VOL. X NEWBEJtN, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 8, 1818. NUMBER 478i CONDITIONS. Q3rDr Relfs tiotanical . . puis!: The FEDERAL REPUB- These PiU$. gives - instant ease tin LIC A. N IS published every Sat- Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Utday'to S. HALL, Xf fW Wheezing, difficulty of breathing tight- ..7 x.- i. ness in the chest, pain in the side, spit- Dollars per annum , payable half of blo(a; chiliness : and shivering ij early in advance - 'the foruhne or fevers &c,4' common Advertisements inserted con : colds are, removed in a lew hours. The -apiCUOUtly at SO cents per square ale-andMnstantaneous, even hen the far the first insertion and 25 tor himrs art affected: nrh Ask ibr! " Dr tA tntrrtinn after. ".'. ' ' : -Relfs Asthmatic Pills." One b ' Jit A JflinvitB mill he ran- taining 12 Pills; frequently effects a cure All Advertisements will oe con s i. omske in ed wrapperis lintied, until Otherwise oraercu s-17ned Wj T. Conwav," none other are CaCnCOnimUUlWC Kliuigw . ; genuine i' ; t J t i flTJ" No Paper will be discon-! A Gentleman of Charlestowrii Vmucd until all arrearages are 1 Was severely. afflicted with an Asthma 4 ,ul' . u , ! years, and for the last six months his Newbern Prices Current. 1 Corrects IDeeM?. ; , From To MERCHANDIZE d. C. 1 D L,b. . 15 , none , lb. 35 . :" . . ffal. 2 50 65 80 bush. 80 1 lb. 26 " 26 26 '12 bbl. 9 10 bush. ,80 gal. 2 t ' ' - 20 m: 8 15 : . 20 1 50 . 18 8 10 f 10 lb. 18 ; 20 gal. . 60 bbl. 1 30 - 1 6( ' 2 25 gal. 40 bbl, 20 . none gal. 1 '20 ' ' 1 10 70 7. 1 bush. 50 50 : : wt 1? : 50 ' - 1 16 -. es - I, Bacon , Beef Butter Bees-Wax Brandy, French do Apple v do Peach Cora s 4 Meal Cotton Coffee Cordage Flour Flax-Seed . Gin, Holland do Country Ton Timber Pine Scantling ' Plank. ; . Squave Timbe Shingles, 22 inch. Staves, W. O- hhd. do R. O. do do W. O. bbl. Heading, W. O.hhi Lard Molasses Tar ' '- Pitch ' ' Rosin ;. Turpentine, , - 'do Spirits Pork Rice J . ; ; -Rum, Jamaica do; W.I. - do American , Salt Allum ; do Fine Sugar . Tooacco THOMAS .WATSON. TTASFor Sale a general as X Xsortment of those justly teemed and highl approved MEDICINES Prepared by W. T. Conway, No Hamilton Place, Common-strcet,. . Boston ' " "The followinc: respectable testhnoni al mav serve to prove the surprising ai id singular efScacy of ' ( ' ; Dr. Relps Botanical Drop $. - These drops are a, radical cures i vt Sfcurvey, Scroiula, St. Anthony's Pi xe Leprosy, Pimpled Faces, .'..fore Le fs, . , Ulcers? .Venereal Tain ts . when Merciriry has failed, are the best Spring and " A. u tumnat physic, and may be given to chil dren with perfect safety. ; - Price 1 (CJ. Ask rior V He. ' . UelPs ; BoUni ifai Drop Observe that none are ge Au ine unless signed " " W. T. Conway" . ' f SETH BRADFORD I hipright, ot Medford, -was 12 years af-, flicted with a severely painful ulcera ted leg, bad tried every. .Medicine in vain,' was resigned as past relief when to the surprise of every one," was cured by' tak- 5 ing, these D. ops " '. . , . (j The above U' made v public at -the s request of wMr, Bradford, trusting it may be of bubhc utility --t- WILLIAM PAY SON Of Gooch Lane, Boston,' i was 4. yef rs ; ' afflicted with 5 holes through his foot,' C fever tores had his foot opened twice and the bone, scraped by "an eminent sur - jeon i at length resigned as past relief ( his leg condemned . to , amputation J his oeath daily, expected, when -to . the as- ?: tonishment of every one, on, taking these pills ; in 10 days his health was restored, 8 pieces of bone came away, , his foot healed, and after going 4 years on crutch ; es is now running about free from lame j Bess "". , -, . ft j, : , AFFIDAVIT J . J Solomon Butterfield, of , Chesterfield, tnaketh oath and saith, that his' son ,01- Iver 3 years ' afflicted with eruptions ' in his legs and different -parts of, his : body, when after try i ng all other medicines in