' , r . , TME 'CAROLINA- FEDEAIREPUBLICAN, VOL..X NEWBERN, 8A.TUBDAY JANUARY 3, 1818. NUMBEH i?8 V li fx f :.! ? :? : i ' -i 4 4 CONDITIONS. i Goods not Hazardous therein company -shall be liable tothe Jay: ... rt.AA ; ; merit only of a rateable proportion ot the ' . ' ' ' '' ' ' y ' - v . il I 'i' !tif w - , f loss or damage which may be tustained. Ti FEDERAL REPUB-! Second-Class of Hazards.' . r. n .los. or; Damage bro-e wm t 7 -t if t f . .:d:'' I n Mr ' - -' r " " " " f be Daid. tha't'mav hannen or takn!nr in Consequence of any Invasion, Civil Com niotion, lltot or Military or usurped Poor er whatsoever. But the; Company - will pay all Losses on 'Property 3 burnt by -LIC AN is published e very Sat urday by S. HALL, at three Dollar per annum payable half yearly m advance ivf ' AdvertiseMeht inserted con, tpicuoutly at 50 cents per . square .for the first insertion and 25 for "each insertion after , ;, , , Advertisements will be con tinuedyuntil otherwise ordered, tsr zacb continuance charged, ... , Q3 No Paper will be discon tinued until all arrearages are Newbern Prices Current. CORRECTED WEEKLY. From To; Buildings of Brick or Stqae, cov- . 1 : ' . t '' , ".. . i : j , -oCrca witn. wooa, , Goods not Hazardous therein 1' 1 85 irlOO cts per S 100. , Third $lw&tfwd& i Buildibgs entirely of Wood. Goods not "Hazardous therein. Notice W ill be offered at public . : V-V- Sale. " : AT the House of thc Subscri r bcr on the 30th of Tanuarv next. LIST OF LETTERS - Remaihiiisiri the'Jt'cwbcrh y I'ost-Ojjive. - LiiHitninff. 8 Books i of Accoiinril J written Secur. ' containing pies, Notes BillsBondsIeds,' ready j AcieS. ' Money,' or Balhontxitinot be insured.'' ; - o JawaY. -pio m.i - It is deem UMnecessarv t eive a MERCHANDIZE Id. c. I d Bacoa Beef Butter. . Bees-Wax JJrandy, French do Apple, 1 do Peach Corn Meal Cotton Coffee Cordage Flour Flax-Seed Gin,. Holland do Country Ton Timber-" Pine Scantling ' Plank . Square Timbe Shingles, 22 inch. , Staves, W. O- hhd do U. O. do do V. O. bbL Heading, W. O.bh liard Molassas . . Tar ' Pitch" ; ' Rosin Turpentine, ' do - Spirits fork Kiee Ilum, Jamaica do I. - do' American Salt Allum do Fine V ' . ffugar Tobacco Lb.r Mr . . none. ' , lb. 35 20 - K gal. 2 50 : ' 80 bush. , 7$ ' 1 0 lb. 26 25 26 ' 12 . bbl. 9 10 bush. V 80 gal. 2 1 20 M. 8 1 15 r ;.: 20 , 1 50 ; : 18 ; . 8 10 10 tl 20 lb. 20 gal. . 60 X. ' 'bbl. 1 30 1 60 2 v: 2 25 gal.v 40 bbl, 20 none gal. 1 20 1 1- 10 ' ro rs bush. .150 50, . . vrU 12 50 6 - ' 175 fl200.cts: per S!lOQ;riosU of the land as no person Goods -not 1 hazdrdous are sucti 5-M any .insaranceuhless tuch;Ar.5 purchase without first - view- areuallKkeptm, Dry. G.i tegpremUe,; Tims will. b.' biores ; including alsa Household . ny sustaining any Loss or Damage by Fre made known on the day of sale.. -Furniture and Linen .Cotton in are forthwith to give Notice to the Com? t Elizabeth 'BraV." 5F1 1818- ' Ash, Kice, Sugars and other ar- f their Loss or Dinage. signed with their . : , : ticles not combustible. I . . : own hand :s the Nature of the ; Ciisej . State Ot JVoFtU-Crolilia. ' Thefollowinit Trades Goodk willadmit n ' n WirilinH Vli?AW!r ' by their Path or'Affirmaiionnnd by their . CraVtU CoiUlty. Wares and Merchandise, are coniioV.ofr.Acco'untv .nrf,Uhi.ir i- ' .j . sjdered hazardous, and are char, . Vouchessi as shall be reasonaW tntiSdr 1 V 7 "TV ged With 121 2 cents per g lOO and shall make Oath t whether any and j towyb&quires,txo of the Jus; 1 .AAUn .u. d . i ' what other Insurance is made on the same UCes 9 tilt react for satdCoUntlt luuutuuu W.wc 4ISHHUIU 4UUVC t)mi(ll.; j!-.., II J.