5T - f . .. . . . 1"' i s ,V6l,.: IXI'Vi fo"7W -, gTJiiSina!':STi ' ' ' ' C" " i'irinmiiiiiiiiiiinw nVn n imtm'mmf,fuu 111 immw Mi .rittnmii.-,,.-. j ', 1 mwilmii m'll L.iWi 111) i ,1 .ii nr mitWiUtWtM , .. - ;'. . ---i CONDITIONS 1 ' VV DEitALf UEPUiii lxrda; 'Ait S. HALLy:w r&blcribcn.-wiW sell, or v&-;Mva?;for iwrdort: threes vars Iyl-lpu54nnti lUlfa' JLot ct grgund i)ol!drs per a:inumy payable fialf r -' Sills! L -V"; ! - M i iCraveri County v ?! V-,1 ;,:;.;rtrfi;: -ij Tlrese PHla" ive instant Y te V In U Court' of Tlcas and Q I after Session,' iTTff &-Af AY from tllS Slib Coughs, . Colds, ' CoftsuTription; vAsthtiia n SeptTerm. A.:Dnl&l7J jm M ;! ' U 5fr;i S i K WbefcL'inBiaifBcttlty-dftbrcathifaff.tjB- s hUfce erest: am in tue suie pu- , .y . mfcnt JLcvklcI jstohti-Creek.- 'Du'nim vQUiUv2r6u I r of blood; chilli at.d? ' shirer.h gj Gardritr Cliildi ' 5lJ ' ZTlt 1 -. Ill ! I! ! . 'ncitcfy at 50 cents pert square 'Xfprhe first insertion, and 25 for - Ati Advertisements will b'e con mhued uiitjl otherwise 6rdered;ty aca continuance charged r. . !: ; t- jjP .'No; Paper will lie 'dis'con? JftatiX'i unttl all arrearages ars . I ." .... . - - - ;: XORRECTUWfct.3Ctr. r : .,. . ; ffacon Jucter,': .. 20 2 '50 r 60 1' r:rv. - ' If rand vi Trench pal do. Apple, ? do fvatii. rlUSb. 31cai; I2i" 0 110 "- i I bbl. 80' "do. Holland 2 ' '.'do.' doiintry TonTimbci ". ,1 23 'V ;r 1 1 r 1 . Souare Timber, a..,.; f ' - Vio. W. O. bbl. Utd, - lb-- 20 - gal. : bbL ,1. -20, '1 '6L ?,'.$ J '2 A v 1 t 8u turpentine,' - - - i, bbl. ilo. t -flpiritf ; ; "V ? 1 4 20, ' ': ' i 1 ; '-t' ; - T iVTm; Jamaica" ' 1 ll Jp do mrcun'; J.ljfi ' - t-: " 4 It 70 75 80 -T5 . 'tobacco t fi Wt 6 - v justly' en itemed aii AfeAry approved . iv.SIBDlCaNES"' Prepared I by . ,y. tT. Cop way,. N. I, " ltim'.lt!on'Piace, Commoivstreet, . v t 1 Boston , j , ;. 6'lrc. fotlcWing1 rrspeetable testimonial , itiav seW to prove the surprisiug- .and .singular tmcacy 01 .f KT 'D'RelfU:fiotanical:Drop9 ro$ Ulcers, Vehtfreal-1 amti - when Mercury WiuiMd, are the ,best Spring and Au. ;tr.n-l iil";r..? and mav .be trivetltO chil drenlvith f'erfec.safety. Price, S irr1 Ask foVT?lr- HelfV botanical Drops" Observe1 :tnat none are. Rcnu ir.e unless Si giipriijliC !tfi-d$iri,.aVl3- - 'i..A. irjf' r.;'.,i.i.-..l te, had tried,' every, Jtedicine in .vain, .was resiffnei as past relief, .Avhen to uie of tuuUt v l(r.' 7 Ui ""y:-" "! ".7 r Vir : Sooci . ne, . uosum,3 was ;j years , a icted ('Uh 5 holes j "tbrough-jUis"ibot Fftiyr ivy) jhai liis.fo9t ; opened jwice ind the bdne scrad by aivewvm sur: von :;iit Tletll rIgndWaspjt" reAief death ,.sjMy expected, - wlicn to, tae as Hpnishmtn of eyery, onei on -taking "these. '-)nU;" ii diys hift Jieajlth was' rstoVed; tt pieces jof .bone cattje'iway (us ripdt jeuled, nauer.f?m4 yeafs Hi .crutch fs is now runrjing about free 'irom iarnd csa A - - . ' , ; . .:, :J , .AFFIDAVIT1 r : tSQlamcar t BntterJel4t 70f A Chesterfield, "v-rtaketh othj a'ndaith, ;. that b'ts son Ol iver 3 yeari . afflicted wifl.";erubtions :in 3ua leers and diflertht harts 'if his,;. bodv. v ' vrhcit after .trying all other ; medicines m , Win, was. flijrjwl by 3 botU if DV.l; Reir ;: Jiotaniea I !Drops alone; without the 7 assis - . tance of any Otifer medicine ;7. 