t CONDITIONS. I I The FEDERAL REPUB LICAN is published tvery Sat urday by S H ALL, a three Dollars per, -annum, payable half yearly in advance. f .-v. V Advertisements instrtedcon Bpicuautly at. 50 crif per'square far. the first insertion, and 25 for re insertion alter 4 Advertisements will be, con? Untied, Itntil otherwise ordered, each-continuance charged ; 5 . -T Mn PA(Mr will Kk rl 1 o on imied until all' arrearages 'arc mueu ratd Newbern Prices Current. C6RRECTED ; WERKLY. , , Tryjm To Jiacon v ' ; Uutter IjeesAVax Brandy, French do Apple, ;r do iVach 0rA . ' Meul f.'ottnn 7 Jo(t'fe ." -Cordage Hoar ' " Fhl-9eed Gin, Holland do Country " Ton Timber line Scantling Lb. : 15 none. lb. 35 20 gal. 2 50 65 ush. i r. - lb.; ft :- bbh '75 26 ,25 -.12 .26 10, bush. 1 8C)J gal. 2 1 8 20 Z Squat e Timber S!inles, 22 inch. Staves, W. O- hhd.' do. II. Os k do do W. O. bbl. 1 "50 183 8 10 20 id 3" Heading, W. O.hhd Lnrd . Molasses t-Tar. Pitch Itosiii " Turpentine. ' do . Spirits Parle r llice . v iluiri, Jamaica do YV I. do Americaft lb. bbi, 18i 20 60 4 2' 30' 601 23 AtA bbl, aone 20 t 20 I 10 - ro Salt AUiiin do Fine Sugar Tobacco IbUsh j "wt. "-50 . 5 12 50 TUOAIAS WATSON: H AS For Sale a . general 4s sorthient oj those justly, e teemed and highly appro ycd ; , -MEDICINE " Prepared by W. T, .Conway, No h llamilton Flace, Common-street,. ? V -Boston -he following, respectable testimonial may serve to prove the surprising., and "singular efficacy of -(P Dr. B elf's Botanical ''Drops, -These drops are a radical cures for, ficurvey, Scrofula, i St. Anthony's Fire Leprosy, Pimpled Facts, Sore : Legs, Uicers, Venereal Taints; when Mercury Un failed, are the best Spring ahd Au fumnal physic, and may be- given to chil dren with perfect Safety. . lrice g 1-- QT Ask for . Dr. - HelPs Botanical Diops"Observe that none 'are genu Ir.e unless signed ' Wi T. ConWay" ,A SETI BRADFORD! ! shipricrht, of Medford, was lnVears af flictod with a severely painful ulcerated 1 leg, had tried every Medicine in vuin, 5 was resigned as past relief, when to the , Surprise of cveiy one, was cured by tuk flig. thes Drops ' , . . iZj Tfo above U made public at the rtqutit if Jilr, Bradford, t net ting it may ft of pubhc utility WILLIAM PAY SON i Of Gooch : Lane, Boston, . was" 4 years " afflicted with 5 holes 1 through his foot, I jpfevir ortf) had his foot opened twice , mid the bone scraped by ari tinincnt sur jcon : at Irnglh resigned asypast relief hi;U(, condemned t .tmputatlvttj his death daily expected; when to tlie- a tonishment of every one, on taking these pills ; hi lu days his health was restored, S piece of bone came away, "his foot ' Jieaietl, and after gotog 4 years fi fcrutch 0 ft now running about free Irom lan AFFIDAVIT v J$sviatn Butterfieldp . of Chesterfield, nvtk'ctrt oath aiid saith, that his son Ol- tyer "3 years afflicted with .eruptions in his legs and different ports of his body, When after trying all other medicines in Vain, was cured by 3 bottle of Dr. Keif's tiotaniral Drops alone, without the assis tance of any other medicine ' ; . Signed SOL. BUTTERFIELD ; . JJhaet frarner$ Witness. Oct 13, '-' . CKUTIFICATE I ,c Phfttord Bli39"af Lebanon', County 'Vindbam, Con. da hereby certify, that I :va ut a.considerable timel most' horri JMei1Uictedr;?cri an extreme tcrofulout 'complaint, when after haying tried almost overy medicine in vain; and the 'adviceof tt most able physicians, had recourse to Mr. Rtlfs JZotahical Dropt, when to my sutler astonishment I was almost instan 'taneouely relievitl. , ..'