" 1 i! ' - V t. VOL. X. t - ' I i-: : :i-5i NEWBERNV SATURDAY FEBRUARY 2ii 1818.- - .-v S fs:nT:&UMBR "'47' V CJOJNJJ111U.WS. ? .V(7V1 Irelandta tTjicrftwfc,aomc :articlcs,.wh:pbf-- , , . 1 s T,Tafoit i rrf n "fP4 5 -thcy, burst the number qfvpsstls nadbctDship- reserve serious Ucifiion iThrcg- The FEDERAL REPUB-J A -fh Pfrjona qopccrDed,Jare hatchcstivith axes thai they might Wrecked, a gntleroenolKiisiiIiukria; th'ev0WC ) LIC AN t published ry - i$&$ perished.;, The j urday S. HALL, ' at ' VJ-& k "bgl0 WF?J 'M 9&P? ?S Ai- sl01 t'HWt ' T n-;;.- mnh1 hnlfi ana inai.tne Subscribers have, &d cabin bv two men. who remninerl two frirrates. lid reached, obit- vinces.t Now. the National- fn. v .V I . - ADVEftfiiErtkNTH inSWcdcin. trYihVfrst insertion, an J 25 1 i LtU ft,r . rtfcA insertion after. . . r . afttinvm each insertion after All Advertisements will Be con iinuedy until otherwise ordered each continuance charged, , (Q No Paper will be discon tinued until all arrearages are paid. Jfewbern Prices Current; From' ' To j 'merchandize: d. ,c p Bacon : Ucef Butter Bees -Wax , Brandy, French do "Apple do Peach . Corn Meal Cotton Coffee ' Cordage Flour Flax-Seed Gin, Holland do Country Ton Tinber Pine Scantling ; Plank V. : Lb. : none 151 lb. 35 28 gal. 50 65 80 bush. 901 lb. bbl. 26 6 26 : 12 '80 10 bush. gal. M. 2 1 20 8 15 20 1 18 8 iio 20 :' Squat e Timber shingles, 22 inch. Staves; W. O- hhd. da H. O". - do ,do W.Oi bbl. ' 50 10' Heading, W. O.hUd L.ara 4 Molasses - ;' Tar ' Pitch Rosin - Turpentine I tlo. Spirits Pork Rice ' Rum; 'Jamaica do 'AVULrii"i - do America Salt'AUum' : do .Fne lb. gal. bbl. 20 to '20 l : 2 4 25 gal. bbl, 40 20 none gai: 20 10 -- 70 75 bush. 50 50 Sugar wt- 135 50 4 uuavvu 6 I" U iwfi NOTICE;?; , The Co-partnership tifi BRO WN WEST? & Co. ILL Cehe -oii thfe J c tl . ' . ).. j.i 1st, dav of. 'August lext. 1 The Subscribers therefore respectfully solicit all persons in deb ted to said firm to settles their respective,, accounts before, that period "and" "all those having ac counts against them to present the same prior to that date, i The Store at .present .0 occupied by them will be k'ept open for the purpose of settling their business, as well as the business of Jar vis Brown & Cc. . . , , . -4-. , . sJvMosesJarvis,- fSiiyesterrBi'own, Jno. S. West, Jun. Newbernl Feb. 7, 1818. i-. fi Will be sold on Tuesday the lOihrdayof March next,during Court week, theremainder of the stockon hand belonging tothe a bvlve 'firm,' consisting iof some , Dry Goods, fHarwarfaUs, - Groceries &c. ' -r.i--v Twenty J)oilars lwU AN-AWAY from tnsub- scriber on thcrlst of September last, a likely Mullatto uirl bv"thc;name;ofi-:c.;:-w.y 'she wabbutViyca thick built, f generally J wears fa pleasing , countenance, aod is very likely- I understand she is lurk ing abotit Newbern anditsl Vicin ity, and passes bv the name of free CHARLOTTE; she formerly be longed to the estate of. "Anthony Hatch; dee'd- I will give the a bove reward to any . person who t?ill secure her in J ail, so nhat I itct "her again, or deliver her tome id Onslow County. d u ra?;t n at c n. Onslow County, N. C. v ix fir a re w n m -rri h.w.?. 1 February U, 1818.-4w. - (faid.) 76. ministered on his I e"" .a" "4eed. to pay their debtori m r claims within.the time provided . 1 -.vli , v; l-y fv UM Willi (111 h all convenient speed .; Josiali Howard, i,v ; and; iAdnCts Narcissa Howard: Newbern Feb 14, 1818 -t 4tJ NQTICE. , t ' ...4 , , . it irf N; Monday 1 the 9:hidav Of v J iic4i, ai; : mr. west- orooics it tnciitross? roausi vob j.white oak jn jooes County, will j behold at six months credit ;th P(Tvata iviuy appruvcu nottsv negotia'mt tiUher uf the -banks in Newbern,) ail the slaves be longing to thesaid estate six. teeo; in number, men, women ; and children i . Josiah Howard r" Narcissa Howard. 