t i. - s '.V i Y: J L VOL.'XIv 7 , . - VKfSWBEEN? SATURDAY APRIL" 25', 1 1818..-.; '.V S ,( -IV" ; fJONDlTlONS - fhen after having tried aimost prcprietbr, W.l T.Conway, No. Hanul the injured and "tnuttlatcd trunk;. Vthout bein ternpitd to advhe' ' - VP ' Y. ' Y 'i:!vcr'ltn hai remained withi bsVt and: vcu to ictrfic.- ttcniefhe -I : i - J fTthemost fcbie phyaicns, had recourse to .Vretaiieu by Wj Peck, ;ttaIeithV Hill, War- 0- T. . - r L . F , . . r , .. ... - . ' .. v i-,- Tv l "! S TAff FEt)EKAL HEPUB- Dr.Jfelft MohicalDrohcu tomyVrea MtMoreJort put by, the l ' 4 ttrA vt j,Ui,h,J nt.rVrSt-" UistaW, John Tieboit;Ko. 238, Water-street, U. will describe t.He ' fruits . and -the (government ,of the'Unittd State9f - ; . Ai " , x a i T ' ' 1 t; aneojicciifved ,j r.f- , f Yrk Caffih, Post Uter, (ifudspn ar.d ?pCcCh of'his Royal 'Highness' -thi -ofXsth"5 imtonViantoccasion, con. (-'i - V' urda S; .AlL,. at-tnrte i sgr;ed PLYT10!l BLtSSj '-.most of the DruWIsts Sookseileriandp' ; ' ' Ti t . ' i " ' rv. V; ' r J , V.i, ' L.Aj... i4 'Dollars 'Per vnnwn, pnyabh 'half , Witnss" Post' M4?eri' throughout thnV Lw ; " 9 K Phapsu ,ship of war . v,th 'three ; v. - "i-- - n ' v iiKuia cpn - -rV. .'rampniets ot many- extraordinary cure mvuhvmwu iu.suiub u mw . -....-.. "k,v,,j' v wu ; ' iiarlu in 'advqm . S vn.vr;.-. J; . s .COohe ofthe above are genume.-un- Uhe withtrcd branchesf , ' i port ofithe Revolutionary territo. ' : - r '' ' - rJTllLS J -Jr-'X' 1 -'"r lest "turned "W-T. 'Convirav'&s vou val- t? 't i "-- - ?,J-j-.- i . 4 H j ' in 0 - Encugn the contemphtion is nes : are: Aio;in spire s-niments r 4' - WheezWffdifficuity:o'iatluntighi-. ; V ?uyMo. sel gaih M V; proath T .et Jthc. imde WilM re. friendly ispvsition sofar as;. it . ? nets inthtf chest,' -puiu-irVthe iidie spit JaijV',,1 1, 1811?. iSni'.V pur);to - ;birr iplndi. The nght ma comport wVth. any impartial - ':: ite.oYtoiood,c j-J ' " r'1 f---- C-'v HboorabJe elder br.$hri iutrdun-tuiraUty ? the: reason far thia . J ' tykuourfy att'50;ccntsxpersqt(are; i V "the first insertion; ahd,'XS j6ri " J " -5rc insertion after. v 4 " " itlAdyertisementt t will be-ion ' 1: l3 ' Yinued, until 6the'rxvfse crdetie,a&, vv'M . it "if14 . ' ? .geLwiUesptTienrt! equally agree - - v ' . J vbn kers? hod; 1q ,his imprison- ,C3tinot but influence r.the; ;.8enti--- f I Uwwu'-tv.'t . ,Relt-s- Asthmatic-P,Rs.ne boxepn - - Wc puulh:belor aq wtcrjstr 'i; ' k' ' ; i L-"u''in 'ttVlV vLUil'hi ,Li- ' ' - : Uiniagia Pd;ii-eqirnty JilUts a ctfm-ing i.riicU "from the,.JUiverpl- ''1 W.feats lo which tff 5f tnuuner - I . "JfciObem PriCM GurSCllt.; . c.uLi(muQVc printed ' Wm, VftclA" rR4.h the ir t;! i h 'he'I:eccnty h"w awiy,the last of ' be-cplotiies ;(s4y5 ,thp , Presi. , ; T' ' "o-MCtea li5ce:itnv ,' "VtOQonway event, hb-caW j ' . -i J . r g.J"T; : r' ,r.;A v r "th.is rights honorable gentleman is -tabh$hmentrof indepeudence) be- i f , . x ? 