v "'" ,'"( V ; . . .. .i - ..; , u.Z.? i - ;V V- - ' ' L ' ' ' . . , - . .. ;'.-: Should jay hint nothing. - Thiatdspotfenfc -voulJ have warranted the hid Harker, ac, cording to Dr. Guion' directions, btot on ex amining the account minutely hefounjj, to hi$; itter attonifltrnent, the name of Bifil Smith', the fubferibing Juftice, in the hand Writing of .Dr. Guion. He therefore chofe to have no thing further to do with Harker' on this buu ? nefs. This deponent further declares that in the month of September tytf, he was in New btrn, attending to his fuit againd Dr. Onion as aforefaid, and that he, in . company jwith Capt. jofeph Wade, called on Bafil Smith, Efq j nnd, after having (hewn him the account' before , mentioned, this deponent aflced him if He had written his; name thereto ? To which he an fweved be had not; that be haA never feen or beard of the acco he bad ever kaouJn any tb'ing of itf and'exjreff-, ed great furprifi that (itch a thing Jhould have been done 'without his knovjkdge'or confent. Tht ; day following the above conversion thit de? poncni met Mr. Shepard in the ftreet and in formed him of the above circumftances,t he then requefted this deponent to give him the paper, and he would call on Col. Smitli, ' and be fully fatisfied of the facl, and theTaii She-; pard Ihortly after told this deponent he had feen Col. Smith, Who had denied the writing, as is before dated. And this deponent lurr th;r declares thit on the aid day of September,-1789 he received ajctter from Dr. Guion in the following words, to wit -, " - - Mr. DVidWard, . j t Sir; . Newbern, Stpt, idi 7 . I. VOU received a proyed account from 'me agaihft James Harkeri which you promif ed to recover and give me credit for. In (lead of which, fbme time laft week, William. Sh9 pard wjiS endeavouring t make it appear that - . ' . a a - " . " the probate ot it was illegal 1 but to his ve TO THE PU iTtTHEN a man, by practiung the V V defpicablc arts of diffinmlatiori, tid by defceiiding' .from .a?fancitfds miitori to a level with, themeancftjofj unkind, endcayours .'to gain ian elec- ion to an olncc, the duties of which has neither ability; nr integrity to jrfbrmi he very juftly merits the orn ani contempt of all thbfe whofe Jiisfortune it is to be called by the: ime of his fellowrcittiens. J The public attention has been af- efted for feveral days paft by a printed and bill , ligned Jfaac Gutori, wherein e has charged me with havingcalum- iated his charadef ;-td prove w'hich e has favoured the public with a long ring of aflertionsy calculated more to atterhimfelf andabufe the fubferiber, man tothew his innocence of the for- cry he complains 'of being charged Vith. It will not be neceflary for me ) follow the gentleman through all is fcurrility ;( I would, therefore, fo cit the attention of my fellow.ctl ens to the following affidavits of Da. Id IVardiiW High-Sheri(F of Car iret 'county, and Frari:ots.Xt Martin, Xq ; of this town, the originals of rhich are in my poffbflion. Thcy will uw the foundation I (land on, which Dr. Guion has, with much confidence, I ry great difappointment and fliame, he and e MhzsunQabli ..- w .w.. ..... I for your reputation, I wouiaaavileou UTE of NORTH-CAROLINA, 7 l iiom fuch wicked doings, as on the contrary " C.ntifr(t County S " I 1 .yill put the utmoft vigor of the law in force j ViERSQNALLYappeireA before me, tohn I and requclt you would give. Capt. Wadeart4 r Fulfotd, one of the Jufticesof the county I ceint lor thai f urn. I am your mod I. G. VnrC;.1 nir'ir Wanl. F.fn t wKa k.inr ,tn I TnvrKicVi. thii deDanent wrote Dr. fin inn VI VlIM f a V ' " y " 1 -vvw " j f ; rwornonthcHolyEvangeliltsof Almigh- I the following anlweri Ood. deDofeth and faith, That on the ad I Dr. Guion, f January, 1785, a public vendue was held I Sir," September tidt 17S9. ueauiort, ot tne eitite or nis accciicJ ta. r lCe Omn tf MmVtfrn At A nnrK. It at the faid fale a fchoonei- called the Ty- WW id Ifaac Guion gave hii bond payable to the lltniniftratora of faid cftate at fit monthi,- I WAS very much furprifed at the contents of your letter of the oth in 11. receiv ed bv Capt Wade. In anfwerto which lean f and feveral hogffi;ads of rum, amounting I only inform you, that Mr. Harker pofitivelv 1 the fum of 948I. 10 4. for which fuWttu I refuted paying any part of your account, aU ledging thAtthe charges