7 ' - s a sici)cd :SOL.' ftuXT ERFX ELD x 1 Phrthora BUik: of .Xebanatf . Cotintv Windham, Con', de hereby pertffiV .that 1 ; iras fprla jcoiifldsra bleam'cted tw'M frWH s&afuloVi. wjer.hvW84riett' almost . r)'.01? yaifi,.ndthe Srlvice.pf the most able physicians: liad' recourse to taneouely relieved: - - ; . s 7 t? Ii ' 1 " rf- VHC.'LXVmZK, tin,, c pr-c ' td aitimes witii great aiuwiwj l V r - - - -cl ' m -M in, ana wnouy mcanaoie oi yuiiics9 a- : - r-'-ItL6ii? "17 1 ; -'r ter hVvin tried all-oiher mcaiciius in yam r 7 i v rlHQne - .l-'t, vras. cured and hir iiealtirpenscuy rtsro? . x t nr. Ht If is rezetauie 8P T ir AS iast 'received a large as I : Ul CIJIC. - ; . e r7! s'nrtment oPthbsc These drops afc a,Tauicai cuiti ior ,VcurcV, iicrofula, St.. Anthony's, Fire rsv. ' Pimnlrd - Faces, '5ove Legs, curptise 01 every one, was .cureu )vg Uese D ops.-, r . - 7 , f . C0'r' &Ml lPuict at ' the veqitcst ifif,MrwQrd,.ii?utinjc if,: t.ned PLYTHOItA, CLIS . ri ' V V y . -vff vwuuy, araurs, ad wtl espericttcc relief equally agicc . 0..,...,? K?rf 1. A H.TPfitlTf1 VTO-F! 5 J able lunf Kelt tain signed W.nVCoiiWy,? none -oVher atfc genuine ! ' rs iO n4ff4 ,; r , . f ' H r'A UeiitlemitxoJ(Uhariestowni Was years surprffee. ot everr onc, j m tafcing .ohlyr. 2 . ' .. . ..- i i i.t . t OajLesot tbesc.puu m Jieaun was ,cr i.r.tlv ft-sTnrrri. ... ' : '. i rt 4J.m .tit :.ui itanover.vas y years ajiicw ,oi, wuu, icd bv2 boxes otthese pdis-;.. UV.y .t raeir Green-S'trtJv1 ti&tqn; was 3 'ycafa afflicted with 'Cfcnsjimption, Lad tried 'a most every medic inejnJi iiwdical asst I twice : widiout relief, . .he.rsiirai past relief, not able to sit up, m'utli lelnt Iiaied by Tvaiit ot sleep; perpeiurui paipiw tioiis and pain in the side, she, tiad redout-s to the. surprise of every. tnei',Ue W'aa j4 ctr M'tprt hr.itht 'U'iUi-i r " I -t'-ti ill " . .: --- 4ir, Air,. ;i , ror, , luieuiuuiibiu, ui uises, " IJlTlulbhins, Kumbness; stiffness in the :i lomis. olc. j"inc rcnei is 4niuteu..c II IV . I - . . .. iM . - " - I . . I Lf...tt i1 1 pure irequenuy xi 4 nours ; aiii.fiVs Cas manv veai'J anicted uith J "violent rheumatism, and as' lx& advance'd irvears ' and irtatantaiieoUA, 'eveu- wnen me-- ni owtc, umcrcu mcic j- -'v' v v j -1 arc e Cted A lor lore Mnat- pubheaon he-tndc nnnirVuL SO er 19 Pill. r,i.itntlv effects a elite "Y " ,! "7v- "-.5.