- , , r I I ' . T ' " . . t e - i ri iipcu; j auu Biiiuiunjcure anaprouuee; 11 tlCUCi AO COmniaint hath named for each Class, viz. ! a. CertiEcate. under thk Hinct aat of W:. Aa?Dt "aUt Chair Makers, Chocolate Ma- a Magistrate or Notary .Public of the City J"? UV ucc? ae 10 us, two kcrs;Sail Makers. Tavern Keeb own where: the Fire li Tobacco lYfarmfartnr,.,. , oncernea in such Lbss,ahati hel hasex-j said county by JUlntund Hatch f this County, that two cer- Chip Hats, Flax, Hemp. J roccries ciuuing opiruuou.s Liiquors iitch bait letre,Tar4Turnei i ne iouo wing l rades and ... mi . .mm -m w r 'M w m m wmm wmm m m ru:-. n j imV UIC wuop ui .sua - rire, anu ucnv n W MW V U A blll U V V UAl SJBA9 S - 31 II I I I I 1 fl I F 1 ll in rhAIdAMtrtrMst trtJCt ' iiL . i : f and Straw with the Affidavit or Affidavits aWxexed - ?a.m- . I68 belonging , to packages, fejn. ; thereto of such -Person or Persons as nim, narHcatJUHN and JOh, . " ahall be examined beibre him. in Relation . Kjiva hpnfrl rt;.1 fr y, to such Fire .andLMs, stating the Circum- rhif said WaKtrr nnA Qtioe. stances, as near as nobble, how such Fire t.C8?ld aSCT.a fe.rvi5? aDd ri.-' hsppetied&the; amount of the i Loss Surh?21 urK13g about ,10. the said COun - ed, for each Class, viz. Apothecaries or Druggists. cunations Good War,.' nA Jath "plained therebyMnd until : cupauons, vooas, wares and Uch AfflriavUnnri ;fiti. Merchandise, are deemed cra i ced, the Loss shall not be navabie. Also hazardous and . will be charged j there appears any Fraud or false Swear 25 cents and upwards per g 100 i JUfe1 hf.fln.sur " ,!haI1, fo his Claim - I .... . , : w -to Kestituuon or Pavmeht. bv V rtue of in aaaition to tne rrcmium above! his Policy. . , . vl I" Case any ; DlflTerence shall arise, touching any Loss or Damage, it may be Boat Builders. Bakers ?u"meo.10 tne judgment of A thitrators ii, . I V; mainerenuy chosen, whose Award in Mlstcr8 Cabinet ilfukeri, Car- ; Writing, under Oath' shall be binding on penters. Chemists. China: fla ! the -Parties. And when anv Iss or Tim I and Earthen Ware Sellers, Coon- Jffeha11 happen, the Company- shall pay ri vm- w, . ttor the same in sixty Davs after the f V1- i r -ye,, -rounaer8; "hall have teen ascertained and proved. : Musical Instrument . Makers, v 12 Insurance may be .' made for seven Printers, Rope ' Makers, Varnish : Years, by paying the Premium for sir Makers or anv 1 Manufactorv i-f - f nd fol Number of Years than quinog the use of Fire Hea? ; jed. :r -y: Wqu rortis. Ether, Gun Powder,! li. B. The company do not hold them Spirits of Turpentine Hay, Straw ' responsible, to give Kotice of ;the xKiAAA . , Expiration of policies, but willin all cases wv. uu u.lu uuuiita.icu. jenaeavour to cause seasonable JlM. UriSl Mills, tuilineition to be ven of the-same. Mills, Uotton Mills, Oil informa Milli Paper. Mills, Saw Mills, will be insured at special Rates of Pre mium. i ff8hingtphln8iirmice COMPANY Qfthe City of New Tori. PROPOSALS - ' FOR INSURING '' : Hotises, Buildings, Stores, Ships in Har- Dour, uooas wares and Merchandise, from loss, or Daviage by Fire. . rXllx President and Directors rr of the If as hington . Mutual As , surance Company of the Citu ' of ivw j or naviog obtained Irom the Legisuture ot the State of New York an Alteration in their Charter, by the Name and Style of J'the' a Washington Insurance Company of the City of New York - with a Capital of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, for the Pur pose of Insuring Buildincs, and personal Property, from LOSS or U AM AGE by FIRE ; and the b aid Capital of .Five Hundred v Thousand Dollars having all been paid, or secured to be paid accor ding to Law, the Directors offer tn their fellow Citizens through out the United States; the" Means of Security, against that Ktnd of v loss which frcquentl , in an tjnex ?.ECTEb MOMENTt involves in De struction the Earnings of a Life of Industry and Frugality, and re duces the independent and Af3u ent to poverty and Distress. To provide against Calamities of this Nature.is the Object of this Im titution ; the Concerns of whwh, as ofthe ,eld : Washington Mutual Assurance Company, the Directors engage to conduct with A