C. r i 1 J .v" .1",. - i J' ' - Sv I , r- ' f.) THE VOL. 1x3 Ml! . ... 1 - ' V V, r'.' 3 CONDITIONS j, vl is published Itvtry Sat: ; tirdaviv S; IHALL. xt three DoiUxri per;anniim payablc:halfy "'irZl: il 1 JD,T?"IST. ''1V l-.::. t spicuoutiy tc y 3or ''ibe'fiminiertioHcnU 25for turned, until Otherwise ordered & Scach continuance charged; - fiP Mr PaUi-r will be dUcon . V;..A .n Lll arrsirfTft "nre JVfewiirerrt Prices Current CORRECTED Tlcon Bfof,' ; ' , Uutter, nca?. lb. 35 20 50 60 gal.' 2 aot; Appier; r do V etteii,, Oorn. (-. v ', Meal, ' 1 Cotton, 1 bush. 70 26 Coffee, : Oordagei 25 IT bbi: 4 - i- Flour, ' "J Flaxseed, " do, Holland dti-' Coantryt Ton "IunW, 3fmer. Scantling Vliak. 'r. 9 i 0 bush. '80' gal. V M. . 2 23. 15 Sauare Timber 20 Angles 52'incir. .Staves, W. O, hhd. do. R. O. do. do. " wo bbi;' 18 8 10 20r 20 1 Headintr, W. O.jihd Lard, lb. Molsae3a Pitch, -7 ' Rosin, bbi. 20 60 80 40 2. 1 20 lurpentifie, -;"vrd4: Spirits, gal. bbl, gal. Port, w ; Itice, J none Hum, Jamaica do- 'W.I.-f do American. jyaUAllum . 1 . do Fine"' " -' Tobacco '", 1 1 25 10 0 v 75 bush Ut' I ;11 THOMAS WATSON. AS iustltectfived a larce Aiiftmenk of those ' jVsrw csm'A cevtain and expeditious cure "tor trXnrJndtirhlij atibrwed. V Fx-iparcd, by -:W; T. Conway;. No. Haiuutoa Place, j torornon-trce t, isoston rJ4 Tke following respectablejestmionial Tlieift . drops are a radical cures ; AurveytV'ScrotuUSti-'.AnthOiny's :vFire iVjjjrosy, rimpiea ;, races,, ogre i-egs, Uicers, Venereal Taints ' when Mercury Iwa failed, arc the best Spring and Au 5 C Ask fbr-V Dr. RclPa Dounical r DrokH-bservir that .iione are' genu- i the, unless signed "; W.T. Conway" -; ' SETUBTtADFORn 1 1 Shipright, of :Medford, was J2 'years af. K ; -Aided with i severely painful ulceratpd , leg ; hatL,trieil levery Meicine in vain, it &3L9 resigned as past Trr lief, wlien to ,the - surprise" of every oncV vas curedby tak 1 ling these Dippi -y . r...,: ,; . ZT ibvvei$; made , public: at. the I request cJfr, JSfidftfd, inistvg'it mcQ 74-Of; Gooch ' Lanei Uoston, asf ;yeirs - i :'): ojfrizted -with jif holes -thiouglv his.; Ibot If fever 'Scre hadhis foot opepei iwjee aiul'thc bono scraped by an "; eniViK'ht sur7 crbn i' at 'l6ngth 'i-esigned as pasti'elief. - y hi , leg condemned to umpututionj dcatn aauy ; expected, ;wnen wr uie as v lonishment of every one, 6ri akm thse ' pills ) in 10 days his health was restored pieces of bone came away, luV loot ;'bcnled, and after going 4years on crutcii- cs is now running about tree lrom lame .;; ' Kclfti Jnaketh oath aLd saitfi. .that hia-sori iver 3 veara afflicted mfcs Mmlna. ' his legs and diuerent parts h , bodyA"' - t ui,- n . s- .Vain, was cured bv 3 bott'es of Dr. Reife'a I ou yalue health, febservetbe .signature. x llnt-ni,-. f nrrtna - rWK., tsnce of anyother medicine - " . ' ; j ; signed SOtnUTTEItFIELD ' - v j : v lotei Far?ier,vWitncss.-OcC 12; ' ' ' ; :j ; ' -' . CEUT1F1CATEJ jl. ' IFfytyraSBUn; of Lebanon; : County ' Windliam, Con', d hereby certify,-that I , : aa for aotisiderable .time, most horri- ' f a(3icted ,WA cltC extreme tcrofuloui i.i.FVwnensfterhavinjr.teled almost ' medicine in vainV and the, advice of Y V. lie tnost -able physicianr, had recourse to Lr,, Vrltelfv JSeicmcalJDrobt.vrhen, id mv etter astonisfiracnt X was almost unstaoV (jDr.-4WWflv Wbeezin, difficulty of breathing, tiffbt. ." 