' v NUMBER 430 VOlvX CONDITIONS. ? 77ie FEDERAL REPUB LIC AN is publithed, every Sat- Virrv Am S. HALL, at tnrce "NT rYTT - ' Bition may be given pcrfectlyoa- i of Tennessee set up a claim, ta- all ; ry, incline this' court to consider XVJ X avAj. j . siatent with good' faith, and leav-, such land within her designated word of 'condition in . aucli cases, as words of this - Instj contract tiny JZefunding of Internal c Duties s,vtRta North -Carolina tibl reason- limits. . Bat still she was embar ngrcwmy w wic aaoi von- uuic truuna ior compiaiui. vvc , i43vu iu uic use oi ucxv sjiuuuu iy. in tnis - instance the atato gress of.DccV 23, 1817;J duties here disavow all inclination, on acquisition .tbylthe-irightvwhrch;. of North Carolina : has asserted' wic pari oi tnis.court, to intenere ; urui ' varouna retaineo, oi , pci inc common la W'right - or - emering unnecessarily in state altercations feptihg her , own land titles; and for condition broken, and ih urw TOM Ana aHin itta'. jMilVlAntinM: : hl PHlltfl (lAt Attain tfV" KV 1 t'jtl M . . - . ft ' . . . .. :-. ' ... . De&ri r onitimi jof Aa. Fjd oahce0c. ibr pcr.od. Urr ; advance. ' v- 0wvyM.M.v w w- '? ' . iZ!,. .cember.1817 and lor stamps not ;we enter into ... , mf.t. Jrnuar used, arcto be-refunded "bv the of such collision oolso Jar as to CptQuourly at, 50 cents per square pt. rtM't- '-a'a , ir- 5nr!iv5rl.,al riah. fm Mn. for i :ach a ; Y?f No Paper will be discon- inued until an arrearages an paid. f"" ----- "- cession of that right without the be held up as 4 warniutr to others maent 01 Congress, inis at nut in this case the -wonfs . used atea v ultimately are not words or ; condition; Oo resuming, in part, the contrary the words of condi was supposed in- f tion . used with relation to the pro tcucu ,w visioD ior securing vested iree- e qvics- i uessec, ana was tne grounawprc j nom rignts arc dropped, and those v - the compact which is exhibited applied to the other class of richta herv Jtwbevn Prices Currents 4 ' Ca:t(tca,iDeiHlD., !' ,: From To MtinctLi.vnrztv 1 c. d . .-. Calleetfir' fif th vDirrnt I 7Vv ; n ' internal Bevenue for the 4th col J wct W1K,U5?.-W ; -' ecthn dhtrift nfN. Cnmlinn. tl0ns canno! e avoided, w.Wfm ta at inT i1 It will be- recollected that'. the'- ,n w? act, of 1806V ihc state ot are appropriate only to stiDulatifin r - : state bt-Tconessee originally cn-, J North Carolina, Jn the mean time 1 or contract; It shall be under NOTXGE. sututetti part tof the state of N. ad passed an act Jn '1803 entU stood, &ctare the words as cis , I ' Carolina. . That, in theycaV tied ' A9 act to authonze thcr pressed in the quotation from thai A LL persons in the State: of A7Q9 he lar satet madc a cc ' st,ite of Tennessee to perfect titles act; : All ;the ; operation, thenp JLJL North-Caroliua, who mjy S,0P both of spil and sovereignty to Jand reserved to this ; state , by which can be given to the provis- ti 10 ine uottca otates,' ox- ail ,tnatvr;Mic. .coiuu ;4uuscxpre9aiyuu,'v.. ion 01 me cession ,acc on theub Bacon ' Beef V Butter Bett-Wax. , 1 Brandy, Kinch Lb, . none lb. do Apple do Wk Corn Ileal Cotton . Coffee Cordage . ?. Flour FUx-Seed Gin, ilollaifid do Country Ton Timber ; ffine Scantling Plank Square Timber JStavef, W. 0 hhd. L 11. O. do do W.O. bbl. neadififf, W. 0hhd. Lard . 1IOUS3M ,n Tar " Cosin . Turpr'ntuie , . - d Spirits "Pork . Eice . Rum, Jartiiarca . do w; I. do America alt'AUara , do '-Fin "Sugar, ; . " Tobacco " T gal. fbusl:. lb. bbi bush. gal. M. 15 35 28 50 65 8d 80( 26 5 lb.. gal, bbl kal. .bbl, none gal. l "V, !' W bush. vrt 9 2 1 20 8 12 20 1 18 8 10 '20 have in their nossessionot di authnrifi: Arm nr a Hn' -,.f ' act of country , now comprised je to the assent ;ot Congress ; ject of these fldatincymhtaUs that Un'ued States i -property .of a mill-' W"-lhc litnils of Termessee, & the two great objects; of , the of the stlpulattons ot thetreaty, tary description will be pleased ;th?1 io cv5r1? he 8liite of ?ct.? vongress of 1806, as avow- and all the obligation resulting to give immediate, notice to the Tennessee was admitted into the . d in the tide? are V to authorize t from those provUions as well ba Subscriber, that such pro-ariV Uoio?