Fairness; Candour,'-and Liber hty, which, they trust; will justly entitle it'to" the Con fidence and Patronage of the Public. - ; No insured Person will be liable to make good the Losses of others ; but in case of fire, the ' sufferei will be indemnified to the full Amount of thcsun : insured Classes of Ilazards and rates vbf Annual Premiums for Insurance against fire ' Buildings of Brick or stone, cov ered. with, Tile, Slate, or Metal, N B. Country Houses, stand ing detached from other Buildings ! uiuugnoi tne tnird Ulass, will be insured at one per cent. V i Ships in Port or their Cargoes ; also. Ships building or repairing, may be insured against rre. '-' Conditions of Insurance. All applications for Insurance .must be made at the Office of the Company. V 2. If the Pi-operty offered for Insurance is within the District of a Purveyor of this Company, he will examine and report thereon r but if hot wUhin any such Dis trict, then the Applicant must him self furnish an accurate and just lescnp tion thereof, viz. of what Materials each Buildin&r is constructed s whether oceu pied as Private Dwellings, or how Other wise; where situated,; the Name;, of the present Occupiers i ho w ... situated with respect to other Buiidings. And in the Insurance of Goods j Wares and Merchan dise, the Piace where the same: are depos ited is to be described : also, whether such Goods are of the Kind denominated haxO'dous, and whether any Manufactory is carried on in the Premises s all which is to be certified and attested ini tuch Man ner as the Nature of the Case may ( admit. ; And if any Person or Persons shall insure ; his or their Buildings or GOTsi and shall cause them to.be described in the Poliev otherwise tlian they really are, so as the same De charged at ? lower Premium than is herein ; proposed i or if such' Dei scription be false or ' fraudulent, such In surance" will be void and of no efTecL ; . 'A 3. Goods held in Trust, or on Commisl sion, are to be declared, as such ; . other wise the Policy will " not extend to 'cover sueh Property. v. . :-r. . ' l, j : 4. Every Policy of Insurance made by this Company, shall be sealed : with its beal, and signed by the President and Se cretary ; and the Person for whose Inter est the Insurance ,b made, must be de clared and named therein- : No Policy or Interest therein, can be assigned ' but by consent of the .Company expressed by Endorsement made thereon. V , v 1 , ; '5- No Insurance will be eonsidered as made or binding until the Premium is is paid- ; v - -; . -r'st-: 6. Persons insuring property with this company, and who have already .made ther insurance cn the same .property shall give notice thereof in writmg aU the company's officej before or at the Time of the execution of Ihe policy: and per sons who, after insuring property -with this companyhave insurance made on the same Property elsewhere, shall, with all reasonable Diligence, 'notify the" same in Writing at the OfHce of the company, and have the same endorsed ori the policy, or otherwise acknowledged in Writmg ; in Default whereof, tlie policy, shall cease and bs of no effect v and ia exse cf hss. VI HE public are hereby infor JL ' med .that the subscriber is du ly appointed surveyor lor the said Washington Insurance company, of such buildings as shall be offer ed for Insurance in' the said com pany or in which goods wares mer chandize or household furniture offered for insurance : in the ; said company shall be stored, deposited or kept within the rtate of N. C. Owners: of property there tore in the town of Ne wbern or its vi cinity delirious of insuring the same in this . company will apply to thct Subscriber to iriake the ne cessary examination and-report. 