1 - t ? s . r ,."-' - f TJiii. V A - t ulx t-1;,'' it i , ft Y,0L;-IX3-v: NEtpERN, i SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 27, 1817 :,;;:srS NUMBER ir - - ... j ' ' 1 f fc " "j - - . a . .. --'- --- ' - - t " .J . f - ,. . --. . ; ' ' ' ' t ' : ' g 4? if 4 NOTICE.; I f , i i ! ' -V' ,V . v .... V. " ML .4. :'fi V . CONDITIONS ; 53.. . '-liele'o I -smal ftoUrfNGwVfoa.f'yo Wo-vdM V,' HALL, .MfefS !- yearly in advance' ' -, , ' the forufcng-rof ftvers, "&c. common. A D.V ERT i&EilESTB iflStrfted COtt- cold are removed tn few, hours " The WcUQUfltflat'SO'cets perquare $f will expert ice relief equaHVaee for the-first insertion, and iun are aflfccted '(Tj-sk ibrv-Br. tach insertion after, . ,c. Belfesi Asthmatic PUli.! One-box con il Advertisements will be con- taining 12 iiu; frequently effects acure I ' j . Ji ft? Caution the toutside printed wrapper is tinned Until otherwise order ed & si ed , w; x. Conwaf puTeVare Ntf Paper will be discon tinued untU all arrearages ! arc ' paid.'1; ; y ' ' - u, J ; :4 GentiewHofChAritin Was sererely afBicted with arTAsthma 4 yearsr ana lor cne last six mourns ,na - death Was daily expected, when, to the' Surprise of every one, on taking ,only 2 : v i V I 't I t i . i I t ; f ':::4pita.STETSOjsr'' ' ; j Of Hanover, was ;9 .years afflicted ' with i violent pains in his: ight breast;' attend i ed at times with great difficulty of breath- J ingand wholly, incapable of business, af ter having- tried all other medicine m urn CORtlRCTED WEEKLY From To j D, C. l-D. C. his;dabeca biade toiitwo: ': iV :- i oftJit!ct1i;pf the Veace for theAbbjut" 35 years of agjedark comr said cuotyV Jiy SEdmudd Hatch, plexipnS.feetvi inches high, Said senV of this Cbunty. that two cer- fellow is well known in Newbern; tainlNerblfcSlayes . belonging 'to has a sister at Mr. , Joseph OlK hiroiT named JOHN and JOEvcr's, and.it if '! likely i ithat he is have ' absented themselvea ; from 'lurking aboXtthatr place or 6eigh-i their said MasterYservifci and b6rhdod.-i-4l will jtivenhe " above -K: HZ i. V n ' Bacon Beef, Butter, Bees-Wax. Qaudy,' French ' vdo. Apple do iNiacii Corn, , Meal, , Cottony Coffee;. Cordage, flour, Fiax-Sect!, Gin,, Holland . do. Country 'Ton, ' Cine ScanUing y " Plank . ,. , Bquaije Timber iingles 22 xncH LW none. lb. gal. bush lb. bbi. bush gal; cwt 13 1 ; .aves.WiO. hhd O. do. do. W. O. bbl. ;Beadipg, W.O.hhd ;ard, gal. bbl, -- f gal. 1 2 20 1 bush 6u 10 40 35 10 70 70 50 75 itcb, Rosin, do. Spirits .Tork, '..T Iiipe, , , on fium, Jamaica ' do. W. f. 3ol AmefAc&a, alf AUuia do. Fine Tob?.tco, THOMASVATSON. AS ius't received a large , as 1 sgttraent of those f Uemedand hiqhlXf approvea y i?repare.d by V'. T. Conway,' No. 1 Hamilton Place, Cfemion-treej, 17 , 20 2-50 1 1 70 lb. gal bbi. 26 22 12 12 2 1 , 5 8 15 20 18 8 10 20 20 80' 65 90 K 6 12 r was cured and his health perfecily resto- rea dv Doses oi.tnese puis, v I : a3A 70UJsrG,LkDY f y Ntar Green-Street, Boston, v was Z years ? afflicted with" Consumption, had tried aU i . i i j- i i ' t luusv every; meoicine ana ineuicai 4 tancer- Witfioitt pil"f. whii ''resie-ned aa past relief hoV able to st up; much. debili tated by want of sleeps perpetual palpita tions and pain in the side, she had recourse to 'Dr. UelfeV Asthmatic Pillt' t when to the surprise of every one, ( she?was -re stored to perfect health in 14 days r Dr. Jebb'8 LifLiment ! For '' RhCuniatisnii,! ' Bruises, Sprains