.1 1 tj M -! .if-. - r--r- 1 A i il .. ..... .. - 4 ... X ..... VOL. KTJ KBWBBRW; SATURDAY, OCTOBEB IS, , 181 7. pnJ3iBfiii.40t - 1 V1 IV i - K t -v - -- 1 i fc -t:...: -" -'.! . " 'j..v;-' a' . -.-r' . I.---j'. . --." - ' J,' mm - ' - - : ' 1 4-. i 5 7. M I ,4 . t CONDITIONS The FEDERAL REPUa UtlavTy n tlor; Advertisements n trtedCOn- t&ck Continuance Chqrgea. ;: a;hi.iAi if M lauar iiuri. Mr. Fisher. Jobn rranum. i21 L, , . i . v- ! y-- ".""frv, V ' t Rfvrt 1 G r&n. M arv B- Green. Thdmai" " MOtliera Should be. 4 -rane W'; lT N0;Papcr -Wilt be,dl$COBjl HaUrHiion;.Hugh-J.ones & Co.-Redmond i.ni ttitU iU arrearages arc iJoyce, (3)JuStulC .Km tinuea unili urrcari i t w . .M:tK i p??d. 4 ' V T7' ' w-f r. - r 'tp' ... - - v. v:f- '' - From Tov o. c. j. 17 Beef,.. none i j lb. 35 . . 70 ,26 'Bees-Wax, f do. .Apple, . do 'Peach r - Com, ' : Meal, Cotton Coffee, Cordage, v Fiour, I rUx-Seed, bush. 90 lb bbl. 12 4 0 9 bush 80 Gin, Holland, do. Country Ton Timber1, ine Scantling Plank.! gal. 2v lv 23 8 '' rvSquarejTitnber, 20.1 Shingle 22 jnca. Staves, W.O.hbd. ' do- io 18 -8 10 10 20 Heading,' W.O.hhd. Jjard, ;Molasc !Tar, ' ' .jtosin, lb. gal. bbl. 20 60 .1 ,1 2 1 20 1 1 2C 60 Turpentine 8C JSpiritti gal. bbl, 40 "Bice, now Hum, Jamaica 25 10 do. VW. i. rAo' American, wSalt AUum do Fine ' Tobaceo , f Sugr- ' bush I " 0 0 12 SQ State of North-Carolina, - Cfaen County u Court of ' d Quat ter y eionit .. Sept. Term. A. D. 1817- , -Andrew Bichardson Original attach- 1 vs. I ment Levieo: .dardner Childf ' J r , M 1 T appearing to the Court, that the dctendant is not aq innaot- that1 of thi State, ordered thete , fore that publication 05 made ninety days in the Carolina Fede ral Republican that unless the dev feodaut appear at the Court or Pleas and Quarter cssionato be holdcn for the CoUn'ty: of Ci aved, -. at the Cort House- in Newbern, dnj-tlie second Monrlay in . Decern ber ofeit, and replevy oT plead to issue, judgment will be entered Op against him. ( r James G. Stanly. C. C. Sept. 27, 161 T. .J'-... P.--- Stute oorth-CaroIina. 1 , ' Ctdveii County. : "' jC6urt of Pieasnd Quarter Sesaion$;J ' Sept. Terra A. 1)1817. ' ; ... Cigina 1 attach-' ) U:. . ..Vvs--1 C roeiit levied &ci Eniur Wocd r; ' J 7n "j T appearing to the ' Coiirt, that V'M the defe'ndaot is not an iriliabif r apr of this Stiate, Ordered jHere : , fore that tnblicatipo 5be madtr h-: ninety davs jnUbe (irclinFeiic tulJZcpubli I ' fendant appear at- the- Coumof ;" fleas anil Quarter Sessions to be : fjolden for the County of Craven, the Court House in,Newbern3 ! Vntheaecodd Monday in Decern A 6emeit and replevy or pleacpo 'issue,' judgrhent will be entrjred ut : I against himi 5 J N;' 11 ' - esVGStahlyixC.C r it ft 1 r - - r, 4 Sepi27,;18l7. ; 'A,' ilemaininx in the Newbern 5ept,30, 1817 , - Iwthaniel Bibcock . (2) Asa Bishop u 11. . iiH.w'rriUm. n," f r.h.ik: pberBragramM BennatCJobn Brinsoc, Hardy; Brown, i Hannah ;nnnftt -Jamp"i i. ' C&naday, Joan Ubangler Alien Dase, ad Smael CooV W t. .