1 j; Mias Hawes. , Newbern, Dec.. 20. ; ty, committiog many acta oj felo ny and other misdeeds. These, are therefore in the ; name of the State, to command the said Slaves forthwith to surrender themselves and return home to their Master. And we do hereby also :: require the Sheriff of the aid County of rCraven, to make dilifieat search and pursuit after the above men-1 tioned Slaves, and them having found, to apprehend and, secure, so that they may be conveyed to their said Master, or otherwise discharged as the law directs, and the said Sheriff is hereby ernpowt ered to raise and take with - him such power of his county as he may think fit ior3 : apprehending the sajd Slaves :s And we do here( by by .virtue nf an Act of Asseml bly of this State, concerning , ser vants and Slaves, intimate and declare, if the said Slaves John and : Joe, do not surrender ; them -sel ves'an d re turn , home , i mm ed i ? ateiy after the publication of these presents, that any person may kid and destroy the vsaid Slaves, by such means , as he or they may thioic fit,, wjthout ; accusation or impeachment of any crime or of fence for so dbiog, or, without in: cur ring any penalty or forfeiture thereby. , ';, ; v .. . . Given under our hands and teals at Ne wbern, this, 12th v i day of Sept. A. D. 1817. , JOSEPH BELL. (SeaU THO'S. SPARROW. (Seal.; MERCHANT TAILOR. ?; INFORMS the inhabitants of Newbern, and thePublic; in gen eral, that he has returned from N. York, and has taken a House ia Craven Street, a few doors south of i the State Bank', nearly opposite his oW stand', where may be. had on reasonable terms ' all kinds of Goods in his lime of business, con - otauu iu piiri iuc urat quality of Broad Cloths, Cassimercs, yes tings, &c. He. returns his thanks to all those who favbr'd Him with any part -of their custom the last t ear, a hopes (or s continuance, as he, , has spaired no", pains ur se lecting his Goods, and bss furhi shed himself with as good work men as can be ; found in the City of ;Ncif-York-r-he rece ives the la" tset fashions from New-York & Philadelphia monthly, and- thinks he can fiaf?ly say that any igentle men hQ wiU favor himith their custom; Tshall. jhavel their wolrk done in' the .best manner and tnewj article in the clothing line, as he keeps constan tly a general assort ment of clothes ready-made. But caiffeentleinea and try for y our selves and you shall i rcccive ihe subscribers thanks, and by his worxa ye snail tnow bim" f Ml D ECii 3 1 ,18 17. Burton Allen?(2Y"Mr.' Antanevr rhfi r - toplier 6r Agg, .Mrs .Ann Oaitte, A!: Ilog-.y james ist-asiy, na.ray,rewn, jmes Hat , tie, Mrs, Sarah brown,' Capt. Henry- Urat hoff, John Bland, Jaints lUuenion,' '.Vnu Beasly,' John Bunker, Jailer Bryan, (2) Nathaniel Briggs, : Edwin Iircton, Sit. , . Bacque, CThomas Bmuder. Jchn fiell, Asa Bishop Charles Butler, Most ph Brin son, -Mr s Nancy B. Bryan, '' Henry Carra- ' way (2) Mrs. Harriet Cool, R . Carman, . Benjamin Cheny, James tf.-Cary, (y. J Solomon Childs, Mrs: Castix, John Char- lottc; George Coopcfr Cajit John Cousw sins, Thomas Cheek, Gordon CJojd, (2) George Chase, Joseph jCaruthers, John Crawford, L. Dowdy, Creed Dutlley, (3) .. CapC Dalrymple, John D. Dclacy, Daniel Daugl.ety,junVrPhiir Dominic, (2) John G.Edwards:WmB!inisi Mrs. taston. . Dr P.Edwards. jFrcdtrick Foy, Al. len Fitch, David Forlaw, (2 V John Frank Un, Simon Fostiue,i Dr. John A; Green, 2 Mrs -t xionon lireen, V m Uatlm, David Gatlin, F. Gl Gee rge, t'homas Gray, An . gustin Ghio; John N4 Giddens, . (:) . Benjamin C. Good; Miss' Mary. G Ileri tagc J Charles Holland; Miss Jane G. Hall, Win 'Heritage (2) Mrs Margaret Hart, David ! Harrel I , : Mrs. ; Sari h 1 1 all, Daniel Hill, ; Attorney at llaw; Win. . B" ' Harmon. James - T. Jones, (2) Roger Jones, Wm. Jones,' Reuben P. Jones, Mrs Iary Johnston, Capt V ra. Jackson, - Mr. Johnston, John P. Koffskevl Wro Kinsv. Justus King, Rob't. Lanier, Joseph Lmn jr. . utigu.u. Lrtracu, , w ra. mc lunney, Wallace Moore, Wffl. MiichelK scnr. (3) Benj amin Mason, Mrs. Morning, Thomas Maysey, Capt McKown, John