- : ' .r -: : ... ; (Vol. 6.) Saturday, July 16, 1791; (A?- 288.) J" i - - .. . - ' . C J -To the Freemen of the Town of Newbern. Gentlemen, . ' ; v ' . IDO aainwrrh pleaf.ireoffer myfelfar can didate.for.the honor .'-of reprefentin you in the Koule of AflVmblyV which wilf meu in this towu in December m xr. - c . Permit me to offer for your acceptance my AnCtt9 for the fiippoirt I Mv&hrreto- fore received ; and be a flu red that an exertion cftny abilities fhall not been wanting for yem intereft, mould you continue to place a court . dence in, -jj. .- y , v ': " " Gentlemen, '-7 Your obedient fervant, July la, ISAAC GUION. AUft of the letter now remaining. in the Poft Office at Newbernr - which, if nwt taken tip within three month?, will thn be lent to the General. Pott-Office a dead letters. WILLIAM Anthony. ; William Blount, WilTiam Brown; Wilfon-51oBnt, J, Burnett, at Mr. Har Vey's tiore. Thomas Collier, Ifaac Cole, Samuel Chnpi an, John Chapman,- care of Mr HiiiKy, ihoemaker, Thoma Connor7 care of kobtrt Lindfay, ftorc. keeper, Guilfort county, John Cook, Bear-creek, Onflow county, care of ! file Guion, George Cox. - Levi Dawfon, Samuel Dunn. I Sarah Ful'ford. Jofeph Green.. JameHacket, Henry of Virginia, jo. athari Hearring, Pafquotank, Gilbert Hor ey, Portfmouth,WiHbm Hawley. John Jennings, Tniborough. John Knox, William Kennedy, John Ket cham or Adlai O(born,-Michael Ktnnard, in Duplin. - . " David Lewet, Francis Lothorp. ToftDhLa I !H r Enos Laming, Jofeph Lillibridge,. "i-iuorougn, care or amuci Chapman, Wittiam Loring, fupercargo of the fchooner leaflowcr, care of Mtff. Og Jen's. W.Ubm MLure.' - . Jcfeph Nourle, Diftiller, Murfreclboreugh. Mrs. Pindar, fcn. care of Council Bryan, Capt. Pendleton, Benjamin Prekot. Benjariin Sioitb, Belvideie.xJohn Stewart, aj i yrrei county, John Simpfon, Wil iianvShcDDait!. Timet iiwlv. rnhn Q1..1 c. 'W, Stewart and Muirr Halifax, Robert anead. ; . Georp Talcott, Stephen Tinker . A .Iohn Urquart. , X Gtorgs Vultciui. X Charles Williams, Thomas Williams, R. rr Wateinin, William .Wtbber, Rcbert F. X MARTIN. PROP Under the Sanftion of the G R A N 0 'I L O D G of Virginia, ; A W O R K, entitled the new " A li I M A JMiS 9 IjaworKrwncAwiiUon(ia of between, jl 4 aja ana 300 pages, will be printed on good paper and typt'i and will contain, be. hde the conftitmioaof the Grand Lodges or Virginia, Northnd South CarolmaT and Georgia, the H.ftory of Mafonry from the creation, throughout the known earth, 'till tl Union .of the Crown, on the death of Uecn Eluibeth As alfo-a variety of other collated fr mTthe moft approved authors, an cient as well a, mucem, by John K. . Rjead, prefent Peputy Grand Mafter of Virginia.-I I he pneeto fubicribers 6f. id. VirgInia"cur. n nc,. re work will be put to pieis, fooii as -a fufficiwi . number of fubferibers to away the cxnence are nmrnr I I ,.,....... r .fc. bublcnptions; are received at this Office, and by r. Ifaac Guion, and Br. Solomon Hailing.., . ; , nPHE Halifax R ACES commence on the .n k r Flnirprn Ocl.bemext, frcefoi any horfe owned by a fublcriber;' The firft day, purle three mile heats, the fecond days two mile he... , each day weightfor age. 1 ilahfux, July 6, - . vnuca mates ej Amerua, 7 llertb-Carolina Dilrin. C Gmn 3oth inflant, will be tu . D ' lww a otaus, two leather Collars. wkiA ... 1:1. .n . .. ft."4-1",. by A.torn.y of theUoited Statu, fnr j n:r .rv r . . . 7 . "ncc, ior nav- ing been imputed into the United State.,W traryto law, in theBnV FAULKNRD MICHAEL FAULKNER?MTr,aS. Uiflria Court afortfud. at . (w, , ca ly held at .Newbern,' the fixth L.f JOHN SKINNER, Marsh all Jaly 7. . V' Mr&Carefaa DifrM: For N E W - Y O R K, 4 The Sloo? SALLY, J A S P p R -G R I F F I N GA3T E r, WILL fail in ten or twelyr days. She has excellent accommodations lor paflfengers. For freight or palfage appljr to to the Matter on board. July a. . VO:;-'. f'7 ' .:. , . COLLEtriON or STATE PAPERS, tfi. eXted Phi,e,Ph w received a A LL perfons having demands agamff the . eltafe of RICHARD STAMRIIRV1 aeceaied, are requeltod to hand them to AB NER. NEALE, Efq , of Newbern, properly atielted that the 'executors may. make provi fioa forthepaymcnt of them. ' ALL thofe who may have demands againrt: the late Benjamin Northan arc dc fired to to deliver an authenticated ftatement thereof, to Wm. SLADE of Newbern, At-' torney at law, wh has received inftruaions ' fxom Caain Abraham Gurlin of Phila,deU phia, to receive and tranfmit to fanre to him. Thofe indebted to faid deceaftd, arc requefted to call and fettle their refpicltve accounts. - "June 2-5. ;'. ' " THOSE gentlemen who have been oa ...... ivininiwii p-ipers ror : Judge Iredell's Revifal of the laws of Nonh. f1 IM4 ' M a ft X f- w..w.iiia, .iC cd ucmy requeitca to torwanl their lilts immediately. Thofe wko wouhl wifh to become fubfe'ribers, aie defired to ba fpced'y in their application, or they will b precluded. , . : : HODGE Cjf WILLsJ . r Edeni$n June, 17. TAMES S. CUTTING : has Juft opened at O nn ftureinCraven.ftreet, text doortoMr. John Harvhy, aFRESIIandgemnl af. lortment of MEDICINES, which he will fell on the moft 1 eafonable terms for cafh . N. B. Country Praclitioners may be fup, plied at the fame foecie rate for which they ca be irchafcd in Phtladtlphi or New-York . June i. a l man a c k s . for the vcar i nn r .. May be had at this Office. - A iifbtsntmnt In afuptlj ,fpy Mgn us to tublijh tkl$ . mjm,, jtuft II' V. NX 7 I ( ...