.:H IH-, .'I-!', !- - O -Z. i -Li JlJ. 'J "VOL. IX NEWBERN, SATUKDAY DECEMBER 6, 1817, PLUMBER -7. f -i J i:' V 9 1 i: i A'- 1 "C f 9 -1 i s. I'. CONDITIONS -.-ovrvt a t Tf7PTTTl-.' ;.r,;xTi. .liu'j Rat a.. - ?f H a 1 -T. nt three u'7, 1 7;Ai An" . , J)otor per annum, payable half t:arlu in advance , i ' . i v , . - ppicuburly at 50 cents per square ' tor the first insertion and 25 for if All Advertisements tinned, until otherwise l 1 .A,v - . - -if CORRICTED .WEEKLY. .From To MEHCIIAKIilZE ,d. ,c . Dacoii Feef, : Butter, vJ5raafjj i French do Apple, .y do Peaebt ''tJornJ - Mealf " Otton, , Coffee, . in, Holland I do Country ,r . Ton Timber,' Pine Scantling I :. Plank,. , Lb. 17 S5 20 SO 60 50 60 60 6 none.! IbV gal. bush. lb. bbt. 25 12 14 9 2 I 23 b . 15. 20 IB 8 10 20 r, , - 10 M. I 1 jSquare Timber 'Shingles 22 inch. , Saves, W. O. hhdJ dot H. O. do . dol W.O.bbl. Heading, W. O. hhd ib.: gal. bbl. M61as5es Tar;f:" -'Pitch, , Stasia, Turpentine, I do Spirit Pork1,' ' : l:l 1 1 2. 2 21 60 50 gal. .40 bbl, gal. 20 Rice 1 none Jtum Jamaica"" io. W. I. 'jdo?r American i ' Salt LUum Fine , ' 1fol)acc 25 10 ro 6a bush wt 6 ' iusr received; "At theNewbcrriBook-Store: it .-- - THE GENTlTililAn'a Annual Pocket Remembrancer 1 roi818CtalniDjf - v.., An Almanack ; -"l&uled Pages for Memoranda, in'i lAccounts for every Day in the A complete American : Vhrono "'kg4 ?0 which every Jmpbrtani Kvcint is registered; from-theDis - co v ry of America to the 'present 'time. ' '- : ?- T A! Correct Tariff t with Draw bacV-Custoflii House Tare Drafts If of the0cm -ofj the d States ' ZGaintfurreiicy fg Stamp Tulles' . 7p&?, shewing the radvaocnoh Sterling!hom'l: to 100 percent. ' Important - Mercantile 'I able i shewing at one view the v Advance 'on terlin; in the Currencies of thiladetphia & New York. v 4 Statement c(t ail i h e Arrivals in , the XJ , Sta es in - i 6 16. : . ' , ' . v Coins, Weighty .t&ffleahtrcs of vLafrqm,the-lanuscript , of a teeotleman, ; comprising Bengal, Madras 'Bombay, Surat, . Calicut v end iTelHcherryMochBBatavia, Qanton, Rangoon, Cape of s Good Hope, Sc. 'r:-',-;AHTak!e of the Miles in ; Lon gitude in eachDegfee of Latitude - The General Post Office E'stab- . ishinent containing rates of Post- 5ige, and Tables shewing the Pro resi of ..the - Oh1ce- in . Extent, JKip'cnsei Nett Revenuefi Roads AlAeiv Communication from the, Patent Office, containing all the tiformationraod a great deal;, of Advice necessary to: Applicants b r Patents. -.t ; r. - , ... ; Te FipfiltAL GoVEItNiiENT in ill its pai ts, zPtesidmiVice' JPresidenL Senators and Members t,( the, lJih . Congress, Depart- . nknts of State, Treasury, -War, - xavyti rost wuice, iiint-7Un tne Salarits of the Heads 'i&&Pnac& The 7HarySuprcme and District- clerks. Attormes and, Marshals, territorial wvernmew, -uic governors. Secretaries and Jud- Bs of cach-U List of all the Lnnd Rccc-rVaDd -kr is; - -.?;;, -?r-t- -p icr - Intercourse with Foreitrn Na? tions American -Ministers, con i 1 A l"T,tM;.w w . irccts nuu, ' . ' Yards, f : : -The Marine Corfis; Ihe Army of iheLnited baM. Establishment, Pt) Subsistence, ForageHations General Staff, Lineal Rank & Rocimems, ; r and Sup Hshmeni A List of the f Directors and .1 Cashiers of the Bank btahe 7q ted States; -znd M is Twenty Branches (Communicated spe ciav for this Pubiicdiion J ?; also, . v ,: TheAmcricap Lady's Fock ; er- oofc, Jf or -1 8 i &rjt " J j ' Omamenced with ' A EUTIJUL fYlEW 01 BONAJ i ARTE B ES I DEN C X If ST. H E L f 50 ; SC v ' EH A; V , j v.,. lit Contaittinj ' t 10 V . V 60 ;: Ruled Paget for Memoranda,. Observa-, ? a Caf h Account W v ; " or every Day' in the1 Year A Descnptioaof Smaparte 'i Jisndmc '. ry -m. Natural I Historyorth'e fTombath , 75 fid .Cm; in Warren county Kentucky; An , Interestme Account, of t Morocco," from the Travels of AliBcy ..... - . '. , . ..... ' :.. ...... . ;;5C2fSS ?. 'Answers to the: Empa; Charade ifCit of Last Yt-ar -t v,, Charadet conundrumi tfiebua'i' kc Origz ! nal and selected- :--,:. - 'r i A Variety .of Aew Sne and serc rat ' rrM Tables - . hovembrr 29 : ' ' 1 - ! H E Su btcri b er has j s ceived on consignment'; st -re- consign cnent Irom Philadelphia, and offer' lor sale very.low for cash. j : - V 20 Kegs cut nails " and brads.) j . ; J ' ' I - . J ro m to -IsJ 20. Kegs (containing 50 botilts : ; eachV 1st. qualiiy- stiuff a 25ct, ? , peri bottlc, v. '-"' '.- 1 20 I?o Do :$0 Do; "id. '-'Do. - : ;, 4-( '--v::;- 7 22 ctsDo "V ; 1st quality Ifotincr, Hysoii Tea, J in lSlbboxes; aTSi 45cta. lb. isu. Quality M tiscatel Raisins a JS6 per box.' Wm. JJunh, Newberh JVbv'.;29. EMFLOFMEJT F0 JdUttNEtMEN TAILORS : FTniHE Subscriber : m- 5 An AstofiisUg Account of the. tlovling R1! Vll5el P Dervtshets from Hobhouse's Travels , prs, tlcicsmitil, &c.-r-1Terras Ati '.excellent Esaay on the Ifabitt'of Ex made known at -the place and time iteration, by Mrs; Williams :p-" i pf.. hiremgi-'br order of.--the II t.dli'ir,T,T;:?Co buttons, of GreensviU, the public cener ITnivei. ForL-. nnmri. ally; that he hag lately arrived from New-York,' and - taknV : a shop in this to wnwhere :he in : tends carrying on the above bti siuess, in the latent' and most fash ibnable'styley impohed fronl Eu-fcpe.-To or three Journey men who 7aregood workmen, will' find constant employ anl liberal wages hy applying: to a" ' v; , liioiTias Uowan. ; ;t .Greensville) PtttJGourity -i . November 2& 2m V occupied by theiCat Ncils fan 2d Subscriber, oniPover Shot asso f Front strce C,net nnn d'wbr to Mr Saoi j . r-' Simpson's . For terms apply td v . y 1 " - Phube Eeari. - Uctvbern November? . : : ;4 . -.SJUiV1817C5Hf J- '. w JCI Z HERE as to4ny ; br the u V V trees which are planted in ! the'strceta are Annually destroyed U.. kJl Utli. 'L IL" .-1 1- V- uy uui5C8- uiuug luc nsrK IQ.l.ne season, when grass .is. 