VOL. X NEWBERN,. SATURDAY JANUARY 31', 1818. NUMBER 47 - ' - i w CONDITIONS. ! s - 77 FEDERAL REPUB- LIC AN tublnhed every Sat- urrfav 2 S. HALL, ar Mre Dollar per annum, payable half yearly tn advance. .';'- Advertisements inserted con' ipicuoutly at 50 cents per square for the first insertion, and 25 for each insertion after All Advertisements will be con tinued, until otherwise ordered, &? each continuance charged No Paper will be discon tinued until all arrearages are Nercbern Friccs Current CORRECTED WEEKLY. ., ' . ,,:.-; From To . MFAWUAXD1ZE d. c. d e Bacon ' Lb. 17' Beef ' none. Bdtter . lb. .35 Bees-Wax 20 Brandy, French gal. 2 50 do . Apple 6jf do Peach 80 Cora bush. 75 Meal . 1 Cotton lb. 26 Coffee ; . 25 26 Cordage 12 Flour bbl. 9 10 Plax-Seed bush. 80 Gin, Holland gal. 2 do Country 1 Ton Timber 20 l Fine Scantling M. g ' Plank , 15 Square Timber 20 Shingles, 22 inch. 1 50 Staves, W. O- hhd. 18 do 11. O. do 8 10 do W O. bbl. 10 Heading, V. O. bhd , 20 Lard lb. - 20 Molasses gal. 60 Tar i V bbl. 1 30 Pitch 1 60 Bosin ' - 'f 2" . Turpentine, 2 25 do ; Spirits gal. 40 Pork bbl, 20 Rice - none Bum, Jamaica - gal. 1 ; 20 do W.I. . 1 10 do American 70 75 Salt Alluin -'1 bush 60 do Fine - 50 Sugar wt. 12 50 Tooacco 6 " Washington Insurance COMPANY Gfthe CitijofNew Torh. PROPOSALS ... rn TwttTBturl .' . , ; Houses. Buildings, Stores,: Ships in Har- Dour, uoogs, wares and, .Merchandise, From less or Damage by IFire. rPHE President and Directors of the IP as hin erf on Mutual As surance Comhanu of the Citii n f. New lork haeing obtained from ,: the Legislature of the State ; o f New York an Akefatioo in : their Charter, by the Name -and S tyle of the; ; Washington . . In&ut ance ; Company of the City of New-Tor A. "With a Capital of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars for the : Pur i pose of . Insuring Buildings, and K. personal Property, from LOSS or DAMAGE bv JIUE; and the said Capital off Five;, Hundred Thousand Dollars having all been paidV or secured to be paid accbrt : ding to Law, the Directors offer to their, fellow Citizens through ' out' the United States, the Means of Security against that , Kind oi loss which frequentljvin anuNEX T ected moment, involves in De : striiction the; Earnings of a Life of Ind ustry and frugality, and r . (luces the independent at' d Afflu ent to poverty and Distress. To provide against Calamities of this XSature is the Object of this In stitution ; the - Concerns of - whiith, as of the old Washington lUutual Assurance Company the Directors engage to conduct with - a Fairness, Candour, " and Liber.' , ality, which, they trust, will justly -entitle it to the Confidence and Patron age Of the Public. No insured Person will be liable to make good the Losses of others ; but in case of fire, the 5ufferet will be indemnified to the iill Amount of the sum insured . Southern- jliattsM! Classes of Hazards , and rates of Annual , Premiu ms for Insurance against fire i First Class of Hazards. : Buildings of Brick or stone, cov- t ered with TiTef Slate, or Metal, ' Goods not Hazardous therein, 1 fi - - -f - SJino .". I Second Class of Hazards. Buildings oi Brick or btone, cov ered with Wood, Goods not Hazardous therein, : .85 a 100 cts. per S,100. , v Third Class of Hazards. Buildings entirely pf Wood; Goods not Hazardous therein, 175(1500 cts. per S 100. il Goods not hazardous are . such as are usually keDt in Drv Good Stores ; Including also Household rurmture and Linen, Cotton in Bales, Coffeef Fjour, Indigo,Pot Ash, Rice, Sugars aad other ar tides not combustible. The following Trades, ' Goods, Wares and Merchandise, are con sidered hazardous and are char ged with 12 1 2 cents. ' per g 100 in addition to the Premium above named for each Class; viz. Chair Makers. Chocolate Ma- - kers, Sail Makers Tavern Keep ers, lobacco Manufacturers China, Glass and Earthen Wart in packages, : Chip and Straw Hats, FlaxHemp. Groceries, in eluding- Spirituous "Liquors, Oil, Pitch, Salt Pctre, Tarl urpe ; .1 ne tollowing 1 rades and Oc cupations, Goods, Wares .and Merchandise; are : deemed extra hazardous and will be , charged 5 cents and upwards per Z 100 in addition to the Premium above specified, for each Class, viz. i . Apothecaries or Druggists, Boat "Builders, Bakers. Brewers Ulsters, Cabinet taker's, (7ar penters, Lheinists, Chmi, Glass and Earthen Ware Sellers, Coon ers, Distillers, Dyers, Founders, Auicai instrument ivj afcers, Printers, Rope Makers Varnish Makers or any Manufactory re quiring the use of Fire Heat; qua Fortis. Ether, Gun Powder. Spirits of Turpentine, Hav, Straw, rodder and Oram unthreshed. 