3 Y . Newbern''2?ebicl4?ilki&.Z74t. Gallant, MhcpVoi J:. The following is a more par- .1... . r - ucuiar account ortne re-capture of a vesselvfrom the Algetines .than has yet beehr publi8hv eel, -:::-yrt-n.;5 t- .wt-i-sid f It will bKcbMcct& tht'Gnt ana Reterburgh,' who' vv,.vI,.,MUu "c,au35ianrt)rig m ' uusxaiA,'. was4 tJten -by an Alge fine pjrjknfE thar-he afterward f;iTectcd;hb liberatrone r The panicular of this? eVent i 1 .... . our readerSiibvvciimboiTicatlng to )hem wordL;for wprdnheSjudiciaV declarationsiof theptitf mad before M.?ybQ Boxei, the RussiaW CopsulXieneral in a Po'rxqil :f "vn tne: arujijivr;nefrvb6at two leagues Jrom -GabetF?Hft I1 '''yi "VS "?lc5p in f rVA .AVAMnnn . U . w .i .4. f J ! m tigs, iu;v.uuuu) ui nic SUUlUWeU it brig of war ond er English cblbrs which Jbore dovVn on us- with full sail.,; Whtn within asheft rdis tance'df the lodastria Iwasor dered to tell from whence camel I answered from -Riga, &'tharM swijed under the; Russian- flag. I was suromoncd.under threats, I td come on board which I did with out opposition, taking ,1 with me papers relative: :to. ; the. r ship : and 1 are interesting ahd deserg of attention i: Wejirnagirt tnereloVeT that we?shaR,:ramt -frhei thank's of found rnvsf on -.board- aiJ-Aiirc vWOf the property .pf gerine privateer? of. twenty - two guns.-' . v ei . Cm ? S;-'. u I shewed, my papers to : the commander, who.J immediately looked, over them,, & as , he found no Turkish pass, or Airman, he asked if I bad i none, .when I. . ani swered in the fcnegative4 and ob served at the samel time, that the usecf them was not known to the Ru88ian:8hips in the Belt : he "de clared myship a g'xid prize, me and my ; crew prisoners of war, af ter this declaration;, he sent mc back in my own boat to the Indus tria accompanied by II well ar I med Turks,-to whom he gave or- ucrs to taice d men .iro.m it, and bring to the privateer, but - to re tain me with the J other persons of; the crew, on board ' the prize . " . ; ." y, : . - - - After this painful separation the eleven Turks who had obtain ed possession ot the Industria, set sail about six o'clock in the even in? towards the" west. Thev ex amined every part of the ; ship, to plunder whatever they choose, St to cram themselves with the best provisions. They said, tbe pri vateer, had two days before,' ta ken two other . Russian ships, a brig and a galliot, from (he Belt, and destined for Spain, and sent them to Algiers. 'The came evening thtymade With Ui'awn fiahre Ht . thr , dn;ir. and- they were relieved ; every t ??'-v fer of the commander of the pi tvateer, th,e person placed QZlimh prderedthe.t4ve: a!iprsrtowprkfabusing and threatening to isabre )n 59;.9fi disobedience. RPS b "ponBheli courageii.of m nyc sailors, with whom I-had before b3.DdJ,conterted measures . "ro "01" uu vvai gu m.cae.an opportunity presented PKSPg thsbipand icargoi itself for so doinjr. I carriffl ihi plan into.eecution.at te ritf my liiiV'pn the 5th of July in view I Werlinguas, m the following man r, t . :, ;: , .. , j .About -I I o'clock in the for i noon, while 1 was in the cahin with the comm.indcrof the prizewhere he,w;s employed", in pointing -a chart which was lying. before me on the uble, he dem-tided a glass of brandy Jrom me. which I order ed a Russian, serving as a.caUin boy, to bring, to him and while?! ?c$: dothi Lsrieweo! him at the same time aoax standiniHn a corner,, and toW i.him .he might sPl!;iCurkVHrom behind PI hpvas busv along with me m,lopkip&QW.jthe chart. ,4 IfJ?Fnc..c e-.xaminatioo ito PEcPiran C the:.har.bir pf Ah SVe-Ef 4!l-p .wich.com-. turn his back more.than before-trth lW?P but ajsailor backed off PSoCs disappeared: in the-jwaves.1' ,.-i:-ti;t,-'c ': :. 4 he vessel vvaoll'over cover c;vfh!?? csReroed.my, sc.irfprtunatejf that on 'an occasion bjeh m v 4y"e sailors were! cx posed to the-danger from-ibich we yereao providentially saved, jffee only blood which ; flwwed was my6wnl was sliirhtlv wounded on the head, jthe right hand, and the Turks we retained nothimr but the(ar ? ?ne dread.pl a sev ere quarantine 'induced me;; to thrqw their, bodies, witbnheir dotheVinto the sea.',,fi,, v: -v The investigation took place on the ,17th, Julyy, and the declaration of the Captain was confirmed bv FOREIGiS mvS. - - 'Z - ' , A " ' : V:' ' ' i v v Latest from i England.