, ' - - t. . - t r ' , v . , - - - - 4 - . - - : .-- - - -"" -, - " - , . - . - - ,- If "V- Iv I'll , . ; v - . ;. .-. ,.S:r:,.to rdMfiJldirro :,-, ; ; .The petition of dMLif. ...6f Al. -Coat,,vfctP8n4platKf buttoa Wrphncv, .; f . : , JSMtort W annumf pay oblkhalf -Krt fS?i Shoel&VBuichSvV:",,' .O.ri.W.t r $?. ; I , v - ;wcA inktrtion after r : thc rcnsal of the Port duties I fitr&fctfrrti AuX2miu ;r tmL Speech of Lord Chathaqi on: tHe I vCurWon;thi jri f.oT M&sbcV 2 n 0 1 h ertbist ordered: & i i. . i ji : .. . 1 Hfewbern Prices Current: CORRECTED, WEEKLY f , r ; 'From TP 1 X Uacoil'V). ' . Butler, i .Kees-WalE- ' Jtrandy, Prench. , do. Apple1, ?" Corn; Meal, f Cotton 4 Coflee," ; . . . - Co;d,age ' ' riour, - . Flax-Seed -- do. Holland io. Country ton Timber, J Sine Scantling Piank. r ' jBqiiare Timber, do; H. O. do.v :.- do. W..O. bbl.'- - Heading, W. O. hhd. Lam, . . Molasses, Jlosin. -' TurpCntints. , ' , do. Spirits, , rorK, ttiee, non . Bum, Jamaica . do. AV.l. r -do American Walt-Allum admiDbtfatiun. arid character of Chattel TownsentI :? 7-.. T ' Extract From the jsame- speecH i of , none . v , v-, 60 'i 65. A- Jbush. ' 60t ;' 1 ' ' ! ; ' ,70 r . - . ; : : 25 . - - 12 . 14-." bhi: 9 10 , ? - uusn. - ou . n - - 1 A ! 8- 10 bbi.l i sol O" v I i f - wwl 'i r.. 1 IS 19- I . re- -r-..ri - i " i . i - 1 So r. gal. - 301 gAl. lv 25 v fPfMr.-Horncon the trial ofMr Barbot, forkilling- Mr: fills in auel Speiech ot. Mr, ;NolaudjR the Tirginia Miw'.iiwi..mq.Wiiiauccca'?OI nngBianu-c, on aotu ior t&e ftuppression MiCBurke on Amea:;' 7 ' . Speech of Mr, vBnrl-e : ti. .r Extrf.hfrrtm:p-: ' lectors of Bristol OQ beior "da- Vythe council and assembly -of Xew Iv elected ' r-J 4 . i, ?.J.?-- r f f Jf?;. : --iv- Speechof Do; Do. qnvxhi 4igKt oi idstructiorr rcDresentfttivr r. Sbeech of- JLord Ghatham on ' his motion tq remove the troops SpeecK of :'X.ord Camden oasec- ending the motion c . v . Speech of Mr.r Burke on -Ameri- u a n A - " wm mm mm i 1 1.. Specch( Dq'oQaciliatioWwith America -ft -''. - opeecn ot marquis ot Granby 6p , V. American affairs V; V : . :,; Speech pf:Lord Effingham on re- nis commission - '' Speech of Lord Chatham on an v auoress to tne kiog . 1 . , : Speech orDo on Do; 1777 Vi Speech of Do on motion to d ' journ the house " ; Speech of Do on histnotion for nn aiijcnamertt.to thedafess v Speech ol' Dp on the - employment; of Indians airaiost Amrn - ' Speech, of -Dr. Shfpicy, bishop of - .jioupuuu toicrauon .s ." The ;Defence of Eugene. Arum, on his trial for murder Specclrof tit WilluMcKditb 18 1 zT on Kequcnt execution3;- r Extract of a speech of 1VIr. JJurke ' --r ""lrr - - rar' J ' Extractfrom a do of do to the rouRTir EDITION tTpst JPuMisiicd 'For Sale ;or deb ;6::i .( ' .By- ; :.r- rVxtrat from do on penal -statues " ' ' " behA the Posi-Oftce - V' P" - t Viiluia. PlUt a ct6- yer, at a dmner gliren to Mr! Payne, a wow inci osi-vtfce nomical refdrm ' - . " American enUemaq. i v; "V THE Speech ofMrv Fox on the 'arrival cl??? to?" cotnsfonerr Oratujn of R6 ;Kra-nitt to his iJs'eV - --"v.v.MHu me scnience or aeatn Speech of Jacob Uenrjr.iiV.tlie N.CaroJiha legislature, on amotion to 'exptl .bim. e?(i,, 4)V'ashingon, tolCongress. on ac ceptmff hia commission r . "Do: to his troojis before th DaW of Lonr ' ;Wand ' . fv;; ,. K ,1 Dq to do fo attaching' the ire8stans:at iXrenton ..- J- .. . . " Do general o'rdrMa UiearmyTj ,:!v-'V1 Gen: WashingtonVclrcuIaVto'the Govcf -, nor of th states --J - V ' V - XV General Vashingtons speech to' the aN my in :oneqaence of an1, anonymous , pubUcatjon ; v -; : xi ; : : t v , gton to the;?re dent of Congress tan .resigning hicom: -mission . . - Answer of the -PrMu1tTnf !Lj ? "tlie4ioregoing" - - "'f . '-, rarevc aaaresa o? Uen. Washington to tlie army v? (t:,T.l .4.