- 7- 1 Creed .DudfeyrTPrudencDivisr PhilO,tf and ta pOimiO& Ollt i mite PBawardJavid'Torlaw,:Wmlu .: j , I v - , . i Mmmid'HolfolHiy. rJett ttoitm?ll:vH fc wr " - 1 . O .njamin;MMonvP Z. Paul, John Perry, Joseph Jault Simeon ii-rjoho Potts EdwardPhelpsWlUiam t- j Roan, Charles Boach, senr. Jofint Xeel, Capu George B . Roberts, Gen.v Satouel Simpson m CoL Win. 3. ; Sparrow, (2J SamuelSeet, John hme.Oiuhue. Suep- perd. Nancy C. Smith, John Slye, Thpmas omiui, a.; o, Tomunsoit, jonn ".aeiie-, mand, PaulTavlor, 5eth Umphrey, Capt: r AaronUsheiyMonsieurVitraciClm:;: Williams, T: JVilkms, Hj Williams 5muel Westbrook, John Wallace, .J: & R. Washiri&rton. Frwy the Philadelphia Ti-ua Jltnerican. XECTURES OF FATHER PAUL. The -word of king Lemuel f the prophecy v. "which hi mother taughihiib- Ay, girls, which his mother taught him. The influence of moliiers upon the future, charac ter and usefulness of .'their chil dren, is far greater than is gener ally imagined The insunces are rare," indeed, where children brought up undcf the direction of 75 an ignorant pr a picked v mother, hve become very distinguished for their learning, usefulness or virtues. The infant mind i sus ceptible of - every impression ; aoid thbsjewhich ; are- made In childhood, like . .wounds upon a young tree, are never obliterated. G bildren are j mos t intimate with their mothers; arid therefore morirlikely to imbibe their- pfih CJpleg, and to catch their manners thari those, of trfeir fathers.1 His tort furnishes numerous instan ces or jpersocs who rose t distinct tion, ascribing their greatness ta the Vearly principles inculcafd from the lips of a mother and we afev told with cmiphasis that H thembther : of Cicero was a wo- man of superior character." ;;' There is komewhere a story of a youo g m an;wtio!jira8 cohciemned o die for robbing the public trea sury;; when at the place of f exe cution he begged leave to whisper one word to hisinothcr, who was r-rtscnt mourning his fate. She ppfached andplacing her ear ctven me proper r instructions . in: m y ehildhoodaIr ney efv ihouid hive 'come to this disgraceful, end. What ismbjre; natural than the e'cluVioAsm an'jis the creature of educatiouvand; I habit, that ' ihe; manners and iprinciples of the constant vassociaten of WjjearWeai for cveigood----and ie object of hisjBail vbsiyatiod;luuld'acr' quire a controling influeoce over his m'md forever. V 'K-! .'i ' - -"'TKeinfluencehof a vromaQ' ia dotVcoAfinedvtohcr-i;;ichUdfeo'' Husbandsmuhofteoetfthaa they" are aware or are 1 willing, to adroit,TccciW:-a decisive bias, to good or e yii, from the cbaractef of their Wives ''vv J: ' AVcare informed la r the' good bpok.thstt Jehoramwrought e- p'Kf the csofjiheL6rd Ao I'jl shall not tell vouH or i Os wh!s ipcrea mat tnere are some : even i nerjiad the GaUffnter ot Ahab ta Wftiz aad thosciWho knew any gan, jonn? Maitnews,"! vnane . icmaie euucation snould receive WiUiani S. Morns, MrjVf John 5 Macmaster, James NeUon, : Wihe- , ,Vl . M. Nelson. John Newton. John M. Oliver, lor O0W shall she become a teaph- cipae to nim, suddenly roared outhar could adornf he should ' oot with pain---herascalj had bitten neglect the Instruction that might off her ear !; On Nbeiog asked how be usefuL r W"" he could be guilty'; of rax undutifiil Anna married agendeman;: of an, actv he answeredtAVif she had fortune in theg city 8c -added to W is my purpose disclose. ; ". For , i uiiuj: wi imo lauitii .wiii.iiui i - T""T""V1",6.?4H tu i r . mtni&ters and a Uttte "her. aher rcturninn- Frrhriwrh. cuL hotiM enln tke inUmn duties featured of themv and tsnili - . w . t w uppri their mindatKe preceptof er not herself beeq certainly, has there not