- -: ; $ f 'Niw'YoRi, FcbV 6, TV the : attention ; of Captain S? of the elegant and supe riorr ship. Nestor, the Editors -of the New.York Gazette arc indebt ed for . London papers, i Prices C urrent, Lloyd's Lists , and Liv erpool ; papers, : the la t ten to the 26th December. , Such , of I their contents as are interesting will be found ' in .this 1 day's- pa per., ,." f ;. : v; ; . 1 ) Ao absurd rumor was in circu-: J lation in London, on the 22d; of a change, pt ministers, ..whichi with other reports, had the effect of lowering the fifhds. . : 1 Steam boats were employed in towing outward bound vessels down the river to Gravesend, a gaiait wind tnd tide, r ' : It hzd brcn very storpy on the :.Vu iV.i; - i " ML r?1 i -A' A L'tnis Island: on rWednsdav laf jwithobt the least ... soui ti : cbmWiJ krs,;arso turns,out to be an : 1m. hjn cl A cSafL , fVomhimi; -n; t:;::oHMiicarraB3 i1' iixxr "- '-;"" -' ' -rMJf'"a t.-irr k jo .VA!jdaor General for CafraecW 'sal . 3i " yVerimmtdiatelv-.sefeed riii jmne 'United States, ji' jy?W "S; ?n : ' vvjr4,Ccu iuu f--v-n 2' i. v.'4-,v v 4aVfc1n the roads oPLa GuvMfi,' pjstols apd. his sabre. ;w thiwhichW 3D DOtlcea ,n the Loudon 1-,7 hVe'firHt dhVri U "' y-tuu anprr;23: Nfeveral days, haying left that port" 1 MC;If?1 Kwiea the two guards at P 3P cr " frr4Pnt-yrtR-ir v:r -the upper aoor or tlKir .f:.u vLdrGases Remained lat rFrank3rr i . . " Tr-.vv. 8Pccie whose armvwer: ntw, fchppor(edfort w?th hrs sobilanid it.wsV'notjp m fu:J,V:X;,iL " ?n.a?T"- deck, acke4.tl.e,Uih2r.T4tks.-ifcVed wthe-Aiistriao:br -'PfWiian .SSi te'w? - ks- 6' -SWfeflP- "8 if?:?te r"8f.0- ra-ot Gen. Mini .4nd r- t .nriorii.nn ' .- H . - .1 i!r:i. iimii in nrnnmin m nn ilia on' i f?n;drow p.caKo?Dake WWiUo! tumolcd the others wholav stretch i tfrom ne sentenced! the ' Corrcc ed pMt.oQ..the d)eclr, iuto.the aea-n'oWoooa't'heot.5 which one of them, still liv. K-M,, acquitted M. "Debasscher. editor t At Breast a dreadful storm had, been fel flir two ltdays abd .Xo nights. An English - transport from: London wast :lost;rwitH:2.i6 passengers,, near PontusvaU 5 tQur riles otLloyd's Lists, frbmr ineta to me aJLiecemoer, iu-, elusive, contain gloomy accoubts of the loss and .damageof', nearly 200 sail of foreikn Vessels, with, many lives, 00 the , European coast,: during a succession or . - the y: ?0iVn n?ost tremendous . caies ever .". The Chamber of Dsputies of France were, encaged, iu the . dis , cusson pf a cussion of a law relative to v;ihe "PW-Qt the press.; .r -M will b seen that the ' Uoited States .snip,? Franklin,' f 74, with xua our minister, -nau 4 C4vucu jc. ugjaqa. Sir Tames Lucas ,Yeo had sailed from. Portsmouth, forv Madeira,' Tener iffe and.theCoast tof A in- ca. . - . , 5 The Princess of Wales; rejceiy e tithe news ol heraug b'tcVt djrath on iiic Z5 tn.iayemberv'. ana - was So deeply afiecteS', tbat she faint ed, away several times.; . ;-4i.v: h Leach; Jal appointed Vjfce Chancel Ior aSirjTiibraas JUi iner, vMaateriiVe-SUjia.'E land, r .. - :ii t;i t J he, fortunate youth, ,vo ' ?)t r V-5 v Jk?.'5i; calumniated his Grace. llie ap,. Ui&t i 'iu- n.AJii receivblt;ad fee" ti&6ndw& CES W ed in cosTf. . - - - Mr. Rush;tne"Arme7ican 1 min ister, left Portsmouth for London ori'the ?Oth Dec."fc ' . ' ." - 7;; Jbour transports; of about JS00 tons each; are 'ordered to be &6u bled (to secure them from tHe ice) and to be fitted at Wool wichfbr the purpose o f rrha king a voy ace of discovery and;,invctigati6ti to the Nor th of 1 A no erica , E drope and Vsia. The recent discove ries -m e - by Lieutenant Ko tze buevof 't the Russian -navy,, and more so, we understand,, the re ports made by our Greenlandmen this ' season, are , . circumstances which have giyena renewed feel ing and' interest to the subject of a north west "passage. '- .