VOL. NEYfDERN, SATURDAY FEBRUARY i, 1810. KUTiIBEil -ijG ;;' . : Conditions. - '. The FEDERAL REPUB- SAC AN is publitKed- every . Sat- .,Wtv . A; S. H ALL.; at lira . Tr .. r M. M I J kW LM A M W V - M J A LA d A . A M u W V W V . jtarly in advance Advertisements inserted con - fptcuoutiy arso cents per square for me prsi insertion, anu jyr. CLk- xAL:.. , . - ' i 'LULIi'fHJCf (! WMf , mm '. a 7T Mm Paner will be dlSCOn- .JL.7a Vs.i oil orrpWrncrftft C nre Vr.u " " " i P3 Newborn Prices Curt f-r ; 0 ERECTED WEEKLY From To -. 'Bacon - Lb.'. 15 Beef - -, Butter ; r 'Bees-Wax w Brandy, French t -""do". . Apple f" , do Pech v 'Corn k JMeal " .Cotton " Cofiee . J Cordage Flour ' Flax-Secd - Gin, Holland 1 do Country .. ;Ton Tiriiber Pine Scantling ' " flank none. lb; gal. 35 20 2' 50, 65 80 .75 '26 bush. lb , 25 42 " 1 80 bbl. 10 bush gal. '2 1 20 8 15 20 M. Square Timber Staves, W.ihd. v lo It. iOJftdo -, do W.O. fcbK ft. IB; 8 10 Heading W. 0,'hhd 0 Lard "Molasses Tar H r , V - I Pitch ... - Rosin, -Turpentine, " - " v ; 'do spirits 5 Pork - "I .Bice -"Bum, Jamajca . do W. 1. ; .i- do American c : : . Salt A Hum "s "1 do Fine v 1 .. ' Sugar r'ToDacco ' lb?" gat. bbl. v la 60 1 -30' I 60 i 2 ,25 gal. bbl,; ' '40' 20 none gal. 1 1 20 10 70 75 bush "50 '. 5(M v! 12 501 wt. THOMAS ITATSO HAS For- Sale a general as scrtment of those justly: csV teemed and hicrhlv npprovtd " v : MEDICINES :' Prepared by, W. ;l Conway, No 1, lLomitan Place, Common-street,. I . s : - .. ' - ' Boston v The .following , respectable testimonial may serve to prove the surprising and , Drtelf 's Botanical Drops. These drops are a radical cures . for tfcurvey, bcrofuia, St. Anthony 's V , Fire jlieprosy, Pimpled : Faces, 5ore Legs, Ulcers, Venereal Taints when Alercury has failed, are r the best Spying and Au . tumnat pliysic, and may .-be 'given to .chil dren" with -perfect, safety. '-; Price g 1 flj ,' Ask for Df. : Ko'lf'g Bounical Dropa"-Observe that none are genu ine unless, signed ' W. T. (Conway" 1 ;. :- SETH BRADFORD shipright, of Medford, was 12 vears af- flicted with a severely, painful ulcerated leg, had tried every Medicine' in vain, j.Was resigned '.as past relief, when to the surprise of every one, was cured by tak- ITlfr thuaa TV etna .'.--.;, .;... 4 ; ; (O :ir made pubUc at the irequest vf jllr. Bradford; trusting it may be f public vtility , , . r ' . - Of Gooch Lane, Boston, . was 4 ' years 'afflicted with '5 holes through his foot vC" ir ore) had his fodt opened twice 4and the bone scraped by an eminent sur jeon : at, length resigned as-past relief '(his leg condemned , to dmputatidhj his death ' dailyv expected; when to the as v ;tonishmeut of every one, onk taking; these rjills i in Id days his. health .was i- restored, B pieces of bone came a Way, t his foot : hcaiedi and after going 4 years on crutch cs is now running about free frorn -lame-.jitss ... ,, - . ; ' t AFFIDAVIT . 'Solomon;" Butterjeld, of Chesterfield, aiaketh oath and saith, that his son Oi irer 3 years afflicted with eru'ptions in his legs and dilierent parts of . his body: when alter trying all other medicines in Vain, was cured by 3 bottles of Or. ReiPs Bounical Drops alone, without the assis . tance of any other medicine ''I - Signed SOL. BUTTERFlELD ? JUete Jfcmer, "Witness Oct. 12V - ':::X'W - CKIiTIFlCA-TE , I Pl'jthora Blii, of Lebanon, County .Windham, Con. da hereby certify, that I 'was for a considerable time raost horri- 01- aiilicted viih an extreme crofttoitM . complaint, when after having tried afmncf very medicin? in vain, and the f advice, of :inemost ame physicians, had recourse to , Dr. llelfa . Botanical Dro9t when to my ; gutter astonishment I was almost iastan titieouely relieved. 