1 Mem. Grist Mills, Fuslinc iviuis, cotton Mills, Oil Mills, Paper Mills, Saw- Alills, will be insured at special; Rates . of Pre mium. v B. Country Houses, stand. ing detached from other Buildings thoughof the thirdClass will be insured at one per cent. ohzps tn Port, or their Cargoes ; also. Ships v building or repairing, may be insured against V ire. V ; i;, ? b : -..-j, r t f Conditions (tf Insurance. a. au appucauons lur Insurance must be made at the Office of the Company. - 2. If the Property offered for Insurance is Within the D.strict of a Surveyor of fKJo Pnmhn.t t K ...Til . . " r l' E ' uiKwuiajiotij, ne wut examine ana report "'tuii i wu. u now wiima any suca liis trict, then the A pplicant must f him seli furnish an accurateland just Uescrtn tion thereof, viz. of what Materials each Uuilding; is constructed ; whether occu pied as Private Dwellings,' or how other wise i where situated -t the Name of the present Occupiers ; how situated with inspect to other7 Biiildinic3. And in the Insurance of Goods, Wares and Merchon dise, the Place where the same are; depos ited is to be described also.: whethpr such Goods are of the Kind . denominated haxsTdous; and whether, any Manufactory w icvi wu iu uie r remises ; au wmcn ii to be certified and attested in such Man ner as the Nature 'of the Case mav xrlmit And if any. Person or Persons shall insure ms or tneir Huildings .or Goods, and shall cause them to be described in the Policy otherwise than they' really are, so as the same be ' charged af a . lower Premium than is herein proposed; or if such De scription be false or fraudulent, such1 in surance will be' void and of no effect. f 3." Goods held in Trust, cor on Commis sion, are to be declared as 'such other wise the Policy Will not extend to rnvV fsueti Property. ' ' 4. fcrery Policy of fnsurance made by this Company, shall be sealed with its Seal, and sigped by the President , and Se cretary i and the Person' for whose Inters est the Insurance is . made, must be de clared and named therein : No Policy or Interest therein, can be assigned but by consent of the Company, expressed by Endorsement made thereon - f 5. No Insurance will be considered as made or binding ; until the PremiuKi is is paid- . , - , .;; 6. Persons insuring property with this company, and who have already made o ther insurance on the same property shall give notice thereof in writing at r the cotnpany's office; before or at the .Time of the execution of the pplicv : and per sons who, after 'insuring property with this company, have insurance ' made on the sane property elsewhere, shall, with all reasonable Diligence, notify the same in Writing at the Office of the company; and have the same endorsed on the policy, or otherwise acknowledged in Writing j in Default whereof, the policy shall cease .and be of no effect j and in case ef Usf, company.shalf be liable-to .toW-S Pent only of a rateable proportion of the loss or damaire which mav be f ustained. 7. No Loig " or Dimaee bv Fire' will be paid, that may happen or take place in, . Consequence of aV .InVaaion, Civil Com.l. motion. KioL "or Military or usurned. Fow- er whatsoever. But the Company wili:.4'w-wVu S" 7 pay all Losses on Property bu?nt by; HE Lots and JJ Welling Ughtning.,;r; '-'..v-.-. ! house at the corner o 8 Books ; of Accounts, written Secur lx'- V? 1 , pies, Notes, Bills, Bonds, Deeds, ready ; Craven and New Streets in New- Money;"dr Bullion, cannot be insured. 1 bern, - DOW occupied by William .' 9 Jewels. Plot. -Atrlola i ftlhop 1 Jr n r . . 'f - , riosities, PaintingSL and Sculpture, are not . . . - . ; - 7 2 . w : uibtuucu hi autj uisunuicey unless bucu Ar tides are specified in the Policy. - . 10. 