7? uinfauou yi oaw Extract IrDm.do Oil feGai StatlleS ndss inUw chetti'iAintbc; iide;-pit.r1 ; i . 'against Catholicks. ,! 1 ihf.nn, hr; Wrr 5 common-- -c , , "yuw-,,, Ullii, Ul .uiuuut viiumvaa -.- r. 1 rfl K IV 1 M VI fl I f v . biiiha.iifinitft SM rift . - f I- cSdi maijaAftw!h . The Bd wilt perieneettef iqa.llv ,Eree i able : uinss. Wu severely Qictcct red by boxes of these pills - r ' i . afaicted with -Consumption, had tried al- j 1 mosi every meuicine anauicuita iws ia- tance without relief, when resipedaa 90 uted by w.int of sleep, perbetual palpita - J J tions and pain in the sidesbe had recourse , lio Vt)r. lMfe'a Asthmatic Pill s,? when I to the surprise of everyf one, she was re , I stored to perfect health in 14 days Dr. Jebb'S lAjument I .. For Ilheumatbm, Bruises; Sprains - IChilbfains,; Numbness,: stiflhess in the joints, &c 'The relief is Immediate, .and cure frequently an nours, : aunuua years stumlin and thought incHrabie J , t n rheumatism, and, as he advanced-n year at limes waswuoiij incumikcu 101 imm ainessi when thrbuerh rtrCommendatUm. I ter try ing all otlier medicines in vain t -was A I LITUU UV U3IIIK UHll VIIU UUUIC' VI now three years sihr I ' was considered incurable ! . - This is published attiia re- 17r. lielf $ Aromatic Fills. For Female obstructions, f&c, and are equally conducive to t)ief health of mar ried ladies unless when pregnant; at Winch time they must not be taken. . - xlmWkJlttltbil 'L-'inL ArJl rMffiS:- ;r V Wii' v ' ;A :i Speech olMt.Vox on, the 'arrival are affected .k iot.;" Pr. ; vfi . THE, ; : ; hV . LtVU Caution the OiiUideprintea wrapperi., r ... : - K V PCCCO br William fltt teamcUIIlC signed w: T.Cn.way none, tticr are. . v f ; a .SECCTION,;; V Speech 6fMf TyrA rWtor.;fartoamntary:andt , render of Lord rvt-an.. and: for the List ix mouuif, nis , r'articuianv ctfiftiiatcrt lor the to tax America ' j death was 'daily-expected, -whenfta- ,ralnincsin the.IJnited States 'i Speech otMf. iFoi oirMr. PiiVs 1: 1 fretivWaMfMi;;. - ' ' ' ' kt ' 1 r 5 form - : 'um STETSOjf'f v O k Mr'j v : ' ' "tract from a speech of Mr q violent pns-i "V? , . w? W Tr .L ' V f I ed atiiLawitK irreat difficuliv of brcilh- ,t'r u: .1 u:i , Extract fromD$ptCChsof, Mnj- 0 VfJListles'sftess, Head , Ache CostivenesS jlir Flatulence, Cholic, Billious Affections - irMiLi, e. as I mc;u v l-?lc? "eaa Aciiuauous Anecuons, Jiiim fries' Ointment. ; - certain J sale and exDeditious cure v i f . . , wvn1.nv't I (.; imi;U,t;nn 1 1. ;..A4 - IIKJSt dohcate prnant female; or on jcbiU tyr l AV. T,. Conway," as you value heath 0b?enrc:tliesignatnre.',-n (. v , 1 :; . Diuhfncs Lotion. cure lor the ltcti without sm - A cure for the Ucb without smell :(V i . - ' " frice 't'. - 'i V Tte Tooth Ache' is not only- prevented by die Jientifrice but renders discoloured tetth. beautifully; 'wliite, removes - the;, cause of faeter prising from - decayed teeth imparts U the gums the ttflloi-escehce 6f he;dth, iajrid to.the breath the? , most!delec I table swWtness; ; :A f 1 k or vuuixm uorn runs-. . ; This PlaisteraflTord instant re!ief,4t flie Eame'timc it dis?olres ano draws th corn ctit by he ooti without the least pain. , t . CambnanTooth-Ache Pills. , v".Thes Pllli atmrd immpdinff rlipr with oSk theleasUnjiiry to the'Tecth. l "4j';; s i Hunlerts JnjectwnFowdero c5 JuiSAlnntersVeraw:; For the PreventioiVand TJure of the Vene real Disease, however iaveterate, 4nalt its Atffkrs ti7nas-ft Ition of sympfoms;" so