-- : . . speech of the Mayor of Aleiandrur.to General , Washington 6n his leaving . home to enter oq the presidency ; Gen. Washinglon. Answer to theibre- Fresulent .Washington's ! speech' to, the Resident ,Washinrton'sT peech"to the third Congress, lf95. 4' , , - - - President Washington's farewell address to the Deonle of KTnUA tK"i Gen. Marshall's ;speech in ConCTess, an Extract from tien. H f J. i - Hon on JVashingtpn's death V ? Inaugursi speech of President Adanir -Inaugural speech of President JeiTersonT": Inaiiornr! snwuK nrw,.::i v " o --r-" w rcameni laaison InauiFural soeech nf Pp;Unfc ! '??Hir?5,.a Peech f fisher Amea om the liritish trearV . - f v Extract from a speech of Mr. Wirt oh tta Amutl Hill it .. i -.v i:1". n Speech of Carnot in thi; j French I Legisli - AW sua&v xj on apart Speech of kr. Phillips a young- Irish law Stocl.RiDg and KnqJ Locks,. V CubbbariandhesCditto. :zj2 Butts and acreWi.-'efiii Ktaors, Scissarsi MilL CmitV g ajd itt sW files, ; Shovel and ryro-t-: vsca ana VVeedinp?HoeSDadek ft aft ?yipg ,Pans, Wafle' .Irons : i.' Dratyinor Kntir r Mill, Croscut add Handsaw SvPott' Skilled ISpi: ders',-DnteR, Ovem iffr. Idndon Guns from JJa to , C50,4 fans trom 3d tOXOdr v v - dc Shota ssorted siae and -.-f Eliiur W" ' tl?P?S Courtthr j j. uc aeieoaant is cotan iohabi-'''-" r- ' 1 .ninety" davg in the 'CarathM' t?si " . ramcpubliccri, that nhjess the dev r f f end?nt ppear t - the Court 6f s ' oldeDYorthi County 6r " Crivetf, ; U v , rwv" v"xauusi: zn x ewoernV "i :r . on the kecrmd lnVf t "ri Jl w H her next, and-plevy br; pleadpv ; v( v wu u" entered uri. !" against him -''-S ; -; , ;l Tennriffe; 'SieiJyJedeini and fc w 5yjmes,u; , ; French Brandy;, Hollaed .Gin; Rum. SucarV- 'Coffee. MnU THl3vSUT3SCBiBER FIBERS for sale: by the lot a vcocsignment of ready niade coaming, consisting ot- . V Devonshire Great Coats, : ditto -Pea Jackets, . Goatingeat Coatsi" " - Drab Pea Jackets , , BluetwiirdA;do; - V Drab -Monkey; do. t Uori Skin Pea coats, Do. MonlfV Torlrt : Lighi 4rab Frock coats. All of which Will be found in Vol ced at redaced prices J ! f- JarvisJJ. Buxtoiu Jfcxuhern Oct. tst 1817." i ; 'alfeir Up 7 liUST oit it is f ; a i ii j. aoju, ayaoie to mcjor fifty dollars, dated, fan: i.: 1 tf r due;uiy -4thl817.; All zrsptii V I are hereby, forwarned from it&:f V f diogfbrsaidknote r, JV ,V ,J - 'I ' . . - . i rL - l : 'ioioGran.aMinp-arhfPfL - 4-V. Forensic Eloquence. ., ren?cr'ot J-ord ?Qrn wallis ! I Speech of Farmer's. Brother in a Piibiic 4 r Tj..,- 1 1 fct-I , . i"-.1 - o Speiech of Mr. Burke on the Hfrhtr ?ouilat GneeiBiver ' r. lPanes m the JCfnitecT Stated , Snlh nf?t; p w r .... , CONnCENTS -v motion for parliamenkry re-1-.Ues ; Charles V. to his son Philip,Are- Extract from the-speech fMr, ?Pc?ch oftlie-Big:;ifsMafinirfbw . -signing to him his vast doming Foon Miv OreyVmqtioo f9r .;?k?ffto;v,' v ., iorii. - ' ! . r ? . v r a reformin paHiament rtytl 'l- -v v . t? r- v 7 . : - - l-tfewbern Book-Store. V' : ; Queen , Elizabeth ,to,her.: Army Extract from a prh . rf yr oiore. .-. . :. , , ; - - c: Earl of Stafford before the. - i on do 4-A : t VV : rtW ?triWAW? t, , bprech.of Ralia to. the Peruvians affairs 6f Ireland ;fV ' Vc York I WMr ili 5 ihe .duration pt Paliaments - u l on lWr. FoiV" India biUirr x A CW -1? -: m$&m?Mi f . '-,;rCffie , - - - . . , Bwktf on" the nabob oAVcbttV Double milled drabl ' f - fefCof ultepy ooViUni Z Lion SkinC- ' fV: & .M : Ipn ':?" 