Vain, was cured by 3 bottles of Dr. RelPs . Botanical Drops alone, without the assis tance of any other medicine -Signed SOL. BUTTERFIELD Moses JVarner, Witness. Oct 12, ' , . CERTIFICATE ! I Plythora 2?t. of Lebanon, County Wmdham, Con. de hereby certify, that l i. ' V s LAND FOR SALE. npHE Subscriber; is willing to X seil a valuable ; tract of Ldnid situated in OosloW County, on the North 'East side of new fiver, one, mile from the Inlet,-Tbe ocean and inlet are in . full view from the Plan tation .The tract containinff about ! c-'. of which ' about Eight Hundred is rich, light, and level;. Land, 7,iQd considerable proportion ricK h'am"f mock Land. .. s f.. k . 150 ACRES ' . '.. are cleredThe Cotton produ ced on this land, is little inferior to sea "island. .'Adjoining the great difficulty of .breath- tract an extensive 7 range for incapable of business; af-j Cattle and Hogs. Adjoioing the line i ana oeionging to tne tract, is a : valuable fishery .in good order, at .which four hundred ' Barrels, of mullets have been taken in a sea- son;There is a privilege of ran ging cattle on the ; banls; also, which will be sold with the land. "For health, beauty: of: prospect, and advantage of cultivation, - no situation on the atlantic shore pos sesses crreater. recommendations than that now offered for sale. ; A liberal credit will, be given, hd ample 5 security vrequired.; i -' Jo sink Howard. ; Newbcrn Feb. 21. 1818. - lT? j LbrcJ Charles Somerset, mv jour- take place, Nothirg iuteiesfin .JLgJfl 4i 4,,v j Dajg even a letter to, the French I will be found inthem relative t 5 to Minister bf Policr, and another I affairs of state, or , anv : political : to my wife, Jwhich being here, at I secret,. I have r never had. any leisure, I have already directed j thing of, the kind ; and if it had . hat it mipht be fbrwarded as soon lbeen thecase; I . shcutd, lootr " as lv landed .at ustena. iney since, nave not wanted an ooDOt- death was daily expected when to the surprise of every one, on taking only 2 hoxes of these pills his health was per J fee tly restored. . ' :' ' " (p MR STETSON . : j Of Hanover, was 9 years afflicted wiih violent pains in his . right breast, attend- ed at times with ing, and wholly. ter having: tried all other medicine in vain was cured and his health perfectly resto red bv2 boxes of these -pills. t -J ; . 0j A YOUJVG UiDY' : ; Near Green-Street, - lloston, was 3 years afflicted witlr Consufmptioh, had tried al most every medicine and medical assis tance - without , relief, , when- resigned as past relief, not able to sit up, much debili- I tated by want of sleep, perpetual palpiu- i i . a. t. "i 1 ... - uuiis aim jiaiu in viic siuc, sue ua.M. nxuui to 'Dr. Kelfe's . Asthmaticjills, whtii to the surprise of eve ry onej she was re stored to perfect health in 14 days J ; .', Dr. Jebb's Liniment ! tr For. Rheumatism, Bruises, Sprains, Chilblains, Numbness, -stiffness Unf die joiqts, &c. The relief is immediate, and cure frequently in 24 hours', ; although ot years standing .and diought incurable ! ..? Mr. Jacob Hiidreih of Amherst; N H. was many years afflicted with' violent rheumatism, and as he advanced in years . . lit -. . . . .. ac umes waswnouy incapacitateu lor du siness, When through recommendation, af ter trying all other medicines in vain was cured by using'only one; bottle ot this LiiUinicnt, and iia.s had no relapse.; it" is now three years since he was considered incurable! 