LOND0N, Jan.3i.Tcb. 1 27 TpflE houfesf rendezvous were opened " I rm SafimtavV fnr the numofe of Com. pletimrthe number of Teamen required for e- qttipping the fleet of obfervation now pre- ... ' . . I . r A. 1 L l Sl Afc 1 Aa ft- M , J paung at rommouui, 01 wnicn, j-uiu nuuu nxjuth. on Friday laft, all the artificers of the d jck-yard were put on double time, and all t he (hi o wn gats on the new works "wjerc taken -r-- -r and coalitions of pso?!eab: critrffdWhfir prefence. ,Up3n arriving at the upper part of the wharves he was faluted trom tat wharves nd by the fliipDingj and particularly by the fliip Thorns Wilfon. Caat. Waite, which wasibcautitully.decorated with the colours ot 8 various nations. At me loot or me nairs were the Prefident lahded,Zhewas received by Col off and employed aft jar ttiire tor th fleet of obferVati j;hr captains have already made up their, com plement with prime Teamen. Gjvermnent hare received certain intelli- Treuce of: the detonation and the route of two lar-re vcffel.s which. . have lately failed from France,- loaded with arms and ammunition of evvi v fort. . Thev are deftined as was fuf " p-el i-l, for the ufe of Tippoo Saib ; but! being 7 merchant veffels, their ' equipment to whom Lord Gower has remonftrated . upon this apparent breach of good faith. No lice of their failing is faid to have. ben for . vrirdcd to CommodWeCofnwallis, who may prdbably be able to intercept thera by cruifing betore the ports or I ippoo. tmmvanrOc ta the Mivor and Aldermen ot the city. 1 he artillery company faluted him with z6 dif- chirflTRt iVomhfiIrildolecesndJieJas- J. . CJH I i i-- Am. m - Sm . . . ' -1 - ' men enter veryf Stephen conducted toa ft0uU preparea py the cor atioii, ard fomepo-l porationfor his reception, in St. James fquarc uV the following order of proceflion : " : Light .infantry company, i --H Field and other Officers of the Militia, - Mirflial oT the City. "reafiirerd'Clerlci.--. Recorder. Aldermen Mayor. ... PkESIDBNT. andfuite." Conimittee of the Citizensr flruilure wa$, the oppo!rtufyyhich i: afford- ed to a great body of peopU to have a diftmcV and uninterrupted view oj that object to which all eyes 4nd hearts appeared to be at trafted. :. J -: - ;V-V A company, of nearly too chiins and ftrangers dined under it, acd .thc fatisl ia&ion which each one enioved in ayhe thiuerion- -poQiUle, . more beloved f or-ht s -good r efs than admired for his greatnel'sjpproduced a degree jpXgQnyiv,Ul and harmaniouroirih r 6---pefiencedr. W .Y.-'1.- ';' " The artillery eompany xrined under anothW arbor erected ata fm vll dift ince' and recelvi'J Z merited appiaufe for the great dexterity whieb they difplayed 1 n firing. at, each toateTheir fires were returned by Jgpf tlWayne, and the hip Thomas Wilfon, which was moored o( pofift to th arbor her decorations - through the day, ahdJllumi nation at night, had a fins - The'conftrucYicn of the rbor," and the manner in which the entertmmeht was . ; w Cincinnati. . : . ' ; "... :: ; Cititens. . : Artillery compaay. The Prefident and fuite dined with the cor poration at 6 oclok, the fame day, and was conduced to Brown's coffee-houfe by the The failing of the two (hips from France for I Mayor of the ity and Prefident of the Cin the jlt-Indies fufficlently proves how much I cianati. The following gentlemen were invit- 111".' 1 ' 1 1 ' . I , !! C I ... 