0- f IE IF1 is 15 Tim 7' NEWBERN. SATUBDAY JANUARY 8,M 8 io." SUMBEI1 ijy) 9 - ' . ' v . " - . i ' . , 1 ,. ' t:-': " ' - . i,v 1 ' . . " r; .: ..'-:T. ' CAM LIN A r i . J ' -.t I w - i " , VI. CONDITIONS. The FEDEHAL UEPUB- ilC AN t published every Sat fcrdat' !hu S. tiAJLl., at three Dollars per annum , payable half yearly in advance Advertisements m r ted con OpicuQUty'at 50 cents per square Jbr the first insertion, and 25 br Wift insertion after. V All Advertisements wtli be con United until otherwise order ed & tach continuance charged V: ';Nd:Paper:iyilJbe discoid timed until atrarreSrages ar JV 'ewbcrh Prices Current. CORREtTED' WEEKLY- From To MEIICMJVDJZE feec.s-Wax,;vK brandy, Fren-u Do., Apple, Do Peach, Mval,. XJottoi, Coiee, " '. - rv ;" doalage, Flour, Flax-Seed, ; "Cin Holland , . do Country ! ibush Tort i Timber, Pine Scantling rianK, Square Timber, Singles 22tnch. v Strives, W. O. iihd 1 do. H O. do !oV W. O. bbl. .tlckdmg,-W-.0."hhd l-ij'd, -,c ' . : Molasses,, Tar, Pitch, , .Boin, j&ij.. TupentiteV" ? . :" :i do Spicit9, Pork, , V ftice, none : Hum, .lavuatca dr YV. I.: ; I cr Vmerican, :Su'.t vllum ",. Fine51. Tobacc .1 1 10 20 75 bush wt HnS jast'frtxeiveo: a -enil as ?ortmtrit oi those fBf es Vcnled highly apprcvea tSiepared by W . ; T. Ctonwa,: N.. 1, V- Hamiltoa Place; Commori-street, ; - 1 . ' Boston . The following respectable testimonial . mav( serve, tflf prove the surprising and 0niiipV efficacy of ; , -gj" Dr. Relfys Botanical Drops These drops are a radical " cures for purvey, .. Scrotula, St. Anthony's Fice Faces, Sore , Lesr, leprosy, J'lmpled Uicers, Venereal Taints "when -Mercury las faiied , are the best, Spring and ; A u -'tumnai physic, and may -be given to chil idren with perfect safety : Price g 1 XCt Ask 'for Dr.; Relf's:: Rotaniewi Drops" Observe that nohe are genu ine unless signed ' Wv T. Con way M f SETU JlRJinFORD ahipright, of Bedford, was 12 years af flicted with u X severely painful; ulcerated leg had-;triett every Medicine m , vain, i 'sitie o -every one, was ctlred by tak iCf The to mads public at the . request wyilujim p rsortK - tTooch t Lan, Bdstbh, was - 4 years ;1 ttfi icted wi th S holes thrdugh His; foot 'ijf fever src) had his foot opened twice ieou i at length -resigned , as reiki his lev csnueTTOtea to umpuiunon j ins r-ath daily exoectcd. wheji lo . the as tonjshent of ev.ery one, on taking these f)ills ; in lOdayiiSs health was restored, pieces of bone H came away, his' foot :bealedt anij after g'oing years on crutch es is now' rtuiafing about free from lame .hess . , v" -'UJ: . ' AFFIDAVIT "' StfomoTi' Uiterfieldy- of ; Cliesterficld, inakcth oath aiid saiUV, that: his'son 01- ivti: years afflicted with 'eruptions in ' Ilia leers and different parts of his body, wfien utter trying' all other "medicines in ain, was cured by 3 bottles of Dr. Re IPs Moumicai uroos aione. witnouL cne assis tan ce of any other raedici ne'':'i..- . ; Signed SOU; BUTTF.BFIELD ' . Jllojes IV arner, Witness Oct 12 v . -Wi- CEHT1FIC ATE ! V I iV , I Pltrthora' Bliai .of-,'. Lebanon, County Windham; Con.-do herebY ceHify, that , t vas tor a consiaeraDie time most horri We aftikcted vnth an extreme acrofalous btmplaint, wh'eii after having tried almost very medicine , in vain, and the 3advice rdf the.most able physieians," bad recourse to Hr; Jelfi botanical l)ropttvehltx to my titter astonishment I Was' altoost instan cmcQuely relieved V 5 -Vfcitesgped PLYTFICm.V TSUSSi "r: :Hyer & ZfeW V ' ; 0339 Rdfic Botanical These PilU -Wes instant case in Coughs, Colds, ) Consum piion, ; Asthnia, YVUeezingy 4 i file ulty;'of breath ing.tight ness in the chest, pain in the side,' spit ting of blood, .chiliness and i shivering the fonmneVs of fevers , &c.! " common coidsare removed' in H few. liwirsi . The Ubte ' Uinirs Reu s Astumatic Pills." One box con j .aiiii'n 12 'Pills, Frequently cttects cure aanon tne outsiae; priniea wrppci bignJd WT. Conway none other are genuine !"'' - " ;''.