-; - - the state of Tennessee: -to issue behalf .of the "United 'States 33 85 39 8 50 1. - 20 1 1 12 16 18 6C 30 60 401 20 10 70 60 50 50 10 14 25 15 10 may be collected and deposited in- the United b,tts. military r store ?houes, and regular returns be mjde of the same. r . i JAMES WARD, yjfilitdru Storekeeper for Norh "'" Carolina. . Done by order of the Officers sit the heads ? of the OAlnance and .Ctprmnlissary's De v - partnienltf ',t " vv ' Wilmington JV;; Feb. 28.18183. Previous North Carol a considerable to the' act of, cession grantSand perfect titles to certain Tennessee was;, lina had. made, title to ' lacds therein despribed, and to , honorably and ii that it should be in orrofl fAth'-, proportion to the ; settle the claims to,the vacant and cuted. And this has been done soil ot Tennessee, under circum- unappropriated lands within the Njo more control has been eser e -same; or, mother words, to en- cised over those flOatioe claimi nation 01 ner i"iik"ij ui ajuiuumuui- nc with retard to those rights ha lormality, a sur- soil within its limits, 4tnd eodem been violated.. The injuries com- S taae ilqrs es W aii tc d.: rjpllii' Subscriber is willing to chell. . .. ' ' t . L 1 . - .1 iau c wmui Hiiacucu me ,uuc M v vnv Cisco over inosc aoaciacr ' Claimn ,to' a designated portion of soil, so ; able, the state Qf Tennessee to nc- - thn North-Carolina might hivo that nothmg more was necessary quire tne aosoiute unquaiiBed exercised, and no obligation which io esc a complete icgai titic, ous :15U vy Ma.iyvumjjuiwu.wiw CNortn oarouna acknowledged ,wnau in coniem laws, ivas a mere ;vcy duu K(uu ' iu uiwcr lusipu Mvr.aw - ui4iucu oi are mm mese noatinc t . ,i .U. l .. ' til:. i' o. . . - . , . . cessne naa issueo warrants tor M1 wuu inc wnucu ia, rights have oeen restricted ih their a specified quantity of land, but connected ith the rights thus ac- original ranee, so as not to he under which the holder had not quired irom rviorth Carolina ; and permitted now to be located "to yet defioitively fixed his land sh. in tftject, is the operation the westward of the line . nf Hi.- A purchaseseverallikclv Stage varks.'ao that he did ngt hold of the compact vfi&yQs The twp markation and that" they have i .w iivasi.s, wt.icu a uoerai price . - : - o i - w.wu ivauioiwu w iuc - cast ' ' willbelgiven.' right to acquire land. Thesevc with drawing a line across the .ward by the stipulation of N Ten, r JOSEPH BELL, . several other descriptions of land a.atc, and then stipulate that , the lessee, to make certain approrio JTewbcrn March 28, 1818. 4t. , , titles, as they are called!, the act sil to the wesward. shall be vest- atiohs for schools, &c. : Bat this - .a . a v 11 iiw m 111 iiii r s w -b w w m m w m u aaa w u s a g . . b . i l amaas.mi i t . ,-mr . rat .. ar a a rat y viwiu.wiwii.tt, curing ro ine moividuai tne tttii-uu w c aswru iu itu. assumptions that cannot possiyy ) an-awat from the Sabscri- vxtct to wnich he was entitled nessec. Now, it is , absurd to be admitted, to wit ; tfiat North her some time in January last -under the laws of North Carolina. ; supppie that) when the United Carolina herself could not, if she a . negro man 6y the name of 1 he words ohe deed of cession, tes proposed to acquire to had thought .proper, have ra4dc SI M ON arc these : where entries have themselves the. absolute dominion these appropriations : before the BLiUXJU . .. been made agreeably tci law, and ovcr thesotl to the westward, that