that fany -'one bay Oi - cure, ineraseives ,wu,i secrecy ijorvjev, in I wmpaj I ' t Dut. uiose siimeu - vv i . onwav.'AS 1 c wliole ot Uie above, WedicJnesaci prepared and sold" wholesale, by. the aei proprfetor, W, T.' Conway, No.' 1.' Ilam6 ton Place, 'Common street, Boston r and reUiredby VTckItaleisli; Hill, War ren,; Baltimore T Jordan,; Philadelphi a John Tiebout. TJo. 238.' WateMtreit. If tbrk, CofSn,' ?ost blaster, ludsoa and mosvof the Druggists, yookstllers and Post Masters throughout the Uf ; States. ParanhUtaof tnahv extraordinary cures rod RiVlc ral,5sratis . 33"Ir&ne i of the above are genumeun less V.gne?ffW. T.Conway mutsI. itUttmih -VarebM: . A9m, ' CKeinit'ttrici. Z.'era- ; . 'fcfeW A Patt'OMdi;: 'Queen Elizabeth ' to-, her j Army Conclusion of the; speech of lYsf L . xuari ui , sutnuru ociurc uici y.H0U8e Qf Torrfs 541 f Pco -ro tne cruviau bpeech! OI .Bir( J oho U Auby 0 OQ V 'the duration ol aliame'nts SpeecS of sir' Wiliiam- Wtbdham - uu mc 3SIQC suujcci y Speech of air! Robert Walpole in ' reply - Speech of sirGUbert Heathcote , ocf thc establisraent of Excise . Speech of. Mr. Pulteny on a stan dtg army, 1731 ' , Speech of sir Robert? Walpole'' on ; a mption to'f dismiss him ' from , the Kings council Speech of the Duke of Bedford on . 2 a motion to mske ther decend - anta ot traitors answerable for the crimes of their aucestors Speech of General Wolf to his ar 'v my before. Queuec 1759 N, Speech of - Lord ; Chatham on an address to the King of Lord Chatham ba the .seizure of -Falkland Islands opttcn oi Xjoru Viwuiam on an address to the King, 1763 Speech of Lord Chatham in reply rto Lord lansfield,-1770 Speech of Lord Mansfield on the . delays of Justice 1 v 1 Speech of (161. Barre on Ameri- -; can ainairs-' - v c ; ' ' Speech of Do on Doin reply Speech olGoveroor Potonall on the repeal of the Port duties , , Speech of Lord Chatham on the .Dili tor quartering soiuiers in Amcricav 177 . " -' - Speech of Mr. Burke on mcri- fcan 1-axation r-4 Speech of Mr. Burke en the same -j&ubjectyvtath a -sketch of the - character ol Mr. Grenvlle. i: Speech of MrBurkeV containing , ad ministration, and character ot V ChariesTTownsebcl,;:1 ? ;C Extract from Ihe. same speech of r- M r. fi or ke on Amcricah ' tata (ion La Speech of Mr. v Burke to j the lectbi-s. o(: Bribtol ptk heiog dtl- ly ejetedV "1 l Speech of Db- Do; oq r the ; right y 6t instructing representattves Speech of Lord'vChalham"oiiht c w motioo;to rem ve the trpbps from Boston "?.,J t";-v A Speech of Lord Camden oaecc onaincr the-motion . 3 r - ppeecn orpir. cunte on.Amerp - cab affairs 1775 ,7 :. SpeeclrjofDo ba cbnctltatiotj with Speech of Marquis of Granby on American affairs Speech of, Lord EffinghsmV oa re- ; signing his commission ," ; Speech oi Lord , Chatham ":- on an address' to the king .' '; r : v..v t Speech of Do' on Dof 1777 : Speech of 'Do' on a motion to ad journ the house t f Vs Speech of Do 00 his tnbtiou for an amendment to the address . 5t Speech 6f Do on the employment U'- , nl pqu:.,..;ut.u .r 1 riJW w w r" - "PJ S I Aeanh ODtoleration . . - - The Defence of Eugene lAruin, , tj-s-i' rj i,- v c ? r3!";? ' .with an "Asthma V: r. "r-m""- ;"ppcccat mr. jtr.freW. - Ato'At er Pxh tt William Ktt'W Jco; - OOroical' reform Fo, -on therlsur.