- "' ' .'" : -A Gentleman ; of Char lestoxvn ' Was severely afflicted witfi aq Asthma -rvvars.' and. lor tne last six TOunun m ! 2 .f. death was dailv exnected. when to the urpriii; of every one, on taking oaiy boxes ot these fectly restored Of Hanover violent pains in his 'vigbt-rbi-cas, attend-r ed attimrs with great difficulty of breaUi- ng,and wholly incapubie Ci busmess, at--. te?havihg tried all other medicine in vain . attend--t kiaicteit wittf Consumption, had tried al most every , meaic me ana uieuicai sw tance without relief, when resigned as .pyst relief, not able to sit up, much debili tated by want ot sleep, perpetual palpita tions1 and pain in the'side ;she had recourse to "Dr. Kelte's Asthmatic .ruts," wuen , " . - . . . . m.n ' s . . 1 to the sufDrise of tvt rv one. she was re stored to perfect health in 14 (iays iBr- Jeblts liniment ! ; F For f "Rheumatism, ?iirulses, Sprains bhilblains, ; Numbness, stiffness in t, the Joints, &c ;The relief is immediate and cure frequently in 24 hours, although of years standing and thought incurable ! Mr. Jacob Hi ldreth of Amherst, N H Was iwany years afflicted ' with vioient rheumrtiism, and as he advanced invars at times was wholly incapacitated for bu siness, when thro&gh recommendation? ter tryiukall other medicines in vainj was cured by using only one bottle of this Liniment, and has had no relapse V it is no three years since lie was. considered incurable 1 : This is published at his rer Ouest.- i' '-k ' i ' J)rtRdfy$:JlrfimaM&;PulB For Female obstructions, &c, and are equally ponducive to the health of mar". vitid ladies unless When pregnant, auv nicn time thev must not be V-' '' & Dr RetiBffs Piltd For? Indigestion, ; loss 5 ot Appet Listtessness, ivHead vA'chef ; Ccstiyfenea Flatulence , Cholic, Billious Affectio U Br lit If's Vegetable spe- 3 , cific. i ! A 'certain and expeditious cure toe A Sick I Head Ache Billious Atlectiorel, Dumfries' Ointment A certain, safe and expeditious ."cfer4 for the Itch, however inveterate, in an bourns application, may bt used by, the most delicate pregnant female, or on chil dren at the breast, (0 No s danger from taking cod. . Qf Ask for, Dunnes Ointment,' none are genuine unless sign ed V. T, Conway,' as you value health observe the signature.-' Bunifries Lotion. 4 .-A Cltre Jor the Itch withuut smell. British Antiseptic rBehtu -; t . f rice. . . -;-.y The Tooth Ache is not only prevented by the Dentifrice but renders discoloured teeth beautifully - white, removes the causey of falter, arising from decayed teeth imparts to the gums the efflorescence of health, and to the breath the i most delec table sweetne ss . - - , , ; . TP Jilhibn Corn Hais- . ters ThisPlaister afKjd instant relief, at .the same time it dissolves and draws the-corn out by the root, without the least pain.- . vamurian x ooin-jicne ius. i These Pills' afford immediate relief with out the least injury to the Teeth. : Br: Hunter's Tills, Br. Himter'8lriject & Br. Hunter's Cerate. For the Prevention and, Cure of the Vene real Disease, however inveterate, ,inaU its various stages, and even when Mercury has fuledfull directions; and descrip tion of symptoms, so that any- one may cure tnemseives wun secrecy ( jov a jero dollar J accompany each Packet--CC'Ask tor Dr. Hunter s rills. - JN one: are genuine but those, signed ' V. T. Conway 'As you value health observe the signature. -,The w i-ole of thfe above Medicines are prepared and sold wholesale, sy the sole proprietor, w . -. Conway, n o. v.. tiamu ton place, Common street; Boston, and retailed bvW. Peck, Raleigh, Hill; Wari reo;; Baltimore- ; Jordahi Philadelphia John Tiebout, Ko." 230, Water-street, N. York Coffin, Post . Master, ' Hudson - aud niest of the:Druggistsi ; Booksellers' i and Post Masters throughout the U. States Pamphlets of many -extraordinary Cures may be had at the iagent's "gratis.1 iQNone.of ,the above are genuine ; un less signed 'W TV Coxrway,: as you. value health obsarve this: A large discount to Country " Traders, and those who buy, to sell aain i 1 ( - Jan 11, lVl?XZn4 . . wm experience renei equaux agree oour, tioousr Wares asd Aieixnanaisef and instaniancous, even when the , - I ju; are affected. vr Ask lor' " Dr romjQss.Qr Damage by Fire. . pills his health was per , Uompanu ot tht Uitu cfuew. lork, then - tt.e p ji&r?