Vact of ccsaidif! and that after the formerly, the property ofKichard itlea under theVn noti perfected ; thcy ould have withheld' that act o Croom, decd; He is about five, by grantor otherwise, then -and assent without' which Tennessee, could not have set apart any por .feet five or 'six inches hich r, a -inUhat case the governor' for the. could "not acquire it, and of course tion of the uniocfated land fof bright mulatto he is a Shoe .Ma- time being shall, and he is here could not conver it to the United i specified purposes? or in fact cr uy iraue ana iormeny worked by required, to, pel fn 4. ra ir l-i a.n .L. It ' ... m. . f. m.'. - I wa iicHUw u uu. 4 uir. mil. ?ume lo uaii. sucn mi R 75 5 Th u ne is ncre-. uu wuvct iv w mc wuucu , apecineu .purposes-; or, in fact perfect, frml; States. ,The words in which the have issued any grants or - Wari titles in, auch sVrn of Congress is expressed, rants for unappropriated land, uo- e above reward will manner as if this act. h&d never atc 'ound in the close of the . 3d til these .floating claim had .final. found a place of rest after ing and embarking" again an i hundred times. . . It ' would . have nugatory under such circum stances to have made a cession nf tbheceded to the United States, these latter words, aitho at first territory; .These claims werenot shalfhave the same force and ef. view they may appear to be res- v fdrpntten r Tennessee ; nfinnlati 6C.I vaiuauic uun u unu De criven to anv ncrann whn w;il hei-n 'haMpH i and that a inrt p Section : tOev are these to v Situated lo Usluw ounty,; .on v. deliver snid negro to me inTtr made by, or grants- mide to; all rhich said-act the assent of Con- land the iNortn li-asi siaeoi nevr river, borough or secure him in Jail so - and every person or persons what- gress is hereby given, so far as is one mue jrom .ine imeu xnc tnat get fum affd0, - soever, , agreeably to Jaw, and pessary to carry into effect the : been OCMH auu mincic iu ui view r . wr:fh Hnrt.m : sa th n thr. Iimt.hpr(ht . inAA ODfectS OI . this Ctimnact.: liUt from the ,-Plantationt The tract . . . 1QV P . P la A MAaaninM Ahmlt . '-V W .... - .V of which about Eight Hundred is rich, light and Jevel Land v and considerable proportion rich ham mock Land. ; 150 ACRES Bre cfeared. -The Cotton produ ced on this land. is little inferior ;bcen rende s andihat all and eve-applied, mu?t giye.th.e ut her aide of th6 liqe, and the Uni- CUATOM, "emption, and every other, right , cau8e nothing short of that Uati- the" other side, if Tenitsnee can-: wV , ; r - yectmfen reserved by 'any act or acts to per- c would give tflct toLthe pro not aalisfy them, so that the whob WILUAM3 &c.J t ( r8ons settled and occupying lands Visions of the compact and, up. country is in fact open totheholi Opinion of the Supreme Court f within the limits of the lands on considering the actof North dersYjt these rights, but thev aro: , ; the U.S. at the late term; v hereby intended to be ceded as Carolina to which they refer, it only, in the first instance, direc. This case originates in a coilis aforesaid, shall continue to be id ; Wl,i poviousiy appear that those ted to a particular tract of coua Adjbjning the ? ion of, interest i and opinion be-- full force in the same manner as Xrc.str,ctiye wordswere. introduced : try to make .their selections. i extensive ranges for - tweea the states LofNorth Carolina" if the cessiou had. not been made, with a view to another object . - With regard to the objectioa, Hogs. Adjoiniiig the, and Tenissee,5and the -United aac as conditions upon which the there are several : provisions4 of that the appropriation of theso tq sea island. 