4 r" rrrrrv r 'i Gentleman of Char lest own m" - . "resident and be iictQul state of ,0 4 6,i . v , ,1 , i c. " r A" I .. A - lLli-l ' w vf - tT 'iT Urs '-""' Xt"- " cr , ViO ,now prison himself. . he i has. G-tte ' indepeniient States, freef f - . : 7 11 !,'';. rT7 . Was severely :ufd icted .w.th an Aaflima 4- tiog.inhU COUUtryv .l,hep'C .e -H "l.1 M ' T-.V . rA' m-ol ; , ' u . j f - MGUQHAXMZBT l;n. :c. U- c ; Jcd, ar.df fi theiast i months '-irw ---tare is hishlV fiutttinn ti ,wL sllon satisfaction tir.boafeliog ;lr. gbligtiqn to; or .aorfJ ' . rrrr Vt, . 4aib a iUMj '.-ciiicteiii Iwhtn to- u.e ,.that heimpWed hiV Wow " tbonkctign Vih.uf .which it ma J j 'Daconvr ML? ' ' 15j '4 surpr co: o taking JohJ2s . 4s IktC, nc , , , - based of these piLU Uia health waner- 11 must'be Vieed With n6 mccdrt f? - . " -,b ' - u, w fh(; 1 4. - H ' 1 v attcr ' ) b :25 fcctry Stored. V 'VNV 1 - 8itfmuW share of interest The 5,th'ai uPt neighbour ai4 on the basis avlair reciprocW ' 'f vut pains Vbb hght b.t. afe jub Uce;wUl be; wjtbneldoms 'duVaaCe jorlife, m - - , do Peach , 'a " : . ed aitimt-s wth grauhfficuiiy of bteath- by v. foreign natious ; jealcruslv. - r, -- - . v ic nou . . 9 . dartK - I ( ,Co' j ImsU ..0.,, - ,iAg,aridhby pabie ot baking aj: hoW ,P I V6 Tt 1 ' 4 -Meal , 1 .30 havmjTtHlto cbtfon;'.,- , Ib.V 6 . wasixure'd. ?md his health ntrkcily resto- ;W , 7 e nS t,r; re?PeH? r,3 I a knof VswTiidlers who ia'ssufe jcommpb senacand ' tlie.embna I ofrfe-; ' "J V 1 -'tifis : f wsnsmu cotri-r )ghts of St. ;I)avid;are oot Vto J 'Cordage' - U' 14i-. : J OUvq JUzf ,f6utldcH like our$ oar quaj nd , 7 v f 1 i?" 1 - 0?!r' .nHtanrf half s kauch and " V y Flour - bbb. 9; Up - NearGveen-'SuUuaonWb3 years V much t and -1 I Flax-Sccd - bukli. ' 'am.cteciAvitConsumion. hadnkd af. , juse. . wntD we, fccur. estate.V His tcoatits arc stai vintr, , ob Ais independent prm. , f;. -can ijoli:!., ; j gtd, '2, ostev,rv W.dicine-and medtcal Americ.ndvoca afd His -crediTors'areTcUmorous ycipl?hat'eyery sensible, auo-iaV' r - 1 -Ion T.1,hctV ' 20 25 part AUet. not ab uA:tnp, nue'.i cj)iii- Uim tUiow'to the higlrpm whifi-or"'1 -i , .Plank f. h si2 ,..is ' tions, and pain fnthc Mjcshe hal ilcoV ' . g- V; getting ooti -ati'dkhefflfore -he in- tory cw towarfa. his neighbor..4-: I 1 r.bvr so' I- t ; vio u Krlfe'. :Adinsutic