1 his is published at his re quest. "'.". br. llelfs Aromatic Tills ror female oQsuuctions, ccc. and are equally conducive to the health off marri d ladies unless when pregnant, at which time they mutnot be taken.., ; jTtv en ty polldrs -Ifeward. : an-aw ay from the sn b- scriber! oh the 1st of September last, a likely IVluilaUo Girl bv the name of 9 is aoout lb years- of ace. thick: built, generallv. wears a pleasing countenance, and is very likely, I understand she is lurk- T)h. KelfeAntihilinu Villa , ForIndestion loss of Appetite, Ll.u! W8110"1 and S VlCin- lessuess, Head-Ache, Costiveness, ,; Flatu lence, Cholic, Billious Affection, &c. - l)r lhlfs Vegetable Spe A certain and expeditious cure " tor Sick Head Ache,' Billious I Affections, JDnmfrics Ointment, i A certain, safe and expeditious, cure for the Itch, however inveterate; in '.an hour's application, may be used, by the most delicate pregnant female, or'on chil dren at the breast,-HJCj:No danger from taxing, coiq. ; yjr .sfc . tor, " Dumfries Uintment,"none are genuine unless sign ed W. T Conway,' as you valae health observe the signature Dumfries Lotion. - -.- A cure for ihe Itch' without smelL 1 British Antiseptic Denti' V ince. - , The Tooth Ache is not only prevented by-the Dentifrice but, renders discoloured teeth beautifully - white, removes the cause of fseter arising from decayed teeth imparts to the. gums-; the efflorescence of health, and to the breath the' most delec table sweetness - ' ' .'"'-. : .(rMbi(m''ComTM8' - . -4.-' ' v . . , ;W u . . ter. ;.; ;:v , ;ThisPlaister afford instant relief, at the same time it dissolves and draws the corn out by the root, without the least pain.- ' v Cambrian Tootli-Jlche Fills. These Pills afford immediate relief with out the least rnjury to the Teeth.n ' ' :Dr. Hunter's Fills. Dr. : r Hunter's Injection Fowder tnlvw1 a' f1irtf r. ..--.r' ' . . . , . ' '..-vii-i-"''": ' For the Prevention and Cure of the Vene real Disease, however inveterate,' in all its various stages, and even when Mercury hasV failed--full directions, and ; descrip tion of symptoms, S9 that; any " one may cure themselves with secrecy (for a few dollars J accompany each Packet CCAsk for Dr. Hunter's Pills. None are genuine but those sighed ' W T., Conway. As you value health observe the signature. -' The whole of the above. Medicines are prepared and sold Wholesale, by the sole proprietor, W. ?T; Conway, Eft. 1; Hamil ton place, Common street, Boston," and retailed by W. Peck, Kaleigh, Hill, War ren v Baltimore Jordan, Philadelphia j . 1 Foreign Intelligence. : ' icy and passes bv the name of free CHARLOTTE; hlie formerly he longed to the, estate of Anthony Hatch, dec'd,I will givethe"a- bove . reward to any person who will secure her in .Tail, so 1 that get her again, or. deliver her tome in Onslow Countvc' DTJRANT HATCH. Onslow County, N. C; lebruarvl4, I818.i-4w ; (paid.)- r6 Letter sFromM. Las Casus. ': 1. TO LOUD SIDMOUTH, "My LordI am extremely soiry tnat 1 nave . the ncnor to write. to your, lordship and know ing for certain that T shall not re main here long enough to receive your answer which would perhaps fulfil slCmy 'wishes. - For jhtse four-days I have been in the hands of, your statt messenger, who - on his arrival had restored to me my papers, which had been previous ly sealed, with the- declaration that I might do with them what I thought proper. , ' After, this he saw me constant ly writing; and even encouraged me to do so and waited till the ve ry moment "of my, departure to take' from . me (as. I was on . the point of setting sail) all my-papers even ;the most trifling, in your1 name.: ; , f V ' u ,This is a trap, my lord which I cannot firid it in my heart to as : cribe'to any higher person : than the man who laid it for me.; - - This messenger understood no thin g bu t E n gii sh. H e had an assistant with him who pfett nded to understand some ; French and desired to read the papers one af ter another, and . has notwith have been taken from me Without making any inventory of them or nil mbering them ; ? and they de clared it was done by:yodr;lord ship's- orders' - ; ; - " ,uTn the first moment of indig'-1 nation I protested against such vr olence, and enquired for. a magis trate that I might make my com plaint to him. ; Twill not here re peat the answer I received. V; : As there is nothing I so much dislike as to have my