Chilblains. NuiiibjieesP stiffiiess J in the" loiuts, ...c.v The relief is imniediate and cure frequently! in 21 hours, ultiiUgh C years sianaing na,t&ougntncuraberi , was many Tears afflicted 4' with -V violent fheumatismand ;'aaT headvanced m years at times waswholly incapacitated For bu siness, when through recommendation, af ter trying all other medicines ih vain, Was cureo: byusing xmly one bottle of this liniment, and has had no relapse ; it is now tnree years sincehe was considered incurable I . This is published f at his re quest ..... ; i , .( ' Dr. UelfW&omMc Puis. - For Female obstructions,, &c, and are equally conducive to the health ' of mar ried ladies unless when pregnan at which imc uey. must not oe.iaBen,ic A j t , For''' Indigestion? loss-o'fApfaetltei Listlessness, Head Ache, Costiveness rlatulence, Cholic, ;Buliotrs Affections, Drill If '8 Jfegftetpt -A certain rjand. expeditious - cure tor Sick Head Ache, Billious Affections; 50 10 60 'v Boston it 1 ie foUowinjET ' respectable , testimonials -may tefie to prove the surprising and -t singula! efficacy of ; , r igy Tir. Botanical Dt ops -1 iiese arops are a raaicai . cures lor Bburvey, Scrofula, ' St. 'Anthony's , Fire leprosy," Pimpled. Facts,re;;lffs, - Ulcers, Venereal; TaidUj Wheii jAIercury" ; has failed, are thec best Spring andtAu . tiimnal pliy sic, rand may -b given to ciiil. Vren witn perfect, safety. Price 1 f - - . 1 e lurkincr ibbiitra :Jthe said ebun. reward to anv person that will de ty', cbmmittiog'many acu of felb- fiver him tcr meor secure him in ny and ptimtsdeebfo Thcse Jsdl so thatlgef him, and all rea are therefore in the name of 'the.rsonableelLpences shall be paid. 4 S tateta command, the said SlaVes 'j blasters of vessels and all oth forthwith to surrender themselvei,' T6 forw'arned from harboring and return Home'to their Mastenijoyiog orxarrying himaway. And wedo hereby also require under the penalty the lawr the Sheriff of the 5a?d Cpunty of : ,:y" if 'Jlaorc: Craveno make dili cent searcli1 -Craven Countirl SkMzni Rtrl pursuit afterthe above, men-! , r w ; uuucu cuaves, ana tnem naving t v f ound, to apprehend and liecuie.4 so that they'may be conveyed to; tneir 6Std "JylaaterJ nr ntherwiL discharged as tim law directs; aridJ r u uci m i ucreuy cmpow a 8 teei JlOOp WlllL o STTlUll ered to raise and take'- with him-Y 'lL ''is -r r such power of his countv as he, """tlu" may think fit tor appreheddinj: andl? leaving it at this 0f uic diu.oaves if ADO Wc do here lice SlliUi DC QaauSOHieiy by by virtue of an Act of Assenv WwArilflil 1 4 -. - ' ncerning ser. Sept. 19.1817.' : V vants and -JSIaVes, intimate and ; . , , :' declare, if the said Slaves Tohn i, . " . - , T? ROM the Subscriber on th bresents, that any 'person mav kill ! J7th instaot. a Nejrro man, na-. and desg-dy vtbe said Sjavesr by i mtd ABNEH, about 23 yearsbf fuv., Hicdus uo ijc, or iney may ? yp icci-oor o incncs nign, think fit,; without accusation or i a very black complexion, with impeachment ojP anv r crime or of- mall scar,over his left eye, he tence tor so doiog prf without in- j lormerly belongedl tp ackariah curring any penalty or forfeiture Davis, living in or about New- npH Subscribirbavin qualU - X Bed atythe 'presen t term oi the Court of Pleas -and Quarter" . Ses- y ons of ;.CravenuCountV,n tho Estate, of William; Bryan' rjecM.s request ;all( persons ;if,debtei - ib : saidEsta tbi make immediate payment and. all tht?ie having ? f kmt 'th toward ? J : 6 7 1 - - uwerwi8e they , ; . wiltbe barrrd-a recovery. , vv j - JohnfCobb; Mrfi f r; vsept. i3gir; -; ; '-a j;.. 