still t loom tor improvement i Is snot f more time and money expended i : n 5ngtructmir-- tnnn larlv in v , . , .7 - yr- those .fascinating arts that Will co fable' hereto charm a sweet-heart AntQ theineshes of raatrimonv; f, . knHV..: U-J Li L J her head and ucari, 10 renaer ner a useiui ana ; obedierit wife, and an able nreccD tress to her children I I From ray text it will be seeof that in ancient days, mothers taught lessona worthy to be learn-; cd by kings ? . and, young ladias bfcPhiladelphia, if you wish toaee the '"r picture of a woman who twenty-five,' hundred years ago was .esteemed, in value, far a bove rubic3,w.laby your novels lor nali an hour, enquire of some frien3vhere7it ia to be found, and read the chapter from which my, text is taken.: Lord Kaimes tells or thai the ancieht women of the north could tell the , stars by niiwf. Roger Aschom informs us that Queen Elizabeth could Speak Greek with any scnoiar in -tne - realm, ana what was still more she and the ladies df her court could sew and spin. The Emperor Augustine used to dress cloth made by his wifVand daughters If learning and industry were, the ornaments of kingly rgovernnients, how much more do they become a plain, virtuous & republican peo Fortune is unstable to a pioverb. j Of those who are rich in this city, what proportion were rich 40 years ago ? Of those who ; are no w ab wealthy as almost to bid defiance to the fro wns of the fickle goddess, how many may be poor in 20 years. The wise man will prepare for ev ery; possible event. The rich man ought to bring' up his daugh ters as though heijexpectedf thenv never to ant, and at " the satiie. time as i f he expected they4 would one day becomer poor. .Tht' is, wnuenc gave tne, accompiisnment his estate a handsome turn which was her ownX -Xt was remarkeoV lor many yiarsj that theK affairs of her house were ; conducted with excellent order The "servants rarely failed to perforna their1du ties. I-Her tabled alwayi seeded superior, Tath'eor the excellence df thcookery?and the neatness of its arrangemeoV than from its profusion, f JerpreserVea- were: invariably tm? nicest. .A friend reiaaTkingtheexceu and, pr dtrr6t iytrySt hlog-aroond her eil? quired the? " reason. V Simply, said 8he because ?hcri a girl, my mother ' -taught " rn how every thing should be doneV ( If a serv aht is ignorant ot jany matterj'I can instruct her. And ss they know I shall detect any . thing im proper, the are more careful' to render it perfect. My care in su perintendance is noI imagine, half what it ouldib'iF;;was. ignorant of its dutesI 2usedt6 thinkj rames,thailasbii to Icarn things which were useless but I am so .well i satis fied-ofttfe UPOrUaco pi .pc;:ctsinrc ail; th0 Vk?na VV M : mm v.' wnoi nas . housc-trifc; KBunicuvcui a iuuva ivi uow- w uauuci suuiuuus waytuw " ....-'.. i . -j- - dd everr-sort otworic requisiic ia thfeic a'voilDfe lady in this fiitr for asweetliearfwhd leyer V - made: a loaf of bread in hcHife l liuMAU GRANDEUli - This sketches of Chanteaubriatid daring shi Travels ui tSreecei Palestine, Rgy pt, and Barbaiy,"may please the enthusiastic reader. ; We cop the -following f -- " M 7 , Catihtimtcordir. SpAiit! Sparta wasl then before me ; and its theatre, to which my good fortune cooducted tne on my first arrival; gave me immediately the bdsitions ' of all the