- ( I 1 4 A Jk 1 tJ , -. i ' 4 i L;'f ;.tr, . f .1 ' 4 i- J, r t 1 t. i 1 i 4 - ' r T i. 4 1 1 t I s i;'. aihvc been atonal Convention to ;Y.aiIhons of livrfcs.' or about t ling The aflignats in cir- n 10400 miinons ot imes. or ,. 1 . : - ries. ' :'. Extract oj a letter jrom itamarj.amp. ' te a mne from Valenciennes rf iv 2j, 1 793- V; . - .'j j Vi&orv is to the allies, and the molt , ccifive and glorious obtained for fome rs. At eleven o clock on Wedneiday hi laft,- the whole Auftrian and Britifh . i jie leparate commands of Prince Ho l e General Walmoden; General and the Duke of York, to attack x v-?: ch on the heiehts of Famers. where Vv ixS.sto encamped. About day-break, v. i .hVjX their, picqnets, I and the action, ; recount -ot the number; or oat- on places almoft. Tendered 1 ' Vart inacceffiblc to man, cpn- ' trwhen the allies had made : ers-of maft-bf" the batteries, r; ' ttacked frord inI)anSaind ? - s;'' 1 Jefe, attacks the cavalry ; ' - y ; 'r-:'' Sfer'truaiter was ! therein.! Darknef&put . yeftertlay. The men " :! , ' ' ' '-eir armsm fields clofe 1 'Vries that remained to ' r, ,T ; : f ' ; . f" : 'jie action, the French .;',';,;'.V':- noquarteT being given. . J(;iion, andjthe remairi-r , V 5 ' eo a dark night to retreat f'' aU from tkc' heights, which J : ' -y, and with ;fo much harte ryon as to leave Jfeverat of their ' :- , V"? f,;Uind them. The vidlory was moft ; ! ' ( 9 and in my opinion decifive of trie . ' France 5 this army was compofed of. v. elr bed troops, and the heights I f uppofed Miacceflible the French could (carce credit their eyefight when we afcended! they ap peared panic-ftruck. General" Clairfait's' column futTered much, the Dukejof York's fuffered.very little. - "We (hall, .this niht, open our batteries on Valenciennes, and as ".-. The -rift Lieutenant (yho had been wdnnded before) came ' on deck, and took the command ; he immediately bore away, making what lail he could, and having a fair wind, let all his (leering-fails on his fore. V mill. The Ambufcade 'gave chafe which Ihe continued about two hours ; bur finding me could not overtake the Boftan,. fpoke a brig which meappeared to have captured The'Boftonihas received much damage in her hQll, and fprung her mizen-maft, dam aged ber fore and mizen.yard, and moft part ot her ftanding and cunning-rigging is cut to pieces, i One of her main-deck guns waVaKb 1 difmounted, and by the lureon's account; there were 10 merr killed and 24 wounded ; among the lormer were Captain Courtney .the Lieutenant and Corporal of marines ; a mong the latter, 3 Lieutenants and 1 Mid fhpman. ' 1 ; ' As fome perfons have:difputed the - chal lenge lent by Captain 'Courtney to citizen Bompard, I think jproper to certify that it is a matter of fa dr. ; ' k: The Ambufcade returned to New-York on- Saturday imorning,. with the lofs or 8 men killed and about i 30 wounded, in the . above engagement. : jj 1 he New-York papers inform us, that the malts of the Ambulbade were fo; wounded in the late, -engagement, , that flie mud have. a new fetxoniptete.'; A L T I M O R E, Mgufl 9. ... r . . , ,uuu,ouuu 01 our money. Alter t PnnvVntinn -a11 m i jr have a furplus of 2,600,000,000 y about an hundred and thirteen fa letterjrom the hend.qharters of our heights command it, I doubt notwith much fuccefs. Moft probably my next will inform you that Conde - and Valenciennes are in our poflTeflion. I cannot at prefent afcertaih xhe number of dead and wounded, but little quarter ns now given by J the Atrf- trnns to the Trench, 10 that few prifoners, kce CQbourgf dated QweVr am j in comparifon, were taken. England has O V -J - I reafon to rejoice at tlris day's" fucef3. .c Vrnt 'the 'day before yefterday, Ten at night vnie battery! is open v I f. (T-. JkA .1 J " t cf . n tt 1! ; iwn of Caflcl was deltroyed, and 2nd keeps an incefTmt fire on Valenciennes : ')nce . will fufFer the famefate, if ivhich is-in flames in one place." Vr , u VitoreHfl. . . - '. Hl";.:';': ;-L''f !' e will. ''not fare; Auch' better. PHIL A t E L P Hj I A, July 23. '. rir?. confiftintr nf tirtnr nf : ir ,in. 11 "j z fla, ,Pr AivmuauAiJ and budiuw xnt- ":: ' : - : GvrES.i : An account of tkeaflhn between ihoe vejfi Is t by a fpeflutor onboard the I utter. On Thuriday the 1 ft of Augult, at 2, A. M the Bolton difcovered a fan bh tUe weather-bow 5 fhe immediately beat tb arms and every thing was prepared for action. 1 tn intelligence ot there having near the fleet, concluded to ftand to the fouth- at wivi, m me luinaot uor. ward as long as it was dark; that at daylight , te" Jerc heaJedb thc he might fee if any more flr ps were in fight. 