1 . i -1 , -Copartnership existing , i X. between-theSubscibVr8, ua- der the firm of H. C. Willis Co, ; is thi day dissolved by mutual ' consent ; all ersonsv indebted: ta : the jlate irm are requested itb imke payment to '; Willis a and those who have ckims aHist ' them, will call bn hini forpaV. ;i mcnt, as he i8 duly authorized Tto -settle the business of the conrin. - .V Hardy C. Willis. V - i 4 I antl'loe. do not surrender i thtm selves and return I home immedi ately after the publication of these - Given, under our Jiands and I - seafs at Newbern, 1 this I2tb 5 day of Sept. A; Dlr18ir. , JOSEPH BELL. (Seal.) aTHO?S. fiPARHDjy. aL Dticnptioh of tlie bbv v Outlaw 8. John is about feet three or fou veilpwVcamplexibn, large feet land hands, one of his toe teeth wan bern,-North- Carolina, where it is presumed be will .attempt to go. i v KirtirA Marlborough C. H S. C. July 15. j 56i ; N B. Previous to Abner's de- Lparture, he illegally possessed him 1 self of a considerable amount of r inches. bichXaiA ca h . . tV X)ropsM Observe that none are 'genu. ' ine unless! signed W. T. ConWiay" X v tfETH BRADFORD i fehipright of Atedfordwas. lli years af V r iJlicted with a ; severely : painful ulcerated hid! tried 1 every Medicine in 'rain, " wai res-TgTNjd a past relief," whenr to'the ; Surprise 4f every onewas cured by tak . iog thesa Drops f : v- ; -i I C3 -mailer public ' cr neqveti cf Jtlf". JJradJ'or trusting it (may - Sifeof ptiblie vtitiis M " .v' 'j , . ; ', Of Gooch LaneBostoh 1 wjts 4 1 yeafa J : afflicted With T5 holes through, his fopt ' fever or?) had his footf opened iwice , Slid tne bpne scraped by uxCi emment sdr &;1S?t Uagth resignedas" past relief f Y' ' : -fdeatb. daily ejtpecud; when', to the as , j V r .tonishraent .of every one n tatmg these i' , i ; .VJidrops; injlOdayshis lieaith wjis restored ) , V ;-i : ' 43 piecesl of ,bone me'away hiafbpt s , bealed, and after going-4 years on crutch ' ifK " ; eji know running about free irom lame , 'A-,-- W,.: i't-Qtssf :h'i ri. , '.k.sv- ? ' , t Solomai ' Butterjkld; of Chesterfield ..Bet&thivjliid aith,,that hiaon OU j s jvr -MAiwcBa,. crupuons, in ,''1 -j , . vj. luuiiv, niiuuuv VUG . lUsdiS - ' V0pceef any other medicine ) : At'St Mow Warner; WitnessJlOct: 12, -A I - -r'lPVro ? jffZt. of Lebanon: County ... vuiunam a Jiereoy certilyfv that! I V considerable i'Ume. most horn. 5 hl.'Cte4 extrtm,: eafuhntt I ; Zcmplawtt .urhen after having tried almost i v everymedicme in vaiq.nd thtt advice of v . the most able physicians, had recourse to Br Relff JUalanical Drops, when torn v ,- . :.' V" .' A Uer astonishment I ,was' almost instaa. t. v. . !Cr :-j r"'.-V-':eouely relieved. 1 . 4 f- d I! : fSietied PLYTHOIIA Tir.T ' . , f if' ?.(f;. "vVitness i7yVr 13 flops wuumcacca.c 'if A certai aafe : and expeditious !cure v .wfi, . iv'wccr ;uiveiera.ie, . m. an hour's application, inay be used ; by; the most delicate; pregnant feittale or bn chil dren WtbeVbreastv- taki ngf Cold, '!(Tf; Ask' mr . Dumfries Qintmentnone; are genuine unless sign ed f ConwavjisVyou yaliie heallH reward will be paid for apprehen ding , said(Bby j nd a. liberal one . Dumfpe&LbtimiS ( A cure for tap Itcu;w4dibut.gmel'L'.' v-- - Vi ::.t7;. f??