- G leeit4f Qt AlOCiie iHiKn,n 1 the .outsUie:pnoll'rsppcr! twwi,-iii.unira ne ac-. dodinleinni -thlcfc e severely : . amictea un s an . asiu f , and fa the 'Usf'wx tnoatlii nis atilwas tl ulv exfecier, :wicn tar, uie 1 :- 7 A I at. times yasvhoily. iticapacttatcid forbu--, jismess, ubeiihrougluecoramendatinn, at- t.t. r.uinir -ill'Arhfi rl irl ipilipl !n Vain" WM 4jcured by using' only "v one. bottle of this now,thrte years since-he was consfdtred incurable ! This is published rat his re'r A Br. EeWs Aromatic nils. I ' l?or' niic olisln ic t i nns Uc and arc j ejcmiiii conducive 1 tohe w health Of mar- I ried ladies unless when pregnant; av which j time they must. not, be taken. . -hBr.RelfeAnlibimiis Fills ,ror inajgesiion,iuss ui , jjjcu., Lt'stlessnessr ' Head " Acbe;l Costliness Flatulence; ? Chdlic; ddlious Affections lor Sick X Head Achr- Bdlidus Allections : iiDani fries' Ointment. t 'A 'certain j safe and expeditious cure for 'the Itch, , ho wevtr-i inveterate, in ' an l)ours application, .may be used; by. the most delicate pregnant lenlale, or on chil dren at the breast,-0jf Ntfi danger from Ukinjr cold".? i&j' Askr for,1 1 " - Dumfries Ointment,? none - are genuine unless sign ed MV. T. Conway,' as -tyoty value healtlv observe the sitrnatnre." ' ; " ; Dumfries Lotion tJ:Jv I V A; cure for jLbe ltclv without smelU.-v British Antiseptic DentU frice. . " -Tbe Toth Ache" is nOt'only prevented by the Dentifrice' but renders discoloured removes the ause of tatter ariAinfr. from, xiecaved teetli ause of fatter ari&ingj'rpnijjdecaved teeth imparts to the cruVhs the ; emorescence of health, and to the breath 'the :'most delec table sweetness'' v r - , 1 ' ' -03 ilbioriCorn Flctis- This Plaister Afford instant relief, at the same time it dissolves1 and 'draws thocorn out bv the root, ""without the -jetfst pain.', I Cambrian Tooth-Ache Tills.? 5 , .. ' ......... .. . ;- , ; JTJjese.Pillaufiroi'd inlmed late relief with tr'&'J)riHunler'isCerdtejiK ForUhe PreVntlbn arid Cure of the Vene - re:d Disease, however inveterate in all its vwioust stagesandevenwhen Alcrcury ue health pbsefvc thisiii out the least injury to the Teeth. , .. ", : Dr. 'Jtiinter's Fills. J)v'r HnnierlsJCt has"; failed--tuii directions,; and descnp-1 Uon of symptoifls, so that any one may S , l:racviusf . V ices ZXHl cure theiw (jQrafe?y ttammers." f. Vv " '. v.f V dallura 1 necomfiartT each Parr.lrpr ?T-r' 4 t 1 Ttr j: Jl. if 17-7 o. 6 4 i ? t' but those d"' :vr.- Tv'ConwA. T08 ' WaSe ,Iron5 t .. .. 6uVaIce health blisen;e7tlhesiraature. " 1 Drawing KoiVCS,. CurryjCorhbs. j .ne wuoic o, "-e aDoye iieaicine9areuiuvu?oscut;and Wandfiawj. pecuuuy solicits air tnose , prepared android w&olesale. by the sole iCAVK.v"rXK VYmS l are mdehtrfHr. htffi tA 11 ri We.tranibn Boston, and t' cIcrs.VD'utch, ' , Ovens,;; Iron, settle their .accounts .before,' retaueaby w. fecCiataleiglV Hil, War-r JUOnaon UunA Jrom 138 tO'U50JuPP?riurcrB3 in justice tp iiis V -uruii" ' "uaaeipius ij0t jNaus trom 3a to LOdr'T" ; : ; alters ne , thi . oe Poer; Shbt artccl aiicf raost'othelr) -Buck, a . i, . Uhe hds. of ca Attorney for col- ! IViMastei;.uirdughnitJUje u "States, iTcbnerilTe, Sicify,' ; Madeira- Action,. those who tlo not call on i?? CiiJ xjJorOirvary H .Colmnar WvuesV . -,t y - Urt, before that! date. -will find -mSlKtt0 pudyJlM Potcaind Recounts, lodged Ie$sThed: W.T Conway; ai von vai-1 Rum; Sugar. ' CoUee Aloiatici.