1 '21 '"..;. - L I cur, weutare aepenas upon tne maoimy or that kingdom. Had the old monarchy lub pro. filled in Uft-accoftumed enerev. it is probable th t the Emprefs of Ruflia would-have been afliftfed' in the Baltic by a French fleet, aud ,Tihj?oo Saib would have not only aims and ammunition, but an army and fleet from his allies. ;. , .. ' ... Of all. enemies, the Eniprefs moft dreads HHat of Pruflia and her officers and foldiers ntert in fjmilar apprehenfibns. To fix the black e-agle on the walls of Conftantiwople is oltfmdnrrfea aTPeterfb"uTrh--butto mef rtT on Berlin makes a Ruffian flirink into him itH. The condensation of the citizens of Paris' has, for fome days, been incxprefliblc. Per fons of all ranks and conditions are alarmed but on what account they fcarcely know. Suspicion and jealwfy are. viable in every Xoiinttnanee.' Some plot, they fuppofe, has been fecrctly : formed, which is ripe ror execution. Proba bly the ftoi m will burft at once, before mea furcs are taken to avert the danger. A few days will unravel the gloomy myftery. ac pcopic oi rans, oecome naoituaiiy licentious, were fo highly diipleafed at the proclamation lately iflued enjoining them t behave with moderation and decency towards "the icfractory. Clergy, that they tore it off the , walls of the Church of Saint Roche, and dif. jerfcd the fragments U the winds. SAVANNAH, May. i9. ed to partake of the'entertaihment prepared 1 the judges of the Superior Courts of the State and inferior courts ot th county clergy, members of the leeiflature, members of the Cincinnati, field officers of the militia, Prefi dent of the Union Society. Recordeirand Trea- furer of the city. After dinner, fifteen toafts Tided and condufted; did great honor to the ; v gentlemen to whofe dire&ton the whole wj v committed. v ; Ih the evenihr there was a handfome exhi bition of fire works, and tfle amufements of this day of joy and feftivity were concluded, by a Concei t. : . On Sunday mornine-the Prefident attended divine fervice in Chrill Church, and foon af ter fet out on his way to Aagufta; On t alcing his leave of the Mivor ani Committee of the Citirena r he politely expreflfcd his fenfe of th attentions Ihewri him by the Corporation and etery denomination of people during his flay in savannah. He was attended out or the f J i 1 r 1 1 . 1 f- . 1 1 lw were dranK, eacn unaera aucnargciroraine 1 -7 oyn numocror genuemen, ana eicea, field pieces of the Artillery Company. I by a detachment of , Augufta dragoons com. In the evening the town was beautifully il- manded by Major Ambrofe Gordon. At the luminated, and the (hip Thomas Wilfon with I Spring Hill the Prefident wavreceived by Gen. a great number ot lanterns witn iignts maae a l jacition, witere tne irtiunry ana i-ight in Suit retired about 11 o'clock. At it o clock the fupper room was opened,' and the ladies partook of a repaft, after which dances con- 1 .mi Ji 1. tl. :' .! 1 tt T. ic V Z lut":W4lr wth the happy fat Jfaftion ot having gene- United States arrived at Puryfcurg, where he contributed towards the hilarity tnS gai. , was received by the committee who had been I 7";- . 6 t PU K br.- "Um--7f thuC Ci,'"n,r0f Sl; turmornii,, th, Prcfii.ot, - to cooduft him to the c.tr m boat which ntltmtJ. toot i.Uwof the reraainine tra- i,a neen rq.PPeJ ad neatly ornamented for Je, of ,Se linei eonllruaed by the Jritiih for JJBl H. Mb Kimeut Willi lite vuiu mittie, hs Secretary Major Jackfon, Major H itler, Gen. Wayne, and Mr. Bailiie, em buked at Puryfljurg, between ten and eleven oVlocIc," and was rowed down by ninrArae ticin captains, who were dreffed in blae filk jirkets, black fatin breeches, white filk floe , .kings and round hats with black ribbons, b tv.ng the words "LONG LIVE THE PRE SIDENT" in letters of geld. Within ten tniles of the city they were met by a number of eentlemtn in feveral boats and as the Pre- "Yi lent ; palftfd by them, a band of mufic played th celebrated fong coUbi, Tilt lUao com!i," 'accompanied, with feveral voices.' . On his approach to the city, the csncourfe oil the bluiT, and the crouds which had pre (Ted into tb velfcls, evinced the general joy which bad been infpired by this viht of the moft be loved of HI aco and the defire of all ranks fantry Comp3nies-wlraw"rIpnTwag"," there faluted by 30 