4 All Persons insured bv this Cnmoa. ny sustaining Any Loss or Damage by Fire are forthwith to rive Notice ' tQ the Com pany, aa, as soon alter as i possible, to deliver in as particular an Account of ; own hands, as the Nature of the Case uw v otucu wuu uieir Avill admit, and make Proof of the same iu auuiii wtu uiaa.c rruoi ui me iaiuc y their Oath or Affirmaiion, and by their ; ks' of Accounts, and other proper touches, a shall be reasonablv reauired: t 1 Vouchess. as shall be reasonablv reauired: and shall make Oath, whether any and what other Insurance is made on the same Property ; and shall procure and produce Certificate, under the Hand and Seal of Magistrate or Notary Public of the Citv or Town where the Fire happened, hot concerned in such Loss, that he has ex amined into the Cause of such Fire and Loss : and his ODihion thereon, toe-ether with the Affidavit or Affidavits annexexed thereto, of such Person or Persons as ahali be examined before him, ' in Relation to sue It t ire - and L iss, stating the Circu m stances, as near as possible,' how such Fire nppenea, ettne amount ot the Loss such Person hath sustained therphv' . And until such Affidavits and Certificates are nrindir. ced, the Loss shall not.be pavable i Also h mere appears any rraud or talse Swtar ing, the Insured shall forfeit ' his Claim to Restitution or Payment, by Yirtue " of ms "oiicv. ' - -v , - lMn Case anr Difference shall arise. touching any Loss or Damage, it may be .uu.imicu wm ujc juagoieni oi f Aroitraiors nditteretitlv chosen, whose Award in Writing, under Oath, shall ho. binding on the Parties, And when an v Loss or Dam age shall happen, the Company ; shall pay for the same in sixtv Davs after the I visa shall have feeen ascertained and proved! 4 insurance may be made for seven Years, by paying the Premium for six i ears ; ana foi less JN umber of Years than seven a reasonable Discount will b allow - ed; ; . .. x N, B. The'comDam-o not hold thm. selves responsible to give . Notice of the t.Mun ui vjiiics, uuiwntin an cases endeavour to cause seasonable informa tion to be given of the same. - NOTICE. rinHE public are-hereby infor . rned that the subscriber is d. Iy appointeel survevor lor the Rvairl yv asningtoo insurance company , of such buildincs as shall henff ed tor Insurance in the said com pany or in which eoods wafes mer chandize or household furniture offered for insurance in the said company shall be stored, deposited of kept within the state of N. C. r"Pwncrs ?f Property therefore "V the town of Newbern or its vi cinity desirious of insuring the same inMhis company will apply to the Subscriber to make the'ne cessary examination and reporu : : Elias Howes. - Newbern, Der. , '40. NATHAN THOMAS: MBit CHANT TAIIiba. - - I NFORMS ,the inhabitants of Newbern,. and the Public in gen eral, that he has returned from N. Tofk, and has .titken a House in Craven Street, a lew doorsVsbuth ol ihe State Bank, nearly opposite his old stand,. where may be had n reasonable terms r ail kinds ; of Gcops iq his liae of busioess; con sisting in part of the first ti quality, of Broad Cloths; Cassimeres, ves HnB..t'.&c..He returns his thanks to all those who favor'd ihimT-with any part of; their custom the last year, & hopes. for a ontinuapce, as he' s.hAft' spaired no . pmns in : se: lecting his Goods, nd has furni shed himself with as; gbodlwofk men as cap be found-in' the City of ; Ncsw-York- he receives the la( tse t fashions from New-York - & Philadelphia! monthly, and t' inks he can safelyvsay that any gentle men; wqo will favor mm with their custom,, ahall .have , their . work done in ths best manner and new est style, or be furnished with any article to the clothing line, as he keeps constantly a general; assort men t of clothes ready made. But call gentlemen and try for your selves, and you shall receive the subscribers thanks; p?and ? by his works V shall know hiEi.' - - . : Ncvibtrn Ncn; 8. VALUABLE PROPERTY ' FOR SALE. m-! '. ' " -L 'J ; THE SUBSCRIBER t- jr.lj m .Li'tiij-" oaston xlsu. --j- . .., The large and unfinished build ing on Craven Street, adjoining Mr. Gaston's residence on.' the souths with as much ground as will be convenient for a yard and garden. I K- Dart of a lot on the Weat i . ----- . -side of the old cnuntv wharf, now , ; " J occupied by cssrs. Hollister & Lente forty feet on the street, j r... r. j auu tuny six irci ueep - Alot tJFour ACRES of land near Newbern on the av enue leading to Smith's Ferry. K , An island of marsh of about THREE ACRES in Trent River, three miles from Newbern. . , . " . .For a part of the purchase mon ey liberal credit will be given.-- For further particulars , apply to Dr, Elias Hawes, or to the Sub scriber at Stevenson's tavern. Ja's. : Groenendyke. Jan. Jnh. I ' DISSOLUTION of CO PARTNERSHIP. npl HE copartnership between X Frederick Naested & Sam u el A. Gardner under the firm of v Naested fc? Gardner. is this day dissolved by mutual consent ; all debts and contracts of the concern, will be settled by Samuel A. Gardner,; who remains the sole proprietor of the Sjteam Mill n o w building near Union Point. Fred'k: Naested, 1 Sam'l. A. Gidrieivy N. D.' I have appointed Sir. Fi Naested my Agent. ' , V Gt . L O S T; ; ; s " .' i - ; "., ' -:- ; - ".