. I 4 " .- - sifdTLYTUOa UUS?; S ! t ;Vitnc37?j-fr. U llrwcp ' . : f ' ; i : "! 4 (pDr Relf's llolaUical Fills! These Pills . rives" V instant ease in Couffh, CoId,c Consumption, Asthma; Wheezing, difficulty of breathing, tight ' .w.-w . uw.ut. ness in the chest, pain in the side, spit- j tfewbern, and the'Public ,in gen ing of blood, chilkiess and shivering 3 eral, that he has returned irom N. the foriinners of levers, &c. ' common j York, and has taken a House iu colds are removed tn a lew hours, a luh r..-kc.- - - 1 - st aged will experience reliei equally gree!CavcILStre' a cW door ' soutb able and instantaneous, even u -ben the J ot. the State Bank, nearly opposite lungs are affected. , aMsaibr"' Or his old stand, where mayVbe had iJ X," CautioTi the outside pi -ilited wrapper is signed "W. T. Conway,? uone . other are irenuine ! '4 Gentleman of Charlestown, "Was severely afflicted with an Asthma 4 years, ana " loMiie iast" six monuis -111s j ' . ,1 death rva.s, dajly expected, .when to ,lhe surprise of, every we, on taking, only 2 boxes of th'ele' fills' his health . was per fectly restored. 1 ; . ? -' ' i jT, Jill, STETSQJT I , A , u , ; r Of Hanover was 9 years alHicted wiih yiMent pains in" bis 'light bicast attend ed at times withr gfieat difiiculty of Sfealh- ing, auu wnouy mcapaoie oz ousiaet s, ai ier having tried all oUier medicine in vain was cured, and, his .health perfecriy testt' Near GeiS.Stt. Hoston., iVn, .1 mm 1 Tflifffrf wit!) f!nnnmntinn"' i'irl ftrl ol rated bywant of, sleep; perpetual paipita J kions anu pam in uie siue, sue nau recourse to 4Dr. Hetfe's Asthrnatic Pills,' when tioiis and pain in the side, she had recourse I ut. iietTe's Asinmauc run, ' wnen to the surprise ofeverrone, she was re stored: to perfect health in 24 days, 4 ,t y.s Jer6' Liniment ! . ; For V Uheumatism, . Bruises, . Sprains, Chilblains, Numbness,1 stillness in the ioints, Stc,I? The relief is'immediate and It .1 A- cure frequently in 24 hours, latihough of years standmg.and, thought incurable i f Mr. Jacob liildreth of Amherst, N Hi was many years afflicted with ' violent rheumatism, and as he advanced in years at uiues was wnoiiy incapacitated lor; Bu siness, when through recommendation, af er trying'all other 'medicines in, vain was cured by fusing only one bottle ot this : For Fcbate obstructions &V; and arc equally onducive to the health of; mam-: -d ladies unless wheiv pregnant, at which time they .must not be taken. Dr. Keifs' MMilious Fills r or incuestion - I uss oi A pne tite, List- lessncss; Head-Ach;Vt3oStiveaess, Flatu Lcnce, CirJic, Billious Aflectioh,s S;c., " r Sr Ktif Vegeiable Spc- crfic. AJ certain- and ekpeditious cure tor Sick,. Head ;Ache,VUilh6us Afiections,! V I)dmfries Ointment, wriauij saie anu exneaitious ' curt ivi tiic.iiuu.- iiowever ; inveterate -n ran hour's application, ' may be : used 1 bvi the most delicate pregnant female, or on chil dren at the breast,03 No danger from Ointment," none are genuine unless sien- ed ' VV. T. Conway, as you value health observe the signature. ; , . : JJumjrits Lotion VA cure for the Itch without smell. British Antiseptic JJcnti-l , The Tooth Ache is . not only j prevented wy me weniurxce dij; renders discoloured teeth ' beautilully white, ' removes the cause of faeter arising from decayed teeth imparts to the gums the; efflorescence of and to the breath the most delec uble sweetness-' 1 iM - : Wf v t jl tut s ThwPlaister aftord instant relief, at the same time it dissolves' and draws the-corn