8Ql??1. Pgp,u Rose nnd siripedkntets- j.-, -Vtbe;Ki?E;eouneil-: 7.;- 'Speech of lord ' Erskine bo crujBoiabasettst GiB-h-s callieL--' y ; -..:,; tra'. "!t:aCT?b": for , v "Peh a:'i6 trul c Warren polld, I, JuU IL canbrisi, .. r. -ypeech of Lord !aua on anfCstct.fron o. speecbrof . Mr, tins , Wonted aadcof-n He- " fefS2-'1 " " E & speech of nir. Cottba end Imitation Stewb, V- V'.r-C, - ' ' - -..T"' . -" ' " s -'r f4 - . -1 .1 ,. . AND - . Tail on the lthnifr ! f 1 U ? Iatto negro man, : 1 wno cans mt name f V ' JOHNSON, J is five feet seven inch ises nign, stout built I is has lost ; a piece off tbe under part of the left : earrhas a" black mark bti the outside of the left Mr 4ust www wic. aucc, suiic ianrsa or the whip on the back is about 5 rears Of acr. smd savfir thst h h. longs to- George ; Lane More of owner is requested to ; come for Ward, prove property, pay charges and take said Negro away.' ; , : Tho'K CMasters "fiSVii Newbcrh QcU 25tit f 817 i is NOTitSE: fHE;Snbscriber-having lately JL built a Warebonsa ron the wharfwhere ; he'now ;v lives will receive prain-and ' all otfuMM irifirli of. Country Produce on Storacrkop J5H UI4 yoiUUUSSlOa- - Op teS reasonable termi lis canine bb iainedj inTthW place.;? Likewise ;he Hfi on nana 10 sciior c&n 14UU irood Sucar. antf Ik" few''- fThr! of JVf classes V ' " Inciase-Braaley Newbern?:Oct, 1 6th 6n. 60 the WtbAnnual Coriferenceol the people called !T uSiZ.t ,of - . - TVMUati.C10N-J; ly 300 Preacheri; from alS - on"n,i0M.niWty. preVailed i monst them anrf ku-M Uu , .. - satisfaction to' find urv..- . t U hadffeneral 1 i Vfu5 tif.-I " i.v i.r --rcr?a w their iiesoth;aj home and , : ' broad. wThirtysir- vdbno- -s ' 4 i having finished th.y3. m5: tA touyearsf weref received MnfuII conneiion.. .The h . ' ! number of meni in th : Jl " ,';t ir ' Hnic - or iite.poasessrair ymi;-Xt. r - v . vent aeaL art SSSLf c lert f f7intl solemn lyset.BDsrt for rh - ?Vh Johh : Gsulteri I -with hia usual 'i:.: f l P despatched -the .,.1 - , r-..uv.Sj yuica - ' ftUCTT Tirnm!tJf- J . .... , V - c ' tvus naa t oad done : r' foliowingday, the teachers wh6- V were nresffnt. - - tate of NoqaroUaajl Coiirt: of Pleas and Quarter Sesjica," Andrew. Richardson "V Oririnal sltach feardnenCiiMa -; A :; v i?Tappesrtngta the : Courts that the defendant is notsn inhabi tbat: cf : this SU?9 ordered there fore ; that ':suhlie-tfn mvU ninety days in the fiat-blind Fjeds ralRepiihUcdnyt cle fendant eppaar nt the Court of Fleaa end Puarter SessSdns. h holdaa for the County i of Craven, l.2 e.czrtriGU in: iierrm. oa.thececasd r.Icndiv ini Der;"-rr oar pes:, c J replevy or plaid to up cn-tthira,;"-:- thren. The ev durinirthe whn i5f!rilt- jUi; terence, , were attended by crowd: ed conmgaticandthe nower uu inpressiya Sermona wbicS ; l ft 7 devotiotiiand elevated the: soul td nblcasadparticipation of. thosa : pleasures which sir izu- "ua . hacd for evercsore; - Eight addU i r I tional Xtli3st6nari en rr.' tr. A. k v 1 th;East-InrJieaf Ceylon; :ir :rZ : dia,- end other partsof th Vorl3 i the kensu Tngyean : ; ' r -:if! ? VrThenutnbeE :otr?.TWsWflft i ll - rreacners is csTallotrn i Scotland i' : -t 4 -t Ireland, .-r vT ? o:; We orJMaa''' ': ' OaFbreip:r.Iiss!b33triAsi3i :. Vlr . West-Indicay 4 i ,"X V f . , if . . v : 4s 7. fcecntarcd ilesidas'.Capa: iumcrarlaa- t -rr iTfca tdtd taaafcarcf -acpibcr'a ,ia Grcai Bn,v : ;; ' -, 1 Urn is -.i v.', . i'V-'-I.C:'- -tn tha We.IhdL-: ifoi ' :": . - er ali-'-'-v-v - 1 1 t, H 4 v. ; . S rJMT