PiU, wi.cn t cum orend the mlto rcjdahis Savors 'to make himself 1 ' The mani who, in his-diificul- ) ,hnSM,22 mclu. i 5U , ... . ,to thtsurprW of t v.ry ne. she was L cie cbuillig. lrom a' Source V where i tavW O j.hrU 13 . . v 'stoiWt pellet heaKa mUdavs lin arebua aat- aucTar'i "fnngbenclaoior. o e r1,t "db o; ,ttc .a : 10"' - Jir ifj&'rifiiriMi- . areuar, ana aris the-one or, the misery 'of-the o- f ,1 doV LbL , 10 , r.DUu , tcrMictiHtinctn ' ,nVO ; j . iu, !e?t,ea "ionWenc andstcVmVrvhise-- r - i -Heading, JW: O had v-V 20.. - ' ' rauUHr , Bruise-,. Spra ns, hU.aecrcdiieu ' V -V I!!, K ? I . ' ? mittc? ,r thidcn of all aOQnd.,-- J Uud'a. " . ' lbv is. Uh .ChiiShuns, , ,Niimb..esa, atiifness inthe ' Jv ' , ' r r . . ' the correctpiQtute of the situa , cures tneconuaence 01. aarouna - " ' i Molasses . 60 t' Wxnt. ; The rei.Jf is iW'J-ute 'and. r &0J jlit Liverpool Merctfifc tibn ofmanv a rtghtr honoraLle him'lnd.if every. ; possible .ad- ... . i ' Tar.' .. C " bbU :; ; P1 iHi-cSihof ESSlG'fcOF i h'KaESithVKingVBinch; bu U this a" hcrcnce,to tht? truth (lor it is uot ; . f , I . Vitrh -1,1 60 ' J eafi sundmSamKliought incurable ! . iVv.'iWi'.ir " '-r t " - . 'V . rnihrt Ja" ImnnrHiil witrJ rs. v ' :' - 'Rosii - 'o " l .MrjacQbiaidwirohcrst. Nlt.-.. "i?! 1 OFl Ut 1 b 1 ,n i;ES. torr.ei tN simile of th sitaraionof !ure ; ..Tontine: ;' 3 25 - rmany.faifcfeith vnt,.; itrHtotlvc comcts1801 ' pt?t. toatUSt: "f ? - f -'rork." - - bl, 2Q StJ occu.renb o as .year, VNow'r the wturii of ihe ss!ttt.'- wi th. respect' tcrf natiocs.i The t Klce ' ' none . 1 ; ftewhen tloiujh rcCt.minenclatiori.V- which.wt; hid' prepaid 'for tfiis " r V t - 5 , Jarna-ca l! I - ;20 ' If.iryhiV aliou.er'n.cdlciae inu'uvs- vMUSt& p'tistpocedq to.kfc J100 f ? th "S ,k I' cio,V.M.,,V lV ' ?fV: lS? rotherA?wyV th folded ffurtS Ot the cob- , A t do-American 70 I 75 i L.Ainiciiti and hosbad no epse ; it 'is Ur-rW wriimArir 'f.m fcttfcerjitoari h Jalt Allura busK. ; 60I . iiwthw earj sincer considcTcd vJf) f 1 document f.pm, CabWijnv'ic;iduDeQVlence jihc' wqtldVis lai ' frorrt - H'u ' 1 tt'. Ftir e obs otion,;: andare cast that We sWm tht iV -bbroV, ..the American PW J t cer- : .1, TMQ31 WATSON.. 1 ' t .d)atbes unless when prcwiajti. at wiucli J, i .- ' .m .vv r drtss with fe icitatioc: the Deoblev ous Jnereloret ratner man oeneyo-, !- . Xisorwnt ,of those fuWy - 'Dr.,Iidj&flnHblho(lS Fills .j" .''V' Uic hAjwo!e;ooe, -to is ;son8 of , thnrueVtpuscnkatiVes, : MdnshicVmigKt he.eaTtertrani., s; . : I - teemed rtiid highly r.pprov, d- ' Ijc;.- loss .ii" bt- ftwsened by the umati ot the A-,-on , jirVSrbus icd happr ' their "WurnVrce;- and; thrpir 1 , MCiAJMLfAl S2i&: . v..fci.MA?t,-vc.V.