., i r . a 1 1 i hi i p i I i ii l i i ii.ii - r :', J.f1 -m , tt-: I I r-? --- -.fr-.-, -..-,- , . , : -, 1 . i .... . . r. - t . J . . .. . - fJ . .' " . ; . . . d J - ..- . . ......... ... - . . Fivc Foirtids 4 Kcwifidf. . TH IS DAY IS T V","!VIJH Mif Will . . ' . .'VI n. payment of the fee$4ttft tjitrcon. s . I n( - ttwniu CouMtutTAcfisjTefsr I twenty Tohn Roul - Aieivaiickr-Raufe-- Pv Francis 8 ringer JphnBflaflev Cnvoi. Jdfeph Rich. Hickfon, , John Hart, " Richard Joknfton, Jwpci Cooner, John Herring, Thomas Coolc, v JebnGillet, . . - John Fonvielle, -Thomis Driggers, : William Chrleaonj John Barker, Daniel Strcen, Jod-Lattiley, . t ( . Peter Matthew, 'JohnGUct, 744; 74 xoo lilt J5 ..7r X7.40 ;I74 1.7.45 X74t 745 743 negro fellow, nird JEAl, about ir . :p " twentvone ' rears tr aire. - hve teet. nine" or tenv mclics hi.:.bfek com- bleft e& "Vttocsrcr .wiU del i ver I hi rh to r. .':' ' jr. u HrV . 1 ' or iccutc mm 10 cnac 1 get mm r S-r t JO. PUB L I S- H E D, Ahd for SALE at the PrwriOJkt hereof, ; (Price thirty (hillings) TffE me Hice Price. ChriftopherDawfon, Edward Williarai, Francia LinJcfieU, - V Heading Blount, . . . John Ivei, John Dei Cham Hugh Stanilaiid, John Boydt ' Francis Stringer9 Simon Griffin,- Jonnftoft, Solomon Moffard, Gcavn, John Maddofck,- ; "William Godwin, ' Thoroif Turner, Francis Stringer Joinfton, 3sreroiah Murphy, Craven, William Wiggani, Edward Collins, Beatifort. M&t Hodges,. " Edmund Pierce, iaeobHami, licnolas Bmdiwl, - 6tmUeV61ade,. William Lane, James Brown, Alexander Anthony, Henry Ef eritt, Ricard Harf ey, : Richard Cheeke,jun. William Bairet, Tyrrel, InUn Mantomerr. Craven. Do.. Hanover Prccinft. Together with a number of old patents vt' 17 much tort and worn out, . Apply to the Printer. June 4 ; ,oo 100 .a 00 I Jo X90 . 170 . MS 174. .50 749 Q0 11:745 io0 40 4 719 :I0 748 aoo i-74s nor ; xoo . ,300 . 200 S 640 aoo too 300. .-joo' 100 500 ' too 150 300 JOO aoo . vi 410 too 100 xoo 75 iSo xoo 300 300 59 309 again, (hall receive ;theuboe re ward . I ho herehv torwarn nil mfl-r nt' velTels from carryiogihim away under I the penalty ot the uw.- vbiCN : rt ARRIS. :Nufe-Rwery May 28. OFFICE AHD AUTHORITY OF A TO RR SOtn 'bir Virtue of a writ on Wedneldaythot It ot Auguit rrext In Wilrnirii?ton. alltbe riffht, title and iittereft of mr John Mauser, in and, r,o a lot orgwnawun tne improve-, ments theteon, VonHhe north fidc of; market ftteet, ii ? the fuit of Tomv Pearnlan and pthersgainlt fa'd Mau JUSTIGE of T-ijEi PEACE, AND ALSO OF" Sberifts, Coroners ConftaBles, . . r - k ACCORblNC TO TH8 I AWS of, NX) RT'H-CA K0 LIN A. By Francois-Xovier Martitij Efquir Attorney at :Law. A L S O FACE qf . :.M0 SE S UNVtlLED by the - tiOSPEL, ; , . or e v Angel i c a l truths X739 1745 x 741 745 77 743 ' 749 Xf5 745 74? 74i 1747 J 736 1744 173S 1745 174 754 : 1745 THa WRIGHT, Sheriff. 740 I74S 1745 1743 1737 TO be RENTED and poffeffion given iminc ; diatcly, that well Jcnown and famous ftand, which the fub " fcriber novv occupies as a; ftore in Cravcn-ftrcct. A fingle ftore or whole building will . be rented together. - : ' . Hi SMITH. May 6, O-AN wfyftoty fatott B. Pride, m Hahfax tonty a mulatto lei- low named fRANCISforwerly the fire feet, ten or eleven inches high about tweritt-eight cT thirty years ( age. He has a fear on one ofiis cheek hear the corner. of his. eye 5 thin jaw; Roman nofe, his hair combed backr' chews great deal of tobacco. T expreti he has got a pals in the name of Tome country magiilrate, . and will end ea your to pafs for a free man, a& he c read, tolerably well and write his nam? He was bred to waiting in the houf T fuppofe he is about. Newbern, o, feme, of the lower counties, and pro; bably he will endeaTottr to get i.a-cook! or feme other birth, on board of a re fcl. - ' ; . " "Whoever will deliver the raid Have to his mafter, or fecure him in Janv gaol, fq that he may getliim again, (hall receive a very conhdcrablc reward befides what the law allows. ; ARCH; FELTS. " I have been i n p urfuit of tliis fellow feveral days but do not know what reward mr. Pride wiirive, becaufe ,1 did .not expect to come to this towh .. Ncwberrf, Maj 2. For PHIL AD EL PH LA , . , The Schooner Bttfj Wim&r will fail in a few. days For freight or paffagc applv to the nuuer on board . Way ai, V dDTcoveied ik thclaw j p In four Difcourfes, being amattempt to fliew tnec4fign ihe obki vation of days, lea fons, times and years -a commanded by . God to the Ifraelites J As aifo the lar d of Caian confidered as a figure of she reft ttat jrcmatneth to the people of God. Br fcLHANAN WINCHESTER. (Price two (hillings and H pence.) Ten pounds reward. R AN away from the fubferiber- 1 Negro fellow named CYRU S, bmetimes calls himfelf J OHN, a iiftiller by trade. He is z fhort flim ade"fcUow, 24 years ol&f liad oil' vhen he went away an old blue jack t, oznabrigsfeirt and trowiers he 1 peaks badly. ALSO ran away a mulatto girl lamed VIOLET, 22 jcars old, Oirri made, middle fize, fpeaks Creole. nhc had on when (he went'ofF, a prin ted dove ground fhort gown, or 0 range coloured (hort gown and petti coat, a handkerchief on her head mended with white linen. The faitt .negroes were-run away with in -May laft from St. Martin's in the Weft-Indies and brought in the Schooner Nan- ' cy from Swanfborough. . Thcfe are therefore to forwarn all per fens from carrying them out of the ftatcjbr harbouring them -under any pretence whatever. The above reward will be paid for dclirering them to me at Ncwbcrn, with all rcafonable char ges, or fire pounds for cither of them, . . FRANCIS L0WT1I0RP. ..l8. - ;.