-1 w the,haads!.of : Joho Stanlv Esc. and enuai- appear ,35 .rfOtt hijtpana'betewaeftftodeKl wwnwfctiVWatj;:I81.-..; :P.ea8aftff,tiUJi'tfcrfSe3Bioti6V'to He; Wore awava'tarnbtia'' hat. a,.varWr1Uai'i?3Ji1:r'a.kj: r.. ! holflen' 'fr'th';. Co.,ir of Craven-. Jiompun juefcet and a oev,eair JF ' 'MlMiUZ MttiiVAUtf issueoudgment will be" entered ,Df ageApwads. of '1itM 'frff9 P 7t , ! .., I :T-..i 3fir - r, ' . .."-f7r Tr"vr;?rj . Fedl "rTf-r hr"- i uicooun 01 tfleas and;uartcr! Scmionii. th hpldcc for thcsCountV of uCraVenl rA.,.H :i.: .v;..:.tv 'J on the cecond Alondav in Dcfcrm litrqerv and replevy or:tpkad o iauiadPmcctWilibexDttrcd Uo against rum Attest. .f 'k, ti J James G: Bthnlv: v Cfj r Sept 2ri 1817; JfiTTV-tiriiu'r 7. in e n t o f, Z)ry - j?o wfo ; Gri( criw, selected mostly ior Ihe Fine and .Supei fine cloths- and Cjstmeres; Vesting - - - ' Double milied drabs, , , ; Lion Skins, ' ir,i f ! Tivilled BatH Coating iflannclsi Rose and striped Blankets,. 1 tU Fashionable colr.red Pdiss cloihs BornbazettsV Qtnghams, callicoes, FurDitureXaUicoc8fpimitys!i'' Linen and Cotton ShirtiDgsbtowB Holland, Mull muli,Vcambrick ; anijt Jackonet muslins,. U. .: h ? Linn in Cam bricks; India muslins Diapers, "Lutstrings and Levan,' 7 -tines Worsted and.cott on Hose Ladies Kid: and Beaver tilo vea.v I Mens Beaver and Angola,-7 ri'i" ! Linen and cpttqn pocket -hhksi:. : Gbtcon, an d I m: tatiop - iSha wis, f Kibbops, . blacVndoIpred' velvet bindings; 'fa pesf and Bobbins, -j Coati yestj , jgilt rand plated buttons,7 Bullet dutpn .Needles, , ; i IChivesaj -i j Frorks, t sportsman9? 7 Cutteatj aot penknives, V; it Sfibet TBuchr.ditto J..... ,--)' u Plain! Irons. Chissils, anducets, j'CufiGoarcV and cliest. ditto. c .:V 'j Butts Bnd.screws, chest hinges 3 RaiorsrSciasars. k Mill.-. Crnirni. 7 -p;;,: fiL ' ttl ' I'Tea andXoaf Sugarc, ; . , . t , ; j - t , ptcktt h tow cloth trowserrhejr z ' " ;-; '- both 'tps. Vcfyi J brdkVa 'eogH&h ." a i 1 ...... A T ..... A". - M V . mm m- w i ii ii i. . iritn na I r. v n n wrr - . vv air r v n a i. a. a. vi T appearing the Cri, th'i'' of theCoaptiorl warTTDos. Wrpia,'ion Co&o hpm B-A M StV, rirdered ahtfre Jr'T'V -e.W t0"' HrktaS.lniiswo.Cottnty. ton re,4,hat.poWkation,,be;.m3d Fb.;" Vecentlv'iniported from ? Q alti: 0TS: 'V' V ; ' mn lo',!-. " xt : im- Gardner, . 0rder TnierUcyUr?, more, FhiJadelphia.antijrNeiWj Ueuhen I'Jones' L , ' ' , ' t ' lurk, a Weil selertfrl t nccorr . tVm ft n.nnv P! '' . T - - S cpuntry market-which :he will plain tie fore our s:id court at the seil iow for cash4 ;or count 'rcrriafbfesaid, against thV Vald produce takeo at market pri i defendants; prayingN among oth?V cts. He has , - - . : ? 7 t triihrs that thr ftftir! William Ci:irrli Klar.lr fnninlptmh. slender madd. 7..r-"i . , f ncl one toes on lliS lCtt loot w ov--. . i . seaport town; a&d-try&tfd'get ok? g?t thctivjgijQvanU7allTca&dnaUlt - 7.