- - ' The French ambassador. Marquis 'D'Osraond,' Had arrived in London from Paris. Accounts 'from ! Cadiz r of the Russian L ambassador ' had hin Russian ambassador ? had been there aomc days, - waiting for the Russian -squadron, which , hid been ceded to Spain, upon - condi tions which remained unknown. To this squadron was tov be added vwu suipa oj incline ana two , in ' gates, the equipment of whichTwas nearly completed Besides the troops which were teady to . em-, bark on board them, 3 or 400 of ficers had solicited to accompany the expedition, to serve as volun teers till they can be employed in the a South American posses sions. YA " Deci6V.: We received this morning sbmc New-York papers to the 1 8th No yember from which we have ex" traded ail that is most important ly estate, turos outi lbe aoMm. iCtjrao4 Dec- 27 r- 5 4" w" KheWren telligencer. tbie'-f .'American' ufli ?iaA PaPerf cnt9!:c58 5LaP?.llcyiPfr neutrality, with -respect to the, oouth American provinces, and Snvcighs strongly against the :dea pf an a:janceinr their cause against' . ihe mother .jdpuntrV. - it ilie f'A J merican-government really, deter mine to remain neutral, n cannot petruci that the,, American ? commissioners are. goioirrt ,10 , bauth America, to .recognk'ze.tbe l idrpendeocc of one or morcoi vhe, uiuviuces Courier ' - '. LlVERPooLVwDec; 25- r J r The honr K. - Husk, 5 minUte1 from the Unitrd'StatVi; JafVived'at-? Portsmouth on .Tuesday se'nignti '4 and inLondofi onV ThurrJli; dis excellency, with -ts ? family anclsiilie,cne over -ln'thVA-" taeriestf snip oTWr Franklin) of 74 -guns, the first of 'thatcfassUati has been mciuV a -r-'Bntlsh pdrtl bearing &ttie b?6af pendant' lof 1 Cbmmuddre Stuartl'and ;' kmJ-. jpanded oyCapt.Balla'rdi This? ship is allowea "hX'iiih tK- Vessel pp-her. class fver btiilt7 inf-America.: r HfeV:-buhheQ 2500 toos. - She4ktitrrifVf sHo tVe'Aledhetraneah; toiomthffAerica oi' his stafT, being the ; remnant of hs armyv haying been taken pris. oners, ana escorted to Mt where they' werervio be mit tr exico. f A Carraccas Gazette of the 17th 1. iin;i a:" t - Vfn st. contains' an official dispatch from eeheral Mnrill. V.. tain -general ofVenezuela. ' Hnn Juan Baptisfa Pardd, dated, Head quarters, Guadarraiiia, 7th De cember, from which it appears Vy Senr4 Paez, of the indepen dent army, was. in i Achaguas, and fProienced his retreat .on;thc,A-radca;..wjtbrthe-.;eigfation, and all his forces, having at the same time orderedthose in Nutrias to; ross back the Apure, in conse quence of which all Gen. MoriU lo's endeavors to 'meet him wcrc frustrated.; ' m' . c Gen. Morillo, being at Cala. boze, and having received ac counts from Col. La TorreVfroni which helearned that the latter was deterred from attacking the' enemy by a false report that Bol ivar and Arismendi were coming up the river with S great; forces marched with several corps to re- inforce himland arrived at Gii.irl-' arrama the Very day his dispatch- I - . . r? CIV?a another letter from ' La Torr. meationiug that he had doited the rebels, commanded by Zuraza.ia the field of Hogaza; k ' ; The official dispatch of hoU T. Torre, is dated : Calvario. ith December: and contains : the fol lowing in substince : , ,.' V.J" t; Y- That on the 2d December he attacked the independent irmyi posted on the heicht in the Hata of Hogaza, to the number of 1,- ouu men, with two pieces of , gr tiiiery : bis army Ycomoosed bn of 300 cavalry and 900 infantry), advancing"; with undaunted ' cour age, amidst the : cries of," loo live the king." His cavalry, pz : oer rrogones, being. attacked by that of the enemie's left, he order ed this oGccr to charge thec3t ..v 4 - 1 i i t i t t : 4-ri''.--"---H-.

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