1 pKflbn of the Chateau, At about 5 o'clock, finding no other Ihip in i the city. :; . fight, fet.fat! to head breach the Ambuftade, ' - Wived on Saturday from lo as to fetch her on the jother) tack. In neafiiiefs that has lately about 20 minutes they tacked mlp again, "but account of the militia- could not fetch the AtnbuTcade. l JAs fdon' as - at fuch a height,; as to ' the Bofton came a breafti flie bore dbwn. ,nent to countermand Captain 'Courtney, expecting the enemy ' .' s ' ltety anno,unccd a$ were gomg to rake him, wore (hip, ajld met Pft of Britanny ; it him on the oppofite tack.: (The Boftdn then V'.' v.-" us, at the; prefent hauled down her French colours which. fhe lleri arc all ready to acl. The ex in nier iecmj aetcrmined not V fy capitulation with the garrifon, . rnilhment whiclt it, merits mar om Toilon, dated the pth ult. ;?,vi,ivice had been received: there aptun of the French r frigate la ; Vith intelligince of there having 7 at Calvi, in the ifl md of Cor. , ts which were .to ; ) depart! from Ire- : ' : ' 1 oaoers of the has been had wore in her former manoeuvrings, and hoiftin her Eh glilh colours; fired a broadfide without hailing the other ihip The Ambufcade returned the fire, carried away the Bofton's crols iack-vard, and nafled ually' to pafs, by. The Bofton then tacked again and ulle. ' came unaer tne Ainnuicade's lee quarter, In 2d the ; . '. v, . ; 71, tried and .wne tbe engagement was very fmarr. ' : , -'ry. Tribunal, i . the'early part of the aaion s the ill and . . - rmy, in the Lieutenants were wounded. About ' . 1 - fpofed .'quitted be- ,.:.'' V-':'1 i: ltd :him -on CIVIC ited the middle part the Captain was killed, as was the Lieutenant of marines $ and about the fame time the main-top-maft was hoc away. ;The Ambufcade was; the whole of this time dropping a-ftern, to get on the Bofton's weather quarter, as foon as fhe had crot this fituation, had greatly the advantace. and IV rr ovifion, -crcuc ineipars, ta is, and rigging ; j; r r. ot the Bolton in fuch amanner. thr Uw .1 : 1 I : : ' - . u . , - had very little command ot their Ihip. The lateft European Advices further jn form, that the Emprefs of P uflia had ad 'drefiedvan I niverfal to the fubjecls of her 'newly- acquired Dominions in Poland, in forming them,! " that at laft, they are go ing to tafte the Happinefs which fp reads it feif equally over all her! Subjects j that it is her Purnofe th f(xhih fnr thrm a Governments that fliallVvpmnf them frnm perfonai Taxes until the firft of January, 1 795 S and that fhe expecls they will-gratefully receive thefe : Marks - of tar Favour, which blight to confolfdate them in the Faithfulnefs they owe her, and in a conftant Submiflion to her Laws" that fhe Po ifti Inhabitants were faid to be very well fatis fiedr with their Change of "Government, ; except the Nobles, Iwhofe defpptic Power? were quite circumftribed---that the late Po1. ..... wmuaxw jnnna .ai lyu 1 it; J IH II1C North, on account of its great Fcrti'ity and, the rvlildneft of i prefs had gifein Orders to mark out Ground on which fix Corps of Coflacks were to be encamped which would enable her over-! run all Moldavia, in cafe; of a War with r the" Porte That the Aaafian imfter. at . Grodno had formally demalided theWay w'odefhips of Sandomir and Iublin, as the Emperor's Share of olani! That a .Flee t of Spanifh Ships of War was lying off the Heights of Nice ion; the i ft of June, -a n d was hourly expeded in that Harbour That the States of Brabant opened their, Stflion, . in Brufllis, 6n the 8th of May, by Voting a gratuitous Gfft of fix Millions of Brabant Florins- to the Em peror towards !; the Ex- penfes of War thai; in their Sitting of the i loth, they ifTued Letters pf Ptquifitiori, fend all j that was not abfolutely necefiV.ry for the Subfiftance of the Cattle, to the trisice of Colscurg's Army, promifing that very Thing fhould be paid for in ready MoneyThat the City of Mentz was com pletely furrounded by the Imperial, Pruffian, Saxon, and Heffian Troops, whole Camps t formed Circle nearly i fix Leagues I in' Cir cumference, and were plentifully fuf plied with Piovifions of all Forts 1 hat on the bay after Prince CobourgTmade himfelf m after of the French Camp at Famars, Ge neral Cuftinejoined the French Army, and ( was aflemblihgall his Forces behind Bouch airt, which obi iged-Cobourg to forrrf an Ar-.. my of Obfervati6n,;; cbnfifting of 30,000 Men, under the Command of General Clairf ait, which was polled from Vavrechin ; ., to Mayeile, to cover the Siege that Prince v- Cobourg, with' an equal Number, was go ing to encamp at Den ain that 35,0c o ilea were fo be employed in the Siege of Valen ciennes, i 7000 in that of Conde, and 5000 were to join General Latour to1 hefiee Maubeuge that Quefnoy was tb be invefted . ana attactea at the lame Time as the othcri

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