namei men tioncd in public discussions, and considering that it was impossible nat youf could have -prescrioea such conduct which is opposed to all the legal rules in . the World; by which : public, ofiicers must gU3rd .themselves against him, who,' in ?uch a case might affirm that some papers: had, been taken away; or others substituted .? con sidering this I contented ? myself wnen 1 recoyerea my temper witn all possible means and by all pos sible arguments to induce the mes senger who disposed : of my ''. fate to delay my , voyage - till 1 could write to your lordship,' and re-, ceive from you the- confii n?ation 6t this rigorous order." ' '.This man : who detained me three days on the most triflng pre text, was not to.be moved in res-; pect to this affair, though , it was sV important. 1 Nothwithstafcding all my representations', i that I had not the smallest objection to have all my papers looked over oy con fidential persons appointed by your lordship for the purpose, & that your lordship must f yourself desire that certain formalities were observed in respect to: me jthat in the examination of my papers my presence would be very useful, if not absolutely necessary, to give explanation respecting things that would not be understood without me ; that he sent mc in person to the' continent, and kept mv papers in juonaon . ana tnat it was to oe feared that there - wits ;a misunder standing, and that in, 24 hours all would be cleared up: i he answer td me coldly that I need not be uneasy respecting my return Irom the continent, if it. should bene-. cessary, since vou would pay all the expences i o what ham.s, my lord have you delivered me ? i On another '.occasion, 1 my lord,; which, was certainly .against your instructions, I was obliged to4impo8e silence upon ' the man lfchtJ guarded me, . on account of his gross abuse of the august per son' whomT honor f above every tfcrog in the world. ? ;0. In" a word, my lord, "since j have touched ?your; xbast, T" am treated : as; a 'S malefactor, and ; in what does my crime- " consist That I,' as perhaps is r believed, have; a' different political opinion, aud went voluntarily into" impVis onment at Longwood : ' But is not the last the most noble and excellent action that is known j and so noble" that every body would re joice in his heart, to have' given this example r My lord, the nat I Var'ifar a considerable time . most : h0m ! ost - Masters throughout ? the U I it lf-' ' "... ' 1 . i T U A : . 1 ' l" . D! v .".Qictett with an extreme scrojulous - csrrplaint; when after having tried almost ;every medicine in vain, and the advice of the most able physicians, had recourse to Sr. Relfs "Botanical Drops, When to my utter astonishment I was almost , iristan- i-Vianeouely relieved. "uim vaterTstreet,.i.tnnfi;nc'' thm all.' H York Coffin, Post Master, Wadson dj" "-"V - most ofthe Drueeists. Booksellers andlwould have had enough to do to states rcau mem an in a weex ana 1 aia signed PLYTHOTIA BL13S, Witness Dyer & Unm , TTuidhact ecs. Pamphlets of many extrabrdlnary . Cure may be had at the agents gratis, T '(CNone of the above are genuin e un less signed 'WT. Conway as ycu val- health observe this, t ?: : , " not think that an ; individual had such a right over me. Everv thing has been taken ; from me ; letters, notes, my eon's f Tcoxtnt u 0UR.trtradc rsancl writing books, deeds of property, thoss who buy, to sell scrain. ' . V. . V . . w - . . . :.. Jan. ii, 1017- 12m. dome tic secrets, oGcial docu- et.c- z of CirTIudicn Lowe zzd ural mildness and - justice which are; attributed . to you, cannot pos.' sibly bee tutdty to make UBe of it , u This Js perhaps' my lofd, the place where I should uienticn' the papers which wer taken from me at St. Helena, ks well aftmant n ' -,- - "--j - - ther ; things respecting which a shall have" to speak with f your-4 lordshirV or with Lord Bathu rstrv But the few moments I have