'scared and the'sap. ia Vising, whereby the care auu uc cipcucc jncurrea oy pro oraucs pi grass. . wnicn. may : mawcr oi ncnt, inc small nronor. granted to.thcmf when the cbnse ouencc.ot tne irrant is tha certain oestruction of the trees in which . the proprietors of lots have a prov perty,' andU the inhabitants have to ' interest'' is therefore ,J M4y.- , And If any hqrse found 'at lanre the oirner. hil! Tnf! i feiit yhc of ten sh'iTrrDjTS for Cach day the horse shaUsbbc.found at targe -.' Newbern, Nov. mbe ? ; , . 29tb; I8irtf 5 NoncE.- N the.stcond dav'of 'Tahuarv aext w;ll foe hifld otit tat the Couf! Hons? tn -Nt-wberri for' 6nr ! a PPcr'of gre3,brongi. ; icg to the heirsr of BennVa Vil; s dee'd w mvu h auuaw (I1(A . ; 31icll'l, H; LeStC. y Acwbem AcV 29; 1817. , ! ... J V tlA.tiUAKT ! At bi .tort.bu middle itreet W - 9 M; UFU ; iruui ? oaitU , niore,-- Philadelphia' and-New-" .'.xoTx, -a weu. selected assort ment.of Dry. Goods tind Gro ceriesj selecteii mostly loir the , country , market which' He will jpell low - ifbr cash or country produce taken at market' pri . cts i. lie,, has! , Fine and Super fine ..cloths and. . Cabsiuierea, ,Vesting3t . , Double miiled.diabs,,; ;;. . , ' Lioa Skius,';. .,s , 4 - Tiiipd Bath'Xoatiags-' fianieis, Rpse -rfnd. striptd Jliia.ket3, f -i - Fashionable colored Pcliss cloths. I j ttomuazetts, Umghams, " callicoes. uiuttuicvaiUvOCS, JLitaUtV84 ! Linen and Cotton Shirtings, bfpwn K Holland, iVluli mull, canibricki - : and ;Jackonet muslins,-' T -; i i Linnen Cambricksvlridia musiins Diapersv Lutstringa and Levan- tines, :Woi3ted andotton Hose. Ladies Kid and Beaver GiovesY Mens Heaver; ipd Angula v.5 ' men and cotton pocket hhks. . r Cotton", "and " imitation v tShawIs, Ribbons black and colored vtdvej bindings, Tapes anJ Qoboins: ' . Cutteaii and penknives, . , . onoe ct outcners auto. Plain Irons; Chissils and, ugers' Plated brass candlesticks 4 Stockj Rihg and KnoU Locks', Cubboard and chest ditto. Biitts and strews; chest . hinges ' Razors, ScissarV, ISIill, iCroscui,1 v. and Pitt saw. files, :Shovel and ; Tong V . r nvills, : Vices - and .. Hammers,1 . ; -Weeding Hoes, Spades i; shoreb,; Frying Pans-, WaQe- Irons; ; Drawing Knives, : C urry? Ccrnbs, Mill j Croscut and Handsawj,, Cart jEJofes, r PottsV Skillets. Spi . den, Dutch " Ovens 1 1ron, London Guns from S3 to l0x to 'J0d. rtcd, sties nd Buc!:, Tcnnsrife", Sicily, Madeira end, .'..Colfnahr Vyoes, . T -French Draady'c: Holland ,Gin. Ruin, Sugr,. .CoCeeii Mcfes's'ca, Tea end Loaf Sugar, Tic. " C 0 NOTICE. ; .TIT HE. firm i of Jaryis Brovtk for more than "twelve months, ant! a number Who were, in debt f saia nrm not naving cauea to set tlet aire!'requesteQ' to do so ,by the; first4 of .Jan. ricit. " Thosef,who neglect this notice will . find the'ir notes and accounts in the Hands oi in aUprneToF'tplletionas they are determined' toj close their oid business. ' JtlOSEfl JAUVIS, : - r SlLYBSTEtt BROWS. Neivberhy .Vjvember