.. - :' G . NOR ' 1 - (Vol. 8.) Saturday, Augurti,: ''i -4 ' ' - . . .- r '- - - ' X L O D O N, ; io. tendinp-to the -hU& :i.A -0-."-:. Extracl of a letter from an Officer 0 - nearly in the centre, vkh ' tmtlhn.'i : Ferrari's Mau, 'this IwllirWa l-u r t i : . ... . lUn m ...LJ.L..I .J" 1 - camp, near v aienctennes, June i,-1793. ,UJ,1"- m wukh uie pjace , h mir , .. i -J: - -and nothing caq be-morecompletc.-:. FROM the Village of bt. Sauyeur we Of mifcellaneoiy; articles;, great) can approach within 300 yards of Va- are of courfe in circulation- the ' ' lenciennes.The Enemy fcerabufy in re-I however. is certain : Iri.theb'iga J" pairing the Works, Sec ! On that fide .V, the nth dragoon's, ivas inoriin' -'::V believe tire principal attack -will be made, as officer.- in.wMcTf was 'found 'an v? ; 1 1 : ' 1' , " 1- -1 i -. ft t. I - -1 tne gronna is vry larouraoie. fci n 1 tx jsj 5 tt. ter, where, among orncr th ; is a Height,-'which,iri a great meafurc coin- ' that ever (ince'the J-1S;, C.. irands thij flon'iHWkir'h isjikewife coin- -the dilciDne of thTarnvJ ! " V' , " r ? X."- '. 1 MS' . . DJine or tijermv inanded and cimiaqed noin tne ait .iuie.or . wnrL s that Fani-j Mount Anfin. , i-: t--Cj4,:; infubortlination'';-: tharihe. .w " - .We break ground to-night, and I ha ve- vrere heartily Tiok of the ca;; juft feen the firii -Working party, under the ; and -hated 'the others r arA co:nmanct or iora nanes; r.itzroy, raarcn from the 8ih to the, 12th K oil.- 1 he JJulcc ot i ork commands ahe : been lefs then 8oco men." X"5' Siege, rerrans, tix cciebfatejd Auitrian Engineer, co.)d.ifl' it. iVIoncriefF ' will, j I hope, have a good deal to fay, aSjhe has that bqille and activity which is too often wan ting in the Germans. From the fituation of the "place, which is commanded on every fide, and from every appearance, 1 do not think it will be a tedious bufinefs. 4 ji 1 r t V.t.t - 1 i r V 4 v I Cuftine is aid to be atNt'n 'X V imagine. will endeavor to brc -"-vfe! 111 mdi ijui icr xor my part,y that it is of much 'conlequenceJ keep the 'navigation or the. beheld The utmcft harmony prevails-be twijV and the Auitrian troop? they j feem to- I- JT ..V5 ' l P r 4 ' 'V I," 1. if. . r!,. i 1 x : j' . , j V has provifiOns, being totally uriattackable. us as their old and natural friends-J When v- Cv " VV ' f from the extenfive inu ications and is befides you conlider what has been done before the n-t tW 'v -L V" ' 'i 1 C:' (tJ' '" - . 1 one of the belt and moft regular fortifications feafon In which a campaign Veneraliy opens 4 'f j1??11-' ' ' "i ?- ; '" inFrance. . , ..:!,.-; -V Idonbt jthinkyou can accre them of klelay:'- The garrifon of Valenciennes is fuppofed at the lame time it is evident that ihe&frd to be about 4 or 5000, and is laid to be Very ty oftheir luccefs has pat it out of their pbw- - q1 f&e badly fupplied with munition de guerre, ertb reap every poiilble advantage from itv They have killed a great number of horfes, Great reinforcements of n.en artillery and -M-'-- the carcales of which we can perceive round horfes, are on the, road, and par of them" l. the glacis: a proof they do not abound in ' near at hand . - .,'!'.':. -xM: jorage. . . , aieu, xor in:s time- 1 am m perj it, like uncle, looy, you naveta.mind to nealtn;.and 10 in .general is tle army. carry, on thc.fiege along -with us, .yoii will have time to add, - that; Colonel iirob; . By mvJetterUwhiclrI;;had;thf!' tbiy jind a plan of: the town irr UiCr Uerryn w is trtismomein VretbrnedU . r T . I . I" . ' 1... ti 1 ; . . : f . i ' j - ' f h inirtSTl- vrsii x.'il! hst.' I -rf try. : ,i : , -: ; f I memories or x urciiuc aijicinucarg, -.uy ooucnam, wnicn -tpiacevisqcterely in- . "T;rv; 7 ..: M -wV!.rr . , ..... , .. : , , ., , , , ... . I fonct believe the works have been' much . . that we have at prefepti no lets- tiiari iour coyer; my ght-.i..flank irorn a foxtit? Attf-'AX ' . -added tofinceiw-. -- : .k;.;-:ortiiic! places within hIintv 1 lie Frciicli ;:-m,Sht-bdl5tdta The enemy have juft bcgunto'tlre on the are .between Ambrayjand vDoay, mfinll ;,:anf 'fg? ' VI v5?:' f; working party. Th'ey are alio "cannona- numbers 5 Culline is witii them. biKcmore " e nK - - : '. . ., vot Lo rvnp. Va nharrf t haH: niMit tA t.:.'iu,X;-VV.iU".i;.; : Aik-l 11 ; great a:iupei!or'ty of -'the ti?r$0&WW$&il ' 1 .,- .... -.. , , mm, dacrau uuujHilCC UCierce. v'i'r" ;!'s ding the Aufirians on mount