- : "T virh a :Oamt?l of -Pzv'lfnndied'&iiVnMa? :as Q vtWs afflicted w th V.-i nvuwnu u q uars iot xnc rur Bu ldin&.is. was cured and Ins health p&riecUy resto- j v-jpim oi rive nunareu .; Insurance ot Goods, Wares and Merchan- ltd bv2 boxes of these pills . , , Thousaud'. Dollars having &i been dise, the Place where the. same are depos- : , ' (O-Ji YUUXV UiDY 1 ; . I paid; ecured to be 1 paid accor 1 iul toJ be dib f whether Near? Green-Street. Boston, was 3 vearS ! V . . .-V -rr' '.isiich Goods are of the Bond denominated IVashiiigion Insurance : f - - r - ' -rl , COMPANY - - r 0f thipty 6f TorL'Z .PROPOSALS . :, ; ' FOR INSURING 1 Houses, Biiildinsrs, Stored "Sh'p$-'-irf liar- riH Presitlcjit and ? Directors X f tK e Washington . ; Mutual As surance. Gottipau of, the Citts . of I yew f ot ;aa?ing opmnea 4 irona thr Letisljttu're i of the. State 'of New Yorkan Alter atiozTr in their Charter, bjrame; 4. Stfb ot th' 'Washington insurance pose ot pose Ot Insuring iiuildingS ?and ; perijonal;Property; frpm.LOS'S or i' n AA'I SYlV IVTP K .,! 1 .1, . , V LKE 5 r?.tfte ! Insuring Buildings, f and ding to Law, the Directors offer t their fellow Citi zeds through out the Uuited States, the Means ot Security against that Kiud ot loss which frequently in anTTNSX-: FECTED MOMENT, involves in UCi : -' . . " t structluu the "Earnings of a Xife of Industry and Frugality, an J re-, duces the independent ard Af8a cm to poverty and Distress. ?To provide against Calamities of thia Nature is he 0;)jecc ot this In stiTUT.on ; the 'Concerns of vvnisiti, as of the old Washington Mutual Assurance Company V: the Directors engage to conduct with a Fairness, Cundourijand Liuer alitV4;.w)iichthey:tmsti will justly entitle it to the Confidence 1 and Patronage of the Public , ' . s No insured "Person will be liable to make cood the Losses of 6thers : but in case- of fire.' the , . . . - ' . . W -i , . : l sufferei will be indemnified to the full "tf mount of th?. sum in.ured. -5 -"7 : Classes ut. Hazards-, and rates ot Annual iit,finr u "rain it firt , ered with Tile, Slate, or Metal Goods QQt Hazardous therein . 56 a 62 12 cts. per g 100. Second Class t tiff ' Tfn vnvA meP ?nl ot' a teable pioportion of the . V c JI't1 , loss pr damage which may be f ustained. ick or. Stone, COVK 7' ss Damage by P,re wUl Buildingsiof Brick : ercoj:with Wood, ( Gce' not Hazardous therein ' 85 a lOO jUs per S 100. ? ThirdTcidss of Hazards. : Buildings entirely of Wood. -. Goods not Hazardous therein :r : : Goods nst tiazardous are- "such as are usually kept in i DryGood btcrcs ; including also Housenold F urrture . arid Lineo, i.'Co'tton : in Baiesi Coffee, Flour, Indigo, J?ot Ashf Rice, Sugars and other ar ticles not combustible. r , " . . . The following Trades i Gbofds Wares and Merchandise, aid con . sidered hazth dous and ' are char ged With 1 2 1 2 cent f per 5 100 in addition to the Premium above named for each Class, viz.. ; Chairr'Make.rsg Chocolate Ma kers, Sail Makers, Tavern "IKeep ers, , Tobacco1 Manufacturers ; China, Glass and ; Earthen Wart; in packages! Ahip. and ; otraw Hats, Flax, Hemp, Groceries, in- eluding Spirituous. Liquors, Oil, Pi tc h , Salt Pe tre, Tar,Tur pentib c . .The following Trades and Oc- cdpations v, Goods, . Wares aud Merchandise, are;; deemed extra hazdrdoiist and will be. charged 25 cents and upwards per G 100 in addition to the Premium above specified. for each Class, viz. . 