THE, SUBSCRIBER F FERS:for sale a very valu able ; Plantation 1 vinj? and being on thV North East -side .' of the. North, East River, near -lime stone bridge,' containing' - 548 'i Acres? with', a itoienibleVgood - Dwelling cribSi and a. very cortd . Smoke House X between 60 and 70, acres cleared and a considerable part of it irean,-and a. very, promising ap pie orchard' coctainingj:2QO trees or the risei-ia v aluafyTe 'yM ill et withthe dam already, made :.it is an excellent place for a -:S tote or a Pubtick?Hou8e. pa gooc? range for both cattle andf. Hogs; vperhaps none superior in-; the; State, The Laud is exceeding kind for, corn, peas and potatoes j ofv.a light soil witl two valuable sein beaches.rr Also one.v other plantation, cent -1 of -wtiicti 80 acre s are cleared end undt-r" good .: repair f - whh - - about '260 ydung dapple trees; a good Dwelling House; Kiichen; arid Barn; about 6 , miles fromlthel 4North East Riverthe Land is very uvu iur tuiu, wuciu auu pu. tatoes v 'Jying on the:south side of Muddy Creek, ttnd on the Nojth StstAidej ofr Stafford' swatnp- a good range v for i both cattle": and Hogs excellentlfbr Naval Storcs Tarjand Turpentine ' p with about TOCO Turpentine " B exes :now in good order for use j well watered and Timbered; is oo a, public foad, a good stand for a Store f or a Publick : ' House-bbth Planta- ctonsare very pleasaht; and heal- iiiTj a ucrc ja ujsu uji j.ure? last mentioned Track of-Lahd - a very good Mill seat. :. TV Auy persori who woidd wish to purchasemavferiow theTermsby applyingco the Subsc riber;-'Cash or voting Negroes vill be taktn in- payrheor, :r'r-) ' 4 c h .t EaBleTCillpatricIj r Duplin County Nov- - , " ;r; ;i9AyiB 17.6; j V " AMES M'iil JN lixV 1 J ,H AS just imported ;from;Lir t erpool;per Brig Superbt.a quan 1 titv of British' Goods, hith he: will .dispose of ' on .reaspnivble terms', -"r Among them -are tbeTol lowing articles ; : B&itlftiri) assorted szts : Steel Hi tutis;: u v Tca Kettles" Skillets.-' 'Dutch ffvens,1 Spiders; ; China & Earthen id are i : assorted in Crates; y, ; Fiiie Gla rvarcHn Do. . Glass quart bottles; ; ,V Siohejugd & Pitcher si Faints s'rbunditi Oil and .. . . . V? ... - . , v s - trriiux btoncs. Ntxvbern.NcvA5ih,18i7t ' Sfibi ftifc ! ! - -BY the Subscriber; a likely ; Used to" all kinds of family work Vm, Mitchell. : 0 State W ortiilCarolina: ' -., C It A YEN CODKTY. ' ; lnEquityOctober.Terrn,18ir, r.Bu,n Wm Gardner, Orisr Inter lo cilery. Reuben ;P. -Jones. TTm. ,GP ; Denny.. i A' HURRAS the- 'CompSda.--VV ant hath filed kusbiUorODm? ; plaint before our said.: court at the3" Term fa'foreaid, gainst : the said f defendants, prayir.g 'among .