- CorhwaTHs Ourkeoa the right Fox om'MivAGrey '9 motionfbr a reform m parliament '-, rt Extract j from a: speech' - of Mri ; . fleaufpyonesViaWaX' Extract from 'i1i-:6UMr?y&a on do' , Extract from a do of do on the affairs 'of; Ireland V-" "Vt ' " Extract from do of M. Burke" on Mr. Fox's "India bill v i Mr. Burke's eufogiuni v on Mr. ' Fok s ; .r;;-v-; Introduction to a speech ,Vf Mr ' r ox on inc government ot in dla' 1 H . . . .v-. -,-. Extract' front a ..speech of Mi h Burke on the nabob of ,Arc6tt s debts ? -Extract from do of Mr ' Grattan bri some commercial proposi'. - tibos;" ; - v- . ;; Speech of Lord Erskioe on xm) elty to animals f - Extract from.; Mr., Ohcridan speech on the trial Warren Uup ndsuDgs . Mr Burke's eulogium on MrV Sheridan's speech s , . I Extract from , a speech, of Mr, ; Grattan concerning tythes 7 Speech of Mr. Curran in -the I. vrish, parliament on pensions Extract from a speech , of Mr. . Erskine on the trial of Mr. aine f . .;; -, ..t r.. The petition of , the wijFe : of AU mas Ali Cawn to Warren Has ratings ' y;r Mr. Erskioe on the ilberty of the Press, ; , t;C j Mr.. Curran on Sdo on Klr.vRov . ans trial , ' - ;': ' ;V Extract from a .speech of - Mr. i jCurran on the trial uf ; Massey vs. - xi eadfort' ' . vv;;; '' v Qondusion of Mr. ErsVine's adclress to the jury on the trial pfAIr. Hardy; : Xtr. Fox's eulogium on Gen. Washington Mr.', Sheridan on the death of Mr Pox, Extract from. Mr. .Curran's speechni the case of Justice Johnson r;k 1'. y Speeeh of Mr, Grattan on the Catholic questionj.vH; W-, pTX;J.Csp-;, i- pr, JJodd'i; address to the court ! before :, receiving fientence of death ; Speech of &Jr, Hdrhe, 00 thef trial of Mr f Barbot; Ibrkilling Ut: Mills in! a duel Speech of Mr.tNoJahd; in" ibe Virginia legislature, on a bsil for the suppression of duelling' ! s ' S Extract from a speech of. Lord Stanhope s r on neutral rights "''.''o; ;-; : ;. Extract from ;dq of governor Llyingston to Uie, council and assembly of New Jerseys f ' . r Oration of Boberti Eramett to ' his : Judge. 'tvoeiorr'receinng'ine sentence or aeata Speech of Jacoo Henry in the N. Carolina j Legislature, "on amotion to; expel him, ; be being-a Jew 1 ' .-r fu ? k General' Washington to CongreSsJ on ac'- eepting his commwsion . Do: to his troops before the battle of Long Do. to do before attacking the Hessians at Trelstoh Do general orders to the army '. ,1, - Gen: AVa'shington's circular to the Cover -T nor of the states 1 V v General 1 Washington's! Spec th v to the ar- r 1 1 -xay in consequence of an anonymous Speech of Geii; Washington to' the tresi- deniof Congrcfs on resigning"-his coin-5 - mission i 4 Answer of the President! "congress to the fofegoingV'i. -, T ; ; . -j Farew j address of Gen. Washington to ' the army t't "- v :'i L army r , '1 -'m . .:; 1 Cpeech of-: the Mayor of AleirndrU to ; Genej-al Washington on , his leaving home to enter on tb presidency r j Gen. Washmn's "Answer; dU:fore.r inv : - , . r 1 f." . i' - third Congress: irp3 f ' - .,JaeU that, cpae here return m baU n President VashingtonV (xreweUr tddrcssj YC orUnited the States, . pen. rjarshajl'.ospin Congress, ta houncmg the death pf Washington . 1 Extract from Utxu IL Lee's funeial era- J i InAaVtitfll eneecfiof Prcaifknt Madison ; v: .u Inaugural' speech of Prciii?nt. MonroV " s " i Lxtrapt from a speech ot Inhcr .'Attics cq. .. the British trtsl v J -1 - ' ? : s " : " extract ircma sptecuioi .ir.v in on inn4 .trial of Aaron Uurr :: o ' -- ' :" 1 'J ' apeccn otuarnoi m ine. rcncn jugvsia f ture on UieraoUort to ma.k3. Jionaparto. ."