrmge should be -itp mediately removed . and 1 jtri- After all these, orders and re-br ! dersi captain Partrije, wasiSboulv the end of Tulv:at lentrtH directed ' to delivered over the command to major naycr, wno .was. r oracrecl : ; to nroceed to West Point, anr! --;! sume it i he Was iurther ordered C by thcaecretary of war toconsidr e!r himself only tinder the.-ordcra of that departments gnd suffer ; uuiiscu uc rcucvca except oy an order from; the l Wsuv. Depart r i menu.-, -4 . . V $ : . ; t w .i r r, Before major Thayer could - - j r uit. o ' ..jl - "t tti.-j-i:u .i:?V) . 1 . . uipiMvcu uic vaiuiun aou ji9ims sed thecadets to- their, horn esV - without an hqurfs 'notice ; givinr i: ' ; thcro3 no ,! information Relative to - ' Academy. He had all along told them that there would -"be no sum- s; ' mer vacation.; -" V, ! ;,vCf i Major Thayer ' assumed MnW. command, and directed the cadeta to ;return by the "time fixed by theY. the vacation, the Mat of September " w e published this order on i bat ! ; urday.VV ( - 'Suchvas: the" state of things,: isstFridaywhcn captain Par tridge returned suddenly to Westr 5 t Points where he v wkal greeted oo . - f landing by a tumultuous meeting - and shouting of some cadets, who " escorted him in"triumph to hxa'-V. quarters. $ During the remainder -of the da and . on Saturday morning, captain r. appeared to be very busy inspecting: and er amTninrr the nost. as if he had ta ken command ; and !his; favbriteT 1 cadets and aijents wtre very active . v H among the other, scholars. One - I of these agents, riaVangu'ed thera ! .x after breakfast; the cadeta and V : !- 'A troops were paraded, and captain, v Partridge - va 5 proclaimed t com msnaer amiast snouts .,ana cp- pj,;v, He thco-appeared and . thai y:X them fir their conduct c and having appriiad" in jior Thav- er that he (captain P.) had rcsu " -w t" -k 1 i - - 1 V 4 - : t I ' ? ' ? ' & x 4 V '' - 4? i. r . . j t f t t -. 5 -4 i

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