- f The Tpth1 Ac.heiis' jno? n1y V prevented fey the Dentifrice bu rehdera discoloured teetl beautifully whitelf removes Hhe cause of fatter arising from decayed teeth imparts to the guns, th efflorescence of health,, andto the breath the! 'most delec. UDie sweetness-; : t . V j ' A ' (tJ Mbion-Corn'mie. r ThisPlaiSter afford instant relief, at the same time it dissolves and draws tha-corn ou by ,'theroot, .without the least pain. , r Cambrian ToblfcAche Pills. tuThese'Pnis anbfd immediate, relief with out the least injury to the Teeth. s " i JBunies'Jhjeetimioti v t't& JDrr Hx(ntefs Cerate For the Preventioii and Cure of the ; Vene real Disease, however inveterate, in all Its lyanous stages, and even when Mercury uay iaueup-iuiiirecuons, ana descrip tion of ymptoms so that ahy lone may cure themselves with, .secrecy ("for it fev dollar J accompany each Fa'cket-TGCAsk for. Dr. Hunter's Pills, None are-genuine but those; signed ?.W; -TV Con way.' Ac yon value. health, observe the aignature. r The whole of the above ' Mediciiies are prepared arid sold whblesale'. by the sole proprietovAV. ; T. Conway; No; t, Hamil ton Place, Common street Boston; ' and retailed by W. Peck; Raleigh, iHill War. ren, - Baltimoretv Jordan,, Philadelpbi a John Tieboiit, No.k 233, Water-street, II; Yort,' Coffin, Post Ulaster, Hudson and xnost of ; the -Druggists, Bookseller! "and Post .Masters1 .throughout the U-V- States. Pamphlets of many jextraordinarys'cures may be had at the agent's gratis. - ; ?0 Nonejor ihe above are genuine, un less signed , W, T Conway aV.you Til ue heilth observT thia. r- - y "A large f discount to Country Tricljrs; f those whoY&.nyVio sell ain. 1 li; lsirija v , r V f Hn . nUJ l... AL.'' 1-T7 i:. uuKf ouu uas mc orana C n, on ai4i'wfk:.-i, i v 1 Wi U1C .wcicuiion oiau ' or any part fJm ofthemonev: V ' I X ! yearsold,;feetseven;or.eirf)t , 9f ( inches high Is :tbut? built, ' ' ' x. 2. , , " .... - . O ' . r yellow complex: oti ; and ' b as lost some of the toes off eadh ;of his itet by the'frost, begihriirig at the great toe on - each foot.I ',vill giyef a rewaf d of 25; DOLLARS to'anjpe8bA?ho willf brings me alive either or eachpf the;a bpTe;'descVibW theicn in jail so that Iget therpa gain, or Lwill glVe g50 for each NOTICE. i .HE Subscribers having qual ified , at thejlate term of the Court of Pleas and Quarter'SessVons' of Craven County nn' : the Estate of AbnersJIargetfDtcW. request all person indebted to; salil .Estate; to.makejmmediate paymept,and alb those having claims to bring them, forward agreeable to Law, otherwise they Will be barred a it cOyeryAt- v T'-f' v.-'" . -j ; v ALFRED if ARGET2 ?f m V. Craven County Sept. X&i ai NOTICE. ILL be sbldHiyX the SuW ) 5 TO ocribers on :Tussdav; the th of OctOber'next, at the late Ye sidence of :Abnir: target, Dec'd. all the perishable property of said Dcc'dJ cdnsistiDrr of HOrccV, Cat tle; Hogs, Sheep and a large' stock ui,jwc3ir arming utensns, ana a tctpf Blacksmith' ToofsJ House hold end Kitchen furniture: and many, other, articles too tsdioustb mention; , 1- 'ttS'S V Also two' likelv Nerro-L i fais montris credit tvsil be given, otea - H?ith approved security will bemjuired. fV(Tiuir : O EL13AKETH IIABGET, Admrx. ALFRED tlARGET AdrnV Craven Ciuntut Sept. XC, IQ17 VV " . rlXi ur ine jappre A v hehsion and:coiffe oemcntin any Jail withji this State,, of Ne v eENiVttSei property of the Cape, .