!'$- Emperor 7 v . x - - a ' . 1 i JV-- speech ot Mr. t'niinps a yrursr inm law K . j r yer'at.a dinner given to Mr Payne, k& 1 - - .American gentleman . AT " ,S' ' An Indian chief to English cornmisaionc fVl - j v Speech or Logan, a Blmgo chief to the President ol the United Sutcs o: Speech .of the same jto the same . -r Speech of Farmer's Brother m a "rubify : .Council alLGenesee Kiver t'Ml speech of Ked Jacket ; to ; a missionary " from tho'ctat rf MiStriiip - ppeecn ot Keu Jactet to aanissionary iroxj j : the stated of Ke fr-York ;4. Speech of an ladian chief o the, Provir? Ve4l Congress of Kcw England ; ; . ' J f Speech of the chiefs of the Seneca naiida -N Speech, of Bed jacket St a council at Buf. 1 . falo Creek : v f.v;;yf'ii- :t.-'' r' v Speech of Red Jacket to the peoViJe of C-.,- r nandaigua - . ,rv V;' f . . ;V. 'grave'Blaek Buffalo t-r; r T. t ; 33 The above books can be had at tli ' Newberfi Bdok-Store; - .: Pry . v'Btatef'N'orttedaroUna:- SepTermAkl8ir.a ,; Andrew Uichardson Oriwal attack jmenr?. Levied. uaruner-vpuas.-j rv. ;y . :- a, 'fapF8rtSS& that ,ofv$tts fre Atharublicatipibe ninety jdaysintbt tal Refmblkafyfiiri unicsXthetde fendautappfeara V Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be :x hpdeu rthe Cpuntbf dravtt)f . at. the C0srt-lt9gse-.it) r NcWbern pn the second Monday in De ccm ber ext, and replevy xt plead to ,t issue, jndfement will be 'entered f ' IU UC1CUU4UI 1 HOI lUddUl. against Jitni. y ";: : - Attest. . James &, Stinlyv C. O.- ; Sept. Stkte ofNorth.CarbUnci Craven Count v y r Court of Pleas and Quarter Session ' . , Sept. Term A, D,. l8lV. . , Dewey V Judd. ' ; Original atta'ttt . vsi V ment levied &t. EliiurrWood . v . , , IT appearing to Uie ; Court; thst the defendant is not an inhabi . tant of this State, ordered there ; fore that publication be madcj ninety davs m the par olfta tal Mefnbltcan that unless the de fendan appeaytli Cburroft Pleas and Quarter Sessions, tp bn ; holden for the Countyof -Craven, atfieburt-pouse in jNeberni;; onthejecond Monayjipecem j ber,ne;s p6"--j issue, j udgment will be cbtered tit , against him. - ; v , r , gfThc liaryest in England Jis repi resenteel to be very promising npt- j Withstandmgjcoqsiderable damaco i Wasantifcipated s frdm ; the great auahtitv of, rain that "had falTrnl-: Advices from all parti of thedjnpC L j 1 try, are leitremely iavorablehtofc - 1 the crops. .'Vi-vwr-'.j ..-;V.l;.-y-" ? :Yhe London. ministerial papers contajn paragraphs- advocating the -O-' ! propriety,-and -even necessity, f : N i uit mvcutitutc ui v.( liriiaiQt la v favor of.Spain against ? het ( colo , nies in South America , I and. it fi, even cientioned '.that an-engage-; " ment to that effect has been cntcry v ed into betiycen the two pnwert. 7 We this dajr give;as, many ex- tracts avouraime and limits will v permit,' from papers ".receive at the Merchants' Coffee House. Extract of a letter f row iYilViah ; Af,.-Jr-L p-w - . ..'n ' S 47"- Moue this Ltty dated. - i t . v ; London A ttf- bV ' f - 2 ?aaWt ! r -1 , There are he rUt. -Mnm ft i last, ,or nearly sd The prodded ' Cxqta nenerallv! Euror ; h- , . tn'Z x . -o x . ivu..uc 13 , , : - . no w 45 a 50s per bbU shundant 1 yS ! t - ' j 1 1 -i : : 1 1 4 )'l'' ,1 1 4 . -1 i p. V 5 i i 4 i-f -1 si . v h 9 . a at K . V 1- i Wepuely r heted." .- r; on frequent erccuuoas - - lion on Ww!jatca death i l. -