' ' - ' . - 1 j - ' 1 ; -( r ... .S . ' - - ' - -.- - ' V" C" -T I- f , - . IT-hTOccttor ordrrcd thcm td bcv t fVorn the Iicn iunr u2rfcEfqf mi li w'ini-. ami tola the man one ; of! the dclcnatcj rcprcIiXtihtv' 1 1 I f . Ji I i 1 I m i - " r t . - 1 1 i AM-STERD AM," 0.7. ft - k i. .. - . i ; At :".!ur icloc!: i:i the m:rmng i.:hf JitiloA thib month, tuc Duke of Frmifwick atticke.i thir, city, uv a vicious co to. i w;iv mam- Ltfn iv . -- - - - , . t , . . I w Ocr liked the wine, he mihc lend ! dcr-1 convention, to thelegithmirci 'f ok nxorc: J ;r:;: tevpins nni m- 5 was on weclneiday lair reqa in ta: :1 frnatr and lerir tin. As it contain: thici untill Ubout lix. he polls j Poor Dr. Graham met Tvith a .'-opinions on a lobject otj the firft leu 6iei!MiUam. Dnyien- dricl:, Oudfikc kf ami that of tlve i -i n.-(riif tn nnr nf ; imiirtrtanre tn our roimtrvL at thi ' his earth b?Jthirinadvchturcs:ncar: jdyjrf have obtained a jcopy or j ntfu i Liancni. were allAidtcd I i lw Her '- iBeintr ttp: to:hx chin U 4t .-for iniwtion and arc r.t :he l.inic time. he cnenu was j jictvivlMir. ji? iic j diverdon jot Icvcral ifCt r piv il-! L af ; 1 laaricm be vVhAt pit that genius ai niir atutked in two places and lhonid be thus liibjecl u U-y fupoioi- f rcc wat; abaudojir Ju ts of il. bred rudicity ! ji .-:.iiort vi'Ir.ui rdJiUnee." and n u i!etrncied the linnmbit ' :Tiflaturci as paintuu jomne, on aino- ; filth national inlloi t ancc. v p!l i " - - - v ... p-i 1 I; 'is.iaid it iu.ht hnye bepn or id i Vhe nviiiolc of tire Duke 6f J York s pr.u-ncyj to tngiami. i. tir lois H'C - jii'icii thc;r Maiedics Oonlciit- i oval vA V v j? c;:rric(l iiy luch n atib ri al f i n ji o n an cc, :f4.V frrim thr fhfncftablc mem- to ihn itrncd !he coiuiiiwnoiu, to intt. G'lnctiving cis I diJ,-' the liberties- j nc-.'ica vcre not leturn 07 '.-.-., ; 3 W - i. M or rt b;:-.r cicf:'nt!cd .n ;:r;!uiticc 1 isit!:nr.u-cd t t n:n - ! ; a i 1. or.cii ;ujry is t;? r.'.vf! twelve iu.u: I n.v;jJ biiw-ic the. ie coninknce- m:-ir of hoiliiiti-.v-.-Wcdo not cm p.-ctthat t'it- co':e:itiun will be .re , "lic-.yH, as ' tVclh ic-;ocntions ac ! hev-'an. The "innhcr ot killed and v.unu!cd is not known. I oval :t P- til t;; an alliance cer- if lcmt it w;s my dutv to cp- j tain;)' KV t v ;-:v:inia;cMisjt jhc! -p.,le ij ; ; . . . c6n!enientiv, the; ia;v be iio db ; :n.v :ue, that theie no' automate r-ii.Tr uicv IK-v - i iw- . the iriuic iiiic; .be-'ivmrab: I tii 1 j titc p.(:pie- Ipriiig a rrcat -(liiticaliyi: .r ucamluais, and others between Knglind, lrudia, ailUae ( U,V thc:anc dr.getousf-VljlUlie i United States. ! j j sxecyc hkitd with andr will I a h L -r, -..I .4;nikL -nnriire.-L on nnHiif influence OVd" tHC a f QTc;; liOffSitr i o Ull are faWto have been morceforc njijner :- received, that near 6.000 . " '"msmur u-prr 1 The, . 