p f - ' IIP , ; .v. J ! I 4.. . I " V . A f. I': 14V 7VJ0S TfRlUSVE MIHT i - . 1 4- I' ' " ' ' '' " r ': ;topi4- .;:N;W R, ftUpxr ,,, i787. ' f1 " - T ' 71- 1.' 11.. Zj. 1 V. a t t .i.'-'TiT?1. '. . . . ' I . . . . : irsciziMME An fttt t? v i n i No. 80.3 1 - 1 : i i . -: '""'" Number -I. r - -i . . ti&'tbc Frcctntri cf the ' State eN. Cd'reliha. I V . - .. . j ; . .' '. K ": - mbers, and another fent tb thq Piiiltcr publication. iu-V' HP' IP PP ; Ir am confident that this! irheaA:re Fm ends Countryman, .: ' ' fowldpiovc o( infinite betfit tc the in- , ' v Iraoitauts of this ilaie, ard )ni a 1 rcat cyof afUflirg cvr lf. 'fiatorb, in finding out iic4 crue jcntiTcnis- ci 11: c fire pic ac laige, on everyj jrr pox rant qticlljiij, ind ciAbld thcm-iliei tbv to cn5l it.ch Irtvs. a would meet with the general Sipproba- I 4 IaorJsrito cffjfl this great. purpofe, 1 J render gen.tlen.iiii in the hpnfe more cau f.rl fwou1dcc6.tntn.ih'id to the (henfFs to a-I ncus in their votes niid obliir them tar Icctoio. ;;-;; .-r; K.l- . ; VO TERS t - - " . cxj)rnc:icid, by -ocin? particuiarrT I ... . " . O ' 1 find .giving them iucii inilructious as ivvouia agi ecu .10, uy a mr.jorny or tne ind to the JhenfTs to t ac toe .ticurc ox tne people. Let the ih-f-;Vi-i.Tby adverrifement appoint a "dny, foi:ic time after thc-elcdion, , lor the freeholi- crs and freemen of ionic convenient b Mr. MAKl IK r ;-i the fixth f his: county to meecal Jace, to take inml rfi fidexatioii vhat new iaws ihoulci bc?ig i.: I cetrary to be enaded tor i!ic wcllflrc i -and beiiCi:: or the mliabitants of fhvh J;cotinty and the ftate at large At fuch meeting, let the people appoint Lv : twelve, iiftceh or twenty icledmea for 'i hy r Cunty' "V"1"" rtat iVtf, .at. NVWbcib lall SupciiorlCourt. i; ;lvVrw T V, -ncw-ciecteai IV-A3 JpTg a wc.-1hall have officers, -who .j vv w uitiixiiii. v i nc com- If pcrufinr your paper of K inflanr. 1 ielt mvichi Ki lvlv llpvatfHl ac jpe fphited and patriotic :dccifion of I ouii jiu.gcs, on me junjtet or tne uict ;i .1 " 5v .....um-iuuwcu, iu ;o uututmn, our .liberties and our lites i ' ?:M UP -0 fr . be !hfe. W hat a Jamtaiftion n.ult ''Uis - , - friend cf his counttv af- .-.:Kl.-.t,7-tourd-int7rm chem of?ihe?alterfcti-' ! A, Lis'qeccflrarv to be ' "made.' :i.vin"fr Tij,.; V?af?.ns -r01 ihe r.mc. i - Wfrcr having hr; , ' 1 1 It . .., ' - . i . J 'ccei?wij apprctizc-.on of the mecti::r: I j Jhcle inlUadions fiic;i!d be ligned, a co ' ly fliould b'erdeliverca to the new-elected meH we thou eh t awe had Teafon to fn f - fate, to find that there arc vet mrne noble ind generous ionls, who diidainio all ujiiiuiuciii;cb,aarc vindicate in tne lioiy fattcluary of jullice the j rights of man j. 1-1 ; ': V 6 ,.-. T:H .1