- . i - - r.i, ru "J A pan lorciucr c . uicni. -s 8$cSs-nd4ll othj cr pcrsQOti ,aren rorwarced trom oqntg,reraproying or tmpj . !ct d?r hc "y;'? ; ;ri!' Efcsler Killbatrick.!!: ;Dupn CouRiy, Nor. 1J181TW - j l iStaite of NortliCirfolihiil ;-r":in t.4uiiy-ciouerJcrKJ,'icA j nv 1 J 1 7 .HKklJ AS the ' CoinpJmnl ; uniuatn njcg ni out 01 com ner may beforever bartd and lorecioscu irorn nts n.quuy 01 re deeming at tracl of land on Bro wlis CreeV in the.; county of : Craven whereon stands ' a mill, purchased, o f Joseph CRruthe'rs; and alsoa negro 'mari : named Ben-and i"it appearing from said Bill, tnaVthe' said William Gardner is not a,re4 sideht in Uhe' State of North-CaVo-lina. It is ordered op Option;-of Mr, Stanly, ' Solicitor f (or i fcotrfi plainant thaLnctice of the' pbnden. cy of this suit be given : in the Newbern Federal Republican wa pape'rt printed iri said town rfor six successive' Weeks; previous rb ridxt .tun ui uur sam court, . ana mat hern bti the 5rd. JVIonday afer the 4th Monday ia;MarcK next; and )lead.aD8Wer:;t)f7emortoMsaid bill, the aaidbm Will - be ' tkken pro confesso snd decree "made'ac cofdiogiy. ;v; v V;.;'i; : TiHutsbriber jbtends itlavThg ,ihe State in January nexti re tiuests.ajl those to tyhorb lie ieJ in. debted to brincr fonvard their ;ac' ccunts-lor settlement, - arid rc' who and his ere- compelled to for collection.. ? cticrr ? -j - " ' r. Hcrrii Tinker. 1 I I" af . 1111 lUUiJT UU'Xi 9 Ulfll f 1 I hPP a..: . - T . ! . - unless the said dejendant shall api-i pear befofe our' CDp'rjt.of Equity! aforesaid to-be hoidc" in New- wife-1 ci1 ARRA ):.; n- 1 I W V VIA L.1UIILL m. I rillB -. IT? lib. - u 1 f ?s wy?r4,oX?piixtcboi.-' - inF?:'n mtPP: vro,wd ap. wm.NtberotIaiL:o?delixfir : JODC9 nnnnftr: .rl4tl . ' ; , ; ii . -Bucknep Haf -nhl JUside-boardj tPian'oVorft P W f rlf rush-bottomed. t iff fit. ft tin rfa7. 7 j 7. 1 Crocking chair and'"' V.' . . . r.Tse .A desirous Up. purchase viU:pleae,t.appIv i.t0 the'-Sub-senber, at his.resideiseet -,rV'MJ- i bcrn, here tbe fufniture. may b rfc Curtis Ciay. ; ' ; JAMES M'KINLAY, - -rj b 5v-: 'v? fr) r V'.'' . Jaot just;jm orted. from; Livv erpbol, per Brig Superb, a Vquan--. titv of British Gpods; Whicii 1 h wiiC dispose of ,J: ion. reasonbie terms, Among them are, the fol- lowing articles, . . r Jldr lron, assorted size Steel in Hubs ' - TeaKettleshSfzillctk, : ? -Dutch OvensP Smderel T :t ; CAmd &;Earthcn wave i , ? mriea m wates, y Fine Glass ware in JJ V' Glass quart bottles 1 j :t Stone jUgk& Pitclierr, , " vPaiufoujirf ir:. Oil and vi Grind Stones. v ; ; NewBerh MviisthisiK .V'.- .' ; .. 7-.;.77WO.T-IE;---.'-7t' THE Subscriber bCTefa for ssb tUS , 7- r Mouse and Lot,- -.f, On Craven S tre t U . tNo 6 Jy coV?, occupied .by Mr. sFlanner.'JwA-lt- bcral credit will b;Iveh the purV chafer 0y,'gvips; approved secart- " r - -ivchnilldrvefi . 3- v " wx . V oPM kiivds- for Sale cS Mijdsbr&'maliogahjtMird Oiie siani: ; t . r ;r 1 4 I i- - Keisbtrn i I tl- VoaTXv'-"y''J'---! ia. IV t3171Sa ... ... . il l