1 - , , : ; signed PLYTiro'UA ELISS 'VTitncss Dcr & Ifawt - ' Wutdhan ccnv " I C3l?r Uelfs lhtanictl Pills! . i These Pills cives instant ease-' i'r Coughs, Cold; Consumption; Asthma, he?ff difficulty of oreathing ti-ht- ness mine cftest, pain in the side, spit- I I I r 1 ri If If 11 I liil-nOa AS- - . I me iprunners; 01 fevers. &cUcommon cdZT. moved in aiewi hours . T colds are removed in a lew - hours The ! reel and instanUneous, even knW tungs are atiectedr aj- Asfc tor Dr Kelt's Asthmat ic Pali One hnx rnn ,1 ... - . Was 8eVere,7 afflicted with an Asthma 4; years,' and for.the last, six months ut iianover, was V years afflicted - wiih Violent pains m his rig-ht brta'it attnH. ed at times witli great difficulty of bi eath o jing, and Wholly , incapable of business, af. ter having tried all other medicine in vain i was curea and his hcaltli nerfpr.i lv reef ... red by2 boxes of these pills t. r ear Green-Street. Hos ton u-a 1 rfi afflicted .wuh Consumption, hadtrjed al- most every medicine aiul Wicaf asV- tance without relief; wheu resigned as past Telief, not able to sit tin. mtir h H-hiU tated by want of sleep, perpetual palpita tions and pain in the side, she had recourse to .?JJr.:.!telfe's Asthmatic Pllls, when 1 to the surprise of.cvtry one, -she was re stored to perfect health in 14 clays X ; u Dr. Jcbfrs Liniment ! For Rheumatism, Uruises, Sprains, Chilblains, V JiTuniBess, istifihess inUhe joints, f;c. ' The relief is immediate and cure frequently in 24 hoUrs,T although of years standing and ihoufrht incurable ! ' Mr. Jacob Hifdrt th of Amhst, N Ht was many years , afflicted I with 4. violent rueum&tism, and as he advanced in years 9X times was wholly incapacitated for bu siness, when through recommendation, at now three years since he was considered incurable ! This is published 'at' his re W.:mif8S Aromatic : Fills. 4 For Female obstructionsScci and-are equally conducive, to the health of marri ed ladies unless when pregnant, at which time they must not be taken.' ' , ' , Br. Relfs'MWlimis Pills . For Indigestion, lossof Appetite,: List lessness, llcad-Achettiveness, Flatu lence, Cnolic, Biliious AtTtction, &c.; . l)r ltilfJs Vegetable Spe-' .A certain : and expeditious cure ' tor Sick Head Ache,; Biliious Atiections, Dumfries' Ointmeht. ; . , . -"; A certain, safe - and expeditious cure for the Itch however inveterate, in : an hours application, may be used by the most delicate pregnant female, oon chil dren at the breast, Nq danger from taking coid. OAsk for, " Dumfries Ointment, none are genuine, unless sign ed W. IV Conway, as; you value health observe the signature. . ; ; ; " ' . Dumfries Lotion. . A cure for the,Itch without smell. British Antiseptic i ;Denti- The Tooth Ache is not only prevented by the Dentifrice but renders'discoloured teeth,, beautifully white, -removes the cause of faeter arisihs from decaved teeth el nest. imparts to the gums the efflorescence df health, and td thelreath the most 'delec table sweetness ' - ' r r.' ' Q3 Albion Com Flats- ThisPlaister afford instant relief, at the same time it dissolves and draws the corn ouththe root, without the least pain. Cambrian Tooth-Ache Fills. -These Pills afford immediate relief with out -the least injury to the Teeth. Dr; Hunters Pills, Dr: Uiititer'sInjectionFqwders &Dr: Hunter's Ccrdte, For the Prevention and Cure of the Vene real Disease however inveterate, in all its various' stages, and even when Mercury hai ; failed full directions, and descrip tion of symptoms, so that any one may cure themselves with' secrecy ffor a Jerui dollars J accompany each Packet (CAsk for Dr. Hunter's Pills None are genuine out those signed WV T. Conway.'