ol 1 5T: t J I it. V u V--I .1. r'"r. it. r- J- tit- -i . ' i i ' - -2. - i , I " ' "' 1 ! .1 ,i r ''" ----i 'i ' - " ill ' i ; . mm r jiii' '1 1 - r i G ETV R VI R. toQ.S7 r !- .1. r sAV n"-S r l -Cvvl ef -'life 'fctfiHirr f1 artflihtt.'. 5-? ! ! - ?. !i t lj i-.rte'tor memmauag i.-Kuia.uic t ... , . - .v- f r7:.''04niIneroos wre,'iri.middlc- the pniKm to : pamun cu. . t n on on the conv'.uct ori uiat iiu- M .. ... 1 f i X' ft . K - I'll f . n - i u '" v . i "i. ft K .... 3 . 7? ivA b. 1 TION. -?JpxrJ jfmssictgf twcJSItAsj ! ui : " ; .... f (Continued 10m cur lft, part ciicumltanced citizens how enjoy, n,rru ,n thr anrieal to tlie cM boil?;, or aiiy ot th rbrfd -hen they cbout to Wherjhel ch a; conucn, tUHolvc the polttical ban, which i .he rif)! ! T.iwn wdl. te .c,t ror united U to Great Brituin. recit- ,rn3nr whi(h nrombt- ? At nil cveh it 6 to J - ' L V . .. i I. . . r-1 5- VV-Epow .cojnc t6 . tlidpoint th c6riiui;erarion ot rh e inhabi- 3 m -aaon. uruier.chr 1 tJO:)i cs toob- li'cr, compl.uncVi tht tl r.i::r of Ami TKa vrcrd iH cetliry of crofti-ig the i 'I V: K'y alfo complaincM. r.s ot a grievance too Jiaid to be borne, "tli.it '"troopi had b?en k-pt among. us in time of peace 'I hat icand- laiult nnd;danr r ollircrs. 1 ' t W i XV l " I r -at -i r i'n'-rie- a aei ;: It.1 ,!! i I: ! K ; i.n"ri rl fl i f l J d. -jflv con- excraordiiiary per idn-of:cleym years,; aipropoli- tion iHouid be made to the people or America to renounce; a right thev have Ihevrn them (elves i jealous ot ; j a rritoirAL Icf'if'ation o- vcr the diitridl where Coftin cik ie-. . OI UUCUY liit i f V)Tfcft(ta CQunteaancmg rht jat- f ftiriiufticcp - be . iawtui w. ry L ich againit?their brave rcllovj :i- fc. tizens. Trhofe only misfortiib is ?tp De, pernaps, not io i ;uuau v, gagging their law nu iy vpenoxniuauon, and o: ant U Ivave:bteh'adf!c--v;- to Sthe people or tiic Unn If1 '... . . J LL ' K -; Ami ' v.i .i the: liberty they -now enj UiKi.L tliiVr' WImi !iroU j. ; . .yeruincwt, iy ot pui' r : - tl be I'Cld TTritr -fc the magiltratcs1 ars petty lorereiensbut no urcat enough nrfrchv'a iariricai A' Jke de-' "fiined againit the pvujic- ;-js- :3 i4 j;Uiced-in Jtich'an" c-Tiii'jVecc thC does not, reach mm , oui ,tu - ' I i . V , 1 I !l ! itlccraticAi; lord is picrcevi .to t ar tl fide ousht . not to k printed to to require: th it m pvopo ' . -i:H io follow' -with their etidencfc vvuncuc, uu Mil uttuuiu . h. nreat exoence. How diith i t . ' ... , i l A I ? LMveln us,; thit it 'ihouljd. !avc no . ---'.'-",-.- ; . ....... .. t ... . -- 1. 1 . . 1 . v I v n-- -- m a lb vereignty is given to them, over the Jinallelt extent ot territo- y,v they avui eainy nnu tnc incau lVuranv-cs V ih.oulv. ; l2 4 . . 4 ' Aaicrican; printers h?.d a rignt.tq ex peel. Jiowevei ouJcious ttutjy t'licnt,. the t r'0.ji:oux''forLir fr i Kiiutbil MvehVr6 cncreisr they;orhtta !. i'i foVfyrars? a itftL In. WXn!-? I hcrfcnitdittf more propriety an: S'j, he pavmait of which.; milit he 1 leta prrjadiciabli ro liimvtJg.n io A : an i atndance ! . How Cni it .tviU"it:not be tar the farmer t be i rVHlub;aA a out ot the itatc llJtllC exclufivc iuiiididlionrin tlic fprti arie'ials, magazines, docfc-vardsr they 1 mav eitablifli in difle'ent partv of the-continent. , j . Some perfbiis iiavc rvclijmcd that the omiilicnv ot a Ciuic rel- 7iy ccafct ro be told that the , i fine 'woman,. the tim;e is jm ncr.r when the wnl uo uvkc , Looked; ujjon Huh, the thb oniiflioii ot a civ ,Je that the preis fiiail ever a bad cinca: ( if be n ee A ior , . ..IT ii I I i i .