- boi(.ofr. natural Saud r political . r"r " V1- 'ackiiDwladeemeot bv rother rrk- V - J. ..The follqivinj wspectabW tcslimenial '. ccniio .afid &ptyilions cfire. tor;, speculative ; politicians. .At tb AvSn 'rfUnmV tAn ' Mor -'-Vh ' mav serve tu prove ic turpi-, su.g. U -.Sick- ' Head Ache u'.llitius ASi-cHolis, : bJirit time We- cauobt; but regret," - s -menI. VjP.0"? VVi-that-'HbooTatJe aodvirtuoui" ,-i " ?. ,Wtfh;&Wof 1 b I .; -'p.-. ... . 4' ; ;.;fhat'w.eofiohik like'a slmiW; Pen -or .0 te'V.fl?; SaJiffi--'i t; ' 1 f Tbe3 drona: area radical cures . ' r . - . ; - rrnnrrv .rT li A'rMrin'- "Ai dlumof hl&'discourde With a prjy- osaauyia uc , mutt t y u . - " Purvey, . iotuU, Anthony's.. F.rS , a" ?ad P't.u copn tr U e Americans de-: , Omn potenttroii 5 e ke liberty J: f JLepi-oiy, -I'impied fees fe Ugs, J itch, .fttrase, ?8Ceoded f tbWclude, that 1Q his e$tilXU-, -r baa tUtea,-are tLe'.oeVeSpfcis'Wd-.Au- m'Stdel cate,p,ant fe:na! . g ;. wrh tho pohc credit ?cd fretdom are deona yf 51U?rr aDa - - . - K tu.nLp'yW,indav gl?cn ton-" at rAf C -f? e; , 11 Vj-:.? H!Jri vedr would enabvv the .people Virtuous men, bive, ia:.EnSIaQdf V- Odrcn perfect. safety. . W., S c f?A VV8 .fathers. acquired.;. W , is ,itv 4 ' - " " majority Ve have r P . lJ-ons" Observe tVat VUOn- are '-cru- etl Wr 1VCouWV s;you maintilin those blessings, ..and .to -5pom:lur n ' ; u . ' : ht Snlclsd T?06aa 'U ' theVignatnre ; Vj-..;, 'fe utmpst iWJ Parliament, without I - : rf2? X J)imvMdllioiU t V puritytVthe la!esty poWrUy-PPS f V - ,f sTiiprirhtrcjf.Medford; yas 12 vearsiaf-- ,4' , -; , ,.,-v Ialm,1 nav5 letainea tne DCkist tfp, ! , '. . . . . ... g nonderance pFplaccmen and pea- - .A cre,foF theltdi w,thW smu, 'cbrnxnai; bVnbrs which ren&tr -.Sf??'' j1" Wer j we ha Ve observed m. re,' ' f rbg, had trir every 4'diciife iva!. Htl mepiic.entt Ouf,atta; Hifv; ! miiery .hosdevqtions his ,.Jr v thab we liked we ecu- fj twasrsigntdaspast rclfef, vheji to the.K. , , ; rf , t . v ,tu . ''Stj;:!; ? . people jnamtam . nb Jess, thana; requcm y uwu. w- mu ,mc A sulTvAj every one, Ws curM.by.tak.,) I $TIC. , , tHitteebchailaihs andl if.i. ? in; thee;.ops.'.; .-r; o v e.TootAcUe rsrfot.rmlv frorn the habi;; ! n. s .jt1 pV Yrvmchjbcr,jir. - .Canning and : i: - - , - .;C?, above yade.jyhUc.ct.tU tfe JJeotifriciTb&t renders disclourcdf jaOn of'the . ' r Mr ffaJ, UKui,ls U teautifully ; tvhheerpoves. tliT, br other pWimodVtbanheir, na - - 'befipMc njihty , . causeffxter arising from -Jiechyctlteetl (tVve RhtT nf ikrin.An M4 i. Pr a cr as th,s' Wc Venture- to "CS we uavc tccu, . uuntu .4 i - ; tv-l'. I 'V ' impurWtSegumsLecfceLence ,he will' not qu.l it, thc names of his majs ys minis- ' -f - 2: GTh PnW hifc'ahdto lovdoff until lik names of. - ' wre) lia'd his W-opened twice. --Vro' - Ctl7;n tfAm TH i J nitWh XmV-J or,,! to Pa7 r-"3 OWd' CODSCMCei "lOSC Wu diu aaiu u. k u : M.UjU.ebncpey 'minenVs uW; totteu bcr- ;. , I , ! jeon rut length iieas'jjasefv -. . , r - y v. JcfJ.'1 i'l.l.or Sj3" ?5'f e &od- Ooxiiiecti ohilan3C aA3 without' Lhe rjfH'-ial ouPs of, the treesury. ; ' : i : ' Oi lef:Mf tatiora Ul rki cl thousands ;,Sn ' ' Yet;thece majorities, b contra- ' ; . . - ' -fono l?ctf thdVS' Action tothe' America', ma- , . Kas;inlwdayslns'lieakl,was.,t "mention - oPthe V-oruie8' sjII, for arguments sake, ' pieces of bfrne cam swray, his. foot ' CamtinantTaoihhe Ptfl5.erttd-: - ' - Ic-soe -WnMasPy? that we nndiffcr-from thj . t It V ;a&?.ah BuiicrJieU,;! csterneRr America' who are rov bs.cee.what is. the - result The , J t fnaketn-oath ai4 saiti, that Ins son OI-v i Ty Vy - . f ' o -theirirrhts - ' oun ameca, wno are now ... 0 ft!, t ,rr. t th- ' tvfcr.3.ytar aiHictd wkh "eruptions in'; &:Dr. Hunter's Cevate, ..iKt struggling as the North Americaa; maK"u" ? t r ; ;fcrf4egsaiiidafecntp'aru'-.qr hVbody, pbr the Preventioh and ture of theVeV Aawrtcdhey eacl ef the year ,ldl , , are : "cum. . - , ? r" Vhen after trying 11 -other 'rnedicmeA in" real Disease,-hqwevec inveterate; til all W ted; -they mamtaioeL end they u-if i.ntn'Ptf :r-nriMf n-Nfi.'' tohjve.so naDstd tne Rl..iirs . V-n, was cured, by 3 bottles of JZhl PrtUr.t - r, . potanijal Drops aloneOiout tiieassts- h faUed-thlU directions,, and descripi a W'the fniiw nrorW-rt- - "tS SrmcD a..d their ,d? tEMLd to r?-e the Cor 1-rc ss lh j;... Wee of any "other medicine ? - ' U6n of 5vmp'totr.s, .so that any one may , V"lia't a" n,?withe y Pduccd , rjendent-rights CltlZena it i3e??;5Q tG w ' lRC. J, t 4; v - . V1 ; 4.? io'e of the greatest duties of iode- hiliMtlng urcr. tlut i. , ; r frer which hev: carried' peQdent-ani popular States, to a? . M5rr r.5,v r:,. ; ' - i. V" """M1- -j: 'for Dr. Hunter's Pdls. Kone are genuine with themv. aiVd the Growth ol : ? . r .u ;u of dollars ivill tetisvi tu the fiea . , t t7)V9mw: of , IbanonV County, buttW the V "Ji ai l c ' r c, l; -'ihdlum,Con.d3herebyicer:tify, Wna regulations . of othei8.-r.TOrfir S ; - ' : asfor a considerable time 'most -JiDrri I,' The vrhbleof the above! Medicines areVl-otk: arthe .rtesislent s-:- message .'.'Optitinn c-n V.Ur :.;kr SPpllCGs:: t5 t'-J iUn.it iu ' r , . '&, . :v ?.; .vcui-:U u . v v--.;r;-r ' :: : . .. -c