-Feiar avigation Company; Ben is of black complexion, a- odtfecuainch and 29 years rif lgie iaisedby ; Betsey Bonner ol Beaufort County near Washington, Where he ia - suppo sed, to i be now lurking. ; vt ' X' V ffin.JPcrry. Pret'L r Fayetteville Sept.Mp, Igifc ! he.bustness will inVfiiVim oe T1? on by the Subscriber a$ thejsame jjlacje. 1 , . f .. J , STATE or M1SSISS1P W , The cVnvention .finished thetf. labbrs,' and sigped theconstitutroa ,: on the 15th ultimo. 1 The follow. ingj general ytewof the :: draft re ported, and which is'said to have received, very few and slight Zu " atlonsV poay enabre our, .readers q comprehend the principle of Ro'Vm tel ?, :ne "confeaeratibn.'- "We ' M.MiinHipp-biyilg ;b'epii;ad,' ded durwg the late congress.ii . f Kver' Jree whins, male person. I of.?.?e ':.?. yeiV &,upw.,fd., . WXf . cito of the 'V rvv aii nave resi I) t'-f ,5 ;3 ft V i a ! I ? r -a V l' .f J npHESareV the perishable vA part of th Estate of William Bryan DecM. will commence on Swift Creek, at his . late residence on Wednesday 29 th; of v October next and 5 continue ' from ' " day to day until aU - b .sold: at that place, then tbcomTmence at his plantation on i Neuse, and on 3NlondayV the third of Nbvembert" at his 1 late' dwelling house in; Newbern, t wmch place will also be sold ten shares pf Batit,St pck,'slxj months Credit will be given purchase rs gi.vwg-Note8';ivithWo t'uGcient securities,: oae bf which must be a resident of Craven' Cbuntyi ' 4 1 l A- Newbern,- Sept. :13, 1B171 T . N B.;, Alston the p;ays of SMe on Swift Creek, i will be hired asd rented for -a terra of one yeanhc lands and Negroes belooginj; tof JohnB. CptiD-i, . rl': -": I r montreviouly tp the election, anrt chilli K-Utm . tt . miUtia, ,or, shaH have paid a state or county tax,?i5 deemed a quali. . fied elector. Tbc first eleptian ift diVecfed to be by ballot;; subject to ' future.reguIatiQp by thefoisla tlire, , , . ln'ber8t thc .hou!e wpresentatives is an fiw ; Mondsy W t0 .W.. 0U8.eVof representative must be an inhabitant rof this State ? two years preceding his elecWbn. ' and the last year'a resident rifxhe7 county city or townv ' he offers rrv, reprcsentrshalUhayei attained to- 10 ine: age ot 22 fy ears, "an tf, hold in his own right one. hundred and My; apd,br- an.interect; in real .estate of the value of five hundred dollars, within thesatc- ' Towns and -cities arej Entitled to f PV , ;rpTfesentatibn; Wheo naetablished ratio. The general assembly,at their first pieeting, and in the year 1820, x u uui tea umd, tnree ;nor nice than : five y ears thereafter, chall V cuse the census :of , the state to ' be taken; and apporttopYhe , rep. rcsentatxve arnoog the?: counties-. cities and towns of he ' staft, abl . , . coraing to; the , number of Jree ' J -white 1 inhabitants1; and' shall no ! be- less than 24 normoVe than 36, , 1 until the number of fre .white in- ! ' habitants exceed? eighty thousand-C : 1 and after ; that; event; the. whole v . numberofrepfesentativeaaiiallno be less than 36 nor mow trtin'inr V 1 tone ,rereseutati ye. , t A .t . : The senators shall. rWimmminni .c?mSnC.l"diatricu.eitJibli:h8d- -by JVyy according to the nuinbcr ; of free white taxable inhabitant thatV hty shall cot be, more i' -than one ;tlur nor less than . pn 'V: ' fourth of the whole number of rsp ted lof three year by-thu r uslijicd I f I ' f ;;V Vr. i t A 1 I t . - r SO . 4

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