--rAs you value iThe whole of the above -M edicines are prepared, and sold wholesale, by - the sols proprietor; . W. T. Conway, I.'o. 1. Hamil ton place, ComYnon street, Boston, and retailed by V. Peck, '.Raleigh,- Hill, War ren - Baltimore, : Jordan, Thibdelphia John Tiebout, No. 233, Water-street, N. York Cbffln, Post blaster, Hudson and most ofte Druggists, Booksellers, and Post Masters throucrhout the U. Cfatta Pamphlets cf many extraordinary cure! may oe had at the agent s gratis. t-iCCfiSone of the above are genuine un less signed 'WT. Ccmvay as ycj val- health ebierve thi3. . " A large discount to country traders .r:d those who Lay,, to tzll agai.i, Jan. li, 1817. I'M. r ; J death, was daily expected, when to theov them will be kept open for the -sg surprise Lof everyone. ontakinff only 12 purpose oriettliuff their hnnMc i00 01 intsepais his - hea th , was pert " ,,.11 . ? 7 " . eilC.: Jfectiy restored. . fi well ?s the business olJarvis " '. -iter ti7ing all other medicines in vain was ' j cured by using only one . Lottie of this ' i Liniment and has" had no! fe'.anse s' it " ia NOTICE The Copartner Ship of Eionv? rirEST & Co, ILL Cease on the 1st day of August next. ."- Tha Subscribers therefore rranfrrfulltr tni;.; ofi 5 . rPCtuUf Solicit all persons 10 Moses "Jams.' !; Silvester Brown, Jno'. S AVest,yJun.; "KrwBerh'i Feb 7711 Jtr : .! Win ViiH rr.i.- fK . A.Sr w-rL Crtirt Wvt r t.8 rt We5? remainder.pf the f stCk on hand belonging tof the a- oove. nrm, consisting ot aome Di ye Goods,, Hardware;1 NaUs, Grcceritrs.&c." NOTICE. ? .-Si .- : V-. -' - ' . . - - ' ' v . : XiL. transactions , ander the Signature or firm of Perkins Naested: is thisUiv dissolved. 1 v -John Perkins; j " Wezvbern Jan.'S 1 9 1 8 1 8 J NOTICE. : -'tranti tctious1 J under th firm pr signature of f Perkins U Macsud isr wiU be with ray consent dipolved; until John Per- sins tnjns tit to- render proper and just 'accounts of thefdiabuVse ments of the concern: and,, like-wise-agrec to. some, method ;by which the creditors may be tecur cd . -'.."'rr-.: . - : ;F; Naeated. : Newbern, Fej. 6, , , INDIAN WAR. JUiiUdgrottteJatL 26,-1818i i Copy of a letter from Maj. GenV Games to thfr Governor of tlus state, received . last night by Fxpress, - ' , r , ;; '', . Head-Quarter, . t . - . Hartford, Ga. Jan. 23, 18i8, SiR--Bva letter just received from - Brig. Gen. Glascock, I am informed,: that a party bf Indians concealed in the swamp of .Ccdar c reeky 8 : mi les east' of Flint river, yesterday morning, fired upoo & killed Mr.Thos; Ltigh, 'rAssist ant Waggon Master, and Samuel Lofters, of Capt Ayera's compa ny of Georgia Mill tia rTh Wag on Master, had been ; sent 'out vhh"a small party? of men; and a drove of pack-horses laden; with provjsions: ; whico, . by a prompt and juditious arrangement on the part of iVI aj or Heard, were, sccur ed," with the residue of the, party and horses. Gen Glascock .im mediately ordered rout a, detach mentiindcr Maj. Morgan, in pur suit of the Indians. ': By a letter from Col Arbuckfe of thci'Cfth inst. I learn, that'the Indians were : to v assembled hear the mouth of Flint on- the 21st for the purpose of concertincr mea sures for the destruction of the in nabitants on the Chatahouchie,- & the reduction of Fort Scott. .The latter they calculated upon star ving jouUTt Gaines it was appre hended would be rl attacked.. One of the inhabitants (Mr Weaverl had been killed near thp Fnrr a j house hcci been burnt, and some ,l he detachment and vessels un der BInj. BltihlenDurg with mxli itary stores, arrived at Fort Scott without any material loss, pother thsn that mentioned ia ray last, dthough incessantly canoyed by a very brge force from each shore from the 15th to the 25th of De cember. A supply, of proyisions, cidsred in tCovcci. last, had not rcachtd the Appahchicola at the dts of Col. Arbuckle's letter, (ths'lCth in:t. The troops were