Anfm, who are likewife at work. Us they have not yet 'difcovered, and I hope will not till the men are under cover. - Tuefday, June 4 We have had two parties out, but With out any lofs. Since writing my with laft, adieu. P.E.Ti R S'fB:-UjR',6,: r Thc departlirc of Count d'Artbisjislpxed for Friday next, the 26th. He i 11 proceed to Revel, in order to embark in a fin all I have examined the heights of Aufin, and divifion of frigates, which will condudlL' him the. wood on the left of the French, through ro England. The Emprels has1' prefenred which Clairfayt attacked them. "They had fortified themfelves loltrongly and thrown fomanyobftacles, iirthc way, that on his firfl attack he was beat back, and at laft fuc ceeded no farther than in getting poflelfion 6f the wood. The entrenchments on the hill were abandoned by the, enemy4 on the morning of the 24th, after the. other part of the army had made the r retreat through this Prince with a. gold-hilted fwordj havirg pn it this jnfcription It(ith God, fo my 'King ; a diamond. folltaire, fit for being worn as a button to the hat 5 amta fmail bafket, containing various' articles of ievellery, deitined to be diltrmuted as preients 10 tne pern others who have been Royal Highnefs ? 1 Valenciennes. Had he luccceded at' firlr? flT0US 0f defraying his : expenfes in e- cording'to all the reports was wc he found himfelf no' longf r in ,4 makerehltsnce: .Ihe-confequendf 150 men were left dead on th4f the reft efcaped by flght. As av( ;; counts of what pafled I anuhtlSy.:) 7,';: :'f pofiibility of giving your High f. ; 1 J' ;;7 V; V-'" 4f a complete recit-l 5 but all thervV- '- "jV'IT:' '': ;1 that the battalions defended t)f Vs. :,. " V -'V. lined to be diftributed as 'w gateit courage, and j:V : 1 .;,f. , : ;erfons fdf ,-his co'urtj and the too great fiipcrioritv o'Im'n-V :f V . ' ? : been in the'fervice of h.'s Theillage of.Roudy ; 7 1 ; .. The Empreis ibeingl de ' mother had made Iiimfelf ' -,v. : ; V , it appeari'nighly probable, that 'the whole ariy would have been Ihut up in that town ; and doubrlefs that was the great object of the day. At prefepS, they arefrej&rted to be j,- between Boucficain and Cmbrayf I :. Cobourg has crofled th Scheldt, and his Camp Is already placed. - The : Hano ' veriahs" occuny" the Camp of Famars fi.hgr?partt,f,tar troops;. One rob'ablc fide opdteare ihreer?atul,on of Han- &K affa!li j very refpefr, has made him a prefcht alfo of a confiderable fum of rnoncj j rIhe Etn prefshas extended her munificence even to thofe perfons of diftinlion who accompa nied therPfince, all of whom have received prefents. ' The objet which induces ;his K.oyai ignneis ro viui Jixiaunis not wen whofe battalion furTered ': : wounded-in .the fhoul ,':4v, an action of thirteen? u rnafiers of the fieldf j my brother, havin': which was Ins: obif; in Lifle from att." J , : . it known, and ; perhaps it is iWjetl fixed j It "car ,rCf)lcsJ , r 5Jl -a v.:-v overauornan;er5,wun ineir leu at. rre- . . t ,'.vis - vnT;-' . .i'rtf t - 1 deitination. It appears only r4t3U; two nepimem ii tneir t-avairy, ana - . . - t, i 0 II A rzj - t c 'm. r tl . tiation is now on the, carpet be one Reo-tmenLofrldtVian Infantrvv J he . , v.?::?,V).:,n. t, '.0.Ta.r.-.rr?A lintiin court and ours, reipect ' tiitf Guards ou?& .4 "right cf it : then two Aufirian Battalions, extending v nearly to . Onaing. Jtl front of. them the. Etleihazi :. HufTars; and then in the village of Sc. Sau--1 . veur, .which covers the right of the whole ! pofitioii, two Companies of Croat?, ind two . . rree Battalions (viz. O'Dopnel and Melcch- London will direct his future that! a neiro- tren the ing a body of land forcc9 to be fuimfhcd fey Ruflia, for the purpofe ' of carrying but the ) common operations agairtfl France. 1 Seme days - ago Mr. -Whitworth, theEnglifh iVlinifler;.had a conference on this fubject with' the 'mem bers of our cabinet : To-morrow he , will have another ; in which it is fuppofed that o 7?V-; x ow : glacis fki) whole out-ports extend almoft to the CJ thing-. will be definitively fettled ref cis of the horn-work. ClairfaitinefisaU peeing the number of men, theirj diftina- orher fide of the t9wn,; each wing e r-The chief throughout tip! "wiil be ditt icaftern, four ; : diftriawillf; . .bury, Harm-."-, ern diftriu . . TunbridgejY ern diftri . i Extra& ThJ ".: " 3 t - v.

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