McCabe, Jiihnl-McMister; (2)t Uohn Moore ' MosesMordecaU-isCaptl Mills,- G. Murphey.vTurnerfelson, Georfe Nelson Mrs; Mary Nelson. Miss Ann M : Neal JohnB OH vei Mrs Mary i Olive rV The ophulus Odum,Ordinary: jbf Newbern, v .acKiia rauvjJapt. Jacob Philips , Capt Simeon Pendleton, ! (2) Capt, ' M. Pric-, Mr. Mary Physioc, John Pot ts, (2)! George Pollock, Mrs Sarah Paut, Jos? f. h Physioc, Ahner Pearce, John Perry, (2) Elijah Pittman. Jesse' Piuit. C. Roach," sr. Wm. Rhodes, jffe njam in Roe, -Wm;Hoan Gideon Ricketson, Hobart Kbbertson Jo : scph Rhine John Slye(4) John Strong, 2 Ooi. W. SJ Sparrow, GenL SamucC Simp, son, (2) Silas S. Suvenson, Mrs, Maiy ShWprWmVC5parrbw,Thqmas Smith, -John Smith, Elihue iShepbefd, Thomas Scott, John Silvester, Mrs. .ary Sanders Miss Mi;p,iSmytheHosea Jmith, .Capt, Wm, Sparrow, James S aunders, Thomas Sparrow, 2, Henry Tew, James Taylor, Francis 3, Tindell, Daniel Toulson, Capt, Aaron usiier, Setn Urophrev, Joseph Vail Mis Elizabeth, Vaii, Ichabod JVettftdre, 2 Jeremiah Wethertoni Wm.i lliams. 2 Hzeklah WUKams, 2 Richard Wins low; 2 Mrs, Rebecca Wallace Bryaift C. Woods, John . Walsh, John Witherspoon, Isaac y uuams, uooert M. Wallace (199) T..' .Watson Description e the above Outlaws. i - Jonn is about 23 'years o Id 5 feet three or ' four inches high velldw complexion, large feetand hands, one of his fore ; teetfe: wan ting, and has the brand E. H.1 on each of his cheeks, -Joe is about 28 years old, 5 feet seven or eight inches high, is very V stout builtj ydlow complexion, and has lost some of the ' toes off each , of his feet by the frost, beginning at the great toe on each foot,-r-I , will give a reward of 50 DOLLARS to , any person who will bring to mefalive either or each of the ' bove-described Slaves, or secure them in jail so that I get tnem a gain j or I will give gico' for each of their heids;: f " " 1 v . Edmund Hatch. , T Craven County, Sept. 20 laken Up ; L lfp committed to Jail on the x!L sixth iost. a mullatto negro manj;tvho cal!3 his name MOSES, and sayr that he belongs to Harry Hunter of Tarborough, (N C.) and that he ia by trade a Black smith, : had in his possession from, one to two hundred dollars, and a watch, further description is dee ! jncjl: Unnecessary .TfTlie. owner is requested to come forward, prove property, py charges and takt hira awav. - h : v Tlio's. IilastcrSj Ja'lr Nevihern jfan 7t IplC . 40 DOLLARS REWARD. anyway from the sub scriber living b ri Lime r atone Creek,; Duplin County, on j-the,20th of October, two Negro Men, named I. 1 . J SAMPSON and JOE. ; Sampson is about 50 years of age w 5 feet 4 or 5 " inches v high, dark complexion, thick; set f from "his hips up, and below rather slender, wore away a tarpolio hat, a yarn homespun jacket and a new pair of tow cloth trowsers," has holes in both of his ears, and wears ri'no in them. -Joe is about 1 30 ! yeats of age, upwards of six jfeet high, black complexion, slender made, and one of Jiis toes' on his left foot next his big toe has been cut off woro away ' a' ' striped' homespun jacket & tow cloth trowsers The both speak 1 very ; broken englishy not being long in the country.--It is likely theywill make for some seaport town,' and try and get. on , board some vessel either at icr bern, Swansborough or 4Wilmtng, ton I will give the above re, ward of Forty Dollars if take out of theCounty, otTwntyDol LARS if taken io said Countv, and - deliver ; them " to me i in Du plin County, or secure them in any Jail in te State, scr that J get them again, and all reasonable. expences shall be paid, or , a pro' portiohable part for either of themy Masters of vessels and all otti eripcrsons are forwarncd . f rorh -- . r -'.. narnonng, employing or carrying theci away, under the penalty of the la7-' T . - . : Easier KillpatricI; Duplin County Not.' I, 1817. ' . It 3 V i : s I i m

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