out by the root, without the leatft nain. I Cambrian ToMli-Jithe, Fills: These Vi lis affbrd immediate relief Willi out the least injury to the Teeth. ' ?" ; jDr. Huntqr's Pills Dr. Hunter's ImectionVowdeH ir Dj. Hunter Cerate For tlie Prevention and Cure of the 5Tene- real Disease UhweteHsteterate, iaall its various - stages, and even when Mercury has failedfuir directions, and descrip. uon of symptoms, so Uiat any ?one may cure themselves with secrecy far a fei dolluruj acebmpany each Packet--CCAsk for Dr. Hunter's Pills. None are eenuine but tho$e Signed W. T. . Conway.' As 1 . Uonway. -As . The whole of the above Medicines are prepared and sold wholesale, by the sole proprietor, w. T. Conway, No. i. Hamil- fwvc, uuiiiiun street, uosion, anu tot'ii k w iT-i:-.i.; u-.ii w.. ren, , Baltimore, Jordan, lhiladelphi a jonn iic&out, Nd; 233, Water-street N. York CofHn, Post Master, Hudson 'and most of the Druggists, Booksellers and f ost Masters throughout the If. States Earophlets 4 ofmany v extraordinary - cure! may be had at the agent's gratis, I i -0Crioe of the above are genuine nn'- Jan. 11, 017. lCm. most every medicule and mt;dkal assjs; Hone in Vhe best manner and new tance - without relief, 'wheti resigned' as i V r r L J !i fv riif hm .KUtA n m., vI.kjji Wlc. or be furnished with any liniment," ana has nad no relapse ; it is " n r u4 1 now, three years aince-he was considered I?.0 ,s ,hirtcen -year8,,.th incurable ! This is publishcdVt his. re- youngest eleven and thet jgirl nxne? ue8v V " ! ' alsoa Negro tnnn a Copper- by Dr. Keifs1 Aromatic a Fills., tTrade twenty our veaKold; for VA- large discount to country traders and ' " ; 7 1 those .who tuy, to ssUa?aia. ; TOT SG.IC " Ofr tlllS Ot JMTIMX: THOMAS. ; . MEflCnAKT TAILOR. J TV-- . V - 1 fjwn iVcyWKJ.iiUi I rea8onable.termt,.aU kinda of Gdcins m his line of business, con- . Sisting in part of ; the first quality of, Broad Cloths, Cas si me res.- ves tings&c Hejre.turns his thanks k -iiii 1 iiiixr: 1111 liiviii a. mill" n 11 , f " 7 , 1 anv,nirr nr tn r riKrnm tn year, & hopes tor a continuance, as hef has spaircd ho r pains in ; sen letting his GooD3, and has furni: shed himself ?ith as ' good work: men as can bd found in the Citv pf NewrYorki he receives the la tset fashions from i New-York & 'Philadelphia monthly, and -thibks cu w uu win iavor I1HU Willi incir Article in the clothing-; line as he keerm pnnat.inMv.n cyinirft1 thtf f ,,r., ? V ,iw"7,V rr-." t? gentlemen and, try, ; vi!; and po r lor r Vour- receive the subscribers thank "and bv his Works ve shall know bimlZ-: ; -V 'NewbernNov.zl' FOR SALE. N a credit of .Twelve month three lik ely -young NegVoes, Bovs and further particulars enquire of " ': ' " TnliiiRnonil ; ,'i v"" q!ltau NitfbteP January 3 1818 -J f o ,p. s i x fe;. '. A Valuable Hfaise:, S12R rTANT. TVhb is a gOOtlcOOk. ; -. . . flh W A T E D ; .3 gojid SaMe'anddrdft Horse i -- i Enquire of ttet Printer. jan uary 24th, 1818.-U. i7 j'if ' 8r Ground: ' i !IJ .,'- i U 11 SAL E THE; SUBSCRIBER ilij sell the house & LT 01 ; GUO UND On Johnson Street- ( adjoining thn brick building occupied by Cam.' fru' T:i.