'Apothecaries . "or v Druggists; Boat Builders, Bakers, Brewers JLfalstersy Cabinet ilakerS. Car- penters, Chemists, China, Glass and Earthen Ware Sellers, Coop ers, Distillers, Dyers, Fouadersy Musical v .Instrument; -Makers, PnntersRope tM akers, Varnish Mskers or any Manufactory re quiring the ,use of Fire -Heat; qua Fortis, Ether, Gun Powder Spirits of Turpentine, Hay, Straw, poddsr and: Grain untLrished. i .- X4tt.Grb'.i ritlbuUing stiiiiv Cotton Mi; -oil' Mills Paner - M Saw' AIiU wilt .Ki insured at special Hates of Ac- 1 N.. B.; Country Houses; stand ing detached irom other Buildirms thougriof the third' ClassVSvtll be insured jt one 'per cent,1 - , 'Ships : tn yPortZ or . Mr Cargoes ; WsofShip; building or repairing?, tigy be insured against. tire. r , Condition of Insurance. ; All application ibr Insurance j-i&ust be made at the Office of the Company.' y 2 If th Property offered for Insurance jSJ. - S i thereon t but if not within "anvuch' Dis- phcant must: bun- accurate, and -just Uescnpi hzJ of what" Materials each constructed wlw-the nr-n. ;P1 as Private Dwellings, or I how other. wise wnere situated ; tne Name Not ruiz present Occupiers ; how , situated1, with respect to other. Buildings; And in the hmrdous, and whether any Manufactory U carried on in the Premises : all which is j ia be certified and attested in such. $an tier as .the Nature of the Case mV admit And if any Person or Persons sgdi t insure his or their Buildings or Goods, .'and shall cause them to be described ; in- the Policy otherwise than they really are,1 so a th same, be charged at a lower Premium than is herein proposed ; or if sur h Dri scription be false or; fraudulent, such In surance will be void and of no effect . 3. Goods held in Trust, or on Commis sion, are to be declared ? as such "oiher-1 wise the, Policy, will not extend to cover sueh Property -J ' . , : 4 T.very Policy of Insurance.made by this Company, shall be sealed with its Seal, and sigced by the President am1 Se cretary! and the Person for whose- Inter est the Insurance, is vmade, miistf be'vle clared and named tlierein- " No Policy or Interest therein, can -be assigned but by consent rof thfc Company, expressed by Endorsement made thereon.- , 5.. No Insurance, will, be considered "as made or .bindinir: until the Premium is Pd e ... . . . . t o. jrersons insuring property with this Company, and who have already made o ther Insurance on the same property, shall give Novice thereof in Writioer, at the J Company's Office, before or at the Time 'ofthefcxecnuonofthepoJicviand per- , sons ' wK: : afti. inci.i;4.r,Ti Sr.k ' i : i:-- end have the same endorsed on the policy; or other wise acknowledged in Writing ; in Default whereof, the policy shall cease u uf ut iiu cueici, ; ana in case ot loss, this company shall be liable 'to the pav- Conseqtence of any Invasion, Civil. .Com-' motion, R ot. or Military or usurped Pow. er whateoever. But the CdmpanyTwill pay stXi Losses on Property J ournf by 8 Books of Accounts, wrUteecur nres, Notes, Bills; Bonds DeldM ready Moneys or Bullion, cannot be insuftm S h9 lewels, Platen Medals ot: dg5r cu riosities, Paintingfe and Sculpl.urere not mcluded iuimy Insurance, unless such Ar ticles are specffledTii 'the Policy '? ; - 1Q All Persons insured by this Compa ny sustaining any Loss or Danlage Jay Fire are forthwith to give Notice to the- Com; pany, -anby aS soon after as v possible,? to deliver in as particular i an Account of their Loss or Damaei signed with their own hinds, as the Nature of the Clse wjUl admit, and make. Proof of the t same by their Oath or AJBrniaiion ,and by their Books of Accounts, .arid other proper Yoacliess; as shall be, tfcasonably reqiliidi and' shall make t Oath i whether' an vk And what other Insurahce i lhad on the same JProperty i and shall procures and produce a Cerificatei under the Hand and Seal of a. ojiagisiraic ?r oiary . 