-other things that the said Viiliam Gard- ner may be forever ".barred and! foreclosed from his Equity of re . deeming attract of land -oniiirbwn Creek in the county of 'Craven;, whereon; s'taada.a VdlpurcVased5 ' of Joseph . CaruthersV and ' also a" negro;man' n&med ; Ben and it appearing from said Bill.' that thev said VV iiliam 'Gardner is'tiot V;re- -sident;in :the State oT N'or'thXrb-ina:-It' is ordered oS mbnon of4 1 Mrl Stanly; Solicit6rV tor; Coni-" plainanrt, that notice Vf the penden-. tv Ot this suit be piven in ther iNewbern Federal Republican newi- i ptpci , pi luicu 1 sa iu town ior sut successi y e;Weeks pre viou s to nex ; terni pf our said pourt, -and that - .j onlsV.thV Said defendant shall ap." i pear before onf ; court of ; tfquitjr i aforesaid to be holden iu New - f bern rim. the 3rd.' Monday :afu;rthe . 2 4th Monday :intM.frchvhcit,and f pfe&&. answer or "demur :to; said"; , j bipyHhe . taken , pra cotifesso. and decree made aci I cordinglv.r v ; .r ; f. : - ti -$ --VI I? VA.. VF UllUiil. Jm ri tit tavern uci..aii 1I7 iHESubscnber -intends lea ing . ic otaic-iir jtinuurynext, re" .questsiltboseCuwhom;heU in debtedtohrmg forvard their aci counts fbVr Settlement, '?aod -treti pertfully ;solic i ts f a 1 1 t hose who are indebted "to him, to i call and settle their1, accounts beforeJ hia 'departure, as in justice " tp his ere auorsvne . vuine compelled t to lace their notes scd Counts So the hands 00 .Attorney for col lection, thbs t who db: not call bri -himbefnre' that date, - will f find 'their notcsband . accounts Iodgtd. jn the hflnda 6t John Stanly - Es; . )or collectiqi. .llarns Tiiiker.- 'A -' ' :Jb:0sRAL-e t.THE.Subscriber hkviugVesoU yed to leave : the State, ;tfferk (ot sale a ctpre With a D Welhrg Houss ; ittachedto it, glso jhe wharf acJ other ; improvements.: with a lease 00 thejotfpr upwards of sixyeard, formerly" occupied by : Elijah -Clark, and at present .bri the Sub fcriberi He: will alto sell low for cash, ot oh a short credit, his ctnali assortment of ;; .:' ;,f ; - Crockery,-?- i Fax, ; f. ; : ; V , Glass, -; : 'Tobacco, ' ' ' -Stone jugs, Powder t Shot, Ilardwate,.:' ? Coarse jshd Fins Tin 7 Do.; ' J : ; Salt, 1 ?: HoIiowrDo; s N," EJ. :Rum, by. Bur. Iron, : . .the Hhd. 'or : Cotton and - J V: ; Barrel.. f Wool Cards, s . ; etc. tr. Wool Hats; A t Apply 'to Elijah Clarke ' t Ki;bem, Kor. 22. 1817: Ct : v State bf North-Carolina V" 'Craven Cduubj. Court of 4'leaa and Quarter Scsalonsi Sept. Term A.D 1817. . Dewey (J Judd. "1 Onginai attach-', L. r merit leried &c Elixur SVood . 3 - K-s ff T appearing ttj the .Court, that Jl the, defendant is not an inhabit tantdf this State,; ordered thete fore . that publication he: m dc ninety dav6 in the Carolina Ped ral Republican y that unless th de fendant' appear t the , Court cf Picas &nd Quarter, Sessions; to.be holden for the Ccuntv cf Craven.1' at the rpqurt-House-, in Newbtrn, on the, second-Monday1. )i -Dvcc m. her, next, ar;d rep!evv or " plrd to issue, judgment will br crttrcd up againsr. him. 1 . oV Janies G. Stanly,; Q. Z J' 1. -. .. . . pr 4 f -V- - 1 I Mfc : t 4 4 - f 1 t .4 .4 1 ntuh:rn,2for.,iQir. tf. ? CepL27B'lS17: ;' -t- ; . " . f