Quarters and edifices. I a lighted ahd;an upihe hill drthe citadel; : Just as I'i reached "the topi the tun was rising behind tJjie hills of Mahelaion. What a mag . nificent sfiectacle 1 but how 'me lancholy J I The solitary stream of the Eurotas running beneath the remains of the bridge Baby X'; ri ins on evtry side; and not a crea ture to be seen ambng them. I stood motionless, in a kind of stu por at the contemplation qf . this sceneV a mixture' of admiration ?t grief checked the current of my thou j;ht ahd fixed tne to the spot f profound silence reigned a round me. ; Determined, at least, to make echo speak in a , spot where the human voice is no long er heard, I shouted -with all m might J Leonidasl Leonidas:'' No ruin repeated this great name, and Sparta herself seemed to have fofgoten her hero. t r " The whole acite of Lacedef mon ia uncultivated jrthe - sufi parches it in-silenc audi is inces santly, consuming themarble . of thji'tqmbii When I beheld this desert, not a plant adorned the ruins, not a bird,not an in&ect, not a createre, unliVened them; save millions of lizards, which crawled without noise,, up and, down the sides of the scorching walls. - A dosen half wild horses v ere feed ing hire and there upon the with ered grass; a shepherd was culti vatmg a tew water melons 10 a corner of the theatre ; and at-Ma goula, which gives its dismal narn to Lacedemon, I observed a small grove ofcypresses. But this Magoula, formerly a consid erable TurkishviUage, has also" perished in this scene of desola tionits building; - are over thrown, and the index of ruin is itself a ruin. Some idea maf be formed of the importance of even. the busi ness of making Shoe Blacking in Iondpn, froth, the fact that on a late legal investigation, one manu facturer was founcl to have in his possession eigHt thousand five hundred gallons of acid I liquid, forming one of the ingredients in the composition he prepared and sold. ; c v r-. xt&r? " r er a letter Jrom a respectable tembeti l7i Great changes have' taken c here, both aS regards ?. to to tal government of the province, & general political state of the coun try. The late tibtorwuacap General Morbi has beenjremoved from the govern tnentfjy prdcr bf the5enerathj ChicMbrillo Pandb late?ob J a, appointe d ibius phcewhb nas made ? consiaeraDie xnanges under hi othe latc Captaip General's conduct has Been ge n er ally jepfobabated;as , tyraanidal & bppresiye c?omaiked'by a prodj igal vra3te of the public resources, which did not fail to draw on htm and ?ins- administraubn theindi g: nation snld dsarbbation bfthe pubficjie left here7 a short time sinccifpir f Porto Rtco&eew Captain General is spottb favbra- bly fbff but .hpnUafer ceed (ia thp present state pfjthe cbntry) inroducihg coaSdebcc tx unanimity; Remains torbeproyed IVW? ? ?tremeiy arduoul if not impossible Usb. : ; : r, I. J . knH 4 ItzlzH c-iKliQZi ct U:s cw.imjv fcinMa'friutcrb i7Cc!dh3 "1 -J vcuuuig jm mcs ac . 