'uouc or tne JUity or 'fown where ; Uie ; Fire happenedV not concerned in such Loss, that be ha$ ;ex ammed into the Cause of: such tFirerihd Loss in and his Opinion thereon; togettier wiui iuc Aiuuavu or, Aiaaavics annexexeu thereto, of' such : Person or Persons as. ahall be examined before him, in Relation to such Fire nd Liss, stating the Ciicum- stances, as near as possible, how such Fire happened; :&thekniOunt bf . the Loss such person nam susiamea tnereoy. .Ana until such' Affidavits and Certificates arc produ ced,the Lossshall not be pavabie Also ii mere appears any rrauaor false .swear ing, uie Ihsured shall forfeit nis Claim to Be'stitntion' or Payment,' by - Yirtue of Ws"iliey::-,;V: . II in case any 4Ciiterence; shall arise, touching any Loss or Dairiage, it Imsyj be submitted to the Judgment of Arbitrators indifferently i chbsek, whose" 'p Award , : la Wntmg, under Oath; shall be bmding on the Parties; ;And when'anv Loss or Dam age shall happenthe Coiapanyj shall pay for the same In sir y Days after the TLoss snan nave peen ascertained ana provea. 12; Insiiratice inay be ; made . for iseveri years', by paying the Premium for : six Years' f and for less If umber of Years than seven a reasonable Discount will be Allow ed. ' " ' ' , . 'If. B. The cornpany lo ri6t -.hold. them Celves respoltsible to give JTotice of the Expiration of policies, but will in all cases endeavour to cause seasona'bl& inferma- Itiort u ba given cf the saCte i - o T - - , - NOTICE; f t iHE public are hereby infor ' A' med that the subscriber is u ly appointed survey or tor thb shuI Washington Insurance' con:p.uslfr f sjuch Duildihs as shall be efferj ed for-Insurance in the said cotn 3iryor in which Roddsi wares mer f handszr- houschoitr furhitur offered for-itisurancc In the said coaipany khall b' stored.'depfcsitr'J cinity desirious V of : insuring th? same in tnis companvl Will apply to the Subscriber in rrtalrf trtt n. TP V ' if. ur sepwjtmn the state of; N; C . 1 Oivnsrs of 'property theretovs' : J in thetdvn-of Newbem or its vi V: cessttryesanirnutioh and. VeportlSk ;V: ElihsiiaTve Ncwbeni, Dec. 20 J8i7 Sale. rgiiE subscriber hoir oft J3L "iera his v high liealdt; ttnu-pleassiit scat o: sle, 'wit.in one rrile and a half of Sboccra Springs in ,Wai ren Cosmtvy con tainiog -'v;C , With ;a. large and? .couvtnUr.b ' Duelling House 'and other vne cessary-buildings in good Tepairf excellent orrhards Pech and' vipple Trees, tht- farm issufficjcr.t" for ten or twelve hands-anv re" 1 Uonable induisence will be "srived ihe purchaser; : kTtr-V HillJoiiegk Waren Cbw)ty y I ;- : DecemierlOxh : - j -:. LA ND for Sale. HE Subscriber offerkior, usU his valuable tract of Xand Jones;: County,. on whiteoak, con-i r-sooo;1. there is two hundred acres cleared I and under a good fence; there :5 no uouot out the . Land Ma a fertile!as any In Jones Coiintv.and ? convenient to-ao ekcellent Marr? ket, Trent Bridge and SwansborV ough -i-Any r Person wishing .idl purchasei may. know the terms b v' applying to the Subscriber - -v " sivyi Watson. - ' r ni i i i i i "' " . - -s r' - e v - - - , - so :.iqti8RmfAiiBX ANiAWlY froiii ,th6: ; subscriber ori the; 8th inst cegni reiliw bv the naixr of MANUEL ; form eriy the Property of ; Freder V ick Foy Sen'ri he is about five -feet eight or ten Inches high, d arte V complexion, had on when he went away a woolen KoUnd Jaeket arid homespun pantalooris-he has. a'' wite at Mrsi Margaret Foys, ot Trent Rivera also he has some re- lation. at William S. Hills' oa " Whiteoak which it is 7 Very likely, ' he will be lurking about one plaxC or the other I will cive the a- bove fiiwarclof twenty dollars if" any person will deliver him to ntti or secure him in Newbern Jail6 that I get mm ngain and all rec soufcble Charges paid. r ; " All persons are forvrarned : haw boring employing or carrying hisi away4 under the Penalty ot'th law Iidward Blumfordi ; ' Dec q lsiy. " , ; ; NpRTH-CAEOLIN At : fof iliQ year 1818, by the Gross or single onCj ' htS.IlalVo Dec : njtihiStcrcs. For 1 -v -1