- - tL- J ' of sale v::s- fV; 'Moses Jarvis .'htwbern Jonuari?s ;r ; . ;;J.;;JakienvUp, : A ND committed to Jail oft the IX sixth inst. a :muUatto negro man, who calls his name MOSES, and says that he' belongs to Harry Hunter of Tarboroufib, fNi C.) . j u . u u " . j tit t and that ht 13 bv; trade, a 1 ck. Ismitn iv bad lO his possession from lone? to two hundrc.fi rlhllari :nil s 1 Vi f.wVi. : fuMm rocu unnecessary. i ne pv. ner IS rt quested to come forward j' ftrovc property, pay charges V- and i take 1 him nwa? I " 4way Tho's. Masters: Ja'lr ; Nervbern Jan 7; iQ& ' j j v? t! ' ' IV I rtiifirnm. eh ill ..K-itfA'T : twort a pit . Ihr nlir-Kr W7 t af-a 1 ftay VftiA at jT aft ft. .a. aa.l aftt JL ice, From the' London' Monthly Magazine, of .September and October last, received at the Office of the Enquher. ; , I Literary and Philosophical Intel : ; . licence-: ? ; , - ' One ot the most important un dertakings in literature whithJias for many years, claimed public at tention, is on the point 'of being completed f we allude to the twen ty years' labors of : Mr 'ijohn Bel iamyt on the Hebrew Scriptures That gentleman has now so far proceeded A in this t'great work. Thar the- nrst'porubn is about to be printed, and will be delivered per copy before the conclusion of this Veari We need not inform our' theological Vhdbiograbhical readers, that important as are the ancient oouks oiuivme revelation, they have v hot beeo pj eseoted 4 to Sche' Christian world " since the se- x ... ... ..., 4 i .. . ... icorid century; except through' the first'authorised t English yersion WaV made forltfie ost lpart ircni Luther's r; German traDslationV which "was iteirmflde frpni the Latin Vulgate.1 Were a' version of theT:Bibie,, savs ' Bishop New- combi 'executed; in a manner ui- tabic to the magnitude ot the un dertaking, such a measure would have a direct tendeocy . to estab lish the faith ; of; thousandslet ineHtbrewhristiarij)r(pheis appear in ineir proper, garo ; let ua maxe-inem noiy garments j ior Innu instances, says ' , Dr. Biackwell, might be giyen, of IVidity 'translation of tlie divine prigiaal''Aud'DrrAVateriand id mits, that," u O u xl last ;linglish version is undoubtedly captbic of very ''.great;; improyements,,'- fc Nothing says Bishop Lbath, ' would more effectually conduce to remb v t objectiobst ' tHanr: the exhibiting the :Holy ;.Seriptures versibn iu Dresent ostrJ will find k u ;. . ' li M, , M.rrv u . lucor. rect, even io.mactirot the, b,gh est importance." -We need .iiot multiply opinions to;th fabeef- tect, because it is well known that the most eminent critics have been uniformly ohesamc; opinioV. In; bis .modest Drosoectus fto m. nn- .;uiti suuuuucu iu iuc puouc a iev pas proposed lmnortance of hia eorreeMnn wilt be evideDt to.very 00V Who triU ttK. t,,f.i- , i,rJ' - - ' ' 1 M Ja - ftl m ftvft with the authorized . version. - Genesis i. the? beginning God created! the Substance oi the heaven, and the substaace :cf the earth. 'rr.ki' i Genesis i. 2.-Then the, "earth YTaa without form, even a "waste ? "also darkness wi3 tipon tber face ot ihcabyss.i until the spirit 11 of God' moved upon the face of T the waters. - "-' -. j Genesis u 22; Then Tehn fvab Ggd said, Behpld the man' ,v.".J "V , r f , V4W-scu jcnovan to cause them ir 60s hodjost light, byran, accurate die..-'1 - v: .: ; . " ",cm to,, ; revisal ol our vulgar translation. " : Jeremiah v. l i JJJ I he version now in use," says ah TX'ord Jehovahtri ti t A " Dr. Durel doest,in m,ny elation thoj hasfffied pUes exhibit thel sen5c:. of ;!he; people, cveni.W .; JefusS for text, and mistakes it, besides, in savin? 5i nrio .k.ii .l XOT Lan-infinitcnumber iof instanre U. . "i Ltr.L.i . amcng "..--. .--" -www- .... r iuu.i uul iiir inrn.rf . r- VVhoeveir,", observes Frofes- the souU.;:, . . : - sorsSymonds, -examines our Chatter -ru zL vra) like one of .us $ whb know , Isdge of good and evil ) and there fore, if4ie will put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, then he shall eat and live for- cV- -. i i ... Genesis vi. . 