3iiu njujc jfjj portanti iThe boasted trpedi' tion .lately arrivtd rom SpainJ wi th Mbrilto and hia forces,. xrhd Wefe J' -l-i j .'J .1 . ' . ' ..: - - -. n ' T::Thewc'rr.j(iibed byv bjr- General Morilld, commander in chief; witli air nis aisposaoie forces at, Uuriai nai thetter parlJdoelast, ani after maturenrelaration.. mirlei ' ' withtiHeir bted f forces, an at' , tack on Ma'rgaritta,-held by thS v awiut. a uey cnccieu a land v ing with some loss; and in seve'r -afsiicceeding actions gained kom aoantaeas,U) -grodnd; but not Without suffering much in killed ;' aod wounded, and by - disease- ' ' an action wa f auht about ! the t4th ult iwhlch'Morillo and his forccarere completely ; defelted, and dbliged precipitately to aban. . don the Island and re-embark his tlroqps for" Cuinaoa, though not : without reat loss. Since then, ' ; part of his transports have arrived here, . 60GO troops for ' Carraccas and a great number of - wounded andaick.S:C'-viy' - p General Mbrifeis no ind 1s ated,v with adi vt ' iod'of h?a -army to be destined for 'Guyana and another -for thp interior of this ; "province, where V thpFatricsar ) v In the mean time the Patriots hve tnade great progress in Ter ra Firma, having gained posses-' sidn. of v AUffUstura and thn geatetvpart ofthi pfpvlhce pf Guyana; in?which,Vunder als Bolivar, Piar, ! and Cdeno i large furces arc ? cpIlccteoVndln. thia province 'near the. ;vallcyixf Varenaa,' falafg oo'dy binder geiiV- V eral fismlndi threateQ th cp: italwhich byju part? ot the forces of Bolivar, tvi4v ; be ajbleto contend ith thieholc' " united forces pfi Spsniards appear 'alarmeb! ;i-a'nd disheartened j they wish; to cx cuseIin-iilo's defeat "by sayings v his presence aharmy ,wiaV rdeccs; sary On the;J continnuHTrue Cil was fc-with alf hUf bVcei' they :Sre tar from feeling secur Yod caai 'j scarcely imagine the;Jflect thosg combined causes have at present : oa commerce, v Nothing is doings no sale of imports can tbe .eiTected except only articles of first necess ity and they only atre tail very N alow no one ? will speculatcd complete stanatibn prevails, -ex- - cept in some exports,' which , cbn . tinue'scarceand hieh. J - 1 ne measures or ; government arc calculated to i destroy v confix . , t!enc;andj$r T Nepessityrorr 0jj der to the transportatioQ of troops prQfsibn gj; V tj rannfclrin thbseicases, es- u sels, mules, provision;, cloth inrj arc prcsscu into puonc service, and fbr whichtitebwner receives no remunerauon.5 I heyare attho mercy of the Commander in chi ef; f and his order is Jaw.4. to disobey which would subject them to tsc vtrcipunlshraettU V-, ' Tf he; North AineriC3ns find here jst prjesen np yerirflatterib . weptiohTheSpaniards are . greatly prejudiced against cm pwinj wJ an t id eb $ pre v aien t- of a number of armed-; vesselsy fitted,:' from the United Stated and 'cruix' ing 'ujpT . prej iidice was atrpn gyexeriplified iatheunjust detention of an Arner icachrJcarthl oflLay'v Guyra, and $er shameful condem- - j nation in ;Puertp v Cavellb- Thp . vessel in question, oetng on aiair Ia5'4' Jbnd.wwtth a cargov of provisions, to and almost with1 in their port. - Theit inveteracy' did -not atop therc ee, an American citizen for; som; time residing in Lay Guy ra, Wat?, ' ignominiously, thrown into1 prif ori in Puerto Cavcllol for ;,dcfcodin2r y ,v his property and daring to call inr y question the illegal proceedings of l-'' a tbrrupt judge 1 for which xnj U3 , 4 tfcend iod:rnity,t alhou2h act is; not cbuotenaaced by :: xhz' governments pb'freparatibot haa oeco tauue. ureiy tne rjaven: ment of ihe Ubited States wilEncn ticc so flairrant atf outrage her rights, dignity,tt liberty f her citi I -1 , : i - c v. V. -4 ... ' ft i -1