difcharges. from the field, pieces and thirteen volJics of platoorisrAf- ' ter which he proceeded with feveral gehtlemen to Mulberry o rove,' the feat ql . the, Late Ma jor General grcene, where he dicd, tad then relumed his tour "'.. NEWBERN, June 4. The addrefs of David Campbell, one of the Judges of the Weftern Territory of the U sited States, south of the Ohio, to the Ma gi ftratcs of faid Territory. Gentlemen, . PREVIOUS to your qualificationt I txrg leave to make fome preliminary obferva tioni. ' In the firft place, permit us to bid hit Excellency a hearty welcome to the exercife ot kis eovemmentin this country. His appoint- country dance led down, the Prefident nd his. 1 raent as chief magiftrate over a free andjmig-,: eararYce. ; On Friday, the Prefident dined with the So- ciety of the Cincinnati, at Browse's co&e boufe. '' In the evening a ball, in honor of the Pre fident. was given at the Long Room in the "Filature, at half pa ft S o'clock the Piefident honored the company with his prefence, and was perfonallyintioduced by one ot the ma- natters to 96 ladies, who were elegantly drel- fed, fome of whom difplayed infinite tafte in the emblems and devices on their fames and headdreltcs, out of refpeft to the happy, oc cation. The room, which had been lately ..hand- fomely fitted up, and was well lighted, af forded the Prefident an excellent opportunity of viewinz the fair fex of our city and vieini. ty, and the ladies the gratification of paying their refpetts to our Federal Chitt. . Alter a tew minuets were moveu, ana one the defence of Savannah in 17791 the Gene ral having been fecond in command under Gen. Lincoln at forming them had an oppor- .tuaUy-of.eiviap'att. account. of. every thing intereuing aunngiuc uege ana in me ius, In the afternoon the Prefident honored the cititent with his company at a dinner prepar ed for him under a beautiful arbor, fu part ed by three rows of pillars, entirely covered with laurel, and bay leaves fo as to exhibit uniform ereen columns, : The pillars were hither than th arbor, and. ornamented abdvei' government, are.uhdcr-equal tibiinattens..to is fiugularly Agreeable to wt, who have had the plcafure of being acquainted with his great merit. To you who have not had the happi- nets or Deing penonauy acquaintea wnn mm let it be a fumcient rceommendation, that he was appointed to his high office over us, by George Walhington, fclq : r refident ot the U- nited States of America, whofe merits are a- bove all praife, by and with the advice of the -illuftrious Senate, who are his counfel. , - While I repeat thofe ftrong motives to induce the attachment of this country td the perfon and intereft of his Excellency.. I (hculd do injus tice to my own feelings not to acknowledge in this place, his friendly iadifpofitin and aid to individuals in this country in a very critical moment. Any man who can fo difinrcreited ly, ferve, nay, I mayfly, fave o hers, I will venture to fay pofleAes a greatnefs of foul ap proachinc the' lad fta?e of human pnftion. ... - . . m All who are friendt to our prclcnt ly Item ot it with feftooas, tnd connoted below by ar ches covered in the fame manner The place ot whichitftood waijudicioufly chofen, pre fenting at once , vie of the( city and of the (hippiagin tht harbour, with an extenfive proiptft of the titer and rice lands both above and below the town. But the principal ad vantage which rciulted frota iti fiUation and his Excellency, who early patronized ur canfr, foftered it in biunfacy,.ndxqi?du&t, ed it by hiiriendly d to a hspjjy ifTuf, The enlarged profpefls of hapr inefs Tn frich country, fo fortunately circumltanctd ought to fill our minds with gratitude.. Now is the time to give fuch a tone to our.territorial go vernment, at will enable it U ufwer Ut tad

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