th:a vkl.'jut met, but had ena- w -ins r - vi I - - , i A ged nearly one months supply upen the Chattahouchie, part of which left Fort Gaines under a strong guard on the" 16th. .The supply of flour at Ft. Scott is euf ficient allowing full rations of that article" for the troops : there, until the middle of nest month : and the arrival of sixty thousand ra tions from -New Orleans is daily expected and even -should - this supplyffail, :l have hot a doubt of having -a competent supply' seut dotiro the Flint - arid Chatahouchiej in time . to prevent the troops from suffering. , - 'j f;i rhayebccrji thus particular in communicating to your Exctlicu cy the state" of r pursupplies, ?as well as the movements oj the eo' my from an r impression, that a knowledge of these subjects would be acceptable to you, and Seaeh cial toK grate .over .Which ; you pre side-Jas well as flom, a wish 19 drawjromjbu, a free cominuV nication of your vicyvs and wishes, unoo whatever? relates to the puta ?:e, con n ccted wi th 'my com V mL.u -i V--' j; -IS.- i - ' -' ; bave seen in the newspapers, with equal surprise anci , indigija tion, the attempts" that bdycf f been; made! to lull the public mind rinto be no peace until thiise? ; Indians are severely chastised. r;The Chiefs were;, required to surrender the offenders I - It: was deliberately- esolved; in a v large Council: of the - Scminoles and - Red Sticks," at Mickasukee, that the offenders should neither be punished nor surrendered. ; Some of their Chiefs have tri-C umphantlyVasserted , that we; can norSeat them ! that I xvei. nPvfr have beated them. except. i when we had u Red People Jo help : us 99 It is not extraordinary they should entertain these obinionions-thev k now ; little 'or nothing of the strength or resources of ,oiir coun try and , whatever information they ; have . derived - from their white friends (British - Officers & traders) could have no v tendency to give them favourable impres sions tow AtditxiTAey must be Beaten Before ive can reasonably calculate upon pvace- t - ' , ;--It is 'well known that, seven of our citizens were killed by those Indians in the,two years immedi ately succeeding the late war with England. Their'Chiefa admitted this, and that .among the number Mrs. Garrett ofithis sVate.) . 4 The principal Chief Chapihin- rti 5n nntifvinrr fK 1 ra a y uiuim anu iwo cnuirfn. icoj in notifying the . Warriors of '' - m ... ....... ..,,.. . aic resolution of the. Chiefs , in Council; added that, the day never should come when; he would give op or punish ard ' man . for killing a white man.'.ihese faces have been tommunicie.ci to me by Indians, and through interpre ters who I believe to be, men ol truth-r-nor haveL'far)lDobtbut these facts were well known to those philanthropic s - writers of Peace who have had the sagacity to discover that hostilities were commenced -by; the. troops under my command, on the 20th of No vember last and that we are the aggressors ' "; ; r. ,' It is not an act of warf ;; accor ding to thisdoctrineV to massacre and scalp seven unoffendincr ; per sons, and among them a woman and her infants ! What number r then. I would ask. the of which would constitute an act of war ? Sir, ay ' own tumble impressions upon this subject are, that the wanton massacre of an in fant not yet able to lisp the ehvil able declaration, of 4 I am an T A mefican Citizen," should be" as promptly avenged, aa if . fifty, or fifty thousand citizens had been thus massacreed. When repura tioh 1$ refused by the " Nation (whether red oi white, civilized or savage) to whom the offenders belong the Nation itself becomes accountable, end should b? chas " .! J r .1 ' . . tised for the outrage. I have little confidence in the expectation of obtaining anv con siderable