'rtract is an 1 Cattle and ; tnlet and belonging to the tract, is. States, relative to their respective said; lands are ceded to the United r J"5: utwu contaipca m tne, act ; lands was made td a tingle ctatcv 0 valuable fishery in" good order, - rights, in certain instances' to per. Statts," and further, it shall if e ncse could wke effect wioput the when they were expressly givea at which four hundred barrels ot feet titles to theioil of -Tennes- understood, Stc. - making a pro- ! assentf Congress, and to those for the usj of the'United States, 'mullets have been 4ken in a sea- see. North Carolina, the year vision for;the case of persona i wio.' Provisioos these restrictive words including-North -Carolina,', thcro' son. rThere is a privilege of ran- ; 1812. issued thY grant aetupon ": shall lose the bentfit of a location "roust have bad reference. But itls ia certainly, nothing in it ; for tha "ngcattle on the banks ; also, ; the trials in , behalf of the plaintiff tcause of its "having been laid, on cpntendedthat in theyery xom 0f a state may have ap ".which will' Be sold.with the land. Both Tennesse and the' United a place previously located, and Pacl.bjf!I?5n. tne United States Ipcared to Congress ihetnostbeoV 'or neaun, ucauiy oi urusiJcci, otates contend that JNGrtfi Llaroli- aeciariug " mat iney snail uc at . m""'vi- ..w.uviuiwua enciai general purpose zo wnicn 4 A.l..rtMM.a( .llltlltntlAtl la,nl. L. I .4 ' ' . 1 . la aaaaW . -u a. -.-a.AkaK than that now offered for, sale. k was conditional, andrhat the con- ciallr. located.'or onj anvr vacant ; 9cr riS"ts. Without admitting be objected to, when it is coniid -A iiberaU credit will begiven, dition has been violated Sar that . lands included within the limits :cither the premises or conclusion ered that it wca actually illerrsl and ample security required. Josiali Howard. - .21,1818. en. FO R S A LE. the casus federisM neCer "Uris- of the lands hereby-intended to be of this argument, we maybeper- under the laws of North Ccrolin . t, -- vk ; - ; - ; . ; . 'a. ceded. inns, uoaer tne , act oi w a. iv . una tne stipuisuca is . esprecaiy ThV 'vtii'nU Aft.At 9fUmm iftn. the TTnited States held & perilous doctrine. That the made in tubserviencs to tha lavra btful the riRhtoi soil in the vacant lands .-wcuiucraoi uu j.i..ericaa iaiauy ot thit stte . . : , the obscure ivorHlino' rr rlnnhtFnl ; construction. of the . act of Con- of Tennessee, qualified bv the ! possess ample means of defence : Upon the vhcle vre are decid TTIE GUBSCntBEn gress of 'Anrilin.-.lRnfi.. Riitsif. rihht which he state, or North unuer ine constitution, :,we nope cdly of opinion that the state cf f ... -n ,t. . i!...tH.j hra,rra.rMnr. tK i ai?es to come f will -verifv- But : .lAf K Timlmi . .-,: ( the respective states upon , the v inchoate titles created under her PP"y for our domestic harmo- thc ? povrer to i::u2 :!ih ..rrant upon r rr For Sdl5 four likdtl sul3icct rcviewin5 the events : own latrs. -. . , . . , ' ; - . v , W th power ot aggressive oper- C3d cedd c a ttrf A o n which lcd t0 the passage cf. that ' ' When the net was passed xd- ntion against each other, is taken though vre t-jAIi-Aodiilib cct of Coigress, and determining -fitting the state of :Tenne$see ' and the diculty end d . t! tctioa c cy th3po7er of aggressive oper C3d ccn!d not resume iu Dutal- e muit decide arrainr ofth; p!iirt:i7 in th:3 'X lately impcrted from the. West- the motives which influence the into the Union,: Congress omit- , Cer cf cpplying, to the : ccntracta case because it reels tpen xbz iiTndi-. - - , , parties. in : mrinrr the commct ted to keert ar.v erprtEa provhioa cf independent states the, prmct- rmnt, it muctnotbe infemd t!:r. T rJmrlen JJiichelL : hich the'act of Congress rontaina : respecting unappropriated lands,- pw cfthe common laxj relative c thiaU unfavorably cf hU rzr wc re ot opinion that : cspo end on thu circuni2t-s tzz sew- wu-u.-v, .iuuu, u -- ' 4 i , JNcwbsrn, JVIorch, SCth. t tno u-cu ;Ua t.:s cj-t-ry V '