were trauuuient. At to the threat you are pleifed to make again ft Mr. Shepard and myfclf, I ean alTure you I and x gned with hit name, and being aflced whethey the fighature on t it was really Mr Smitht, he anfwered it naai not, neither allt look any nvayt like i That afterwards tho fame queftion was put by Mr. Shepard to Mr Smith, who hid' joined thtm in the' mean while, to which he replied it was not keitb'er did it kndw anything ef it, or words Ml that effect. . " " :rr-i ; F. 3C MARTIN. Svwm to heon me this t$tb ofOtfober, 1791 F.LOWTHORPi J. P. It is difficult to determine, whether the affected chara&er of purity and public Virtue which Du Guion aiTumes . mould excite our indignation or laugh ter. : Strangers, unacquaintedi with nis . -conduct, may be deceived by his pro-, felfions ; but, he is too well known in this country to jmpofe on the moft Ihort lighted m it. r or my own part I know of nothing for which he ftands d iftin guilhed in fociety but the badnefs of his character ; and with regard to his pofTeflmg the public favour, the event of. the lalt eledion fully demonftrate. It is not true that I maderayfelfbu fy with, the paper alluded to" at the laft election, as the contrary js the fact. I -had been informed tint Dr. Guion hadr told Mr. William Gibbs that he had cal led on me arid fettled to iriy fatisfac- dpa,"wli!c!f I made, it myuliiiefi. to" contradict to Mr. Gibbs ; and Mr. 0-, b-t Graham bi this town called on me juft before the election to be informed.' r n 11 .1 .ill.. . r - 1 inewea nim tae paper, toia mm wnat Mr. Smith' had faid, and left him at liberty to form his . own opinion I was frequently folicited to profe cute Dr. Guion, or td give the paper to fome one elfe who would do it ; both' which I 'declinedy in tender confidcra tion of his family, for whom I always ' entertained the highelt refpect. . The Dodlior has faid he has no re- fentmcnt ; he well knows, if he had, I would treat it with contempt; and has therefore chofen to entertain none WILLIAM SHEPARD November 3 . ' " - Via deponent further declares that, after the id bond became due, Dr. ; Guion wu re- iteJly cllei upon and prcfod for pay- .nt without efxeet that vviiiiam bhepaid, ho, at the earned rcqueft of this deponent, kame gnar'dian lothe younger children of rliid deceated, advited tnatluiu mould De roueht airainlt all delinquents without d:lav. 11 confeQuence of which this deponent caufed (uitto be cjnmcacel aguriit llaac uuioo, I the county court of Cruvtn For the recove of laid bond. This deponent further de- ircs, that fome time in the month of Ozio4 t. 17S8. he receive! fiom the Mid lit. Jion' an accodntrpurponln2 to be hisac runt againd James Harker, fwom to before fel myfelf perfectly at eafe on that head, and I am authorifed by him to fay that your af f;rtion of his being very much difappointed and amamed is fali'e, and further that he can Juftify whatever he has faid on thefubject, andadvifes you, ifyoa bave anyrerardfor your own repu:auont to ccp yuuricu mem bout the mattef, Uit umigm lurn ouiraorc to vour difadvantagt than you ate aware of. j am your raoft obedient &c. D. V.; And further this deponent fayeth not. , ' DAVID WARD. Sworn U btfqrt mi, this xitb OZtobtr, 1791 . tfortbzCarofiid, fil Smith, Efq 1 ; which faid account Dri 1 Craven County ' f , ' luion red jeftedrthis deponent to coUei and rat ANCOlSOC. MAK 1 iw rpaKttncatn ifi to his credit on the bond .aforefaid 1 in V that in- September 17. during thr Ot- ient called 00 I ting ot the county court 01 craven, mr, vvii. faid James Hukeranddej. nedpayment IliamShepard aecd mm oapcr purporung ichhe, the faid Harker, UjU.ly'refufeJ.al. .to be an account of Dr. Guion, PPring to :FR E S H GO 0 D S. Juft imported, and opening lor fale at ISAAC TAYIiUK s Cheap Store, In MIDDLE-STREET, between Mr. JOSEPH OLIVER and . the CHURCH; , A GENERAL aflbrtment of DRY GOODS, Hard ware and Cut lery; ALSO Wine, Rum, Genera , MolaflTcs j Pepper, Ailfoicc, Ginger, Salt, Iron, Painti kh'4 oil, 7 br o and I by 10 window gUfi, 1 BlacklniiUiii anvils and ticet, and a ntat aflbrt ment of CROCKERY and STONE WARE. . All whieU,Till bo fold Vc xr cheap ht , Cafll'cr Couuitry Pro ducc, - ; ''If' v. -txt n2hi owedthefaidOuwuthiig,anJ have bcea ldrn to b:ton iwui 3m.w, .... - ' I. V. - I 1 K I"

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