left, and the confusion in my thoughts w h i c h s u c h s u d d en and : u ne x pe c- ted events occasion, oblige! mcTo put it off tIl another time. : ; V 1 snau wait witn impatience for your lordship V answer, where' I know pot, perhaps at Brussels, if . I obtain - permission to . stop, there, ; ' h ;-'' -': -" ' - ; I have th honorVScc. (Signed) COUNT LAS CA9A9. - r DoveK &ov. 22 , 1 8 1 7. . i . -. ; This copy is made from mem bry and some words may, :there forei be different frdm fthe arigi ual; but the languages and the sense are certainly the saoceT 11. LETTER . TO LORD HOLLAND. ."uu iora 1 naa the honor ' to send you a letter from the ex- f treniitv of "Afric'i: wifh a VliinliJ cate ol it. -I hope that "you will - pardonthe feeling that dictated it ; to mp. . It rlrAW mo 'Vim' .1nLn. to him, who from love of, justice and greatness of sbu!,took up the most noble of alls causes. 1 had" added' to- it, the - few documents that I had on my hands, the grie vances at Lone wood, mv corres pondence, with Sir Hudson Low A - - .1.. 1....U' C ." ' ' j . parliament.; . Have you ever re--ceived them ? " The more unfortunate 1 be come, the more does ray confi dence increase; The treatment I have received "siuce I approach ed the English coast;1 and the im pulse it has given to that which I . . . : , . ..,'.. uavc c ajjci icuccu on tne continent) are difficult to describe. , ' ' I take -the liberty to annex M7 UIU UUilHUUlIl. on - this subject. It it should hap pert that the newspapers, - as 'they usually .do misrepresent my casef and should aD V Of tHf lfi umria ' which continually ; watch over evl cry kind of abuse and iniusticel be heat dj in Parliament, your Lord- snip win nave :tneadvantagc v pf ueing acquainteo with, the whole affair - - ' My lordri add to the copy 01 this letter that or another o which I must be proud. I would also for the future have rejoiced over it in silence, 1; it were not neceVsarV to ! annihilate the lvi n reports of ; the journals, which have spread a faise opinion onr the, continent. Some wtA that I left Longwood because, weary of the brutality bf him from whom I parted with grief, I could not, live with him any longer. Others, without further particu lars, sayahat I deserted him. The annexed letter, if it' is made public, will shew the truth. It is a favor which I beg of you, un less your lordship should see ob jections which I nave not remar ked. ;;;; ; . : - My Lord-They make me ly have approved air that has lyery anhappy-they -make me a en done to me. - - martyr-that is to say,- generous 1 have received permission. lhMrt t f :niM. permission. and have hastened to seal the pa pers taken from me, not to pro tect . my self against your lordship, but on the contrary Tor ", your in terest, to supply the deficiency in the form 'which might perhaps have compromised your agents. ' I beg your lordship again to turn your attention to my affairs, and to decide nothing respecting my Tapers till you have received from me the information which you may desire, and which you shall have Co your entire, satisfac tion i ' - ' . " I assure you beforehand, that however different the opinions h feelings may be that will be found in them, there is not one respect ing which judicial examination or cmicabls ceochtioa cculd not heans are made to incline to me. auu - meir. participation . consoles me fnr all .. : ' , , , u It is attended with the grea test difficulties to write these fevf lines to5 you. May they come into your hands. If time allows .me to present .my grievances to your ministersi you shall receive -a copy of them. ";; ! Accept; the homage of my gratitude and mv resptu' (Signed) COUNT LAS CASAS It is to be observed thit thisij not translated from the French. but from aGtrm n translation. Brussels Dec. 8 One of our Journals has published some let ters of our ccuat Las Casss, the first, addressed to lord;Sidmouth and - a second to lord Holland