aid from the friendly In vyiici, uiai me nostne inaianB desire peace, & are willing to l ay down their 'arms ! Sir,' there will dians evffn srtniilfi iK.t- n:h'- the loss of their Clue's m.y in.' duce them to folioiv the cample of the Warriors under "Perry iuun," and go oer to the enemy'- .md I. .owe; it to myseli and Li the pub lic service to apprise yiu of tUe existence cf a tpiritol oppciitiun, tecding to counteract fn til haying recently rnunilc stcri Ure in what is deemed to be the irisi:d- ty part ol the Creek nation- or- igiuatiug, asTbave reason to be. leve;'whh some; evil - crs-d white, persou, actualh'enpt-d ih smuggling ntgroes into; rhe.'Uiii icuotaces trom hst - Fioricf. . credibly informed and btlice, have bceo taken to the immediate vicinity of the Creek : AJnc It rests .with the Agent to detect or explain this apparent violation of law. ;: The .movement ; t of V the troops anil the active arid ; gtnral Hostility of the"India,.s ctar the! Florida line, will have a strong tendency to Knder this '. abomi ca ble tisffit difficult; and perilous ; beoce.I .expect Vto ..be: honoured with the ill will of every oue"eo gaged in iu ; . -! V . y I. have the honor .to be, - very , respectfulIyiryourVcbtdieht servr ant ,:A..,B;-P.-G-AINEft- laj heivl. Coin's:. FO-BEl GN;.' r; V ;.' ; JLONDON, Nov. 28. T: Tfte PIa8ue aving:horribly de populated Algiers,' the new Dey has rc6mmanded that all the un married mcn,above 20 years, of age,1 should be conducted to the : public placeV-and'amplyr; with the bastinado, to give them a" desire for wedlock; 1 hijJ is the prelude, to a nevy lempire of wo. men which is about to ie estab- , lished among the- barbarians ; and ; it must be said that the' fed n rat inn : of theyoung men' has .. commen ced even before marriage; : ' ' ' - i , -, .-.. -. The Duke of Wellington's seat. Every arraagement was - com.: pleted on Friday. last,ufor, the-'" purchase of t,he Earl of , Rivet's chateau and 'rlnmSnt 'o: 'o.- ,s nelsdav. npn't- f-Tfirtr mi j . . Hampshire. The Duke of VVI- : lingtdn passed four hours in con vcrsatfon with Lord Rivsrs, wheai hisGrace was Jast-in .England, , upon the subiect: It .. i bemeea thtm to appoint two ar- DUrators to arrange matters ; thev v"e toa dccision:in the, prece"- Uintr Week ' 2 when u thi: nitf,!,. ding week when u the purchase mouey vvas agreed upon to be 2 hundred and aixtv "three . thnM- and pounds; : The timber on the estate., is valued ' at one; hundred ahd fifty thousand Dound. ' Th Duke of. Wellington aiscrft has already been given.. For at -the laic interview,' his Grace pledged his word of honor to abide by the decision of these persons, be it what it might. Lord Rivers be gan to move out on Saturday lasfy and this week Ihe will surrender the pesstssion. . His . Grace in- tenrls to direct the pulling; down "y.wwjiuu luuiicaiaieiy ; in the spring the outline for the new pile will be determined upon. Scath. fielsday is in a;very healthy situa- uon4 ancj upoi, a ary gravelly soil r' li031 the London Times cf Dee. 2. ; S The proclamation which ap peared io the Gazette of Sunday night, prohibiting all assistance to the provinces of South America, has excited a etrong tensation' a mongst the military adventurers, whose enterprises re thus sud denly condemned ( by law. Cev eraloOcers in the above predica ment, mustered in the city yes terday to take into consideration the best means to be pursued un der existing circumstances. .Ma ny of these gentlemen urs mot uncomfortably, situated,' having fitted themselves cut for the trans atlantic regions at a gret tr pencej which they were enrbled to do only .by the; assistunce cf their friends added to -this, a number of tfcfm had uktn cni

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