3 -Then" Jehovah said, my spirit shall not always strive with man; because of the transgressicsa ef.his fleshy - '; Verse 4-Ths epestates were cd the eirth in those dayi; "" ''V ! Verse 6; Yet Jehovnh was tisHed that he had thade man on th;- earth ; ' though "he idolised himself Qt his heart.' .'.-.'- . Verse 14. Llshe fcr thee ca crl: of its wood of Gopher j . a- s ; - lj - f -- ' - - " h"' - Y- f ' ' psrtments thou shalt nuke in the ailk ; there thou shalt eSpite within and without any atone- f Chapter sxxvii. 3 -1-Novr Is rael preferred Joseph, before any af his sons ; lot, a successor of the eldership after him 5 and he " made for Sum a ' Vesture of sub plication, t- , -:'&Xxnffsj 18.In the' evening, will Jehovah pardon tHy?servant I When Jay Lord came to the house ofltimmon to yyorshipUhee, then t he leaned on my hand, and I,mv s lf . worshipped in Uhe hoiise .of C Kimmoo j" cinicc ;l; "myself 'yor-' shipped in the house bf Rimrnon V'i will Jehovah, I pray thee, pirddt?' thy ser vahfin this thin g ? ' ')' : i Am?9ilih Ar-r-ShalJ a trumpet W bio wn in the city; ancj the r,eb . pie ; tiot be afraid ? ;ha jl evil be -in ' ihe city, and Jehovah hath nbVre'' quifed f .9 ... fore thee according to the iov in jiu, aim as men rejoice when they divide the spoiij " .' ' Prci xvi; 4 TehoVah ha'tb orduiat d' all to' answer him ; thus - SauC iJsaiah vl 1U. this -people became gro5s; also hia- w5wiuc "cavy, because hiaf eves ttirnrl 1... 1. . ' . . f . ;7r c csine snouia Se ,th bis ees and hear,, with his ears, or his heart should :Un aerstana,and rettirti, ,nd be hea.!; lect' ' v. v-rr-- ; . ' . 4mucl:x. aiThen hi look off" his .gineot, abd prophe.. sied also the. same; before the Vat; fr -1 v 9 fcf - i-fc-j l.' 11"'' a a a a a k a w a a r ' n - m t MV4HUC auppucated art-; tullvall- that ir?aV :..ru, : pight. ' , r ;.- - MLiuurirnrn. ding they hearkened not nntft ,i,A v i 1 r.T? w tiiw i v?'.ce f 'h'!."- ther;- thereiore ft, .a'a A . uisiper- I - --cVV' J covah,- 4hus I was persuaded : .strenmh me, frhoq hast prevailed f; .These cxamnli !led,, failto impress every loveoS BiiiVwiVh thf ?.!frf 8. the appesraoce of Mr S Version will forZ .Hiwr .1.. ue ' ;:t:w ""5."iri'an church.- revise Anil nnl - . . rors of the . r V li. . u vucn Gives? Whirh-.' CDd: J 1 : ft-'1- " ine: trans- lators, will be clearer m,rulous and supernatural cir cumstances vhichhavc . formed grounds, of unbelief, and giveo f?"ntW to., the argumenuoi It' . J0r C?1 w learn. tnt JIr. Bellamy finds co ground in anv narf of th Hi,, I ior. the introduction of subordi- celestials or angels the sun -ou moon did not stand-still at he command of Joshua, neither did the shadow on the dial of A haz go back. These and many other circumstances which draVr so ir.rgely and often! so Unnecessa rily on faith, he ascribes - to the misconception, prejudice; or su perstition of the Erst translators, and to ,av slavish adhtrenceto .... iiiera m tneir copyists and ,revi sors but we .will neither cora mit Mr. Bellamy by our ncaeral -----ktS0t piC&UUl IU . SDU cipate what will be so soc a before ?npohiic. VC have caid enough to Fotereat our readers oa the sub ject, and to prove the fast inipcr luuce ot this undcrtaiia'T ta all true bclievcra cod all rricur crrci.rs after diviaa trr.;! MPry?d the nation, bast-VtHbu ; fho eocrcased the 10 j? J thev "iov hV- T au u.c wicKca.ior the day of. wickedheas; .4; !:JV - 4