- - ON Wednesday evening last, an old red Morocco FOCEET BOOK, containinc; several Notes of hand & other papers of value ; amongst them were a Note of hand against Mrl George Cooper for 200, the others not recollected. Anv per i son finding the Pocket Book and delivering it with the contents to the subscriber shall receive a geov erous reward. , ; - ' JOHN BISHOP. . January 24th, 1818. tf. ' . v, . , . ' ; . ' a Q.AU persons are. forbid tra-r ding for . the above notes. J. B. NOTICE, WILLIAM GOOD will Vive Owners or Masters " of Vessels their .wharfage and storage ; on his wharf free, it they, will throw their ballast on the same. He will also hire; his .Negro men at :. iour shil lings and; sixpence, per day; "the employers finding fthem their pro ., visions, and : not; "make any pie ces ol dy ; if they, are detii m ed at nights or on; Sundays, the are to receive pay for themselves. September S7th 1817.; 14 NOTICE. r- Refunding of Internal Duties. -7-Agreeably . to the act of Con gress of Dec.23,; 1817, duties paid on licences yfor periods ex . tending beyond the 31st of De . cember, 181T, and for stamps - not used, are to be' refunded"' by the respective - Collectors;;' provided, the : stamps shall be v returned pre victis to the first day of May 1818. Valt Richardson. Collector of the Direct Tax and . ' internal Revenue for the 4th col 'lection distriet of N.Carolina, K ' v JuuLiisjLii S HE WAR 1). Tft an-away; from the sub--.IuScriberliviii rin i;5m ls;onc;Creek, Duplib County. , cV fh( Ortrh rxf r . I -w... t wwvuucr,. cwo icgro -Mcn, named - . : SAMPSOX and JOE: mpsop is about iO Vt, . ' incnct high, dark' complexion, thick set1 Irom his "r-? auu uciow rather slender, wore away tarpoiirf hat, a yarn " homespun jacket and a new pair of, tow cloth trowsers; has holcsjn- wears riti c v in tnemjoE is about 30 years Of age, upwards, of six feet high, black complexion, slender madeJ and one ol his toes on his left foot : next nls pig toe has been cut bfT-, woro away a strined hnm,m,' jacket & tow cloth trowsers.-Thc -both speak very , broken .engHsh, not being long in the country. at is iiKeiy tney will make for some seaport town, and try U and get on board some vessel, either at New bern, Swansborough or Wilmink tOn.Mf will Vvii L ; i ward of Forty Dollars if .take out of theCounty; or TwentyDol. tARs it taken io said ; Coutty, ; and -deliver them to me- i Du plin County, or secure them in .any laii in tbe St; .u. ' o-1" reasonanie: expenceS shall be paid, or a nro- OOrtlOnable nart fr Wt, rL ... 'VMua duu an ftn-r er persons' are forwarned . from harboring; employing or carrying fhem away, under the Denaltv nf the law. ; - Easier Killpatrick Duplin County Nor. 1, 1817. , 10 bOLLAUS REWARD. AN-A WAY from tlm subscriber, livin sr."' on j v4 craven county, some time iq the month nr n.-tnK; tK.. a neg o maa by the name "of ' hbotit 45 years of age, 6 feet high dark complexion, stout built; for merly belonged to William Trippc of Newbern, and has a wife iu that vicinity.: -All persons are forwarned from harboring, cm ploy wg,er carrying him out of the btate, under the . penalty of the law. " - " " ; ' ' I will give the above . Reward 1U UIU w DC aeiivered to me, or secured ia jail so that f ret him and all reasonable . expenses shall uc paia. " . . . . . , Mary Bice. . Bay River, Craven Count v. . Jan. 24th 181& 2w. 73. C 1Q HOLLARS RE WAR D. an-away frdmr the sub. iLQcriber on the 6th Nov last; a negro Woman named RACHAEL, formerly owned by Jacob Cook. one is aoout 4C years : of age. . The above reward will be given for the ; apprehenuon . of - said wench on her being delivered to me or secured in Jail, so that I Jos, S; Fowler. : Newbern Jan. 8,1 818. -J NOTICE, A the Mast term of Craven il County. Court, the SubscrU ber. obtained letters of administra tion on the Estate of Barnes Smiths dccM.-All persons indebted v to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment ; and y those Having" claims : to present them within the time limited bv lav, or they will be barred of a recovery. J ncrease Bradlev- Arim'r KOKTHDAUOL1JNA jor tiieyear 1818, . P0R SALE iTD JD1 by the Gross or Single OHC at S. JlalVc Book-Store.