11 . . .1 .n jrer to tHe 'nurnoic whs made oe- bzm lent to .the Well- IW to ar vu""., , . i- ii- French t-ncr-nvent, tweer two .citizens ul the man i 1 v,: j:,, " ' rhed to fend to ue weighed allowed nW Vt1ct the higheit importance mar bejlorihed-lTy the .prefident, with 1 the julvice of two thirds of a quo- ! rii of Ithc I innate anil th it the1 t y 1cm i.(wirh.mt the ftqunty of a ri - b hi nl Thefe a4 objeai- Avhu.h arc not locaf dui; ap- C' w c vv i : v : m n re-1 n an c-o m en. v; t'i.n :ur ptic!; wm- inc(tt.uc i Tiie idv.jr - f; ,I to have been re c:?vv:I h. : )vcrr.cnt fiomtheGo wrnor ol lani r. A .lcitcr.fr rn I.ondondcrry (r: ceivd per 'the nly , Capt. Mooic) tUul thririth ::c:.t:mhcr,' 17H7, i?.y, ' This day's pcl frcm Dub- )U informs us, 'that the Prudians, after. feyen hours attnek, we;c rc pulfed three fcveral, times at 'Am-" flccdAm. and.ctired.in the utrnolt difoidcr; bill: it is thought, not vnxhftanrfinj, that they arc at pre-1 lent mailers of the city. Pf els-; C-i:of arc vry numerous and bufy, iV. ihip fitting cut with all pofli W expedition. The French are at ; :hi rime in pofleilicn of the Cape of Godd'llope.'; -' ' When the great Sir Tho. More w ai Chancrilor; a f uitor eit lura cojne ql large filvers flags. I be 10 (line. nu i .'.'v" , j. -i -tv-.- .;.,, , linrirtlu! ia';ter i , ,i UmVliT rV ail the tiates. time wcuihed no .Icf:; than lix- j M,; the: convention.-was. c a I eel for tite 102c expit.i jpu'r 7 , mln.U Lui'l an lialf'm:rc. tha'n.at the former, hiving taken. in baK 1 1 v. . that .ave all to thAt amount.': The Ki:;'r ot . Pruilia's laft mrial, is vvoalcd in luch a man ner ac to convince the rati lots W in earned, and that they now nothing to depend on but the friendlhip of the Trench Court. It is ftatcd, upon a good infor mation that, the Stadtholdcr has at nfefeht a well appointed army. o 3o;ooirmen, anu uw i ccrcii ot any in Europe;; Stfitlia't" withoyt the aililtance Jf the Pruf iians, 'he will be able to give a ve ry good accoun: of the rati lots. on and repotting to cQngrcir.-antt tin:1 bvcirat Id-iHaturcs fpch altera tioi and provilions as Ihail render tlu- fciirfobS conllitutinn :-an "arie-;; q'uic Cn t lie' exigencies jot govern- mckt, jami ilie prelervation ot the unin,jVl did not conceive that ii .sfvrri fvtcnticd ! to the for- - oiotJhcjpUn propoied. hut "tliaco'bvcptionibcirg ff a d.Kr- ' inrlmUy convinced that to preferVc thlnnion an1 efficient -feoveramt w5 in'dHperinbh- ccdsfiaryL ;tl tii it would be diftculrtoff!' riicr amcixdmcnts xd the alti-ies B O s T O N Kcvsnkr 3. - The foMotving letter, on the fub jed ot dm Americaiv conLiiaulon I fl-. : ! : C 'f I rnni itntlOU ororo'cai-; f:w. ?r.l-miel .Wfe 'Ut ' T .f'iw,thtt.i .flu-"? ; I i I'